Ali Ataie – Reflections on the Prophetology of Muhammad

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The importance of reputation in religion and the shaping of culture is emphasized in the post-Generational era, where the holy spirit is the source of evil behavior. The importance of proving one's worth and avoiding distractions from others is emphasized, as well as the importance of living in a healthy lifestyle and being true to oneself. The shaping of culture is emphasized, as well as the importance of lafe and forgiveness in covering one's face and the negative impact ofters commodity and social hierarchy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hi Charla tonight we're starting a new series Sorry about my voice

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I'll do the best I can

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recovering from a cold

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the the title of the classes selected readings from

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reflections upon

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a world famous text

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on Prophet ology called keytab was she thought by all the AI dibutyl

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Musa Rahim Mahalo to either

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the and will start promptly at seven every week and then we have

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to end right at eight.

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So I'll go through the text and you can ask questions as they come

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up, just raise your hand, inshallah Tada.

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So the the text is four parts.

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The fourth part of the text is on the American, the legal rulings,

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we're actually going to skip this part, it requires a lot of

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content conceptualization, a lot of commentary.

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It's beyond the scope of this class.

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The first three parts we will touch upon the first part is

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concerning the descriptions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam in the Quran and Hadith. four chapters, in the second part

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is concerning the rights which people owe to the Prophet

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salallahu Salam, that's four chapters. The third part is

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concerning belief in the Prophet so after the Prophet ology,

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the YG, bat, the Mustela, to the monkey, not the obligatory, the

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inconceivable and the conceivable attributes of any prophet really.

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And that's two chapters. The first part has four chapters. The second

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part has four chapters. The third part has two chapters. So that's

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10 chapters, we have 10 weeks. So we'll take a chapter a week,

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inshallah to Allah.

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We're not going to read through the entire chapter, it's just not

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enough time. So I will highlight some basic or main points, textual

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highlights of each chapter.

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The main thing is just to read the text, millions of people have this

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text sitting on their bookshelf at home. But people don't read books.

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That's just the human condition. The vast majority of books around

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the world are never read.

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So a gathering like this is simply an opportunity for you to relax

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and listen

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to someone else reading the text in sha Allah Tada, or at least a

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portion of it.

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So we will begin in sha Allah Tada

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the name of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And when we talk about the Prophet salallahu Salam,

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we have to be sort of weary of our

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that we should be, we should sit

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in a respectful way we should pay attention. When Imam Malik given

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to us was approached by students, they would ask him Let's study

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filth. And he would immediately begins giving them lessons. And

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they would ask him to study Hadith he would actually go and take a

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shower. He would put on clean clothes he would apply perfume.

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And he would he would, he would teach the Hadith the sayings of

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the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu send them the utmost respect and

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reverence. And he expected his students also have that type of

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reference reference.

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In sha Allah to Allah.

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So chapter one, Allah is praise of him and his great esteem for him.

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So he says here, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says, la cartagia

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kumara Soo Min and for SQL a messenger has come to you from

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among yourselves. This is the famous ayat and SUTA to Toba is

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number 128.

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The commentator here actually has a a footnote, saying that there's

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a variant reading of this I mean, unfussy comments from among

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yourselves but there's another reading

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which is not as strong it's a shadow reading. So it's anomalous.

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It's it has the strength of a hadith, naka de Jacques whom

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Rasool Amin and Fassi come and physical, rather than unphysical.

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Both are correct in meaning but unfussy form is tomato, it's

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multiplayer tested, so only this can be recited in prayer. But

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unfussy calm is the superlative of Nephthys which means precious. So,

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the idea can be understood and messenger has come on to you

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from the most precious among you

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that the Prophet salallahu Salam is the most precious of human

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beings. Now Paul, the IAD says

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A lot informs the believers or the Arabs of the people of Mecca or

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all people, according to different commentaries on the meaning of

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these words, that he has sent to them from among themselves a

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messenger of whom they know whose position they are sure of and his

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trustworthiness and truthfulness, they cannot but recognize.

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So reputation and integrity are extremely important.

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It was Aristotle who said that there are three modes of effective

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If you want to persuade someone of a point that you're making, you

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should have logos and that's basically strong reasoning. You

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should make sense, you should have pathos which is an appeal to

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So you're not sort of monotone, very monotone, I guess.

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That's why it's important for there to be some sort of emotional

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connection with the speaker.

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And then ethos, ethos is

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the integrity of the Speaker himself or herself. This is

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extremely important.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was nicknamed by the Koresh before

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the ye before the the descent of the Quran. He was nickname Assad,

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you call I mean, so this is someone who is recognized amongst

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all the Arabs as someone who is truthful and trustworthy. In fact,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala demands him in the Quran to remind his

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people, so called Libya to fuchal program in Kabul II. And indeed, I

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have lived an entire lifetime before this. In other words, look

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back at my life, there was nothing that they could point to in the

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past and say, now you're claiming to be Prophet What about when you

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did X, Y, and Z? In the past? What about that?

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And this is a problem people have today, even people who make Toba

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and they move on, there are other there's always going to be people

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who are going to look in their past. What about when you said

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this or did that? Right? The prophets reputation is without

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question. No one can point to anything in his past.

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So this is something that they recognize.

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He says, Therefore, since he is one of them, they should not

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suspect him of lying.

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Or if not giving them good counsel. There is no Arab tribe

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without dissent from or kinship with the messenger of allah

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sallallahu it was salam.

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This according to bass and others is the meaning of his words.

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Except love for kin. So he's mentioning he's, he's partially

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quoting an ayah from Surah Shura chapter 42 Verse 23, so very

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famous ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Hola Hola. Hola, como

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la agilon Ilma what that I feel Cordoba say the call is an

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imperative to the Prophet salallahu Salam say I do not ask

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for any type of reward for this except for love of kin.

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And a bit above says the meaning is something like Oh Quraysh you

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should keep good relations between you and me. Because you are all

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are the words of the Prophet salallahu Salam is honored that

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Qureshi will be honored, because he is from the parish, other

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exigence like even at jiba in the mumble portobay

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They say that this idea is a reference to the prophets and in

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Beit a family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that

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this is an imperative in the in the Quran to love the prophets

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family nama chef here he said

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Yeah, I had at Rasulillah to book and followed when Elena Vicki

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are people of the prophetic house.

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Love of you is obligatory upon us according to the book of Allah

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subhanho wa taala.

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So he is the noblest, highest and most exalted of them. And then he

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asked a rhetorical question, how much further in the eye can praise

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Then Allah continues the ayah this is again I have 1/28 of October.

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And Allah goes further by attributing to him all kinds of

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praise worthy qualities, and greatly praises his eagerness to

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guide them to Islam, his deep concern for the intensity of what

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afflicts and harms them in this world and the next. So, the Paja,

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Kumara, salamin and physical and then as he is when I lay him out,

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I need to there is coming to a Messenger from among yourselves.

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It grieves him that you should perish. How do you swim Alikum

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he's deeply concerned over you. He's He's very covetous over you.

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And the earth I must say here many of the elements say here that this

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part of the eye is general It's, um, that this concern of the

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prophets on the body seldom is for humanity at large. And then it

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becomes more intimate, more hospital meaning or Overeem used

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to the believers

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compassionate and merciful.

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So there's a special type of mercy the Prophet sallallaahu Salam

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manifests for the meaning for the believers. Of course, there's a

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famous Hadith and Behati is one of my favorite Hadith, which

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exemplifies this.

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That a man broke his fast in Ramadan. He came to the Prophet

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salallahu Salam, and he said, My wife and I couldn't control

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ourselves. He broke our fast during the daytime and Ramadan.

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As the Prophet, somebody sent him, he said, free a slave. And he

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said, I can't afford to do that.

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And then he said, you have to fast for 60 consecutive days. And the

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man said, I can't even fast three days of Ramadan.

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And he said, then you have to feed 60 people. He said, I don't have

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anything with what.

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And so the Prophet salallahu Salam, he went out and taught him

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a big basket of dates, and said, Here, take this and feed people.

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He said, You know, there's nobody more poor than my own family.

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And then the Hadith says, For die can be the Prophet sallallahu

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sallam. He smiled until his molar teeth were showing. And he said,

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Then feed your family with it.

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Right below me mean in order for him.

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One of the men of knowledge on her seen him to further he said,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala honored him with two of his own name. So

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what are all four Rahim are two of the names of Allah subhanho wa

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taala, that are given to the Prophets of Allah you send them.

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So this is

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this is the sort of

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goal of this life, the telos of this life.

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What what philosophers call the final cause of our lives and the

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earth is to become a saint.

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The goal is we lie. The Quran says Kulu Rabbani, in become lordly. In

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other words to mirror the names and attributes of Allah subhana wa

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Tala at a human level. Allah subhanho wa Taala is our rock man,

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no one can be a rock man.

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Right? That is the the most compassionate, absolute and

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infinite sense. But we can become people of Rama.

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one who forgives.

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We can have that type of personality to forgive people

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almost kind of what to Allah is a Salam. A salon does not mean the

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peace as salam means the perfect when it relates to Allah subhanho

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wa taala.

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We can strive for perfection in our flock, every one of the names

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of Allah subhanho wa taala. We can appropriate right?

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into our lives.

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This is called this is called Taha look, even a name like Al Jabbar,

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the Compeller.

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How do we appropriate that name? How do we compel or are we

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supposed to compel people? What if somebody commits a crime the MSA

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then we compel that person to stand trial

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and motor carrier, the one who deems himself big. Right? Are we

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supposed to manifest this name? How do we manifest as what am I

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teachers and he said,

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Imagine someone's insulting you.

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But you don't return the insult. You walk away you deem yourself

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better than his action, not better than the person. So Allah Subhana

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Allah knows the heart. In that sense, we can manifest the name of

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Allah and was a captain. And there are many orlimar write books on

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this topic. And as Ali has won the monster UT and many, many others

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even Ijebu.

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The Prophet salallahu Salam, ooh, for Rahim.

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It is related. I say to Ali,

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that he said the words of ALLAH for among yourselves means by

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lineage relationship by marriage and descent. There was no

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fornicator among his forefathers, at the time of Adam. All of them

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were properly married. There is no Zina in the direct ancestry of the

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prophets of Allah do you send them any of the aroma also maintain

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there's a difference of opinion about this. Many of them also

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maintain there's no idolatry in the direct ancestry of the Prophet

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salallahu Salam.

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There's a hadith that's quoted by Imam Al Haddad.

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Prophet sallallaahu Salam is quoted to have said that I was

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passed from pure loins to radiant wounds, pure loins radiant wounds

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until I manifested.

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Of course the Quran says in the minutiae Hakuna nudges the bush

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with a cane or filthy in the sense of spiritual sense.

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There's a question of the father of Ibrahim Ali Salam as

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clearly as a Bushwick according to the Quran.

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Well, there's an opinion that this is not his biological father.

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the biological father of Ibrahim alayhi salam was not Aza was a man

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named Hadith.

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And this is what even Hashem says it is Siraj of the Prophet

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salallahu Salam.

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And his name was Teddy. And this is actually also although this is

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not a definitive source by any means. But Israelite tradition

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that towed off the book of Genesis also mentions His name is Ted off.

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Not aza. So Ibrahim Ali Salam says, Yeah, but he too as our

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abbot, your uncle can be your up. So many of the earlier maintain

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that this is actually his paternal uncle. It's not his biological

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father. In the Quran, they use the IRA as a proof text. When Yaqoob

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it is Saddam asked his sons on his deathbed men a taboo dude, I mean,

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Daddy, what are you going to worship after me? And they said,

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Now I'm going to Isla haka what either you can't Ibrahim, what you

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smartly and what is hot. We will worship the God of your God, and

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the God of our fathers. Abraham, you smile who's their uncle, and

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so they use that also as but there's a difference of opinion

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in a bad set at the words of ALLAH,

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when you turn about among those who prostrate, so this is a sutra

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number 26, a Shuara. First to 18 and to 19. And levy your aka Hina.

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To whom

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the one who sees you when you stand. What's a lubricant is Sajid

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in, and you're turning about and those who make such that

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Allah sees you when you stand to pray. And he also sees you when

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you turn about

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a loop. Amongst those who make such data, even our best said

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that the meaning of this is from profit to profit.

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Until Allah subhana wa Taala brought you out as a prophet. In

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other words, the reference to the prophetic light

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that was

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among the most meaning from his ancestors from Adam Alayhis Salam,

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the light moved to SEF which, which

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found its way to new highly Suriname, eventually to Ibrahim is

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married, eventually the Adnan eventually to the prophets of

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Allah, He said

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Jafar even Mohammed Assad, he said that Allah knew that his creatures

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would not be capable of pure obedience to Him. So He told them

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this in order that they would realize that they would never be

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able to achieve absolute purity in serving Him, between himself and

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then he placed one of their own species clothing him and his own

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attributes of compassion and mercy. So, the language here is a

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bit mystical. That doesn't mean that the Prophet salallahu Salam

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is some sort of divine incarnation. The Prophet salallahu

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Salam is an exalted manifestation of Allah's attributes of beauty.

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That's how we can think of it.

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He brought him out as a truthful ambassador to creation made it

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such that when someone obeys Him they are obeying Allah. And when

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someone agrees with him, they are agreeing with Allah. Allah says

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May your general Rasul Sakata Allah Surah two Nisa ayah. Number

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80. Whoever obeys the messenger is obeying Allah.

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There is a non distinction in obedience. It is impossible to be

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in obedience to Allah and disobedience to the Prophet

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salallahu Salam.

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The obedience is equal. Yet there is an ontological distinction,

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meaning an essential distinction, meaning that the Prophet salallahu

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Salam is ontologically essentially inferior to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala because the Prophet salallahu Salam is not a deity is

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not divine in that sense. He's not a god is the best of creation.

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Yet when one obeys the Prophet salallahu Salam, it is as if they

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are obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala because the Prophet

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sallallaahu Salam only speaks the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:19:16 --> 00:19:20

all of his speeches ye all of his speech. Well, my auntie who Anil,

00:19:20 --> 00:19:26

our Mayan tickle. And similar to Nigel means never, he never speaks

00:19:26 --> 00:19:27

from his house.

00:19:28 --> 00:19:31

In Hua Illa, why do you have a lemma who said he'd look over?

00:19:32 --> 00:19:35

Whatever he says is nothing but ye revelation.

00:19:38 --> 00:19:41

Even one of his companions of the law, even I'm not even a laugh

00:19:41 --> 00:19:46

asked him, shall I record initially, he commanded them not

00:19:46 --> 00:19:49

to write down the Hadith. But then later when

00:19:50 --> 00:19:54

it was, it was there was a clear distinction to be made between the

00:19:54 --> 00:19:57

Quran and Hadith. He had scribes I'm gonna write down some Hadith.

00:19:57 --> 00:20:00

So one of the scribes asked him What about when you're angry?

00:20:00 --> 00:20:02

Shall I write down the Hadith when you're angry?

00:20:03 --> 00:20:07

And he said one of the bath and he been helped by the one who, who

00:20:08 --> 00:20:13

raised me in truth, the one by the one who made me a Prophet. Now

00:20:13 --> 00:20:16

Yeah, who would you mean who in that hot nothing comes out of this

00:20:16 --> 00:20:19

meaning his mouth, except the truth

00:20:26 --> 00:20:29

also kind of what the answers will not undersell natty Lamartine in

00:20:29 --> 00:20:29

Ireland mean.

00:20:31 --> 00:20:32

Does anyone know where this is in the Quran?

00:20:34 --> 00:20:36

Everyone has to know where this is.

00:20:37 --> 00:20:39

You know if you need a Christian on the BART,

00:20:40 --> 00:20:42

he's going to call John 316.

00:20:43 --> 00:20:45

Every Christian knows John 316.

00:20:48 --> 00:20:51

What surah is this? Well not undersell NACA Illa. Rama Tinian

00:20:51 --> 00:20:52

Island mean?

00:20:54 --> 00:20:56

No. Good. Yes.

00:20:58 --> 00:21:03

And via Surah 21 verse 107 21 107.

00:21:06 --> 00:21:10

This is a quintessential verse, the quintessential Prophet

00:21:10 --> 00:21:10

illogical verse.

00:21:12 --> 00:21:15

We did not send you except as a mercy to all creation to all the

00:21:15 --> 00:21:15


00:21:18 --> 00:21:23

and he says here that many of the aroma they point out that his very

00:21:23 --> 00:21:26

being was mercy because ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada uses a noun in the

00:21:26 --> 00:21:30

eye and not a verb will not understand the NACA Illa. Rama 10.

00:21:30 --> 00:21:33

He doesn't say Antara hammer or something. He doesn't use a verb

00:21:34 --> 00:21:39

uses a noun. And a noun or a must or an infinitive describes the

00:21:39 --> 00:21:41

essence of a person, the essence.

00:21:43 --> 00:21:45

So if you use the verb, a verb

00:21:46 --> 00:21:51

could mean at some point in time. Right? It's descriptive, but it

00:21:51 --> 00:21:54

doesn't describe necessarily the essence of someone. Someone could

00:21:54 --> 00:21:58

be merciful. Sometimes, a tyrant other times it the verb is used,

00:21:58 --> 00:22:02

but not 10 is the master is a noun.

00:22:04 --> 00:22:07

And then also the statement is very strong in Arabic

00:22:07 --> 00:22:11

rhetorically, it's a it's an affirmation after a negation in

00:22:11 --> 00:22:14

Arabic. It's called the if that bad enough Ian?

00:22:15 --> 00:22:21

Allah subhanho wa Taala could have said that, you know, that I sent

00:22:21 --> 00:22:28

you as a mercy. But he said we did not send you except as a mercy. So

00:22:28 --> 00:22:33

this is a very strong statement in Arabic rhetorically, it's like the

00:22:33 --> 00:22:37

Shahada. We don't our shahada isn't Allahu mo Jude,

00:22:38 --> 00:22:43

or something. Allah exists. Allahu Ahad is Allah Allah, there is no

00:22:43 --> 00:22:49

God in law law, except God. If bad, bad is bad, bad enough even

00:22:50 --> 00:22:54

affirmation after negation very, very strong statement. It's

00:22:54 --> 00:22:55

difficult to translate.

00:22:58 --> 00:23:00

The area had mentioned the Hadith here.

00:23:01 --> 00:23:04

From Allah bizarre, my life is a blessing for you. My death is a

00:23:04 --> 00:23:05

blessing for you.

00:23:07 --> 00:23:09

I asked you to come automatically

00:23:10 --> 00:23:12

from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how is his death a

00:23:12 --> 00:23:16

blessing for us? Well in his grave, some of audio Salam, he

00:23:16 --> 00:23:17

continues to supplicate for the Ummah

00:23:19 --> 00:23:22

and Salawat are conveyed to him on Fridays by melodica

00:23:24 --> 00:23:28

sorry, all the days except for Friday, they're conveyed to him.

00:23:28 --> 00:23:32

And on Friday he I can actually hear this other what he says in

00:23:32 --> 00:23:36

the Hadith sound Hadith. He hears the Salawat with his own ears and

00:23:36 --> 00:23:37

responds with his own tongue

00:23:39 --> 00:23:42

that's in this world. And then what follows after death is a

00:23:42 --> 00:23:45

great chef ah, of the Prophet sallallaahu. Cinnamon the human

00:23:45 --> 00:23:46


00:23:47 --> 00:23:49

is how we understand my death is good for you.

00:23:57 --> 00:23:59

He's, I mean, it's just the first two pages.

00:24:01 --> 00:24:06

There's so much in this text. It's amazing to see how we're doing any

00:24:06 --> 00:24:09

questions, anyone need clarification? Don't be afraid to

00:24:09 --> 00:24:10

raise your hand.

00:24:12 --> 00:24:13


00:24:16 --> 00:24:20

Then he quotes this famous idea to know this is an amazing if you

00:24:20 --> 00:24:21

know when I was 17 years old,

00:24:22 --> 00:24:25

bit late, but so first time I read the Quran.

00:24:27 --> 00:24:30

English I didn't know any Arabic didn't know Allah from bath. I

00:24:31 --> 00:24:32

read the Quran. And

00:24:34 --> 00:24:39

you know, I think I understood every verse in the Quran. Probably

00:24:39 --> 00:24:42

half of it was wrong, maybe 90% But I think I understood something

00:24:42 --> 00:24:46

from it. Except for this verse. I had no idea what this verse was

00:24:46 --> 00:24:50

talking about. I had to lose. This is also called the parable of the

00:24:50 --> 00:24:51

shining lamp.

00:24:53 --> 00:24:56

Allah some kind of without us as Allahu nudo similar to what

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth a lot

00:25:00 --> 00:25:05

is the light. In logic, this is called an analytic statement. So

00:25:05 --> 00:25:10

the predicate is a definition basically of the subject. A law is

00:25:10 --> 00:25:13

the Light of the heavens of the earth. So it's also called a cat,

00:25:13 --> 00:25:17

a cat a fatik. Statement and theology cat of fatik means a

00:25:17 --> 00:25:21

positive statement about God, as opposed to an apophatic statement,

00:25:22 --> 00:25:25

which is a negative statement about God, for example, well, then

00:25:25 --> 00:25:30

you're gonna have one damn isn't negation. And that's the safer way

00:25:30 --> 00:25:33

to talk about God is to say, God is not this or that rather than

00:25:33 --> 00:25:37

God is. So Kalafatis statements are rare, but we have them in the

00:25:37 --> 00:25:40

Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala can say whatever he wants about

00:25:40 --> 00:25:43

himself. So he says, Allah is the Light of the heavens of the earth.

00:25:44 --> 00:25:47

And the meaning of this according to so UT is that Allah subhanho wa

00:25:47 --> 00:25:49

Taala is the source of all light,

00:25:50 --> 00:25:51

the source of everything

00:25:53 --> 00:25:59

that he says methadone reheat, the similitude of his light, a light

00:25:59 --> 00:26:00

that he owns.

00:26:01 --> 00:26:04

This is not an analytic statement. This is a construct statement.

00:26:05 --> 00:26:09

New New reheat means a light that he owns.

00:26:10 --> 00:26:16

So the aroma here they point out, even up as Imam Razi imamo UT,

00:26:16 --> 00:26:20

they say light here is a symbol for the prophets of Allah said

00:26:22 --> 00:26:26

that the parable The shining lamp has something to do with the

00:26:26 --> 00:26:27

prophets of the bodies and

00:26:28 --> 00:26:32

the likeness of His light is like a niche, there is a lamp the lamp

00:26:32 --> 00:26:33

is in the glass.

00:26:35 --> 00:26:39

We want to understand what a niche is. These pre modern homes would

00:26:39 --> 00:26:42

have sort of a dugout in the wall, you replace a lamp and would light

00:26:42 --> 00:26:44

up the whole room, a lamp into the side of a glass.

00:26:45 --> 00:26:48

That's called a niche or a niche and both of both pronunciations

00:26:48 --> 00:26:50

are acceptable in English.

00:26:52 --> 00:26:54

So this is what Rauzein so ut say

00:26:55 --> 00:26:58

that the niche represents the southern chest of the Prophet

00:26:58 --> 00:26:59

sallallahu Sallam

00:27:00 --> 00:27:05

and the lamp within the niche is Eman is faith.

00:27:06 --> 00:27:11

And the lamp is in the glass Sujatha that is the pure heart of

00:27:11 --> 00:27:12

the Prophet sallallahu.

00:27:17 --> 00:27:21

A zoo judge who can come on board reunion you kudu miniature

00:27:21 --> 00:27:23

gelatin, Mubarak Huttons a tuna

00:27:24 --> 00:27:31

that lasts as the glass as if it were a glittering star candle from

00:27:31 --> 00:27:32

a blessing olive tree.

00:27:34 --> 00:27:36

So the glass is so

00:27:37 --> 00:27:40

so pure, it's so shiny.

00:27:41 --> 00:27:41


00:27:43 --> 00:27:47

That it it looks like a like a brilliant star being the heart of

00:27:47 --> 00:27:51

the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is so pure. It's been so purified by

00:27:51 --> 00:27:54

Allah subhanho wa Taala of the diseases of the heart

00:27:58 --> 00:28:00

kindled from a blessing olive tree, the olive tree here

00:28:00 --> 00:28:04

according to this symbolism is a reference to Ibrahim alayhis salam

00:28:05 --> 00:28:08

was a forefather of the Prophet sallallaahu send them not sure

00:28:08 --> 00:28:10

what to do when and how to be he's not from the Orient or the

00:28:10 --> 00:28:15

Occident you got him on a Salam is the father of all nations. That's

00:28:15 --> 00:28:16

what his name literally means.

00:28:18 --> 00:28:22

You have Qaboos ha ha You will do one I will I'm Tim says will Nora

00:28:23 --> 00:28:28

who's oil would nearly shine even if no fire touched it. Now oil is

00:28:28 --> 00:28:32

that which is internal or natural to the lamp. That which is

00:28:32 --> 00:28:37

internal or natural to the human being is reason is conscience.

00:28:37 --> 00:28:42

Conscience and Latin con means with and science means knowledge.

00:28:43 --> 00:28:46

Or fitrah. There's an innate disposition,

00:28:47 --> 00:28:50

that the conscience or the prophets sense of reason is

00:28:50 --> 00:28:55

fitrah. What almost come in into the state of mattify, even before

00:28:55 --> 00:28:59

the fire touched it in fire here and this symbol means Revelation

00:28:59 --> 00:29:00


00:29:01 --> 00:29:05

that you've been considered. He says the Prophet shone the shined

00:29:05 --> 00:29:08

even before the revelation touched him.

00:29:10 --> 00:29:13

Right? This is what the monk noticed. The Prophet sallallahu

00:29:13 --> 00:29:16

sallam was 10 or 12 years old. He traveled to bolster up with Abu

00:29:16 --> 00:29:19

Tada. In Bagheera, the monk he noticed there was something

00:29:19 --> 00:29:24

happening with him. Pre prophetic miracles in Hoss they're called

00:29:26 --> 00:29:29

that through his intellect he would almost come to modify to

00:29:29 --> 00:29:32

intimate knowledge of almost subhanho wa Taala even though the

00:29:32 --> 00:29:33

revelation never touched

00:29:34 --> 00:29:37

the sages from added Kitab they knew before the Quran there was

00:29:37 --> 00:29:41

something special about it. That's the meaning of it even before

00:29:43 --> 00:29:45

and then when the Revelation does touch it

00:29:47 --> 00:29:48

neurone Allah knew

00:29:49 --> 00:29:50

aka upon knuckle

00:29:52 --> 00:29:53

reason upon revelation.

00:29:55 --> 00:29:59

So the lamp is illuminated with oil and fire

00:30:00 --> 00:30:04

A lamp is illuminated with oil and fire with that which is internal

00:30:04 --> 00:30:08

or natural to it, and that which is external or given to it.

00:30:10 --> 00:30:14

The heart is illuminated with reason and revelation, that which

00:30:14 --> 00:30:20

is internal to the human being conscience reason that which is

00:30:20 --> 00:30:23

given to the human being, Revelation.

00:30:24 --> 00:30:27

This is true illumination of the heart, reason and revelation.

00:30:28 --> 00:30:32

There are people who reject the revelation, and they worship the

00:30:32 --> 00:30:36

aka the intellect, they think they can know everything. And this

00:30:36 --> 00:30:38

leads to a type of rigid rationalism.

00:30:40 --> 00:30:41

This leads to a type of

00:30:43 --> 00:30:45

denial of higher moral authority

00:30:46 --> 00:30:51

that there's no moral authority over us, as a nation or an entity,

00:30:51 --> 00:30:55

so we can make up our own rules. If it's good for us, then it's

00:30:55 --> 00:30:55


00:30:57 --> 00:31:01

Relying on reason you can justify anything, these people in our

00:31:01 --> 00:31:05

country, they're vermin, let's exterminate them. It's good for

00:31:05 --> 00:31:08

us. Why not? It'll be good for us.

00:31:10 --> 00:31:13

And then you have people that lean on Revelation, and forget about

00:31:13 --> 00:31:14


00:31:15 --> 00:31:20

They become these dogmatic littoralis knuckleheads is one of

00:31:20 --> 00:31:20

my teachers.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:25

No, aka, it's all knuckle, knuckleheads.

00:31:27 --> 00:31:30

And they become extremely violent. Because they're looking at nos.

00:31:30 --> 00:31:35

They're looking at the text. And the text says this. That's what we

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

have to do. Wait a minute.

00:31:37 --> 00:31:42

What about the mocassin? What about the aims of the Sharia? What

00:31:42 --> 00:31:46

about the walker? What about the reality of the world? How to

00:31:46 --> 00:31:49

implement No, no, no, don't think about that, brother. Just do it.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:51

Don't think just do it.

00:31:54 --> 00:31:55

The big problem

00:31:59 --> 00:32:00

Hello, Adam,

00:32:01 --> 00:32:03

is a beautiful if

00:32:04 --> 00:32:08

you don't know Allah guides His light to the Prophet Soleimani

00:32:08 --> 00:32:12

send them whomever he will. Allah makes examples for people and

00:32:12 --> 00:32:17

Allah has knowledge of everything. Kava bar, and IGNOU Jubeir said,

00:32:18 --> 00:32:22

By the second light, he means Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, the

00:32:22 --> 00:32:26

light of the Prophet salallahu Salam. And he goes on to say so

00:32:26 --> 00:32:30

had to study. The lamp means his heart, the glasses, the breast, so

00:32:30 --> 00:32:32

on and so forth. Well, we just mentioned

00:32:34 --> 00:32:38

it's oil with nearly shine IE is prophecies almost evident to the

00:32:38 --> 00:32:42

people before he speaks. Just like this oil.

00:32:47 --> 00:32:53

Like Abdullah Abdullah bin Salam, who was a rabbi or a junior rabbi,

00:32:53 --> 00:32:58

Bani aporia, but Danny had a new car in Medina. And he just looked

00:32:58 --> 00:32:59

at the face of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

00:33:02 --> 00:33:04

are off to an award show who loves to be watching Can

00:33:05 --> 00:33:10

I can I recognize in his face, it's not the face of a liar are

00:33:10 --> 00:33:11

often a means to recognize something.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:14

There's something special about this man

00:33:17 --> 00:33:22

Cassandra blue sabot, who was paid some money by if he wishes he can.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:23

So the mission of Canaan Medina

00:33:26 --> 00:33:30

that wanted to disbelieve in the Prophet sallallaahu Salam. They

00:33:30 --> 00:33:33

outwardly said they were Muslim, they became the mafia team, but

00:33:33 --> 00:33:37

they're emotionally kin. They paid Hassan Abdul phablet write a poem

00:33:37 --> 00:33:41

and insult the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And I sent him to phablet.

00:33:41 --> 00:33:43

He said, he's just he looked at the face of the prophets. I said,

00:33:43 --> 00:33:45

I want to instantly walk back and he said,

00:33:47 --> 00:33:47

that's it for me.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:50

So one glance is enough.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:55

As mentioned in the New Testament, also, like six or seven are

00:33:55 --> 00:33:59

disciples of Isa and a Salam O Allah. But it says in the text in

00:33:59 --> 00:34:02

the Gospel of John, that they became disciples of a Sunni Islam,

00:34:02 --> 00:34:06

because they because he looked at them. And that was it. Just

00:34:06 --> 00:34:08

another the glance is Oh, that's it.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:10

This is the real deal.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:15

One of the saints of Yemen,

00:34:17 --> 00:34:18

Abu Bakar, Bin Salman.

00:34:19 --> 00:34:20

He said that

00:34:21 --> 00:34:25

the people from the city they come and they sit in my presence, and

00:34:25 --> 00:34:28

they're full of themselves, they think they know things. Now,

00:34:29 --> 00:34:33

our teachers say that one of the requisites of attaining knowledge

00:34:33 --> 00:34:39

is what's known as kenosis. Tough Lea one must empty oneself of

00:34:39 --> 00:34:43

things, be like an empty vessel. Again, think you know, and be

00:34:43 --> 00:34:47

ready to receive. So he said, they come in to sit in my presence. And

00:34:47 --> 00:34:49

I'll say something and they argue and it's back and forth. They

00:34:49 --> 00:34:52

don't learn anything. Then he said, a simple Bedouin will come

00:34:53 --> 00:34:58

who, you know, urinate in public, but he'll come and sit in my

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

presence and I'll give him one glance

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

It'll change his life

00:35:06 --> 00:35:09

the Prophet sallallaahu synonyms glances powerful, the Bedouin, who

00:35:09 --> 00:35:11

came into his presence and he started trembling.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:16

uncontrollably. So how was it? What was wrong with you, man? The

00:35:16 --> 00:35:16


00:35:17 --> 00:35:21

The prophets will a lottery system he said, Relax, I'm not a king.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:25

I'm just the son of a woman who used to eat dried meat. This is

00:35:25 --> 00:35:27

how he described it. This is from his Tolaga

00:35:28 --> 00:35:29

from a lot he said.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:40

Then here he talks about the i What a fine I like a thick rock.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:45

It may not exalt Your remembrance. There's a long section here. I was

00:35:45 --> 00:35:49

sorry that hoodie. All the alerts that are related to the Prophet

00:35:49 --> 00:35:53

sallallahu sallam said, Gabriel Ali Salam came to me and said, My

00:35:53 --> 00:35:58

Lord and your Lord says, you know how I exalted your fame?

00:36:00 --> 00:36:02

Off the kaisa refer to the croc.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:06

Do you know how I raised a remembrance?

00:36:08 --> 00:36:13

And he said, Allah who I them. And you bill Ali Salam said, that your

00:36:13 --> 00:36:18

Lord said Hadith put See, either do care to do character my

00:36:19 --> 00:36:22

whenever I am mentioned, you are mentioned with me

00:36:24 --> 00:36:29

in the Avant, in the coma in the shahada

00:36:31 --> 00:36:35

because a lot of people, they will confirm La ilaha illallah

00:36:36 --> 00:36:39

Christians and Jews, La ilaha illAllah.

00:36:41 --> 00:36:45

Even Dias, like people who don't believe in a personal God,

00:36:46 --> 00:36:49

right? They're called Dias, that there's a God is a creator, but

00:36:49 --> 00:36:51

he's sort of a watchmaker.

00:36:52 --> 00:36:55

He doesn't really care about what's happening on Earth. He just

00:36:55 --> 00:36:58

kind of lets us do our thing, absentee landlord.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:03

They say that there's no God but this creator god fine, but

00:37:03 --> 00:37:04

Mohammad Rasool Allah.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:08

This is what makes God imminent or close,

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10

loving quarterback

00:37:11 --> 00:37:13

for Marissa.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:19

The fact of the province is the fact the fact that meant

00:37:23 --> 00:37:25

he mentioned the fact that mentioned of the Prophet is

00:37:25 --> 00:37:28

directly connected to mention of Allah also shows that obedience to

00:37:28 --> 00:37:32

the Prophet salallahu Salam is connected to obedience to Allah,

00:37:32 --> 00:37:38

and is in his name. To Allah's Name. Allah says obey Allah and

00:37:38 --> 00:37:38

His messenger.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:43

Obey Allah means follow the Quran

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45

keytab Allah.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:50

What does obey the messenger mean? For people who say reject the

00:37:50 --> 00:37:51


00:37:52 --> 00:37:53

We are a Koran only people

00:37:54 --> 00:37:57

obey Allah and His messenger. What does that mean?

00:37:58 --> 00:38:04

Obey the Sunnah believe in Allah and His Messenger, amino Billa wa

00:38:04 --> 00:38:08

rasuluh II. And he says here how the IAT says Allah joins them

00:38:08 --> 00:38:12

together with a conjunction walk in an end, which is a conjunction

00:38:12 --> 00:38:16

of partnership and partnership here is a loaded term.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:21

Don't get the wrong idea. Partnership not with respect to

00:38:21 --> 00:38:27

essence attributes or actions. No one shares in Allah's essence no

00:38:27 --> 00:38:29

one is deity except Allah.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

No one has these qualitative attributes

00:38:35 --> 00:38:39

that Allah has nobody, nothing other than Allah is omniscient,

00:38:39 --> 00:38:40


00:38:41 --> 00:38:44

So on and so forth, as Adam mutlak perfect knowledge.

00:38:47 --> 00:38:52

Think of the hadith of Gibreel Ali salaam Jebel Ali Salam said Omar,

00:38:52 --> 00:38:52

he said

00:38:53 --> 00:38:53


00:38:55 --> 00:38:58

the Prophet sallallaahu Salam said to him, a tied to the mannessah L.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:02

Do you know who the questioner was? It was related to them. But

00:39:02 --> 00:39:05

he asked Omar, you know who the questioner was? And Omar said,

00:39:05 --> 00:39:07

Allah who was a sudo, who Allah.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:14

Allah and His Messenger know best. This does not mean that Allah and

00:39:14 --> 00:39:16

His Messenger have equal knowledge.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:20

Right? Because I'm thinking of a number now between one and a

00:39:20 --> 00:39:20


00:39:21 --> 00:39:26

You don't know what it is? I do. So does Allah. Does that mean I

00:39:26 --> 00:39:29

have the same knowledge as Allah? Of course not.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:33

Also, the wildlife conjunction implies an essential hierarchy.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:37

Allah is the foremost he is the greatest than the Prophet

00:39:37 --> 00:39:41

sallallahu sallam. He says here it is not permitted to use this

00:39:41 --> 00:39:45

conjunction in connection with Allah in the case of anyone except

00:39:45 --> 00:39:51

the Prophet salallahu Salam. Why? Because again, it is, it is

00:39:51 --> 00:39:56

impossible for obedience to Allah to conflict with obedience to the

00:39:56 --> 00:39:57

Prophet salallahu Salam

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

Anyone else it can conflict. If I say for example, obey Allah and

00:40:05 --> 00:40:06

obey your shave.

00:40:08 --> 00:40:10

What if your chef disobeyed Allah?

00:40:12 --> 00:40:13

It's conceivable.

00:40:14 --> 00:40:18

So it's impermissible to make such a statement. Now there's another

00:40:18 --> 00:40:22

verse in the Quran obey Allah and the messenger what will remain

00:40:22 --> 00:40:24

calm and those in authority over you.

00:40:26 --> 00:40:29

So this is understood as hierarchical and conditional obey

00:40:30 --> 00:40:35

those in authority over you as long as they obey Allah and His

00:40:35 --> 00:40:35


00:40:36 --> 00:40:40

Remember Abu Bakr Siddiq, his first day of his caliphate, he

00:40:40 --> 00:40:43

stood he sat on the minbar of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam said,

00:40:43 --> 00:40:46

I've been elected but I'm not the best among you obey me as long as

00:40:46 --> 00:40:49

I obey Allah and His Messenger, disobey me if I disobey.

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

This was for sermon

00:40:55 --> 00:40:57

or something in this hadith, there's a hadith he mentions.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:00

Someone was speaking in the presence of the Prophet salallahu

00:41:00 --> 00:41:00


00:41:01 --> 00:41:07

And he said, Manuel, Lauer's Hula, hula cerca de Rasheeda. Whoever

00:41:07 --> 00:41:12

obeys Allah and His Messenger has been rightly guided. Why men yeah,

00:41:12 --> 00:41:17

see me y'all see me. Y'all see, y'all she Hema y'all see?

00:41:19 --> 00:41:20

Y'all she Hema.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:24

Y'all see Hema cerca de Hawa.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:28

So he said, Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger

00:41:29 --> 00:41:35

has been rightly guided, and whoever rebels against them and he

00:41:35 --> 00:41:40

used the dual form at the end of the verb. He said, Hema, y'all

00:41:40 --> 00:41:41

see, Hema?

00:41:43 --> 00:41:46

Right? Whoever rebels against them

00:41:48 --> 00:41:51

has entered. The Prophet sallallaahu Salam looked at him

00:41:51 --> 00:41:56

according to Hadith. This hadith is in Abu Dhabi and the Saudi and

00:41:56 --> 00:42:01

Muslim and he said, Sal Hatim Anta what a bad speaker you are.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:07

So, the commentary says the prophets of salaam he disliked the

00:42:07 --> 00:42:12

two names being joined together in a way that implies equality

00:42:15 --> 00:42:20

because he used the dual form. So in the Quran, Allah subhana, Allah

00:42:20 --> 00:42:25

says, Allah who are Sula who are Haku, and you'll do Allah and His

00:42:25 --> 00:42:30

Messenger, it is more befitting that you should please them, but

00:42:30 --> 00:42:35

it's only who a third person masculine singular pronoun is

00:42:35 --> 00:42:39

used, but the meaning is understood as both of them. Allah

00:42:39 --> 00:42:43

subhana wa Taala doesn't say Houma. He doesn't use a dual

00:42:43 --> 00:42:43


00:42:46 --> 00:42:52

Does the dual form an Arabic implies a real equality? So Allah

00:42:52 --> 00:42:56

subhanho wa Taala never refers to himself in the Quran.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:01

With a dual verbal form or a dual pronoun. There's a subtlety in the

00:43:01 --> 00:43:02


00:43:04 --> 00:43:07

the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he didn't he didn't mind. My YouTube

00:43:07 --> 00:43:11

Allah water to water Sula, who forgot to Rashida whoever obeys

00:43:11 --> 00:43:18

Allah wa and the prophet and the prophet WA is guided Well, my

00:43:18 --> 00:43:20

lawmen, y'all see me her.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:25

Using the dual he didn't like that for don't join me with Allah using

00:43:25 --> 00:43:28

a dual form in Arabic. It doesn't happen in the Quran.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:34

Now Allah Spano without it uses a royal plural sometimes he says not

00:43:34 --> 00:43:43

new, right in and Zanna Angela who right now, UCLA human habitat

00:43:43 --> 00:43:48

worried we this is this is a it's called the plurality magic status,

00:43:48 --> 00:43:50

the Royal plural and is understood that this is

00:43:51 --> 00:43:54

a royal plural, it's used because almost a kind of what to highlight

00:43:54 --> 00:43:58

is speaking from a position of majesty. It does not in any way

00:43:58 --> 00:44:02

denote a plural of numbers and plurality of numbers or something

00:44:02 --> 00:44:02

like that.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:09

It is related from our model of the law to the angle,

00:44:10 --> 00:44:12

that the prophet that.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:16

That is He said to the Prophet, part of your excellence with Allah

00:44:16 --> 00:44:21

is that he made OBEDIENCE TO YOU obedience to Allah. Allah says

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

Whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah and if you love Allah

00:44:24 --> 00:44:27

than and follow me and Allah will love you.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:30

It is related that when this ayah was sent down, so this is he's

00:44:30 --> 00:44:34

quoting I had to empty hand this is called IO to an empty hand

00:44:35 --> 00:44:40

surah number three is number 31 331. For Input to him to

00:44:40 --> 00:44:45

hipbone Allah for today only you did from Allah. While y'all fill

00:44:45 --> 00:44:50

up with the numbers. Say If you love Allah, then follow me. Then

00:44:50 --> 00:44:52

Allah will love you and forgive me your sins.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:58

When this ayah was sent down, the people said Mohamed wants us to

00:44:58 --> 00:45:00

take him as a mercy in

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

The way the Christians did with their East Side east.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:07

So then the very next verse, Allah revealed hola to Allah, Allah

00:45:07 --> 00:45:12

Rasool say, obey Allah and the messenger so obey not worship.

00:45:12 --> 00:45:15

It's not the same way the Christians revere a side, acela.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:21

It's not to worship the Prophet salatu salam worship is only for a

00:45:21 --> 00:45:25

loss of kind of what to Allah. And in the previous Omen people would

00:45:25 --> 00:45:28

make such that the prophets, but that practice is abrogated.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:32

Like we read in the Quran that the brothers of Yusuf alayhi salam

00:45:32 --> 00:45:37

they made such that to him, this was not a subject of, for purposes

00:45:37 --> 00:45:42

of a bad it was for child theme. It was it was for reverence. And

00:45:42 --> 00:45:45

this was permissible in the previous Oma. It has been

00:45:45 --> 00:45:46

abrogated in our city.

00:45:49 --> 00:45:52

And if somebody does it, and their intention is reverence, then it's

00:45:52 --> 00:45:55

haram. If their intention is worship is cool for

00:45:57 --> 00:46:01

the man companion kind of went into a state and he prostrated to

00:46:01 --> 00:46:04

the Prophet sallallaahu Salam out of reverence. And the Prophet

00:46:04 --> 00:46:05

picked him up and he said, we don't do that.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:13

So we veer the Prophet salallahu Salam, because he's worthy of

00:46:13 --> 00:46:19

reverence, because he has virtue nowadays. We revere skill and fame

00:46:19 --> 00:46:20

and things like that.

00:46:21 --> 00:46:28

Some famous sports star dies and people can't sleep for a week. And

00:46:28 --> 00:46:33

there's, you know, memorials in several different countries around

00:46:33 --> 00:46:36

the world. For this person whose ethics are very questionable,

00:46:37 --> 00:46:38

based on experience,

00:46:39 --> 00:46:41

as we said, reputation is very important.

00:46:43 --> 00:46:46

But we don't, we don't revere virtue, any

00:46:47 --> 00:46:51

people die all the time that are pious, that are wise, that are

00:46:51 --> 00:46:52


00:46:53 --> 00:46:57

that are humble that are selfless. We don't even know their names.

00:46:58 --> 00:47:02

But Allah knows their names. But Peroni of porta Pom, this is the

00:47:02 --> 00:47:05

most important thing, not that people remember you on the earth.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:09

This is what the pre Islamic Arabs wanted. They didn't believe in an

00:47:09 --> 00:47:12

afterlife, it would make vicar of their back, it would make vicar

00:47:13 --> 00:47:16

who would actually come together and start making vicar of their

00:47:16 --> 00:47:19

ancestors. And they believe that by doing that they would somehow

00:47:19 --> 00:47:22

live forever. That's how they're immortalized.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:29

But what we want is the thicker of Allah well, they think will Allahu

00:47:29 --> 00:47:32

Akbar, but there, but the remembrance of Allah of us is the

00:47:32 --> 00:47:33

greatest thing.

00:47:35 --> 00:47:35


00:47:49 --> 00:47:52

Yeah, I mean, there are aspects of cultures that are that are

00:47:52 --> 00:47:53

problematic from our perspective.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:01

I ran into this issue I used to be a as a practice karate, and

00:48:02 --> 00:48:09

you have to bow literally make record, right? To your sensei. Of

00:48:09 --> 00:48:14

course, my intention was never to worship anyone. But even to revere

00:48:14 --> 00:48:16

someone with such an act of genuflection

00:48:18 --> 00:48:20

is impermissible. There might be some difference of opinion about

00:48:20 --> 00:48:21

that. But

00:48:22 --> 00:48:24

so I just told my sensing, I said,

00:48:25 --> 00:48:28

this is when I first started practicing the religion.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:30

So I was

00:48:31 --> 00:48:34

I didn't use a lot of tact. But I did. I was smart enough to say,

00:48:34 --> 00:48:35

you know, I'm not going to bow to anyone.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:38

So that's fine. You don't need to do that.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:44

We it's Yeah, I mean, in this culture, if a man doesn't shake a

00:48:44 --> 00:48:46

woman's hand, people are offended.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:53

I told that story a while. I mean, I won't go into it now. But it's

00:48:53 --> 00:48:55

happened to me one time and somebody says, this woman said,

00:48:55 --> 00:48:57

I'm so offended, he didn't shake my hand and

00:48:58 --> 00:49:01

I turned the tables on her and I said, my religion offends you. I'm

00:49:01 --> 00:49:03

so offended that you're offended.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:07


00:49:09 --> 00:49:12

So there are aspects of culture that we can certainly, like one of

00:49:12 --> 00:49:15

my teachers explained to me like cultures or like different colored

00:49:15 --> 00:49:19

glass classes in Islam is like pure water, you can pour it into

00:49:19 --> 00:49:25

the glass, and you know, the water, you know, the water goes

00:49:25 --> 00:49:28

into the glass. So you have different color and what appears

00:49:28 --> 00:49:31

to be different colored water. But it's really the culture sort of

00:49:31 --> 00:49:35

interacting with the religion, and that's fine, but there are

00:49:35 --> 00:49:38

certainly aspects of culture that are problematic. The Prophet

00:49:38 --> 00:49:40

sallallaahu Salam, he would speak out against them. There are

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

aspects of Arab culture that he had no problems with that are

00:49:43 --> 00:49:48

actually very good. The Arabs were very chivalrous people. There's

00:49:48 --> 00:49:51

something that's dying now chivalry. You open the door for a

00:49:51 --> 00:49:54

woman now and they when she wants to bite your head off.

00:49:55 --> 00:49:58

Offer a seat. This happened to me offered a seat to a woman on the

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

board. I don't need your seat, but

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

You think you are? Oh, sorry.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:03

All right.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:08

And they were they were very hospitable. They were generous

00:50:08 --> 00:50:13

people, but they're also prone to warfare. They're aspects of the

00:50:13 --> 00:50:16

culture that were extremely misogynist. They would practice

00:50:16 --> 00:50:21

while doing Banat female infanticide a profitable body sort

00:50:21 --> 00:50:22

of spoke out against those aspects

00:50:25 --> 00:50:28

the Arab men didn't necessarily like to admit that they love their

00:50:28 --> 00:50:29


00:50:31 --> 00:50:34

it's just sort of a macho thing but they asked him Are you not so

00:50:34 --> 00:50:36

happy like it's Alisha

00:50:38 --> 00:50:39

mentioned his wife

00:50:45 --> 00:50:47

is that that's the

00:50:49 --> 00:50:50

Silver lawsuit?

00:52:23 --> 00:52:26

We do have like three minutes if there's another question or

00:52:27 --> 00:52:29

comment one would like to make

00:52:33 --> 00:52:37

my wife texted me Do you want a cough drop? It's too late now.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:46

Next week we'll challah was well will give you the highlights for

00:52:46 --> 00:52:47

part one chapter two.

00:52:50 --> 00:52:53

So we'll finish all 10 chapters for the first three parts of the

00:52:53 --> 00:52:54

text inshallah.

00:52:56 --> 00:52:56


00:53:01 --> 00:53:06

keytab oshi fat they call the Eyad. It's a very famous book. One

00:53:06 --> 00:53:08

of the most famous books ever written on the Prophet sallallahu

00:53:08 --> 00:53:12

Sallam were the most commented commentated upon books. Probably

00:53:12 --> 00:53:16

just after Bukhari and Muslim. Temple she felt he was an Andalusi

00:53:16 --> 00:53:19

and scholar he died 1149 of the common error.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:22

There's a great

00:53:24 --> 00:53:26

Maliki exegete jurist as well.

00:53:30 --> 00:53:33

Very comprehensive, beautiful text. You should have been in your

00:53:33 --> 00:53:36

house just for botica even even if you don't read I mean, I mentioned

00:53:36 --> 00:53:39

earlier if people don't read books, try to do your best to read

00:53:39 --> 00:53:43

them but even just having it in your house is good.

00:53:52 --> 00:53:54

Did he succeed in Asia Well,

00:53:55 --> 00:53:57

came out way after

00:53:59 --> 00:53:59


00:54:00 --> 00:54:02

he was he wrote this during the Crusades.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:07

This is why there's section of Part Four of the book is

00:54:09 --> 00:54:10

is difficult to navigate

00:54:13 --> 00:54:16

are the reasons because some of the Christians the Crusaders would

00:54:16 --> 00:54:20

go on these martyr missions to actually go into a public square

00:54:20 --> 00:54:23

and defame the Prophet sallallaahu Salam insult the Prophet on public

00:54:23 --> 00:54:25

because they wanted to be killed by the authorities

00:54:32 --> 00:54:33


00:54:35 --> 00:54:38

there's some contextual that's why Part four is difficult. There's

00:54:38 --> 00:54:40

there's a there's a lot of contexts that need to go with it.

00:54:51 --> 00:54:52

Amazon isn't.

00:54:54 --> 00:54:57

Yeah, it's a beautiful translation. I shopped around on

00:54:57 --> 00:54:58


00:55:00 --> 00:55:01


00:55:04 --> 00:55:08

like I said, we're just touching the surface of this text.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:14

I mean, I promised to do chapter one we probably read 5% of chapter

00:55:14 --> 00:55:14


00:55:16 --> 00:55:16


00:55:19 --> 00:55:22

requires a little bit of light commentary

00:55:23 --> 00:55:25

is an extraordinary ocean of knowledge

00:55:39 --> 00:55:43

so, we'll see you next week and Sokoloff, some of us at Muhammad

00:55:43 --> 00:55:44

didn't want to he was a huge money

00:55:47 --> 00:55:47


00:55:48 --> 00:55:51

on a lot I sent him home I didn't want to and he was sort of Asian

00:55:51 --> 00:55:52

Americans who Canada and

00:55:53 --> 00:55:57

I love tonight. Halima Hakim also the one who was

00:56:00 --> 00:56:02

salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:07

So Charles Allah, we're continuing. This is our second

00:56:07 --> 00:56:09

week, teachable Shisa.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:12

We're going to actually continue here with the first chapter.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:18

There's very important points that Claudia yet makes in this chapter.

00:56:18 --> 00:56:21

So we'll stick with it. And Charlotte Tada. We only did the

00:56:21 --> 00:56:24

first section last week, which was nine pages. And the first chapter

00:56:24 --> 00:56:26

is about 30 pages.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:31

So those who wants to follow along in the English translations is

00:56:31 --> 00:56:35

page 10. Part one, chapter one, section two.

00:56:36 --> 00:56:40

Section two is called Allah subhanaw taala describing him so

00:56:40 --> 00:56:44

nobody saw them as a witness and the praise and honor entailed by

00:56:44 --> 00:56:45


00:56:46 --> 00:56:50

So Allah subhanho wa Taala he begin the area it begins by

00:56:50 --> 00:56:53

quoting a verse from Allah subhanho wa Taala This is an

00:56:53 --> 00:56:57

exquisitely beautiful if from the Quran which is in surah to zap

00:56:57 --> 00:57:02

verses number 45 and 46. Yeah, you have never you encounter So

00:57:02 --> 00:57:06

Natasha, he doesn't want overshoot on one or the euro. What Illa

00:57:06 --> 00:57:10

Allah he is and he will see Raja monniera Oh Prophet, we have sent

00:57:10 --> 00:57:15

you as a witness a bringer of good news and a warner calling to Allah

00:57:15 --> 00:57:18

subhana wa to Allah with his permission, and as a light giving

00:57:18 --> 00:57:19


00:57:21 --> 00:57:24

So called the area it says in this ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala in

00:57:24 --> 00:57:27

Dallas, His Prophet, with all the ranks of nobility in every

00:57:27 --> 00:57:31

praiseworthy quality. He made him a witness over his community by

00:57:31 --> 00:57:34

the fact that he has conveyed the message to them. So one of the

00:57:34 --> 00:57:37

duties of a prophet is called to believe he has to convey the

00:57:37 --> 00:57:41

message. That is one of the special qualities he is a bringer

00:57:41 --> 00:57:43

of good news for the people who will obey Him, a wanderer to the

00:57:43 --> 00:57:45

people who rebel against him.

00:57:46 --> 00:57:49

He calls for the Oneness of Allah to worship him, he's a light

00:57:49 --> 00:57:52

getting lamp by which people are guided to the truth.

00:57:53 --> 00:57:57

One thing to notice here from a linguistic standpoint, according

00:57:57 --> 00:58:01

to Muslim philologists, all of these titles of the Prophet

00:58:01 --> 00:58:04

sallallaahu Salam in these two ideas, they're all indefinite

00:58:04 --> 00:58:06

nouns called ism Nikita.

00:58:07 --> 00:58:12

And according to rhetoric, the ISM Nikita denotes a degree of

00:58:12 --> 00:58:15

greatness that is outside of our frames of reference.

00:58:16 --> 00:58:19

For example, Allah subhanaw taala says lamea Cornella vena cava

00:58:19 --> 00:58:24

rumen al Kitab Iwan witchery Kena Moon Firkin Hata. To whom all day

00:58:24 --> 00:58:29

Gina, that the the kuffaar from the added Kitab and from the

00:58:29 --> 00:58:32

machete keen, they will not break away from their Kufa until out of

00:58:32 --> 00:58:37

the beginner. That's a definite article. What is Albena also don't

00:58:37 --> 00:58:42

mean Allah yet Russophone Mortara A messenger from God, not the

00:58:42 --> 00:58:45

messenger of God. Like what a messenger from God

00:58:47 --> 00:58:49

who recites purified scriptures.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:56

So chalky done Omar Bashir done when the Iran medallion, we'll see

00:58:56 --> 00:58:58

Rajan money Iran. These are all indefinite nouns.

00:58:59 --> 00:59:04

In this ayah Allah subhanaw taala refers to the prophets of Allah he

00:59:04 --> 00:59:08

saw them as a Suraj this word is used four times in the entire

00:59:08 --> 00:59:11

Quran. If you have a concordance, you can look this up three times

00:59:11 --> 00:59:16

it's explicitly talking about the sun, the chumps. And here the

00:59:16 --> 00:59:20

prophets of Allah the southern is called Suraj. And then this noun

00:59:20 --> 00:59:24

is qualified. Just thank you so much. I'm still having throat

00:59:24 --> 00:59:27

issues, so I need to drink warm beverages.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:32

I'm not contagious. Charlotte's Corona.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:40

This noun is qualified by the adjective money or money or is a

00:59:40 --> 00:59:44

form for active participle is some file which is related to the word

00:59:44 --> 00:59:48

neuter. And it means something that spreads light so a lamp that

00:59:48 --> 00:59:52

emanates light and illuminates those around him. So just as the

00:59:52 --> 00:59:56

sun illuminates those in its orbit, the prophets of allottee so

00:59:56 --> 00:59:58

that illuminates those in his orbit.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

The Sahaba and any who come into contact with them?

01:00:04 --> 01:00:07

I'll tell you, you know yesterday said I met up there live and I'm

01:00:07 --> 01:00:10

gonna ask and said describe the Messenger of Allah to me, he

01:00:10 --> 01:00:13

replied certainly by Allah some of the characteristics by which he is

01:00:13 --> 01:00:19

described in the Quran can also be found in the Torah. Now, in, in

01:00:19 --> 01:00:24

Hadith, or or statements from the sun off, whether we're toda is

01:00:24 --> 01:00:27

mentioned even in the Quran, the torah doesn't necessarily mean the

01:00:27 --> 01:00:31

first five books of the Christian Bible, the Pentateuch, the books

01:00:31 --> 01:00:36

of Moses, the word torah, amongst the many surah is a very loose

01:00:36 --> 01:00:42

term. In fact, TelaDoc it could be, could signify the whole of

01:00:42 --> 01:00:44

their corpus of sacred literature.

01:00:45 --> 01:00:51

So Tara could mean a Jewish sacred text of some sort, not necessarily

01:00:51 --> 01:00:55

the first five books of Moses anyway. So it says,

01:00:56 --> 01:01:00

according to I'm going to believe in Amara loss, there is a

01:01:00 --> 01:01:02

description of the Prophet salallahu Salam, in some sacred

01:01:02 --> 01:01:07

Jewish text, oh Prophet, we have sent you as a witness, a bringer

01:01:07 --> 01:01:10

of good news and a warner and a refuge for the unlettered You are

01:01:10 --> 01:01:14

my slave and my messenger I have called you the one when people

01:01:14 --> 01:01:18

rely one who is neither coarse or vulgar, and who neither shouts in

01:01:18 --> 01:01:22

the markets, nor repays evil with evil but rather pardons and

01:01:22 --> 01:01:26

forgives. Allah will not take him back to himself into the crooked

01:01:26 --> 01:01:29

community has been straightened out by him and they say, there is

01:01:29 --> 01:01:32

no God but Allah threw him blind eyes, deaf ears and covered hearts

01:01:33 --> 01:01:36

will be opened and quote, something similar as reported from

01:01:37 --> 01:01:41

Abdullah bin Salam and kava bar. And both of these are scholars of

01:01:41 --> 01:01:46

Bani Israel, who converted to Islam. Abdullah bin Salam is a

01:01:46 --> 01:01:49

celebrated Sahabi in kava bar is a tattoo theory.

