Ali Ataie – We Need Tawbah (Repentance), Desperately

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a story about a woman who used to lie to her husband and convince him to bury him in the desert. She prays over the body and gives a warning to her husband to change his clothing and pray in congregation. She emphasizes the importance of turning towards forgiveness and being in a state of forgiveness until it is time to turn.
AI: Transcript ©
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Actually says in the Nef Fox,

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He says that there's actually, see that. There's

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a difference of opinion as to which man

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or woman is better. The one who sinned

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and made Toba or the one who never

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sinned at all.

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There's actually a difference of opinion as to

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which one is better.

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Right? Ultimately,

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he said,

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the one who never sinned is better because

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he's closer to the prophets. We're maximum. They're

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they're free of Megerson. But it's just interesting

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that you have this,

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you have this difference of opinion regarding this

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Even though I talked about this as one

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of his aphorisms.

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He says, an act of sin that leads

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to shame and impoverishment

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and brokenness before Allah is better than a

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good action

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that leads to arrogance.

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There's a beautiful story in book for you

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of the Iqya.

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It's called

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Abuhamad al Hazari.

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And he, you know, opens it.

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He used to spend his days in the

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in the tavern at the bar, and

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he died. And the people of the town

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refused to wash his body. They're gonna wash

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his body faster. Right? You can't bury him

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on our cemetery either.

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So his 4 wives had to wash his

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body, and then she made some sled and

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took him all the way out into the

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desert with the intention of burying her husband

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and crying over his body. While this was

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she's digging this dish, a gnostic, an

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a gnostic, walks

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by. He sees the scene,

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and he rushes down,

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and he says, I want to help you

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bury your husband.

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And she says, fine. So he buries the

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body and he prays the whole for it.

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And then she says, why did you want

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to help me? Do you know who my

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husband is? I said, yes. I know where

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you're all your husband is, and I wanted

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to help you. And she says, what do

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you mean? And he says, last night I

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had a dream and I heard a voice

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that said,

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tomorrow you'll be traveling in the desert.

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You'll see a woman trying to bury her

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Help her because her husband was a man

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of genuine.

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He's a he's a man of paradise.

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he prays over the body and then he

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leaves. Now, the townspeople come out and they

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see what had happened. So they approach his

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and they say, why did he do that?

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And she says, I don't know. And they

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said, do you think of a reason why

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he's on that agenda? And And she said,

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there's only three reasons I can think of.

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He was never the boy of 1 or

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2 orphans that he would love and care

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for more than his own children. And every

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morning when he would wake up from his

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wine, he would change his clothes,

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make take a shower, make

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and go and pray

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would pray in congregation in the mosque the

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morning prayer. And when he would come home

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from his wine, he would go into a

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secluded corner of the room, He'd fall down

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to his knees. He'd raise his hands to

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and say, oh, Allah,

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which corner of * are you going to

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fill with this precious man? Referring to himself.

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And to be in that state of sub

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supplication and repentance until he fell asleep.

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This is why we need to be in

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a state of. The word is that means

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to turn. Right?

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To turn. Literally,

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a law. Yeah. So what? Oh, the most

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forgiving. Turn towards us.

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