Ammar Alshukry – 99 Names – EP 6 – Al Ghafir Al Ghafoor Al Ghaffar

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming "tagalong" takeover by Milan, Han, and Milan sh 235 is a fan favorite, with the speakers discussing the importance of forgiveness and a laws agenda to remove forgiveness. The struggles of a man who lost his camel lead to feelings of relief and joy, and the importance of doing good deeds to remove obstacles and achieve success in life is emphasized. The speaker also discusses the struggles of a man who lost his camel and how it leads to similar emotions, and the importance of doing good deeds to remove obstacles and achieve success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hi, I'm Lila lacinato sorella Welcome. And we're continuing the tagalong takeover with Amata shoukry. I've got here Milan, Han, who I'm sure you're familiar with, and we are going to be going over three of my favorite names or group of names, which is a love affair. I love a fool. I love

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a lot off here.

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I was a fool.

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And I'll offer a four.

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tag along takeover. I like that. Yep. It's all of them, of course, carry the connotation of

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forgiveness. So a laws agenda is the one who's the most forgiving. And this is important for us to remember, always because we are human beings and we sin, we fall short. That is our Human Design, that is the way that a laws would get made us.

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Otherwise he would have made us into angels, and we wouldn't have fallen ever, but he made us into human beings. And so a person can never, no matter how much they fall, a person can never let despair creep in, because the spirit in and of itself from the mercy of allies isn't. Okay. Right. And so we recognize that a lot of it is the most forgiving that allies that we get is the one who loves to forgive, and as the province of a lot. So let me say that if you were to not sin, a la zoja would remove you and replace you with another creation that would sin and seek a loss forgiveness so that he could forgive them. Now, one question comes into my mind is in relation to all those

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attributes of forgiveness, and Rahman and Rahim and behind and all that. Are there more names describing his mercy than there are describing his anger? names? Yes, for sure. Okay. Yeah. So there are a lot.

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I don't even know the name that describes his anger. I should

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know, those names are debated, or they debated, but there's no name, there's no name of should either. There's nothing that he's ready to wrap up. So now you're coming into issues of attributes versus names. Okay. So a lot of names. A rule is that they have to carry a perfect connotation in a in and of themselves. Okay, some hold another opinion that they'll say that the names as long as they went combined carry a perfect connotation, okay, then these will be named. So for example, a famous example is Anyways, I'm with it. Okay. And what is is the one who gives honor and where is the one who debases and humiliates them? subjugates. Okay, so the scholars will say, well, when you

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put these two together, okay, we agree that and within the one who humiliate that's not a perfect connotation.

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Right, the one who humiliate someone who humbles Right, right, that's not a perfect connotation of a lot. But they'll say, when you put these two together, and what isn't within the picture is complete that he honors this, and he debases that, but standalone, it's not so he's not just

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and what is in and of itself is a beautiful connotation, right? It's perfect. Okay, he's the one who gives honor. Gotcha. But and within, right, the one who databases and humiliates, okay, so some consider that to be a name because they said it's combination together. Okay. But others, they said, No, it can't be a name. Okay. And there's no, it's not showing up in the Quran in that format or anything like that. Gotcha. And had even said, either, that's not a name. It's, it's, it's an attribute. It's something that he does something that he does, okay. It's not who he is. It's not who he is. Or it's not a name. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. So, that brings it maybe is, so Allah

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becomes angry. Yeah. But you know, you don't have a husband, you don't have that as any. So he has these attributes, but that's not his name.

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Gotcha. So anything that might be perceived as a negative thing is not really actually a

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gotcha. But he has the ability to be that he has the ability to become that become that or do that or do that. But it's not is that exactly got it. Interesting. I've never actually thought about Yeah, so you have these three, you have a lot of fear, you have a lot of four, and you have an offer. And, again, it comes back to this concept of when you recognize that these are the attributes of Ally's agenda, and that this is what he loves to do your loves to forgive, you know, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he gave as one of and maybe this will actually serve better in the law, but they're all related. That you know, what, as Muslims, you know, we've done a really bad job in

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describing who Allah is both to Muslims and non Muslims, right? And so when you ask non Muslims about who Allah is that we worship, you know, they get this image of this tyrannical dictatorial tutorial God, yeah, right, who's commanding you to dress a certain way and prohibits you from consuming a lot of the pleasures of this earth and it's just very, very restrictive. However, you know, and even Muslims, they look at that because they're given a list of how long and how long do's and don'ts otherwise Allah is going to be angry with you. Right? So this is the way that they view a lot.

