Ali Hammuda – The Chosen Ten #08 I Saw Umar in a Dream

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallser alayhi wa sallam described a dream of the Prophet the same way he described the goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn goddamn god the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
AI: Transcript ©
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How many of us weep to Allah begging him for one short dream of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa says, We wish to cast a glance at his luminous face to perhaps hear words that would strengthen us upon our path as Muslims. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Mandara Ernie filmen me for Katara Ernie for even the shape on Elia taka Yan will be Whoever has seen me in a dream that no doubt he has seen me for shape and cannot imitate my shape. Those who have been blessed to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a dream profess that their lives are never the same again, how it must propel a person forward on his journey to Allah. Imagine then how you

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would feel if one morning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to you I saw you in my dream last night, bearing in mind that the dreams of the prophets are not like ours. They are always true indeed they are revelations from Allah. And it wasn't too long after Omar accepted Islam that he began to appear in the dreams of the Prophet Muhammad Salah he was

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on one morning, the Prophet said Boehner and Anna in whilst I was sleeping is that I don't feel genuine. I saw myself in paradise for either Murat attune tower but Elijah Lee because serene I came to notice a woman who was making whoodle by the side of a palace made from solid God for call to I said, limonada who does this palace belong to? And they said to me, it belongs to Mr. Ignorance of BB naughty Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then commented by saying for when Latham would be wrong in my dream, I then remember turning away from this woman having remembered the jealousy of Amara, how beautiful and complete were his manners. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam avoided causing any grief to his companions even within his dreams and Abu Hurayrah the narrator of this incident, he said for back Omar Omar began to cry when I knew Jamie and we all began to cry in that gathering. Our mother then said be Abby until OMYA rasool Allah Allah Allah may my mother and father be sacrificed for you oh Messenger of Allah, how could I possibly become jealous of you?

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw Omar again in his dreams, this time vividly capturing the depth of a modest Eman the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said banging it underneath him while I was sleeping right to NASA Euro Luna Isla YAHWAH Eiling him almost I saw people being presented to me who were wearing shirts mean her Maria blue to dry mean Hannah yeah blue who don't have Eric some of their shirts came down to their chests and others were shorter than that. Then Omar appeared in the dream and he was wearing a shirt that was dragging all along the ground. The Companions they asked him mother a wilted Ali Kiara Sunova How did you interpret this dream or messenger of ALLAH

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and he said at Dean it is his religious commitment Allahu Akbar. A prophetic testimony to the Eman of Omar.

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But it doesn't stop there. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam So Omar in his dreams on a third occasion the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said Boehner Ananda in while I was sleeping is that our aid to other hand OTTB hee hee hee Leben a cup of milk was brought to me and I drank until I saw its wetness coming from beneath my nails. Then I passed over the vessel to Amargosa pub to drink the remains. And so the Companions they said to him farmer or Walter Valley, kya rasool Allah, how did you interpret this messenger of Allah he said, aligning it is knowledge.

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As if becoming a habit of our Prophet, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw more in his dreams on a fourth occasion and he said, while I was sleeping, I saw myself at a wealth that I was taking water from to give to people then Apple bucket came and he took the bucket for me to give me rest he took out two buckets of water and there was weakness in his drawing of water and Allah forgives his weakness then all over and above came and took the bucket from the bucket transformed into a huge barrel and I have never seen anyone draw water with as much strength as Obama did. He went on doing so until the people left after being fully satisfied while the water well was overflowing with

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water. Now of course, the stream does not indicate that almost status is somehow higher than that of the first Caliph Abu Bakr, but it refers to the duration of the caliphate of Abubakar when compared to that of Omar. Abu Becker's authority lasted just over two years, while Omar led the Islamic nation for 10 years and six months. This was a decade during which the almost celebrated conquest after a conquest to greatest empires at the time, the Byzantine and Persian empires fell in succession to the irresistible Muslim advance other lands we now take for granted as Muslims such as Egypt and Iraq were also liberated by the army sent by all model.

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Islam, which had been under threat of annihilation in the plains of Vedder only a few years earlier suddenly became a superpower in this context, the dream of the Prophet

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of drawing water from a well was manifested wasn't just paradise that Omar was promised. He was also promised your herder martyrdom. Omar would not die a normal death and he was well aware of this. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once stood on the mound of oil and it began to shake the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gently struck it with his foot and he said, Stand firm are held on top of you is a prophet, a CD and two marches and the Prophet and this is the our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr respectively. And as for the two martyrs, they were all marked on Earth man.

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From that day onwards, it was only a matter of time before Omar would attain his martyrdom

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