01:01:51 --> 01:01:56

This is it seems like to me this is a commentary, a paraphrase and

01:01:56 --> 01:02:01

a commentary of a passage in the Hebrew Bible which is called

01:02:01 --> 01:02:03

Isaiah chapter 42.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:06

In the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible

01:02:07 --> 01:02:10

it's also found in the Christian Bible, I believe that Isaiah

01:02:10 --> 01:02:15

chapter 42 is a clear Mohammed in typology of foreshadowing of the

01:02:15 --> 01:02:18

prophets of Allah. He said them just give you a few highlights.

01:02:19 --> 01:02:22

From that chapter in the Bible, the Hebrew says hen Abdi, if

01:02:22 --> 01:02:26

mockable Behold, my abdomen, my servant.

01:02:27 --> 01:02:30

So we're going to have a description of someone whose

01:02:30 --> 01:02:34

primary title is Abdullah. And of course, the primary title of the

01:02:34 --> 01:02:38

Prophet sallallaahu Salam in the Quran is Abdullah Subhanallah the

01:02:38 --> 01:02:44

SRB Abdi Alhamdulillah, Allah De Anza, Adil Kitab, to Baraka leadin

01:02:44 --> 01:02:50

Oiselle, for Karna, Allah abtahi and so forth. Oh ha Illa de ma ha.

01:02:51 --> 01:02:56

This is his primary title Behold my servant, whom I uphold. The

01:02:56 --> 01:03:00

Hebrew of Isaiah 42 continues basically that's enough sheet in

01:03:00 --> 01:03:05

whom I sold the lights. And then it says nothing roofie alive, I've

01:03:05 --> 01:03:10

put my roof upon him. The speaker is obviously God here. And he's

01:03:10 --> 01:03:15

saying that I have put my who, upon this app did my spirit of

01:03:15 --> 01:03:15


01:03:17 --> 01:03:21

my spirit of guidance, my spirit of revelation, Misha part of the

01:03:21 --> 01:03:25

game, you'll see he will bring judgment or law in order to the

01:03:25 --> 01:03:32

gleam. Go even as a Hebrew word meaning Gentiles non Jews. The

01:03:32 --> 01:03:36

word in Arabic for GOj, which is the singular of going in is only

01:03:37 --> 01:03:41

me so the Prophet salallahu Salam is called a Nabil omy. In the

01:03:41 --> 01:03:45

Quran. This has different meanings the unlettered prophet or the

01:03:45 --> 01:03:50

Gentile prophet. This is one of the meanings of Nabil, only the

01:03:50 --> 01:03:54

Gentile prophet, the prophet that was prophesized the non Jewish

01:03:54 --> 01:03:57

Gentile Prophet, the universal messenger.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:02

And then it says, interestingly, again, Isaiah 42, though yes, she

01:04:02 --> 01:04:06

may be what's called low in the Hebrew, which means he will not

01:04:06 --> 01:04:10

raise his voice in the marketplace. And our mother Aisha,

01:04:10 --> 01:04:13

she described the Prophet sallallahu Sallam exactly what

01:04:13 --> 01:04:17

these words less Sahaba and fill us work. He doesn't raise his

01:04:17 --> 01:04:21

voice in the marketplace. And this is an indication this is a way of

01:04:21 --> 01:04:25

saying that the prophets character was very mild, mild mannered

01:04:25 --> 01:04:29

salatu salam and this is how he's actually described by saying it in

01:04:29 --> 01:04:33

the famous Hadith and they should make your mama Tirmidhi sadoun

01:04:33 --> 01:04:39

hooky, lay, you know Jannetty that he's easy going. mild mannered.

01:04:39 --> 01:04:43

This is how he's described in the toto and this passage in this

01:04:43 --> 01:04:45

sacred Hebrew Jewish text.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:51

And then it goes on to say in Isaiah 42 It calls this Abbott did

01:04:51 --> 01:04:56

he to arm did it means me fuck. An arm means arm general universal, a

01:04:56 --> 01:05:00

universal covenant. This this opposite this prophet

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

It this unlettered prophet this Gentile prophet. is I let me Yeah.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:09

Right. Well, my understanding that Allah Ramadan Lin Alameen folia,

01:05:09 --> 01:05:13

you had asked in the Rasulullah he lako Jimmy

01:05:15 --> 01:05:20

and then it says oh to go in. He is audible Yemen Hebrew. If I were

01:05:20 --> 01:05:24

to translate that into Arabic, it would be neutral mean. He is

01:05:24 --> 01:05:29

neutral meaning he is the light of the Gentiles. He is the light of

01:05:29 --> 01:05:29

the unlettered.

01:05:31 --> 01:05:34

And then it goes on to talk about how the cattle rights are going to

01:05:35 --> 01:05:39

adopt this prophets message. The cataracts are descendants of

01:05:39 --> 01:05:44

someone named Haider Haider, according to even Hashem is one of

01:05:44 --> 01:05:48

the sons of a smart Elijah Santa and even Hashem He traces the

01:05:48 --> 01:05:52

prophets ancestory salatu salam all the way back to Hadar or

01:05:52 --> 01:05:58

Kadare. In fact, in Hebrew, a very popular way of saying Arabic is to

01:05:58 --> 01:06:02

say Li Shan Hadar, the tongue Lee Sang of of Keidar

01:06:08 --> 01:06:11

and then all the Yachty quotes the eye of the famous ayah in the

01:06:11 --> 01:06:16

Quran AlLadhina tiberiu nagasu lawsuit I nebbia owe me a letter

01:06:16 --> 01:06:18

yet you do not want to burn and houfy talathi One ng those who

01:06:18 --> 01:06:22

follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, the Gentile

01:06:22 --> 01:06:25

Prophet, Nabil at Omi also means the motherly Prophet, like the

01:06:25 --> 01:06:26

nurturing Prophet,

01:06:28 --> 01:06:31

whom they find mentioned in the Torah and in the NG, and then the

01:06:31 --> 01:06:32


01:06:33 --> 01:06:37

commanding them to the right, forbidding them from wrong, making

01:06:37 --> 01:06:40

lawful for them the good things and making it unlawful for them to

01:06:40 --> 01:06:43

foul things, relieving from them, their burdens and the fetters that

01:06:43 --> 01:06:46

are on them. Those who believe in Him and aid him and help him and

01:06:46 --> 01:06:49

follow the light which has been sent down to him. They are the

01:06:49 --> 01:06:53

prosperous This is similar to an hour off, sort of seven, verse

01:06:53 --> 01:06:54


01:06:58 --> 01:06:59

There's a famous

01:07:01 --> 01:07:05

Jewish scholar who became a Muslim. He's a 12th century Jewish

01:07:05 --> 01:07:09

scholars nameless sham you element Yehuda and Marguerite be other

01:07:09 --> 01:07:12

people don't know about him. He was actually the son of a Moroccan

01:07:12 --> 01:07:16

rabbi. And he converted to Islam based on a dream he had.

01:07:18 --> 01:07:21

And then he wrote this incredible book called if hallelujah hood,

01:07:22 --> 01:07:25

the confounding of the Jews in which he argues against Judaism

01:07:25 --> 01:07:31

and for Islam. And he argues for the Messiah ship of a Silas. It's

01:07:31 --> 01:07:34

very interesting book and there's an autobiographical element in his

01:07:34 --> 01:07:39

book that confounding of the Jews as Shammi well, then Yehuda al

01:07:39 --> 01:07:42

McGreevy, so he tells us how he became a Muslim. He said that he

01:07:42 --> 01:07:46

was, he was sleeping at a dream. In his dream, he sees this very

01:07:46 --> 01:07:51

old man sitting under a tree. So he approaches the man and the man

01:07:51 --> 01:07:54

identifies himself as the prophet Samuel. This is a prophet in the

01:07:54 --> 01:07:58

Old Testament, he might be mentioned in the Quran indirectly,

01:07:58 --> 01:08:03

as a newbie by the by the Musa a prophet, after Moses, peace be

01:08:03 --> 01:08:03

upon him.

01:08:04 --> 01:08:08

So then show me well, the prophet Samuel begins to quote something

01:08:08 --> 01:08:12

from the Torah to show me well, then you who done McGreevy and he

01:08:12 --> 01:08:16

quotes to him Deuteronomy 1818. This is a famous passage in the

01:08:16 --> 01:08:20

Hebrew Bible that says NaVi Hakim Lohan, Nicola FAPESP song, that,

01:08:20 --> 01:08:23

that God is the speaker and he says, I'm going to raise up a

01:08:23 --> 01:08:27

prophet from the brethren of the Israelites who's going to be like

01:08:27 --> 01:08:30

Moses, a prophet like Moses, and I shall put My words into this

01:08:30 --> 01:08:34

prophets mouth, and and whatever he says, is only by command.

01:08:35 --> 01:08:36

Right? So then,

01:08:39 --> 01:08:42

Shami well, he says to the Prophet, Samuel, that's you,

01:08:42 --> 01:08:46

right? We were taught that that prophet is you. And then he said

01:08:46 --> 01:08:49

that the prophet Samuel became angry and stood up and walked away

01:08:50 --> 01:08:53

from him. And then he said, he woke up suddenly. And then he

01:08:53 --> 01:08:57

said, he fell back asleep, and it was just before Fajr there's a

01:08:57 --> 01:09:01

Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam stuffer, Ro ER bill as har,

01:09:01 --> 01:09:06

the most true dreams are just before Fajr during the time of

01:09:06 --> 01:09:10

Soho, so he says he fell asleep again. And he said he woke up yet

01:09:10 --> 01:09:14

another dream. He's walking down the corridor into a courtyard, and

01:09:14 --> 01:09:18

a man passes him. And the man says to him, a tear on our school Allah

01:09:18 --> 01:09:22

obey the messenger of God. And he comes into the courtyard and he

01:09:22 --> 01:09:25

sees the Prophet salallahu Salam. And he said, The Prophet was very

01:09:25 --> 01:09:30

busy. He was preparing for husba a military expedition. So Shan Yu

01:09:30 --> 01:09:33

Ali goes right up to the prophets of Allah the setup. And he says,

01:09:33 --> 01:09:35

he takes the prophets hand and he says, I shutter y la ilaha

01:09:35 --> 01:09:40

illallah wa shadow and NACA rasool Allah, and he took great pride

01:09:40 --> 01:09:44

that he that the Prophet himself took his shahada in his dream. Now

01:09:44 --> 01:09:48

he couldn't actually voice he couldn't admit that he'd become

01:09:48 --> 01:09:52

Muslim, because it was a dangerous situation for him. His father was

01:09:52 --> 01:09:55

a rabbi. But years later he did, but he made it a point in his

01:09:55 --> 01:09:59

autobiography that I was able to say, Adam Mecca and I bear witness

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59

that you

01:10:00 --> 01:10:03

We have the messenger of God rather than Muhammad Rasool Allah

01:10:05 --> 01:10:06

is very interesting text.

01:10:09 --> 01:10:11

Anyway, the dominant opinion is that

01:10:13 --> 01:10:16

or a strong opinion is that many of the descriptions of the Prophet

01:10:16 --> 01:10:20

sallallahu Sallam has been lifted from the Torah and the Gospel, and

01:10:20 --> 01:10:25

that the text has been corrupted as Tane fullness. Imam Arrazi

01:10:25 --> 01:10:27

doesn't necessarily agree with this and says, if you look hard

01:10:27 --> 01:10:31

enough, you'll find that there are in fact, descriptions of him, but

01:10:31 --> 01:10:34

it takes a sort of more sophisticated analysis.

01:10:36 --> 01:10:39

And then others are Yadier mentions this beautiful ayah from

01:10:39 --> 01:10:46

Surah Ali Imran verse 159. This iconic idea which sort of

01:10:46 --> 01:10:50

demonstrates the description of the Prophet we've been talking

01:10:50 --> 01:10:54

about the verse begins Fatima Rama team in Allah healing telephone.

01:10:55 --> 01:10:57

If you know something about Arabic, you know this Matt is Matt

01:10:57 --> 01:11:03

exactly that Fabian Martin. So it is part of the incredible mercy

01:11:04 --> 01:11:08

from Allah, that you are lenient with them.

01:11:11 --> 01:11:15

If you had been harsh, well, I couldn't believe I'll call the

01:11:15 --> 01:11:20

lung for Doom in Holic five who must offer level was showered who

01:11:20 --> 01:11:20


01:11:21 --> 01:11:25

so either Assumpta fatawa, QCL, Allah Allah in Allah who have been

01:11:25 --> 01:11:28

with the wiki, if you had been harsh or hard hearted, you would

01:11:28 --> 01:11:33

have seen men scattered from your presence. So pardon them and ask

01:11:33 --> 01:11:38

forgiveness for them in the MSA. Pardon, that means that you know,

01:11:38 --> 01:11:41

if people transgress against you personally, just forgive them. If

01:11:41 --> 01:11:45

people transgress against the produce of Allah that ask a lot of

01:11:45 --> 01:11:47

forgive them, make it still far for them,

01:11:48 --> 01:11:52

and consult them in, in the affair. And this means the

01:11:52 --> 01:11:56

political affairs, the URL and I ask a question here, why would the

01:11:56 --> 01:12:01

prophets have a lot he set it up? Who speeches ye and who has ESMA?

01:12:01 --> 01:12:07

Why would he consult people about political affairs? So Mr. Ross, he

01:12:07 --> 01:12:09

says he's doing this simply set a precedent.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:13

Right, because he's the last prophet. Listen, leaders who come

01:12:13 --> 01:12:18

after him are no prophets. They can make mistakes. So he's setting

01:12:18 --> 01:12:21

a precedent that you have to conduct your affairs through a

01:12:21 --> 01:12:26

shura to a most mutual consultation of some point of some

01:12:26 --> 01:12:29

sort, to ensure that a tyranny doesn't arise,

01:12:31 --> 01:12:32

or long lie them.

01:12:34 --> 01:12:37

Somehow Gandhi said Allah's reminding them that he made his

01:12:37 --> 01:12:40

messenger merciful to the believers, compassionate and

01:12:40 --> 01:12:45

lenient. If he had been harsh and severe in speech, they would have

01:12:45 --> 01:12:49

left him however, Allah made him magnanimous, easygoing, cheerful,

01:12:49 --> 01:12:52

kind, and gentle. One of the names of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

01:12:52 --> 01:12:56

according promiscuity is at the heart, the smiling Prophet, the

01:12:56 --> 01:12:57

laughing Prophet

01:13:00 --> 01:13:04

easygoing, he's able to defuse situations even with some humor,

01:13:04 --> 01:13:06

you can defuse situations.

01:13:08 --> 01:13:11

One of my favorite examples, how do you think Behati very famous

01:13:11 --> 01:13:14

Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam was walking in Medina, his

01:13:14 --> 01:13:18

city is the head of state without Isha, and a group of your hood and

01:13:18 --> 01:13:21

there was some animosity between them. During this time between the

01:13:21 --> 01:13:25

Muslims in the hood, a group of yahood passing by, and one of them

01:13:25 --> 01:13:28

says a semi naked and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam immediately

01:13:28 --> 01:13:29

responds why they go.

01:13:31 --> 01:13:34

And so as samurai liquid means my death be upon you.

01:13:35 --> 01:13:39

Right? This is interesting. This is a good principle. The Prophet

01:13:39 --> 01:13:42

saw a lot, he said, and he said that the movement is Mottola

01:13:42 --> 01:13:47

there, but he's not the valley. There's a difference. The Mothman

01:13:47 --> 01:13:52

is humble, but he's never humiliated. The Muslim does not

01:13:52 --> 01:13:56

humiliate himself. The Muslim has self respect, the Muslim is not a

01:13:56 --> 01:14:00

doormat. So very quickly as to why they come and then I actually

01:14:00 --> 01:14:05

thought that the Prophet didn't hear them correctly. Right. She

01:14:05 --> 01:14:09

thought that the Prophet heard a Sudan line equal so she turns

01:14:09 --> 01:14:14

around and she says was semi lyrical Well, Nana Tula will have

01:14:14 --> 01:14:15

Allah Aliko

01:14:16 --> 01:14:20

and death be upon you, and the anger and wrath of God and the

01:14:20 --> 01:14:24

curse of God and the prophets of Oh, my Helen like take it easy.

01:14:26 --> 01:14:31

Take it easy. In Allah ha You hippo rift is is what he told her

01:14:31 --> 01:14:33

in the law, your hipbone risk.

01:14:34 --> 01:14:40

Phil Emery Cooley Allah subhanho wa Taala loves gentleness in all

01:14:40 --> 01:14:45

affairs. He's the head of state in Medina. You know, people get angry

01:14:45 --> 01:14:46

now because

01:14:47 --> 01:14:49

you know, they're in a grocery store or something and somebody

01:14:49 --> 01:14:53

you know, says oh, look at this Muslim, * or whatnot.

01:14:53 --> 01:14:57

The prophets in Medina, I mean, obviously things like that, you

01:14:57 --> 01:14:59

know, should be addressed but this is what you should expect.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

But in Medina in his own city when he's the head of state this is

01:15:02 --> 01:15:03

happening to him

01:15:04 --> 01:15:05

and look at his response

01:15:08 --> 01:15:12

when you're from a risk you from a higher this hadith and Muslim,

01:15:12 --> 01:15:15

whoever is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good

01:15:20 --> 01:15:23

so I should say Did you hear what they said? And he said Didn't you

01:15:23 --> 01:15:24

hear what I said?

01:15:28 --> 01:15:32

Allah subhana wa Tada says, So continuing, while they are yet he

01:15:32 --> 01:15:36

quotes this verse Al Baqarah 143 Because Attica John nakoma

01:15:36 --> 01:15:41

tawassul top, thus we have made you a middle community. So that

01:15:41 --> 01:15:46

you the prophets I send them would be, will be sorry that you the

01:15:46 --> 01:15:49

Muslims will be witnesses against people, and so that the messenger

01:15:49 --> 01:15:50

would be a witness against you.

01:15:51 --> 01:15:54

But hasn't Alec obviously said in this ayah Allah makes it clear the

01:15:54 --> 01:15:59

excellence of our Prophet and the excellence of his community. The

01:15:59 --> 01:16:04

OMA Lasota the middle nation, this is verse 143 of 286 right in the

01:16:04 --> 01:16:06

middle of Bukhara.

01:16:07 --> 01:16:11

So, with respect to theology, I might have mentioned this here

01:16:11 --> 01:16:15

last time, or maybe it was the other Masjid Mr. Rossi says that

01:16:15 --> 01:16:17

with respect to theology,

01:16:18 --> 01:16:23

we are we do not practice what's known as Tisha B, which is a

01:16:23 --> 01:16:26

Christian practice the practice of the majeste Sima the

01:16:26 --> 01:16:30

anthropomorphise, the Christians they put a lot in his creation.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:35

They believe in incarnation list theology that God dwells within

01:16:35 --> 01:16:36

his creation,

01:16:37 --> 01:16:42

or the other extreme Jewish theology taty also more presently,

01:16:42 --> 01:16:46

theology, a God is so transcendent that they started to deny that he

01:16:46 --> 01:16:48

even has attributes

01:16:51 --> 01:16:55

with respect to Christology, the Jewish position with respect to

01:16:55 --> 01:17:01

Esau as the Jewish position is that he is a human, non divine

01:17:01 --> 01:17:02

False Prophet.

01:17:04 --> 01:17:09

The Christian position is that he is a human divine Prophet divine.

01:17:10 --> 01:17:14

Right. So this is based on a doctrine or dogma they have called

01:17:14 --> 01:17:19

hypostatic union, that a Silas is a human being with two natures,

01:17:19 --> 01:17:25

he's 100% God, and 100% Man, the Muslim position is that he was a

01:17:25 --> 01:17:32

human, non divine prophet. So the essence is human be particular is

01:17:32 --> 01:17:36

profit. That's the what and the who, of Islamic Christology.

01:17:37 --> 01:17:40

With respect to the practical aspect, the most virtuous

01:17:40 --> 01:17:47

lifestyle for Catholic Christians is to join a religious order, and

01:17:47 --> 01:17:49

take vows of chastity and poverty.

01:17:50 --> 01:17:54

So to be poor and celibate, is the most virtuous type of lifestyle.

01:17:56 --> 01:18:00

For Protestants, one is saved by faith alone. This is a doctrine

01:18:00 --> 01:18:06

called sola fee de ultimately, good works do not factor in at all

01:18:06 --> 01:18:11

at all, when it comes to one's salvation, so this leads to a type

01:18:11 --> 01:18:15

of antinomianism is one of those fancy words that academics use

01:18:15 --> 01:18:20

antinomianism means a rejection of Shetty, ah, people who reject the

01:18:20 --> 01:18:23

Shediac there's nothing to ground them. So you start making claims.

01:18:26 --> 01:18:30

For Jews, at least the Orthodox and conservative, the most

01:18:30 --> 01:18:36

virtuous life is where one or a person tries to complete all of

01:18:36 --> 01:18:41

the 613 commandments mentioned in the Torah, a project that could

01:18:41 --> 01:18:46

take several lifetimes. So a lot of people don't know this, but

01:18:46 --> 01:18:48

Orthodox Jews believe in reincarnation.

01:18:49 --> 01:18:53

It's a traditional orthodox belief, it's called Gilgal Harnish

01:18:53 --> 01:18:58

Shama in Hebrew. In other words, the Jewish Shediac, the Halacha of

01:18:58 --> 01:19:02

bunny soil is so vast, it's so cumbersome,

01:19:03 --> 01:19:07

right? That it takes several lifetimes, and you have to do all

01:19:07 --> 01:19:07

the commandments.

01:19:11 --> 01:19:14

In Islam, there's a balance. According to the hadith of

01:19:15 --> 01:19:20

Gabriel, Islam, Iman and Hassan Islam in this context means

01:19:20 --> 01:19:24

outward submission eemaan, meaning an inward submission, inward

01:19:24 --> 01:19:29

belief and then axon is the relational aspect. And if there's

01:19:29 --> 01:19:30

deficiency in good deeds,

01:19:32 --> 01:19:35

then there's there's purification in the grave. There's I've able to

01:19:35 --> 01:19:41

cover there's a hard hisab or hard reckoning on the human the piano.

01:19:42 --> 01:19:45

There's even according to the Sunni tradition,

01:19:46 --> 01:19:50

some of the malarkey doing some of the monotheists that were lacks in

01:19:50 --> 01:19:53

their prayer and things like that there's a purification and

01:19:53 --> 01:19:58

Jahannam and they'll come out of that eventually. So good works

01:19:58 --> 01:19:59

means means something Oh,

01:20:00 --> 01:20:03

Ultimately we're saved by grace and cloud a lot either in the

01:20:03 --> 01:20:07

lobby silicon Donald Jana, eventually Java to either

01:20:09 --> 01:20:12

so it's a middle way the profit the Quran says eat and drink, but

01:20:12 --> 01:20:16

not to access. The Prophet said and decaf, so naughty

01:20:17 --> 01:20:22

for Magnolia and so naughty Felisa many marriages my so not my

01:20:22 --> 01:20:26

normative practice, whoever turns away from my practice is not from

01:20:26 --> 01:20:26


01:20:30 --> 01:20:35

These are all sort of the aspects of the ummah. Lasota Martin basato

01:20:40 --> 01:20:44

Allah says another idea in this the messenger as a witness against

01:20:44 --> 01:20:47

you and your witnesses against the people. And then he quotes this

01:20:47 --> 01:20:51

famous famous verse, verse 41, from an ISA.

01:20:53 --> 01:20:56

Okay for either gentlemen Kulu Mateen Bucha here now because

01:20:56 --> 01:21:00

Allahu Allah is Shaheed how will it be when we bring a witness from

01:21:00 --> 01:21:04

every community and we bring you as a witness against these, and

01:21:04 --> 01:21:08

the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, he, he had a villa in Massoud recite

01:21:08 --> 01:21:11

this ayah and when he got to this Surah, when he gets to this ayah,

01:21:11 --> 01:21:14

the prophet began to weep according to the Hadith.

01:21:16 --> 01:21:18

So he means a balanced and good

01:21:19 --> 01:21:22

balanced community balance is always seen as something that's

01:21:22 --> 01:21:23

good and this is,

01:21:24 --> 01:21:27

this is transhistorical transcendental even if you go to

01:21:27 --> 01:21:31

Eastern philosophy, the way of the Buddha is the middle way.

01:21:32 --> 01:21:36

If you go to Confucius, the Middle Way ancient Greek philosophy,

01:21:36 --> 01:21:39

Plato said May they are gone in Greek, which means never in

01:21:39 --> 01:21:40


01:21:41 --> 01:21:43

He's talking about good things, not bad things.

01:21:46 --> 01:21:49

Allah subhanaw taala says he quotes other I hear from sorta

01:21:49 --> 01:21:50

Eunice is number two

01:21:52 --> 01:21:55

well that should Alladhina amanu another home koderma sitcom in the

01:21:55 --> 01:21:59

rugby him give good news to those who believe that they have a sure

01:21:59 --> 01:22:01

footing with their Lord.

01:22:02 --> 01:22:07

A Tada Hassan adversities they even know Aslam these are

01:22:07 --> 01:22:11

champions of the Tiberian they said the sure footing the condom a

01:22:11 --> 01:22:15

sitcom mentioned in this ayah Surah Yunus is number two chapter

01:22:15 --> 01:22:18

10 Verse Two is the prophets of the Lord he said that

01:22:22 --> 01:22:26

it was sorry that was a Sahabi said the same thing Salah to study

01:22:26 --> 01:22:30

said it's the pre ordained mercy which a lot placed in Mohamed

01:22:30 --> 01:22:33

Salah body send them so had to study as a third century scholar

01:22:33 --> 01:22:34

from Persia.

01:22:36 --> 01:22:37

So you know he's really smart.

01:22:41 --> 01:22:41


01:22:44 --> 01:22:47

there's another verse here I skipped over it last week but

01:22:47 --> 01:22:51

verse 256 of an Bacara this right after I attended quotacy

01:22:53 --> 01:22:55

were allowed to kind of what to Allah says Whoever believes in

01:22:55 --> 01:23:00

Allah has taken hold of the firm as handled an order what to do

01:23:00 --> 01:23:03

with car and or what will with car

01:23:04 --> 01:23:08

door Fernanda salami said this is the Prophet sallallahu he said. So

01:23:08 --> 01:23:10

he is sure footing and affirm handhold

01:23:12 --> 01:23:13

so you can think of an analogy.

01:23:14 --> 01:23:15

Imagine a parable.

01:23:17 --> 01:23:19

Imagine you have to climb the face of a steep mountain.

01:23:22 --> 01:23:25

And you have a friend at the top of the mountain who throws down to

01:23:25 --> 01:23:29

you a safety cable which is tied us around your waist. So we tie

01:23:29 --> 01:23:32

the safety cable around your waist. And then your friend tells

01:23:32 --> 01:23:35

you exactly where to put your feet in your hands. Put your hand here,

01:23:35 --> 01:23:39

put your foot here, put your hand here. So in this parable, your

01:23:39 --> 01:23:43

friend at the top is ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is only a parable. When he

01:23:43 --> 01:23:44

laid the method in Allah.

01:23:45 --> 01:23:46

The goal is to reach him.

01:23:47 --> 01:23:48

He throws down to you a

01:23:50 --> 01:23:57

a lifeline a safety cable habit Allah. This is the analogy use

01:23:57 --> 01:24:01

where I just seem to be heavily lucky Jimmy and Walter Farah who

01:24:01 --> 01:24:05

hold on tightly all of you to the cable extension the Safety Line,

01:24:06 --> 01:24:09

the safety rope, the safety cable, however you want to say it that

01:24:09 --> 01:24:12

Allah subhanaw taala extends down for you.

01:24:14 --> 01:24:19

And then the handholds and footholds. caught them a sitcom or

01:24:19 --> 01:24:20

what will what call these are the Sunnah.

01:24:22 --> 01:24:22

These are the sudden

01:24:23 --> 01:24:26

loss of Hanoi to add on of course the steep hill represents the

01:24:26 --> 01:24:31

dunya how do we get through the dunya and meet our friend at the

01:24:31 --> 01:24:31

top as it worked?

01:24:33 --> 01:24:36

Is we have the Quran and Sunnah have a little lot of them are

01:24:36 --> 01:24:40

sipping or what will with QA. There are some who tie the rope

01:24:40 --> 01:24:44

around their waist and they reject the footholds and handholds said I

01:24:44 --> 01:24:47

need this I'll find my own way. So they start climbing and they slip.

01:24:48 --> 01:24:52

And then the rope, right catches them from falling. They climb some

01:24:52 --> 01:24:54

more and they slip and the rope catches them and they almost get

01:24:54 --> 01:24:56

to the top. The rope snapped and they fall in their doom.

01:24:58 --> 01:25:00

Because there's no separating the

01:25:00 --> 01:25:04

Quran from sunnah illogical position. The Quran says to Allah

01:25:04 --> 01:25:09

what your Rasul obey Allah obey Allah which means obey the Quran

01:25:09 --> 01:25:11

and obey Rasul. What is that sunnah?

01:25:14 --> 01:25:15

It's an illogical position

01:25:16 --> 01:25:17

doesn't make any sense.

01:25:20 --> 01:25:24

Someone says I only follow the Quran and they drink alcohol. You

01:25:24 --> 01:25:26

only follow the Quran really?

01:25:35 --> 01:25:38

Section three now, let's see how we're doing on time.

01:25:39 --> 01:25:40

So halfway there any questions?

01:25:42 --> 01:25:43

Clarifying questions or

01:25:45 --> 01:25:49

everything's okay. All right, section three concerning allows

01:25:49 --> 01:25:50

kindness and gentleness to him.

01:25:51 --> 01:25:55

So called the area equals this idea which is I have 43 of a Toba

01:25:55 --> 01:26:00

943 Allah has pardoned you. Why did you give them leave before it

01:26:00 --> 01:26:03

was clear to you which of them spoke the truth? And you knew the

01:26:03 --> 01:26:05

liars? So the Prophet saw the law, the sentiment he's being

01:26:05 --> 01:26:10

admonished here is reprimanded here by Allah subhanho wa taala.

01:26:10 --> 01:26:12

And this happens a few times a couple of times in the Quran.

01:26:14 --> 01:26:18

Some of Kandi said that, that Allah that, that one of the people

01:26:18 --> 01:26:21

of knowledge that Allah has protected the meaning of Allah as

01:26:21 --> 01:26:25

part in you, is Allah is protected you sound of heart. Why did you

01:26:25 --> 01:26:30

then give them leave? He says, if the prophet had first been

01:26:30 --> 01:26:33

addressed with the words, why did you give them leave? If that was

01:26:33 --> 01:26:38

the beginning of the I, Lima event, Allah whom he says his

01:26:38 --> 01:26:43

heart might have burst out of terror? At these words, a direct

01:26:43 --> 01:26:47

reprimand from Allah subhanho wa taala. However, Allah subhana wa

01:26:47 --> 01:26:51

Tada informed him first of pardoned by his mercy so that his

01:26:51 --> 01:26:56

heart would remain calm. And only then did he say to him Vemma I

01:26:56 --> 01:26:58

think to love them, why did you give them leave? So the prophets

01:26:58 --> 01:27:01

of Allah they said that he gave some men permission to stay behind

01:27:01 --> 01:27:05

and not go out for the taboo expedition. So his point here is

01:27:05 --> 01:27:09

that Allah subhanaw taala began the reprimand to his hubby by

01:27:09 --> 01:27:10

saying, I felt alone I think,

01:27:12 --> 01:27:16

I've already forgiven you. But why did you? Why did you give them

01:27:16 --> 01:27:16


01:27:19 --> 01:27:21

And this is different if Allah would have said ha for Allah who

01:27:21 --> 01:27:24

lack referral, right?

01:27:25 --> 01:27:28

lafora According to Imam Al Ghazali is one of the names of

01:27:28 --> 01:27:33

Allah Allah Horfield I look a fool I look afar refer needs to conceal

01:27:33 --> 01:27:36

something according to my mentors as early in its etymology to

01:27:36 --> 01:27:38

conceal it but it's still kind of there.

01:27:39 --> 01:27:46

But I fu Allah is the facer Alpha Allahu eink erased it completely.

01:27:47 --> 01:27:50

Say Mama bizarrely says this is more effectual. This is this is

01:27:50 --> 01:27:55

more soothing to the heart. That here I love again i follow Anke

01:27:55 --> 01:27:58

it's completely gone. But why did you give them leave?

01:28:00 --> 01:28:03

This shows the highest station with a lost his father yet

01:28:04 --> 01:28:07

which is not hidden from anyone with the least intelligence it

01:28:07 --> 01:28:10

shows the honor by which he holds his prophet and his kindness to

01:28:10 --> 01:28:14

him. And if the whole of it were known, the heart would burst.

01:28:17 --> 01:28:22

Same applies to the words we know that what they say grieves you are

01:28:22 --> 01:28:26

the non animal inner who zuka and Lydia Kowloon.

01:28:28 --> 01:28:30

We know that what they say grieves you gives you a frozen

01:28:32 --> 01:28:36

in the hula you can see Buddha while Akina Bali Mina be it lahaie

01:28:36 --> 01:28:43

Ah ha Dune, it is not you they call a liar, but the evildoers it

01:28:43 --> 01:28:47

is the signs of Allah the Ayatollah that they deny.

01:28:49 --> 01:28:54

So what is the ISA the wish of the king did not doubt the sincerity

01:28:54 --> 01:28:59

of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He mama Tubridy Imam has a machete

01:28:59 --> 01:29:03

they mentioned that they nicknamed him a Saudi coal I mean, that was

01:29:03 --> 01:29:07

their name for him. It's not a name given in the Quran or Hadith,

01:29:07 --> 01:29:11

although he's called Amin, and saw them in sacred texts as well. But

01:29:11 --> 01:29:14

this is before the the Bertha.

01:29:15 --> 01:29:20

They claimed they claimed that the Prophet was sort of sincerely

01:29:20 --> 01:29:26

deluded. But this was also just an excuse. This is not accurate as

01:29:26 --> 01:29:31

well, because the ISS lacking ivali mean a big lie Yes. Why

01:29:31 --> 01:29:37

don't they have Giroud in Arabic, the verb yatch. Hadwin comes from

01:29:38 --> 01:29:42

the word Giroud coup for a Jew food is to know something is true

01:29:42 --> 01:29:47

in your heart, but you just can't bring yourself to acknowledge it

01:29:47 --> 01:29:48

with the tongue.

01:29:49 --> 01:29:52

You hold the belief in the club, but it's not going to manifest on

01:29:52 --> 01:29:59

the tongue. Why? Out of arrogance, or some sort of ulterior motive

01:29:59 --> 01:29:59


01:30:00 --> 01:30:05

or out of spite. Right? People just can't admit they're wrong

01:30:05 --> 01:30:09

about something. It said that Abuja have told the prophet, we do

01:30:09 --> 01:30:13

not call you a liar. We say that what you have brought is a lie. So

01:30:13 --> 01:30:16

I'll reveal this if it is also related that the Prophet was

01:30:16 --> 01:30:19

distressed when his people cried lies against him. So attribute Ali

01:30:19 --> 01:30:23

Salam came to him and said, Why are you distressed? He said, My

01:30:23 --> 01:30:26

people have called me a liar. Gibreel said, they know that

01:30:26 --> 01:30:30

you're telling the truth. Then Allah sent down this ayah.

01:30:31 --> 01:30:35

So this was very shocking to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, these

01:30:35 --> 01:30:38

people who always loved him and trusted him and gave him these

01:30:38 --> 01:30:41

lofty titles, just suddenly accusing him of being a liar.

01:30:44 --> 01:30:44

I don't know if I can

01:30:45 --> 01:30:49

give an adequate analogy. You know, Galileo was

01:30:50 --> 01:30:53

an Italian astronomer for the 17th century, you guys know, Galileo,

01:30:54 --> 01:30:56

Galileo, who probably had a 200 IQ.

01:30:57 --> 01:31:02

And he was a Catholic. And so he was a genius. Everyone knew he's a

01:31:02 --> 01:31:05

genius. Imagine like, he goes to some of his colleagues. And he

01:31:05 --> 01:31:09

says, You know, I think it's heliocentrism I think the earth is

01:31:09 --> 01:31:10

going around the sun.

01:31:11 --> 01:31:12

They say, what are you stupid?

01:31:13 --> 01:31:18

Imagine how that would hit him. How can I be? I'm gonna let your

01:31:18 --> 01:31:22

you've called me a genius, my whole life. And now I'm suddenly

01:31:22 --> 01:31:23

stupid. It doesn't make any sense.

01:31:25 --> 01:31:27

You just don't like what I'm saying. Because

01:31:28 --> 01:31:32

there's, there's something about your doctrine that it doesn't sit

01:31:32 --> 01:31:32

well with you.

01:31:33 --> 01:31:37

It's like the allegory of the cave that Plato gives in the republic

01:31:37 --> 01:31:40

is people sitting in a cave looking at shadows on the wall,

01:31:40 --> 01:31:44

one man gets up and he sees the actual forms the the reality of

01:31:44 --> 01:31:46

what's casting the shadows. So he goes back to the people and he

01:31:46 --> 01:31:51

says, this is fake. This is a reflection, realities outside and

01:31:51 --> 01:31:54

they say shut up and sit down. You don't know what you're talking

01:31:54 --> 01:31:57

about. They start beating him. So he sits down, but now he's blind.

01:31:57 --> 01:31:58

You can't see the shadows anymore.

01:32:01 --> 01:32:06

People just get they get comfortable in their ways. Right.

01:32:06 --> 01:32:12

So Mama Tubridy says, the real reason why they rejected the Koran

01:32:12 --> 01:32:17

is because of their moral stubbornness. They did not want to

01:32:17 --> 01:32:21

be moral people, they enjoy their hedonistic lifestyles.

01:32:22 --> 01:32:27

So the prophets that Theo centrism he put God at the center is moral

01:32:27 --> 01:32:31

principles would compromise their positions of power and influence

01:32:32 --> 01:32:33

and pleasure.

01:32:34 --> 01:32:37

So most of them we should again actually respected the Prophet

01:32:37 --> 01:32:41

sallallahu sallam, they respected him, but they could not accept his

01:32:41 --> 01:32:41


01:32:43 --> 01:32:47

Conversely, most of the Bani Israel, Elan Yathrib in Madina

01:32:47 --> 01:32:53

Munawwara they they respected his message is to hate, but they can't

01:32:53 --> 01:32:54

accept the man

01:32:55 --> 01:32:58

because he's not, he's not Jewish, he's Arab. And there was a

01:32:58 --> 01:33:02

prevalent belief amongst them. I mean, systematic Jewish theology,

01:33:02 --> 01:33:04

wasn't born for another 400 years.

01:33:06 --> 01:33:09

Apparently, there was a belief that there are no Gentile

01:33:09 --> 01:33:13

prophets. The hadith says that many of the Jews in Medina did

01:33:13 --> 01:33:14

believe he was a prophet

01:33:15 --> 01:33:18

Behati says that there's it relates to Hadith, that they would

01:33:18 --> 01:33:19

sneeze in his presence on purpose.

01:33:21 --> 01:33:22

See him walk by.

01:33:23 --> 01:33:25

And then the problem is that you're humble Kamala to me,

01:33:26 --> 01:33:29

because they thought he was a prophet, but he's for the Arabs.

01:33:30 --> 01:33:32

He's not for us.

01:33:34 --> 01:33:34

This type of thing.

01:33:37 --> 01:33:37

All right.

01:33:39 --> 01:33:42

Oh, by the way, that verse, we know we know that what they say

01:33:42 --> 01:33:46

grieves you is not you they call a liar, but the evildoers that's

01:33:46 --> 01:33:46

sort of

01:33:48 --> 01:33:50

chapter six verse 33.

01:33:55 --> 01:33:56

Now on page 14,

01:33:59 --> 01:34:02

then Allah console says, This is the second full paragraph.

01:34:03 --> 01:34:06

Then Allah consultive and makes them rejoice by what he says about

01:34:06 --> 01:34:10

those before and the promise of his help to come. So let us find

01:34:10 --> 01:34:12

out what to add. It tells the Prophet salallahu Salam in the

01:34:12 --> 01:34:18

next if I have 34 Sorta. What could the bathroom in Kawika

01:34:18 --> 01:34:23

messengers before you were belied Subaru or landmark could zebu

01:34:25 --> 01:34:29

they endured patiently that they were called liars. Woohoo, and

01:34:29 --> 01:34:36

they suffered HUD ta home Asuna until our help came to them

01:34:39 --> 01:34:41

and then called the REI dimensions, among the things that

01:34:41 --> 01:34:43

are mentioned about his special qualities, the facade is of the

01:34:43 --> 01:34:48

Prophet salallahu Salam is that Allah subhana wa Tala addresses

01:34:48 --> 01:34:53

the other prophets by their actual first names is some Adam. Yeah,

01:34:53 --> 01:34:59

Adam. Yeah, newer. Yeah, Ibrahim. Yeah, Musa yada, would ya a

01:34:59 --> 01:34:59


01:35:00 --> 01:35:04

Yep, yes sir Korea Yeah, yeah. But he never says yeah Mohammed in the

01:35:04 --> 01:35:09

Quran that Allah Subhana Allah uses the title of the Prophet so

01:35:09 --> 01:35:12

the lady said, yeah, you have Rasul.

01:35:13 --> 01:35:15

Yeah. Are you Hannah BU?

01:35:16 --> 01:35:19

Yeah. Are you Helen Muslim? Yeah, you have a

01:35:24 --> 01:35:28

section for concerning a loss swearing by his imminent by his

01:35:29 --> 01:35:30

immense worth.

01:35:31 --> 01:35:39

Allah quotes the IEA 72 solo tour hedger, Lam Ruka. Lambert Ruka. In

01:35:39 --> 01:35:43

the homeless is Socratic anemia and Mahone. By your life, Allah

01:35:43 --> 01:35:46

takes an oath by the life of the prophet they said, they are

01:35:46 --> 01:35:48

wandering about in their drunkenness

01:35:50 --> 01:35:53

and even not best said, I have not heard that a law made an oath by

01:35:53 --> 01:35:55

the life of any other person.

01:35:59 --> 01:36:03

A lot did not create originate or make any soul that he honored more

01:36:03 --> 01:36:07

than the soul the prophesy said. Allah says yes, email Quran Al

01:36:07 --> 01:36:07


01:36:09 --> 01:36:10

What surah is this?

01:36:11 --> 01:36:12

I think that's good.

01:36:15 --> 01:36:18

The commentators disagree about the meaning of Yacine saying

01:36:18 --> 01:36:20

different things about it. Abu Mohammed McKee related that the

01:36:20 --> 01:36:24

Prophet said I have 10 names with my Lord. I think this hadith is

01:36:25 --> 01:36:29

shemail as well. He mentioned Taha, and Eocene. So these are

01:36:29 --> 01:36:34

from the ayat moto Shabbiha. These are these are obscure verses that

01:36:34 --> 01:36:39

are not definitively established in their meanings. They're 29

01:36:39 --> 01:36:41

suatu of the Quran that begin with these

01:36:42 --> 01:36:46

booklet that as they're called is disjointed letters. And if not

01:36:46 --> 01:36:51

mean LF membre hammy Yacine cough noon Cafe Yeah.

01:36:53 --> 01:36:58

So Allahu Allah, some some of the orlimar engaged in the wheel wheel

01:36:58 --> 01:37:02

is like a esoteric exegesis. But all of them say Allahu Allah,

01:37:02 --> 01:37:02

nobody really knows.

01:37:05 --> 01:37:07

But that's the thing about a scholar you say? Nobody knows it.

01:37:07 --> 01:37:09

Well, maybe it means there's a lot

01:37:12 --> 01:37:17

of the ramen ramen a tsunami set. A Jaffa saw there was a great Imam

01:37:17 --> 01:37:21

of Al Azhar. No one Gemma by the way. Jaffa saw duck is the sixth

01:37:22 --> 01:37:29

imam of the Shia. But we claim him as a Sunni Imam. He was a teacher

01:37:29 --> 01:37:33

of melograno and us in Abu Hanifa is the great great great grandson

01:37:33 --> 01:37:36

of the Prophet salallahu Salam, WA Jaffa saw.

01:37:37 --> 01:37:40

He said the meaning of Yacine as you say yet

01:37:42 --> 01:37:43

addressing the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

01:37:46 --> 01:37:48

There's a popular book that some of our brethren love called keytab

01:37:48 --> 01:37:49

bitter heed

01:37:51 --> 01:37:53

by Hamid Abdul Wahab

01:37:54 --> 01:37:58

very popular book where he says that calling the prophets say it

01:37:58 --> 01:37:59

is not preferable.

01:38:01 --> 01:38:03

Quotes a hadith of Abu Dawood

01:38:05 --> 01:38:06

but he classifies it as weak.

01:38:07 --> 01:38:11

But he says nonetheless, he quotes the hadith of a waft a delegation

01:38:11 --> 01:38:15

from Benny Omer came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and

01:38:15 --> 01:38:20

they said until say, you do not you are say it. The Prophet said,

01:38:20 --> 01:38:22

I say it Allah, Allah has to say it.

01:38:24 --> 01:38:28

Then you continue total Nadi Salam don't let che tun provoke you. In

01:38:28 --> 01:38:33

other words, be careful about exaggerating my status. This is

01:38:33 --> 01:38:35

not a prohibition against calling him say it.

01:38:36 --> 01:38:38

Right? He is a seated.

01:38:39 --> 01:38:43

In fact, the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He said Ibni had that say

01:38:43 --> 01:38:49

you don't? Who's he talking about? Imam Hassan, his grandson? How can

01:38:49 --> 01:38:53

Imam Hassan be you say it but the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has not

01:38:53 --> 01:38:56

say it or it's not preferable to call him said the Prophet said in

01:38:56 --> 01:39:00

a hadith that is absolutely sound because he intended the NSA you do

01:39:00 --> 01:39:06

well the Adam was in the master of the children of Adam. And it's not

01:39:06 --> 01:39:10

a boast. This is the truth. Allah subhana wa Donna says in the Quran

01:39:11 --> 01:39:16

about Yeah, it Salaam mahkamah Yasha is not MACOM of the prophets

01:39:16 --> 01:39:16

of Allah. He said.

01:39:17 --> 01:39:20

Yeah, it's not even from the oral Azim in our Rasul

01:39:24 --> 01:39:27

Allah He but she looked at me yeah Musa Combi Callie met him in

01:39:27 --> 01:39:32

Allah. He was a Yidden waha Surah that yeah, it's called sacred.

01:39:34 --> 01:39:38

So if you know your Aki da, then it is preferable

01:39:40 --> 01:39:44

to refer to the Prophet salallahu Salam as sacred because this is

01:39:44 --> 01:39:45

the reality.

01:39:47 --> 01:39:50

If you don't know Arcada you're using terms for a law and for the

01:39:50 --> 01:39:51

profit then.

01:39:52 --> 01:39:55

Right? Like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said don't write down

01:39:55 --> 01:39:59

the Hadith initially. So that's not confused with the Quran, but

01:39:59 --> 01:39:59

want to become familiar.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:02

With the Quran you become familiar with the Hadith, then start

01:40:02 --> 01:40:04

recording things and record my Hadith

01:40:09 --> 01:40:12

This is why when you make like, when you make Dawa to someone you

01:40:12 --> 01:40:17

don't, you should first you shouldn't be talking about Jinn

01:40:19 --> 01:40:22

in your first dollar attempt to talk about Toki

01:40:26 --> 01:40:29

or you start giving expositions of the shitty art and things like

01:40:29 --> 01:40:29


01:40:32 --> 01:40:33

you're going to lose people

01:40:38 --> 01:40:41

loss of kind of what the analysis I mean that he Kalki Tableau, or

01:40:43 --> 01:40:49

even bass said that these letters are oaths, Assam, which Allah

01:40:49 --> 01:40:53

swears, he and other people have said various things I had to study

01:40:53 --> 01:41:00

said Alice is Allah. Lam is Jibreel meme is Muhammad salallahu

01:41:00 --> 01:41:00


01:41:03 --> 01:41:04

Allahu Allah

01:41:11 --> 01:41:17

section five, concerning Allah's oath, to come to confirm his place

01:41:17 --> 01:41:17

with him.

01:41:19 --> 01:41:24

So here are their Yad he quotes the entire Surah will do Ha, the

01:41:24 --> 01:41:29

translation says Surah 94. But that's incorrect. surah 93 Allah

01:41:29 --> 01:41:32

subhana wa Tada says, and imamo suity by the way, he says about

01:41:32 --> 01:41:38

the Surah Surah 93 Doha, as well as an in Shira, the sutra that

01:41:38 --> 01:41:42

follows after it, or suit, he says in the ISKCON. This is one of one

01:41:42 --> 01:41:45

of three or four times in which the Prophet salallahu Salam

01:41:45 --> 01:41:50

received a sutra through interior location without angelic

01:41:50 --> 01:41:51


01:41:52 --> 01:41:55

that this sutra was placed directly into his heart directly

01:41:55 --> 01:41:59

by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada without the mediation of Jubilees Allah

01:42:01 --> 01:42:06

will do however lately either suggest Maota ACARA Bukoba Kala,

01:42:07 --> 01:42:10

she translates your Lord has so by the for noon and the night when it

01:42:10 --> 01:42:13

is still your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hates you. So the

01:42:13 --> 01:42:18

Arabic doesn't say you, Carla Calaca

01:42:19 --> 01:42:23

even though Carla is a federal motor, it generally requires a

01:42:23 --> 01:42:27

direct object. Allah subhanaw taala doesn't give a direct object

01:42:27 --> 01:42:30

because ALLAH SubhanA what data would never hint that he hates the

01:42:30 --> 01:42:31

prophets of the body. So

01:42:33 --> 01:42:37

why was Why would Allah say this? Your Lord has not forsaken you

01:42:37 --> 01:42:41

notice he ate, and it's understood you but he didn't say that is

01:42:41 --> 01:42:42

because according to the

01:42:44 --> 01:42:44


01:42:46 --> 01:42:51

spotland Zoo, that there was a break in the revelation for a few

01:42:51 --> 01:42:53

days or months there's difference of opinion. Some of them were

01:42:53 --> 01:42:56

really keen or making fun of the prophets on Ali Salaam. And they

01:42:56 --> 01:43:00

say things like Nora who won't die walk Allah who is Lord has

01:43:00 --> 01:43:04

forsaken him and he hates him. Now what do I got up? Buccola my

01:43:04 --> 01:43:10

Paula. Well, Sierra to Hyrule like Amina Gula what is later is better

01:43:10 --> 01:43:11

than what is

01:43:12 --> 01:43:16

former that's literally what it says. The afterlife is better than

01:43:16 --> 01:43:20

dunya with the Arabic doesn't say dunya Filomena dunya

01:43:21 --> 01:43:26

hula It could mean dunya the afterlife is better than the dunya

01:43:26 --> 01:43:30

for you. Or you can take it to mean what comes later is better

01:43:30 --> 01:43:31

than what's happening now.

01:43:32 --> 01:43:35

There's going to be Medina later. That's better. There's still going

01:43:35 --> 01:43:37

to be problems and Medina that's life.

01:43:38 --> 01:43:39

But it's gonna be better than now.

01:43:43 --> 01:43:49

On a sofa, you are on T Cara Buka total doll and sofa sofa is using

01:43:49 --> 01:43:51

Arabic for distant future. It's going to take some time. But

01:43:51 --> 01:43:54

eventually your Lord will give you something and immediately you're

01:43:54 --> 01:43:59

going to be pleased. But you have to go through some some trials.

01:44:00 --> 01:44:03

According to Abu noraim mama de la mia, the prophets of Allah Ali

01:44:03 --> 01:44:08

Salam said, Len l da are ye doing an almighty? If not, I will never

01:44:08 --> 01:44:11

be pleased. Well, one person from my own lies in the fire. When this

01:44:11 --> 01:44:13

is I was revealed.

01:44:15 --> 01:44:15


01:44:16 --> 01:44:19

well so for your article rabuka for total dog soon will your Lord

01:44:19 --> 01:44:21

give you something and you'll be pleased?

01:44:24 --> 01:44:25

What will the Lord give him

01:44:26 --> 01:44:28

Kofa shefa

01:44:30 --> 01:44:32

make him head of state and Medina.

01:44:33 --> 01:44:36

All of these things come in the future. And then Allah subhana wa

01:44:36 --> 01:44:36


01:44:38 --> 01:44:38

is nothing.

01:44:41 --> 01:44:45

And then Allah subhana wa Tada. He He gives us three rhetorical

01:44:45 --> 01:44:49

questions. He gives the Prophet three rhetorical questions as

01:44:49 --> 01:44:53

reminders of past blessings. And this is a good way of dealing with

01:44:53 --> 01:44:55

depression. The profit was a little bit down during this time.

01:44:56 --> 01:44:59

And psychologists say that a good way of coming out of depression

01:45:00 --> 01:45:03

Just remind yourself of the blessings in your life. Sit down

01:45:03 --> 01:45:04

and just think about the blessings.

01:45:05 --> 01:45:09

What's happened in the past ILM big ticket, your team and for our

01:45:10 --> 01:45:15

were you not? Did he not find you an orphan and give you shelter his

01:45:15 --> 01:45:18

father died before he was born. His mother died when he was six.

01:45:18 --> 01:45:21

His grandfather died when he was eight Abu Talib raised him I

01:45:21 --> 01:45:25

believe Paula was the means by which Allah sheltered His Prophet.

01:45:26 --> 01:45:29

And the Prophet return the favor by the way, when Abu Talib was

01:45:29 --> 01:45:32

much older, he had some financial issues, and he couldn't take care

01:45:32 --> 01:45:37

of all of his sons. So the Prophet said give me one, take it say now

01:45:37 --> 01:45:40

he was raised in that debate of the prophets of the bodies in the

01:45:40 --> 01:45:41

house of the prophets of Allah azza

01:45:43 --> 01:45:47

wa jal Dukkha ball and for hada this is a bad translation that she

01:45:47 --> 01:45:51

made here. Did he not find you misguided that's a terrible

01:45:51 --> 01:45:51


01:45:52 --> 01:45:56

gone here does not mean misguided it means to be searching for

01:45:56 --> 01:45:58

something wondering

01:46:01 --> 01:46:01


01:46:04 --> 01:46:05

is it right

01:46:09 --> 01:46:11

that's good, I have an old edition.

01:48:09 --> 01:48:10

Any questions

01:48:35 --> 01:48:41

it signifies a type of a type of greatness, all the money in that

01:48:41 --> 01:48:43

object itself and this is something that the pre Islamic

01:48:43 --> 01:48:48

Arabs the shoe out all the poets would have recognized. So, the

01:48:48 --> 01:48:51

Quran is not poetry, but it is poetic.

01:48:52 --> 01:48:54

It's also kind of what to add up

01:48:55 --> 01:49:00

is is is appealing to the the initial audience of the Quran. And

01:49:00 --> 01:49:03

so the initial audience are seventh century Arabs that are

01:49:03 --> 01:49:07

extremely gifted in poetry. Right. Now, the interesting thing about

01:49:07 --> 01:49:11

the Quran is according to the Imam Baca, Lani, it doesn't fit any of

01:49:11 --> 01:49:12

the meters of Gianni poetry.

01:49:14 --> 01:49:16

This is what back in and he considers to be sort of an element

01:49:16 --> 01:49:20

of the jaws of the Quran. element of the sort of inadmissibility of

01:49:20 --> 01:49:24

the Quran is that as unclassifiable right, the Arabs

01:49:24 --> 01:49:28

didn't know what to do with it. But pre Islamic Arab poetry had

01:49:28 --> 01:49:32

these types of oath statements, oath clusters as they're called.

01:49:32 --> 01:49:36

Right. So it appealed to their sort of tastes and they knew that

01:49:36 --> 01:49:40

if Allah Subhana Allah is taking an oath by something, then that

01:49:40 --> 01:49:44

thing must be great. So Allah subhanaw taala only takes those by

01:49:44 --> 01:49:48

great things in the Quran and we can only take those by Allah. If

01:49:48 --> 01:49:50

we're lucky we don't take all this by anything else.

01:49:53 --> 01:49:54

Any other questions?

01:49:57 --> 01:49:59

Just want to finish this part right here and yes. Oh god.

01:50:00 --> 01:50:01

Gotta go. Yeah, go ahead

01:50:14 --> 01:50:16

I don't know if I need to repeat the question just comparing that

01:50:16 --> 01:50:20

the offer that the Prophet asked for, compared to the offer that or

01:50:20 --> 01:50:22

not that the Prophet asked for that was given to the Prophet

01:50:22 --> 01:50:27

compared to the Prophet to offer that. Yeah. So according to our

01:50:27 --> 01:50:28

Prophet otology,

01:50:29 --> 01:50:35

A prophet is, any prophet is is incapable of consciously

01:50:35 --> 01:50:39

disobeying Allah subhanho wa taala. But they can make errors in

01:50:39 --> 01:50:43

judgment. So this was a slip in the in the judgment of the

01:50:43 --> 01:50:47

prophets of Allah because he's not all knowing he doesn't. He's not

01:50:47 --> 01:50:51

infallible in that sense that Allah is perfect. Right? So

01:50:51 --> 01:50:53

prophets can be Garrison, just Eunice Ali salaam

01:50:54 --> 01:50:57

according to His judgment, these people in Nineveh they're not

01:50:57 --> 01:51:00

going to believe in the Toshi. So he said to himself, let me go to a

01:51:00 --> 01:51:03

different city for the dalla. But he didn't take permission from

01:51:03 --> 01:51:07

Allah Subhana Allah. So Allah dealt with him partially because

01:51:07 --> 01:51:10

the higher the MACOM, the more that's expected from you.

01:51:11 --> 01:51:11


01:51:13 --> 01:51:16

That's why, you know, sometimes you have someone who has a lot of

01:51:16 --> 01:51:21

knowledge might even be a half as of Quran, who is really not doing

01:51:21 --> 01:51:24

what he's supposed to be doing. And things go really bad in his

01:51:24 --> 01:51:29

life really bad because there's a high expectation from this person.

01:51:30 --> 01:51:36

Right? As far as us we commit you know, Tibet or sin

01:51:40 --> 01:51:44

so when we ask Allah subhana wa Taala for alpha, we're asking for

01:51:44 --> 01:51:47

ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to completely II face all of those

01:51:47 --> 01:51:50

sins. Whereas with the prophets I said I'm all those minor sort of

01:51:50 --> 01:51:53

slips of errors and judgments already faced.

01:51:55 --> 01:51:59

So one of the one of the favorite Duels of the prophets of Allah is

01:51:59 --> 01:52:03

Allah Houma in the Gulf, we went with alpha, Firefly now, right?

01:52:03 --> 01:52:06

This is one of his most favorite duels especially during the month

01:52:06 --> 01:52:06

of Ramadan.

01:52:11 --> 01:52:11


01:52:13 --> 01:52:14

inshallah to Allah,

01:52:15 --> 01:52:20

make the DUA call on the name, APU, that Yamanaka Yama, these

01:52:20 --> 01:52:23

things that we do are completely just erased from the record.

01:52:23 --> 01:52:25

There's no trace of them. That's what it means.

01:52:36 --> 01:52:36

Any other questions?

01:52:37 --> 01:52:38

From the sister side?