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However, the person who studies the loss attributes and goes through these conversations that we're talking about, yeah, that person comes to the conclusion they see that you know what a lot census has during the day to accept their pencil bonuses during the night and he extends his hand during the night to accept the repentance of the one who sins during the day. The most vivid example I know of, of a lot of happiness that has been struck for us by the province of Mumbai. This is the example of the man who lost this camel. Okay? This is a guy who, you know, like, I imagine, like a two hour movie, right guys at the beginning. He's embarking on a journey, the beginning of the movies filled

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with hopes and aspirations and everything is going great. Somewhere near the beginning, act one or act two or according to be loud, however you define these things. They he loses his camel, okay, in a moment of, I don't know, distraction, he moved, he loses his camel. And then he goes through all of the emotions that a person would go through when they lost our camera. You tell me what these emotions would be.

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It would be worry loss fear death. It demeans hope. Right? He's looking for the camel. Right across. Like, well, I first got Oh, snap, what happened? Okay, right. shock. shock. Yeah. And then after that, okay, let's find this camel. Grab the bull by the horns. Let's look for traces. keep finding, it's like a detective story. Okay. And then what happened? Why did it happen? What's going on what led to this. And then finally, it's like, you're exhausted, your supplies are running low. It has his supplies on him. He has no support, whatever support whatever you help him right in terms of his own high level of hydration and energy. So this guy is going through all of these emotions. Yeah,

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right. And after some point in time, it sinks in that, you know, the despair, doesn't matter. He's going to die. So he sits down, waiting for a death. And then all of a sudden, what does he see in front of him? He sees the camera. And in that moment of euphoria, absolute joy, he screams at the heavens, and he says, Oh Allah, you are my slave, and I am your Lord.

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And the prophets lesson says he made that mistake because of how happy he was. And that example is the example that the Prophet struck to show us a loss happiness when a person repents to him. When any one of us just decides I'm not going to do this sin anymore. I asked a lot of us forgiveness. That is how our Lord reacts to us or that's how our Lord response to

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us approaching him for forgiveness. Okay. That's a that's an awful, that's a lot of fun. That is a lot. And so, it's very important that we communicate to people unless forgiveness we communicate to people, especially when we need to be in a life on Lincoln. Alesis give the believers glad tidings what that they have great bounty from a lot. Great grace from a lot. So Jeff, it's all there for you. Just ask for it. I just have to ask for it. You have to take a step towards it.

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really quickly. Just before we end though, just

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a couple of things that you can do to get lost forgiveness number one is being good to a lot creation, taking care of a lot of creation. A lot. So again, forgave a lot of those plants, folks. What are those plants? Yep. What inspires a lot famous story the prophet SAW sentences that a woman who was a prostitute she was forgiven because she gave water to a dog. Yeah, right. So she's being good to not just human beings, but watering the plants, taking care of animals taking care of any of the last creation, inshallah tada is this cause of forgiveness essence. Number two, extremely important. If you want a lot to forgive you forgive someone else,

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whoever it is, right now, ask yourself the question. If I forgive this person, and through me forgiving this person allows me to enter into genda am I still gonna forgive this person? Like, that should be a no brainer. No matter what they've done, no matter how deeply they've hurt you forgive them, and expect the chocolate out and hope that allies is going to forgive you through that.

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Number three is removing obstacles from others. You know, there's a beautiful story of the province the lesson him says that he saw a man just tumbling in general, this guy was just somersaulting and all that. And what did he do? That was so impressive. He there was a piece of a tree. There's some sort of obstacle on the road and he just decided to move it. Yeah. And that was it. And a lot thanked him for that a lot appreciated that. And he entered in into paradise because of that. So whether it's physical obstacles, or whether it there are other obstacles that exist in a person's life or bet people's lives if you have the ability to move them, then do it. And the last is

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physical obstacles. And what about just in general, that's what I'm saying not just physical obstacles as well. Again, you are you will get from Allah what you expect. And so whether it's physical obstacles or whether it's what if I live in a place like, you know, Houston, Texas martial law where there's never any physical obstacles on the road and everything is just clean and perfect attack era. What if I'm in a place like that, then I

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You know, whatever spiritual obstacles are in front of people financial obstacles, whatever it is, and I hope that allows you to get through that. Except that for me, number four is just doing good deeds. right because good deeds they remove some good deeds. Yep.

In this episode he talks about 3 names of Allah – Al Ghafir, Al Ghafoor and Al Ghaffaar and why it matters to you.

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