Ammar Alshukry – Allah Does Not Use Explicit Language and Neither Should You

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the name Islam, which is commonly used for men and women, and how it is a combination of modesty and bravery. They also mention the benefits of travel in American culture, including exposure to other cultures and the belief that everything is happening in a way that is descriptive and impossible to imagine. The speaker also talks about the language used in Pakistan and how it is very different from American English.
AI: Transcript ©
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quick tangent right from the get go. Allah says I had to make them in a lot. One of you comes from

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the place Allah it is the place where the person uses the bathroom. It's the area.

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One of the names of Allah is that Hey, Al Hi heavy is not an hay and hay means the Ever Living and heavy with an added year comes from the word higher and higher is shyness bashfulness and you'll see Allah Subhana Allah is hate the province little light is and it says in Allah Hi Yun Karim. Allah is heavy and Kadeem and the Prophet sallallahu Yes, and it says that every religion has its own characteristic every religion has like its, its symbolic, or its its overwhelming characteristic. And the hook of Islam is higher. The whole look of higher of Islam is modesty. It's that bashfulness it's that and the reason why I'm saying this is because when you look in the Quran, you you see that

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Allah uses euphemisms a lot, even in the same verse, Allah says, Hola, Mustonen Nisa, if you touched women, and so Allah isn't explicit. Allah always uses euphemisms because he is heavy. And then the scholars debate, does that mean intimacy? Or does it mean simply touch and we talked about that when we talked about when does your will break, but we see that the overwhelming characteristic of Islam, and in fact it is a characteristic of Allah himself, is modesty. And so

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one of the challenges of growing up in American society is that American English in and of itself is modest. And one of the benefits of travel and living in other cultures is that you get exposed to other ways that people live, and other ways that people talk, and the values that people give, and weights that they give to different values. Not to say that

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was specifically about, you know, for me, growing up for part of my life in Sudan.

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There's still things that I translate just culturally. And one of the things that just baffles My mind is how in the US, people not only tell you that they're going to the bathroom, but they tell you what they're going to go do in the bathroom.

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And I cannot believe it, like every single time I still can't believe it. Right? And it's men and women. It's brothers and hey, jobbies like everybody goes, and they tell you what they're gonna go do in the bathroom. And I would never imagine in my, in my wildest dreams in Sudan, a grown man or a grown woman going to tell you what, they're going to go to the bathroom.

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In Pakistan, could you imagine that?

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right, in American English, it's just it's just absolutely normal. It's very, very descriptive. And it's very whatever. No big deal.

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