01:52:41 --> 01:52:44

Yeah, just wanted to make that comment. So it's been corrected,

01:52:44 --> 01:52:48

wandering, instead of misguided or whatever it goes all in for hada

01:52:49 --> 01:52:52

that the province has done was searching for a shut er a revealed

01:52:52 --> 01:52:53


01:52:54 --> 01:52:56

He never strayed from Tawheed

01:52:58 --> 01:53:01

and he was never immoral even by the standards of the shitty I even

01:53:01 --> 01:53:05

before the Shediac he was from the whole nofap he was from the

01:53:05 --> 01:53:10

Abrahamic Abrahamic monotheists who were still around in Mecca at

01:53:10 --> 01:53:12

the time, he never worship idols.

01:53:14 --> 01:53:14

Well, what dedica

01:53:16 --> 01:53:20

did he not find you needy and enrich you? So you might want to

01:53:20 --> 01:53:24

by the way here says that this is a reference to our mother, her

01:53:24 --> 01:53:25

digital Cobra.

01:53:27 --> 01:53:30

That the Allah subhanaw taala is reminding the prophets of Allah,

01:53:30 --> 01:53:34

the cinema the blessing of a good and supportive wife, that she was

01:53:34 --> 01:53:38

his first disciple, that she encouraged him. There's a hadith

01:53:38 --> 01:53:41

and Abu Dawood, that were told that years after the death of

01:53:41 --> 01:53:44

Phoenicia on the Prophet sallallahu sallam was living in

01:53:44 --> 01:53:49

Medina. And necklace once owned by Khadija was brought to Medina in

01:53:49 --> 01:53:53

order to ransom one of the captives that brother and Aisha

01:53:53 --> 01:53:55

says when the Prophet saw a lot of

01:53:57 --> 01:54:02

attention at the time, that he had this like intense sensitivity and

01:54:02 --> 01:54:06

tenderness towards just an object from his first wife. Because she

01:54:06 --> 01:54:09

had remembered how much he had that's the karma

01:54:10 --> 01:54:11

will continue next week

01:54:18 --> 01:54:21

so we're continuing this is now

01:54:23 --> 01:54:24

we are in part one,

01:54:25 --> 01:54:26

chapter one

01:54:27 --> 01:54:29

in the middle of Section Five

01:54:30 --> 01:54:32

of keytab was she thought

01:54:34 --> 01:54:35

for those following along?

01:54:37 --> 01:54:39

This is the second full paragraph on page 18.

01:54:42 --> 01:54:47

So here Collier yard he quotes from the Quran here similar to

01:54:47 --> 01:54:48

najem, Sunnah 53

01:54:50 --> 01:54:54

The first 18 verses 53 One through 18.

01:54:55 --> 01:54:58

So he begins by saying when Najmi either Hawa

01:54:59 --> 01:54:59

by the

01:55:00 --> 01:55:01

Star when it plunges

01:55:02 --> 01:55:06

and the najem here the star according to the exits. Some of

01:55:06 --> 01:55:11

the exigency is a reference to the 10 zeal of the Quran 10 zeal is a

01:55:11 --> 01:55:12

reference to the,

01:55:13 --> 01:55:18

the revelation of the Quran in continual installments.

01:55:19 --> 01:55:24

So there's an enzyme that's mentioned an enzyme is the Quran

01:55:24 --> 01:55:27

being sent down in one shot as it were on later to the other in

01:55:27 --> 01:55:35

Anzahl. Now who and Zelina This is the verb. The noun is enzyme, so

01:55:35 --> 01:55:39

the Quran descending from the lower to the summit with dunya.

01:55:40 --> 01:55:42

And then from the summit with dunya. There was a Tenzin

01:55:43 --> 01:55:49

every so often, a few Ayat over 23 years would be revealed to the

01:55:49 --> 01:55:53

Prophet sallallahu sallam. So this is an opinion of Imam Al Bukhari

01:55:53 --> 01:55:58

and Imam a Tabori that the meaning of najem here and 53 one is a

01:55:58 --> 01:56:02

reference to the 10 zeal of the Quran that the ayat are symbolized

01:56:02 --> 01:56:07

as a new Joom. Another opinion that called the IAD mentions here

01:56:07 --> 01:56:11

is that the najem and this is the opinion of Jaffa had been Mohammed

01:56:11 --> 01:56:15

is that it is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he is the

01:56:15 --> 01:56:18

najem or it's the heart of the Prophet salallahu Salam.

01:56:19 --> 01:56:24

And he says people say similarly, that in the verses, somebody will

01:56:24 --> 01:56:26

talk with my document taught in Nigeria, thank you.

01:56:28 --> 01:56:30

So the taarak verses one through three By the heaven and the

01:56:30 --> 01:56:34

Nightstar. And what will explain to you what is a taarak? The

01:56:34 --> 01:56:37

Nightstar is a store of piercing brightness.

01:56:39 --> 01:56:46

So he says here that not only is the najem mentioned in 53, one, a

01:56:46 --> 01:56:49

name of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam were a symbol of the

01:56:49 --> 01:56:55

Prophet. So as a toric mentioned in surah, two Tarik. So when Najmi

01:56:55 --> 01:56:58

either Hawa by the star when it descends, this is a reference then

01:56:58 --> 01:57:01

to the the ascension or the descent of the Prophet sallallaahu

01:57:01 --> 01:57:06

salam for Mr. Della Tillman Taha on later to Israel El Mirage.

01:57:07 --> 01:57:11

Well lo Harlem he continues quoting the surah

01:57:12 --> 01:57:17

masa, Marbella, Sahiba como mal Okawa, that your companion is not

01:57:17 --> 01:57:21

a stray. Notice the air Why am I anticolonial Hawa

01:57:22 --> 01:57:25

nor is he speak from Caprice in the translation here doesn't do it

01:57:25 --> 01:57:29

quite justice. No translation really does. It should say nor

01:57:29 --> 01:57:33

does he ever speak from Caprice. Because when you have ma as a

01:57:33 --> 01:57:37

negating particle of a verb that's in the imperfect, the meaning is

01:57:37 --> 01:57:38

really never

01:57:39 --> 01:57:42

in what Allah why you you have this is only a revelation

01:57:42 --> 01:57:43


01:57:44 --> 01:57:49

And here the Arabic is a is a negation, followed by an

01:57:49 --> 01:57:52

affirmation as we said, in the previous classes, this is a very

01:57:52 --> 01:57:56

strong way of negating of making a statement in Arabic. It's like our

01:57:56 --> 01:58:02

shahada La Ilaha illa Allah in Hua Illa inherence is negating

01:58:02 --> 01:58:07

particle into a law what do you have? It has nothing except

01:58:07 --> 01:58:08


01:58:09 --> 01:58:11

that He only speaks revelation

01:58:12 --> 01:58:13

I lemma Hirsch. I need to go

01:58:15 --> 01:58:18

talk to him by one mighty and power.

01:58:19 --> 01:58:22

So my mama Tabari here says that this is a reference to the more I

01:58:22 --> 01:58:26

limb of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who is Jubail Ali Salam.

01:58:28 --> 01:58:32

And then he continues to quote Surah to najem Lomira 10 for

01:58:32 --> 01:58:37

Stella Wahoo a bill afocal Allah for Medina Fidella for Cana cavaco

01:58:37 --> 01:58:42

SANY Oh, au Adena. He stood poised while he was on the higher horizon

01:58:42 --> 01:58:47

there and then drew near and hung suspended to bow lengths away or

01:58:47 --> 01:58:47


01:58:49 --> 01:58:49

So here

01:58:51 --> 01:58:54

it's mentioned by the Mamas the machete II mama tombery.

01:58:55 --> 01:58:58

That this is a reference to one of the two times in which the Prophet

01:58:58 --> 01:58:59

salallahu Salam

01:59:02 --> 01:59:06

saw Gibreel it Salam, or do you believe in Islam appeared to him

01:59:07 --> 01:59:10

in his actual created form.

01:59:12 --> 01:59:15

So either tribute it to them drew nearer to the Prophet sallallahu

01:59:15 --> 01:59:19

sallam, or Allah subhanho wa Taala drew nearer to the Prophet

01:59:19 --> 01:59:24

salallahu Salam, Salam identifer to della, then he the Prophet drew

01:59:24 --> 01:59:32

near and he Allah came close. So not in terms of space, time, or

01:59:32 --> 01:59:37

distance, if we take the ladder interpretation that is a reference

01:59:37 --> 01:59:40

to a law drawing near to the Prophet salallahu Salam.

01:59:41 --> 01:59:45

We're not talking about anything to do with any type of physical

01:59:45 --> 01:59:47

space or direction.

01:59:49 --> 01:59:53

Because Allah subhanaw taala transcends space, time and matter.

01:59:53 --> 01:59:57

So then when it says forget about CO Sani Oh, Adena that he was

01:59:57 --> 02:00:00

within two bow lengths or even closer

02:00:00 --> 02:00:05

her bow is about six feet to bow length is about 12 feet. So we

02:00:05 --> 02:00:08

don't take the literal meaning here, this is majaz This is

02:00:08 --> 02:00:09


02:00:10 --> 02:00:14

The meaning is that Allah subhana wa sallam was very very close in

02:00:14 --> 02:00:19

relationship was close to the Prophet in love. This is similar

02:00:19 --> 02:00:22

to the meaning of the Hadith glitzy we quoted last time when I

02:00:22 --> 02:00:24

as I do it at the carnival ILA he didn't know I felt

02:00:25 --> 02:00:30

that my servant didn't continues to draw close unto me with his no

02:00:30 --> 02:00:36

often is extra credit worship supererogatory worship until I

02:00:36 --> 02:00:39

love him. So this type of quality or closeness or proximity or

02:00:39 --> 02:00:44

relational closeness, not a physical closeness. Of course the

02:00:44 --> 02:00:46

Quran says we're not credible either human have a little

02:00:46 --> 02:00:50

worried. Allah Subhana Allah says we are closer to the human being

02:00:50 --> 02:00:56

than his jugular vein. So this idea denotes what's known as the

02:00:56 --> 02:01:00

imminent deity in western theology.

02:01:01 --> 02:01:05

There's there's an idea of imminence closeness of God, that

02:01:05 --> 02:01:09

Allah subhana wa Tada is close to the human being. Allah subhana wa

02:01:09 --> 02:01:13

Tada has concern for the human being. He's not a cold or reserved

02:01:13 --> 02:01:17

or distant deity. He's on a totally transcendent deity as in

02:01:17 --> 02:01:20

like a Aristotelian God or a Deist. God.

02:01:23 --> 02:01:26

There's a hadith there's multiple it's in multiple books of Hadith

02:01:26 --> 02:01:29

actually Sahih Muslim Abu Dawood and Maasai with a Prophet

02:01:29 --> 02:01:32

sallallahu Sallam he said, Oh, caribou, Maya Kunal Abner Robbie

02:01:32 --> 02:01:36

Higa, who has Sajid Kumbhakarna. And he sent out to a salon, that

02:01:36 --> 02:01:40

the closest a service can be to his Lord is when he is in such

02:01:40 --> 02:01:40


02:01:41 --> 02:01:46

So obviously, this has nothing to do with directionality. Right? So

02:01:46 --> 02:01:50

this idea that, you know, Allah is up in the sky somewhere, right?

02:01:51 --> 02:01:54

This idea is grossly anthropomorphic and incorrect that

02:01:54 --> 02:01:58

if I pray on my roof, that I'm closer to God or something, the

02:01:58 --> 02:02:01

prophets that whoever's in such depth is in reality, closer to

02:02:01 --> 02:02:05

Allah Subhan Allah to Allah and then he said, For Athena dua, so

02:02:05 --> 02:02:09

make a lot of dua in Sajida. In the Hanafi school, we would do

02:02:09 --> 02:02:12

this in the naskila prayers, not in the forearm.

02:02:13 --> 02:02:17

What am i Teacher said that USITC Salam was closer to Allah subhanaw

02:02:17 --> 02:02:21

taala in reality, and where it was Eunice he was in he was little

02:02:21 --> 02:02:28

Matt fat, photo mat. It was in levels of darknesses and the belly

02:02:28 --> 02:02:31

of the whale in the darkness of the night. The darkness of the

02:02:31 --> 02:02:37

ocean fit through Matt, but he was in such awe. And he was making dua

02:02:37 --> 02:02:42

he was making Toba La ilaha illa and Subhanak iniquity terminal

02:02:42 --> 02:02:45

volume in one of my teachers said that you want to Saudi Saddam was

02:02:45 --> 02:02:49

closer to Allah subhana wa Tada at that moment than an angel is

02:02:49 --> 02:02:54

standing in the beta will be it will matter more beyond the

02:02:54 --> 02:02:57

seventh heaven or in the seventh heaven because Eunice IA Salaam is

02:02:57 --> 02:02:58

in such dire

02:03:03 --> 02:03:06

so they are gonna say that.

02:03:07 --> 02:03:13

Then we're saying that at this mom at this station, the Prophet

02:03:13 --> 02:03:14

sallallahu Sallam experienced

02:03:15 --> 02:03:19

though Yeah, and he continues to say here, he continues to quote

02:03:19 --> 02:03:24

from sorta to najem Oh, hi either Abdi Hema? Oh Ha, we'll come back

02:03:24 --> 02:03:27

to this is my kettlebell to add umara

02:03:28 --> 02:03:33

his heart did not lie about what he saw, or his heart did not lie

02:03:33 --> 02:03:37

about what it saw. The moment of course, will be mentioned here

02:03:37 --> 02:03:43

that the meaning is that the Prophet salallahu Salam did in

02:03:43 --> 02:03:47

fact experience through what's known as the beatific vision of

02:03:47 --> 02:03:51

Allah subhanho wa Taala that he saw Allah subhanahu wa to Allah

02:03:53 --> 02:03:56

and this is something that's part of our essential Creed II mama to

02:03:56 --> 02:04:02

how he says in the Akita to how we are, he says to Hakone le Jana,

02:04:03 --> 02:04:07

that the Beatific Vision, gazing upon the countenance of Allah

02:04:07 --> 02:04:13

subhanho wa Taala is is is true is a reality for the people of

02:04:13 --> 02:04:13


02:04:15 --> 02:04:19

And that he'll quote the I kettlebell caribou analogy number

02:04:19 --> 02:04:24

two, the Lunar Module One yoga even now Vera Ihlara piano Vera,

02:04:24 --> 02:04:30

that on that day faces will be illuminated, gazing towards their

02:04:30 --> 02:04:33

Lord Sudha Yeoman Qiyamah.

02:04:38 --> 02:04:40

So, you know, I'm gonna call it Toby he suggests that Allah

02:04:40 --> 02:04:41

subhanho wa taala,

02:04:42 --> 02:04:45

that that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam saw Allah Subhana Allah to

02:04:45 --> 02:04:50

Allah with his full AD make have a beautiful ad umara. This Fuad here

02:04:50 --> 02:04:54

is translated as heart. It's one of the ways of saying heart and

02:04:54 --> 02:04:59

Arabic. Sometimes it's translated as the inflamed heart. fadda means

02:05:00 --> 02:05:01

To roast or to burn,

02:05:02 --> 02:05:05

to inflame sometimes it's called the emotive heart.

02:05:06 --> 02:05:09

Alright, so when the Prophet sallallahu sallam,

02:05:10 --> 02:05:13

when he saw lots of kind of what data you can imagine it was a very

02:05:13 --> 02:05:17

extremely powerful emotional experience. But he did not let his

02:05:17 --> 02:05:23

emotions over overpower him. And he remained compose. Another way

02:05:23 --> 02:05:26

of translating or thinking about the fu ad is what's known as the

02:05:26 --> 02:05:31

mind's eye. Right? The mind's eye, not the physical eye, the bustle,

02:05:31 --> 02:05:35

but the mind's eyes. So this is related to the faculty of

02:05:35 --> 02:05:38

understanding this is something that is non physical. This idea

02:05:38 --> 02:05:41

actually goes back to Plato. Right, this idea that you see,

02:05:41 --> 02:05:45

particularly with your physical eye, but you have to contemplate

02:05:45 --> 02:05:49

the essences or the real forms of things with your mind's eye, as he

02:05:49 --> 02:05:49


02:05:51 --> 02:05:53

So when you see something with your mind's eye, it means you

02:05:53 --> 02:05:57

really understand it at a deep level. Right? So if I explain

02:05:57 --> 02:06:01

something to you, if I explain, I don't know I'm not good at math,

02:06:01 --> 02:06:05

but if I explain algebra to you, and you see, I see, that means you

02:06:05 --> 02:06:09

understand, you understand something in your mind's eye.

02:06:13 --> 02:06:17

So it indicates a deep type of Gnosis or mattify. And a tea is

02:06:17 --> 02:06:17

too hot.

02:06:25 --> 02:06:28

So with this understanding, he experienced an incredible

02:06:28 --> 02:06:31

understanding of Allah subhanaw taala

02:06:32 --> 02:06:35

the strongest sense of Madhava possible for a human being

02:06:42 --> 02:06:43


02:06:45 --> 02:06:49

he experienced the auroria the Beatific Vision, as we said, how

02:06:49 --> 02:06:54

did he say hola, hola que creo as a mama to how he says, it's a

02:06:54 --> 02:06:57

modal that means there's there's no way of understanding it. It's

02:06:57 --> 02:07:02

without a howl Enos to it and it's beyond our comprehension.

02:07:04 --> 02:07:08

It's not the physical eye but a type of powerful Theophany or

02:07:08 --> 02:07:11

experience of Allah subhanho wa taala.

02:07:12 --> 02:07:15

And this vein, the ayah is sometimes quoted led to the good

02:07:15 --> 02:07:17

Apsara What will you do? You couldn't absorb?

02:07:18 --> 02:07:23

That no vision can grasp him, yet he grasps all vision.

02:07:25 --> 02:07:30

Or he did see something with his eye. His bizarre

02:07:33 --> 02:07:37

there's a hadith in Muslim Abu Dhabi. He says that he asked the

02:07:37 --> 02:07:42

Prophet Soleimani Selim has an aeta not buck, did you see your

02:07:42 --> 02:07:45

Lord? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam responded with our H O

02:07:45 --> 02:07:51

neuron. I saw a light now some people understand this response as

02:07:52 --> 02:07:53

an affirmative.

02:07:54 --> 02:07:58

But Allah subhanaw taala is not corporeal.

02:07:59 --> 02:08:03

He doesn't have a physical physicality to him. He's not

02:08:03 --> 02:08:04


02:08:06 --> 02:08:08

So according to this understanding, then

02:08:09 --> 02:08:14

he did not see the Essence of Allah subhanaw taala or what Allah

02:08:14 --> 02:08:19

subhanho wa Taala is in himself as it were. But rather than Prophet

02:08:19 --> 02:08:23

sallallahu Sallam he experienced the greatest possible self

02:08:23 --> 02:08:29

disclosure or to gently of Allah subhanaw taala. It was a veil of

02:08:29 --> 02:08:34

light that concealed the divine essence that is to say, a

02:08:34 --> 02:08:39

brilliant created light that symbolized the divine essence or

02:08:39 --> 02:08:43

symbolizes the Divine Presence. Allahu Allah.

02:08:44 --> 02:08:47

We think back to the ayah and so that's what our off Musa alayhis

02:08:47 --> 02:08:51

salam where he says rugby Adeney under ILEC Oh my Lord, show

02:08:51 --> 02:08:54

yourself to me so that I might gaze upon you.

02:08:55 --> 02:08:58

And then Allah subhana wa Anicet Lanta, Ronnie, you will not see

02:08:58 --> 02:09:00

me. But look at the mountain.

02:09:01 --> 02:09:04

I will manifest myself to the mountain and if the mountain stays

02:09:04 --> 02:09:08

put then you will see me and then Allah subhanaw taala says this is

02:09:08 --> 02:09:12

I have 143 of swords allowed off for that matter. gelada who will

02:09:12 --> 02:09:14

Japan when Allah subhanaw taala

02:09:16 --> 02:09:20

manifested or disclosed himself to the mountain so this doesn't mean

02:09:20 --> 02:09:24

that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada came into the physical world, right?

02:09:25 --> 02:09:29

That it was an incredible blinding physical light symbolizing the

02:09:29 --> 02:09:32

divine essence this is what manifested according to this

02:09:32 --> 02:09:37

understanding. What Giteau duck gun and then the mountain was

02:09:37 --> 02:09:42

pulverized well Hara Musa Sayaka and Musa fell down thunderstruck.

02:09:43 --> 02:09:45

And some of the Allah mentioned him as a machete mama tivity

02:09:45 --> 02:09:51

actually mentioned that Musa died that he actually died. Right. This

02:09:51 --> 02:09:54

is mentioned in the FSU, Falana Fr. Ca and then he regained his

02:09:54 --> 02:09:56

sense as being he was resurrected after that

02:09:58 --> 02:09:59

this is something I think

02:10:00 --> 02:10:03

Uh, maybe the medieval Jewish theologians

02:10:04 --> 02:10:08

took from Muslim theologians as well, probably the most famous

02:10:08 --> 02:10:10

Jewish theologian, my manatees.

02:10:12 --> 02:10:17

He said that, and that he was a product of, you know, the Muslim

02:10:17 --> 02:10:17

world he was.

02:10:19 --> 02:10:22

He lived in Spain and in Egypt and so on and so forth. He's highly

02:10:22 --> 02:10:26

influenced by Imam Al Ghazali, and others. But his opinion was that

02:10:26 --> 02:10:29

when Musab al salam would go into the tabernacle, in Hebrew, it's

02:10:29 --> 02:10:32

got the Mishcon. It's kind of like a portable

02:10:33 --> 02:10:37

tent where Mousavi says I'm gonna go inside. And then a brilliant

02:10:37 --> 02:10:41

light would manifest in front of him. And this light symbolizes the

02:10:41 --> 02:10:45

Presence of Allah Subhana. Allah is a creative light. It's just a

02:10:45 --> 02:10:50

symbol of God's presence. It wasn't God. Right. This slide is

02:10:50 --> 02:10:53

called the Shekinah in Hebrew, this is what my monitor is calls

02:10:53 --> 02:10:54


02:10:56 --> 02:11:00

The Quran actually says that the Ark of the Covenant, which was an

02:11:00 --> 02:11:05

ark that was that was built by the ancient Israelites in the Sinai,

02:11:05 --> 02:11:09

which housed the original Torah, in some of the relics of Musab A

02:11:09 --> 02:11:14

salaam like his staff was in there. The Quran says that the Ark

02:11:14 --> 02:11:18

of the Covenant was endowed with the Shekinah the equivalent is

02:11:18 --> 02:11:25

Sakina right Sakina in the eyes of Wilkie Hey, and yet to your tablet

02:11:25 --> 02:11:30

fee Sakina to Mira become that from the signs of his kingship is

02:11:30 --> 02:11:34

that he gave you the taboo to the Ark of the Covenant, and that

02:11:34 --> 02:11:40

within it is Sakina is Shekinah. And what does this mean? It could

02:11:40 --> 02:11:43

mean that there was some sort of light that emanated from the Ark

02:11:43 --> 02:11:44

of the Covenant.

02:11:45 --> 02:11:50

A sign of, of God's presence as it were to field with was was with

02:11:50 --> 02:11:54

Bani Israel at the time, Allahu Allah.

02:11:58 --> 02:12:02

There's a hadith Doomadgee This is quoted by even Adji but in mumble

02:12:02 --> 02:12:03

sweetie and others

02:12:04 --> 02:12:08

that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said, Hey, jab oho nor the veil

02:12:08 --> 02:12:09

of God is light

02:12:11 --> 02:12:18

location for her that if this veil was removed, his face would burn

02:12:19 --> 02:12:20

everything in creation.

02:12:21 --> 02:12:22


02:12:23 --> 02:12:26

However, there is another Hadith

02:12:27 --> 02:12:31

there's another Hadith and this is in multiple books of Hadith. It

02:12:31 --> 02:12:34

Nomada Timothy, Sufi Muslim,

02:12:35 --> 02:12:38

that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he quoted from Surah Yunus verse

02:12:38 --> 02:12:44

number 26, Latina Asante sana was Jada. Those who do good, the

02:12:44 --> 02:12:46

reward is good and something extra.

02:12:47 --> 02:12:51

And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said this zyada is the Rhodia is

02:12:51 --> 02:12:53

the beatific vision of Allah subhanho wa taala.

02:12:55 --> 02:12:58

So he says when the people of paradise enter Paradise, a color

02:12:58 --> 02:13:03

will call out indeed, there remains a promise with Allah. And

02:13:03 --> 02:13:06

then the people will say, have our face has not been illuminated,

02:13:06 --> 02:13:10

save from the fire, it admitted to paradise and other prophets set

02:13:10 --> 02:13:14

for Yorkshire full hijab in the veil is lifted.

02:13:15 --> 02:13:17

The veil is actually lifted.

02:13:18 --> 02:13:21

So Allah He man, I'll tell him Allah Who che and the hyper elite

02:13:21 --> 02:13:23

him in another LA.

02:13:24 --> 02:13:28

And then he said, For by God, nothing is more beloved to them.

02:13:28 --> 02:13:32

Nothing that Allah gave them is more beloved to them, than

02:13:32 --> 02:13:36

glancing at him in the vision of Allah subhanho wa Taala

02:13:39 --> 02:13:42

so the people of Paradise will see Allah subhanho wa Taala with the

02:13:42 --> 02:13:46

veil removed How is this possible Allah Who item be like a fee?

02:13:46 --> 02:13:48

There's no how and is to it. There's no way we could possibly

02:13:48 --> 02:13:52

understand this. But this is a reality

02:13:53 --> 02:13:57

to Hakone l Jana, again, as he Mamata how he says.

02:13:59 --> 02:14:01

So, this is the meaning here going all the way back to Sudha to

02:14:01 --> 02:14:02


02:14:03 --> 02:14:05

According to many of the aroma

02:14:07 --> 02:14:14

that backcap my my cover, but for our do ma again his heart did not

02:14:14 --> 02:14:16

lie about what it saw where he saw

02:14:18 --> 02:14:21

it continues, will you dispute with him about what he saw?

02:14:21 --> 02:14:24

Indeed, he saw him at another time, by the load tree of the

02:14:24 --> 02:14:26

boundary of Cinturato moonta

02:14:27 --> 02:14:29

which is in the seventh heaven,

02:14:30 --> 02:14:33

near which is the garden of refuge Jana to Ottawa.

02:14:36 --> 02:14:39

When what covered the load tree covered it is I did not swerve nor

02:14:39 --> 02:14:43

sweep OSI mazagan Massaro Mamata La

02:14:45 --> 02:14:49

La Katara Amin iOttie Robbie Hill Cooper Ah, he saw one of the

02:14:49 --> 02:14:51

greatest signs of his Lord

02:15:01 --> 02:15:03

So far they are you have he mentioned here what Allah

02:15:03 --> 02:15:09

disclosed to him of his unseen dominion of the Jabba route. And

02:15:09 --> 02:15:13

the wonders of the angelic realm the mela could cannot be expressed

02:15:13 --> 02:15:14

in words.

02:15:15 --> 02:15:18

And the human intellect would not be able to withstand hearing even

02:15:18 --> 02:15:22

the least part of it. Allah indicates it by indirect illusion

02:15:22 --> 02:15:25

and reference, which shows the esteem in which the prophet is

02:15:25 --> 02:15:28

held. Allah says, Oh ha Illa Abdi Hema Oh Ha.

02:15:30 --> 02:15:34

Which means that then Allah revealed in his servant, whatever

02:15:34 --> 02:15:35

he revealed,

02:15:36 --> 02:15:38

what was that which he revealed?

02:15:40 --> 02:15:42

Some of the earlier I mentioned that

02:15:43 --> 02:15:47

a few things. They say that the end of Al Baqarah was revealed to

02:15:47 --> 02:15:50

the Prophet sallallahu Sallam called how optimal Bukhara the

02:15:50 --> 02:15:53

last two aisles of unbox era, which contains our essential

02:15:53 --> 02:15:57

creed. I'm an ultra soul, this is how it begins. It contains our

02:15:57 --> 02:16:00

essential creed. These were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu

02:16:00 --> 02:16:04

sallam, when he was at the central automata in the seventh heaven.

02:16:05 --> 02:16:08

And GPRS Allah was not there, it was only the Prophet salallahu

02:16:08 --> 02:16:12

Salam. So these verses were placed directly into his heart by Allah

02:16:12 --> 02:16:15

subhanho wa Taala without an angelic mediation

02:16:19 --> 02:16:22

also the aroma mentioned the prayer was made followed during

02:16:22 --> 02:16:27

this time, five times a day. There's a wide of Jannah that was

02:16:27 --> 02:16:30

given to the Prophet and his nation the promise of paradise

02:16:31 --> 02:16:32

and other things

02:16:34 --> 02:16:37

as other Yeah, it says here secrets of the jumbo route and

02:16:37 --> 02:16:41

mela could even add Chiba mentions this also with regard to the the

02:16:41 --> 02:16:46

final idea in that sequence, la Katara Amin iOttie Robbie Hill

02:16:46 --> 02:16:50

Cooper is one of the greatest sides of his Lord even IGP says

02:16:50 --> 02:16:54

these are secrets Assad of the Mallacoota Jabba Rudisill

02:16:54 --> 02:16:58

celestial realms are worlds beyond the molk beyond the perceptible

02:16:58 --> 02:16:59


02:17:05 --> 02:17:07

Ordinary understanding is unable to grasp the details of what was

02:17:07 --> 02:17:11

revealed. So then he says in this ayah Allah alludes to the Prophet

02:17:11 --> 02:17:14

state of total purity and his protection from harm during the

02:17:14 --> 02:17:18

journey, and he's talking about the leanest Raj, he affirmed the

02:17:18 --> 02:17:20

purity of his heart, tongue and I

02:17:21 --> 02:17:27

his heart by the words, my kimberbell humara the purity of

02:17:27 --> 02:17:32

his tongue by Wilma in decolonial Hauer He never speaks from his

02:17:32 --> 02:17:37

capris. And as I muzza Basu, Amma tuffa his I did not swerve nor

02:17:37 --> 02:17:43

sweep aside purity of heart tongue and I if we can guard the purity

02:17:43 --> 02:17:46

if we can make our hearts tongues and eyes pure, then we'll be in a

02:17:46 --> 02:17:47

good state and show that

02:17:58 --> 02:17:58


02:17:59 --> 02:18:00


02:18:03 --> 02:18:08

And then he, he quotes now for the yard. He moves to Surah to took

02:18:08 --> 02:18:12

with this as Sunnah 81 And he quotes

02:18:13 --> 02:18:16

from 15 I have 15 to 25

02:18:17 --> 02:18:22

Never the middle of the surah Allah says, This translation says

02:18:22 --> 02:18:25

No, I swear by those who slip away the runners those who hide

02:18:25 --> 02:18:29

themselves with a night swarming, or the morning sighing in a hula

02:18:29 --> 02:18:33

Cole Rasul and Kareem. This is the job of the custom. So Allah

02:18:33 --> 02:18:36

subhanho wa Taala in the Quran, oftentimes, especially in the

02:18:36 --> 02:18:40

Meccan sewer, you'll take an oath by something, and that's called

02:18:40 --> 02:18:42

the custom and then they'll give the sort of

02:18:43 --> 02:18:50

the, the statement of oath. Like if I say for example, I swear to

02:18:50 --> 02:18:53

Allah that's called an oath, which are waiting for the what's known

02:18:53 --> 02:18:57

as the Jawaban custom. I say well, I prayed Fajr I swear to Allah I

02:18:57 --> 02:18:59

prayed Fajr that's called a doable.

02:19:00 --> 02:19:02

So the job of the custom here

02:19:03 --> 02:19:07

in the who? The kolu Rasul in Karim.

02:19:08 --> 02:19:11

That truly this is the word of a Noble Messenger.

02:19:13 --> 02:19:17

to continue continuous the cool Watson and devil Archie McKean

02:19:18 --> 02:19:23

having power secure with the Lord of the Throne, Muhtar and Thumma

02:19:23 --> 02:19:28

Amin obeyed and trusted then it continues Your companion has not

02:19:28 --> 02:19:32

possessed, he truly saw him on the clear horizon.

02:19:33 --> 02:19:37

So either ignore isa Romani and other said that the Noble

02:19:37 --> 02:19:41

Messenger SallAllahu Sallam is Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So all

02:19:41 --> 02:19:44

these attributes are his other say other said it is tribute Alia

02:19:44 --> 02:19:49

sunnah. So these qualities are his. He truly saw it means that he

02:19:49 --> 02:19:54

Gibreel saw Muhammad salallahu Salam. It is said that it is said

02:19:54 --> 02:19:58

that it means that he Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam saw his Lord. It

02:19:58 --> 02:20:00

is said that it means he saw Gibreel

02:20:00 --> 02:20:03

In his true form, there's differences of opinion about what

02:20:03 --> 02:20:06

does it mean that he truly saw him on the clear horizon?

02:20:07 --> 02:20:09

Some of you and I must say that again, this is the reference for

02:20:09 --> 02:20:12

the role. Yeah, the beatific vision that the Prophet

02:20:12 --> 02:20:15

sallallaahu Salam experienced on the later to the surah on

02:20:15 --> 02:20:16


02:20:17 --> 02:20:19

That is something is going to happen in sha Allah for all the

02:20:19 --> 02:20:20

believers that make it the agenda.

02:20:23 --> 02:20:26

There's even an opinion that everyone on the normal piano will

02:20:26 --> 02:20:30

experience the rakia, everybody will see Allah Subhana Allah to

02:20:30 --> 02:20:34

Allah be like a Fia, without any hollowness within the kuffaar will

02:20:34 --> 02:20:37

suddenly be veiled from him. And they'll never experienced that

02:20:37 --> 02:20:37


02:20:41 --> 02:20:46

Are there? Yeah, he then he moves to Surah Al Kalam. Surah 68.

02:20:47 --> 02:20:53

Allah subhanho wa Taala says noon is one of those letters the photo

02:20:53 --> 02:20:58

full mohatta At noon nobody really knows the meaning. Of course the

02:20:58 --> 02:21:01

order might have their opinions but it's always a level item. A

02:21:01 --> 02:21:04

popular opinion here had been a few you might want to call it to

02:21:04 --> 02:21:09

be is that known here stands for newer light will lower item while

02:21:09 --> 02:21:11

the other main one is tone

02:21:12 --> 02:21:16

at the pen and what they inscribe until the near met the man to be

02:21:16 --> 02:21:20

met material pick up Majnoon you are not by the blessing of your

02:21:20 --> 02:21:25

Lord, a man possessed in a Lukla agilan has item unknown, you

02:21:25 --> 02:21:29

should surely have an unfailing reward or wage in nothing Allah

02:21:29 --> 02:21:30

Allah Hulu canali.

02:21:32 --> 02:21:38

And surely you are possessed of mighty nature or it's it's just

02:21:38 --> 02:21:42

interesting translation Verily you dominate magnificent character,

02:21:42 --> 02:21:46

something that you stand on monumental ethics, something like

02:21:46 --> 02:21:47


02:21:49 --> 02:21:52

So Allah swears by this great oath

02:21:56 --> 02:21:59

that has chosen Prophet was free of what the unbelievers ascribed

02:21:59 --> 02:22:04

to him, and their disdain and rejection of him. He brings joy to

02:22:04 --> 02:22:08

him and increases him and hope. And he addresses him gently,

02:22:09 --> 02:22:11

saying you're not by the blessing of your Lord and man possessed.

02:22:11 --> 02:22:14

This shows the greatest respect, and as an example, the highest

02:22:14 --> 02:22:16

degree of a dub in conversation.

02:22:17 --> 02:22:20

Then he tells him that we will have eternal blessings and an

02:22:20 --> 02:22:21

immeasurable reward with him.

02:22:22 --> 02:22:25

One that can be counted and will not make him in any way indebted

02:22:25 --> 02:22:28

using the words you just surely have an unfailing wage. And he

02:22:28 --> 02:22:31

praises him for the gifts he has given him. He guides him to

02:22:31 --> 02:22:35

himself and confirms that to emphasize his praise worthiness,

02:22:36 --> 02:22:38

he says, what you Nicola Allah who can ordain

02:22:39 --> 02:22:44

so it's very interesting here in the Arabic that the word Allah in

02:22:44 --> 02:22:45


02:22:46 --> 02:22:51

this is called a thoughtful makan. It's a spatial adverb. And usually

02:22:51 --> 02:22:55

if you say Allah, the word that follows it should be something

02:22:55 --> 02:23:00

concrete, right? Like a table or a desk like a column or Allah, Allah

02:23:00 --> 02:23:06

maktab or the pen is on the table. But in rhetoric, if the word that

02:23:06 --> 02:23:12

follows Isla is abstract, like hook means ethics or character.

02:23:12 --> 02:23:18

This denotes what's known as Timucuan or mastery. So what a

02:23:18 --> 02:23:25

hook, you master, crook Alvine. Aleem is added as a as an

02:23:26 --> 02:23:28

adjective, magnificent character,

02:23:29 --> 02:23:30

a standard of character.

02:23:32 --> 02:23:36

It is said that these were words referred to the Quran. And the

02:23:36 --> 02:23:40

translator has a note here that I feel was asked about the character

02:23:40 --> 02:23:44

of the Prophet salallahu Salam. And she said kind of Heroku or the

02:23:44 --> 02:23:44


02:23:46 --> 02:23:49

that his character was the Quran, he is an embodiment of the keytab.

02:23:51 --> 02:23:52

The word made flesh as it were.

02:23:58 --> 02:24:00

Other sabe refers to Islam

02:24:03 --> 02:24:06

and it has said that they simply mean noble nature.

02:24:07 --> 02:24:09

It is also said that the meaning of them is that the Prophet

02:24:09 --> 02:24:11

sallallaahu Selim has no aspiration except Allah.

02:24:15 --> 02:24:19

Then he says called the area this is an ALA continues to sue by

02:24:19 --> 02:24:23

consoling him for what they said about him. By promising him that

02:24:23 --> 02:24:25

they will be punished he threatens them with his words.

02:24:27 --> 02:24:31

Faster to be zero. Were you busy ruin the IU criminal Mattoon,

02:24:32 --> 02:24:38

you shall see and they will see which of you is afflicted? Surely

02:24:38 --> 02:24:41

your Lord knows very well those who have gone astray from his way

02:24:41 --> 02:24:43

and he knows very well those who are guided.

02:24:45 --> 02:24:48

Then after praising him, Allah centers his enemies makes known

02:24:48 --> 02:24:51

their bad character and enumerates their faults then he follows this

02:24:51 --> 02:24:56

with his bounty and is helping the prophet. He mentioned some 10 or

02:24:56 --> 02:24:59

so centered qualities. So this is

02:25:00 --> 02:25:04

Very common in Semitic rhetoric, it's very common in the Quran.

02:25:04 --> 02:25:08

This idea of by narrative is what is called an English rhetoric or

02:25:08 --> 02:25:14

double portraits or T Bock, this sort of juxtaposition of opposite

02:25:14 --> 02:25:20

ideas. So juxtaposed with the idea describing the prophets, beautiful

02:25:20 --> 02:25:21


02:25:22 --> 02:25:27

is the moquette, the been those who are denying the Prophet

02:25:27 --> 02:25:31

salallahu Salam, and their character traits, right. So you

02:25:31 --> 02:25:35

have hook or the aim or hook Mahmoud, praiseworthy character,

02:25:36 --> 02:25:38

juxtaposed with hookah, methylome.

02:25:39 --> 02:25:43

blameworthy character or bad character. So, when you read

02:25:44 --> 02:25:47

these, when we read these descriptions of the character of,

02:25:48 --> 02:25:53

of those who are rejecting the Prophet Soleimani syndrome, the

02:25:53 --> 02:25:56

prophets character is exactly the opposite of this, it is juxtaposed

02:25:56 --> 02:25:57

against this.

02:25:59 --> 02:26:02

So Allah subhanaw taala says do not obey those who reject

02:26:04 --> 02:26:09

and McAfee been the people have to keep right the people who rebel

02:26:09 --> 02:26:09

against God.

02:26:11 --> 02:26:14

And they're proud of it. They call these people today anti theists.

02:26:15 --> 02:26:19

They're not just atheists. This is someone who says there might be a

02:26:19 --> 02:26:24

god but I don't want to obey him anyway. Anti theist right, people

02:26:24 --> 02:26:27

have took the leap kept that the femoral Dooby tugela.

02:26:30 --> 02:26:34

They hope that you will try to conciliate with them and they will

02:26:34 --> 02:26:38

try to conciliate with you. Or another way of translating this,

02:26:38 --> 02:26:42

they hope that you will try to compromise with them and they will

02:26:42 --> 02:26:45

try to compromise with you. So, the Prophet salallahu Salam did

02:26:45 --> 02:26:50

have a conciliatory nature. He compromised at coup de BIA

02:26:51 --> 02:26:54

with the treaty, you know, the Muslims wrote Bismillah R Rahman r

02:26:54 --> 02:26:59

Rahim and then an envoy for the machete Kenan Mecca. So hey, look,

02:26:59 --> 02:27:03

no I'm not and he came in. He said that. What is Bismillah R Rahman r

02:27:03 --> 02:27:06

Rahim who is R Rahman r Rahim is these are the names of Allah. He

02:27:06 --> 02:27:11

said I've never heard of these changes to Allahumma Biss mica in

02:27:11 --> 02:27:14

the prophecy, okay. No problem. And they kept reading the document

02:27:14 --> 02:27:18

and it says, we'll have muddled Rasulullah. And he said, I don't

02:27:18 --> 02:27:23

believe you're Rasulullah. Right. So let's make it more secular.

02:27:23 --> 02:27:26

Let's read ibn Abdullah, because we both agree on that. So the

02:27:26 --> 02:27:30

Prophet Okay, no problem. Right? We can compromise on that. So he

02:27:30 --> 02:27:33

said, saying it show me where it says what a pseudo lies is right

02:27:33 --> 02:27:38

here. And he said to erase it and he said, No, I'm never gonna erase

02:27:38 --> 02:27:42

it. So say Allah, He disobeyed the prophets of Allah is in a matter

02:27:42 --> 02:27:44

of respect for the profits of the license. So you say show me where

02:27:44 --> 02:27:47

it is. He's right here. So he erased it himself.

02:27:48 --> 02:27:52

Right. So he compromise but he did not compromise his theology and

02:27:52 --> 02:27:53


02:27:54 --> 02:27:58

There was no compromise when it comes to theology and ethics.

02:27:59 --> 02:28:01

Right now with a man who came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam

02:28:01 --> 02:28:04

said, Yeah, rasool Allah Ko leafield, Islamic colon, let us

02:28:04 --> 02:28:08

anyone who had an earache, told me something special about Islam,

02:28:08 --> 02:28:11

that only you can tell me what I meant to be left and was stuck in.

02:28:12 --> 02:28:17

Say, I believe in Allah and be firm upon that is the karma. Stand

02:28:17 --> 02:28:20

firm upon that. The principle person, don't be a wishy washy

02:28:20 --> 02:28:21


02:28:28 --> 02:28:31

Of course, even Hashem mentions that early in the Meccan period.

02:28:33 --> 02:28:37

They tried threatening the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they tried to

02:28:37 --> 02:28:41

sort of buying him out. Right? We'll give you one we'll make you

02:28:41 --> 02:28:43

the King and we'll give you this and that and

02:28:44 --> 02:28:47

none of these things, none of these none of these things work

02:28:47 --> 02:28:51

because the problem is that nobody said it but not compromise in

02:28:51 --> 02:28:51

these areas.

02:28:53 --> 02:28:56

So it only continues to describe the McKenzie been

02:28:58 --> 02:29:03

calls them every mean swear or a better translation file oath

02:29:03 --> 02:29:04


02:29:05 --> 02:29:08

for the Tafseer says that they're always swearing by Allah's name,

02:29:08 --> 02:29:11

but they're always lying there on the front of one law. He's one law

02:29:11 --> 02:29:13

he will not he will not you but you can't trust anything. They're

02:29:13 --> 02:29:14


02:29:15 --> 02:29:15

They're always lying.

02:29:18 --> 02:29:21

Back bite or going about with slander, so they spread gossip,

02:29:21 --> 02:29:22

they love scandal,

02:29:23 --> 02:29:28

hinder of good guilty aggressor. They're harsh, they're negative,

02:29:28 --> 02:29:30

they're immature. Right?

02:29:31 --> 02:29:35

The Prophet sallallahu sallam said it is from a person's Moto, or

02:29:35 --> 02:29:39

maturity that he can hear the opinion of another man and he

02:29:39 --> 02:29:42

won't interrupt him even when he disagrees

02:29:43 --> 02:29:47

this is something that is just lost now. People are just so

02:29:47 --> 02:29:51

easily offended there. They have a term for their triggered now in

02:29:51 --> 02:29:57

colleges, you know they have these sort of safe spaces to go to if

02:29:57 --> 02:29:59

they feel like they've been offended by some some opinion they

02:29:59 --> 02:29:59


02:30:00 --> 02:30:03

Like, they go into these little rooms and they play with Play Doh.

02:30:03 --> 02:30:07

They play video games. This is relatively new. I didn't I don't

02:30:07 --> 02:30:12

remember having safe spaces when I was in an undergrad in the early

02:30:12 --> 02:30:12


02:30:15 --> 02:30:16

That's what's happening.

02:30:18 --> 02:30:22

Then of course and rude we said that more over ignoble because he

02:30:22 --> 02:30:26

has wealth and sons. So this is a type of person who thinks that

02:30:26 --> 02:30:31

because he has a lot of children or he has a lot of money, that

02:30:31 --> 02:30:33

he's better than everybody else. Right.

02:30:36 --> 02:30:39

Elsewhere in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says yo Mala and

02:30:39 --> 02:30:44

federal law alone Well I've been known then on the day of judgment

02:30:45 --> 02:30:50

children or sons children in general or wealth will not benefit

02:30:50 --> 02:30:51


02:30:52 --> 02:30:56

Illa man at Allah hydrocarbon serene, except the one who brings

02:30:56 --> 02:30:58

to God a sound heart

02:30:59 --> 02:31:02

then it's possible for your wealth and children to benefit you.

02:31:04 --> 02:31:06

Because you spent in the way of Allah and your children make dua

02:31:06 --> 02:31:07

for you so on and so forth.

02:31:11 --> 02:31:16

Then he finishes this section here and pseudo column when our signs

02:31:16 --> 02:31:16

are recited to him

02:31:18 --> 02:31:21

either to to the IDI or to now follow us arteriolar welline They

02:31:21 --> 02:31:23

say these are fairy tales of the ancients.

02:31:24 --> 02:31:24


02:31:26 --> 02:31:29

Like even like even today, you want people you know the flood,

02:31:29 --> 02:31:34

you know, the flood of Noah the Exodus, this is just mythology and

02:31:35 --> 02:31:37

where's your historical proof?

02:31:38 --> 02:31:41

You know, the Quran says what 10 met Kadima Torah because setup

02:31:41 --> 02:31:42

Anwar Adela

02:31:43 --> 02:31:48

that the word of your Lord is fulfilled in truth and injustice.

02:31:49 --> 02:31:57

In the 1980s, the tomb of a very high ranking Semitic official was

02:31:57 --> 02:32:02

discovered in a place called Varus. Which is in in Egypt. In

02:32:02 --> 02:32:06

Northern Egypt, it usually used to be called Goshen. According to the

02:32:06 --> 02:32:10

Torah, at least, this is where the Israelites lived. This is where

02:32:10 --> 02:32:16

Yaakov is, made hijra to, this is where his 12 sons lived. There was

02:32:16 --> 02:32:18

a tomb found there

02:32:19 --> 02:32:24

that many Egyptologists like David roll, I mean, these are not people

02:32:24 --> 02:32:27

that are necessarily religious, three secular scholars, David

02:32:27 --> 02:32:31

Ayling, Charles Ayling, they say that this is probably the tomb of

02:32:31 --> 02:32:31


02:32:33 --> 02:32:34

This is their opinion

02:32:36 --> 02:32:42

in 1998, with these two brilliant geophysicists at Columbia,

02:32:44 --> 02:32:45

Ryan and Pittman.

02:32:46 --> 02:32:48

And they found exactly

02:32:49 --> 02:32:54

where the flood occurred, when it occurred. And how it happened

02:32:56 --> 02:32:58

is incredible work.

02:32:59 --> 02:33:02

They actually wrote a book, it's called Noah's flood, the new

02:33:02 --> 02:33:05

scientific discoveries about the event that changed history.

02:33:06 --> 02:33:10

It agrees with the Quranic narrative 100% It's really

02:33:10 --> 02:33:11


02:33:13 --> 02:33:17

The theory is called the the Black Sea deluge theory

02:33:20 --> 02:33:23

highly encourage you to look it up. Because this is something

02:33:23 --> 02:33:28

that's always attack that like atheists, or secular people write

02:33:28 --> 02:33:31

these stories, they have no historical basis, so on and so

02:33:31 --> 02:33:31


02:33:33 --> 02:33:38

But you know, this was this book was published in 1998. This is

02:33:38 --> 02:33:39

something relatively new.

02:33:41 --> 02:33:44

So the word of my Lord finds fulfillment, but 10 might carry

02:33:44 --> 02:33:49

matura because silicon will Adela it takes an amount of trust a bit

02:33:49 --> 02:33:49

of trust.

02:33:53 --> 02:33:56

But this is what this is what they look at the beam these are just

02:33:56 --> 02:33:59

fairy tales, you know, what do you what do you believe in this stuff?

02:33:59 --> 02:34:00

This type of thing.

02:34:01 --> 02:34:05

more scientific, right? Or scientific.

02:34:08 --> 02:34:10

Yet they believe that there's something called dark matter.

02:34:12 --> 02:34:16

That's that's sort of the catch all for them. Jupiter makes orbits

02:34:16 --> 02:34:17

around the sun.

02:34:18 --> 02:34:22

But the math doesn't quite work for them. Jupiter's too big. What

02:34:22 --> 02:34:24

keeps Jupiter in its orbit consistently.

02:34:25 --> 02:34:28

Dark matter? What is that? It's just something that's out there.

02:34:28 --> 02:34:33

And it's, it's fills in the gaps of the ignorance. Right? So the

02:34:33 --> 02:34:35

universe is expanding and it's increasing and its expansion.

02:34:35 --> 02:34:41

How's that happening? Dark energy. What does that just trust us? It's

02:34:41 --> 02:34:42

dark energy. Why should they trust you?

02:34:49 --> 02:34:49


02:34:51 --> 02:34:56

a lock includes these words, with the real threat, that their misery

02:34:56 --> 02:34:59

will be complete and their total ruin by saying we will brand him

02:34:59 --> 02:34:59

upon the mud

02:35:00 --> 02:35:06

So the horror tomb or brand him on the nose so the nose is sort of

02:35:06 --> 02:35:11

the the most apparent feature on the face right? So most of the

02:35:11 --> 02:35:15

time I believe this is an idiomatic expression that it means

02:35:15 --> 02:35:16

that Allah will expose people

02:35:18 --> 02:35:21

a face and corruption you'll expose the people of rebellion for

02:35:21 --> 02:35:25

what there really is they'll be proven wrong eventually

02:35:30 --> 02:35:33

Okay, so that's what we're doing any questions or

02:35:36 --> 02:35:36


02:35:42 --> 02:35:43


02:35:57 --> 02:36:00

so the the standard exegesis here is that

02:36:03 --> 02:36:05

the the recorders the in scribers or the mana ICA,

02:36:07 --> 02:36:10

right then it's an oath, taking the oath by the recording angels

02:36:12 --> 02:36:13

that their pen is recording

02:36:15 --> 02:36:19

the events of the world the deeds of humanity. So laws taking an

02:36:19 --> 02:36:24

oath by the angels will allow them. There may be other meetings

02:36:24 --> 02:36:26

there definitely are other meetings. Others say the kalam is

02:36:27 --> 02:36:29

a reference to the first thing that Allah created. There's a

02:36:29 --> 02:36:32

hadith like this, the first thing that Allah created is the pen.

02:36:33 --> 02:36:38

Right is the sound Hadith, I believe. So Allah Spano Tala, so

02:36:38 --> 02:36:38


02:36:39 --> 02:36:41

Allah said to the pen octobe, right.

02:36:42 --> 02:36:46

And then it started writing the history of existence. And that's

02:36:46 --> 02:36:48

why some of the traditions mentioned that when the prophets

02:36:48 --> 02:36:51

of Allah they said it was beyond a scintilla to monta Ha, he heard a

02:36:51 --> 02:36:54

scratching sound and it was the pen writing

02:36:56 --> 02:36:57

the history of existence Well, Aladdin

02:37:06 --> 02:37:06


02:37:09 --> 02:37:12

some of my spiritual centers we were asking you this, we were

02:37:12 --> 02:37:13

talking about this.

02:37:14 --> 02:37:16

And you're talking about just

02:37:17 --> 02:37:18

my father

02:37:20 --> 02:37:24

was asking all those same angels like everybody different, what's

02:37:24 --> 02:37:28

going on? appear to be different angels.

02:37:29 --> 02:37:31

They're assigned to each person.

02:37:32 --> 02:37:32


02:37:34 --> 02:37:34

Allahu Allah.

02:37:36 --> 02:37:37


02:37:38 --> 02:37:39

inshallah That's correct.

02:37:43 --> 02:37:46

So that on the ELMO piano, people receive their key tab. It's

02:37:46 --> 02:37:49

mentioned in the Quran Yarraman Cathy beam has mentioned the

02:37:49 --> 02:37:52

recording angels and then the key tab

02:37:54 --> 02:37:57

the believers in the right hand the unbelievers and the left

02:37:57 --> 02:37:57

hander behind the back

02:38:03 --> 02:38:03

any other question

02:38:07 --> 02:38:09

of course, we want an edited version of that key tab.

02:38:11 --> 02:38:14

We said last time one of the names of Allah is awful. The one who

02:38:14 --> 02:38:15


02:38:17 --> 02:38:19

so the things in the Kitab you like oh, I don't look at this

02:38:19 --> 02:38:20


02:38:21 --> 02:38:25

And there's nothing there. It's gone because the Toba was accepted

02:38:26 --> 02:38:28

and Allah just faced it is gone

02:38:38 --> 02:38:41

yeah, there's an AI in the Quran like this Yeah.

02:38:43 --> 02:38:47

Yeah, I don't know the left of the the if there's something like this

02:38:47 --> 02:38:48

and definitely in the Quran.

02:38:49 --> 02:38:50


02:38:55 --> 02:38:55

I have to look it up.

02:39:01 --> 02:39:03

Let's see. So Section six now

02:39:06 --> 02:39:09

is concerning Allah's addressing the Prophet with compassion and

02:39:09 --> 02:39:09


02:39:11 --> 02:39:16

So he begins by quoting surah Taha, Allah says Taha, so this is

02:39:16 --> 02:39:19

usually taken to be one of the names of the Prophet Soleimani

02:39:19 --> 02:39:19


02:39:20 --> 02:39:24

Imam Razi, mentions that Jaffa esodoc Jefra, Salah is the same

02:39:24 --> 02:39:26

one who said that Yacine is Yasay it

02:39:29 --> 02:39:34

and he has a Jaffa sodic says it refers to the purity taharah of

02:39:34 --> 02:39:34

the added bait.

02:39:36 --> 02:39:39

And other say that the meaning is your TA here, one of the names of

02:39:39 --> 02:39:40

the prophets on the

02:39:41 --> 02:39:45

mountains, I think the Quran or the Tishkoff we did not send down

02:39:45 --> 02:39:48

the Quran upon you in order for you to be distressed. It's better

02:39:48 --> 02:39:51

than wretched. If stress is a better word.

02:39:53 --> 02:39:55

He says it is said that so I mentioned as one of the names of

02:39:55 --> 02:39:58

the Prophet sallallahu sallam. One of the meanings also pointed out

02:39:58 --> 02:39:59

bass is oh man, Tom

02:40:00 --> 02:40:03

Aha, in the second dialect, it's mentioned may have been a bass, at

02:40:03 --> 02:40:06

least something attributed to even up bass, that one of the meanings

02:40:06 --> 02:40:10

of TA is oh man, oh, reader, right? So

02:40:12 --> 02:40:15

even his sham relates to the conversion of Satan or model.

02:40:16 --> 02:40:19

Right? We know the source in our mouth that he had a sword and he

02:40:19 --> 02:40:22

was going to dodge on Arkham to kill the profits of a lot. He said

02:40:22 --> 02:40:25

that was his intention. And then a man named your aim a secret Muslim

02:40:25 --> 02:40:28

sees him and says, Where are you going? He's I'm going to go kill

02:40:28 --> 02:40:30

him. And he said, What about your own household so we had to buy

02:40:30 --> 02:40:34

time for the profits of the Life Center. Don't tell them. So saving

02:40:34 --> 02:40:40

our money goes to his house and he can hear a scribe and Bab reciting

02:40:40 --> 02:40:41

from surah Taha

02:40:43 --> 02:40:46

and his sister Fatima, and her husband zeta inside and of course,

02:40:46 --> 02:40:50

we know the story. He busts on the door, they get into a tussle. His

02:40:50 --> 02:40:52

sister is injured, she tries to break up the two men and she's

02:40:52 --> 02:40:55

like, elbowed or punched in the face or something and there's

02:40:55 --> 02:40:59

blood. So a lot of feels bad. So they give him the scroll and he

02:40:59 --> 02:41:00

reads it.

02:41:01 --> 02:41:05

And he reads sort of thought ha ha ha man's and that it can Khurana

02:41:05 --> 02:41:09

the Tesco. This sort of speaks to him directly. Oh, man. We did not

02:41:09 --> 02:41:13

send this Koran in order for you to be distressed. And then he read

02:41:13 --> 02:41:16

Hal attack a hadith of Musa and say no Omar's temperament is very

02:41:16 --> 02:41:20

similar to Moses. According to that prophets, Allah Maxim,

02:41:20 --> 02:41:24

they're very similar. So there's very like sort of,

02:41:25 --> 02:41:25

what do you call it?

02:41:28 --> 02:41:31

A passage that was sort of tailored for him personally, that

02:41:31 --> 02:41:32

appealed to his heart.

02:41:34 --> 02:41:39

By the way, the oldest, the oldest manuscript in the world. Quran

02:41:39 --> 02:41:43

manuscript in the world is contained surah Taha, it's four

02:41:43 --> 02:41:46

pages long in its data to right in the middle of the Meccan period.

02:41:47 --> 02:41:51

This could be the very manuscripts that say no mater was actually

02:41:51 --> 02:41:56

reading it's possible. It's called the Birmingham manuscript. It's in

02:41:57 --> 02:41:59

University of Birmingham in England.

02:42:09 --> 02:42:12

It has also said that it is the imperative of the verb to tread

02:42:13 --> 02:42:17

and that the HA indicates the earth ie stand on the earth with

02:42:17 --> 02:42:21

both feet and do not tire yourself by standing on one foot. This is

02:42:21 --> 02:42:25

why I law says We have not sent down the foot on upon you, for you

02:42:25 --> 02:42:27

to be just distressed.

02:42:28 --> 02:42:31

He sent down the aisle when the Prophet used to make himself stay

02:42:31 --> 02:42:34

awake, and exhaust himself standing in prayer through the

02:42:34 --> 02:42:38

night of Rabbir everyone has said that the Prophet prayed when the

02:42:38 --> 02:42:41

Prophet prayed he used to stand on one leg and then the other so he

02:42:41 --> 02:42:44

was like not like stand on one leg it would rotate or shift his

02:42:44 --> 02:42:46

weight from foot to foot.

02:42:48 --> 02:42:51

So that Allah revealed him ta ie stand with both feet upon the

02:42:51 --> 02:42:55

earth. Oh Mohamed, we have not sent down the Quran upon you, for

02:42:55 --> 02:42:59

you to be distressed. In any case, it is clear that all of this

02:42:59 --> 02:43:02

indicates honor and excellent behavior. Import to be mentioned

02:43:02 --> 02:43:06

something similar to that. Of course, the Hadith intended with

02:43:06 --> 02:43:10

the kindness of a lady sent me Saudi habitat emu koderma the

02:43:10 --> 02:43:13

prophets of Allah He said Mr. printables feed was swell.

02:43:14 --> 02:43:18

Right? So Don't exhaust yourself with this worship, or, according

02:43:18 --> 02:43:21

to the aroma is a reference to the Prophet's grief and incredible

02:43:21 --> 02:43:23

concern for the Meccans

02:43:25 --> 02:43:27

when most of them initially disbelieved in his message,

02:43:29 --> 02:43:32

like we said last last week, the fact that they're not believing

02:43:32 --> 02:43:36

him, even though he had a stellar reputation is something that is

02:43:36 --> 02:43:40

just mind boggling to him. Like why don't you believe me now? Who

02:43:40 --> 02:43:43

else could bring you this message? And you'd believe so this is why

02:43:43 --> 02:43:47

the Quran was is almost like a sense of his distress, that this

02:43:47 --> 02:43:51

is sort of what sort of made this attitude towards me. So Allah was

02:43:51 --> 02:43:55

saying to him, we did not send the Quran down for that purpose.

02:43:57 --> 02:44:01

In this vein, Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in surah calf I in

02:44:01 --> 02:44:05

number six, for the Allah capacity on Neff secca, Allah authority him

02:44:06 --> 02:44:10

in Nam Umino behind that hadith, the assefa Perhaps you will

02:44:10 --> 02:44:14

consume yourself out of grief for them. If they do not believe in

02:44:14 --> 02:44:15

this message.

02:44:17 --> 02:44:20

And then she says ie kill yourself with kill doesn't mean like he's

02:44:20 --> 02:44:24

gonna kill himself literally. It means like MAMARAZZI says, like,

02:44:24 --> 02:44:29

utterly exhausted himself with grief to be so just overcome with

02:44:29 --> 02:44:33

grief, exhausted with grief, because people don't believe in

02:44:33 --> 02:44:33


02:44:36 --> 02:44:39

So Allah says, How do we so willed, We would have sent down on

02:44:39 --> 02:44:42

them from heaven a sign so that their necks would remain humble to

02:44:42 --> 02:44:47

it. In the same vein, Allah says, proclaim what you are commanded

02:44:47 --> 02:44:51

and turn away from the idolaters we are not for you against the

02:44:51 --> 02:44:55

markers in here the markers are the most so you own. That's the

02:44:55 --> 02:44:59

word and Arabic is, is that the markers of the Prophet there's a

02:44:59 --> 02:45:00

special group

02:45:00 --> 02:45:00


02:45:01 --> 02:45:06

especially bad group from the far right, that are called the Mr.

02:45:06 --> 02:45:09

hizzy goon. These are people who didn't just disbelieve in the

02:45:09 --> 02:45:13

prophets I send them. Like before the Fatah Mecca, Abu Sufian did

02:45:13 --> 02:45:16

not believe in the prophecies of them. And even I'm not even I'll

02:45:16 --> 02:45:19

ask them, I believe the prophecies in them, right? But they're not

02:45:19 --> 02:45:22

for the most data. So you own the most data even or those who mark

02:45:22 --> 02:45:26

the profits of the lottery system. Right. So these are people like

02:45:26 --> 02:45:32

Abu gehele, Abu Lahab, Raka, even Abby more eight, allows him in the

02:45:33 --> 02:45:37

Bay of new Hannah, who may have been heard of none of these men

02:45:37 --> 02:45:40

became Muslim. None of them became Muslim.

02:45:41 --> 02:45:45

They were either killed at butter, or they died from diseases. Every

02:45:45 --> 02:45:48

single one of them was Desi wound. None of them were guided to Islam.

02:45:49 --> 02:45:52

But people that were fierce opponents of the provinces send

02:45:52 --> 02:45:55

them like a booster shot of no harm, tried to kill the promises

02:45:55 --> 02:45:57

that many times but he did not mark the profits of the license.

02:45:59 --> 02:46:04

Right is with an MSA that, that marking the profit is is

02:46:04 --> 02:46:05

tantamount to kofler.

02:46:07 --> 02:46:10

And also breaching up with that after the date of the Prophet

02:46:10 --> 02:46:15

sallallahu Sallam puts one and danger of a hotma a bad ending.

02:46:16 --> 02:46:16


02:46:18 --> 02:46:22

Because of what happened to the Mr. Honeymoon, and your lineage

02:46:22 --> 02:46:25

will not help you because Abu Lahab is Benny Hashem and his

02:46:25 --> 02:46:26

uncle, the Prophet SAW Selim.

02:46:32 --> 02:46:33

And then he says,

02:46:34 --> 02:46:38

We know that your breast is constricted by what they say is an

02:46:38 --> 02:46:42

idiomatic expression. He feels a tightness distress. Nakata now,

02:46:43 --> 02:46:49

what can you do for Ruka be by your Kowloon? You feel a tightness

02:46:49 --> 02:46:52

in your chest because of what they're saying. But then Allah

02:46:52 --> 02:46:55

says messengers before he remarked, and I gave the

02:46:55 --> 02:46:58

unbelievers a respite then I seized him, I seize them.

02:47:04 --> 02:47:08

And Allah set his mind at ease and excuse him saying to Allah, I'm

02:47:08 --> 02:47:08


02:47:10 --> 02:47:14

For my untapped demand, don't turn away from them, you're not to be

02:47:14 --> 02:47:14


02:47:16 --> 02:47:21

Well, that was that kid if in vichara, 10 meaning and remind

02:47:21 --> 02:47:26

them for thought reminder, meaning the Quran benefits the believers.

02:47:30 --> 02:47:33

Similarly, Allah says was severely hurt me up big in nexcopy

02:47:33 --> 02:47:38

Ioannina. Be patient under the judgment of your Lord, you are

02:47:38 --> 02:47:39

before our eyes.

02:47:40 --> 02:47:43

Or be patient study for answers. Be patient with the judgment of

02:47:43 --> 02:47:48

thy Lord, for thou art before our eyes. What does that mean?

02:47:50 --> 02:47:53

I asked one of my teachers, can you translate to that to me in

02:47:53 --> 02:47:58

California English, and he says the meaning is, relax, I got your

02:47:58 --> 02:47:58


02:48:01 --> 02:48:03

Relax. I'm backing you up

02:48:07 --> 02:48:09

section seven, let's see how we're doing on time.

02:48:11 --> 02:48:14

It's five minutes till eight any questions or comments

02:48:19 --> 02:48:22

section seven, we'll start it and when I hear the Athan inshallah

02:48:24 --> 02:48:26

concerning allows praise of him and his numerous excellent

02:48:26 --> 02:48:33

qualities. Allah says, if I have alone me faculty been Allah made a

02:48:33 --> 02:48:36

pact with the prophets. This is called the prophetic covenant.

02:48:37 --> 02:48:42

It's mentioned in Sula, it Imran SUTA number three, verse 81 381.

02:48:42 --> 02:48:45

The prophetic covenant covenant is an agreement

02:48:48 --> 02:48:51

stipulating I have given you something of the book Kitab and

02:48:51 --> 02:48:56

Hekmat wisdom, then a messenger will come to you confirming what

02:48:56 --> 02:49:01

you have. You are to believe in him and help him. Allah asked, Do

02:49:01 --> 02:49:04

you acknowledge that? Do you take on that burden of my pact on that

02:49:04 --> 02:49:09

basis? They said Aquila, Rinna, we acknowledge that, that Allah says

02:49:09 --> 02:49:14

fish I do. What Anima akumina Shahidi bear witness and I am

02:49:14 --> 02:49:16

among the witnesses.

02:49:17 --> 02:49:19

I will have obviously said that Allah singled out the Prophet

02:49:19 --> 02:49:22

sallallahu Sallam for excellence which he did not give to anybody

02:49:22 --> 02:49:25

else from a global. He clearly states this in the eye.

02:49:27 --> 02:49:29

The commentators say that Allah made this pact by means of

02:49:29 --> 02:49:32

Revelation, He did not send any profit without mentioning and

02:49:32 --> 02:49:35

describing the profits on his arm to him. The pack stipulated that

02:49:35 --> 02:49:39

if any profit met the profit, so nobody said them, he must believe

02:49:39 --> 02:49:43

in him in said that the pact entailed telling them, their

02:49:43 --> 02:49:47

people about him, and that is stipulated that they must explain

02:49:47 --> 02:49:49

this and describe him to those coming after them.

02:49:51 --> 02:49:55

Last Words Jacqueline, Jacqueline Rasul and then a messenger will

02:49:55 --> 02:49:58

come is in fact addressed to the people the book contemporary with

02:49:58 --> 02:49:59

the profits of the money center.

02:50:02 --> 02:50:06

The next ISS segment one led by the VALIC Fula, eco humble

02:50:06 --> 02:50:07


02:50:08 --> 02:50:12

That whoever turns away after this, they are iniquitous Imam

02:50:12 --> 02:50:17

Razi in order to be say this I am must refer the previous I must

02:50:17 --> 02:50:21

refer them to the prophets and their followers because a prophet

02:50:21 --> 02:50:26

would never turn away and become iniquitous that their followers

02:50:26 --> 02:50:28

might and they have.

02:50:30 --> 02:50:33

So this is just one of the many metok covenants mentioned in the

02:50:33 --> 02:50:37

Quran. There's another covenant it's called the primordial

02:50:37 --> 02:50:42

covenant, mi faculty Aleste. This is mentioned in students without

02:50:42 --> 02:50:48

off verse 172. When Allah subhanaw taala asked all of humanity before

02:50:48 --> 02:50:52

He created their physical bodies, perhaps in some pre somatic

02:50:52 --> 02:50:56

spiritual state where he was questioning all ruler, Ottawa, our

02:50:56 --> 02:51:00

souls I left to be aerobic home, Am I not your Lord? And we

02:51:00 --> 02:51:03

answered by last year hit na. And this is one of the reasons why

02:51:03 --> 02:51:07

according to the aroma, the Quran is called a vicar the reminder.

02:51:08 --> 02:51:15

Right that the latent within our human nature, our fitrah is is

02:51:15 --> 02:51:22

this recognition, re cognition, right to Reno, something to Reno,

02:51:22 --> 02:51:27

our udia or to remember the rudia to the rub, right? It's why people

02:51:27 --> 02:51:31

argue natural law theorists argue that everybody if they think

02:51:31 --> 02:51:34

clearly with reason what they're up to, they must come to the

02:51:34 --> 02:51:37

conclusion that there is a Creator of the universe, and it's a

02:51:37 --> 02:51:38

singular creator.

02:51:40 --> 02:51:43

Those are the sorts of effects of the Covenant you'll molest.

02:51:44 --> 02:51:48

So I guess we'll stop at Children's nearly eight so next

02:51:48 --> 02:51:49

time we'll continue with challenges

02:51:50 --> 02:51:52

sobre la cena Muhammad in 102 he was having a Sunday

02:52:08 --> 02:52:12

good to see a lot of him. So in the lawsuit Mohammed didn't want

02:52:12 --> 02:52:16

early he was a Marine Subhanallah and Milena Ilana Alevtina in

02:52:16 --> 02:52:20

maganda animal Hakeem hola hola. Wonderful water illa biLlah in

02:52:20 --> 02:52:23

early labin Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

02:52:26 --> 02:52:30

Charlotte Allah, we're continuing. Inshallah we'll finish chapter

02:52:30 --> 02:52:30


02:52:33 --> 02:52:37

Tonight in sha Allah Tada. I believe we're on Section seven.

02:52:37 --> 02:52:38

There's 10 sections in chapter one.

02:52:40 --> 02:52:45

And then we'll move on inshallah. So last time, we talked about

02:52:47 --> 02:52:50

section seven concerning Allah's praise of him and his numerous

02:52:50 --> 02:52:53

excellent qualities so far, they are yet here he quotes as we said,

02:52:54 --> 02:52:58

so that Imran is number 81. This is called the prophetic covenant.

02:52:59 --> 02:53:03

This is when Allah subhanho wa Taala he took a covenant from all

02:53:03 --> 02:53:05

of the prophets, as we said,

02:53:07 --> 02:53:12

and the gist of the Covenant, according to the commentators that

02:53:12 --> 02:53:13

are quoted here at father yard,

02:53:15 --> 02:53:20

is that the covenant stipulated that if any prophet met the

02:53:20 --> 02:53:25

Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he must believe in the

02:53:25 --> 02:53:26

prophets Allah, Larissa

02:53:27 --> 02:53:29

and help the prophets mission.

02:53:30 --> 02:53:33

It has said that the pact or the covenant is called a Meath doc

02:53:34 --> 02:53:35

entailed telling,

02:53:36 --> 02:53:40

telling their people about him as well. So every prophet, describe

02:53:40 --> 02:53:43

the Prophet sallallahu sallam, to their people.

02:53:46 --> 02:53:50

So he says here, Allah's words Jacamo soon, as we said last time

02:53:50 --> 02:53:54

is in fact addressed to the added Kitab that people the book, a

02:53:54 --> 02:53:57

contemporary with the Prophet sallallaahu Salam. And then we

02:53:57 --> 02:54:01

also said the next idea, so then to what about does Attica Thula

02:54:01 --> 02:54:02

eco homall fasciae code.

02:54:04 --> 02:54:11

So, whoever turns away after this, indeed they are sinners, or

02:54:11 --> 02:54:19

iniquitous. So, you might want to also be an Imam Razi state, quite

02:54:19 --> 02:54:24

unequivocally, then that the I hear can not only be addressed to

02:54:24 --> 02:54:28

the prophets, but to their Ummah, their people, because a prophet

02:54:28 --> 02:54:34

would never turn away and become a facet. Should the Prophet

02:54:34 --> 02:54:37

sallallaahu Salam come during his time? It's impossible for a

02:54:37 --> 02:54:41

prophet to do that. Because the prophets have Esma they have a

02:54:41 --> 02:54:46

divine perfection or infallibility divine with a lowercase d divine

02:54:46 --> 02:54:50

meaning that or divine meaning that the source of their a sama is

02:54:50 --> 02:54:54

the is God the deity. So they're free from from

02:54:56 --> 02:54:59

from consciously disobeying Allah subhana wa Taala

02:55:00 --> 02:55:04

So this must also refer to their followers turning away from the

02:55:04 --> 02:55:07

Prophet sallallahu, setting them and becoming iniquitous.

02:55:08 --> 02:55:11

So that's we mentioned that last time so that's called the Mitaka

02:55:11 --> 02:55:14

been. There's another mythique we mentioned last time to mention as

02:55:14 --> 02:55:14

we looked at

02:55:16 --> 02:55:22

our off surah number seven verse 172, the primordial covenant,

02:55:22 --> 02:55:26

mythical Aleste. Right, this is when Allah so kind of what the

02:55:26 --> 02:55:31

Allah took a covenant from all human beings before He created

02:55:31 --> 02:55:35

their their physical bodies, the earth I must say that, that Allah

02:55:35 --> 02:55:41

Subhana Allah questioned our our Ottawa or souls are less to build

02:55:41 --> 02:55:45

up become, Am I not your Lord and we all bore witness, but actually

02:55:45 --> 02:55:47

hit not yes, we bear witness.

02:55:50 --> 02:55:53

Okay, so that was just sort of review from last time.

02:55:56 --> 02:56:00

So I live in every Ptolemy says a lot it Allah subhanho wa Taala did

02:56:00 --> 02:56:04

not send any profit from the time of Adam onwards without making a

02:56:04 --> 02:56:07

pact or covenant with him about Muhammad salallahu Salam. So this

02:56:07 --> 02:56:11

goes back to the previous is Ali Imran verse 81. The second Naveen

02:56:12 --> 02:56:15

if the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was sent while that prophet was

02:56:15 --> 02:56:17

alive, then he would have to believe in him and help him. So he

02:56:17 --> 02:56:21

mentioned that he had to make, he had to make a contract to that

02:56:21 --> 02:56:26

effect against his own people. So de Qatada said something similar

02:56:26 --> 02:56:29

about some other ayat, which refer to the excellence of the Prophet

02:56:29 --> 02:56:33

system in more than one way, in a MAMARAZZI also mentioned here that

02:56:33 --> 02:56:36

this covenant really pertains to any prophet

02:56:37 --> 02:56:44

who fulfills the criteria. For example, yeah, it is it is a Nebby

02:56:44 --> 02:56:45

is a prophet.

02:56:46 --> 02:56:49

But when our isa they said, who's a Rasool

02:56:50 --> 02:56:51


02:56:52 --> 02:56:57

Yeah, Ali Salam believed in isa de Salam, and help the mission of a

02:56:57 --> 02:57:01

Saudi Sudan because a Saudi Salam outranks Yeah, it is.

02:57:02 --> 02:57:06

A Saudi Salam is from the greatest of the five prophets. He's a

02:57:06 --> 02:57:10

Rasool which means that he's given a revelation and he's commanded to

02:57:10 --> 02:57:14

the people to take the revelation to the people. While yeah Ali

02:57:14 --> 02:57:15

Salam is a Nebby.

02:57:17 --> 02:57:20

And of course, Allah says Musa dia Combi Kelly Maximian Allah that

02:57:20 --> 02:57:25

yeah Ali Salam will confirm the Word of God meaning you saw the

02:57:25 --> 02:57:26


02:57:28 --> 02:57:30

Now quality or yet here,

02:57:31 --> 02:57:36

he quotes another verse. This is suited to Aza verse seven.

02:57:37 --> 02:57:42

In which Allah Subhan Allah to Allah says or if a Husna Mina Nibi

02:57:42 --> 02:57:43

Yean Mitaka home.

02:57:44 --> 02:57:48

Well Minka when we know what you bought a Hema Musa isa bindi Maria

02:57:49 --> 02:57:54

so here we have yet another covenant. This is an additional

02:57:54 --> 02:57:58

covenant taken from these five messengers.

02:57:59 --> 02:58:03

These messengers are called the Google as Amina Rasul these are

02:58:03 --> 02:58:07

the five most exalted human beings ever walked the planet Earth you

02:58:07 --> 02:58:09

know, I'm gonna call it to be says they are the great law giving

02:58:09 --> 02:58:16

messengers the Rasul of the Shara right. So you have the mythical

02:58:16 --> 02:58:19

Alas, which is all of humanity, you can think of it as a huge sort

02:58:19 --> 02:58:23

of ring, and then within that ring, concentric circle, that

02:58:23 --> 02:58:28

means back of the 1900 24,000 prophets, although that number is

02:58:28 --> 02:58:32

disputed, according to the Hadith, and then at the center, the the

02:58:32 --> 02:58:36

covenant that Allah Subhana Allah, Allah made with the Rasul the last

02:58:36 --> 02:58:37

minute Russell,

02:58:38 --> 02:58:39

the five profits.

02:58:42 --> 02:58:46

Now cloud, they are yet here, the point of quoting this verse

02:58:47 --> 02:58:51

is to point out the order of the prophets mentioned.

02:58:53 --> 02:58:58

So just to read the verse again, have them in and begin and behold,

02:58:58 --> 02:59:03

or remember we took a covenant from the Prophets Mitaka home, one

02:59:03 --> 02:59:08

min cop, and from you. So the cat the capital, he taught here is a

02:59:08 --> 02:59:11

direct reference to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

02:59:12 --> 02:59:16

Well, when we knew what Ebrahim were Musa, were essentially Maria.

02:59:16 --> 02:59:20

Notice the other four prophets are in chronological order. The

02:59:20 --> 02:59:22

Prophet sallallahu sallam was mentioned first.

02:59:24 --> 02:59:28

That's what he wants to point out here. So just some commentary on

02:59:28 --> 02:59:29

that cloudier yet he mentions

02:59:30 --> 02:59:33

that are not even on top or the ultra I'm who are although I was

02:59:33 --> 02:59:36

lamenting the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, My

02:59:36 --> 02:59:41

father and mother be a ransom or messenger of God. It has come down

02:59:41 --> 02:59:45

that that part of your excellence with Allah is that he sent you as

02:59:45 --> 02:59:48

the last of the prophets while mentioning you among the first of

02:59:48 --> 02:59:49


02:59:50 --> 02:59:53

and then equals the eye. When we made a pact with the prophets,

02:59:53 --> 02:59:56

from you and from Noah new highly salaam

02:59:57 --> 03:00:00

my mother and father be a ransom a messenger of

03:00:00 --> 03:00:04

Allah has come down the part of your excellence with him is that

03:00:04 --> 03:00:06

the people of the fire will wish they had obeyed you

03:00:08 --> 03:00:10

even while they are being punished in his depths and then he quotes

03:00:10 --> 03:00:11

this verse from Surah two

03:00:13 --> 03:00:19

i a number 66 Yeah later on Allah Allah Rasool Oh Would that we have

03:00:19 --> 03:00:21

obeyed Allah and His messenger

03:00:22 --> 03:00:25

and then all the air yet he quotes Qatada, a great exegete who

03:00:25 --> 03:00:28

studied other Ivanov bass, that the Prophet sallallahu sallam

03:00:28 --> 03:00:32

said, I was the first of the prophets to be created.

03:00:33 --> 03:00:35

And the last of them to be sent.

03:00:37 --> 03:00:40

And even cathedra an imam are called to be they mentioned this

03:00:40 --> 03:00:42

as well in their TFS here

03:00:45 --> 03:00:47

and this is related to the idea

03:00:48 --> 03:00:53

that the rule the soul of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam

03:00:54 --> 03:00:55

as temporal priority

03:00:56 --> 03:00:58

over the rest of creation.

03:01:00 --> 03:01:02

There's a hadith it's a popular Hadith.

03:01:03 --> 03:01:07

It's attributed to the Muslim enough of Imam Abdul Razak, a

03:01:07 --> 03:01:08

sunnah Annie

03:01:10 --> 03:01:14

Imam uses another Hani also quotes this hadith, the very famous

03:01:14 --> 03:01:17

Hadith in his famous treatise called for that it will not be

03:01:17 --> 03:01:21

what will mighty the merits of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his

03:01:21 --> 03:01:25

Alma so the Hadith says that it companion him Jabba, even Abdullah

03:01:26 --> 03:01:28

came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

03:01:29 --> 03:01:33

And he said, y'all rasool Allah be EBI unto me, and this is how the

03:01:33 --> 03:01:36

Sahaba would address the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, O Messenger of

03:01:36 --> 03:01:39

God, they use a title Allah uses his title in the Quran as we

03:01:39 --> 03:01:42

mentioned, a lot of never calls him directly by his first name.

03:01:43 --> 03:01:46

The Abbey until what will mean May my parents be ransom for you?

03:01:47 --> 03:01:48

A bit of me.

03:01:49 --> 03:01:53

I want to shade in halacha hula hula and a couple Alessia

03:01:54 --> 03:01:58

inform me about the first thing that Allah Subhana Allah created

03:01:59 --> 03:02:00

before He created anything

03:02:01 --> 03:02:07

Yeah, jabber in Allah to Allah halacha cobbler Usha new Rana

03:02:07 --> 03:02:09

Nebby Yuka me Newari

03:02:11 --> 03:02:15

Oh jabber indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala the most Hi created before

03:02:15 --> 03:02:17

all things the light of your prophet from his light.

03:02:18 --> 03:02:21

This is the Hadith though as it turns out, this hadith is actually

03:02:21 --> 03:02:25

not found in the motion enough of the reserve office and Annie.

03:02:27 --> 03:02:29

No one could trace it back to anything that's authentically

03:02:29 --> 03:02:33

written by him. Most of the arguments today say that this

03:02:33 --> 03:02:35

hadith is Maduro, it's fabricated.

03:02:36 --> 03:02:42

However, however, many, many are lemma. Many are them great are

03:02:42 --> 03:02:48

them. Whether they're scholars of Quran or their fuqaha, or their

03:02:48 --> 03:02:52

Muhaddith. In many orlimar say that the meaning of this hadith is

03:02:52 --> 03:02:52


03:02:54 --> 03:02:57

It's still a sound meaning. This particular Hadith, however, is

03:02:57 --> 03:02:58


03:02:59 --> 03:03:05

So it is it's permissible to believe in the meaning of this

03:03:05 --> 03:03:08

hadith, that the Prophet salallahu Salam, the light of the Prophet is

03:03:08 --> 03:03:12

the initial creation. It does not make or break your Eman. If

03:03:12 --> 03:03:15

somebody tells you, you have to believe this, if you don't believe

03:03:15 --> 03:03:19

this is as cool for say no, it is not cool for this jazz. It's non

03:03:19 --> 03:03:21

essential. Right.

03:03:23 --> 03:03:24

It doesn't make or break your Eman.

03:03:26 --> 03:03:29

Any questions about that? There's some groups sometimes they fight

03:03:29 --> 03:03:32

over this issue. Unfortunately, they make tuck feud. Because of

03:03:32 --> 03:03:35

this this issue. What is the initial light of the proposition?

03:03:35 --> 03:03:38

What is the initial creation? There's a stronger Hadith that

03:03:38 --> 03:03:42

says the pen the first thing that Allah created this is a sound

03:03:42 --> 03:03:46

Hadith, the first thing that Allah created was the pet the kalam and

03:03:46 --> 03:03:49

Allah said Right, right what right

03:03:51 --> 03:03:56

right history, right all of history. Right existence right.

03:03:56 --> 03:03:58

Now some will try to harmonize these Hadith

03:04:00 --> 03:04:01

and they'll say well what is the pen made out of?

03:04:04 --> 03:04:06

The first thing that last final its Allah created in its final

03:04:06 --> 03:04:10

functioning form is the pen but what is the constituents of the

03:04:10 --> 03:04:14

pen? What is the pen made out of light light of the provinces

03:04:14 --> 03:04:16

Allah? This is how they tried to some of them they want to

03:04:16 --> 03:04:17

harmonize these Hadith

03:04:18 --> 03:04:22

or these beliefs. Is there I saw a hand up here. Yes sir.

03:04:36 --> 03:04:40

No, I mean, you're not taking the belief from this hadith. That

03:04:40 --> 03:04:44

hadith is fabricated. But so many of the Allama agree in the meaning

03:04:44 --> 03:04:47

with the meaning of the Hadith. Let's say there's a hadith that

03:04:47 --> 03:04:47


03:04:49 --> 03:04:51

that, that

03:04:53 --> 03:04:54

Allah subhana wa Tada

03:04:55 --> 03:04:59

created the heavens and the earth in six days. That's a true

03:04:59 --> 03:04:59


03:05:00 --> 03:05:02

But let's say you try to find this hadith somewhere you don't find

03:05:02 --> 03:05:06

it, or you find that the sonnet is completely fabricated. So it's a

03:05:06 --> 03:05:09

fabricated, but the meaning is sound. So there's other

03:05:09 --> 03:05:13

traditions, right? It's not just this one Hadith that people are

03:05:13 --> 03:05:16

drawing this belief from. There's there's many, many traditions that

03:05:16 --> 03:05:22

that corroborate this belief. And the fact that many many great

03:05:22 --> 03:05:27

orlimar consider this belief jazz is something to consider. Right?

03:05:31 --> 03:05:33

Okay, any questions over here

03:05:37 --> 03:05:39

and then you know, there's a, there's

03:05:40 --> 03:05:44

a Quranic if, remember, we said, Allah who noticed some electrical

03:05:44 --> 03:05:45

mess I don't know really.

03:05:47 --> 03:05:50

This is an eye of the Quran. Allah subhana wa dalla is the Light of

03:05:50 --> 03:05:52

the heavens and the earth Imams see what he says the meaning of

03:05:52 --> 03:05:56

this is Allah is the source of all light, methadone, reheat, the

03:05:56 --> 03:05:59

similar to that of his life that he owns. This is a different light

03:05:59 --> 03:06:03

than the first light according to many, many commentators. This is a

03:06:03 --> 03:06:07

light that he created. And the dominant opinion here is that this

03:06:07 --> 03:06:10

second light mentioned here is the province of

03:06:11 --> 03:06:15

the jack akumina logging neuron, wiki tab on wellbeing. There's

03:06:15 --> 03:06:19

many I had like this, there is coming to you from Allah a light

03:06:20 --> 03:06:22

and they say well, that's the Koran will keep tabs on Moby no

03:06:22 --> 03:06:27

Kitab is the light Kitab is is the Quran. What is the newer

03:06:28 --> 03:06:32

and many exigent say that is the prophets of Allah. So this hadith

03:06:32 --> 03:06:36

could have been fabricated based on this pre existing belief that

03:06:36 --> 03:06:38

the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is light and that is the first

03:06:38 --> 03:06:40

creation so somebody wrote this hadith

03:06:43 --> 03:06:45

this is one opinion that it's Maduro sometimes you get

03:06:45 --> 03:06:48

differences of opinion but this seems to be the dominant opinion

03:06:49 --> 03:06:51

called the priority of the Mohammed in light.

03:06:55 --> 03:06:55


03:06:56 --> 03:06:57

moving on

03:07:11 --> 03:07:12


03:07:15 --> 03:07:19

now, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, so called the area now is quoting

03:07:19 --> 03:07:22

another IRA. This is 252 of Al Baqarah.

03:07:27 --> 03:07:31

tilaka rasuluh. For Donna badDo, malleable woman, men human Callum

03:07:31 --> 03:07:34

Allahu WaterFire What if I want a five out of the one that I got?

03:07:35 --> 03:07:39

That we preferred some of the messengers over others.

03:07:40 --> 03:07:43

Allah spoke directly to some of them. And he raised some of them

03:07:43 --> 03:07:44

in rank.

03:07:47 --> 03:07:50

So that Allah subhanho wa taala, he has his prophets at different

03:07:50 --> 03:07:55

degrees a different ranks. We don't give them the ranks. That's

03:07:55 --> 03:07:58

what Allah has given them. Some people like to put the ayah

03:07:59 --> 03:08:02

because we say the provinces Salam is halal, Alakay, Allah is the

03:08:02 --> 03:08:06

best of creation. And then sometimes we get the response, but

03:08:06 --> 03:08:09

Allah says, Latin euphotic Kobina at the middle, so they don't make

03:08:09 --> 03:08:14

distinctions between prophets. Yes, that's true. I'm not making a

03:08:14 --> 03:08:18

distinction between any prophets. Allah Subhan Allah to Allah says

03:08:18 --> 03:08:22

in the Quran, and another if it's important that we read the entire

03:08:22 --> 03:08:27

Quran, right? Another ayah he says that he has his prophets at

03:08:27 --> 03:08:29

different data at different degrees.

03:08:31 --> 03:08:35

So this is an absolutely essential belief, this belief is essential

03:08:36 --> 03:08:40

that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is, say you do already Adam,

03:08:41 --> 03:08:44

is the master of the children of Adam. This hadith is intuitively

03:08:44 --> 03:08:49

the is a strong Hadith, that he's the beloved of God Habibollah is

03:08:49 --> 03:08:52

also an intermediate there might be a slight weakness in this.

03:08:53 --> 03:08:57

But this belief is, is is something that is found

03:08:59 --> 03:09:00

in many, many

03:09:01 --> 03:09:06

scholarly works of of scholars of Hadith and Quran Yamama to Howey

03:09:07 --> 03:09:11

his creed, which is an early creed, which is considered to be

03:09:11 --> 03:09:15

an authority, creed, in other words, he's he puts a lot of

03:09:15 --> 03:09:20

weight on sound transmissions, Quran and strong Hadith also in

03:09:20 --> 03:09:26

the age map of the seller, it's a less speculative creed aqidah it's

03:09:26 --> 03:09:29

more ecumenical, it's safer, if you will, and this is how he

03:09:29 --> 03:09:32

describes the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

03:09:33 --> 03:09:38

He says Abdullah Al Mustafa, his chosen servant, when the EBU which

03:09:39 --> 03:09:45

is elected Prophet, what a sunnah will mourtada, His Messenger in

03:09:45 --> 03:09:49

whom he is well pleased. Hot Tamale NBR the seal of the

03:09:49 --> 03:09:51

prophets what Imam will add Korea,

03:09:52 --> 03:09:57

the leader of the righteous what's the usual more saline the master

03:09:57 --> 03:09:59

of the messengers of God will have you

03:10:00 --> 03:10:04

Honorable alameen and the Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds.

03:10:07 --> 03:10:08

So this is absolutely essential

03:10:11 --> 03:10:13

to say for example, that

03:10:14 --> 03:10:14


03:10:16 --> 03:10:19

Musa alayhis salam, or essentially Salam have the same rank with the

03:10:19 --> 03:10:23

Prophet sallallaahu Salam. This is highly problematic.

03:10:24 --> 03:10:27

The Prophet salallahu Salam is the best of creation. These other

03:10:27 --> 03:10:29

prophets are obviously great.

03:10:31 --> 03:10:33

But the prophets MACOM as the

03:10:35 --> 03:10:39

chef here to Chef fear, the one who intercedes and the one whose

03:10:39 --> 03:10:43

intercession is accepted. He has mahkamah Mahmoud. He has the

03:10:43 --> 03:10:44

station of the Habib

03:10:45 --> 03:10:47

This is without question

03:10:51 --> 03:10:51


03:10:56 --> 03:10:58

Here's all the area equal to some on Monday.

03:10:59 --> 03:11:02

Related that Kelby said that the words of Allah

03:11:03 --> 03:11:06

when in limine, she had to hear that Ibrahim, there's a verse in

03:11:06 --> 03:11:08

Surah, that's Safar verse 83.

03:11:09 --> 03:11:13

That says, and from his party or from his or she,

03:11:14 --> 03:11:18

he or she, it can be party or faction. But here it means

03:11:18 --> 03:11:23

something more like adherence or followers, and from his followers

03:11:23 --> 03:11:24

was equal to Him.

03:11:25 --> 03:11:26

Now the question is,

03:11:27 --> 03:11:29

who does the pronoun

03:11:30 --> 03:11:35

he referred to? We're in them in Shi T. And from the followers of

03:11:35 --> 03:11:40

him was Ibrahim. Some of the commentators say new hat, acela

03:11:41 --> 03:11:46

from the followers of new Haile, salaam, Ibrahim, but others said,

03:11:46 --> 03:11:51

and this has mentioned mighty mama, Tabori Imam Razi, that the

03:11:51 --> 03:11:53

pronoun refers to the prophets of Allah, he said

03:11:54 --> 03:11:58

that Ibrahim Ali Salam is a follower of the Prophet sallallahu

03:11:58 --> 03:12:02

sallam, in the sense that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam has

03:12:02 --> 03:12:06

precedence over him. Because the Prophet is Imam on mursaleen

03:12:08 --> 03:12:12

just so happens that Ibrahim Ali Salam was sent before him in

03:12:12 --> 03:12:16

temporality. But in reality, the MACOM of the Prophet salallahu

03:12:16 --> 03:12:19

Salam is the highest MACOM of all the prophets.

03:12:26 --> 03:12:29

Section Eight here, concerning Allah instructing his creation,

03:12:30 --> 03:12:33

to say the prayer on the Prophet solomani syllabus, Salah Allen

03:12:33 --> 03:12:37

Levy, is protecting him and removing the punishment because of

03:12:37 --> 03:12:37


03:12:38 --> 03:12:42

While the Ariad he quotes this ayah from Surah, two and file iron

03:12:42 --> 03:12:43

number 33.

03:12:44 --> 03:12:47

Where Allah Subhan Allah, Allah says, Allah would never punish

03:12:47 --> 03:12:52

them while you are among them. What am I can Allah Who do I libo

03:12:52 --> 03:12:53

whom Enta fie him,

03:12:54 --> 03:12:57

Allah would never punish them while you are among them.

03:12:59 --> 03:13:03

And then he says here, meaning as long as you are in Mecca

03:13:05 --> 03:13:08

when the Prophet left Mecca, and some of the believers were still

03:13:08 --> 03:13:12

there, so Imam Tubridy in order to be mentioned that some of the most

03:13:12 --> 03:13:17

menial and some of the Sahaba they were convinced by their families,

03:13:17 --> 03:13:21

not to make higit off with the Prophet salallahu Salam. So some

03:13:21 --> 03:13:25

of them remained in Mecca, it was difficult for them to leave Mecca.

03:13:27 --> 03:13:30

So Allah Subhan Allah to Allah says Allah would never punish them

03:13:30 --> 03:13:31

while you are among them.

03:13:33 --> 03:13:37

So the Prophet leaves, there's still some believers in Mecca. So

03:13:37 --> 03:13:41

then the very next statement, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

03:13:41 --> 03:13:45

Well, my con Allah who I leave a home while home, your stuff.

03:13:46 --> 03:13:49

Allah subhanho wa Taala will not punish them, as long as they're

03:13:49 --> 03:13:51

asking for forgiveness.

03:13:53 --> 03:13:56

Right, such as the station of is still a farm.

03:13:58 --> 03:14:02

That is default as the sort of Deputy of the province SLM, if you

03:14:02 --> 03:14:04

will. When he steps away.

03:14:05 --> 03:14:09

The profit isn't amongst you, then you better make a lot of Toba

03:14:10 --> 03:14:13

and then the punishment more or the other will not come. This is

03:14:13 --> 03:14:18

how to interpret the AI according to these great facility of the

03:14:18 --> 03:14:18


03:14:20 --> 03:14:22

So while you have the statement here, Allah will not punish them

03:14:22 --> 03:14:25

while you're among them and then Allah will not punish them as long

03:14:25 --> 03:14:26

as they're making his default.

03:14:29 --> 03:14:33

Toolbar the man Wajid if he's suffering fatigue, your military

03:14:33 --> 03:14:37

Amity is different cathedral the prophets of Allah Islam said, Oh,

03:14:37 --> 03:14:41

come on holiday. Salatu was Salam glad tidings to the one who finds

03:14:41 --> 03:14:45

in his Sahifa like his scroll. On the yarmulke Yama a lot of is

03:14:45 --> 03:14:45


03:14:48 --> 03:14:50

And the prophets of Allah he sent me said I asked my Lord 70 times a

03:14:50 --> 03:14:55

day. And 70 is a sort of figure of speech. In Semitic languages. That

03:14:55 --> 03:14:59

means a lot, not just 70 you count. People count to seven,

03:14:59 --> 03:15:00

that's fine.

03:15:00 --> 03:15:04

Fine, but it means a lot. Now why is it provinces? Who is masum

03:15:04 --> 03:15:08

making it Stefan he can, he can deliberately disobey Allah

03:15:08 --> 03:15:12

subhanho wa Taala he would make his default after the prayer

03:15:13 --> 03:15:18

right? So, one of the reasons the reason why he's making a stiff arm

03:15:19 --> 03:15:23

is because that he failed to praise Allah as Allah praises

03:15:23 --> 03:15:27

himself and he was overheard saying this in such day by ASHA

03:15:28 --> 03:15:29

Subhana Allah

03:15:30 --> 03:15:35

attic intercom athlete to Allah Neff sick that glory be to you How

03:15:35 --> 03:15:37

can I praise you as you have praised yourself?

03:15:39 --> 03:15:41

This is why he's making a stiff lot

03:15:42 --> 03:15:43

why do we make is default

03:15:45 --> 03:15:49

for different reasons for that reason also, but many many other

03:15:49 --> 03:15:50

different reasons.

03:15:51 --> 03:15:53

So this is the reason why is it also to teach us the provinces set

03:15:53 --> 03:15:54

them as an island.

03:15:55 --> 03:15:59

So he's teaching us how what is proper adapt what is good herbal

03:15:59 --> 03:16:04

do what do means, like, like slave hood, but it really has to do with

03:16:04 --> 03:16:07

my character I dub with Allah, good Adam with Allah.

03:16:08 --> 03:16:08


03:16:14 --> 03:16:15

So he says,

03:16:16 --> 03:16:19

and then he quotes this first he moves around here he goes to sort

03:16:19 --> 03:16:22

of 48 as verse 25.

03:16:24 --> 03:16:25

And this first needs some

03:16:27 --> 03:16:28

context, but he quotes it here.

03:16:30 --> 03:16:31

Had they been clearly distinguished,

03:16:33 --> 03:16:35

then we would have punished the unbelievers among them with a

03:16:35 --> 03:16:36

painful punishment.

03:16:38 --> 03:16:42

He says in the same idea, if it had if it had not been for certain

03:16:42 --> 03:16:47

men and women believers, whom you did not know. So the context of

03:16:47 --> 03:16:52

this verse, verse 25, of Sula, verse 48, according to Porter to

03:16:52 --> 03:16:56

be in poverty and and why it is that when the Prophet sallallahu

03:16:56 --> 03:17:01

sallam was that who they be, with the Sahaba 30 of the machete King

03:17:01 --> 03:17:04

attempted to surprise attack them

03:17:06 --> 03:17:09

and kill them. And they were caught by the Prophet sallallahu

03:17:09 --> 03:17:11

sending them but he released them.

03:17:13 --> 03:17:17

So this was obviously reason enough for the Muslims to attack

03:17:17 --> 03:17:21

the city militarily. Apparently, some of the Muslims wanted to

03:17:21 --> 03:17:24

attack. I mean, they tried to massacre the Muslims.

03:17:25 --> 03:17:28

But Allah says here, if the Muslims from Medina had

03:17:28 --> 03:17:29


03:17:31 --> 03:17:34

then they would have accidentally killed some of the believers in

03:17:34 --> 03:17:38

Mecca. People they didn't even know we're believers, because I've

03:17:38 --> 03:17:42

never met them that Dawa continues in Mecca. While the prophet is in

03:17:42 --> 03:17:47

Medina for years, people are still making shahada in Mecca because

03:17:47 --> 03:17:48

there's still Sahaba living in Mecca

03:17:51 --> 03:17:56

and many of them were hiding their faith because it was dangerous to

03:17:56 --> 03:18:00

come out and say I'm muslim in public you can be tortured and

03:18:00 --> 03:18:01

killed and

03:18:03 --> 03:18:08

you know, cut off from your family and these types of things.

03:18:09 --> 03:18:10

So it's a bit dangerous

03:18:12 --> 03:18:18

when the believers immigrated, it was revealed while mana home Allah

03:18:18 --> 03:18:20

you either people whom Allah

03:18:21 --> 03:18:25

but what can you what what do you have now that Allah should not

03:18:25 --> 03:18:29

punish you so called the or yet he says here these I at present were

03:18:29 --> 03:18:33

the clearest demonstrations of the Prophet exalted position, the

03:18:33 --> 03:18:36

punishment was averted from the people of Mecca, firstly, because

03:18:36 --> 03:18:37

of his presence,

03:18:38 --> 03:18:41

and then because of the presence of Sahaba, after him, making his

03:18:41 --> 03:18:42


03:18:43 --> 03:18:47

when none of the Sahaba were left in Mecca, eventually they all make

03:18:47 --> 03:18:47

it all.

03:18:48 --> 03:18:51

Allah punished the Meccans by giving the believers power and

03:18:51 --> 03:18:55

victory over them, he made their swords rule over them, and the

03:18:55 --> 03:18:57

Muslims inherited their land, their homes and their property.

03:18:59 --> 03:19:03

So this is a reference now to the bloodless conquest of Mecca and

03:19:03 --> 03:19:04

eight Hijiri.

03:19:06 --> 03:19:08

And he says you're Allah punish them, but the Prophet salallahu

03:19:08 --> 03:19:11

Salam, and it's true as a form of punishment. But the Prophet

03:19:11 --> 03:19:14

sallallahu Sallam really honored the Meccans, even while taking

03:19:14 --> 03:19:19

their city. And he's well within his rights, to just take everyone

03:19:19 --> 03:19:24

out all the men, and that's an accepted war practice. No one

03:19:24 --> 03:19:25

would have faulted him for that.

03:19:27 --> 03:19:31

You know, when he was coming into the city, a companion him sadly

03:19:31 --> 03:19:35

been Obeida, who had a lot of zeal. He's holding the standard of

03:19:35 --> 03:19:39

the Muslims. And he was shouting at the Meccans Allah Yo Ma, Yeoman

03:19:39 --> 03:19:45

Mahama. above the level coloration today is the day of slaughter, the

03:19:45 --> 03:19:49

debasement of the Quraysh and he was shouting this over and over

03:19:49 --> 03:19:53

again. That blue Sophia had already converted. But this was

03:19:53 --> 03:19:57

his people. He was a leader of the Meccans. So he was he was afraid

03:19:57 --> 03:20:00

what's going to happen here? It comes as these

03:20:00 --> 03:20:01

Muslims coming into the city.

03:20:03 --> 03:20:06

So the Prophet sallallaahu Salam heard that this is what sad was

03:20:06 --> 03:20:11

saying. Somebody told him relayed the message to him. And he said,

03:20:11 --> 03:20:14

Go tell them not to say that and take the standard from him. So

03:20:14 --> 03:20:16

everyone knows that I don't agree with this statement.

03:20:17 --> 03:20:22

So they go too sad. And they say, give us a standard. Why the

03:20:22 --> 03:20:25

Prophet is saying is I don't believe you would even give give

03:20:25 --> 03:20:28

up the standard. So they went back to the Prophet sallallaahu Salam,

03:20:28 --> 03:20:31

he said, He's not giving it up. And the Prophet took his blessing

03:20:31 --> 03:20:36

a mama off, is a present is too sad, and take the standard from

03:20:36 --> 03:20:41

him, but give the standard to his son, ice. This is for the wisdom

03:20:41 --> 03:20:43

of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam because he knew it would be

03:20:43 --> 03:20:47

hurtful, right to be disciplined in a sense by the provinces and

03:20:47 --> 03:20:51

them, but by giving the standard to his sad son, he's still

03:20:51 --> 03:20:53

honoring sad, it's still his son.

03:20:54 --> 03:20:58

So then the Prophet salallahu Salam, he passes by Abu Sufian and

03:20:58 --> 03:21:01

he says Allah Yo Ma, yo, Mona Mara Hama,

03:21:02 --> 03:21:07

your Azula operation. Today is a day just slightly altered the

03:21:07 --> 03:21:12

statement of sad. Today is a day of mercy, the exultation of the

03:21:12 --> 03:21:17

forage, the exultation of the forage, man dalla beta Abby

03:21:17 --> 03:21:18

Soufiane Takata airman,

03:21:20 --> 03:21:23

and he said his name, he said, Whoever enters into the house are

03:21:23 --> 03:21:26

under the protection of Abu Sophia and that person is safe. This was

03:21:26 --> 03:21:28

their recognized leader.

03:21:29 --> 03:21:32

Right? Notice he didn't say whoever enters into my house with

03:21:32 --> 03:21:37

a house of Omar, Abu Bakar. Some know your leaders, Abu Soufiane if

03:21:37 --> 03:21:41

he gives you protection, you're fine. This is how, you know he

03:21:41 --> 03:21:43

says here that a lot punish the Meccans it is a form of

03:21:43 --> 03:21:46

punishment. Because the prophesy isms I'm taking the city but in

03:21:46 --> 03:21:51

reality, right? It's a sign of, of ESA for the corporation.

03:21:57 --> 03:21:58

Any questions on that?

03:22:02 --> 03:22:05

Some of these Christian polemicists, they write things

03:22:05 --> 03:22:08

like that. They say that they insult the provinces them or they

03:22:08 --> 03:22:10

critique him and say that because the Prophet salallahu Salam

03:22:10 --> 03:22:15

engaged in military actions, he can't be a true prophet, which is

03:22:15 --> 03:22:20

completely ridiculous. Because according to their own book, in

03:22:20 --> 03:22:23

Exodus 33, when, according to their book, when Musa alayhis

03:22:23 --> 03:22:26

salam descended the mountain, and he saw people worshipping the

03:22:26 --> 03:22:31

calf, he ordered the Levites to slaughter 3000 men in one day.

03:22:32 --> 03:22:35

He actually says go kill your neighbor, your brother, your

03:22:35 --> 03:22:38

family member. If you look at all of those, a lot of the province

03:22:38 --> 03:22:42

they sent him all of his military expeditions, there were 1018

03:22:42 --> 03:22:47

deaths, according to Al Hasan another week, and 23 years 700,

03:22:47 --> 03:22:51

Lucia Canaan about 400 Sahaba and these are all on the battlefield.

03:22:51 --> 03:22:55

These are all warriors on the battlefield. There are no innocent

03:22:55 --> 03:23:00

civilians being targeted here. Right 1018 And 23 years, and most

03:23:00 --> 03:23:04

of the time in the province. They said I would go out for a military

03:23:04 --> 03:23:08

expedition the enemy would see him and run away because Allah will

03:23:08 --> 03:23:09

put terror into their hearts.

03:23:11 --> 03:23:13

Row are few glooby him

03:23:15 --> 03:23:19

but 1018 3000 men are killed by Musala Islam in the Torah.

03:23:19 --> 03:23:23

According to the Torah 3000 men fell in one day, but he's a true

03:23:23 --> 03:23:28

prophet. The Prophet says Cena is not is not a prophet because he

03:23:28 --> 03:23:32

engaged in military is total hypocrisy is a double standard.

03:23:35 --> 03:23:39

When you say he had he polygamous relationships he had more than one

03:23:39 --> 03:23:39


03:23:41 --> 03:23:48

Okay, then he is slightly who's a slightly yaku he has 12 sons from

03:23:48 --> 03:23:51

four different women two of them are concubines. Are those

03:23:51 --> 03:23:54

legitimate children? A silent cinema is a descendant of one of

03:23:54 --> 03:23:54

these women.

03:23:56 --> 03:23:56

Is he legitimately

03:23:58 --> 03:23:59

their god at Saturday's

03:24:01 --> 03:24:04

total double standard is quite ridiculous yes

03:24:11 --> 03:24:12

one person nom

03:24:13 --> 03:24:17

nom obey been Aleph will be even colorful in the province. Islam

03:24:17 --> 03:24:17

was in Mecca.

03:24:19 --> 03:24:20

He passed by a baby in color.

03:24:21 --> 03:24:23

And he was like brushing his horse.

03:24:24 --> 03:24:26

And so he looked at the Prophet, he said, you know why I'm doing

03:24:26 --> 03:24:30

this for my horse? Why? And he said, I'm going to use this horse

03:24:30 --> 03:24:31

one day and kill you while I'm writing it.

03:24:33 --> 03:24:35

And the Prophet said, Perhaps I'll kill you.

03:24:37 --> 03:24:40

This was the buzzword offered the prophecies and I was struck on the

03:24:40 --> 03:24:46

side of his face by a man named Abdullah ibn Abu Sheikh. He struck

03:24:46 --> 03:24:50

him on the side of the face, and some of the chainmail penetrated

03:24:50 --> 03:24:54

into the cheek. Right. So he pulled it out and it was blood

03:24:54 --> 03:24:59

flowing down his face. And then he noticed that Hubei been hulufish

03:24:59 --> 03:25:00

Charging toward

03:25:00 --> 03:25:00


03:25:01 --> 03:25:06

So the Syrah says the Prophet grabbed a spear, a spear, and like

03:25:06 --> 03:25:08

shook off like 10 men off of him.

03:25:10 --> 03:25:14

So he shook them off like they were flies. And then he barely

03:25:14 --> 03:25:17

tapped him on the neck right here is like it like a tap.

03:25:20 --> 03:25:22

Because the point isn't to be intention as important.

03:25:24 --> 03:25:27

Just tapped him on the neck and then and then obey Ben caleffi

03:25:27 --> 03:25:30

went back to the the machine and he said he's killed me. He's

03:25:30 --> 03:25:33

killed me. He's killed me. And he said, what's wrong? He said, Look,

03:25:33 --> 03:25:36

he said, This is just a scratch. They said, No, he's he told me he

03:25:36 --> 03:25:37

was going to kill me.

03:25:39 --> 03:25:43

And then there's a report that says that he got he went insane

03:25:43 --> 03:25:46

and his horse jumped off the cliff. Another report that says it

03:25:46 --> 03:25:47

festered, and it

03:25:48 --> 03:25:52

got infected, and he died from that. But this was the only man

03:25:53 --> 03:25:54

will baby.

03:25:56 --> 03:25:57

Like it was a big shape time.

03:26:01 --> 03:26:05

He's funding was Mr. De Lune. We talked about the Mr. Haziran.

03:26:06 --> 03:26:09

These are the worst type of kuffaar who mock and ridicule the

03:26:09 --> 03:26:12

province, so don't just disbelieve in Him, they mock and ridicule.

03:26:15 --> 03:26:18

So they'll say something like, oh, this he killed a man before he

03:26:18 --> 03:26:21

can. This isn't a battlefield. There's a prophet in the Old

03:26:21 --> 03:26:24

Testament. I mentioned this a lot. His name is Alicia. This is a

03:26:24 --> 03:26:27

prophet that Christians believe is a prophet Elisha, is he mentioned

03:26:28 --> 03:26:32

in the Quran? Probably not. Allahu Allah, maybe Alia side, but I

03:26:32 --> 03:26:35

don't I don't know. But Alicia is a prophet in the Old Testament.

03:26:36 --> 03:26:39

This is what he did. He's walking down the street.

03:26:40 --> 03:26:45

And some, some kids begin following him. Small boys, it

03:26:45 --> 03:26:50

says, And they start making fun of his bald spot. This is a story in

03:26:50 --> 03:26:50

the Bible.

03:26:52 --> 03:26:54

They start making fun of his bald spot.

03:26:55 --> 03:26:57

And then this prophet gets so offended

03:26:58 --> 03:27:02

that he prays to the Lord. And these two bears come out of the

03:27:02 --> 03:27:06

wilderness, and they rip apart 42 young boys.

03:27:09 --> 03:27:11

This person is a prophet, according to the Christians and

03:27:11 --> 03:27:15

Jews. But the prophecy has set them on the field of battle,

03:27:15 --> 03:27:19

tapping a man on the neck. And that men dying on the field of

03:27:19 --> 03:27:22

battle defending his city. Oh, he's not a prophet, because he

03:27:22 --> 03:27:24

killed someone on the battlefield.

03:27:26 --> 03:27:27

Double standard

03:27:30 --> 03:27:32

prophets have to defend their cities.

03:27:35 --> 03:27:36


03:27:37 --> 03:27:39

these are things that they don't teach you in Sunday school.

03:27:42 --> 03:27:45

Even in seminary, they don't teach you these things. I attended,

03:27:45 --> 03:27:49

basically a Christian seminary. I have a master's in Biblical

03:27:49 --> 03:27:51

studies. So I took all these classes in the Bible, they don't

03:27:51 --> 03:27:52

teach these things.

03:27:53 --> 03:27:54

You'll get some other stuff.

03:27:56 --> 03:27:57

These are things you have to get

03:27:58 --> 03:28:00

by personal study.

03:28:01 --> 03:28:02


03:28:04 --> 03:28:05

See, we're doing

03:28:08 --> 03:28:11

there was a question from last week and follow out. I have to

03:28:11 --> 03:28:14

look at the source of it. It's about the root Yeah, in a

03:28:14 --> 03:28:17

statement of our mother Asia, I'll give the answer next week control

03:28:19 --> 03:28:21

the eye he says your call the area continuing

03:28:25 --> 03:28:26

is interpreted by Abu Musa.

03:28:28 --> 03:28:31

I'm guessing when was the last Friday that the messenger of allah

03:28:31 --> 03:28:37

sallallahu sallam said, Allah sent down on me too sure, a tease for

03:28:37 --> 03:28:41

my surety is like a guarantee to guarantees what's the first

03:28:41 --> 03:28:46

guarantee? Allah would not punish the OMA the promises alum while he

03:28:46 --> 03:28:50

is among them. The second guarantee Allah will not punish

03:28:50 --> 03:28:53

them, as long as they're asking for forgiveness.

03:28:55 --> 03:28:57

And he says this harks back to the words of Allah. Well, my

03:28:57 --> 03:29:00

understanding NECA Illa Rahmatullah Alameen or is this

03:29:00 --> 03:29:02

again? Where's this verse?

03:29:05 --> 03:29:06


03:29:07 --> 03:29:10

good at NBN verse

03:29:13 --> 03:29:17

107 21 107 21 wanna

03:29:19 --> 03:29:20

burn it into your brain?

03:29:24 --> 03:29:25

21 one also,

03:29:27 --> 03:29:29

the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I am a surety for my

03:29:29 --> 03:29:31

companions. This is a Hadith in Muslim.

03:29:32 --> 03:29:36

Some say that this means against innovations like the DA. Others

03:29:36 --> 03:29:40

say it means against like disagreement and disorder. One of

03:29:40 --> 03:29:44

the men of knowledge say this is what Claudia Yad is saying. One of

03:29:44 --> 03:29:47

the men of knowledge say the messenger was the greatest surety

03:29:47 --> 03:29:50

while he was alive and he's present as long as his sunnah is

03:29:50 --> 03:29:51


03:29:52 --> 03:29:57

When his sunnah dies out, then explict then expect Musa and fitna

03:29:58 --> 03:29:59

affliction and disorder.

03:30:03 --> 03:30:08

What is the Sunnah, the authenticated normative ethos and

03:30:08 --> 03:30:10

practice of the Prophet sallallahu.

03:30:11 --> 03:30:15

The agreed upon prophetic precedent sunnah does not mean

03:30:15 --> 03:30:19

Hadith sunnah is drawn from Hadith, but there's different

03:30:19 --> 03:30:24

grades of Hadith. A sunnah is the authenticated ethos of the Prophet

03:30:24 --> 03:30:25

sallallahu sallam.

03:30:26 --> 03:30:30

So this is according to cloudier yet. This is seems to be his The

03:30:30 --> 03:30:34

final thing he says on this idea that when it says my can Allah Who

03:30:34 --> 03:30:39

You Are the Bahama Enta fie him Allah will not punish them as long

03:30:39 --> 03:30:43

as you are among them or in them meaning the Sunnah is within us.

03:30:43 --> 03:30:46

As long as the Sunnah is within us, it is as if the Prophet

03:30:46 --> 03:30:47

sallallahu Sallam is among us

03:30:52 --> 03:30:55

in Medina, Baba hurry been for so your odo Komaba we know this

03:30:55 --> 03:30:59

hadith that's the first part of the Hadith that we hear quoted all

03:30:59 --> 03:31:01

the time. There really this religion began as something

03:31:01 --> 03:31:05

strange, and it's going to become strange again to be a little Hora

03:31:05 --> 03:31:09

glad tidings to the strangers and then he describes the strangers

03:31:09 --> 03:31:15

well whom one levena Usili who not my upset that NASA mean bad even

03:31:15 --> 03:31:16

so nutty?

03:31:17 --> 03:31:21

Who are the strangers those who set a right or correct what

03:31:21 --> 03:31:24

humanity corrupted after me from my sadhana

03:31:26 --> 03:31:28

a lot of people today they're doing things and saying, I found

03:31:28 --> 03:31:31

this hadith This is Quran this so now this is that son

03:31:36 --> 03:31:41

so I think can be so naughty. This is a this is a way of really, in

03:31:41 --> 03:31:46

Arabic really emphasizing I like him as soon as I exhort you to

03:31:46 --> 03:31:50

follow my sunnah was so natural hola Farage, she didn't matter the

03:31:50 --> 03:31:53

game and the Rightly Guided caliphs, the Sunnah of the rightly

03:31:53 --> 03:31:54

guided Caylus.

03:31:55 --> 03:31:58

And then so who are the rightly guided calyx, they're actually

03:31:58 --> 03:32:01

five of them. You won't see it says five of them.

03:32:02 --> 03:32:05

So we've got your city say no Armada with mine it and Imam

03:32:05 --> 03:32:09

Hassan was a tailor for six months, which makes 30 years

03:32:09 --> 03:32:12

according to the Hadith, before he abdicated to Malawi.

03:32:14 --> 03:32:17

To follow the Sunnah, my son and the son of the Rightly Guided

03:32:17 --> 03:32:21

caliphs, and then he says to miss Saku Beihai Well, I do I lay had

03:32:21 --> 03:32:26

been no Ajith very sort of dramatic, like hold on to it with

03:32:26 --> 03:32:30

every ounce of your being in bite into it with your molar teeth.

03:32:31 --> 03:32:34

That's how hard you should hold on to the to the Sunnah

03:32:36 --> 03:32:40

is how do you think Timothy? Let me let me not find one of you

03:32:40 --> 03:32:42

reclining on his couch

03:32:43 --> 03:32:47

when a command I ordered or a prohibition from me comes to him

03:32:48 --> 03:32:53

and he says Did he I don't know. My what just Nephi tabula it's

03:32:53 --> 03:32:59

about it's about now. I don't know whatever we whatever we find in

03:32:59 --> 03:33:00

the book of God, that's what we follow.

03:33:02 --> 03:33:04

I don't know about the Sunnah. I don't know. I don't know.

03:33:06 --> 03:33:08

Is it let me not find one of you say that?

03:33:11 --> 03:33:15

What is the Sunnah? Who knows who wrote the Sunnah? Who knows? In

03:33:15 --> 03:33:20

the Quran? Allah subhanho wa Taala guarantees that the Sunnah is

03:33:20 --> 03:33:23

going to be preserved. If we believe in the Quran,

03:33:24 --> 03:33:27

because Allah says follow the messenger look like cannula Kuvira

03:33:27 --> 03:33:31

so the lie was what when Hassan Why would Allah say that? Follow

03:33:31 --> 03:33:33

the messenger is a beautiful example if we can't get to the

03:33:33 --> 03:33:34

real sunnah.

03:33:35 --> 03:33:38

How do you know it's a no, this is my uncle says this, my cousin says

03:33:38 --> 03:33:39


03:33:40 --> 03:33:43

Well, you have to sit with our lemma and discover the true sunnah

03:33:44 --> 03:33:45

because it's something real.

03:33:47 --> 03:33:50

A lot of people claim to know sunnah

03:33:52 --> 03:33:54

to have the Sunnah, but it's important for us to be with the

03:33:54 --> 03:33:55


03:33:56 --> 03:33:58

right your life oppa

03:34:01 --> 03:34:03

the other law he manager Ma

03:34:04 --> 03:34:11

is the Hadith that the inherit Solomonic wheel and they say that

03:34:11 --> 03:34:15

yada yada law means the protection of God is what the majority

03:34:16 --> 03:34:18

right stick with the majority

03:34:27 --> 03:34:28

All right.

03:34:29 --> 03:34:34

So then he quotes this is this famous IRA, which you should also

03:34:34 --> 03:34:40

know 3356 In Allaha, WA Mala Iike who is Aluna Allen Levy.

03:34:41 --> 03:34:44

Yeah, even at the nominal sodwana He also named

03:34:45 --> 03:34:46

Allah and His angels.

03:34:47 --> 03:34:52

He says pray blessing on the Prophet. O believers pray, pray

03:34:52 --> 03:34:54

blessing on him and pray for peace on him.

03:34:56 --> 03:34:59

So called the yard he says here the prayer of the angel

03:35:00 --> 03:35:04

Is and humanity is supplication is a dua for the prophet

03:35:06 --> 03:35:08

or supplicating for the promises of them.

03:35:09 --> 03:35:14

Ultimately, the supplication is for our own benefit. Our dua does

03:35:14 --> 03:35:16

not benefit the prophets of the Valley Center. It's for our own

03:35:16 --> 03:35:17

benefit, ultimately.

03:35:19 --> 03:35:22

And he says this explicitly in a hadith and Sunnah Allah Wahida

03:35:23 --> 03:35:27

sallallahu alayhi eyeshadow, whoever sends benedictions at

03:35:27 --> 03:35:32

peace upon me, a salon and at one time, Allah sends blessings of

03:35:32 --> 03:35:34

peace upon that person 10 times.

03:35:36 --> 03:35:37

But what does it mean in the law?

03:35:38 --> 03:35:42

You suddenly what does it mean that Allah preys upon the Prophet,

03:35:42 --> 03:35:45

or eulogizes the Prophet, or sends blessings of peace upon the

03:35:45 --> 03:35:48

Prophet? It means that Allah subhanaw taala is giving him

03:35:48 --> 03:35:49

additional mercy.

03:35:52 --> 03:35:55

So when we do it, it's supplication that really benefits

03:35:55 --> 03:35:59

us. When Allah does it. It's additional mercy to the profits of

03:35:59 --> 03:36:00

the bison which again benefits us

03:36:01 --> 03:36:05

because that affects the Ummah, the state of the OMA

03:36:08 --> 03:36:10

one of the commentators said that the interpretation of the letters,

03:36:11 --> 03:36:15

calf hat yeah ain't saw that this is the first ayat of surah Maryam.

03:36:16 --> 03:36:19

This is for those who rueful multipath that that

03:36:20 --> 03:36:24

these disjointed letters that nobody really knows what they

03:36:24 --> 03:36:24


03:36:25 --> 03:36:29

But alas, many of the or they might have their opinions or low

03:36:29 --> 03:36:29


03:36:31 --> 03:36:32

So Claudia you already mentioned

03:36:34 --> 03:36:39

one of them said calf refers to a lot being enough Keifa for the

03:36:39 --> 03:36:39


03:36:40 --> 03:36:45

then he quotes the idea at least Allah who be Catherine Abacha is

03:36:45 --> 03:36:47

not Allah enough for his slave

03:36:50 --> 03:36:54

ha refers to His guidance he Daya as in the words

03:36:57 --> 03:37:01

yeah DECA Yeah Do you like a lot? Yeah. Do you see a lotta Mr. tema

03:37:03 --> 03:37:05

do? Yeah, yeah, it's

03:37:06 --> 03:37:09

sort of reverse number two, He will guide you to a straight path.

03:37:13 --> 03:37:15

A yacht refers to

03:37:16 --> 03:37:17


03:37:19 --> 03:37:22

A Yoda can be Nasri a yada

03:37:23 --> 03:37:28

yada. Here's the sort of prominent letter. He will support you with

03:37:28 --> 03:37:33

help that he refers to as SMA Well, LA who yeah see MOOC I mean

03:37:33 --> 03:37:38

that Nas Allah will protect you from people. And the sod refers to

03:37:38 --> 03:37:42

Salah in Allah wa Malaika to you saloon Island, maybe

03:37:43 --> 03:37:45

it's Cafe insaan.

03:37:47 --> 03:37:47


03:37:49 --> 03:37:52

Allah says if you support one another against him, Allah is his

03:37:52 --> 03:37:56

MO LA and Gibreel and the right acting believers Mola here means

03:37:56 --> 03:38:00

protector. The right acting believers saw the ultimate meaning

03:38:00 --> 03:38:03

are said to be the prophets. There's also said that it should

03:38:03 --> 03:38:05

be taken literally as meeting all the believers.

03:38:10 --> 03:38:12

Any questions about that's the end of Section Eight.

03:38:19 --> 03:38:24

Section nine, all the or yard he quotes the first 10 verses

03:38:25 --> 03:38:28

of Surah total fat. This is sort of 48

03:38:30 --> 03:38:31

So I'll just quote some of it here.

03:38:33 --> 03:38:38

Allah says We have given you a clear victory for Tamil Bina the

03:38:38 --> 03:38:42

Allama freak may forgive you, your former and latter wrong actions

03:38:43 --> 03:38:47

and complete his blessing upon you and guide you to the straight

03:38:47 --> 03:38:51

path. And Allah might help you with a mighty victory.

03:38:53 --> 03:38:56

It is He who sent down the Sakina into the hearts of the believers,

03:38:57 --> 03:39:00

that they might add belief, to their belief.

03:39:01 --> 03:39:07

To Allah belong the legions of the heavens and the earth. Allah is

03:39:07 --> 03:39:08

Knowing and wise,

03:39:09 --> 03:39:11

and that he might admit the believing men and women into

03:39:11 --> 03:39:16

Gardens underneath which rivers flow remaining there forever and

03:39:16 --> 03:39:18

equip them of their evil deeds.

03:39:19 --> 03:39:22

That is a mighty victory with Allah

03:39:23 --> 03:39:26

and that he might punish the men and women hypocrites, the men and

03:39:26 --> 03:39:29

women idolaters and those who think badly of Allah and evil turn

03:39:29 --> 03:39:33

of Fortune against them. A lot is angry with them and as curse them

03:39:33 --> 03:39:37

and prepare Jahannam for them and evil return to a lobby lung, the

03:39:37 --> 03:39:40

legions of the heavens and the earth Allah is Mighty wise indeed.

03:39:40 --> 03:39:43

We have sent you as a witness a bearer of glad news and a warner

03:39:44 --> 03:39:47

so that you the people will believe in Allah and His messenger

03:39:47 --> 03:39:51

and help him and respect Him and glorify His praise. Morning and

03:39:51 --> 03:39:55

evening. Those who pledge allegiance to you actually pledge

03:39:55 --> 03:39:59

allegiance to Allah. Yeah, the live folk ad him

03:40:00 --> 03:40:02

Allah's hand is over their hands.

03:40:04 --> 03:40:08

So, here's a long commentator coming, Terry here.

03:40:09 --> 03:40:13

But he says here when a law says, Well, you Tim, not me, I'm not to

03:40:13 --> 03:40:15

who I Laker and complete his blessing upon you.

03:40:16 --> 03:40:19

It is said that this is by abasing, those who show arrogance

03:40:19 --> 03:40:23

towards the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and it is said that he

03:40:23 --> 03:40:25

means the conquest of Mecca and thought if

03:40:29 --> 03:40:32

it is said that he means by elevating your renown in this

03:40:32 --> 03:40:34

world, helping you and forgiving you.

03:40:35 --> 03:40:38

Allah is telling him that the completion of his blessing upon

03:40:38 --> 03:40:42

him, lies in the basement of his haughty enemies, opening up the

03:40:42 --> 03:40:46

most important and Best Beloved of towns, elevating his renown and

03:40:46 --> 03:40:49

guiding him to the straight path, which leads to the garden.

03:40:51 --> 03:40:55

And then he says in notice on NECA Shahidan, what were what she ran

03:40:55 --> 03:40:57

when I do it on. So these are again, some Nikita, these are all

03:40:57 --> 03:41:01

indefinite nouns I talked about the sort of rhetorical input of

03:41:01 --> 03:41:01


03:41:03 --> 03:41:08

first week, in DVS, sent us a witness, a bearer of glass of good

03:41:08 --> 03:41:12

news and as a Warner, he says, a lot numerate some of the prophets,

03:41:12 --> 03:41:14

good qualities and special characteristics.

03:41:16 --> 03:41:18

And then he says, help him and respect him,

03:41:19 --> 03:41:24

which is zero who want to walk through who it is said that they,

03:41:24 --> 03:41:28

it is said that they will go to great lengths to esteem Him. The

03:41:28 --> 03:41:31

most common and clear statement about this is that it refers to

03:41:31 --> 03:41:35

the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they help and respect the Prophet.

03:41:35 --> 03:41:39

And then right after that, it says, Well, you set Bihu Cretan,

03:41:39 --> 03:41:43

WA sila, and they glorify His praise. Morning and evening,

03:41:43 --> 03:41:45

referring to Allah subhana wa Tada.

03:41:49 --> 03:41:52

He'd been at auto he said, This surah contains various blessings

03:41:52 --> 03:41:54

for the Prophet, that clear victory which is a sign of being

03:41:54 --> 03:41:58

answered forgiveness, which is a sign of love, completed blessing

03:41:58 --> 03:42:01

which is a sign of election and guidance, which is a sign of

03:42:01 --> 03:42:04

Wilaya friendship, forgiveness consistent being freed from

03:42:04 --> 03:42:07

faults. The completed blessing is to attain to the degree of

03:42:07 --> 03:42:09

perfection guidance is a summons to witnessing.

03:42:11 --> 03:42:15

Jafar even Mohammed said, part of his completed blessing to him is

03:42:15 --> 03:42:17

that he made him his beloved.

03:42:18 --> 03:42:21

So there's a verse in the Quran I told him to you can call in

03:42:21 --> 03:42:26

Khartoum, to Hebron Allah said to be earning your bid qumola. While

03:42:26 --> 03:42:28

y'all if you're looking with the Nova, say, if you really love

03:42:28 --> 03:42:31

Allah, follow me, then Allah will love you and forgive you your

03:42:31 --> 03:42:36

sins. So the MSA by following if by following the prophets I send

03:42:36 --> 03:42:41

them Anyone can become beloved of Allah. That How Much Does Allah

03:42:41 --> 03:42:45

love the prophets of Allah said a lot he said them anyone can be

03:42:45 --> 03:42:48

beloved, by just following the Prophet how much is Allah love the

03:42:48 --> 03:42:48


03:42:52 --> 03:42:55

and he says, swore by his life and but I'm Luca

03:42:57 --> 03:43:00

abrogated other Shetty by him, raised them to the highest place

03:43:00 --> 03:43:04

protected him in the Mirage so that his I did not swerve nor

03:43:04 --> 03:43:10

sweep aside, masa, la bussola, my Taha sent him to all mankind made

03:43:11 --> 03:43:14

war booty lawful for his community. He also made him an

03:43:14 --> 03:43:18

accepted intercessor and master of descendants of Adam. He coupled

03:43:18 --> 03:43:22

this he coupled his name with his name, and his pleasure with his

03:43:22 --> 03:43:25

pleasure, he made him one of the two pillars of Tawheed

03:43:27 --> 03:43:30

this is all the commentary of Jafar even more haven't

03:43:31 --> 03:43:32

thought of saw

03:43:33 --> 03:43:38

all sorts of fat. A lovin says those who pledge allegiance to

03:43:38 --> 03:43:42

you, those who make Baotou you actually pledge allegiance to

03:43:42 --> 03:43:42


03:43:44 --> 03:43:47

The Tafseer says this is a reference to what's known as they

03:43:47 --> 03:43:49

actually read the one at her day via

03:43:52 --> 03:43:55

a pledge allegiance to a lot when they pledge allegiance to you.

03:43:56 --> 03:43:59

So at her day via the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he sent Satan

03:43:59 --> 03:44:04

Earth man to negotiate with the Meccans then he received a false

03:44:04 --> 03:44:07

report that Earth man had been killed.

03:44:08 --> 03:44:11

So he sat under a tree and took pledges of allegiance from the

03:44:11 --> 03:44:16

Companions, even confused or to be say, The pledge was that they

03:44:16 --> 03:44:18

would fight with the Prophet until death

03:44:25 --> 03:44:26

will enter your child

03:44:45 --> 03:44:46


03:45:31 --> 03:45:34

spin off will not have him on the lawsuit Mohammed didn't want to

03:45:34 --> 03:45:37

add he was such a huge marine Subhanak Allah and Milena Illuma

03:45:37 --> 03:45:42

Adam Turner in the candle animate Hakim Hola Hola, La Quwata illa

03:45:42 --> 03:45:44

biLlah Ali LABOUM

03:45:45 --> 03:45:45

Allahu Akbar

03:45:50 --> 03:45:51

Allah we are

03:45:54 --> 03:45:59

so we are in the middle of part one, chapter one, section nine for

03:45:59 --> 03:46:01

those following in the translation.

03:46:02 --> 03:46:05

Just to back up a little bit a little bit of review here just to

03:46:05 --> 03:46:07

give you some context

03:46:08 --> 03:46:13

of the area that Rahim Allah Allah. He quoted from the first

03:46:14 --> 03:46:17

10 verses of Surah number 48. And that's

03:46:20 --> 03:46:24

and he's commenting upon the descriptions of the prophets of

03:46:24 --> 03:46:27

the body send them in these 10 ayat

03:46:28 --> 03:46:31

and he's quoting from the aroma as well obviously

03:46:32 --> 03:46:35

just to repeat here what we said last week Jafar even tell him that

03:46:35 --> 03:46:39

he said part of his completed blessing so this is a reference to

03:46:39 --> 03:46:40

the idea

03:46:42 --> 03:46:45

well you Tim money I meant to I like any any completed his

03:46:45 --> 03:46:51

blessing upon you. Part of his completed blessing to him is that

03:46:51 --> 03:46:54

he made him that Allah made the prophets Allah Lottie sent him His

03:46:55 --> 03:46:56

Habib, beloved,

03:46:57 --> 03:47:02

recorded the Ayatollah empty Han last time verse 31 of the Emraan

03:47:03 --> 03:47:07

swore by his life that I'm Maruca Allah Subhana Allah to Allah takes

03:47:07 --> 03:47:10

an oath by the life of the prophet Sallallahu Sallam in the Quran.

03:47:11 --> 03:47:15

abrogated other shadows by him. So the shitty eye of the Prophet

03:47:15 --> 03:47:18

salallahu Salam is the final sacred law that abrogates

03:47:18 --> 03:47:22

everything that came before it It confirms the major components and

03:47:22 --> 03:47:23

aspects of it obviously.

03:47:24 --> 03:47:27

But as good for all time until the end of time.

03:47:28 --> 03:47:32

raised him to the highest place Allah subhana wa Tada says What a

03:47:32 --> 03:47:37

fine I like Vic rock. We raised your remembrance also raised them

03:47:37 --> 03:47:38

physically in the

03:47:40 --> 03:47:44

later two is Surah El Mirage protected him in the middle Raj.

03:47:44 --> 03:47:49

So that is I did not swerve nor sweep aside mazagan Basu amatola

03:47:49 --> 03:47:54

As Allah subhanaw taala says, in sort of najem many of the MSA This

03:47:54 --> 03:47:57

is one of the prophets of Allah. The Sena experience though wrote,

03:47:57 --> 03:48:01

yeah, the beautiful vision when he when he gazed upon the countenance

03:48:02 --> 03:48:03

of Allah subhanho wa taala.

03:48:05 --> 03:48:07

And there's some difference of opinion about that.

03:48:09 --> 03:48:12

sent him to all mankind, he's going to quote these ayat later

03:48:13 --> 03:48:17

and made booty lawfull your booty means aneema war booty for his

03:48:17 --> 03:48:18


03:48:19 --> 03:48:22

You he also made him an accepted intercessor.

03:48:23 --> 03:48:25

Chef here Shafi Allah,

03:48:27 --> 03:48:30

and the master of the descendants of Adam, which is a reference to

03:48:30 --> 03:48:34

the Hadith and TEDMED the NSC to whether the Adam Allah fahara that

03:48:34 --> 03:48:36

we quoted earlier that he quoted earlier.

03:48:37 --> 03:48:39

He coupled his name with his own name,

03:48:40 --> 03:48:46

here and like in the Avant, in the coma, in the shahada, and his

03:48:46 --> 03:48:50

pleasure with his pleasure seems to be a reference to the verse in

03:48:50 --> 03:48:55

the Quran will la hora Sula, who are Harco and Yoda Lu who, Allah

03:48:55 --> 03:48:58

and His Messenger it is more befitting that you please them.

03:49:01 --> 03:49:04

Meaning pleasing, pleasing the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is the

03:49:04 --> 03:49:08

same as pleasing. Allah subhanho wa taala. Their pleasure is the

03:49:08 --> 03:49:14

same. He made him one of the two pillars of Tawheed. Again, a

03:49:14 --> 03:49:17

reference to the shahada when we say the shahada, la de la, la la

03:49:17 --> 03:49:22

so la de la ha, that's a that's atheism, there is no God illa

03:49:22 --> 03:49:24

Allah. This is no

03:49:25 --> 03:49:29

theism belief in God or could be even construed as a type of deism

03:49:29 --> 03:49:32

that there is a God he's a creator, but he's not necessarily

03:49:32 --> 03:49:37

a personal God. So this is more of sort of a Aristotelian photonic a

03:49:37 --> 03:49:41

god but then Muhammad Rasul Allah, this is theism This is now God.

03:49:41 --> 03:49:43

This God is now personal.

03:49:44 --> 03:49:45

By sending by,

03:49:47 --> 03:49:50

by by sending human messengers to mankind for their guidance and

03:49:50 --> 03:49:51

revealing scriptures.

03:49:54 --> 03:49:58

A lot of them continues. Those who pledge allegiance to you make

03:49:58 --> 03:50:00

Baotou you actually pledge allegiance to

03:50:00 --> 03:50:00

While low,

03:50:01 --> 03:50:04

meaning in the Pledge of red once we mentioned this, they actually

03:50:04 --> 03:50:09

read the one right at her day BIA that the Prophet salallahu Salam,

03:50:09 --> 03:50:09

he sent

03:50:11 --> 03:50:15

Earthman to negotiate with the Meccans then a false report and

03:50:15 --> 03:50:17

reached him. That Earth man had been murdered by them which should

03:50:17 --> 03:50:21

have been. And so the Prophet saw a lot he said them.

03:50:22 --> 03:50:26

You sat under a tree and took pledges of allegiance

03:50:27 --> 03:50:31

from the companions. And this is where he left off last time that

03:50:31 --> 03:50:34

he'd been cathedra and Imam are called to be. They say that the

03:50:34 --> 03:50:37

pledge was that they would fight with the Prophet sallallaahu salam

03:50:37 --> 03:50:42

until death, they were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for

03:50:42 --> 03:50:43

the sake of Deen.

03:50:46 --> 03:50:46


03:50:47 --> 03:50:52

here even Ijebu says the next statement in the Quran contains

03:50:52 --> 03:50:56

the greatest praise of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam in the entire

03:50:56 --> 03:50:56


03:50:58 --> 03:51:01

So when Allah Subhan Allah to Allah says yeah the law he yadda

03:51:01 --> 03:51:03

Allah He focal ad him,

03:51:04 --> 03:51:09

that the yard, which is sometimes translated as hand, a hand of God

03:51:09 --> 03:51:11

is over their hands.

03:51:12 --> 03:51:16

They pledge allegiance to Allah when they pledge allegiance to you

03:51:16 --> 03:51:18

to the prophets of the Lord, he said them.

03:51:19 --> 03:51:22

So are they are you had he says here this metaphorically refers to

03:51:22 --> 03:51:26

the power of Allah. So this is known as one of the I act with the

03:51:26 --> 03:51:29

shabby hat. There are certain verses in the Quran that are

03:51:29 --> 03:51:32

anthropomorphic. Right.

03:51:34 --> 03:51:41

These Ayat must be anchored theologically, in transcendence in

03:51:41 --> 03:51:45

10, Z, in order for us to understand them properly.

03:51:47 --> 03:51:52

And the theological anchor of the Koran is sort of 42 Verse 11.

03:51:53 --> 03:51:57

So when Allah subhanho wa Taala says LASIK admittedly he shaved on

03:51:57 --> 03:52:01

well who was semi or last year. There is nothing like the likes of

03:52:01 --> 03:52:07

God. While he is all a hearing and all seeing there's nothing like

03:52:07 --> 03:52:13

Allah subhanaw taala whatsoever. So the yard of Allah has nothing

03:52:13 --> 03:52:18

to do whatsoever with a created or human hand.

03:52:19 --> 03:52:22

Right? Has nothing to do whatsoever Lisa can literally show

03:52:22 --> 03:52:26

you and there's nothing like him whatsoever. Mata Mata so water to

03:52:26 --> 03:52:29

be valid for Allahu Allah you should be who that ik that

03:52:29 --> 03:52:33

whatever the human imagination can possibly imagine Allah subhanho wa

03:52:33 --> 03:52:35

Taala is completely different than that.

03:52:37 --> 03:52:41

So the practice of the early Muslims called the self, like the

03:52:41 --> 03:52:46

Sahaba, and the few generations after them, is to just consign the

03:52:46 --> 03:52:51

meaning of these atma to shabby hat to Allah subhana wa Tada. So

03:52:51 --> 03:52:51

they wouldn't.

03:52:52 --> 03:52:57

They wouldn't interpret these ayat. They would simply consign

03:52:57 --> 03:53:01

the meaning to Allah, they would say that this means whatever is

03:53:01 --> 03:53:04

whatever Allah intends it to mean whatever is appropriate, to his

03:53:04 --> 03:53:09

greatness and majesty, LASIK admittedly he shaped one. There's

03:53:09 --> 03:53:11

nothing like Allah whatsoever.

03:53:12 --> 03:53:14

You wouldn't attempt to interpret the ayat.

03:53:15 --> 03:53:19

Later scholars from the Honnef the later generations they would

03:53:19 --> 03:53:22

actually interpret these ayat because now there's a need.

03:53:23 --> 03:53:27

Because now you have deviant groups taking these ayat in

03:53:27 --> 03:53:27


03:53:29 --> 03:53:32

deviant theology saying things like Allah subhana wa Tada has a

03:53:32 --> 03:53:35

physical hand he has physical fingers, he's located in the

03:53:35 --> 03:53:40

physical space, things like this. So this provoked the aroma of a

03:53:40 --> 03:53:44

Sunnah wal Jamaah to begin to interpret these ayat so they would

03:53:44 --> 03:53:48

make we'll just tough we'd tough we it means that they would

03:53:48 --> 03:53:52

consign the meanings to God, tough for you, but with a bog. And then

03:53:52 --> 03:53:57

we'll, we'll means that they would interpret the ayat but still in

03:53:57 --> 03:54:02

the light of God's transcendence, right. So they would say that,

03:54:03 --> 03:54:06

that the first is kind of a three step process. The first step is to

03:54:07 --> 03:54:12

detach any type of any any notion of physicality, to Allah subhana

03:54:12 --> 03:54:15

what data and then they interpret it and say, yeah, the law means

03:54:15 --> 03:54:19

the power of protection of God. And then they affirm transcendence

03:54:19 --> 03:54:23

and affirm that Allah knows, Allah only knows. Lisa can make the he

03:54:23 --> 03:54:25

che che one will know who Adam,

03:54:26 --> 03:54:29

right? So this is what he's doing here. This metaphorically refers

03:54:29 --> 03:54:33

to the power of Allah. Yeah, don't love or the protection of God,

03:54:33 --> 03:54:37

there's a hadith that says yes to Allah, He, fo you have to love him

03:54:37 --> 03:54:43

algebra, or algebra and another require that the end of Allah is

03:54:43 --> 03:54:44

with the majority.

03:54:45 --> 03:54:47

And I must say the meaning of this, those who make it we'll have

03:54:47 --> 03:54:51

the Hadith, the meaning of this is that, that Allah Subhana Allah to

03:54:51 --> 03:54:54

Allah protection is with the majority.

03:54:59 --> 03:54:59

So he says

03:55:00 --> 03:55:02

So this metaphor refers the power of Allah His reward his favor or

03:55:02 --> 03:55:05

his contract and strengthens the act of their pledging allegiance

03:55:05 --> 03:55:09

to him and exalts the one to whom the allegiance is given.

03:55:13 --> 03:55:17

Okay, these words of Allah are similar to and then he quotes here

03:55:17 --> 03:55:21

from sutra and fall, you did not kill them and this is in the

03:55:21 --> 03:55:25

plural This is a reference to the Battle of butter. So it's

03:55:25 --> 03:55:27

addressed to the Sahaba

03:55:28 --> 03:55:31

as to what they did on the battlefield, you did not kill them

03:55:31 --> 03:55:36

but Allah killed them. And now the next sentence is in the singular

03:55:36 --> 03:55:39

address the specific specifically to the prophets Allah Lottie send

03:55:39 --> 03:55:43

them you did not throw in you through but Allah through.

03:55:44 --> 03:55:48

So this was a reference to an incident of the Battle of butter

03:55:48 --> 03:55:49

with the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

03:55:50 --> 03:55:55

He picked up some, some pebbles and he just sort of threw them in

03:55:55 --> 03:55:56

the direction of the machete keen.

03:55:59 --> 03:56:04

So Allah says, You did not throw when you threw but Allah through

03:56:05 --> 03:56:09

all of the actions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam have tofield

03:56:10 --> 03:56:15

they're all according to the red one, the good pleasure of Allah

03:56:15 --> 03:56:18

subhanho wa taala. All of his actions are guided. He's in a

03:56:18 --> 03:56:22

state of union with Allah's Ridwan,

03:56:24 --> 03:56:26

even audible, he points out something interesting here. He

03:56:26 --> 03:56:30

says that in this statement, there's an explicit negation

03:56:30 --> 03:56:35

followed by an explicit affirmation. You did not throw

03:56:35 --> 03:56:40

when you threw. Right? Well, Mara Mehta, is Ramita.

03:56:41 --> 03:56:46

So he says that this demonstrates both Allah's transcendence, as

03:56:46 --> 03:56:50

well as His nearness to the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, that

03:56:50 --> 03:56:53

the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, or anything in creation, for that

03:56:53 --> 03:56:58

matter is not Allah. Yet the prophets action was in reality,

03:56:58 --> 03:56:59

Allah's action.

03:57:00 --> 03:57:05

Allah is a doer of every action, how Allah will that action, he

03:57:05 --> 03:57:09

created that action, and he was pleased with that action.

03:57:11 --> 03:57:15

So the Prophet salallahu Salam is a means by which Allah carries out

03:57:15 --> 03:57:21

his well pleasing will in the world. So these are these are

03:57:21 --> 03:57:25

very, very exalted ayat that Allah subhanho wa Taala

03:57:26 --> 03:57:30

is is pronouncing here with respect to the Prophet salallahu

03:57:30 --> 03:57:35

Salam demonstrating a very close exalted State of Union that he has

03:57:35 --> 03:57:39

with the Prophet salallahu Salam, not Union on the level of essence

03:57:39 --> 03:57:45

or ontology, right. That's the Christian position with regards to

03:57:45 --> 03:57:50

or II Silius. And this is a problematic dangerous position to

03:57:50 --> 03:57:54

have. It's not according to our sound Arcada

03:57:58 --> 03:57:59


03:58:00 --> 03:58:04

so then he says, however, whereas the former is metaphorical, so

03:58:04 --> 03:58:07

he's talking about here, yeah, the lovely folk add him that's

03:58:07 --> 03:58:12

metaphorical, as he says much as figurative. The latter is literal,

03:58:12 --> 03:58:15

you did not throw when you threw but a law through its literal

03:58:15 --> 03:58:18

truth. Since the In the latter case, the killer in the thrower

03:58:18 --> 03:58:22

was in reality Allah He was the creator of the prophets action is

03:58:22 --> 03:58:26

throwing his power to do it and his decision to do it. No man has

03:58:26 --> 03:58:29

the power to throw. And then here, he mentioned something that Imam

03:58:29 --> 03:58:34

Razi also mentions that the Prophet salallahu Salam, he took

03:58:34 --> 03:58:37

the pebbles and he just kind of lobbed them in the direction of

03:58:37 --> 03:58:41

the machine, the machine are very far off. But somehow miraculously,

03:58:41 --> 03:58:46

dust a dust particle was able to infiltrate the eyes of every

03:58:46 --> 03:58:48

single one of them, which should be keen.

03:58:49 --> 03:58:52

So remember, Ozzy mentioned that this was in reality, a rare

03:58:52 --> 03:58:58

occurrence of natural law. Right so it's not natural for a human

03:58:58 --> 03:59:01

being to be able to do that. Automated either automated well it

03:59:01 --> 03:59:04

kin Allah Rama, Allah through

03:59:09 --> 03:59:14

*, okay, that's the end of the section nine. This is the last

03:59:14 --> 03:59:15

section of chapter one part one.

03:59:17 --> 03:59:21

How Allah in His mighty book demonstrates the honor in which he

03:59:21 --> 03:59:26

holds him solo LaLiga them and his position with him and other things

03:59:26 --> 03:59:27

which Allah gave him.

03:59:28 --> 03:59:31

So he says some of this is contained in a law says about the

03:59:31 --> 03:59:34

night journey in the suit of the same name, and sort of entitled

03:59:34 --> 03:59:38

The star and legend which refer directly to his incomparable

03:59:38 --> 03:59:43

station and nearness to Allah. And the wonders he witnessed. A

03:59:43 --> 03:59:47

further demonstration is a fact that he is protected the prophets

03:59:47 --> 03:59:50

of Allah he said it's protected from people. So here he quotes

03:59:50 --> 03:59:55

Allah subhanaw taala similar to Matt ADA verse 67, Allahu yatse

03:59:55 --> 03:59:59

muka Amina NAS, and Allah protects you from the people

04:00:00 --> 04:00:04

So in fact, 1213 or so assassination attempts were made

04:00:04 --> 04:00:06

on the Prophet salallahu Salam.

04:00:08 --> 04:00:12

And when this idea was revealed, according to the mythos 16 The

04:00:12 --> 04:00:14

Prophet sallallahu sallam was on a journey, and he came out of his

04:00:14 --> 04:00:18

tent and he dismissed all of his guards. Because Allah told him

04:00:18 --> 04:00:22

Allahu ASIMO Kameena Ness, Allah protects you from the people.

04:00:25 --> 04:00:29

When those who are when and also he quotes when those who reject

04:00:29 --> 04:00:33

we're plotting against you to confine you or kill you or expel

04:00:33 --> 04:00:38

you. And we're plotting and Allah was plotting. Right, so the sort

04:00:38 --> 04:00:43

of last straw or the last stand, I guess, you could say for the

04:00:43 --> 04:00:46

machine to Kenan Mecca. They met at the Donald midwall, which is

04:00:46 --> 04:00:49

like their city council. This is after the death of Abu Talib, who

04:00:49 --> 04:00:52

seat is now vacant. Some of the books in the series say that there

04:00:52 --> 04:00:55

was a man sitting in his seat who was dressed in black he was sort

04:00:55 --> 04:00:55

of hooded,

04:00:57 --> 04:01:02

and this man said, Let's just kill him. Let's just kill the Prophet.

04:01:02 --> 04:01:02


04:01:04 --> 04:01:07

And then Apple, Jehovah said, that's a good idea. So he, he

04:01:07 --> 04:01:13

hired one youth from every clan to stand by the stand outside the

04:01:13 --> 04:01:17

house of the prophets, Allah Lottie, so of course, the other

04:01:17 --> 04:01:17

must say that

04:01:18 --> 04:01:21

the chef that was there dressed in black was shaytaan, an incarnation

04:01:21 --> 04:01:22

of the shaytaan.

04:01:24 --> 04:01:27

So they stood by the House of the Prophet salallahu Salam, in order

04:01:27 --> 04:01:27

to kill him.

04:01:29 --> 04:01:32

He's gonna mention that in a minute here. And then he quotes

04:01:32 --> 04:01:34

this verse from Surah Toba

04:01:35 --> 04:01:39

in Latin Zulu who forgot to know Surah hola if you if you do not

04:01:39 --> 04:01:42

help him, yet Allah has helped him.

04:01:43 --> 04:01:46

So he says Allah averted the harm of his enemies from him and they

04:01:46 --> 04:01:49

conferred secretly about him and plotted to kill him.

04:01:50 --> 04:01:55

He took their side away when the Prophet went out past to them. So

04:01:55 --> 04:01:58

the assassins he's referring to the story mentioned in the Sierra

04:01:58 --> 04:02:01

that the assassins were outside of his door, say that he was in the

04:02:01 --> 04:02:04

house and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him to lie down in his

04:02:04 --> 04:02:07

bed. The prophets of the open the door and walked right past the

04:02:07 --> 04:02:11

assassins was reciting Yacine at the time.

04:02:12 --> 04:02:15

For other Shana whom for whom Allah you epsilon

04:02:17 --> 04:02:21

that we we veiled them, so that they do not see.

04:02:25 --> 04:02:28

And then he caused them not to look at him in the cave.

04:02:29 --> 04:02:32

So this is mentioned in our tradition, that the Prophet

04:02:32 --> 04:02:37

sallallaahu Salam was in the cave during the Hijra with Abu Bakr

04:02:37 --> 04:02:37


04:02:39 --> 04:02:43

and ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah says, in Houma, invati, the quarterly

04:02:43 --> 04:02:50

Sahibi de la taxon in Aloha Marina. So Volker Cydia. He had

04:02:50 --> 04:02:56

some fear and trepidation, not for himself, but for his socket for

04:02:56 --> 04:02:57

the Prophet salallahu Salam, his companion.

04:02:59 --> 04:03:03

So there was a man standing right at the entrance of the cave, and

04:03:03 --> 04:03:06

they can see him in Abu Bakar said, If this man would just look

04:03:06 --> 04:03:08

at his feet, he will see us.

04:03:09 --> 04:03:13

So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said led to us and he said

04:03:13 --> 04:03:16

don't be afraid in Allah mana. Allah is with us.

04:03:17 --> 04:03:22

Allah subhanho wa Taala is the creator of all actions. He's the

04:03:22 --> 04:03:25

winner of all actions Allah did not will this man to simply move

04:03:25 --> 04:03:29

his eyeballs down and look at them laws in control of everything.

04:03:32 --> 04:03:37

And then, the AI continues. This is Sudha Toba verse 40. So Anzahl

04:03:37 --> 04:03:42

Allahu Sakina. To who Allah He, then Allah subhanho wa Taala sent

04:03:42 --> 04:03:48

down His Sakina is peace is tranquility upon him. Imam Arrazi

04:03:48 --> 04:03:53

suggests that the pronoun here I lay he is a reference to Abu Bakar

04:03:55 --> 04:03:59

that tranquility was sent down upon Abu Bakar. But then the next

04:03:59 --> 04:04:05

statement why yet the who be Junu done, and he helped him. Now the

04:04:05 --> 04:04:08

pronoun is the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he helped him with the

04:04:08 --> 04:04:12

Jews who would hosts or armies

04:04:13 --> 04:04:16

supporters that you did not see.

04:04:18 --> 04:04:21

Or they say both of the pronouns refer to the Prophet sallallaahu

04:04:21 --> 04:04:22


04:04:25 --> 04:04:27

Then Allah subhana wa has mentioned in the in the Sierra as

04:04:27 --> 04:04:30

well that a spider had spun its web at the mouth of the cave,

04:04:30 --> 04:04:32

there was a dove building its nest,

04:04:33 --> 04:04:35

that these are the part of the Junoon these are the soldiers of

04:04:35 --> 04:04:39

Allah subhanaw taala protecting his hobby, something as flimsy as

04:04:39 --> 04:04:44

a spider's web. Right, is protecting the Prophet sallallahu

04:04:44 --> 04:04:47

Sena demonstrating that ALLAH SubhanA wa that these things are

04:04:47 --> 04:04:49

easy for Allah subhanho wa Taala to do.

04:04:54 --> 04:04:56

And then he says the science connected with that this Akina

04:04:56 --> 04:04:59

tranquillity which was sent down on him and the story of Surah club

04:04:59 --> 04:04:59

and Malik

04:05:00 --> 04:05:04

They are all mentioned by the people of Hadith and Sira in

04:05:04 --> 04:05:07

connection with the story of the cave and the Hijra of the prophets

04:05:07 --> 04:05:11

of Allah, He sent them to Madina, Munawwara. So So Robin Malik, he

04:05:11 --> 04:05:14

mentioned a very famous story, when the Prophet sallallahu sallam

04:05:14 --> 04:05:20

was leaving Mecca with Abubaker Cydia, the Meccans, they put a

04:05:20 --> 04:05:25

bounty on him 100 New 100 sheep camels that are alive. So this man

04:05:25 --> 04:05:29

stood up and Malik, who was a master tracker.

04:05:31 --> 04:05:34

He was able to find them very quickly in the desert, just

04:05:34 --> 04:05:38

following the tracks. And he said, I looked and I saw one of them. He

04:05:38 --> 04:05:41

was sitting on his conveyance, and his hands were up like this. And

04:05:41 --> 04:05:45

he was saying something to the heavens. And then the other one

04:05:45 --> 04:05:48

was doing circles around him and he kept looking back at me.

04:05:49 --> 04:05:54

So he said, I charge and suddenly I fell from my horse, and I've

04:05:54 --> 04:05:58

never fallen. So it gets back on and he charges again, he falls a

04:05:58 --> 04:06:01

second time he falls a third time and now he's within earshot of the

04:06:01 --> 04:06:02

two men.

04:06:04 --> 04:06:04

So then,

04:06:06 --> 04:06:09

the Prophet salallahu Salam engages him in a conversation this

04:06:09 --> 04:06:12

is why have you come and he says, I've come for 100 camels? Can you

04:06:12 --> 04:06:13

give me something better?

04:06:14 --> 04:06:16

And the problem is that yes, I can give you something better. And he

04:06:16 --> 04:06:21

says Keifa either k for BKT Bella Vista, seawater Kisara how will it

04:06:21 --> 04:06:25

be for you when you wear the bangles, the bracelets of Kisara?

04:06:26 --> 04:06:29

Of course Serato and Matic is just just a simple man. So who's

04:06:29 --> 04:06:30


04:06:31 --> 04:06:35

And he said, Kisara is medical Ferris is the king of Persia.

04:06:37 --> 04:06:41

King of Persia. So he knew the Prophet salallahu Salam is a

04:06:41 --> 04:06:45

SonicWALL. I mean, he's not going to lie. There's no this is out of

04:06:45 --> 04:06:46

the question that he would lie.

04:06:48 --> 04:06:52

So he said, Can you write it down for me? So he said to Abu Bakar to

04:06:52 --> 04:06:55

write this down. So he took a little Sahifa and they wrote down

04:06:55 --> 04:06:59

and uncertain such a day, the Prophet saw the lies and promises

04:06:59 --> 04:07:01

will not have the son of Malik that he's going to wear the

04:07:01 --> 04:07:04

bracelets is sweet see water kiss, see water Kisara.

04:07:06 --> 04:07:07

And as the story goes,

04:07:08 --> 04:07:12

he goes back to Mecca and Meccans probably made fun of him. Right.

04:07:13 --> 04:07:18

But then years later, the Prophet sallallaahu Salam passes Abu Bakr

04:07:18 --> 04:07:22

Siddiq is Caleb, he passes say Naramata is now the Calif and the

04:07:22 --> 04:07:26

Muslims they conquer Persia, the Battle of qadisiya

04:07:27 --> 04:07:33

under side even Obi Wan cos and there's an EMA of Persia is in the

04:07:33 --> 04:07:39

masjid in Medina, the treasures of of Persia and the bangles of

04:07:39 --> 04:07:43

Kisara are there and by this time to rock up and Malik has converted

04:07:43 --> 04:07:47

to Islam, and he's a he's a companion and he's in he's in

04:07:47 --> 04:07:53

Medina. So Satan Omar, he has the cipher. So he calls up sawed off

04:07:53 --> 04:07:57

and Malik to the front and he reads it off. And then he places

04:07:57 --> 04:08:00

the bangles on the arms of sawed off I've been Malik

04:08:01 --> 04:08:05

in the crowd is shouting Sadaqa Rasulullah sadaqa rasool Allah.

04:08:07 --> 04:08:11

So this is what he's referring to here. So wrap up in Malik, the

04:08:11 --> 04:08:12

famous story.

04:08:15 --> 04:08:18

A lot also says, We gave you co founder

04:08:20 --> 04:08:24

in Kolkata, so pray to your Lord to sacrifice the one who hates

04:08:24 --> 04:08:28

you, he's the one who's cut off. So let him co thought only three

04:08:28 --> 04:08:34

ayat. Allah told him about what he had given him. COFA is from kufra

04:08:35 --> 04:08:40

it's an emphatic noun. So I've co thought it's the only occurrence

04:08:40 --> 04:08:41

of the word and the entire Quran.

04:08:44 --> 04:08:47

So, you have to go to the Hadith to understand the word co thought

04:08:47 --> 04:08:50

is said to refer to his basin according to the

04:08:51 --> 04:08:54

multiplicity in the hold of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

04:08:55 --> 04:08:59

which most to say is after the slot just outside

04:09:00 --> 04:09:04

Jenna, it is also said that it is a non essential agenda that is a

04:09:04 --> 04:09:06

river actually engender.

04:09:08 --> 04:09:11

Abundance they also said it means different co thought it means just

04:09:11 --> 04:09:15

abundance, a lot of abundance, abundance and abundance.

04:09:16 --> 04:09:20

cathedra means a lot but co thought is emphatic, a lot of

04:09:20 --> 04:09:26

abundance. So it can also mean the chef ah the Mirage is that the

04:09:26 --> 04:09:32

Naboo the Marisa different things, then Allah replied to his enemies

04:09:32 --> 04:09:36

for him, and refuted what they had said by the words in the Shani aka

04:09:36 --> 04:09:41

Hua laptop. The one who hates you, he's cut off meaning your enemy

04:09:41 --> 04:09:46

and the one who despises you cut off means poor uh, based or left

04:09:46 --> 04:09:50

all alone, or one with no good in him at all, or even something like

04:09:50 --> 04:09:54

forgotten to history maligned throughout history.

04:09:56 --> 04:09:59

And of course, one of the meanings of CO thought also is referenced

04:10:00 --> 04:10:01

To isolate of Fatima Zahra

04:10:02 --> 04:10:05

and this has mentioned this is usually because she's the founder

04:10:05 --> 04:10:08

of the eyelid bait right.

04:10:09 --> 04:10:13

This is usually mentioned by Shiite before studying like you

04:10:13 --> 04:10:17

mama Tbilisi mentions this and many other Shiite will facility

04:10:17 --> 04:10:20

but some Sunnis also mentioned it as well and when it works well

04:10:20 --> 04:10:24

with the, with the context because the SPAB and Missoula, the Sunnah

04:10:24 --> 04:10:28

is that this Mushrik named Allah Azza wa ala was making fun of the

04:10:28 --> 04:10:32

prophets of the body send them because the prophets male children

04:10:32 --> 04:10:36

died in infancy. So he said, you're cut off your your project

04:10:36 --> 04:10:40

is done. No one's going to remember you after you die.

04:10:41 --> 04:10:43

That's what he's telling the prophets a lot. He said, What a

04:10:43 --> 04:10:44

fine electronic rock.

04:10:45 --> 04:10:49

The man who's a who's whose name is the most popular name in the

04:10:49 --> 04:10:55

world. Right? The man whose name is being extolled 24/7 every day

04:10:55 --> 04:10:59

until the yo monthly AMA, somebody is saying the shahada right now

04:10:59 --> 04:11:02

somebody's pronouncing the Athan. And they're using his actual name

04:11:02 --> 04:11:04

because people say, Well, you can say the same thing about a Saudi

04:11:04 --> 04:11:07

setup. But there's some people saying your Isa, there's some

04:11:07 --> 04:11:09

people saying yes, you are. There's some people saying EA

04:11:09 --> 04:11:12

Sue's, there's some people saying Jesus, they're using different

04:11:12 --> 04:11:15

names, but everyone is saying Mohammed is the same name.

04:11:18 --> 04:11:21

So then this person says no one's gonna remember you when you die.

04:11:21 --> 04:11:26

Right? So Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says, we've given you Kota.

04:11:26 --> 04:11:30

So the order must say, one of the meanings of Kota is Fatima Zahra.

04:11:31 --> 04:11:35

The added date comes from her and this is from the facade is they

04:11:35 --> 04:11:38

mentioned this in the other class, I think, or maybe you mentioned it

04:11:38 --> 04:11:41

here, that from the facades of the Prophet salallahu salam from the

04:11:41 --> 04:11:44

special qualities of the Prophet salallahu Salam is that his act in

04:11:44 --> 04:11:49

bed comes from his daughter. Say now Ali is not his son at a date

04:11:49 --> 04:11:53

starts with his daughter and she obviously she's married to say 90

04:11:57 --> 04:11:58


04:12:03 --> 04:12:07

And you know, volumes have been written on just as suricata.

04:12:09 --> 04:12:14

Then Allah says, We have given you the seven Muthoni this is what he

04:12:14 --> 04:12:17

quotes next this is from surah to Headjam is 87

04:12:18 --> 04:12:23

or Lukka, attained NACA Saba Amin al my fanny while Quran Allah

04:12:23 --> 04:12:26

alim. We have given you the seven Bafana Bafana means something

04:12:26 --> 04:12:27

that's repeated.

04:12:29 --> 04:12:33

And the immense Quran it is said that the my fanny are the first

04:12:33 --> 04:12:34

long sutras

04:12:35 --> 04:12:40

and that the immense Quran refers to the molar Quran Omar Quran

04:12:40 --> 04:12:41

meaning al Fatiha.

04:12:42 --> 04:12:45

So this is mentioned by email somebody was a machete they

04:12:45 --> 04:12:50

mentioned that, that the mfine the seven Muthoni refer to the first

04:12:50 --> 04:12:54

seven long Sutras of the Quran. That's one opinion. It is also

04:12:54 --> 04:12:58

said that the seven my fanny are themselves The Omen phoron al

04:12:58 --> 04:12:59


04:13:00 --> 04:13:03

and that the immense Quran means the rest of the Quran and this is

04:13:03 --> 04:13:06

also mentioned that you mama Tubridy is the machete even at

04:13:06 --> 04:13:11

Jeeva Imam Razi actually mentioned a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu

04:13:11 --> 04:13:12


04:13:13 --> 04:13:20

in which he salatu salam refers to Al Fatiha as a separator my fanny,

04:13:21 --> 04:13:24

the seven oft repeated, there's a hadith like this, I didn't write

04:13:24 --> 04:13:26

down the book of Hadith. I forgot to do that.

04:13:28 --> 04:13:30

But it's a good Hadith a strong Hadith

04:13:35 --> 04:13:38

All right. And there's other opinions also.

04:13:39 --> 04:13:42

What are the sub I mean, in my fanny, it is said that the seven

04:13:42 --> 04:13:46

Masonic refers to the Awana and the Noah hin the sort of commands

04:13:46 --> 04:13:51

and prohibitions of the Quran, the good news and warnings, the

04:13:51 --> 04:13:53

metaphors and enumerations of blessings.

04:13:54 --> 04:13:57

different opinions It is said that the normal Quran is called my

04:13:57 --> 04:14:00

family because it is said at least twice in every prayer so we will

04:14:00 --> 04:14:03

quote on according to the hadith is another way of saying I'd

04:14:03 --> 04:14:07

Fatiha the mother of the Quran, the essence of the Quran, the core

04:14:07 --> 04:14:12

of the Quran, it is said that the Quran is called my fanny because

04:14:12 --> 04:14:16

it is said at least twice in every prayer. Right? So minimal prayers

04:14:16 --> 04:14:20

to rock rock our team. So you're going to say this idea twice. It

04:14:20 --> 04:14:23

is said that Allah set it aside for the Prophet salallahu Salam

04:14:23 --> 04:14:25

and stored it up for him rather than other prophets.

04:14:27 --> 04:14:29

He called the Quran Muthoni because the stories are repeated

04:14:29 --> 04:14:30

in it.

04:14:32 --> 04:14:34

It is said that the seven myth any means we have honored us so

04:14:34 --> 04:14:38

there's another opinion. We have. We have honored you with seven

04:14:38 --> 04:14:41

marks of honor. The prophets of the lies and the myths seven marks

04:14:41 --> 04:14:45

of honor that are mentioned in the Koran, guidance Huda

04:14:46 --> 04:14:50

prophesy Naboo mercy Rahman, Rama,

04:14:51 --> 04:14:53

intercession shafa

04:14:54 --> 04:14:56

friendship, we lie

04:14:57 --> 04:14:59

then esteem like as

04:15:00 --> 04:15:00


04:15:02 --> 04:15:03

and tranquillity Sakina.

04:15:05 --> 04:15:06

Seven marks of honor.

04:15:08 --> 04:15:11

So there's different opinion. There's different opinions about

04:15:11 --> 04:15:15

what is this a several Muthoni but the strong opinion because it's

04:15:15 --> 04:15:19

supported by Hadith explicitly, is that as a reference to Al Fatiha,

04:15:19 --> 04:15:21

there's seven ayat and Al Fatiha.

04:15:25 --> 04:15:29

Allah says We sent down the thicker to you that you might make

04:15:29 --> 04:15:30

things clear.

04:15:31 --> 04:15:36

And when Zelina lake at vichara Lee to be gnarliness man who Zilla

04:15:36 --> 04:15:37


04:15:38 --> 04:15:41

and we sent down a vicar, the Quran one of the names of the

04:15:41 --> 04:15:46

Quran vicar in order for you to explain to the people what has

04:15:46 --> 04:15:46

been sent down.

04:15:49 --> 04:15:55

So then the prophetic words, the Sunnah is absolutely imperative,

04:15:55 --> 04:15:57

the prophetic commentary of the Quran

04:16:00 --> 04:16:03

and then he quotes here that's from SUTA Nahal by the way, verse

04:16:03 --> 04:16:10

44, famous verse 1644. Then he quotes here 3428 So at a Sabha I

04:16:10 --> 04:16:12

believe it. Verse 28,

04:16:13 --> 04:16:16

we only sent you so when my daughter started NACA ELAC. Caf

04:16:16 --> 04:16:18

attending nasty but she had on one of the euro.

04:16:20 --> 04:16:25

We only sent you to all people as a bringer of good news, Bashir and

04:16:25 --> 04:16:28

and Aveda and as a Warner, these are titles of the provinces that

04:16:28 --> 04:16:32

we've talked about in the past. And then he finally quotes this is

04:16:32 --> 04:16:37

so that's an hour off verse 158. Holy Yeah, you had nurse in knee

04:16:37 --> 04:16:39

Rasulullah Alikum Jimmy

04:16:40 --> 04:16:43

OH people I'm the Messenger of Allah to you all.

04:16:45 --> 04:16:48

So he's saying here why is he quoting these ayat He says this is

04:16:48 --> 04:16:52

one of the special favors He has granted again from the size of the

04:16:52 --> 04:16:56

Prophet salallahu Salam. Allah says We only sent a messenger with

04:16:56 --> 04:16:59

the language of his people to make things clear. Illa Lily sent

04:16:59 --> 04:17:04

elaborately Sanya call me. Allah specifies their peoples but he

04:17:04 --> 04:17:06

said the Prophet salallahu salam to all people.

04:17:07 --> 04:17:11

And he said of himself, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I

04:17:11 --> 04:17:16

was sent to all mankind. This is stated in numerous Hadith, the

04:17:16 --> 04:17:20

wording in Sahih Muslim or still too ill Halki Kapha

04:17:22 --> 04:17:27

I was sent to the creation, everything, all of creation

04:17:32 --> 04:17:35

so in other words, again, the shitty art of the Prophet

04:17:35 --> 04:17:38

salallahu Salam, there's no there's no more Russell there's no

04:17:38 --> 04:17:44

more NBR there's no sacred law yet to be revealed. The Sharia of the

04:17:44 --> 04:17:48

Prophet sallallaahu Salam is the final secret law revealed. Right?

04:17:48 --> 04:17:51

So that's why as a final messenger, that's why he's the

04:17:51 --> 04:17:53

universal messenger.

04:17:54 --> 04:17:56

And as we said, the video of the Prophet salallahu Salam is a

04:17:56 --> 04:18:03

confirmation of the foundational principles of all of the Shariah

04:18:03 --> 04:18:03

before him

04:18:11 --> 04:18:15

so knew how they send and receive the shitty off.

04:18:16 --> 04:18:17

And then

04:18:19 --> 04:18:21

Musa alayhis salam

04:18:22 --> 04:18:27

sorry Ibrahim Ali Salam, Sharia 2.0 Musala Islam the Torah Sharia

04:18:27 --> 04:18:34

3.0 Are you Sally salon 4.0 And then finally 5.0 The Quran and

04:18:34 --> 04:18:37

that's it as the latest no more updates

04:18:42 --> 04:18:46

of course, there's touch deed there's you know, there's HD HUD

04:18:47 --> 04:18:49

right with the Orlando

04:18:50 --> 04:18:52

the Scholastic community

04:18:54 --> 04:18:55

but those foundations never change

04:18:58 --> 04:18:59


04:19:02 --> 04:19:05

and then he quotes here a beautiful idea so that's one verse

04:19:05 --> 04:19:06

number six.

04:19:07 --> 04:19:12

He says a Nebby you Oh law, meaning I mean and fusi him was

04:19:12 --> 04:19:14

why'd you who Maha to whom

04:19:15 --> 04:19:20

the prophet is near are closer Oh Allah, closer to the believers

04:19:20 --> 04:19:25

mean and fusi him then their own selves. The prophet is near and

04:19:25 --> 04:19:30

dear to the believers than their own selves and his wives are their

04:19:30 --> 04:19:34

mothers. The comment commentators say that nearer to the believers

04:19:34 --> 04:19:36

and their own self means

04:19:38 --> 04:19:41

that they must do whatever He commands just as a slave must

04:19:41 --> 04:19:44

carry out his masters commands. It is said that it is better to

04:19:44 --> 04:19:47

follow his command and to follow one's own opinion.

04:19:49 --> 04:19:53

His wives or their mothers means that they enjoy the same respect

04:19:53 --> 04:19:54

as mothers.

04:19:55 --> 04:19:58

They cannot be married to anyone after him. This is a mark of honor

04:19:58 --> 04:19:59

to him and a special day

04:20:00 --> 04:20:03

again from the size of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam it is also

04:20:03 --> 04:20:05

because they are his wives in the garden.

04:20:08 --> 04:20:12

He says here and unusual reading of this is so this is a shadow

04:20:12 --> 04:20:16

reading. It's an anomalous reading, it's unreliable.

04:20:17 --> 04:20:19

But he quotes it because it has the strength of a hadith so it's

04:20:19 --> 04:20:20

true and its meaning.

04:20:22 --> 04:20:25

But it couldn't be established through multiple li attested

04:20:26 --> 04:20:27


04:20:28 --> 04:20:32

that the ISS nmbu o lab will move meaning I mean and foresee him who

04:20:32 --> 04:20:33

are Ebola.

04:20:34 --> 04:20:37

The prophet is closer to the believers in their own selves. He

04:20:37 --> 04:20:41

is their father was wide you will not have him and his wives or

04:20:41 --> 04:20:42

their mothers.

04:20:44 --> 04:20:48

So it's true and meaning he is preeminently our spiritual father

04:20:50 --> 04:20:54

Ibrahim Ali Salaam in the Quran is called our father me letter IB

04:20:54 --> 04:20:58

Kumi Brahim. And the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is better than

04:20:58 --> 04:20:59

Ibrahim Ali Salam.

04:21:03 --> 04:21:05

So he's saying it's no longer recited because it's at variance

04:21:05 --> 04:21:10

with the version of Monty with money Codex. So it's has a

04:21:10 --> 04:21:11

strength of a hadith.

04:21:14 --> 04:21:18

Allah says Allah sent down on you the book and wisdom. This is Surah

04:21:18 --> 04:21:20

20 sub verse 113.

04:21:22 --> 04:21:26

Or NS Allah Allahu Allah. Al Kitab al Hikmah keytab on hikma, you

04:21:26 --> 04:21:31

always see this coupling, just juxtaposition of Al Kitab while

04:21:31 --> 04:21:36

hikma not always but many times in the Quran, we sent down upon you

04:21:36 --> 04:21:41

al Kitab. The Quran while hikma and according to many are lemma

04:21:41 --> 04:21:43

hikma in the Quran means sunnah.

04:21:44 --> 04:21:49

The Quran pre eminent ethical application.

04:21:50 --> 04:21:54

And notice that Allah says here what enzyme Allahu alayka Kitab

04:21:54 --> 04:21:59

one hikma that Allah revealed that as well. He sent it down literally

04:21:59 --> 04:22:03

unzila needs to send something down. That he read that he

04:22:03 --> 04:22:05

revealed not only the key chat but the Sunnah.

04:22:07 --> 04:22:10

The prophets Allah Lottie systems, exemplary authenticated sayings

04:22:10 --> 04:22:13

and doings are revelation.

04:22:17 --> 04:22:24

And in also in this ayah he says well can follow Allah He alayka

04:22:24 --> 04:22:24


04:22:26 --> 04:22:30

Allah's overflowing favor to you is immense. It is said that his

04:22:30 --> 04:22:33

immense favorite refers to prophethood or what he already

04:22:33 --> 04:22:38

had, in pre eternality philosophy said that indicates his ability to

04:22:38 --> 04:22:41

bear the vision, the rural era, which Musa Ali's

04:22:42 --> 04:22:43

could not bear.

04:22:45 --> 04:22:47

A lot of going back to this

04:22:48 --> 04:22:51

I at the beginning here 33 Six,

04:22:52 --> 04:22:55

and maybe you owe me an enemy and forcing him that the profit is

04:22:55 --> 04:23:00

more beloved to the believers than their own selves. So usually when

04:23:00 --> 04:23:03

this is quoted the orlimar quote the famous Hadith and Buhari

04:23:04 --> 04:23:08

while in fcbd I swear by the one who has my soul in his head law

04:23:08 --> 04:23:12

you may do I had to compactor Hakuna hubba la mean, why did he

04:23:12 --> 04:23:14

Why did he onesie he married

04:23:15 --> 04:23:19

that none of you have complete faith until I'm more beloved to

04:23:19 --> 04:23:24

him than his his parents, his children and all of humanity.

04:23:27 --> 04:23:30

And there are numerous, numerous Hadith and statements from the

04:23:30 --> 04:23:34

Sahaba stories of the Sahaba that demonstrate that the Sahaba truly

04:23:37 --> 04:23:42

Why walk the walk as far as this is concerned. So naturally, he

04:23:42 --> 04:23:46

said Canada salatu salam habla illenium In Cooley che in Wamena

04:23:46 --> 04:23:50

Alma Al Baghdadi Allah, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was more

04:23:50 --> 04:23:55

beloved to us than every che che means created thing. Shout out

04:23:55 --> 04:24:00

means to shiz to something that's willed into existence. Right? So

04:24:00 --> 04:24:04

this does not include the creator of the Prophet salallahu Salam is

04:24:04 --> 04:24:08

was more beloved to us than anything in creation, even more so

04:24:08 --> 04:24:11

than cold water when we're thirsty. So the analogy here, the

04:24:11 --> 04:24:16

air of the desert, Eric gets it that that cold water is life

04:24:16 --> 04:24:16


04:24:20 --> 04:24:23

Of course, the famous story in Catan was Ozzy and waka dimensions

04:24:23 --> 04:24:27

the martyrdom of Hubei they have no idea when he was taken to 2018

04:24:27 --> 04:24:30

by them we should have seen after the Battle of bado. And they were

04:24:30 --> 04:24:35

they basically were going to crucify him and then impale him.

04:24:35 --> 04:24:38

And there's other things that say they they cut off his body parts

04:24:38 --> 04:24:39

and things like that.

04:24:40 --> 04:24:43

But they said to him, don't you wish you were at home with your

04:24:43 --> 04:24:44

family and

04:24:45 --> 04:24:48

and Mohammed was in your place? And hope he said, I don't wish

04:24:48 --> 04:24:51

that a foreign prick the finger of the rasuu

04:24:52 --> 04:24:56

Right. And so he said before you kill me, can I pray? Roctane like

04:24:56 --> 04:24:59

pray, you know? And they said, Yeah, you can pray so they let him

04:25:00 --> 04:25:01

And then they turned him from the Kaaba

04:25:02 --> 04:25:04

right and then he quote if he

04:25:05 --> 04:25:09

was a verse one Allah he'll machico While mothering for a NEMA

04:25:09 --> 04:25:13

to what to do for them Mojo Allah, in the LAO Su and alliums. We call

04:25:13 --> 04:25:13

it the idea

04:25:15 --> 04:25:19

that to Allah belongs the east in the West, whichever way you turn,

04:25:19 --> 04:25:21

you'll find that you'll find the countenance of God.

04:25:25 --> 04:25:31

And so, so they, they basically crucified Him, and then they

04:25:31 --> 04:25:35

stabbed him. And then he said that there's no one here to convey my

04:25:35 --> 04:25:37

salons to the Prophet sallallaahu. Salam.

04:25:39 --> 04:25:39


04:25:40 --> 04:25:42

Anwar could he says that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was in

04:25:42 --> 04:25:45

Medina, he's sitting with some companions, they didn't know how

04:25:45 --> 04:25:48

to find others. And then suddenly, it seemed like the 10 zeal

04:25:48 --> 04:25:52

descended upon Him. And He said, Well, I like your Muslim or not

04:25:52 --> 04:25:55

Allah Hubei. And they said, what happened? And he said, our

04:25:55 --> 04:25:57

companion is being martyred right now in Mecca.

04:25:58 --> 04:26:01

And then I've also found a blowhard who was there, it wasn't

04:26:01 --> 04:26:03

Muslim at the time, obviously, he saw this entire thing happening

04:26:03 --> 04:26:09

and he said Mara Ito had done you hadn't got to be as high as the

04:26:09 --> 04:26:11

Mohammed Mohammed.

04:26:12 --> 04:26:15

He said, I've never seen anyone love anyone like the companions of

04:26:15 --> 04:26:16

Muhammad love Mohammed.

04:26:21 --> 04:26:23

There's many other things so he Muslim mentioned Abdullah, you

04:26:23 --> 04:26:26

balance sorry, a great lover of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,

04:26:27 --> 04:26:29

when the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim came into Madina Munawwara

04:26:30 --> 04:26:32

he stayed at the residence of Abu IU balance already for seven

04:26:32 --> 04:26:33


04:26:34 --> 04:26:39

And you've had a two story house, as it says in Sahih Muslim. And so

04:26:39 --> 04:26:42

the Prophet said, I'll take the ground floor because it's easier

04:26:42 --> 04:26:45

people are going to visit me I'm going to be leaving a lot and I

04:26:45 --> 04:26:47

said, fine. So Abdullah, you've been a family run the second

04:26:47 --> 04:26:53

story. And then like, a few days later, or the that night or

04:26:53 --> 04:26:54

something like that.

04:26:55 --> 04:26:59

A UPC is quoted in the Hadith, he said, he said to his family Namshi

04:26:59 --> 04:27:03

fo perazzi Rasul Allah, did you realize we're walking over the

04:27:03 --> 04:27:04

head of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam.

04:27:06 --> 04:27:11

So the Hadith says for that to a fee, Jan had been so they they

04:27:11 --> 04:27:12

huddled into a corner

04:27:14 --> 04:27:17

of the room upstairs, like into one of the corners, because they

04:27:17 --> 04:27:20

knew that the prophets, Matt was in a certain place downstairs, so

04:27:20 --> 04:27:23

they made sure that they were on the other side. And then they

04:27:23 --> 04:27:26

would sort of shimmy against the walls. They didn't walk across the

04:27:26 --> 04:27:30

room, because they would consider that adult to walk over the head.

04:27:30 --> 04:27:34

So then you became back down and he said, we're walking over your

04:27:34 --> 04:27:37

head. And the Prophet said, That's okay. Don't worry about this. It's

04:27:37 --> 04:27:43

easier for me to be here. And he said, No, I insist. Okay, so he

04:27:43 --> 04:27:46

switched places. So the prophets, I saw them and I was on the second

04:27:46 --> 04:27:49

floor. And then the Hadith says that they would bring him food.

04:27:49 --> 04:27:52

And the province they sent him would leave a little bit of food.

04:27:52 --> 04:27:55

And then Abdullah Ubinas wife would look at the dish and try to

04:27:55 --> 04:27:59

determine where the prophets hand touch the plate and the eat from

04:27:59 --> 04:28:03

that spot. For Tabata rock. And then

04:28:04 --> 04:28:09

one time there was a, there was a plate that came back and it wasn't

04:28:09 --> 04:28:13

touched at all. Right? And so, to be subtle, what happened, you know

04:28:13 --> 04:28:17

that there's something wrong with the food. And then he said that

04:28:17 --> 04:28:20

there's garlic in this food, like I don't eat garlic, because I have

04:28:20 --> 04:28:26

conversations with my lat Iike. And whatever bothers. Humanity

04:28:26 --> 04:28:30

bothers the Malaika. Right, so then abou IOP said, For in the

04:28:30 --> 04:28:35

Accra, Houma Takara I detest whatever you detest, so there's no

04:28:35 --> 04:28:40

more garlic in the house. So the aroma actually say from based on

04:28:40 --> 04:28:44

this hadith that, that eating garlic is MOBA. It's permissible,

04:28:44 --> 04:28:49

but it's mcru. If you're going to speak to dignitaries to to keep

04:28:49 --> 04:28:52

our right like very prominent people.

04:28:58 --> 04:29:00

Of course, there's a hadith of famous Hadith and Timothy,

04:29:01 --> 04:29:03

where i She says that

04:29:04 --> 04:29:09

she approached Fatima Zahra. And she said to her that I noticed

04:29:09 --> 04:29:13

once you were standing like sort of standing over the Prophet

04:29:13 --> 04:29:19

sallallaahu Salam when he was in his final illness, and you leaned

04:29:19 --> 04:29:25

in close suddenly and you started crying. And then you leaned in

04:29:25 --> 04:29:29

again and he started laughing. And she said he said I've always

04:29:29 --> 04:29:31

wondered what did he tell you? What do you can you please tell me

04:29:31 --> 04:29:32

what did he tell you?

04:29:33 --> 04:29:35

So far to my says

04:29:36 --> 04:29:41

Akbar any and the who made you turn mean what God he had that.

04:29:42 --> 04:29:46

Farber Kato, he told me that he's going to die from his illness. So

04:29:46 --> 04:29:54

I cried from Barney and Asaro li Lu who can be the DACA Hina.

04:29:57 --> 04:30:00

The hip to she says that then he told

04:30:00 --> 04:30:03

For me that I would be the first of his family to join him in

04:30:03 --> 04:30:04


04:30:05 --> 04:30:08

And she died a few months later, some six months later, so I

04:30:08 --> 04:30:13

laughed. Right? So and maybe you Oh La will mean in a minute we'll

04:30:13 --> 04:30:17

see him. She was very young woman. How old was she in her 20s, maybe

04:30:17 --> 04:30:20

something like that very young. But she's happy she's going to

04:30:20 --> 04:30:23

die, because she's going to be with her father.

04:30:28 --> 04:30:31

This is a type of love that most people just, they don't get it.

04:30:31 --> 04:30:34

Right. They don't understand what's going on here.

04:30:38 --> 04:30:43

Part of the problem is just as dunya entrenched in the dunya.

04:30:44 --> 04:30:47

You know, people think they're gonna live forever. People they

04:30:47 --> 04:30:50

put things off kettlebell to herbology lab, people just want

04:30:50 --> 04:30:53

immediate gratification. What's your thought? Hornell Ashira. And

04:30:53 --> 04:30:56

then they just ask, you know, what is that that's a long time from

04:30:56 --> 04:31:00

now, if it even happens, the athletic could be tomorrow, if you

04:31:00 --> 04:31:03

die now. In your in your grave, it passes like a night of sleep. And

04:31:03 --> 04:31:07

tomorrow, you want to be literally tomorrow for you could be human.

04:31:09 --> 04:31:10

But that's something far off.

04:31:11 --> 04:31:16

If death comes, suddenly without warning can come to anyone. Just

04:31:16 --> 04:31:19

something we learned from the death of a like a sports star

04:31:19 --> 04:31:22

celebrity like the death of Kobe Bryant something that we can learn

04:31:22 --> 04:31:26

is that death does not discriminate. You can be at your

04:31:26 --> 04:31:31

peak, you can be at your you can be with your kid somewhere and

04:31:31 --> 04:31:33

death comes in both are gone.

04:31:37 --> 04:31:39

So that's actually the end of chapter one.

04:31:40 --> 04:31:42

Any questions or comments?

04:31:44 --> 04:31:47

Just take a drink real fast. And then we'll can start chapter two.

04:31:49 --> 04:31:50

We have a few minutes

04:31:55 --> 04:31:59

I would say probably one of the greatest examples of the prophets,

04:31:59 --> 04:32:04

Oh Allah, the prophets. nearness to the to the Sahaba over their

04:32:04 --> 04:32:07

own selves as president, but don't just read what happened.

04:32:08 --> 04:32:11

Because with butter, they would put themselves totally in harm's

04:32:11 --> 04:32:14

way to protect the profits of the license.

04:32:16 --> 04:32:18

And there's many examples of that.

04:32:21 --> 04:32:25

Chapter Two was called a loss perfecting his good qualities of

04:32:25 --> 04:32:28

character and constitution and giving him all the virtues of the

04:32:28 --> 04:32:32

deen in this world. So I'll read you it's a short introduction, and

04:32:32 --> 04:32:35

then I'll just give you some of the highlights because it's a

04:32:35 --> 04:32:36

little bit

04:32:41 --> 04:32:44

a little confusing, I guess you can say here. So whoever loves a

04:32:44 --> 04:32:47

noble Prophet and is searching out the complete details of his

04:32:47 --> 04:32:51

inestimable treasure of his being should know that man's beautiful

04:32:51 --> 04:32:55

imperfect qualities can be placed in one of two categories. Number

04:32:55 --> 04:32:58

one characteristics which are innate and a necessary part of

04:32:58 --> 04:33:02

life of this world, such as natural form and things connected

04:33:02 --> 04:33:06

to the necessary acts of daily life. Number two characteristics

04:33:06 --> 04:33:09

which are acquired as part of the deen these are things for which

04:33:09 --> 04:33:12

one is praised and which brings one near to Allah.

04:33:13 --> 04:33:16

These qualities can be further divided into two categories,

04:33:16 --> 04:33:23

qualities which are purely innate or acquired. And number two

04:33:23 --> 04:33:25

qualities which combine both elements.

04:33:26 --> 04:33:29

Then he goes on man has no choice in or ability to acquire innate

04:33:29 --> 04:33:32

qualities. These include things like perfection of physique,

04:33:32 --> 04:33:35

physical beauty, strength of intellect, soundness, of

04:33:35 --> 04:33:38

understanding eloquence of tongue, acuteness of the sense of strength

04:33:38 --> 04:33:42

of limb the balance and nobility of lineage, the might of one's

04:33:42 --> 04:33:45

people and the honor of one's land. also connected to this are

04:33:45 --> 04:33:49

the things that are the necessities of daily life, such as

04:33:49 --> 04:33:51

food, sleep, clothes, dwelling place, marriage, property and

04:33:51 --> 04:33:54

rank. These things, however, can be connected to the next world if

04:33:54 --> 04:33:58

the intention in them is related to fear of Allah and teaching the

04:33:58 --> 04:34:02

body to follow the path of Allah, in spite of the fact that they are

04:34:02 --> 04:34:05

all defined as necessity, necessities, and governed by the

04:34:05 --> 04:34:09

rules of the Sharia. As for the acquired things which pertain to

04:34:09 --> 04:34:12

the next world, they include all virtues and the depth of the

04:34:12 --> 04:34:15

Shetty are making things that are things such as practice of the

04:34:15 --> 04:34:19

dean, knowledge for barons, patience, thankfulness, justice,

04:34:19 --> 04:34:23

doing without humility, pardon chastity, generosity, courage,

04:34:23 --> 04:34:27

modesty, manliness, silence, deliberation, gravity, mercy, good

04:34:27 --> 04:34:29

manners, comradeship,

04:34:30 --> 04:34:34

camaraderie, I guess and other similar qualities. They can be

04:34:34 --> 04:34:36

summed up as good character, person and coleg.

04:34:38 --> 04:34:41

Some of these qualities can be part of a natural instinct and

04:34:41 --> 04:34:46

basic disposition in some people, others do not have them and have

04:34:46 --> 04:34:50

to acquire them. However, some basic rudiments of them must exist

04:34:50 --> 04:34:53

in a person's natural disposition as Allah willing, we will make

04:34:53 --> 04:34:57

clear even when the face of Allah in the next world is not what is

04:34:57 --> 04:34:59

intended by these worldly qualities

04:35:00 --> 04:35:02

They are still considered good character in virtues according to

04:35:02 --> 04:35:05

the consensus held by men of sound intellect. However, there is a

04:35:05 --> 04:35:09

disagreement as to the reason for people having these qualities.

04:35:10 --> 04:35:11

It's kind of a

04:35:12 --> 04:35:16

it's really kind of a deep introduction. But basically, what

04:35:16 --> 04:35:20

he's saying here is, among other things, but just basically it's

04:35:20 --> 04:35:25

that some virtues are Wahhabi, some virtues are innate. Some

04:35:25 --> 04:35:29

people are born with virtue, Wahhabi from Al Wahhab. One of the

04:35:29 --> 04:35:33

names of Allah subhana wa Tada is the bestower of gifts at Wahab.

04:35:35 --> 04:35:41

And some virtues are QSB, they can be acquired through discipline,

04:35:41 --> 04:35:46

disciplining the knifes, right? So there's a virtue theory in amongst

04:35:46 --> 04:35:52

our classical or lemma, because it has a virtue theories. And it's

04:35:52 --> 04:35:54

Aristotelian to a certain point.

04:35:57 --> 04:35:59

So basically, that

04:36:00 --> 04:36:03

it's basically to fake it till you make it.

04:36:04 --> 04:36:08

It's called habitus in Greek, that if you want to acquire a virtue,

04:36:08 --> 04:36:11

let's say that some people are born with patience, some people

04:36:11 --> 04:36:15

don't have it. If you're born with it, it's from Al Wahhab, that

04:36:15 --> 04:36:16

Hamdulillah you have it.

04:36:18 --> 04:36:21

Everyone's born equal in the sense that they're all humans, but not

04:36:21 --> 04:36:23

everyone's created equal in that sense that they're exactly the

04:36:23 --> 04:36:27

same. There seem to be some people who are born into opulence. And

04:36:27 --> 04:36:30

well, some people are born into dire poverty. Some people have,

04:36:31 --> 04:36:36

they're born and they're educated and they have incredible deed they

04:36:36 --> 04:36:38

have like discipline and they have virtue.

04:36:40 --> 04:36:41

Some people don't.

04:36:43 --> 04:36:46

So in reality, everything is is why be everything is given by

04:36:46 --> 04:36:49

Allah subhanho wa taala. But basically, if you want to acquire

04:36:49 --> 04:36:52

a certain virtue, you have to fake it until you make it.

04:36:53 --> 04:36:57

If you want to be patient, if you want somebody when something

04:36:57 --> 04:37:01

happens, like a sodomized, like a type of calamity,

04:37:02 --> 04:37:05

act like a virtuous person, act like a

04:37:06 --> 04:37:12

like a patient person. And if you keep acting like that, over time,

04:37:12 --> 04:37:17

it'll be sort of woven into your personality. you'll acquire it,

04:37:18 --> 04:37:19


04:37:22 --> 04:37:26

There's a hadith in Bukhari, a famous Hadith where the Prophet

04:37:26 --> 04:37:29

salallahu Salam was at the graveyard in Medina about a year

04:37:30 --> 04:37:33

and he saw a woman crying at a grave and she was kind of

04:37:33 --> 04:37:39

hysterical. And he said, it definitely was very, yeah, Matala

04:37:39 --> 04:37:41

like Oh, maid, servant of God.

04:37:42 --> 04:37:45

Fear God, and be patient.

04:37:46 --> 04:37:47

And then

04:37:48 --> 04:37:52

she was impatient. She didn't even turn around to see who it is.

04:37:53 --> 04:37:57

So she said to him a Laker, I need to get away from me, like, go get

04:37:57 --> 04:38:03

it, get away from me. You've never been afflicted like this. So some

04:38:03 --> 04:38:06

of the magazines say that her son that died, of course, the Prophet

04:38:06 --> 04:38:09

sallallaahu Salam buried all of his children except for one,

04:38:10 --> 04:38:12

right? And he knew that Fatima would die in six months, and he

04:38:12 --> 04:38:15

knew what I was saying, but also be martyred

04:38:16 --> 04:38:16

as well.

04:38:18 --> 04:38:21

So the prophets I sent him he just he goes home, right? And then the

04:38:21 --> 04:38:24

woman she finds out that that it was the prophet so I said, um, so

04:38:24 --> 04:38:25

she goes and waits by his door.

04:38:26 --> 04:38:31

And she says to him that, you know, I'll be patient and now the

04:38:31 --> 04:38:35

Prophet said to her in the Mossad bro and Assad Mathilde Gula.

04:38:37 --> 04:38:39

Oh, and, uh, what is Saudi Martin,

04:38:40 --> 04:38:45

that indeed, true patience is that the first stroke of the calamity?

04:38:47 --> 04:38:52

That's true patients. Right. And that's, that's the goal. So it's

04:38:52 --> 04:38:55

good that you're going to be paid. That's how we learn. Right? But

04:38:55 --> 04:39:00

true patience, you can if someone's a sob or Cebu, the way

04:39:00 --> 04:39:03

that you can tell is that something happens and immediately

04:39:03 --> 04:39:07

they have patients, that means they've acquired this virtue, or

04:39:07 --> 04:39:10

they're trying to acquire this virtue, so they're acting like a

04:39:10 --> 04:39:12

patient person. Right?

04:39:13 --> 04:39:15

So that's how you acquire virtue.

04:39:18 --> 04:39:23

The difference with Aristotle then between Lasallian Aristotle method

04:39:23 --> 04:39:29

is somewhat the same, but the tail loss. The higher the end, the aim

04:39:29 --> 04:39:33

is different. The aim for Aristotle is, he calls it you die.

04:39:33 --> 04:39:36

Knowmia, which is like living a fulfilled happy life of

04:39:36 --> 04:39:40

contemplation. To become a philosopher. That's the end.

04:39:42 --> 04:39:46

For Ghazali and others, it is proximity to the Divine as we Leia

04:39:46 --> 04:39:47

is sainthood.

04:39:48 --> 04:39:53

That's that's the goal is that you mimic the ethos of the Prophet

04:39:53 --> 04:39:57

salallahu Salam, because he's Habibollah and by doing that you

04:39:57 --> 04:39:59

become happy below. You become beloved of God.

04:40:00 --> 04:40:03

And you attain ranks of sainthood. That's the goal.

04:40:05 --> 04:40:10

In sainthood, we're using a sort of more general, right?

04:40:11 --> 04:40:13

Proximity to God.

04:40:16 --> 04:40:20

Not necessarily someone who can manifest cut on math and things

04:40:20 --> 04:40:23

like that someone with good character, someone who's in the

04:40:23 --> 04:40:27

someone who may not even have a lot of knowledge as an average

04:40:27 --> 04:40:32

Muslim guy or a woman, but is striving to emulate the prophets.

04:40:32 --> 04:40:34

Nobody said them and their sincerity there and they're

04:40:34 --> 04:40:39

constantly working on their hook. And they're constantly trying to

04:40:39 --> 04:40:46

acquire these virtues. It never stops, continues to go. So the

04:40:46 --> 04:40:50

Prophet said, first Butoh had to tell Coney Island, how keep being

04:40:50 --> 04:40:53

patient, and one of the meanings of patients is also perseverance.

04:40:54 --> 04:40:57

keep persevering until you meet me at the hold. That's when you can

04:40:57 --> 04:40:58


04:40:59 --> 04:41:02

But the dunya is going to be work. There's no point in that don't

04:41:02 --> 04:41:06

know, which is I'm good enough. Now. I'm good, like declutter

04:41:06 --> 04:41:10

Gilani when, when he had the dream and the light, and your shaker,

04:41:10 --> 04:41:14

your The Great huali And there's no tech leaf on you. No more

04:41:14 --> 04:41:19

prayer for you, you've ascended, transcended the prayer. And he

04:41:19 --> 04:41:22

said, Who are you? And he said, I'm your Lord. He said, No, you're

04:41:22 --> 04:41:25

alive. You're the shaytaan because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had

04:41:25 --> 04:41:30

to pray six times a day. The tech leaf has not removed from him on

04:41:30 --> 04:41:35

any of the Olia but I've transcended took leave is

04:41:35 --> 04:41:35


04:41:38 --> 04:41:43

Anyway, I think we can stop here inshallah. So, for next week,

04:41:43 --> 04:41:46

we'll so that was that's the introduction. Basically,

04:41:47 --> 04:41:51

we'll start section one, which is a preface, which is sort of a

04:41:53 --> 04:41:55

summary of what he's already said in chapter one. And in section

04:41:55 --> 04:41:59

two, he begins by talking about the Hulk, so there's holes in

04:41:59 --> 04:42:03

Hulk. The Hulk is the character of the proposition. The Hulk is his

04:42:03 --> 04:42:07

physical manifestation. So his physical appearance, the physical

04:42:07 --> 04:42:08

appearance of the process,

04:42:09 --> 04:42:12

which is a sign of his Naboo the way that he physically looked

04:42:14 --> 04:42:14


04:42:15 --> 04:42:15

next time

04:42:20 --> 04:42:20

he was.

04:42:43 --> 04:42:48

There, they're given as gifts by the gift giver. Other Wahab Allah

04:42:48 --> 04:42:52

subhanaw taala other football l must be earned.

04:42:53 --> 04:42:56

Their acquired moment of his ad. He says at the end of the day,

04:42:56 --> 04:42:58

everything is what happy everything is from Allah subhana

04:42:58 --> 04:42:59

wa, tada.

04:43:00 --> 04:43:01


04:43:02 --> 04:43:06

but there are some virtues that require discipline. And we said

04:43:06 --> 04:43:12

last week, that Imam was Ali's theory of virtue is very similar

04:43:12 --> 04:43:17

to Aristotle in the method of habitus right habituating, the

04:43:17 --> 04:43:21

lower self to acquire these virtues. But the idea that tell us

04:43:21 --> 04:43:26

the end is very different for Aristotle, and the Nicomachean

04:43:26 --> 04:43:33

Ethics. The tell loss is eudaimonia, a full fulfilled life

04:43:33 --> 04:43:36

or happiness or life of contemplation to become a

04:43:36 --> 04:43:41

philosopher. Or as for bizarrely, it's Wilaya proximity to the

04:43:41 --> 04:43:45

Divine sainthood friendship with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

04:43:47 --> 04:43:50

Now, in the preface, he says, if someone has been blessed with even

04:43:50 --> 04:43:54

one or two of these qualities of perfection and nobility, whether

04:43:54 --> 04:43:57

of lineage beauty, power, knowledge, forbearance, courage or

04:43:57 --> 04:44:01

generosity, he is considered noteworthy and people use him as

04:44:01 --> 04:44:06

an example as a moral exemplar. People's heartfelt esteem of these

04:44:06 --> 04:44:11

qualities makes people who have them honored long after their

04:44:11 --> 04:44:12

bones have turned to dust.

04:44:13 --> 04:44:21

So, Mr. Little Azadi in his Yeah. He mentions or he affirms what are

04:44:21 --> 04:44:25

known as the four cardinal virtues, the four principal

04:44:25 --> 04:44:28

virtues, he calls them all Mahato phorbol.

04:44:30 --> 04:44:37

And these are courage and wisdom and temperance

04:44:39 --> 04:44:40

and justice.

04:44:41 --> 04:44:46

So they are in Arabic, they are shujaa

04:44:47 --> 04:44:51

which is epitomized by Abu Bakr Siddiq, so each of the 4k lifts

04:44:51 --> 04:44:56

epitomizes one of these virtues shujaa courage and then Ahmad

04:44:56 --> 04:44:59

dalla justice Earthman is alpha 10

04:45:00 --> 04:45:02

rinse, and Hekima say naturally,

04:45:04 --> 04:45:06

these are the MaHA told for the oil,

04:45:07 --> 04:45:10

the cardinal virtues, the principal virtues, but these also

04:45:10 --> 04:45:17

must be refined according to Imam Al Ghazali. That true virtue is in

04:45:17 --> 04:45:21

the middle. It's the mean that golden means or true courage.

04:45:22 --> 04:45:27

Right? So in other words, courage, it has two extremes. Right. So the

04:45:27 --> 04:45:33

virtues in the middle to one extreme is excessive courage.

04:45:33 --> 04:45:37

Right? This is if fraud if fraud and tuffrey too much courage,

04:45:37 --> 04:45:41

excessive courage. This is not considered a fondle. It's not

04:45:41 --> 04:45:46

considered a virtue, it's a vise. So someone for example, who's has

04:45:47 --> 04:45:51

to how water or foolhardiness, someone who's reckless, that's not

04:45:51 --> 04:45:54

courage. So for example,

04:45:55 --> 04:45:57

you see some somebody

04:45:58 --> 04:46:02

mugging someone with a gun on the street, it's probably not a good

04:46:02 --> 04:46:04

idea to confront that person directly, because you're going to

04:46:04 --> 04:46:09

put yourself in danger. So it's probably a better decision to just

04:46:09 --> 04:46:12

call the police with your cell phone. actually approaching that

04:46:12 --> 04:46:16

person and trying to stop the mugger is actually not considered

04:46:16 --> 04:46:20

courage, but rather recklessness, and that's a vise and then you

04:46:20 --> 04:46:22

have the other extreme

04:46:23 --> 04:46:26

where there's deficiency in courage, right to freedom, and

04:46:26 --> 04:46:28

that's cowardice. jubelin. Right.

04:46:30 --> 04:46:31

Even with wisdom,

04:46:33 --> 04:46:40

right. So the point here is that, that a true virtue is to know when

04:46:40 --> 04:46:41

and how to act.

04:46:42 --> 04:46:45

That's a true virtue, when and how to act.

04:46:47 --> 04:46:51

And then to follow a moral exemplar. So as we said, each of

04:46:51 --> 04:46:55

the 4k lifts epitomize one of these virtues and the Prophet

04:46:55 --> 04:46:59

sallallahu. Sydenham epitomizes all of them but even with wisdom,

04:47:00 --> 04:47:06

there are excesses. Excess wisdom is called Mikado or deceit,

04:47:06 --> 04:47:10

trickster ism, right. And in many cultures around the world,

04:47:11 --> 04:47:16

trickster ism is actually lauded, it's praised. If you can, you

04:47:16 --> 04:47:20

know, if you can fool someone and get away with it, and somehow get

04:47:20 --> 04:47:24

their money or something, then you're a clever person, you know,

04:47:25 --> 04:47:26

this type of thing.

04:47:27 --> 04:47:31

Unfortunately, this is something that's found in cultures all

04:47:31 --> 04:47:33

around the world and in literature all around the world, the

04:47:33 --> 04:47:34

Trickster archetype

04:47:36 --> 04:47:41

it's found in the Bible. It's found in, in Greek mythology,

04:47:41 --> 04:47:47

Prometheus, and other places as well. And then obviously, a

04:47:47 --> 04:47:50

deficiency of wisdom was called Bella or stupidity.

04:47:51 --> 04:47:51


04:47:52 --> 04:47:56

So, these are the these are the cardinal virtues. And as Ali also

04:47:56 --> 04:48:01

talks about the mystical virtues, so these are cardinal virtues, and

04:48:01 --> 04:48:05

then there are mystical virtues. And these mystical virtues he

04:48:05 --> 04:48:09

considers them to be the stations that are bestowed by ALLAH SubhanA

04:48:09 --> 04:48:13

wa to honor these MACOM that and the first one is repentance is

04:48:13 --> 04:48:18

Toba. That's the first station that's the first station of a

04:48:18 --> 04:48:21

spiritual path. And the last one is muhabba is love.

04:48:22 --> 04:48:23

I think that microphone

04:48:25 --> 04:48:26

stopped working or something

04:48:30 --> 04:48:30

it's not working.

04:48:33 --> 04:48:38

So then along the path, there's Sobotta and Shaka how often

04:48:38 --> 04:48:41

suffered these 19 mystical virtues

04:48:45 --> 04:48:45


04:48:48 --> 04:48:49

So are they are Yeah, it continues.

04:48:51 --> 04:48:56

So what can be said of the inestimable worth of someone who

04:48:56 --> 04:48:58

possesses all these qualities?

04:49:00 --> 04:49:01

Is it microphone work?

04:49:03 --> 04:49:03


04:49:09 --> 04:49:09

it doesn't like me

04:49:21 --> 04:49:24

so he's saying here it would be possible for him to have granted

04:49:24 --> 04:49:28

them either by graft or Guile such a person is only such a thing is

04:49:28 --> 04:49:32

only possible by the gift of Allah the Almighty. So now he's going to

04:49:32 --> 04:49:36

list of the various qualities praiseworthy, praiseworthy

04:49:36 --> 04:49:40

qualities and virtues of the prophets, Donati, send them so

04:49:40 --> 04:49:44

prophethood bearing the message, close friendship with Allah, His

04:49:44 --> 04:49:48

love being chosen the Night Journey, vision of him nearness,

04:49:48 --> 04:49:52

proximity, Revelation intercession, mediation all the

04:49:52 --> 04:49:55

virtues high degree of the praiseworthy station the bedrock

04:49:55 --> 04:49:59

of the ascension. being sent to all mankind is a very long list

04:49:59 --> 04:50:00

leading the prophets

04:50:00 --> 04:50:02

In prayer, the witnessing for him of the prophets in our

04:50:02 --> 04:50:06

communities, mastery over the descendants of Adam. He's being

04:50:06 --> 04:50:10

the bearer of the bear of the banner of praise. Bringing good

04:50:10 --> 04:50:13

news and warning is placed with the one with the throne obedience

04:50:13 --> 04:50:16

bearing the trust guidance. Being a mercy for the world's Allah has

04:50:16 --> 04:50:20

been pleased with him so that he is allowed to ask of him kofod are

04:50:20 --> 04:50:25

being listened to, or being obeyed. The perfection of blessing

04:50:25 --> 04:50:29

on him, pardon for past and future wrong actions expanding of the

04:50:29 --> 04:50:32

breast, the removing of his burden, the elevation of his

04:50:32 --> 04:50:36

renown, he's being helped by a mighty victory, the sending down

04:50:36 --> 04:50:39

of the Sakina support by the angels is bringing the book and

04:50:39 --> 04:50:43

wisdom and the seventh my fanny and the men's Quran. His community

04:50:43 --> 04:50:47

being purified is calling to allow the, the prayer of Allah and His

04:50:47 --> 04:50:52

angels on him. His judging between people and by what Allah showed

04:50:52 --> 04:50:56

Him, He's removing the chains and burden from them. A lot of

04:50:56 --> 04:50:59

swearing by his name is supplication being answered,

04:50:59 --> 04:51:03

inanimate objects and animals speaking to him, that dead being

04:51:03 --> 04:51:07

brought to life for His sake, that deaf hearing, water gushing from

04:51:07 --> 04:51:12

between his fingers is turning a little into a lot. The splitting

04:51:12 --> 04:51:16

of the moon the sun going back is changing of the essence of things.

04:51:16 --> 04:51:19

And there's a footnote for instance, at the Battle of Baba or

04:51:19 --> 04:51:23

there was a companion named Akasha, whose sword had broken and

04:51:23 --> 04:51:25

the Prophet sallallahu Sallam picked up a piece of wood and said

04:51:25 --> 04:51:29

Take this and fight with it. And it will cache I looked and it

04:51:29 --> 04:51:31

turned into a blade they called it Allah own.

04:51:33 --> 04:51:37

So changing the essence of things, is being helped by terror. This is

04:51:37 --> 04:51:43

a bad translation. Terror is a very loaded term nowadays. This

04:51:43 --> 04:51:45

does not mean terrorism as we know it is still federal law.

04:51:46 --> 04:51:49

This means that this is from the Hassan is of the Prophet

04:51:49 --> 04:51:53

sallallahu Sallam that Allah would strike in intense fear and dread

04:51:53 --> 04:51:55

into the hearts of his enemies

04:51:56 --> 04:52:01

during the military expeditions, right so no Luffy Ruben Medina

04:52:01 --> 04:52:06

kufr o r Ba, ba, Ma, Shinjuku Billa marlim unit ZIL Biggie

04:52:06 --> 04:52:10

soltana, that Allah subhanaw Dallas struck the hearts of the

04:52:10 --> 04:52:14

unbelievers are the Messiah keen with odo ARB, which is sometimes

04:52:14 --> 04:52:17

translated as terror. I wouldn't use that translation anymore. I

04:52:17 --> 04:52:20

mean, that's what it means. But terror again, is a very, very

04:52:20 --> 04:52:24

loaded term. This verse is actually from Surah number three,

04:52:24 --> 04:52:28

verse 151, which does have a suburb of New Zealand, according

04:52:28 --> 04:52:32

to the aroma was revealed for a specific purpose. Ie mama Tubridy

04:52:32 --> 04:52:36

munkar, to be mentioned that after the Battle of butter, when the

04:52:36 --> 04:52:39

Sahaba had suffered many casualties,

04:52:40 --> 04:52:43

and they went back to Medina, the Bucha keine, felt emboldened

04:52:43 --> 04:52:48

initially, and they plan on going into Medina itself, and then

04:52:48 --> 04:52:52

massacring everyone in Medina. But then Allah Subhana Allah put this

04:52:52 --> 04:52:56

intense or, or but this intensive dread fear into their hearts and

04:52:56 --> 04:52:59

he said, That's good enough, let's just go back to Mecca.

04:53:01 --> 04:53:05

So that's the context of the IRA. And many times the prophets Allah

04:53:05 --> 04:53:08

alayhi salam would dress and they go out for an expedition and

04:53:08 --> 04:53:12

military engagement, and the enemy would come near him and they would

04:53:12 --> 04:53:16

flee. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala would put this intense fear

04:53:16 --> 04:53:21

and dread in their hearts. It continues listing, the Prophet saw

04:53:21 --> 04:53:26

some qualities and praiseworthy station, his his knowing the

04:53:26 --> 04:53:29

unseen, the cloud, shading him the glorification of the pebbles, his

04:53:29 --> 04:53:34

removing pain, his protection for people and so on. And this is just

04:53:34 --> 04:53:37

some of what Allah gave him, there is much more he says, knowledge of

04:53:37 --> 04:53:40

His qualities can only be contained by someone who's given

04:53:40 --> 04:53:42

it, and only Allah can bestow it.

04:53:43 --> 04:53:47

There's no God but him. Add to this all the stations of honor

04:53:47 --> 04:53:50

degrees of purity ranks of happiness, excellence, and

04:53:50 --> 04:53:53

increase which Allah has prepared for him in the domain of al Qaeda,

04:53:54 --> 04:53:57

which cannot be numbered which intellects are unable to grasp,

04:53:58 --> 04:54:01

and which confound the imagination. So that's his

04:54:01 --> 04:54:05

preface. And now we begin section two with his physical attributes.

04:54:06 --> 04:54:13

So this is part of the Arcada of Anna Sonia Well, Gemma to believe

04:54:13 --> 04:54:17

that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam had the best hook and the best

04:54:17 --> 04:54:21

Holic. In other words, internal and external beauty.

04:54:22 --> 04:54:25

So here we're talking about ethics and physical appearance.

04:54:27 --> 04:54:30

And from the prophetic invocations of course, the Prophet salallahu

04:54:30 --> 04:54:33

Salam, when he will look into the mirror Allahumma Kumar.

04:54:34 --> 04:54:39

Kumar has center Halki for Haston hookey Oh ALLAH just as you have

04:54:39 --> 04:54:45

made my external reality beautiful, beautify my internal

04:54:45 --> 04:54:50

reality. So beautiful dua so he can he begins here for the year

04:54:50 --> 04:54:53

yeah, it says there's absolutely no way to conceal the fact that

04:54:53 --> 04:54:56

the prophet is the worthiest of all mankind, the greatest of them

04:54:56 --> 04:54:59

in position, and most perfect of them and good qualities and virtue

04:54:59 --> 04:54:59


04:55:00 --> 04:55:03

setting out to detail his qualities of perfection and the

04:55:03 --> 04:55:06

best way I can which has filled me with longing to call attention to

04:55:06 --> 04:55:10

some of his attributes salatu salam, may Allah grant him peace?

04:55:10 --> 04:55:14

No May Allah illuminate your my heart and yours and increase my

04:55:14 --> 04:55:17

love and your love for this noble prophet, and mean that if you were

04:55:17 --> 04:55:20

to look into all those qualities of perfection, which cannot be

04:55:20 --> 04:55:24

acquired, and which are part of one's constitution, you will find

04:55:24 --> 04:55:28

that the prophet has every one of them all of the various good

04:55:28 --> 04:55:31

qualities without there being any dispute about it, among the

04:55:31 --> 04:55:35

transmitters of the trends of the true traditions, the beauty of His

04:55:35 --> 04:55:40

form, and the perfect proportion of his limbs are related in

04:55:40 --> 04:55:44

numerous sound and famous traditions. And then he names a

04:55:44 --> 04:55:48

bunch of transmitters ID and NSF nomadic and Abu Huraira and

04:55:48 --> 04:55:51

elevado even though as a bit Aisha, even though Abby, Hala,

04:55:51 --> 04:55:54

etc, and we'll go into many of these inshallah Tada.

04:55:56 --> 04:55:58

Some of these are very well known, some of them are not very well

04:55:58 --> 04:55:58


04:56:00 --> 04:56:04

He had the most radiant coloring, deep black eyes, which were wide

04:56:04 --> 04:56:10

set and had a sort of red tinge to them. long eyelashes, a bright

04:56:10 --> 04:56:10


04:56:12 --> 04:56:16

and an aquiline nose. aquiline means it was a slightly hooked

04:56:16 --> 04:56:22

nose. Aquila, in Latin means Eagle. Right, it's like eagle's

04:56:22 --> 04:56:28

beak. It's also called a Roman nose. And early Christianity, the

04:56:28 --> 04:56:32

eagle was a symbol of strength and nobility, the symbol the Gospel of

04:56:32 --> 04:56:38

John was an eagle. The Roman Empire's symbol was the eagle. In

04:56:38 --> 04:56:42

ancient Greek mythology, Zeus was symbolized by the eagle. So the

04:56:42 --> 04:56:47

aquiline nose aquiline noses are cross culturally viewed as

04:56:47 --> 04:56:49

beautiful and noble.

04:56:50 --> 04:56:54

It's an immediate sign of nobility physical sign

04:56:55 --> 04:56:58

and continue had a gap between his front teeth. It was a small gap.

04:56:59 --> 04:57:04

His face was round with a wide brow and he had a thick beard

04:57:04 --> 04:57:05

which reached his chest

04:57:07 --> 04:57:12

is his chest, his chest and abdomen were of equal size. So his

04:57:12 --> 04:57:17

stomach did not protrude. Salatu Salam, he did not have like what

04:57:17 --> 04:57:21

we call a pot belly. Right? And this is something that's

04:57:21 --> 04:57:21


04:57:23 --> 04:57:28

You know, because the prophets, Allah alayhi salam is is, like I

04:57:28 --> 04:57:32

said, physically, he's the most beautiful, therefore he's going to

04:57:32 --> 04:57:35

be the most healthy. Nowadays, you have this thing going around where

04:57:36 --> 04:57:37

we're supposed to accept.

04:57:38 --> 04:57:41

You know, people as they are, even if they're unhealthy,

04:57:41 --> 04:57:44

unfortunately, there are people who complain that they have to,

04:57:44 --> 04:57:48

they have to buy two seats on an airplane. Because they're

04:57:48 --> 04:57:53

overweight. Well, some people have sort of predispositions to weight

04:57:53 --> 04:57:56

gain and things like that. So I'm not talking about that. But a lot

04:57:56 --> 04:57:59

of this has to do with a lack of self control. Right, and then they

04:57:59 --> 04:58:02

turn it into a civil rights issues like oh, just as you know, black

04:58:02 --> 04:58:05

people had to sit in the back of the bus. Now I have to pay for two

04:58:05 --> 04:58:09

seats on an airplane. No, it's not. It's not the same thing at

04:58:09 --> 04:58:14

all. You know? So obesity is is unattractive, because it's

04:58:14 --> 04:58:17

unhealthy. That person is literally dying. So it's not

04:58:17 --> 04:58:22

attractive, just as anorexia is not attractive, because that

04:58:22 --> 04:58:26

person is literally dying. Right? So the Prophet saw a lot. He said

04:58:26 --> 04:58:29

that with his physical constitution avoided both of these

04:58:29 --> 04:58:33

extremes. So you could draw a line from his chest down, it was

04:58:33 --> 04:58:33


04:58:35 --> 04:58:40

He was broad chested with broad shoulders, large bones, large

04:58:40 --> 04:58:45

arms, thick palms, and soles, long fingers, fair skin, and fine hair

04:58:45 --> 04:58:46

from the chest to the navel.

04:58:47 --> 04:58:52

So you know, he had some maths, you know, so I told the brothers,

04:58:52 --> 04:58:57

he should lift some weights, you know, increase your muscle mass.

04:58:58 --> 04:59:01

There are brothers I know that are pushing 30 That can't find wives,

04:59:01 --> 04:59:02


04:59:03 --> 04:59:05

they're good brothers. But I don't know if I can have the heart to

04:59:05 --> 04:59:07

tell. I mean, they look like they're 110 pounds.

04:59:09 --> 04:59:13

And it's not really attractive to women. It's just not beautiful. So

04:59:13 --> 04:59:15

the Prophet salaallah alayhi salam is is our example.

04:59:16 --> 04:59:21

And he had he had large arms and a broad chest and you know, he had

04:59:21 --> 04:59:23

broad shoulders and

04:59:25 --> 04:59:27

because that's the picture of beauty.

04:59:28 --> 04:59:31

He was neither tall no short, but between the two in spite of that,

04:59:32 --> 04:59:35

no tall person who walked with the Prophets seem taller than him.

04:59:36 --> 04:59:38

His hair was neither straight nor curly.

04:59:39 --> 04:59:43

When he laughed when he laughed, and his teeth showed it was like a

04:59:43 --> 04:59:47

flash of lightning, where they seemed as white as hailstones.

04:59:48 --> 04:59:52

When he spoke it was like light issuing from between his teeth. He

04:59:52 --> 04:59:56

had a well formed neck, neither broad nor fat. He had a compact

04:59:56 --> 04:59:57

body which was not fleshy.

05:00:03 --> 05:00:06

Alberto said I did not see anyone with a more beautiful lock of hair

05:00:06 --> 05:00:09

resting on a red robe, the Messenger of Allah,

05:00:10 --> 05:00:13

I will heard it I said, I have not seen anything more beautiful than

05:00:13 --> 05:00:17

the Messenger of Allah. It was as if the sun was shining in his face

05:00:17 --> 05:00:21

when he laughed and reflected from the wall. There's another Hadith

05:00:21 --> 05:00:25

that he doesn't mention here, from Sahih Muslim also related but by

05:00:25 --> 05:00:25

about all

05:00:27 --> 05:00:30

that the prophets of Allah He said the Prophet was or Julian mirboo

05:00:30 --> 05:00:30

And he was

05:00:31 --> 05:00:34

middle middle height, broad shouldered

05:00:35 --> 05:00:39

his hair hung down to his ear lobes. Then he said, I heard that

05:00:39 --> 05:00:43

on Hamra, and he was wearing a red mantle and then he said Mara, a to

05:00:43 --> 05:00:48

che and to accent the men who I did not see anything more

05:00:48 --> 05:00:51

beautiful than him. He doesn't say I didn't see any Bashaud or human

05:00:51 --> 05:00:53

being or any manner.

05:00:54 --> 05:00:57

I didn't see anything. Che nothing in creation was more beautiful

05:00:57 --> 05:00:58


05:01:01 --> 05:01:05

Java, even though someone was asked what was his face like a

05:01:05 --> 05:01:09

sword? He replied, No, it was like the sun in the moon. It was round

05:01:09 --> 05:01:11

that hadith in Bukhari and Muslim.

05:01:13 --> 05:01:17

In her description, Oh, my bad, Oh, my bad is Arctic I've been to

05:01:17 --> 05:01:17


05:01:19 --> 05:01:23

So this is the context of this hadith and this hadith is in Bay

05:01:23 --> 05:01:27

happy that the Prophet salallahu Salam when he was making Hijra

05:01:27 --> 05:01:28

with Abu Bakr Siddiq,

05:01:29 --> 05:01:33

they stopped and rested in a town on their way to Medina. And this

05:01:33 --> 05:01:38

woman, my bed, was a very, very old woman, saw him from a distance

05:01:38 --> 05:01:40

and then met him up close. And she said,

05:01:42 --> 05:01:45

she said from afar, he was the most beautiful of people and up

05:01:45 --> 05:01:46

close, he was the most handsome.

05:01:49 --> 05:01:52

And then, and then she said to her husband, after the prophet had

05:01:52 --> 05:01:55

left, you never get tired of looking at him.

05:01:56 --> 05:01:57

She was very, very old woman.

05:01:59 --> 05:02:02

So he, the prophets I send them was very striking, or you would

05:02:02 --> 05:02:04

say, stunningly handsome.

05:02:06 --> 05:02:09

So people are like that you just see them and then stops you. And

05:02:09 --> 05:02:10

you forget what you're saying.

05:02:12 --> 05:02:15

Even though Abby Hala said His face shone like the full moon.

05:02:17 --> 05:02:22

At the end of his description, Ali said, Anyone who saw him suddenly

05:02:22 --> 05:02:26

was filled with awe of him. So there was a Hey by there was like

05:02:26 --> 05:02:31

this weightiness, or gravitas, dignity. People when they

05:02:31 --> 05:02:35

immediately saw the promise, they said, they were awestruck by him.

05:02:35 --> 05:02:39

Right like they were just overcome. It's like when you first

05:02:39 --> 05:02:43

lay eyes on the Kaaba, when you actually see the Kaaba, that first

05:02:43 --> 05:02:45

initial moment, you're awestruck by the spectacle.

05:02:46 --> 05:02:50

Say now it says this hadith is in the Shamala tivity. And then he

05:02:50 --> 05:02:53

says, Those who kept his company loved him, but when you actually

05:02:53 --> 05:02:58

mixed with him, got to know him, and you behave as still there. But

05:02:58 --> 05:03:00

then you started to love him almost immediately. And some

05:03:00 --> 05:03:04

people are like this also, you meet a perfect stranger. And

05:03:04 --> 05:03:07

there's something about their attitude that you after two

05:03:07 --> 05:03:10

minutes you think I love this guy, he's such a nice guy, I show this

05:03:10 --> 05:03:11

beautiful guy.

05:03:12 --> 05:03:16

Oh describe him say that they have not seen anyone like him, either

05:03:16 --> 05:03:21

before or since. Moderate to people who are bad who Mithila who

05:03:21 --> 05:03:23

did not see before after the likes of him.

05:03:25 --> 05:03:28

There are many famous Hadith so far the reality. He concludes the

05:03:28 --> 05:03:32

section here. There are many famous Hadith which describe him

05:03:32 --> 05:03:35

we will not take time here to give all of them we will restrict

05:03:35 --> 05:03:38

ourselves to some aspects of his description, and give him a

05:03:38 --> 05:03:40

summary of them which is enough to serve our purpose.

05:03:45 --> 05:03:47

Section three is on his cleanliness

05:03:50 --> 05:03:55

is cleanliness. So he begins here by saying the complete cleanliness

05:03:55 --> 05:03:59

of his body, the sweetness of his smell and perspiration.

05:04:00 --> 05:04:02

And its freedom from uncleanliness. And bodily defects

05:04:03 --> 05:04:06

comprise a special quality given to him by a law which no one else

05:04:06 --> 05:04:11

enjoys. And these were made yet more complete by the cleanliness

05:04:11 --> 05:04:13

dictated by the Sharia.

05:04:14 --> 05:04:18

And the 10 practices of natural behavior. So these are called the

05:04:18 --> 05:04:19

ASHA twin men and fitrah

05:04:20 --> 05:04:25

there's a hadith in Sahih Muslim that names these, these basically

05:04:25 --> 05:04:28

10 practices of good hygiene.

05:04:29 --> 05:04:33

Right there elsewhere and other Hadith are called Asha that's when

05:04:33 --> 05:04:34

Muniz sunnah,

05:04:35 --> 05:04:38

the 10 practices of the of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam of the

05:04:38 --> 05:04:38


05:04:39 --> 05:04:42

So the Hadith, and there's different versions of the Hadith,

05:04:42 --> 05:04:45

but in Muslim from Asia, clipping the mustache obviously, this

05:04:45 --> 05:04:48

refers only to the men not allowing the mustache to go into

05:04:48 --> 05:04:50

the mouth. It's considered very bad hygiene.

05:04:52 --> 05:04:57

Letting the beard grow. The beard is a sign of little Giulia,

05:04:57 --> 05:04:58

virility manliness

05:05:00 --> 05:05:05

Prestige maturity power. It's proper for a man to have even a

05:05:05 --> 05:05:10

few hairs on his chin, it shouldn't be out of control and

05:05:10 --> 05:05:10


05:05:12 --> 05:05:14

using a toothpick or a toothbrush,

05:05:16 --> 05:05:17

very good hygienic practice

05:05:19 --> 05:05:21

of the profits of the lottery send them snuffing up water into the

05:05:21 --> 05:05:23

nose or rinsing the nose out.

05:05:24 --> 05:05:30

Very good. Practice for health reasons. Cutting the nails

05:05:30 --> 05:05:34

obviously good hygiene washing the knuckles by here the hands or the

05:05:34 --> 05:05:39

the joints, right. Which is what we're told to do a lot nowadays.

05:05:40 --> 05:05:42

Do fist bumps now we're not allowed to shake hands anymore.

05:05:43 --> 05:05:47

Because the corona stuff plucking the orchard or trimming the hair

05:05:47 --> 05:05:52

of the armpit shaving or or plucking or trimming the pubic

05:05:52 --> 05:05:56

hair, cleansing oneself with water in the laboratory.

05:05:57 --> 05:06:01

A lot of people don't do that, by the way, which is very strange to

05:06:01 --> 05:06:04

think about that but a lot of people don't do that using water

05:06:04 --> 05:06:06

after you use the bathroom.

05:06:07 --> 05:06:11

A very good hygienic practice. axiomatic for us but a lot of

05:06:11 --> 05:06:15

people don't do that. The narrator forgot the 10th but he said it

05:06:15 --> 05:06:17

could be rinsing out the mouth.

05:06:18 --> 05:06:21

It's a good practice. It's like a form of a quack floss when you eat

05:06:21 --> 05:06:25

is rinse the mouth out and a food particles will come out sometimes

05:06:25 --> 05:06:26

they get stuck and they cause infection.

05:06:28 --> 05:06:30

And then one version has circumcision rather than letting

05:06:30 --> 05:06:33

the beard grow. There are different versions of the Hadith.

05:06:36 --> 05:06:39

But these are the 10 practices of the fitrah or the 10 practices of

05:06:39 --> 05:06:44

the Sunnah, the 10 practices of good hygiene and healthy, healthy

05:06:44 --> 05:06:44


05:06:45 --> 05:06:49

The Messenger of Allah said the deen is based on cleanliness. So

05:06:49 --> 05:06:51

he quotes this hadith the commentator says it's from people

05:06:51 --> 05:06:55

to headband and it's that efe but there's a hadith and Muslim actual

05:06:55 --> 05:07:00

horo shutaura Eman. This is in Sahih Muslim cleanliness is half

05:07:00 --> 05:07:04

of faith. In this culture they say cleanliness is next to godliness.

05:07:10 --> 05:07:14

And I said that I have not smelled Amber Musk or anything more

05:07:14 --> 05:07:19

fragrant and the smell of a messenger of God salatu salam.

05:07:19 --> 05:07:23

hadith is Muslim and Timothy jabber even someone said that the

05:07:23 --> 05:07:26

Messenger of Allah touched his cheek so the prophets I send them

05:07:27 --> 05:07:29

to you pass by groups of children playing and oftentimes he just

05:07:29 --> 05:07:32

kind of pat them on the head. Sometimes he packed them like on

05:07:32 --> 05:07:36

the cheek like this. So this happened to to Jabba. He said the

05:07:36 --> 05:07:40

Prophet touched my cheek and he said I felt a cool sensation.

05:07:41 --> 05:07:47

And his hand was scented. And he said, Can nama Raja ha. Enjoy

05:07:47 --> 05:07:51

knotty tar, it was like he drew his hand out of a bag of perfume.

05:07:52 --> 05:07:54

That's what it smelled like when he touched my cheek. It's

05:07:54 --> 05:07:58

incredible is a coolness to it. It's incredible smell to it.

05:07:59 --> 05:08:00

Someone said

05:08:02 --> 05:08:05

no matter whether he had put scent on his hand or not. If he shook a

05:08:05 --> 05:08:08

man's hand, the fragrance would remain for the whole day.

05:08:09 --> 05:08:13

One of my teacher said follow me said that after the Israel wanted

05:08:13 --> 05:08:16

me out Raj, the scent increased there was a natural scent he had

05:08:16 --> 05:08:19

since birth, but it got more intense after the latest release

05:08:19 --> 05:08:22

of our mirage. If the Prophet placed his hand on the head of a

05:08:22 --> 05:08:25

child, that child we recognized among other children by the

05:08:25 --> 05:08:28

fragrance is smell his head.

05:08:31 --> 05:08:35

And then, you know there the time of the tabby or even some of the

05:08:35 --> 05:08:38

Sahaba were still alive. We're very old and the tabby would

05:08:38 --> 05:08:42

actually line up at their doors just to like, see like the man's

05:08:42 --> 05:08:45

head because they said the prophets had once touched him when

05:08:45 --> 05:08:48

he was a boy. Now he's old man, he's gray or he's bald, and they

05:08:48 --> 05:08:52

go and they smell his head. I can still smell the fragrance or the

05:08:52 --> 05:08:53


05:08:56 --> 05:08:59

The Messenger of Allah slept on a rug in a house of NS and

05:08:59 --> 05:09:04

perspired. And as his mother when was the name, brought a long

05:09:04 --> 05:09:07

necked bottle in which to put his off his sweat.

05:09:08 --> 05:09:11

When the messenger asked her about this, she said we put it in our

05:09:11 --> 05:09:16

perfume who I mean ugly, obviously but she said is the most fragrant

05:09:16 --> 05:09:20

of scents, the best of perfumes, Bukhari and Muslim.

05:09:22 --> 05:09:25

And it's great history before he mentioned that Jabra said the

05:09:25 --> 05:09:28

Prophet went down a road anyone who followed him

05:09:29 --> 05:09:32

anyone who follow him knew he had passed that way because of his

05:09:32 --> 05:09:36

scent. So the Prophet went through like a path in the streets. You

05:09:36 --> 05:09:39

can just follow his fragrance and know exactly where he went if you

05:09:39 --> 05:09:41

had a good sense of smell.

05:09:47 --> 05:09:51

And then he says here is half a minute Ibnu Raha away, mentioned

05:09:51 --> 05:09:54

that the prophets fragrance occurred without the use of

05:09:54 --> 05:09:59

perfume? I don't know it's happening in a row. Row hallway is

05:10:00 --> 05:10:02

Something that he mentions here from one of the scholars,

05:10:03 --> 05:10:06

even without the use of perfume, it's a natural scent here.

05:10:08 --> 05:10:12

How many of you know sad? Waka describe related that I just said

05:10:14 --> 05:10:17

to the Prophet salallahu Salam, when you come from relieving

05:10:17 --> 05:10:21

yourself, we do not see anything noxious from you. He said I should

05:10:21 --> 05:10:24

Don't you know that the Earth swallows up what comes out of the

05:10:24 --> 05:10:27

prophets, so that none of it is seen.

05:10:28 --> 05:10:31

So, of course, this hadith this hadith is very much disputed,

05:10:31 --> 05:10:33

though. It's very much disputed.

05:10:34 --> 05:10:37

But he just mentioned it here connected to this, we have a

05:10:37 --> 05:10:40

hadith of Satana Ali, I watched the prophets body so this method

05:10:40 --> 05:10:44

prophet had passed salatu salam and I began to look for what is

05:10:44 --> 05:10:48

normally found in a corpse, but I did not find anything.

05:10:49 --> 05:10:54

And I said, Hey, speaking to the Prophet, b i b He said by me so my

05:10:54 --> 05:11:00

father be ransomed. A you boo tip the hi Yan. What took them a Eaton

05:11:01 --> 05:11:05

center Alia saying this the privacy said as he's watching him,

05:11:05 --> 05:11:08

that you were pure and life and pure and death.

05:11:10 --> 05:11:14

He added a sweet smell came from him, who's like I've never

05:11:14 --> 05:11:18

experienced is in multiple Hadith and some of the alumni say there

05:11:18 --> 05:11:21

may be some weakness in this new match I related to that would have

05:11:21 --> 05:11:22

Hakim and others.

05:11:23 --> 05:11:25

In Behati, Abu Bakar Kista prophets have a lot of cinnamon

05:11:25 --> 05:11:28

after the latter's death, and he said something to the same effect.

05:11:31 --> 05:11:34

It was also the time when Malik had a new scene and drank some of

05:11:34 --> 05:11:38

the blood of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And it was what

05:11:38 --> 05:11:42

or should he says he lifted up the Prophet allowed him to do that.

05:11:42 --> 05:11:45

And then set the fire will not touch you. This hadith isn't a

05:11:45 --> 05:11:46

taboo, Ronnie.

05:11:48 --> 05:11:52

This hadith is often attacked by like Christian polemicists. So

05:11:52 --> 05:11:56

something to remember about this hadith is this, this was not a

05:11:56 --> 05:11:58

command, the Prophet did not command

05:12:00 --> 05:12:03

Malik to do this, this was a spur of the moment thing that Matic did

05:12:03 --> 05:12:07

in and out, it was out of love for the Prophet sallallahu Sena. The

05:12:07 --> 05:12:10

Prophet did not command him, but he allowed him and he excused him

05:12:10 --> 05:12:11

for doing that.

05:12:13 --> 05:12:16

It's interesting that Christians would attack this Christian

05:12:16 --> 05:12:20

apologist attack this hadith. There's a statement from the Saudi

05:12:20 --> 05:12:24

salaam, in their source is a very strange statement that they

05:12:24 --> 05:12:28

attribute to Him in the Gospel of John Chapter Six, where he says,

05:12:28 --> 05:12:32

unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, there is no life in you.

05:12:32 --> 05:12:36

And Catholics actually take that, quite literally, this is a

05:12:36 --> 05:12:38

command. So one of their seven sacraments is called the

05:12:38 --> 05:12:42

Eucharist, where they come together on Sunday for the mass,

05:12:42 --> 05:12:47

and they have bread and they have wine. And something occurs during

05:12:47 --> 05:12:50

the process called Transubstantiation which they

05:12:50 --> 05:12:54

actually believe that the Holy Spirit will change the essence of

05:12:54 --> 05:12:59

the bread into the literal body of God. And then they eat it, and

05:12:59 --> 05:13:03

then the wine into the literal BLOOD OF GOD. And then they drink

05:13:03 --> 05:13:06

that, right. So this is something that they're commanded to do.

05:13:08 --> 05:13:11

So it's very ironic that they attack Hadith like this, because a

05:13:11 --> 05:13:14

companion on the day of Orford, you know, and that intense

05:13:14 --> 05:13:17

situation with a prophet is bleeding, right that this

05:13:17 --> 05:13:20

companion basically jumped on the Prophet and took some of the blood

05:13:20 --> 05:13:23

into his mouth, out of love.

05:13:26 --> 05:13:28

But nowadays, because the corona thing is, so when you go into a

05:13:28 --> 05:13:32

Catholic Church, the priest is supposed to take this away for

05:13:32 --> 05:13:36

he's supposed to put it right on the tongue. But now the Vatican is

05:13:36 --> 05:13:40

saying that's, that's not optimal because of the Coronavirus, right.

05:13:40 --> 05:13:43

That's how germs get passed. He's supposed to put the wafer in the

05:13:43 --> 05:13:46

person's hand. But then there are crumbs that come off and those

05:13:46 --> 05:13:49

crumbs if they're discernible with the iron as being wafer, then

05:13:49 --> 05:13:53

that's literally literally it's not figurative, the Protestants,

05:13:53 --> 05:13:56

they figured it the Catholics are over a billion and a half. And

05:13:56 --> 05:13:58

they say literally, that's literally the body of God.

05:14:00 --> 05:14:03

So they have people wiping, you know, their hands on their pants

05:14:03 --> 05:14:04

and things like that.

05:14:06 --> 05:14:07


05:14:08 --> 05:14:09

it's causing a lot of problems with

05:14:11 --> 05:14:12

Catholics right now.

05:14:16 --> 05:14:19

This one's also something that's always always attacked here.

05:14:19 --> 05:14:22

Something similar is related that one a woman drank some of his

05:14:22 --> 05:14:23


05:14:24 --> 05:14:27

and he told her you will never complain of a stomach ache.

05:14:28 --> 05:14:30

So the hadith is an Al Hakim,

05:14:31 --> 05:14:34

and then call the Yad says he did not order any of them to wash

05:14:34 --> 05:14:38

their mouths out nor did he forbid them from doing it again. Then he

05:14:38 --> 05:14:41

says, To Hadith of the woman drinking the urine a sound.

05:14:43 --> 05:14:48

Dada Kootenay follows Muslim and Behati who related in the Sahara.

05:14:49 --> 05:14:53

I couldn't locate this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim.

05:14:54 --> 05:14:58

Then I called one of my colleagues who was a hadith scholar. And he

05:14:58 --> 05:15:00

said, it's not an Istanbul hottie.

05:15:00 --> 05:15:01

Good Muslims. So I don't know what's happening here. Maybe this

05:15:01 --> 05:15:03

is a bad translation,

05:15:05 --> 05:15:07

or the AI is just seems to be mistaken here.

05:15:08 --> 05:15:10

The hadith is founded at Tel Bharani.

05:15:12 --> 05:15:15

But nonetheless, Father Yeah, he goes on to say the name of this

05:15:15 --> 05:15:18

woman was Baraka, and they disagree about her lineage. Some

05:15:18 --> 05:15:22

say that it was a man who used to serve the prophecies and um, she

05:15:22 --> 05:15:25

said that the messenger had a wooden Cup, which he placed under

05:15:25 --> 05:15:30

his bed, in which he would urinate and during the night, one night he

05:15:30 --> 05:15:34

urinated in it. And when examined, when he examined it in the

05:15:34 --> 05:15:36

morning, there was nothing left in it. He has Baraka about that. She

05:15:36 --> 05:15:40

said, I got up and I was thirsty, so I drank it without knowing it's

05:15:40 --> 05:15:41


05:15:42 --> 05:15:44

And then he says, This hadith is related, but you can enjoy rage

05:15:44 --> 05:15:48

and others. So this like I said, this hadith isn't taught by Ronnie

05:15:48 --> 05:15:51

and most had to think consider it very, very weak.

05:15:52 --> 05:15:55

Now, many of those are them. I do maintain, however, that the entire

05:15:55 --> 05:16:00

body of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is taught him his entire

05:16:00 --> 05:16:03

body is pure. Right so the question is about this hadith.

05:16:04 --> 05:16:08

So his physical body is special, and that's from his class size.

05:16:08 --> 05:16:10

However, there's no even on this issue. There's no HMR

05:16:12 --> 05:16:16

right? Many other anima maintain that. All human

05:16:18 --> 05:16:22

excrement is nudges. And this is true of all the prophets because

05:16:22 --> 05:16:24

they're still human beings. So Allah hide them

05:16:26 --> 05:16:29

while they are yet also mentioned the Prophet was born circumcised

05:16:29 --> 05:16:33

with his umbilical cord cut is related that his mother Amina said

05:16:33 --> 05:16:37

he was born clean and there's no impurity on and there was no

05:16:37 --> 05:16:38

impurity on him

05:16:42 --> 05:16:42


05:17:48 --> 05:17:48


05:18:27 --> 05:18:27

What time

05:18:32 --> 05:18:35

so I don't have much else to say so we'll finish that's the end of

05:18:35 --> 05:18:39

section three and then we'll do section four inshallah. And then

05:18:39 --> 05:18:39

we'll call it a night.

05:18:41 --> 05:18:46

So section four, his intellect, eloquence, and the acuteness of

05:18:46 --> 05:18:48

his faculties Any questions before a comments

05:18:51 --> 05:18:53

section for chapter two,

05:18:54 --> 05:18:57

as far as ample intellect, intelligence and acuteness of a

05:18:57 --> 05:19:00

census, his eloquence, the grace of his movements and excellence of

05:19:00 --> 05:19:03

his faculties, there is no doubt that he was the most intelligent

05:19:03 --> 05:19:04

and astute of people.

05:19:05 --> 05:19:09

Anyone who reflects on how he managed the inward and outward

05:19:09 --> 05:19:12

affairs of people in the politics of the common people, and the

05:19:12 --> 05:19:15

elite in his amazing qualities and wonderful life, not to mention the

05:19:15 --> 05:19:18

knowledge which flowed from him in the way he confirmed the shitty

05:19:18 --> 05:19:22

art without any previous instruction, experience or reading

05:19:22 --> 05:19:25

any books will have no doubts about the superiority of his

05:19:25 --> 05:19:29

intellect, the firmness of his understanding. None of this

05:19:29 --> 05:19:32

requires confirmation because it has already been amply verified.

05:19:33 --> 05:19:36

So you think about like all of the different hats as it were, that

05:19:36 --> 05:19:39

the Prophet said a lot of sort of more during his life, as being a

05:19:39 --> 05:19:46

father, as being the head of state as being a prophet. All of these

05:19:46 --> 05:19:50

different things that he was doing as being a military commander, as

05:19:50 --> 05:19:51

being a spiritual leader

05:19:52 --> 05:19:57

is really incredible, remarkable, right, which has led many as we

05:19:57 --> 05:19:59

know Western scholars to conclude that really isn't

05:20:00 --> 05:20:03

class by himself. There's no one quite like him in all of history,

05:20:04 --> 05:20:10

right was a famous book by Michael Hart 1978 The 100 Most Influential

05:20:10 --> 05:20:10


05:20:11 --> 05:20:16

ranking the profits of a lot Islam number one, because no nobody had

05:20:16 --> 05:20:21

the holistic impact that he had in all of history really, when you

05:20:21 --> 05:20:25

think about it, not even close, I think. I mean, second place is

05:20:25 --> 05:20:26

very, very distant.

05:20:29 --> 05:20:31

mudra had said when the Prophet when the messenger of allah

05:20:31 --> 05:20:33

sallallahu Sallam got up for prayer,

05:20:35 --> 05:20:39

he could see all those behind him as if they were in front of him.

05:20:41 --> 05:20:44

And this is established in strong Hadith and Behati.

05:20:45 --> 05:20:49

Now famous SuFu for in the Araku Khalifa hurry

05:20:50 --> 05:20:51

so he said,

05:20:52 --> 05:20:56

establish the Alliance for prayer stands straight for indeed I can

05:20:56 --> 05:20:58

see behind my back.

05:21:00 --> 05:21:04

This affords one commentary on the words what taka Luba facade Jadine

05:21:05 --> 05:21:08

so here's how they are yet he quotes this verse we he quoted it

05:21:08 --> 05:21:13

earlier. And we quoted it earlier as well. Even at Bass his opinion

05:21:13 --> 05:21:16

about this and you're turning about in those who makes such an

05:21:17 --> 05:21:20

event bass his opinion is that this is a reference to the

05:21:20 --> 05:21:24

prophetic light that is being passed through

05:21:26 --> 05:21:32

Solly hain, from Adam Alia salaam to new holidays, to people to him

05:21:32 --> 05:21:34

on a Sunday all the way to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that the

05:21:34 --> 05:21:37

prophetic light was being passed. This is one of the proofs that are

05:21:37 --> 05:21:42

used to indicate that there's no shidduch in the immediate ancestry

05:21:43 --> 05:21:46

in the direct ancestry of the prophets of a lottery system. But

05:21:46 --> 05:21:50

here he's he's quoting it for different reason. He's saying here

05:21:50 --> 05:21:54

it took a loop to Kaluga for surgery in Japan loop refers to

05:21:54 --> 05:21:55

his eyesight.

05:21:57 --> 05:22:02

Right, and your age and your ability to see those who are makes

05:22:03 --> 05:22:05

making such that from behind his back.

05:22:06 --> 05:22:10

And this is supported by another ayah in the Quran. Surah Baqarah

05:22:10 --> 05:22:16

verse 144 called Nara the Kaluga token Luba what she got is a man

05:22:17 --> 05:22:21

that indeed we see you turning your face towards the sky or

05:22:21 --> 05:22:25

directing your eyes the color here what she got a little bit which

05:22:25 --> 05:22:31

again means to turn your eyes towards the heavens. Right so some

05:22:31 --> 05:22:34

of the earlier must say that this is an issue out offers to 19

05:22:35 --> 05:22:40

indicates the eyesight of the prophets abilities and his ability

05:22:40 --> 05:22:41

to see behind him during the prayer.

05:22:46 --> 05:22:49

lotsa contains the words of the Prophet I can and there's other

05:22:49 --> 05:22:53

Hadith he quotes or I can see you behind me. There's something

05:22:53 --> 05:22:56

similar from escena to Saheeh collections Aisha said the same

05:22:56 --> 05:22:58

thing adding from herself it is something extra which Allah gave

05:22:58 --> 05:23:02

him as an additional proof. One of the variants has I can see

05:23:02 --> 05:23:05

whoever's behind me as I see whoever is in front of me.

05:23:06 --> 05:23:10

Another has I see the one behind my neck as I see the one before

05:23:10 --> 05:23:10


05:23:15 --> 05:23:17

But you are able to Mohammed related that Aisha said the

05:23:17 --> 05:23:21

Prophet salallahu Salam could see as well in the dark as he saw in

05:23:21 --> 05:23:23

the light. This hadith is in Makati.

05:23:25 --> 05:23:28

Sorry they have to mention this hadith. And there may may be some

05:23:28 --> 05:23:32

weakness in the snad there are many other sound traditions about

05:23:32 --> 05:23:34

the process that I'm seeing the angels these are sound heard if

05:23:34 --> 05:23:40

you saw Gbit Salaam 600 wings on a throne between the heavens and the

05:23:40 --> 05:23:45

earth across the horizon. He saw the shayateen and sound

05:23:45 --> 05:23:46


05:23:47 --> 05:23:51

He was able to see the Najafi and and Habesha

05:23:53 --> 05:23:57

the Christian king who had become Muslim, by the way. But he's not a

05:23:57 --> 05:24:01

he's not considered a hobby because he did not see with his

05:24:01 --> 05:24:05

eyes. The Prophet salallahu Salam but he's a tabby. He's a tabby who

05:24:05 --> 05:24:06

lived at the time of the prophets of Allah.

05:24:08 --> 05:24:13

So he could pray for him. So the the day that dinner Joshi died.

05:24:15 --> 05:24:18

The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said Martel Yom Roger and Solomon

05:24:18 --> 05:24:21

for whom have a son Lou. And AFRICOM

05:24:22 --> 05:24:27

as Hammer as hammer that was his name, the king of Abyssinia. So he

05:24:27 --> 05:24:32

said, Today, a righteous man has died that he was informed of this

05:24:32 --> 05:24:32


05:24:33 --> 05:24:34

Gbit Sinha.

05:24:36 --> 05:24:38

So stand and pray for your brother.

05:24:43 --> 05:24:47

In the same way he says he saw Jerusalem after his night journey.

05:24:47 --> 05:24:51

So he was given some sort of vision and awakened state of the

05:24:51 --> 05:24:55

temple precincts in Jerusalem Temple Mount area, because some of

05:24:55 --> 05:24:58

the Koreans had gone there on caravans and they knew the

05:24:58 --> 05:24:59

description so they said, Well, why don't you describe it?

05:25:00 --> 05:25:02

So we can confirm that you were there. So even though he was

05:25:02 --> 05:25:05

there, Allah Subhana Allah manifested, like it was right in

05:25:05 --> 05:25:07

front of him like the cab was right in front of him. He was able

05:25:07 --> 05:25:11

to pinpoint these describe these minut details.

05:25:12 --> 05:25:15

And there's some other traditions that say that, that they still

05:25:15 --> 05:25:17

didn't believe him and then he said, Okay, you know what, a few

05:25:17 --> 05:25:20

days a caravan will arrive. There's one camel missing. I saw

05:25:20 --> 05:25:26

it bolt away from them. Right. And then the caravan arrived a law

05:25:26 --> 05:25:27


05:25:30 --> 05:25:33

He also saw the Kaaba when he was building the mosque in Medina.

05:25:34 --> 05:25:39

So this is extraordinary ability to see things to hear things.

05:25:39 --> 05:25:40


05:25:41 --> 05:25:43

Mathematical humble and others related to the prophet could see

05:25:43 --> 05:25:48

11 stars in the Pleiades for a year. This according to admirable

05:25:48 --> 05:25:51

humble and others refers to the total, which is which it is

05:25:51 --> 05:25:55

physically possible to see with the naked eye. One of them believe

05:25:55 --> 05:25:58

that this is referred to as knowing about it. However, the

05:25:58 --> 05:26:01

clear meaning contradicts this, and there is no impossibility of

05:26:01 --> 05:26:04

this having been done. Clear sightedness is one of the special

05:26:04 --> 05:26:07

traits of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and one of their

05:26:07 --> 05:26:11

qualities. I will quote it I said that the Prophet said when Allah

05:26:11 --> 05:26:15

the mighty, manifested themselves to Musa, he was able to see an ant

05:26:15 --> 05:26:20

on a stone in the darkness of the night at a distance of 10 leagues.

05:26:20 --> 05:26:21

This is an Pavani.

05:26:23 --> 05:26:26

Therefore, it is in no way impossible for a prophet to have

05:26:26 --> 05:26:28

been able to do what he had we have mentioned in this chapter,

05:26:29 --> 05:26:32

after the night journey, and the favor he received on seeing one of

05:26:32 --> 05:26:36

the greatest signs of his Lord. traditions have come down to the

05:26:36 --> 05:26:40

effect that he threw down, Roh Khanna the strongest of the people

05:26:40 --> 05:26:45

of his time, and called him to Islam. So that famous Mexican

05:26:45 --> 05:26:49

wrestler was, you know, he's used the best wrestler, right? And he

05:26:49 --> 05:26:53

was a big, huge guy. And in the province they sent him he

05:26:53 --> 05:26:56

basically just kind of body slammed him a couple of times, he

05:26:56 --> 05:26:59

did the first time we're kind of said, How did you do that? No

05:26:59 --> 05:27:02

one's ever done any. So let me show you did it again. And then he

05:27:02 --> 05:27:03

became Muslim,

05:27:04 --> 05:27:06

physical strength.

05:27:09 --> 05:27:11

And then Abu Huraira said, I did not see anyone who walked more

05:27:11 --> 05:27:15

swiftly than the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam. It was if

05:27:15 --> 05:27:19

it was as if the earth rolled up for him, we would exhaust

05:27:19 --> 05:27:21

ourselves and yet he was not tired at all.

05:27:23 --> 05:27:27

And this Hadith also mentioned something similar in the Shemitah

05:27:27 --> 05:27:27

live even with Timothy.

05:27:29 --> 05:27:32

Another of his qualities was that his laugh was only a smile. When

05:27:32 --> 05:27:37

he turned to face someone. He turned to face them directly or

05:27:37 --> 05:27:39

totally would turn his entire body towards that person.

05:27:41 --> 05:27:43

So he wouldn't turn like this and speak to someone who was

05:27:43 --> 05:27:47

considered he would consider that sort of bad web turned completely.

05:27:47 --> 05:27:50

And when he walked, he walked as if and then he would turn when he

05:27:50 --> 05:27:53

was done, he would turn completely away. And when he walked, he

05:27:53 --> 05:27:58

walked as he as if he was coming down a slope. So he would walk in

05:27:58 --> 05:28:01

other words, he would walk with intention. He'd walk as if he had

05:28:01 --> 05:28:05

somewhere to go, he wasn't just walking around meandering around

05:28:05 --> 05:28:06

with like, he had nothing to do and

05:28:07 --> 05:28:10

so the Sahaba would have a hard time keeping up with him. And it's

05:28:10 --> 05:28:14

also due to his perfect physical constitution, perfect physical

05:28:14 --> 05:28:19

health. Right that he had just vigor and strength about him so

05:28:19 --> 05:28:20

his walk was naturally fast.

05:28:22 --> 05:28:27

So that's the end of section four. So that's all I had planned on

05:28:27 --> 05:28:31

doing for today, inshallah. So, leave a little bit early unless we

05:28:31 --> 05:28:33

have some, some questions

05:28:35 --> 05:28:39

or comments. So next time I'm planning on Sharla getting to

05:28:39 --> 05:28:42

Section seven or eight.

05:28:44 --> 05:28:44

In sha Allah.

05:28:46 --> 05:28:47


05:28:50 --> 05:28:54

Allah say to Muhammad didn't want it he was like, an ottoman Salam

05:28:54 --> 05:28:55

aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

05:43:08 --> 05:43:09

monitor him.

05:43:10 --> 05:43:13

Once all the losses were hammered in one early he was a huge Marine.

05:43:13 --> 05:43:16

So Panatela and Milena Illuma Island tena

05:43:17 --> 05:43:22

and animal hacking. Hola Hola. Wala Quwata illa de la Hill alila

05:43:22 --> 05:43:22


05:43:24 --> 05:43:28

Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Inshallah, to Allah

05:43:28 --> 05:43:28

everyone is

05:43:29 --> 05:43:32

doing well. Everyone is staying safe.

05:43:34 --> 05:43:36

And everyone is

05:43:37 --> 05:43:39

in good spirits in sha Allah to Allah.

05:43:41 --> 05:43:46

So we're continuing our series on the Keto bushy fat

05:43:47 --> 05:43:48

by a party or yet

05:43:50 --> 05:43:51


05:43:52 --> 05:43:59

we are on section five here, this is still part one, chapter two,

05:44:00 --> 05:44:01

section five.

05:44:02 --> 05:44:06

And if people have comments or questions, you can certainly type

05:44:06 --> 05:44:12

them in into the live chat inshallah. And I will try to

05:44:12 --> 05:44:13

answer them as they come in.

05:44:16 --> 05:44:21

Or answer them next week, if they require a bit of research.

05:44:23 --> 05:44:26

So, this section in my translation,

05:44:28 --> 05:44:29

this is on page 39.

05:44:32 --> 05:44:35

The area he calls it, his eloquence in sound Arabic.

05:44:37 --> 05:44:40

So he says the Prophet salallahu Salam was pre eminence in

05:44:40 --> 05:44:44

eloquence and fluency of speech is well known.

05:44:45 --> 05:44:48

He was fluent. He was skillful in debate.

05:44:50 --> 05:44:53

In this is from the

05:44:54 --> 05:44:59

the necessary attributes of all Prophets is that they should have

05:45:00 --> 05:45:05

acumen suspiciousness, they should be extremely intelligent,

05:45:05 --> 05:45:09

especially in matters of religion. Scotland debate very concise,

05:45:10 --> 05:45:17

clear and clear and expression. Lucid use sound meanings and was

05:45:17 --> 05:45:23

free from affectation affectation is the word she uses to translate.

05:45:24 --> 05:45:25

This means pretension.

05:45:27 --> 05:45:31

So someone who uses affectation or someone who is pretentious in

05:45:31 --> 05:45:37

speech is someone who uses speech, which is intended to like impress

05:45:37 --> 05:45:38

people, right?

05:45:39 --> 05:45:41

And it has sort of a artificial

05:45:42 --> 05:45:46

quality to it. And so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam speech is

05:45:47 --> 05:45:51

totally free of this type of pretension, that his eloquence was

05:45:51 --> 05:45:55

very, very natural. This is simply how he spoke.

05:45:56 --> 05:46:00

There was no pretension behind anything he was saying. He was

05:46:00 --> 05:46:05

given mastery of language. He says literally all the words and was

05:46:05 --> 05:46:08

distinguished by producing marvelous Maxim's these are why

05:46:08 --> 05:46:10

sayings like a for isms HECM.

05:46:12 --> 05:46:17

He goes on to say, he learned the dialects of the Arabs, and would

05:46:17 --> 05:46:22

speak to each of their communities in their own dialect, and converse

05:46:22 --> 05:46:28

with them in their own idiom. So this not only demonstrates the

05:46:28 --> 05:46:32

incredible wisdom, and an intellect of the Prophet salallahu

05:46:32 --> 05:46:36

Alaihe Salam, but also demonstrates that he had

05:46:36 --> 05:46:41

incredible respect for others, right? That when he would speak to

05:46:41 --> 05:46:42

a certain Arab tribe,

05:46:44 --> 05:46:50

that was not Qureshi, he would use their dialect as a way of honoring

05:46:50 --> 05:46:56

Ben and use idiomatic language that they were familiar with, in

05:46:56 --> 05:46:58

order to communicate to them

05:46:59 --> 05:47:04

sound meanings of the Quran and his message.

05:47:06 --> 05:47:10

This is also part of the wisdom of Dawa, that you speak as it were

05:47:10 --> 05:47:16

the language of the people that you're inviting to the truth. And

05:47:16 --> 05:47:19

some of the aroma are better at this than others.

05:47:20 --> 05:47:25

Some of the aroma, are better at written exposition than actually

05:47:25 --> 05:47:26

giving lectures.

05:47:28 --> 05:47:32

But a true scholar knows how to tailor the message to the given

05:47:32 --> 05:47:33


05:47:34 --> 05:47:35


05:47:37 --> 05:47:40

there are scholars in our community that can give an

05:47:40 --> 05:47:45

incredibly effective lecture to a group of five year olds and

05:47:45 --> 05:47:49

kindergarten and, and then that same scholar could go to

05:47:50 --> 05:47:55

a school of law at a university and give an equally effective

05:47:55 --> 05:48:01

message to law school students and everything in between. That's part

05:48:01 --> 05:48:02

of the wisdom of giving Dawa.

05:48:04 --> 05:48:07

So the Prophet salallahu Salam, not only in the Prophet,

05:48:07 --> 05:48:10

sallAllahu Sydenham, when before he made to hit it off, we know

05:48:10 --> 05:48:16

that he sent before him some Sahaba to bring him back

05:48:16 --> 05:48:22

information as to the, the temperaments and the and the likes

05:48:22 --> 05:48:26

and dislikes and the character and attitudes of the people of of the

05:48:26 --> 05:48:31

effort. And so Musab even earlier, he went to your thread before the

05:48:31 --> 05:48:35

hijra, and he would teach them for on and he would get to know the

05:48:35 --> 05:48:38

people there and he would come and report back to the profits of the

05:48:38 --> 05:48:40

lobby, Saddam's will the profits of the lobby, sooner we

05:48:42 --> 05:48:46

received Him, and actually, our King came into Madina Munawwara,

05:48:46 --> 05:48:49

he will tailor the message for those specific groups.

05:48:50 --> 05:48:52

And again, that's part of the wisdom of Dawa, and that's part of

05:48:52 --> 05:48:57

his incredible intelligence. And that's him fulfilling his

05:48:57 --> 05:49:03

obligation, because another one of the YG bat as a prophet, another

05:49:04 --> 05:49:10

obligatory attribute of a prophet is to believe they must convey the

05:49:10 --> 05:49:13

message and the prophets, they convey the message in the best of

05:49:13 --> 05:49:14


05:49:15 --> 05:49:19

So we continue to follow the Ariad he says, he answered their

05:49:19 --> 05:49:23

arguments using their own style of rhetoric, so that more than once a

05:49:23 --> 05:49:27

large number of companions had to ask him to explain what he had

05:49:27 --> 05:49:30

said. So he's companions. If you look in the second period,

05:49:30 --> 05:49:34

obviously, the reporter she, so they speak a certain dialect of

05:49:34 --> 05:49:38

Arabic, but then people will come into to Mecca, or when he was in

05:49:38 --> 05:49:41

Medina, you have different groups of people speaking different

05:49:41 --> 05:49:45

dialects of Arabic, either in Medina or passing through a Medina

05:49:45 --> 05:49:48

and you would speak to them in their language. And so the Qureshi

05:49:48 --> 05:49:52

Sahaba, who weren't familiar with those dialects, they would ask him

05:49:52 --> 05:49:54

what did you mean by that? What does that mean? The Prophet

05:49:54 --> 05:49:58

sallallahu Sallam explained to them what he had said, Whoever

05:49:58 --> 05:50:00

studies his Hadith and biography

05:50:00 --> 05:50:03

You will know that and verify that he says, the way he spoke to the

05:50:03 --> 05:50:09

Quraysh. The answer that people have the hijas in the nudged was

05:50:09 --> 05:50:12

not the same as the way he spoke to. And then he mentioned, voter

05:50:12 --> 05:50:14

Beshara Hamadani.

05:50:15 --> 05:50:21

Handy pattern ignore Hadith, or Lamy, Ash F ignore pace, while

05:50:21 --> 05:50:24

included kindy and others from among the chiefs of Hadramaut.

05:50:24 --> 05:50:25

Hadramaut is

05:50:27 --> 05:50:32

in the in Yemen. It's, it's the desert in Yemen, South of the

05:50:32 --> 05:50:36

Arabian Peninsula, and the kings of Yemen he says here.

05:50:39 --> 05:50:43

And then for the eighth here, he goes on to partially quote,

05:50:44 --> 05:50:48

some of the letters of the prophets of the Lord, he said them

05:50:48 --> 05:50:54

the correspondences that he wrote or had dictated to the various

05:50:54 --> 05:50:57

tribes and kings. And it really doesn't come across the Arabic

05:50:57 --> 05:50:58

doesn't quite

05:50:59 --> 05:51:01

come across here, because it's obviously an English English

05:51:01 --> 05:51:04

translation. But it's an interesting section, we're not

05:51:04 --> 05:51:07

going to go into it too much. We do want to look at some of the

05:51:07 --> 05:51:08

Hadith however.

05:51:10 --> 05:51:14

So he continues to say called the Ariad, he says, And his point

05:51:14 --> 05:51:17

about all of this is that the Prophet salallahu Salam, he used

05:51:17 --> 05:51:22

the vocabulary of these particular people, as well as their stylistic

05:51:22 --> 05:51:26

metaphors and common expressions, employing this language with them

05:51:26 --> 05:51:29

so that they could make what they had revealed.

05:51:30 --> 05:51:34

For them clear, so that he could make what had been revealed for

05:51:34 --> 05:51:38

them clear to the people, and in order to speak to the people in a

05:51:38 --> 05:51:40

way that they would recognize.

05:51:41 --> 05:51:47

So this goes back to the the idea that we quoted in past classes so

05:51:47 --> 05:51:48

little Nahal

05:51:49 --> 05:51:54

su Surah, number 16, verse 144, indeed we set down upon you, a

05:51:54 --> 05:51:59

vicar, the reminder the Koran lead to beginner leanness, man, zealot

05:51:59 --> 05:52:00

lay him,

05:52:01 --> 05:52:07

in order for you to make by yon in order for you to clarify and

05:52:07 --> 05:52:10

explain to the people what has been revealed to them.

05:52:11 --> 05:52:11


05:52:12 --> 05:52:16

So, it is part and parcel of the vocation of the prophets of Allah,

05:52:16 --> 05:52:22

the salam to make Bejan to make clear to explain the message of

05:52:22 --> 05:52:24

the Quran to the people.

05:52:26 --> 05:52:29

And of course, there's a famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu

05:52:29 --> 05:52:36

Salam as well known, where he said I was given Giovanni oil Kellen wa

05:52:36 --> 05:52:37

Jawaharlal Hickam

05:52:38 --> 05:52:43

I was given incredibly comprehensive and eloquent speech,

05:52:45 --> 05:52:51

containing jewels of wisdom. Right. So one of his companions

05:52:51 --> 05:52:52

actually described him.

05:52:54 --> 05:52:57

And he said that the Prophet salallahu Salam, he rarely spoke.

05:52:57 --> 05:53:01

But when he did speak, he spoke the truth. So the Prophet was more

05:53:01 --> 05:53:06

Cassie turned in speech, he didn't speak much. But when he did speak,

05:53:06 --> 05:53:10

it was very powerful, was very comprehensive, it was very wise.

05:53:10 --> 05:53:14

We'll give a few examples of that, actually, from the Hadith.

05:53:16 --> 05:53:21

In sha Allah, so far, the area it continues, he says, in the Hadith,

05:53:21 --> 05:53:24

when I already asked for something, the Prophet used a

05:53:24 --> 05:53:29

dialect of Benny Ahmed. That's just another example he gives. The

05:53:29 --> 05:53:32

Prophet salallahu Salam would use the dialect of the tribe that he

05:53:32 --> 05:53:36

was speaking to, and their idiomatic expressions as a way of

05:53:36 --> 05:53:39

honoring that tribe in a way facilitating their fam there their

05:53:39 --> 05:53:42

understanding of the rissalah in the Quran.

05:53:44 --> 05:53:50

As far as everyday speech, famous oratory and famous oratory and his

05:53:50 --> 05:53:52

comprehensive statements, and Maxim's which have been related,

05:53:53 --> 05:53:56

people have written volumes about them, says while they are yet, and

05:53:56 --> 05:53:59

books have been compiled, containing their words and

05:53:59 --> 05:53:59


05:54:01 --> 05:54:05

His speech comprises unequaled eloquence, and in incomparable

05:54:05 --> 05:54:10

fluency, it's just this This is shown by such expressions. Now he

05:54:10 --> 05:54:13

gives a list of many, many, a hadith here.

05:54:15 --> 05:54:20

And to demonstrate what he calls this, this unequal eloquence and

05:54:20 --> 05:54:25

incomparable fluency of the Prophet salallahu Salam, we'll

05:54:25 --> 05:54:29

look at a few of these Hadith and then we'll add a few as well in

05:54:29 --> 05:54:30

sha Allah.

05:54:31 --> 05:54:35

So one of the Hadith that he quotes here, is translated here by

05:54:36 --> 05:54:43

Aisha Bewley as a man is with the one he loves. Right? A man is what

05:54:43 --> 05:54:46

the one he loves or a person is with the one that he or she loves

05:54:46 --> 05:54:50

will say, man, because we're going to use it just as a default to

05:54:50 --> 05:54:53

include the female gender as well.

05:54:54 --> 05:54:58

This hadith is a famous hadith is and will hottie out of modal men

05:54:58 --> 05:55:00

have this element

05:55:00 --> 05:55:04

Oh man, I have this look at this hadith. It's very eloquent.

05:55:05 --> 05:55:08

You know, it just kind of rolls off the tongue of the middle

05:55:08 --> 05:55:14

management hub. Very eloquent. It's also a very iconic statement.

05:55:14 --> 05:55:19

very iconic. It's very famous. Right? You hear it once.

05:55:21 --> 05:55:24

And you can to remember it. So it's also easy to remember.

05:55:25 --> 05:55:28

It's also it communicates

05:55:29 --> 05:55:30

an incredible hope.

05:55:32 --> 05:55:37

And is very optimistic. Right? It's also very beautiful. And in

05:55:37 --> 05:55:43

fact, the Sahaba were overjoyed when they heard these words from

05:55:43 --> 05:55:46

the Prophet salallahu Salam, you know, in the context of the

05:55:46 --> 05:55:46


05:55:49 --> 05:55:51

The Bedouin, who came to the Prophet salallahu Salam,

05:55:52 --> 05:55:56

and said, What must I do to become a Muslim and the Prophet

05:55:56 --> 05:56:01

sallallahu Sallam told him about the five are kind of pillars.

05:56:02 --> 05:56:07

Linearly Islam, Allah hums, right? Islam is built upon five, the

05:56:07 --> 05:56:10

shahada and the prayer and as a cart and the Hajj in the fasting.

05:56:11 --> 05:56:12

And then

05:56:13 --> 05:56:15

he said, that's all I'm going to do.

05:56:16 --> 05:56:18

That's it, I'm just going to do the bare minimum.

05:56:20 --> 05:56:22

And then he said, but I love a lot His Messenger

05:56:23 --> 05:56:28

ilani or below or solar, the Prophet said, and I'm in a hub,

05:56:29 --> 05:56:32

Friday person will be will be with the one who he loves. And

05:56:32 --> 05:56:36

obviously, the Sahaba were overjoyed because they love the

05:56:36 --> 05:56:38

Prophet salallahu Salam, without question.

05:56:40 --> 05:56:43

So it was a day of, of great rejoicing for them.

05:56:44 --> 05:56:47

And by the way, it's a hadith. According to them, I had the

05:56:47 --> 05:56:48


05:56:49 --> 05:56:53

The scholars of Hadith, if a hadith has a grammatical error, or

05:56:53 --> 05:56:57

a grammatical weakness, and the entire hadith is considered to be

05:56:57 --> 05:57:02

weak, if there's a there's going to be some weakness in the Hadith,

05:57:03 --> 05:57:09

because it is, it is well known that the Prophet salallahu Salam

05:57:09 --> 05:57:15

did not speak incorrectly, and that he used the most eloquent and

05:57:15 --> 05:57:17

powerful forms of speech

05:57:19 --> 05:57:25

to communicate the message of the Quran and the message of Allah

05:57:25 --> 05:57:25

subhanho wa Taala

05:57:28 --> 05:57:31

another Hadith I wanted to he doesn't mention it here but it's

05:57:31 --> 05:57:36

very, very powerful Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim look tougher

05:57:36 --> 05:57:40

con la means it's the two best books of Hadith the most

05:57:40 --> 05:57:43

authentic, authentic books of mumble Buhari and Manuel Muslim

05:57:44 --> 05:57:47

for the Prophet sallallaahu Salam he said yes, sudwala to accede,

05:57:47 --> 05:57:50

Rashida will attend a funeral. Oh, can recall earlier Salatu was

05:57:50 --> 05:57:52

Salam, there's a beautiful Hadith.

05:57:53 --> 05:57:56

In fact, your van clever in who

05:57:57 --> 05:58:04

was a former anti Muslim, Dutch politician, whom I just heard

05:58:04 --> 05:58:04


05:58:06 --> 05:58:10

at the zaytuna College fundraising dinner, has an incredible story,

05:58:10 --> 05:58:11

he converted to Islam.

05:58:13 --> 05:58:16

And now he's touring the world as it were, and telling people his

05:58:16 --> 05:58:20

incredible story is really incredible. By the way. He wrote a

05:58:20 --> 05:58:23

book to recently called apostate

05:58:25 --> 05:58:26

which is

05:58:28 --> 05:58:31

about his journey from Christianity to Islam. And it's a

05:58:31 --> 05:58:37

very interesting book. I highly recommend it. But he actually said

05:58:38 --> 05:58:42

during that lecture, he said that this hadith, the Hadith I just

05:58:42 --> 05:58:47

quoted, had a profound effect on him. Yes, you will add to our

05:58:47 --> 05:58:50

syllabus, shoot order to the funeral, and he actually quoted it

05:58:50 --> 05:58:54

in Arabic. And he did a pretty good job. He's very smart man.

05:58:54 --> 05:58:55


05:58:57 --> 05:59:00

So the meaning of the Hadith, some of the meanings may suggest the

05:59:00 --> 05:59:05

following, make things easy for people to facilitate things for

05:59:05 --> 05:59:10

people, and don't make them difficult and give people glad

05:59:10 --> 05:59:15

tidings, and don't scare them away. Right is beautiful Hadith.

05:59:15 --> 05:59:21

It's incredibly eloquent. And it displays something called anti

05:59:21 --> 05:59:26

Fettig parallelism, in its meaning. So that is to say that

05:59:26 --> 05:59:31

this hadith has a very strong rhetorical composition.

05:59:32 --> 05:59:37

It is very beautifully grammatically balanced. Right?

05:59:38 --> 05:59:43

And you know, it's I highly recommend people to study all

05:59:43 --> 05:59:47

Muslims, all believers to study some Arabic. You know, it's

05:59:47 --> 05:59:47

difficult but

05:59:49 --> 05:59:53

it's very rewarding. Even if it's once a week or something, just to

05:59:53 --> 05:59:57

sort of, you know, get get some something of the meanings of these

05:59:57 --> 05:59:59

of these words of the Hadith of the Quran. Obviously,

06:00:01 --> 06:00:05

So what we have here is a form two imperative. Yes, zero followed by

06:00:05 --> 06:00:10

a prohibition also informed to. And then again, we have a form to

06:00:10 --> 06:00:14

imperative well by shooter one or two and a few followed again by a

06:00:14 --> 06:00:18

form to prohibition. So the statement is very balanced,

06:00:19 --> 06:00:20


06:00:22 --> 06:00:27

And antithetic parallelism, parallelism means that, that, that

06:00:27 --> 06:00:29

the Hadith has

06:00:31 --> 06:00:35

opposite meanings, to give it further balance, you know, to make

06:00:35 --> 06:00:39

things easy, don't make them difficult. Those are antonyms or

06:00:39 --> 06:00:40


06:00:41 --> 06:00:45

Give people glad tidings and don't scare them away. There's an anti

06:00:45 --> 06:00:51

thetic relationship there as well. So you have got multiple layers of

06:00:51 --> 06:00:52


06:00:53 --> 06:00:56

just with this one statement. It's an incredible statement.

06:00:57 --> 06:01:02

It's also easy to remember. And it's also full of hope, gives

06:01:02 --> 06:01:06

people hope, in the context of this hadith is when the Prophet

06:01:06 --> 06:01:09

sallallahu Sallam he sent I believe it was more I didn't know

06:01:09 --> 06:01:12

Java, so I'm not mistaken. Somebody can correct me.

06:01:13 --> 06:01:15

When he sent him to Yemen,

06:01:16 --> 06:01:20

he gave him these destruct these these instructions to judge people

06:01:20 --> 06:01:23

by the Quran what if I don't find it then but my son now then what

06:01:23 --> 06:01:26

use your intellect and then you'll see the world to see the world as

06:01:26 --> 06:01:29

shooter one or two and a few. Beautiful Hadith.

06:01:30 --> 06:01:32

Just unequal eloquence.

06:01:33 --> 06:01:37

Another Hadith that struck me very personally.

06:01:38 --> 06:01:43

When I began to practice the faith many many years ago, is a Hadith

06:01:43 --> 06:01:44

and was not Akhmed.

06:01:47 --> 06:01:51

This is a famous Hadith it's called hadith of Rama, or Rafi

06:01:51 --> 06:01:56

Mooney are handled from a rough man, it hammelmann Fill out your

06:01:56 --> 06:01:59

humble comb or your Hancom month this summer.

06:02:00 --> 06:02:06

That the most compassionate shows compassion to those who show

06:02:06 --> 06:02:11

compassion, show compassion to those on earth, in the one in

06:02:11 --> 06:02:14

heaven, as it were in no anthropomorphic way, and the one

06:02:14 --> 06:02:16

in heaven will show you compassion.

06:02:19 --> 06:02:22

It's a very, very beautiful Hadith, we noticed that there's a

06:02:22 --> 06:02:23

lot of repetition

06:02:24 --> 06:02:30

in this hadith, and this is a another strong rhetorical device

06:02:30 --> 06:02:34

in Semitic rhetoric. Right? It doesn't mean you know, the initial

06:02:34 --> 06:02:38

audience of the Quran. In the RUSADA of Islam, the initial

06:02:38 --> 06:02:41

audience, the flag bearers are Arabs.

06:02:42 --> 06:02:49

And so, and these are Arabs that are that are extremely gifted with

06:02:49 --> 06:02:55

Arabic with language. Right, and they took pride in their poetry

06:02:55 --> 06:02:58

and there's a surah in the Quran called a schwa. The poets and the

06:02:58 --> 06:03:02

poets were, they were loved and they were feared.

06:03:03 --> 06:03:04


06:03:05 --> 06:03:08

the Quran message and the message of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam,

06:03:09 --> 06:03:14

in the first instance is tailored for the Arab in order for the Arab

06:03:14 --> 06:03:17

to believe in the message and then take the message to the rest of

06:03:17 --> 06:03:18

the world.

06:03:19 --> 06:03:24

Obviously, the message of Islam is for everyone, but it's it's the

06:03:24 --> 06:03:29

initial audience, or Arabs. And repetition, as we said, is a very,

06:03:29 --> 06:03:34

very strong rhetorical device in Semitic not just Arabic, in

06:03:34 --> 06:03:38

Semitic rhetoric. So like, like in Hebrew, for example, you have a

06:03:38 --> 06:03:41

lot of repetition, if you read the Psalms,

06:03:42 --> 06:03:47

or if you read the book of Proverbs would these books are

06:03:47 --> 06:03:49

written in Arabic, sorry, in Hebrew,

06:03:51 --> 06:03:53

Aramaic is another Semitic language.

06:03:55 --> 06:03:56


06:03:57 --> 06:03:59

the Akkadian language,

06:04:00 --> 06:04:04

the Epic of Gilgamesh, you know, some of my students will read this

06:04:04 --> 06:04:08

text. That's a long poem and Akkadian written in ancient

06:04:08 --> 06:04:14

Babylon. And you find a lot of repetition, because the audience

06:04:14 --> 06:04:15

are Semites.

06:04:20 --> 06:04:23

And then, what else do we notice about this beautiful Hadith? Well,

06:04:23 --> 06:04:29

the prophet changed the standard syntax, so that the final word of

06:04:29 --> 06:04:37

the first Joomla or or sentence is our rock man. Right? And the

06:04:37 --> 06:04:41

conceptual direct object is the first word of the sentence, which

06:04:41 --> 06:04:45

is in the nominative, rather than in the accusative. I don't know if

06:04:45 --> 06:04:46

that makes sense.

06:04:47 --> 06:04:53

To y'all, but it's a very interesting way of Rafina. Right,

06:04:53 --> 06:04:57

your hammer hammer, rock, man, there's been there's been sort of

06:04:57 --> 06:04:59

there's the unconventional syntax here.

06:05:00 --> 06:05:04

which makes the statement sort of pop out and, and take and have

06:05:04 --> 06:05:10

people take notice of it. It's very eloquently constructed. It's

06:05:10 --> 06:05:15

also beautifully, synonymous, and antithetic as well, and it's

06:05:15 --> 06:05:16


06:05:17 --> 06:05:20

So we have theater humble. The second statement here, humble men

06:05:20 --> 06:05:26

fill up. Your humble is imperative. In the plural show

06:05:26 --> 06:05:32

compassion to those on earth, your honey comb, your humble comb or

06:05:32 --> 06:05:36

your hand, comb, your hand come if it's a spoon, and it's, it's from

06:05:36 --> 06:05:37

the same verb is humble.

06:05:38 --> 06:05:40

But it's a different mood.

06:05:41 --> 06:05:45

of the verb, it's in adjustive. Right? And it has this sense of

06:05:45 --> 06:05:51

purpose, show compassion to those on Earth, so that

06:05:53 --> 06:05:58

the one and heaven as it were, word heaven Somat is, is is in

06:05:58 --> 06:06:02

juxtaposition to all of the earth. So you have that antithetic

06:06:02 --> 06:06:03


06:06:04 --> 06:06:08

And then your hum in it humble. These are juxtaposed.

06:06:09 --> 06:06:16

It's the same verb, but different person and mood. So again, the

06:06:16 --> 06:06:20

statement here is very deep, structurally, it's very

06:06:20 --> 06:06:22

beautifully composed.

06:06:25 --> 06:06:26

It's not poetry.

06:06:27 --> 06:06:30

The Prophet salallahu Salam is not a poet. He's not a shout out.

06:06:31 --> 06:06:36

Right. He has no training in poetry. None of his statements nor

06:06:36 --> 06:06:40

the Koran is considered technically to be poetry. The

06:06:40 --> 06:06:43

Arabs were very familiar, as I said, with poetry and they had 16,

06:06:43 --> 06:06:46

Bihar, they had 16

06:06:48 --> 06:06:53

Ozanne, or they had 16 metres of rhymed poetry in the Quran, does

06:06:53 --> 06:06:58

not fall into any of those categories nor the Hadith. Right?

06:07:00 --> 06:07:02

Quran is in is in a league.

06:07:03 --> 06:07:04

all its own,

06:07:06 --> 06:07:11

does not have it's a it's a souI generous, it's, it's an A, it's in

06:07:11 --> 06:07:16

a category all its own. It's not poetry, but is very, very poetic,

06:07:16 --> 06:07:19

but not technically share. It's not poetry.

06:07:23 --> 06:07:28

Another Hadith that equals here actually, is on page 41. The

06:07:28 --> 06:07:34

translation is, injustice will appear as darkness. On the day of

06:07:34 --> 06:07:39

rising injustice will appear as darkness on the day of rising

06:07:41 --> 06:07:44

in this in the Arabic Zulu Zulu mat, you your multi Yama.

06:07:46 --> 06:07:51

So this is a very beautiful play on words. A beautiful, what's

06:07:51 --> 06:07:53

known as alliteration, right?

06:07:55 --> 06:08:02

The word volume in Arabic means oppression. But zoom Ma means

06:08:02 --> 06:08:05

darkness. It's from the same root

06:08:06 --> 06:08:10

but has different meanings. Although we move on to Matt

06:08:10 --> 06:08:14

yarmulke Yama so oppression or injustice will appear as a

06:08:14 --> 06:08:18

darknesses. It's in the plural on the day of rising and this hadith

06:08:18 --> 06:08:25

is a Muslim. Again, very, very eloquent. very memorable or easy

06:08:25 --> 06:08:26

to remember.

06:08:28 --> 06:08:31

Oh, another one I wanted to mention in this is not mentioned

06:08:31 --> 06:08:36

my father yet, but it is a dua that we shall have memorized is

06:08:36 --> 06:08:39

definitely a dua that you should have memorized and especially

06:08:40 --> 06:08:43

during Ramadan, which is coming up in sha Allah.

06:08:44 --> 06:08:49

This is a a dua of the prophets of Allah we send them that he would

06:08:50 --> 06:08:51


06:08:52 --> 06:08:58

during the last odd nights. The last third of the month of Ramadan

06:08:59 --> 06:09:02

Allahumma iimak affluent people the Alpha flag for me

06:09:03 --> 06:09:04

in this

06:09:05 --> 06:09:08

is recorded in the hadith of Imam activity.

06:09:10 --> 06:09:14

So if you look at this hadith, again, you have Alliteration

06:09:16 --> 06:09:21

is beaut it's a beautiful and seamless alteration of parts of

06:09:21 --> 06:09:26

speech. Allahumma Inaka, afternoon afternoon is an active participle

06:09:27 --> 06:09:31

to hit well if you love. So the truth by the way, the translation

06:09:31 --> 06:09:37

is Oh Allah, you are the effacer the one who erases or he faces the

06:09:37 --> 06:09:40

sin and you love to the face.

06:09:42 --> 06:09:46

Five for me, so you face for me my sins. That's the meaning of

06:09:46 --> 06:09:47


06:09:48 --> 06:09:51

So ultimately, no caffeine that's an act of cortisol people Alpha.

06:09:52 --> 06:09:56

That's an infinitive noun. Five Romney and now we have a verb,

06:09:57 --> 06:09:59

right? And we don't call this an imperative.

06:10:00 --> 06:10:04

Even though it has the same morphology as an as an imperative,

06:10:04 --> 06:10:07

the reason we don't call it a fear is because

06:10:08 --> 06:10:13

one is speaking to Allah subhanho wa Taala right one is not giving a

06:10:13 --> 06:10:17

command to someone lower than oneself one is, one is speaking to

06:10:17 --> 06:10:21

Allah subhanaw taala. So, this is called a fair follow up, this is

06:10:21 --> 06:10:28

a, a verb of a request, of, of respectful request. But we have

06:10:28 --> 06:10:34

that seamless alteration active participle, you know, is some file

06:10:34 --> 06:10:36

than the muster than the federal

06:10:38 --> 06:10:41

all from the same root, hence the alliteration.

06:10:42 --> 06:10:43

We also have

06:10:44 --> 06:10:49

para Texas with what's known in in English rhetoric is para taxes,

06:10:49 --> 06:10:53

which is also very common in Semitic rhetoric. Para taxes is

06:10:53 --> 06:10:58

one two words or a clause of some sort to sentences are juxtaposed

06:10:58 --> 06:11:01

without using a coordinating conjunction.

06:11:03 --> 06:11:09

So Aloma in the afternoon, Will f1 Oh God, you are the effacer you

06:11:09 --> 06:11:10

love the facing.

06:11:11 --> 06:11:17

Not therefore and then thus, nothing like that. There's no

06:11:17 --> 06:11:19

coordinating conjunction.

06:11:20 --> 06:11:24

And the rhetorical effect of pair taxes is that it makes the words

06:11:24 --> 06:11:28

again sort of pop out, makes it more impactful.

06:11:30 --> 06:11:31

The last one I mentioned here,

06:11:32 --> 06:11:34

from the Hadith, in sha Allah

06:11:36 --> 06:11:40

is the Hadith in Bukhari is a famous Hadith where the Prophet

06:11:40 --> 06:11:44

sallallahu Sallam he said in the field, just study mode of

06:11:44 --> 06:11:48

attention. Indeed, in the body, there is a lump of flesh.

06:11:49 --> 06:11:52

You have Salah hot solar, solar had just said Kulu

06:11:53 --> 06:11:59

is sound that are healthy than the entire body is healthy. We have a

06:11:59 --> 06:12:02

fessor that festival just to Kulu

06:12:03 --> 06:12:09

and if it is corrupt or unhealthy, then the entire the entire body is

06:12:09 --> 06:12:12

unhealthy. I love well heeled caliber.

06:12:13 --> 06:12:17

Indeed it is the heart that called.

06:12:18 --> 06:12:24

So here we have synonymic parallelism. With Moldova, right

06:12:24 --> 06:12:28

and Thailand is explaining what is the muda it is called, you have

06:12:28 --> 06:12:33

antithetic parallelism, but the verb saw the hat and facet that

06:12:33 --> 06:12:37

healthy, unhealthy. You also have something called concentric

06:12:37 --> 06:12:42

composition, concentric composition, also known as the

06:12:42 --> 06:12:48

chiasm. In this short statement, it's like a big circle. It's

06:12:48 --> 06:12:49

really incredible.

06:12:51 --> 06:12:53

So the first line near is the fourth line.

06:12:54 --> 06:12:59

The fourth line explains the first line what is the model it is the

06:12:59 --> 06:13:01

heart. So these two lines

06:13:03 --> 06:13:09

near each other a and a prime. And then the second and third line.

06:13:09 --> 06:13:13

They also mirror each other they have identical initial terms,

06:13:13 --> 06:13:18

either what either and they have identical final terms couldn't do

06:13:18 --> 06:13:25

who couldn't do it. But they also have antithetical middle terms. So

06:13:25 --> 06:13:27

lahat and faceted.

06:13:28 --> 06:13:31

So multiple level levels of

06:13:32 --> 06:13:37

rhetoric and composition and symmetry. This statement is a is a

06:13:37 --> 06:13:43

nice circular circular composition called the chiasm. In fact, you

06:13:43 --> 06:13:46

have books written by non Muslim scholars of the Koran,

06:13:47 --> 06:13:49

Raymond Ferran,

06:13:50 --> 06:13:53

Michel Cuypers, and others.

06:13:55 --> 06:14:01

Raymond Ferran in his book, he says that the surah baqarah is one

06:14:01 --> 06:14:07

big chiasm and the Bacara 286 verses.

06:14:09 --> 06:14:12

And this in the center, usually a chiasm.

06:14:14 --> 06:14:18

Doesn't have to, but usually a chiasm will have a center of

06:14:18 --> 06:14:25

focus. And he says that the center of an Bacara is versus to 141 to

06:14:25 --> 06:14:30

157, I believe. And right at the center of that center, you have

06:14:30 --> 06:14:32

okay Danica Martin Wasaga.

06:14:36 --> 06:14:39

Indeed, that Allah subhanho wa Taala made you a middle nation.

06:14:39 --> 06:14:43

And that's actually verse 143, right in the middle of 286 of

06:14:43 --> 06:14:46

Bukhara, the center of the chiasm. According to Raymond Ferran, who

06:14:46 --> 06:14:50

was a professor at UC Berkeley, or has his degree from PhD from

06:14:50 --> 06:14:53

Berkeley Near Eastern Studies, but he wrote this incredible book on

06:14:53 --> 06:14:56

how Al Baqarah is one big chiasm

06:14:57 --> 06:14:58

if you think about this,

06:15:00 --> 06:15:03

Prophet sallallaahu Salam is not writing down the Quran. But he's

06:15:03 --> 06:15:05

receiving these ayat.

06:15:07 --> 06:15:12

And so, you know, how did he know where to put these different ayat

06:15:12 --> 06:15:14

to maintain this chaotic structure?

06:15:15 --> 06:15:18

You know, was he keeping all these ayat in his head? And you know, I

06:15:18 --> 06:15:20

have to put this here. And then what about these two, so he's

06:15:20 --> 06:15:23

doing that with Bacara. He's also doing that with NMAT Yoda.

06:15:23 --> 06:15:27

Michelle Piper says that Matt ADA has an incredible rhetorical

06:15:27 --> 06:15:30

structure, you order an entire book on unmatted. It's called the

06:15:30 --> 06:15:35

banquet just unsuited to Magadha. And how it's an incredible ocean

06:15:36 --> 06:15:40

of symmetry. So he's doing that in his head and ENISA and out of all

06:15:40 --> 06:15:44

of these are just in his head, and he's able to, he's able to know

06:15:44 --> 06:15:46

where to put, you know, these ayat.

06:15:48 --> 06:15:53

And also with this, with this hadith about the heart, it's a

06:15:53 --> 06:15:54

double entendre.

06:15:55 --> 06:16:02

Right. So that the condition of the physical heart is generally a

06:16:02 --> 06:16:07

good indicator of overall health. I don't think any doctor would

06:16:08 --> 06:16:13

dispute that statement. A general indicator, if the heart is good,

06:16:13 --> 06:16:18

and overall health tends to be good, and vice versa, but also

06:16:19 --> 06:16:25

also the condition of the spiritual heart. Right? If it is

06:16:26 --> 06:16:29

healthy, then that's a good indicator. That one's overall

06:16:29 --> 06:16:32

spirituality is healthy as well.

06:16:33 --> 06:16:38

It's a very interesting study of these Hadith rhetorical analysis,

06:16:39 --> 06:16:43

Semitic rhetorical analysis of the statements of the Prophet

06:16:43 --> 06:16:44

salallahu Salam.

06:16:48 --> 06:16:51

And then he goes on to say that there's much more besides this,

06:16:52 --> 06:16:54

that various groups of people have related about his words,

06:16:54 --> 06:16:58

conversation speeches, supplications comments and

06:16:58 --> 06:17:01

contracts. There's no disagreement about the fact that in these

06:17:01 --> 06:17:07

things, he occupied a station beyond compare. He obtained a

06:17:07 --> 06:17:09

preeminence in them which cannot be properly estimated.

06:17:11 --> 06:17:14

His unique sayings that no mouth had ever uttered before also have

06:17:14 --> 06:17:17

been compiled. No one can ever do them justice.

06:17:18 --> 06:17:22

His companion said to him, we do not find anyone more eloquent,

06:17:22 --> 06:17:25

more eloquent than you. He said, How could it be otherwise the

06:17:25 --> 06:17:31

Quran was revealed on my tongue in a clear Arabic tongue. Another

06:17:31 --> 06:17:34

time he said, I am the most eloquent of the Arabs, since I am

06:17:34 --> 06:17:37

from Polish and was brought up by the Danny side.

06:17:38 --> 06:17:39


06:17:41 --> 06:17:43

children who are raised in the desert

06:17:45 --> 06:17:48

because the Bedouin spoke the best Arabic, the most eloquent Arabic.

06:17:49 --> 06:17:52

So the Prophet salallahu Salam, not only has that incredible

06:17:52 --> 06:17:57

intellect he has, he has walkie descending upon him from Allah

06:17:57 --> 06:18:01

subhanho wa taala. But he was also raised among the many side the

06:18:01 --> 06:18:05

Bedouin. So the first Arabic that he was hearing,

06:18:07 --> 06:18:08

was extremely eloquent.

06:18:10 --> 06:18:13

This gave him the strength and purity of the desert, along with

06:18:13 --> 06:18:16

the eloquence of expressions of the city and beauty of His words.

06:18:17 --> 06:18:20

This was all combined with the divine support, which accompanies

06:18:20 --> 06:18:25

revelation, which no mortal can comprehend. Remember the Hadith we

06:18:25 --> 06:18:29

quoted? The last class we had a few weeks ago, when the man back

06:18:29 --> 06:18:33

near the Prophet system burger Siddiq. During the hijra, they

06:18:33 --> 06:18:35

stopped at a small village and this old woman was there and she

06:18:35 --> 06:18:36

met the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

06:18:38 --> 06:18:41

are bad. She says that the Prophet was sweet and speech distinct

06:18:42 --> 06:18:46

without using too few or too many words. It was as if his speech

06:18:46 --> 06:18:50

consisted of threaded pearls. He had a loud voice, which was very

06:18:50 --> 06:18:52

melodious, so nobody uses them.

06:18:54 --> 06:18:55

So that is the

06:18:57 --> 06:18:59

end of Section Five.

06:19:02 --> 06:19:06

Looking forward, there's only three more classes after this. And

06:19:06 --> 06:19:10

I do want to get to some of the rest of the chapter here. So I

06:19:10 --> 06:19:13

invite you to read sections,

06:19:14 --> 06:19:19

six through 11. But I'm going to go to section 12. Now,

06:19:21 --> 06:19:26

this is on page 54, section 12.

06:19:28 --> 06:19:31

Since we're still in chapter two, but it's section 12, and this is

06:19:31 --> 06:19:35

called his forbearance, long suffering and pardon.

06:19:37 --> 06:19:40

So he begins by saying forbearance long suffering,

06:19:41 --> 06:19:46

pardoning in spite of having the power to punish and patient

06:19:46 --> 06:19:49

endurance and affliction are distinct from each other. So he's

06:19:49 --> 06:19:49

going to

06:19:51 --> 06:19:57

define these terms what is Helmer what is forbearance? What is it

06:19:57 --> 06:19:59

man? What is long suffering in

06:20:00 --> 06:20:05

What is Southern Brazil Africa? What is patience and pardoning. So

06:20:05 --> 06:20:09

he says that forbearance for him is a state of dignified bearing

06:20:09 --> 06:20:15

and constancy despite provocation, someone is being provoked. Right?

06:20:16 --> 06:20:21

And they, and they don't give in, they stay dignified. That's Helen.

06:20:21 --> 06:20:25

long suffering. ft Mal is self restraint and resignation in the

06:20:25 --> 06:20:31

face of pains and injuries. So while one is suffering, Sabra is

06:20:31 --> 06:20:35

similar to it but its meaning is slightly different. He says As for

06:20:35 --> 06:20:39

pardoning, it is refusing to hold something against someone else,

06:20:40 --> 06:20:44

you know, sort of forgiving and forgetting, as it were.

06:20:46 --> 06:20:50

Of course, that's related to the Hadith we quoted Allahumma Enoch

06:20:50 --> 06:20:51


06:20:52 --> 06:20:57

That Oh ALLAH Indeed you are the effacer right. So Allah is Allah

06:20:57 --> 06:21:01

offer, mentioned this distinction in the past, and law federal, the

06:21:01 --> 06:21:05

one who forgives afar or really forgives, I look for these are

06:21:05 --> 06:21:08

both, they all mean all three of these terms mean forgiveness, the

06:21:08 --> 06:21:10

latter two are very emphatic.

06:21:11 --> 06:21:16

lafora has a meaning to cover something. But Africa has a

06:21:16 --> 06:21:20

meaning to a to a race it completely a face it, to take it

06:21:20 --> 06:21:21

out of existence.

06:21:23 --> 06:21:26

So he says all of these qualities are part of the identity with with

06:21:26 --> 06:21:28

which Allah endowed His Prophet.

06:21:29 --> 06:21:32

He says, so Allah speaks to the Prophet sallallaahu Salam in the

06:21:32 --> 06:21:37

Quran, he's going to quote Surah two out off, verse 199. So chapter

06:21:37 --> 06:21:45

seven, verse 199, horrible Afla hold tight to pardoning, hold

06:21:45 --> 06:21:48

tight, hold faster, forgiving and forgetting.

06:21:49 --> 06:21:55

Why, what more are better off and command to the correct command to

06:21:55 --> 06:21:55

the good.

06:21:57 --> 06:22:02

What I need to Johannine and turn away from the ignorant turn away

06:22:02 --> 06:22:08

from them. So you can imagine what kind of ignorance just average

06:22:08 --> 06:22:10

believers here

06:22:11 --> 06:22:16

on a daily basis, whether it's in person or on TV or on the

06:22:16 --> 06:22:17


06:22:19 --> 06:22:22

So ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada here is telling the Prophet salallahu

06:22:22 --> 06:22:26

Salam, just ignore them, walk away from them, turn away from them.

06:22:28 --> 06:22:32

It is related that when this was revealed to the Prophet salallahu,

06:22:32 --> 06:22:36

salam, he asked you bill to interpret it for him. Gibreel told

06:22:36 --> 06:22:40

him wait until I asked the one who knows, he left and came back and

06:22:40 --> 06:22:44

said to him, O Muhammad, Allah commands you to unite yourself

06:22:45 --> 06:22:51

with those who cut you off. It's very difficult for people, right,

06:22:51 --> 06:22:54

someone cuts you off someone severs ties with you.

06:22:55 --> 06:22:57

It's very difficult to be the better person.

06:22:59 --> 06:23:03

Because you think well, if I do that, then I've admitted I'm wrong

06:23:03 --> 06:23:04

or something or

06:23:05 --> 06:23:09

I'm going to be humiliated in that person's eyes, whatever it may be.

06:23:09 --> 06:23:13

So this is very, very difficult. Unite yourself with those who cut

06:23:13 --> 06:23:17

you off and give to those who refuse to give to you, and pardon

06:23:17 --> 06:23:19

those who are unjust to you.

06:23:20 --> 06:23:23

So this is a very difficult thing to do. And this is why the the

06:23:23 --> 06:23:27

character of the Prophet is magnanimous is exalted in Mecca

06:23:27 --> 06:23:29

Allah who took in all the

06:23:30 --> 06:23:34

because these are these are very difficult for people who have ego

06:23:34 --> 06:23:38

issues, almost impossible for people who have ego issues people

06:23:38 --> 06:23:39


06:23:40 --> 06:23:43

are self aggrandizing people who,

06:23:44 --> 06:23:47

who think of themselves more important than they really are.

06:23:47 --> 06:23:50

Mega, mega maniacal people.

06:23:52 --> 06:23:58

A lot of told him was spear Alhama are sawbuck. Be patient be

06:23:58 --> 06:24:01

steadfast in the face of what afflicts you?

06:24:03 --> 06:24:07

Right, what spirit come as sobre asmin you know, Russell and

06:24:07 --> 06:24:12

another iron these are coded here by Kadir yet be steadfast as those

06:24:12 --> 06:24:18

of us as those of resolution among the messengers are steadfast.

06:24:19 --> 06:24:24

Right the messengers of resolve oodle Azumino Rasul, we mentioned

06:24:24 --> 06:24:25


06:24:26 --> 06:24:31

earlier, these are the five great messengers of God that greater law

06:24:31 --> 06:24:37

bearing or law giving messengers of God. New Haile Salam, Ibrahim

06:24:37 --> 06:24:41

Ali Salam. Musa alayhis salam and recited to them the prophets of

06:24:41 --> 06:24:42

the Lord. He said them

06:24:44 --> 06:24:46

that if you look at these five prophets,

06:24:48 --> 06:24:53

they went through tremendous affliction and hardship and they

06:24:53 --> 06:24:56

stayed. They stay patient and resolute.

06:24:59 --> 06:24:59

I mean, if you look at

06:25:00 --> 06:25:01

But he might as

06:25:02 --> 06:25:04

you know, his his father,

06:25:06 --> 06:25:09

although there's a difference of opinion, as we said, but as are

06:25:10 --> 06:25:15

probably his paternal uncle wasn't idolaters he put his father

06:25:15 --> 06:25:18

biological father his wallet probably died when he was very

06:25:18 --> 06:25:22

young didn't have a father. But he said he said I'm didn't have a

06:25:22 --> 06:25:22


06:25:23 --> 06:25:27

Because Allah Subhana Allah, Allah created him in a miraculous

06:25:27 --> 06:25:31

fashion. New scientists and and did not know was my biological

06:25:31 --> 06:25:34

father, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was an orphan,

06:25:35 --> 06:25:38

never met his father at all, his mother died when he was six years

06:25:38 --> 06:25:42

old. His grandfather died when he was eight. And that's just

06:25:42 --> 06:25:44

starting out life. You know?

06:25:46 --> 06:25:48

And then you think about what happened during the lives of these

06:25:48 --> 06:25:49


06:25:52 --> 06:25:55

So, you know, we're reminded of the Hadith that if Allah loves the

06:25:55 --> 06:26:00

people who will try them, right, and that the most severe of

06:26:00 --> 06:26:04

tribulations came to the prophets, and those closest with them.

06:26:06 --> 06:26:09

Those are prophets. So if something happens to a prophet,

06:26:09 --> 06:26:14

some sort of mercy, but it's not because a prophet has has

06:26:15 --> 06:26:17

deliberately disobeyed Allah subhanho wa taala, it is

06:26:17 --> 06:26:21

inconceivable for a prophet to do that. Because the Prophet has Esma

06:26:22 --> 06:26:24

there's a type of divine protection

06:26:25 --> 06:26:28

prevention from Allah subhanho wa taala.

06:26:30 --> 06:26:36

So if there's some sort of masiva, it is to raise that profit in

06:26:36 --> 06:26:42

degrees, and also for that profit to teach humanity how to react to

06:26:42 --> 06:26:47

such situations, but for nonprofits, for you and I, if

06:26:47 --> 06:26:51

these things happen in our lives, it could be a type of punishment.

06:26:52 --> 06:26:57

So what we have to do is a type of Maha Sabha or self audit, to try

06:26:57 --> 06:27:00

to determine why are these things happening, and we need to make

06:27:00 --> 06:27:02

adjustments in our lives.

06:27:05 --> 06:27:08

So generally, if something like that happens to you, you should

06:27:08 --> 06:27:10

take it as a type of

06:27:12 --> 06:27:16

punishment and and correct rectify your behavior.

06:27:18 --> 06:27:20

And have a good opinion of Allah subhanaw taala because that's a

06:27:20 --> 06:27:27

good thing. Punishment is a way that you that he purifies us, and

06:27:27 --> 06:27:30

in a way too, in a way of provoking Koba and changing our

06:27:30 --> 06:27:36

lives. Right. So it's a subtle type of mercy, actually, when you

06:27:36 --> 06:27:39

think about it, and then when it happens to other people, we

06:27:39 --> 06:27:43

shouldn't assume that they're being punished, right, that we

06:27:43 --> 06:27:44

should treat people

06:27:45 --> 06:27:49

with, you know, have a good opinion of people and assume that

06:27:50 --> 06:27:54

that allows for kind of what the other is raising their degrees.

06:27:56 --> 06:27:59

And if it is a punishment, then have a good opinion that this

06:27:59 --> 06:28:00

person will

06:28:01 --> 06:28:05

recognize what they're doing and they'll they'll make Toba and in

06:28:05 --> 06:28:08

and correct their behavior

06:28:10 --> 06:28:16

that he quotes here. He says he's quoting Katie, part of the Iowa

06:28:16 --> 06:28:21

22. us with a new well, yeah, for a while, yes, federal.

06:28:23 --> 06:28:26

So pardon them, let them pardon.

06:28:28 --> 06:28:31

Let them pardon and let them overlook right.

06:28:33 --> 06:28:39

So while Yeah, for in Arabic, this land here is called Lamb Amara. So

06:28:39 --> 06:28:44

the verbs here are in the Justice mood. So this has sort of the

06:28:44 --> 06:28:48

effect of a third person imperative, right that it's

06:28:48 --> 06:28:54

expected of us to pardon and overlook. And then Allah says,

06:28:54 --> 06:28:58

hola to hip guna and your foot Allahu Eun Jung said Hola Hola,

06:28:58 --> 06:28:59


06:29:00 --> 06:29:04

Do you not love that Allah will forgive you? Will Allah have

06:29:04 --> 06:29:09

afforded Rahim? Allah is Forgiving, most forgiving and and

06:29:09 --> 06:29:12

Rahim merciful, compassionate,

06:29:13 --> 06:29:14

intimate, intimately loving

06:29:17 --> 06:29:19

the one who was steadfast and forgives that is part of the

06:29:19 --> 06:29:21

resolution of affairs.

06:29:22 --> 06:29:27

The results of this and then on the Ariad he says the results of

06:29:27 --> 06:29:30

this of his forbearance and longsuffering are quite evident.

06:29:30 --> 06:29:33

Every man with forbearance is known to have occasional lapses.

06:29:33 --> 06:29:36

The profit however was only increased instead fatness

06:29:36 --> 06:29:41

steadfastness with the injury to him was great and was only

06:29:41 --> 06:29:45

increased in forbearance when faced with an excess of fortunate

06:29:45 --> 06:29:46


06:29:48 --> 06:29:48


06:29:49 --> 06:29:53

he would become more and more patient with people the more they

06:29:53 --> 06:29:58

quote annoyed him which is exactly the opposite of of what you would

06:29:58 --> 06:29:59

expect with someone

06:30:00 --> 06:30:01

You know that hadith in Bukhari?

06:30:03 --> 06:30:07

When the man came and said, I will see me, like, advise me counsel

06:30:07 --> 06:30:11

me, in the prophets of Allah, they send him said to him that tells

06:30:11 --> 06:30:16

about Don't get angry. And the man for whatever reason, he said, I

06:30:16 --> 06:30:18

will see me, counsel me,

06:30:20 --> 06:30:21

in the province Allah talked about,

06:30:22 --> 06:30:26

and then again, our city, council me and the,

06:30:28 --> 06:30:34

the relator of the Hadith, Abu Huraira. He said, For the neuron

06:30:34 --> 06:30:37

that he could, he said this over and over and over again

06:30:38 --> 06:30:41

to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he said very calmly, he would

06:30:41 --> 06:30:43

just respond, lead tough love, don't get angry.

06:30:46 --> 06:30:48

I just said, this isn't

06:30:50 --> 06:30:52

Hardy and Muslim, have you dealt with the messenger of allah

06:30:52 --> 06:30:56

sallallahu sallam was not given a choice between two matters, that

06:30:56 --> 06:31:02

he chose the easier of the two, as long as it was not a wrong action.

06:31:02 --> 06:31:05

But if it was a wrong action, he will be the furthest of people

06:31:05 --> 06:31:08

from it. The Messenger of Allah did not take revenge for himself

06:31:08 --> 06:31:12

unless the honor the format of Allah was violated, then he will

06:31:12 --> 06:31:14

take revenge for the sake of Allah.

06:31:19 --> 06:31:22

It is related that when the Prophet had his tooth broken and

06:31:22 --> 06:31:28

his face cut on the day of loss, what offered, right so he had a

06:31:28 --> 06:31:32

ruptured lip, he chipped a tooth. He actually had a lacerated

06:31:33 --> 06:31:34

forehead and there was

06:31:35 --> 06:31:42

he sustained a cut to his his, his cheek here, because the chainmail

06:31:42 --> 06:31:45

had penetrated his cheek and it was blood flowing, just basically

06:31:45 --> 06:31:47

flowing down his face.

06:31:50 --> 06:31:53

He says he was practically unbearable for the companions.

06:31:55 --> 06:31:58

They said if only you would invoke a curse against them.

06:31:59 --> 06:32:03

Right, he replied, I was not sent to curse, but it was sent to the

06:32:03 --> 06:32:07

summoner and a mercy. And then he made a famous statement. Allahu

06:32:07 --> 06:32:11

MADI economies in the Himalaya, Allah mon O Allah guide my people

06:32:11 --> 06:32:17

for they don't know. Allah magical me. So in the books of Sera, it

06:32:17 --> 06:32:19

actually says that the Prophet was

06:32:20 --> 06:32:25

catching the blood with his hands, preventing the blood from striking

06:32:25 --> 06:32:29

the earth. And he was like absorbing the blood with his

06:32:29 --> 06:32:32

clothes. So the companion said, Why are you doing that? And he

06:32:32 --> 06:32:36

said, of one drop of my blood should strike the Earth. And then

06:32:36 --> 06:32:43

immediately, the RAF would descend upon the Quraysh, these people who

06:32:43 --> 06:32:44

are fighting against us.

06:32:46 --> 06:32:49

So for the Sahaba, that was a bit strange, we were fighting against

06:32:49 --> 06:32:49


06:32:51 --> 06:32:55

Let the blood flow. And then they saw him a short time later with

06:32:55 --> 06:32:58

his hands raised and they heard him say a lot and he thought more

06:32:58 --> 06:33:01

he now he's going to curse them. And he said, alumasc defoaming

06:33:01 --> 06:33:05

Allahu Madie phonies, enormous ly animal, oh God guide my people for

06:33:05 --> 06:33:06

they don't know.

06:33:07 --> 06:33:10

You know, there's something similar, attributed to isa lace

06:33:10 --> 06:33:13

and I'm in the Gospel of Luke,

06:33:14 --> 06:33:18

and Luke chapter 23. We're told that when he saw the salam,

06:33:18 --> 06:33:22

according to the Gospel of Luke, when he was being crucified, He

06:33:22 --> 06:33:24

said, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

06:33:26 --> 06:33:28

And I've studied the New Testament.

06:33:32 --> 06:33:35

extensively for years, I have a master's degree

06:33:36 --> 06:33:41

in New Testament, did my PhD dissertation on the Gospel of

06:33:41 --> 06:33:45

John, so very familiar with with the textual history of the New

06:33:45 --> 06:33:49

Testament, and I'll tell you this, that that passage I just quoted

06:33:49 --> 06:33:54

from Luke, that's chapter 23, verse 34, is now universally

06:33:54 --> 06:33:59

regarded as a fabrication to the text of the Gospel of Luke.

06:34:00 --> 06:34:03

That I mean, at least

06:34:04 --> 06:34:09

according to the dominant opinion of our lemma was, was nowhere near

06:34:09 --> 06:34:12

across to begin with. The Christians believed that he was

06:34:12 --> 06:34:13


06:34:14 --> 06:34:15

for various reasons.

06:34:17 --> 06:34:19

Although even in earliest Christianity, there was a

06:34:19 --> 06:34:23

difference of opinion and this is historically documented.

06:34:24 --> 06:34:24


06:34:26 --> 06:34:31

in Luke's gospel, that statement, that Father forgive them, for they

06:34:31 --> 06:34:36

know not what they do, is now universally accepted by New

06:34:36 --> 06:34:40

Testament textual critics as being a later fabrication to the text

06:34:41 --> 06:34:42

of the Gospel of Luke.

06:34:49 --> 06:34:53

It is related that Omar said to him, my mother and another thing

06:34:53 --> 06:34:57

is even if even if Christians want to say no, it's authentic, and He

06:34:57 --> 06:34:59

forgave them while he was being killed by

06:35:00 --> 06:35:06

Then, well that shows a strong type of character from from Isa de

06:35:06 --> 06:35:06


06:35:08 --> 06:35:13

But compare that to the, the conquest of Mecca. And he's going

06:35:13 --> 06:35:16

to get into that actually, when the Prophet salallahu Salam is in

06:35:16 --> 06:35:20

a position of power to punish them.

06:35:21 --> 06:35:24

And he forgives them in a position of power. He doesn't forgive them

06:35:24 --> 06:35:30

while he's powerless while he's being killed, right? I mean,

06:35:30 --> 06:35:30

that's also

06:35:32 --> 06:35:36

a demonstration of magnanimous character. Don't get me wrong, of

06:35:36 --> 06:35:40

course it is. But imagine being in a position of power over your

06:35:40 --> 06:35:42

enemies and forgiving them.

06:35:44 --> 06:35:49

It's just a more exalted or higher level of magnanimity, I think

06:35:51 --> 06:35:54

it's related from that Omar said to him, said to the Prophet

06:35:54 --> 06:35:58

sallallahu sallam, my mother and father to your ransom, a messenger

06:35:58 --> 06:36:02

of Allah Rouhani Salam invoked a curse against his people when he

06:36:02 --> 06:36:07

said, but the latter half of the menial caffeine a day era, my

06:36:07 --> 06:36:12

Lord, do not leave even one of the rejecters upon the earth. Had you

06:36:12 --> 06:36:15

invoked a curse like that against us? We would have been destroyed

06:36:15 --> 06:36:17

to the last man. He says.

06:36:18 --> 06:36:21

Your back had been trodden on your face had been bloodied and your

06:36:21 --> 06:36:24

tooth has been broken and yet you have refused to utter anything but

06:36:24 --> 06:36:28

good. You'd have said Oh ALLAH forgive my people for they don't

06:36:28 --> 06:36:31

know. So there's a different version of the same statement of

06:36:31 --> 06:36:33

the prophets have a lot he sent them that he either said Allahu

06:36:33 --> 06:36:38

Madico me or Allah who is officially called me.

06:36:39 --> 06:36:43

Oh Allah guide my people or ALLAH forgive my people, for they don't

06:36:43 --> 06:36:43


06:36:49 --> 06:36:54

So I remember one time years ago, and I'll end with this story.

06:36:54 --> 06:36:58

Years and years ago, we had a Holika in the masjid on Friday

06:36:58 --> 06:37:02

nights. And there was a Christian brother who visited us we had

06:37:02 --> 06:37:04

Christian brothers come

06:37:06 --> 06:37:09

once in a while, you know, one of the one of the brothers at the

06:37:09 --> 06:37:13

Molson brothers in the MSA, you know, he, some Christian guy would

06:37:13 --> 06:37:16

come and he would invite him to the Holika. Anyway, so there's

06:37:16 --> 06:37:20

Christian brother at the Holika. And he was there, and he was

06:37:20 --> 06:37:21

asking some,

06:37:22 --> 06:37:27

some, you know, difficult type questions and but he was very

06:37:27 --> 06:37:27


06:37:29 --> 06:37:31

You know, he was he was

06:37:33 --> 06:37:36

he was trying, not trying to disrespect us at all. He was

06:37:36 --> 06:37:39

trying to get real clarification on issues. Most of the issues were

06:37:39 --> 06:37:41

theological things.

06:37:42 --> 06:37:43

And so

06:37:44 --> 06:37:48

I remember in the course of the discussion, a man came into the

06:37:48 --> 06:37:53

masjid and he listened for about two minutes. And then he said, you

06:37:53 --> 06:37:57

know, these, these kofod, you know, they, their hearts are

06:37:57 --> 06:38:02

sealed and their ears are deaf, and their eyes are blind, and this

06:38:02 --> 06:38:05

type of thing that in the brother, the Christian brother, he was, he

06:38:05 --> 06:38:07

was, he was like, What was he talking about? You talking about

06:38:07 --> 06:38:13

me? And so we had to reassure the brother that, you know, he's,

06:38:13 --> 06:38:16

he's, that's his opinion. And we don't share that, that opinion. I

06:38:16 --> 06:38:20

mean, he was there for a few minutes. And this was this man's

06:38:21 --> 06:38:24

judgment about this, this Christian guy. I mean, he had

06:38:24 --> 06:38:29

basically, you know, his, his threshold of Henman was 510

06:38:29 --> 06:38:32

minutes. And when you compare that to the Prophet salallahu Salam,

06:38:33 --> 06:38:36

who's dealing with machete Cain, who are trying to kill him

06:38:36 --> 06:38:42

actively for 20 years, and he doesn't give up on them, right.

06:38:43 --> 06:38:45

And, by the way, yet he actually

06:38:47 --> 06:38:48

relates the story of

06:38:49 --> 06:38:53

Abu Soufiane from the Prophet salallahu Salam

06:38:55 --> 06:38:57

continue to address with respect.

06:38:58 --> 06:39:03

After 20 years of fighting, and eventually Abu Soufiane became

06:39:03 --> 06:39:07

Muslim. And then the Prophet recognize his chieftaincy in

06:39:07 --> 06:39:11

Mecca, and said mantequilla Mandela, beta Avi Soufiane. For

06:39:11 --> 06:39:13

that airman, whoever enters the house with Abby, Sophia and is

06:39:13 --> 06:39:17

safe. He had this announced during the conquest of Mecca.

06:39:18 --> 06:39:23

So that's the difference between our threshold or limit of helm or

06:39:23 --> 06:39:29

forbearance. Again, forbearances is being able to be dignified in

06:39:29 --> 06:39:33

the face of provocation. And the prophets have a lot of synonyms

06:39:33 --> 06:39:37

forbearance when you have Mushrikeen actively trying to kill

06:39:37 --> 06:39:43

him and have killed his companions and members of his bait and bait.

06:39:44 --> 06:39:46

And he continues

06:39:47 --> 06:39:53

to show them respect and dignity and they become Muslim eventually.

06:39:54 --> 06:39:58

So we can take a lesson from that obviously

06:39:59 --> 06:39:59


06:40:00 --> 06:40:01

think at this point

06:40:02 --> 06:40:04

we'll end the class.

06:40:05 --> 06:40:08

So we got about halfway through section 12 here so we'll continue

06:40:08 --> 06:40:11

with this section inshallah to Allah next week. Thank you for

06:40:11 --> 06:40:15

joining us. And we'll see you next time in sha Allah to Allah.

06:40:16 --> 06:40:19

Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

06:40:23 --> 06:40:24

I like

06:40:25 --> 06:40:25


06:40:28 --> 06:40:32

welcome to our next session. This is a session number eight

06:40:35 --> 06:40:37

of the tableau Schiefer.

06:40:38 --> 06:40:42

Part one, chapter two, this is the middle of section 12.

06:40:44 --> 06:40:45

And this is

06:40:46 --> 06:40:48

section 12, which is called

06:40:49 --> 06:40:53

the hem the HTML and the AF well the purpose of allottee Salam

06:40:53 --> 06:40:55

forbearance along suffering and the pardon.

06:40:57 --> 06:41:00

started that last time. So we are

06:41:02 --> 06:41:06

on page in my translation here, which again is an older edition.

06:41:08 --> 06:41:09

This is

06:41:10 --> 06:41:11

page 55.

06:41:17 --> 06:41:18

right towards the bottom here,

06:41:21 --> 06:41:25

when a man said to the Prophet salallahu Salam act fairly.

06:41:26 --> 06:41:30

So, this is a Hadith there's multiple versions of this hadith.

06:41:31 --> 06:41:33

And Muslim and Buhari very happy

06:41:34 --> 06:41:37

man comes to the Prophet salallahu Salam and according to the

06:41:37 --> 06:41:38

commentators, this is

06:41:39 --> 06:41:41

after the Battle of remain.

06:41:43 --> 06:41:46

And he said to the Prophet salallahu, Salam arrogated in

06:41:46 --> 06:41:51

Mecca ideal so be just for indeed you are not just

06:41:52 --> 06:41:56

on another version of the Hadith act fairly this this is a division

06:41:56 --> 06:42:00

by which the face of God is not desired.

06:42:02 --> 06:42:04

And then, all the Ariadne mentioned here, the Prophet did

06:42:04 --> 06:42:07

not go further than making it clear to him how ignorant he was

06:42:08 --> 06:42:09

in varnishing and reminding him

06:42:10 --> 06:42:12

what he had said to him.

06:42:13 --> 06:42:15

And then the Prophet said to him,

06:42:16 --> 06:42:21

way, like for man, yeah, I didn't even I didn't, like Woe unto you

06:42:21 --> 06:42:24

or confound you, who will be justified, I am not just

06:42:28 --> 06:42:29


06:42:32 --> 06:42:35

I would fail and be lost if I did not act fairly. Then he restrained

06:42:35 --> 06:42:38

one of his companions who wanted to attack this man because the

06:42:38 --> 06:42:41

man's hypocrisy had been manifested.

06:42:42 --> 06:42:44

So this man and his companions

06:42:47 --> 06:42:51

Well, the the, one of the versions of Hadith continues with the

06:42:51 --> 06:42:54

prophets of Allah the centimeter this man and his companions, they

06:42:54 --> 06:42:57

recite the Quran, but it does not go past their throats.

06:42:59 --> 06:43:03

Right, so many of the elements say here that the Prophet alayhi salam

06:43:03 --> 06:43:06

is prophesizing, the helot edge the car giants. Some of the

06:43:06 --> 06:43:09

commentators also mentioned that this man actually would be worth

06:43:09 --> 06:43:13

join the helot edge. Of course, the homage, as we know, was the

06:43:13 --> 06:43:16

first sectarian in the history of Islam.

06:43:18 --> 06:43:21

The high wattage were very exclusivist, there were two

06:43:21 --> 06:43:21


06:43:23 --> 06:43:27

They considered anyone who did not believe exactly as they believe to

06:43:27 --> 06:43:31

be kofod. And not only that, they would consider them to be

06:43:33 --> 06:43:36

you know, apostate so they would kill them and they would take

06:43:36 --> 06:43:39

their possessions oftentimes they even kill their families.

06:43:42 --> 06:43:44

So the hadith is here, teaching us about

06:43:46 --> 06:43:51

the Prophet sallallahu, sillens forbearance, even under such

06:43:51 --> 06:43:54

circumstances where there's there's outright disrespect to

06:43:54 --> 06:43:58

them in public in front of the other companions. And the profits

06:43:58 --> 06:43:59

of the licen

06:44:00 --> 06:44:03

are there yet he says he did not go further than making it clear to

06:44:03 --> 06:44:05

him ignored, he was admonishing and reminding him

06:44:09 --> 06:44:10

Okay, so that's

06:44:13 --> 06:44:17

it, and then he continues as a hadith.

06:44:19 --> 06:44:22

While he says, well, tea and some of the other people were talking

06:44:22 --> 06:44:26

about the rate of that will Riccar undertook to assassinate the

06:44:26 --> 06:44:27

Messenger of Allah.

06:44:28 --> 06:44:30

He found him sitting alone under a tree.

06:44:32 --> 06:44:32


06:44:34 --> 06:44:37

the Prophet salallahu Salam did not stop until he was standing

06:44:37 --> 06:44:41

over him. The province livestorm did not stop him until he was

06:44:41 --> 06:44:45

standing over him with an unsheath the sword in his hand. So this man

06:44:45 --> 06:44:46

is able to

06:44:47 --> 06:44:52

enter into the Muslim camp, and he has a sword in his hand and he

06:44:52 --> 06:44:55

walks up to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam directly up to him.

06:44:56 --> 06:44:59

The Prophet here according to this version of the Hadith, the prophet

06:44:59 --> 06:44:59

sees him

06:45:00 --> 06:45:04

hold time did not stop him. He walks right up up to him. And the

06:45:04 --> 06:45:08

man says to the Prophet to have to half loony Do you? Are you afraid

06:45:08 --> 06:45:13

of me? Do you fear me? The Prophet said lap? No. And then the man

06:45:13 --> 06:45:13


06:45:15 --> 06:45:18

many of Metro community, so who's going to protect you from me?

06:45:20 --> 06:45:25

And the prophets of Allah? Of course, Allah subhanho wa Taala

06:45:25 --> 06:45:29

says in the Quran, Allah yeah, see mocha Mina, Nas, that God will

06:45:29 --> 06:45:31

protect you from the people.

06:45:33 --> 06:45:36

And then he continues, the sword fell from his hand and the Prophet

06:45:36 --> 06:45:40

grabbed it and said to him, Well, Manya neroca Me and who is going

06:45:40 --> 06:45:41

to protect you from me?

06:45:43 --> 06:45:46

And then the man said, punish in the best manner.

06:45:47 --> 06:45:51

And so the Prophet left him and pardoned him. So this is clearly

06:45:51 --> 06:45:55

an attempted assassination and attempted attempt, an attempted

06:45:55 --> 06:45:58

attempt on the life of the prophet Sallallahu Sallam attempted murder

06:45:58 --> 06:46:00

of the Prophet salallahu Salam.

06:46:01 --> 06:46:04

And the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, he pardoned him and he came to his

06:46:04 --> 06:46:08

people. This man eventually came to his people. And he said, Joe

06:46:08 --> 06:46:12

called me and he said, in that I've come to you, I have come to

06:46:12 --> 06:46:17

you from the best of people, and Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim.

06:46:20 --> 06:46:23

One of the major reports about his pardoning and his parting the US

06:46:23 --> 06:46:27

was his porting of the US who had poisoned him with the sheep after

06:46:27 --> 06:46:29

she had confessed to the poisoning this hadith is

06:46:31 --> 06:46:35

mentioned also in Muslim I believe. So those of us who've

06:46:35 --> 06:46:37

been in a year, who had

06:46:38 --> 06:46:41

poisoned the sheep and offered and invited some of the companions,

06:46:41 --> 06:46:46

including the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he, the prophet ate

06:46:46 --> 06:46:48

some another companion did named official.

06:46:50 --> 06:46:54

Eyebrow aebischer, I believe was his name and, and Bharat died from

06:46:54 --> 06:46:57

it. The Prophet sallallaahu Salam.

06:46:58 --> 06:46:58


06:47:00 --> 06:47:04

said that the meat is telling me that it's been poisoned. And then

06:47:04 --> 06:47:06

according to a call the or yet he pardoned her.

06:47:11 --> 06:47:14

The area then mentions that he did not punish libido

06:47:18 --> 06:47:23

who was apparently a black magician or a sorcerer or some

06:47:23 --> 06:47:27

sort, who use magic serum against him, although he was informed

06:47:27 --> 06:47:29

about it, and it was revealed to him with an explanation of what

06:47:29 --> 06:47:31

had happened. This is disputed.

06:47:33 --> 06:47:38

Because it seems to contradict the verse in the Quran will not be

06:47:38 --> 06:47:43

ASIMO Kameena Ness, the verse I quoted earlier, that a lot of kind

06:47:43 --> 06:47:47

of what Allah will protect you from humanity. But the people of

06:47:47 --> 06:47:52

Sierra they mentioned this story of the bead, a little item, or the

06:47:52 --> 06:47:55

area he mentions, nor did he punish ability and obey another

06:47:55 --> 06:47:57

hypocrites in spite of the seriousness of what they had done

06:47:57 --> 06:47:58

and said about him,

06:48:00 --> 06:48:03

and his wife, Aisha, so a bullet even obey was one of those who

06:48:03 --> 06:48:09

started the the risk to lie with a bulletin, the slander the calumny

06:48:10 --> 06:48:13

against her mother, Aisha Radi Allahu the unknown, rather local

06:48:13 --> 06:48:14


06:48:15 --> 06:48:17

On the contrary, he said that the person who indicated

06:48:19 --> 06:48:22

that one of them should be killed, he said, No, let it not be said

06:48:22 --> 06:48:24

that Mohammed kills his companions.

06:48:26 --> 06:48:30

Even though those were mafia Kuhn, right. And they were more

06:48:30 --> 06:48:35

unethical in the real sense of the word. Right there. They were

06:48:35 --> 06:48:37

pretending outright to be Muslims.

06:48:39 --> 06:48:44

You know, you have there's an element of NIFA or hypocrisy among

06:48:44 --> 06:48:47

among Muslims in general, but they're not. They're not absolute

06:48:47 --> 06:48:48

when asiyah have been

06:48:50 --> 06:48:53

brought to these obliterated mental Bay and his and his cohort.

06:48:54 --> 06:48:58

These are literally fake Muslims. But the Prophet sallallaahu Salam

06:48:58 --> 06:49:03

did not want people to think that he was he was killing believers or

06:49:03 --> 06:49:06

killing people killing his companions, people would not

06:49:06 --> 06:49:10

believe the Muslims if they said, Well, these these are Manasa pain,

06:49:10 --> 06:49:11

these are infiltrators.

06:49:12 --> 06:49:15

These are people who are trying to corrupt the OMA from within. These

06:49:15 --> 06:49:18

are people who are sowing seeds of sedition and treason and so on and

06:49:18 --> 06:49:19

so forth.

06:49:20 --> 06:49:23

It doesn't the optics don't look good, if if you were to do that.

06:49:26 --> 06:49:27

So it's important to,

06:49:28 --> 06:49:32

to not do that. And I said, I was with the Prophet salallahu Salam,

06:49:32 --> 06:49:34

when he's wearing a thick cloak.

06:49:36 --> 06:49:39

Of course, this is the famous story a Bedouin can't uphold him

06:49:39 --> 06:49:42

so violently by the edge of the cloak, minimum mark on the side of

06:49:42 --> 06:49:45

his neck. So there was an inflammation on the side of the

06:49:45 --> 06:49:47

neck of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

06:49:49 --> 06:49:51

There's a hadith that says when when, second

06:49:52 --> 06:49:57

when second idea, Jehovah, Jehovah, that whoever Whoever

06:49:57 --> 06:49:59

dwells in the desert, or lives in the desert

06:50:00 --> 06:50:03

comes a little bit rough or gruff.

06:50:04 --> 06:50:08

Right? So this Bedouin, they're a little rough. And he came in and

06:50:08 --> 06:50:10

he grabbed the cloak,

06:50:11 --> 06:50:13

the border of the cloak of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and

06:50:13 --> 06:50:20

pulled him very violently. And an NSA we can see inflammation on his

06:50:20 --> 06:50:20


06:50:22 --> 06:50:26

And he said, Mohamed, let me load up these two camels of mine with

06:50:26 --> 06:50:28

the property of Allah that you have in your possession, Yan,

06:50:28 --> 06:50:31

Mohammed moto Li, Ming, Malli, la la the attack.

06:50:33 --> 06:50:35

And the Prophet was silent. And then he said, The property is a

06:50:35 --> 06:50:41

property of Allah and I'm a slave. Then he said, Shall I? Shall I

06:50:41 --> 06:50:44

take retaliation from you, oh, Bedouin, for, for what you have

06:50:44 --> 06:50:47

done to me? And he said, No.

06:50:48 --> 06:50:51

And the Prophet said, why not? The better one said because you do not

06:50:51 --> 06:50:54

pay back and evil action with an evil action or you don't pay back

06:50:55 --> 06:50:58

evil with an evil with an evil.

06:50:59 --> 06:51:03

And this is a great quote on a comparative, right, the famous

06:51:03 --> 06:51:08

ayah in the Quran Chapter 41 Verse 34,

06:51:09 --> 06:51:12

in which a lot to kind of want to address as well that's a stool

06:51:12 --> 06:51:17

hassle that will say, yeah, good and evil are not the same.

06:51:18 --> 06:51:22

A different ability here acid, Repel evil with something better.

06:51:23 --> 06:51:27

So even though the Bina Kobina, who had our two inch volume have

06:51:27 --> 06:51:30

him and then you will see the one between him and you was enmity

06:51:30 --> 06:51:32

become as it were they intimate companion.

06:51:34 --> 06:51:39

So don't repay evil with an evil or bad action with a bad action.

06:51:39 --> 06:51:42

And the Prophet laughed and ordered that one candle be loaded

06:51:42 --> 06:51:45

up with barley and the other channel with the dates and the

06:51:45 --> 06:51:49

Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. So two camels.

06:51:51 --> 06:51:55

The equivalent of that today is like two pickup trucks, full of

06:51:55 --> 06:51:56

food. Right?

06:51:58 --> 06:52:01

I just said, I never saw the Prophet salallahu Salam ever take

06:52:01 --> 06:52:04

revenge for an injustice done to him, as long as it was not

06:52:04 --> 06:52:07

regarding one of the orders of Allah which must be respected.

06:52:09 --> 06:52:12

He never struck anyone with his hand at all, except when doing the

06:52:12 --> 06:52:17

jihad in the way of Allah. You never hit a woman or a servant,

06:52:17 --> 06:52:21

Bukhari and Muslim. Of course, Jihad here is in the context of,

06:52:21 --> 06:52:27

of a, of a military expert exposition expedition.

06:52:30 --> 06:52:33

That is obviously called by the head of state, and that is the

06:52:33 --> 06:52:37

province of allottee. So them or the, the head of a Muslim state,

06:52:37 --> 06:52:42

it's not vigilante justice, or any faction or group that decides to

06:52:42 --> 06:52:45

declare a type of jihad.

06:52:47 --> 06:52:51

And it said something similar to this as well. But it's coming from

06:52:51 --> 06:52:53

the wife of the prophets of the Lottie center, meme yield

06:52:53 --> 06:52:56

Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam beard, he che and pat in the

06:52:56 --> 06:52:57

anugerah. He refused to believe

06:52:59 --> 06:53:03

that the Prophet did not strike anything with his hand, except in

06:53:04 --> 06:53:08

a military expedition expedition or a battle.

06:53:09 --> 06:53:12

And even to me, he said, if even if you look at all the battles of

06:53:12 --> 06:53:15

the Prophet salallahu Salam, all of them have a defensive component

06:53:15 --> 06:53:18

to them a defensive component to them.

06:53:20 --> 06:53:24

Then as she continues in she specific he did not hit a lamb he

06:53:24 --> 06:53:24

did not hit

06:53:26 --> 06:53:30

a servant or a child, he did not hit a woman

06:53:34 --> 06:53:37

and man was brought to him and he was told this man wanted to kill

06:53:37 --> 06:53:37


06:53:38 --> 06:53:41

So continuing with the photography, the Prophet said Have

06:53:41 --> 06:53:46

no fear even though you wanted to do this. You would not have been

06:53:46 --> 06:53:47

given power over me.

06:53:48 --> 06:53:51

This hadith is on top Ronnie Imam Ashford

06:53:53 --> 06:53:57

next year called the Yad he mentions the story of

06:53:59 --> 06:54:03

a matinee Jew name is eight even with Santa

06:54:04 --> 06:54:08

came to him demanding came to the Prophet demanding that the Prophet

06:54:08 --> 06:54:09

we pay him a debt

06:54:11 --> 06:54:16

and he pulled his garment from his shoulder sees hold of him and

06:54:16 --> 06:54:20

behaved very coarsely with the profits a lot. He said, um, and he

06:54:20 --> 06:54:20


06:54:21 --> 06:54:25

Nothing whatsoever but you, you are procrastinating and Irma was

06:54:25 --> 06:54:26

able to chase him off.

06:54:27 --> 06:54:32

And I spoke very harshly with him. The Prophet merely smiled. And the

06:54:32 --> 06:54:35

Prophet said or Mater he had made he and I needed something else

06:54:35 --> 06:54:40

from you commanded me to repay well and command him to ask for

06:54:40 --> 06:54:40

his debt Well,

06:54:42 --> 06:54:46

right. And then he said I still owe him three and Omar commanded

06:54:46 --> 06:54:53

that he'd be paid, and he added a 20 PSA, like 20 handfuls of barley

06:54:53 --> 06:54:56

more since he had alarmed him or scared him

06:54:57 --> 06:54:59

and that according to zetes jexpo

06:55:00 --> 06:55:03

nation was the reason for him becoming Muslim. So Zaid, later he

06:55:03 --> 06:55:06

said that there were only two remaining signs of prophethood,

06:55:07 --> 06:55:10

which I had not yet recognized in the Prophet salallahu Salam, or

06:55:10 --> 06:55:15

noticed forbearance, overcoming quick temper gnus and extreme

06:55:15 --> 06:55:18

ignorance, only increasing him in forbearance.

06:55:19 --> 06:55:23

So he said, I tested him for these and they found him as described.

06:55:25 --> 06:55:27

So in other words, the Prophet sallallaahu Salam became angry

06:55:27 --> 06:55:30

very, very slowly. But when he did become angry, it was very

06:55:30 --> 06:55:32

tempered, and then it left him very quickly.

06:55:35 --> 06:55:39

And so those were the science that that is meant any Jew was looking

06:55:39 --> 06:55:43

for before he can accept the Prophet salallahu Salam as the

06:55:43 --> 06:55:43


06:55:46 --> 06:55:49

while the Ariad he goes on to say that the Hadith about his

06:55:49 --> 06:55:51

forbearance patience and pardon,

06:55:52 --> 06:55:55

in spite of having power to punish are too many to present.

06:55:56 --> 06:56:00

Those we have mentioned should be sufficient. They can be found in

06:56:00 --> 06:56:03

the Saheeh collections and other reliable books transmitted by many

06:56:03 --> 06:56:04

paths of transmission.

06:56:05 --> 06:56:08

They deal with his patience in the face of fallacious harshness and

06:56:08 --> 06:56:11

the injury done to him and the Janelia in his endurance with

06:56:11 --> 06:56:14

great hardship, hardships at the hands of the corporation until

06:56:14 --> 06:56:18

Allah let him conquer them and gave them power over them.

06:56:19 --> 06:56:22

They did not doubt that they would be wiped out in their wealthy men

06:56:22 --> 06:56:25

killed, but he kept on pardoning and overlooking.

06:56:27 --> 06:56:30

He said, What do you say I have done to you. So now he's talking

06:56:30 --> 06:56:34

here about and we've talked about this a few times in the past, to

06:56:34 --> 06:56:38

the conquest of Mecca, the mecca for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

06:56:38 --> 06:56:45

comes in back into Mecca, from Medina after he was forced to make

06:56:45 --> 06:56:51

higit off and the Quraysh kept giving him no peace. Multiple

06:56:51 --> 06:56:57

attacks or raids on the oasis of Medina, the over the holidays are

06:56:57 --> 06:57:01

joined forces with the Bedouin tribes in the merged they were in

06:57:02 --> 06:57:08

cahoots as it were with the Manasa clean in Medina itself as well as

06:57:08 --> 06:57:12

some elements of the bunnies in the Jewish tribes that were in

06:57:12 --> 06:57:20

Medina. So eight nine years of, of actively trying to basically

06:57:20 --> 06:57:22

eradicate the entire

06:57:24 --> 06:57:27

Muslim community in Medina. So the Prophet salallahu Salam he

06:57:27 --> 06:57:32

eventually marches on Mecca as we know and he says that what do you

06:57:32 --> 06:57:35

think I should do to you and they said You are good generous brother

06:57:35 --> 06:57:40

and a good nephew and he said I will say as my brother use of said

06:57:40 --> 06:57:45

Lucha Libre Ali como yo, yo, yo for the local that so here the

06:57:45 --> 06:57:49

Prophet salallahu Salam is quoting from the Quran. This is the

06:57:49 --> 06:57:54

statement in the Quran, attributed to use of finding Salam. When

06:57:54 --> 06:57:59

Yusuf Ali Salam, obviously we know his story, when he was thrown into

06:57:59 --> 06:58:00

the well by his brothers,

06:58:02 --> 06:58:10

his 10 Brothers really, and he was taken as a slave into Egypt. And

06:58:10 --> 06:58:11

then he eventually became

06:58:12 --> 06:58:15

the vizier of the Pharaoh,

06:58:16 --> 06:58:19

the Minister of Agriculture, according to some,

06:58:21 --> 06:58:21

and then,

06:58:22 --> 06:58:26

and then his brothers come into Egypt from Canaan, because there

06:58:26 --> 06:58:31

was a famine in Canaan. And then, when He identifies Himself,

06:58:32 --> 06:58:35

He says to them without Tiffany but Alec moody of this this day,

06:58:35 --> 06:58:41

there is no blemish upon you know, reproach will be upon you. God has

06:58:41 --> 06:58:45

forgiven you. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he quotes this

06:58:45 --> 06:58:48

verse, which is a sort of use of AI and number 92.

06:58:50 --> 06:58:53

To the Quraysh during the conquest of Mecca, it says, go when you are

06:58:53 --> 06:58:54


06:58:57 --> 06:59:00

And then he mentions here and is it nomadic, he said that eight men

06:59:00 --> 06:59:01

from 2018

06:59:02 --> 06:59:05

Change the dawn prayer with the intention of killing the profits

06:59:05 --> 06:59:06

of the law, they said

06:59:07 --> 06:59:09

they were seized and the profits set them free.

06:59:11 --> 06:59:14

And Allah revealed who under the Kapha ADEA home ankle.

06:59:16 --> 06:59:20

This is a suburban muzzle of the Iowa chapter 48 Verse 24.

06:59:21 --> 06:59:24

He is the one who restrained their hands from you.

06:59:25 --> 06:59:29

Sati visit Muslim Abu Dawood, Timothy and others. When Abu

06:59:29 --> 06:59:32

Sufian was brought to him after he had brought the Confederates

06:59:32 --> 06:59:37

against him, killed his uncle and companions and made a punitive

06:59:37 --> 06:59:40

example of them. The Prophet forgave him and was gentle to him.

06:59:41 --> 06:59:43

He said, confound you abolition Fiat? Isn't it high time that you

06:59:43 --> 06:59:45

knew that there is no God but Allah.

06:59:47 --> 06:59:50

And then Abu Sufyan said, my father and mother be your ransom,

06:59:50 --> 06:59:53

how forbearing and generous you are maintaining ties of kinship.

06:59:54 --> 06:59:57

So the Prophet said a lot he said them did not give up on Abu Sufian

06:59:57 --> 06:59:59

Diplo hug. Abu Sufian, remember is the leader

07:00:00 --> 07:00:04

of the Meccans. And he was the,

07:00:05 --> 07:00:12

the the leader of many military campaigns against the Sahaba

07:00:12 --> 07:00:15

against the Prophet salallahu Salam against Medina.

07:00:16 --> 07:00:19

And the point here that Claudia yet is making

07:00:20 --> 07:00:20

is that

07:00:22 --> 07:00:27

even towards Egan after years and years of attempting to kill the

07:00:27 --> 07:00:30

profits of the Lottie, Sydenham, and killing many companions, and

07:00:30 --> 07:00:33

many members of added bait, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he

07:00:33 --> 07:00:38

still spoke to him in a way that was respectful invited him to the

07:00:38 --> 07:00:42

faith. And this very much surprised at least with Yan.

07:00:44 --> 07:00:47

And eventually, he did become Muslim.

07:00:50 --> 07:00:53

And then he says here, the Messenger of Allah was the slowest

07:00:53 --> 07:00:56

person to anger and the easiest to please.

07:00:58 --> 07:01:00

So that's the end of section 12.

07:01:01 --> 07:01:03

Now, section 13.

07:01:04 --> 07:01:06

These sections don't need a lot of

07:01:08 --> 07:01:12

a lot of commentary, I think what are the area mentions here really

07:01:12 --> 07:01:18

speaks for itself. So section 13 has generosity and liberality. As

07:01:18 --> 07:01:22

for generosity, benevolence, magnanimity and liberality. They

07:01:22 --> 07:01:25

too have different meanings. Some people divide them into different

07:01:25 --> 07:01:29

branches. They say that the Netherlands or cut them is to

07:01:29 --> 07:01:32

spend cheerfully and what is important and useful.

07:01:33 --> 07:01:38

They also call it courage and the opposite of baseness. liberality

07:01:38 --> 07:01:42

is to forego what one is owed by others cheerfully so for going out

07:01:42 --> 07:01:46

debt does the opposite of ill nature and magnanimity is to spend

07:01:46 --> 07:01:50

easily and to avoid acquisition of what is not praised. And it's the

07:01:50 --> 07:01:52

opposite of tight festiveness.

07:01:54 --> 07:01:57

So he says here, the prophet had no equal in these noble qualities

07:01:57 --> 07:01:59

and no one exceeded him in them.

07:02:00 --> 07:02:02

All who knew him would describe him so

07:02:03 --> 07:02:07

even when Cadet heard Javid, Hammond Abdullah say, a messenger

07:02:07 --> 07:02:09

of Allah also the lobby senator was not asked for anything to

07:02:09 --> 07:02:11

which he said no or

07:02:12 --> 07:02:15

an MSF pneumatic and sadly been sad made similar reports. It's

07:02:15 --> 07:02:17

mentioned in Buhari

07:02:18 --> 07:02:21

and it's a dramatic he said that the only time I heard the prophecy

07:02:21 --> 07:02:24

law was when he was saying, let you let her in law

07:02:25 --> 07:02:27

in advance, said the Prophet salallahu Salam was the most

07:02:27 --> 07:02:30

generous of people and giving gifts and the most generous of all

07:02:30 --> 07:02:31

in the month of Ramadan

07:02:32 --> 07:02:34

when he met Jabril, Ali Salah

07:02:37 --> 07:02:41

he was more generous than even the wind which is sent forth that's a

07:02:41 --> 07:02:45

famous Hadith you'll find that many books of Hadith but it comes

07:02:45 --> 07:02:47

from Bukhari and Muslim and I said that a man asked him for something

07:02:47 --> 07:02:51

and it gave them all the sheep between two mountains the man

07:02:51 --> 07:02:54

returned to his people and said become Muslim Mohammed gives gives

07:02:54 --> 07:02:57

the gift of a man who does not fear poverty

07:03:08 --> 07:03:10

think there's a problem here. There we go.

07:03:15 --> 07:03:19

I'm sorry about this lighting today. Strange. We're probably

07:03:19 --> 07:03:22

going to end a little bit early this session I'll be just go

07:03:22 --> 07:03:25

another five minutes because I'm having some technical difficulties

07:03:25 --> 07:03:25


07:03:29 --> 07:03:30

He continues

07:03:35 --> 07:03:38

he gave 100 camels to more than one person you give someone 100

07:03:38 --> 07:03:42

than 100. And then 100. This had been his character since before he

07:03:42 --> 07:03:45

was entrusted with the message wonderful but no fool told him.

07:03:46 --> 07:03:50

You they're all in the change what others are denied. So this was the

07:03:50 --> 07:03:54

attitude, the character the the hook of the Prophet sallallaahu

07:03:54 --> 07:04:00

Salam, even before the message has descended upon Him. This is just

07:04:00 --> 07:04:03

how he was created as a generous person.

07:04:05 --> 07:04:09

He returned the captives of Hawaii who number 6000. He gave up so

07:04:09 --> 07:04:13

much gold that he could not carry it 90,000 deer hems were brought

07:04:13 --> 07:04:16

to him and he placed them on a mat and then got up and distributed

07:04:16 --> 07:04:20

them. He did not turn away anyone who asked him until he had given

07:04:20 --> 07:04:21

them all away.

07:04:24 --> 07:04:27

A man came and asked him for something the Prophet said, I do

07:04:27 --> 07:04:30

not have anything but buy something on my account. And when

07:04:30 --> 07:04:33

I get the money, I will pay for it. So this hadith is opportunity.

07:04:34 --> 07:04:38

And Omar said Allah has not obliged you to do what you're not

07:04:38 --> 07:04:41

able to do. The Prophet disliked that so the man of the InSAR said

07:04:41 --> 07:04:44

messenger of Allah spend that do not fear a lessening from the

07:04:44 --> 07:04:48

master of the throne. The Prophet smiled and a player can be seen in

07:04:48 --> 07:04:51

his face he said I'm commanded to this

07:04:54 --> 07:04:58

was mentioned by it was mentioned that no I would ignore after all,

07:04:58 --> 07:05:00

said I brought the Prophet peace be upon him.

07:05:00 --> 07:05:03

Have a plate of fresh gates and cucumber and he gave me a handful

07:05:03 --> 07:05:05

of jewelry and gold

07:05:08 --> 07:05:11

so that's the end of basically that's the end of section 13

07:05:14 --> 07:05:18

So I think I'm going to stop at this point because there's like I

07:05:18 --> 07:05:20

said, we're having some technical difficulties here.

07:05:23 --> 07:05:25

Like to do

07:05:26 --> 07:05:30

sections probably finish the chapter next time inshallah. So we

07:05:30 --> 07:05:33

have three sessions and then we have two sessions left session

07:05:33 --> 07:05:37

nine and session 10. So we will return inshallah next week,

07:05:38 --> 07:05:42

Wednesday at eight and we'll make a push to finish

07:05:44 --> 07:05:50

chapter two by the end of the 10th attempt session inshallah family

07:05:50 --> 07:05:50


07:05:54 --> 07:05:56

CENOMAR hola como la Hill wabarakatuh

07:05:58 --> 07:06:02

seminar from all over him or solo Allahu Allah Satan Mohammed in one

07:06:02 --> 07:06:06

early he was a huge marine Subhan Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah

07:06:06 --> 07:06:10

Allah Allah tena indica until animal Hakeem Hola Hola, wala

07:06:10 --> 07:06:12

Quwata illa de la la li loving.

07:06:13 --> 07:06:16

Salam Monica Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

07:06:18 --> 07:06:23

Welcome to another session of acquainting ourselves with the

07:06:23 --> 07:06:27

messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. This

07:06:27 --> 07:06:33

is our ninth session out of 10 Next week is our final session in

07:06:33 --> 07:06:37

sha Allah. And we will end next week in sha Allah in the blessing

07:06:37 --> 07:06:43

month of Ramadan. So I want to wish everyone in early Ramadan

07:06:43 --> 07:06:43


07:06:45 --> 07:06:48

May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it a month of immense benefit

07:06:49 --> 07:06:51

for us and our families and for

07:06:52 --> 07:06:56

all of the Muslims around the world, as well as all of humanity,

07:06:57 --> 07:07:00

Inshallah, to Allah, the trials and tribulations that we're all

07:07:00 --> 07:07:01

going through.

07:07:02 --> 07:07:04

Due to the pandemic in sha Allah will be

07:07:05 --> 07:07:09

lightened upon us, by our Lord Allah subhanho wa taala.

07:07:11 --> 07:07:13

So we are part one,

07:07:14 --> 07:07:18

this is chapter two, this chapter is called The Prophets perfect

07:07:18 --> 07:07:20

qualities of character.

07:07:22 --> 07:07:26

And we're going to start here with section 17 Insha Allah Allah, so

07:07:26 --> 07:07:31

in my translation, but I have usually this is page 64.

07:07:32 --> 07:07:35

Section 17 is called compassion and mercy.

07:07:36 --> 07:07:42

And of course, this is very important section encompasses or

07:07:42 --> 07:07:46

epitomizes the whole look, the character ethics of the Prophet

07:07:46 --> 07:07:50

salallahu Salam, as I mentioned in the past, record, the famous

07:07:50 --> 07:07:51

hadith of Rama

07:07:52 --> 07:07:55

or Rafi Mori, or from a from a rush man or Hanuman fill order

07:07:55 --> 07:07:59

your hemco Memphis Sama, or your hammock woman this summer, show

07:08:00 --> 07:08:03

that the most benefits of the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

07:08:03 --> 07:08:06

shows mercy to those who show mercy. Show mercy to those on the

07:08:06 --> 07:08:10

earth and the one in heaven and no anthropomorphic sense will show

07:08:10 --> 07:08:10

you mercy.

07:08:12 --> 07:08:15

And we said that this is the Hadith that children learn at five

07:08:15 --> 07:08:17

years old. This is the Hadith that sets the foundation

07:08:18 --> 07:08:23

for their education, Islamic education for this is the Hadith

07:08:23 --> 07:08:26

that first acquaints them with the prophets of the body. So then

07:08:26 --> 07:08:27

because Rama is a great

07:08:28 --> 07:08:30

virtue that we want to cultivate.

07:08:32 --> 07:08:35

So it begins as for compassion, while the area that our Hema home

07:08:35 --> 07:08:39

Allah He begins section 17 asked for compassion, tenderness and

07:08:39 --> 07:08:44

mercy to all creation. Allah said about him. And here he's quoting

07:08:44 --> 07:08:48

again, and the translation here says Sudha Yunus 128, but this is

07:08:48 --> 07:08:52

a Toba. This is a very end of Surah Toba those two beautiful

07:08:52 --> 07:08:56

verses at the very end. Look at the Jet Okumura tsunami and fusi

07:08:56 --> 07:08:59

come in recorded these earlier we recorded them in the past.

07:09:00 --> 07:09:04

He quoted them there for a different reason. But these verses

07:09:04 --> 07:09:07

begin very early there has come on to you a Messenger from among

07:09:07 --> 07:09:11

yourselves and we said and fusi comb is also read as unfussy come

07:09:11 --> 07:09:16

from the from the most notable among you and that ladder reading

07:09:16 --> 07:09:20

is considered a shadow reading it's not multiplayer tested, so

07:09:20 --> 07:09:22

it's not recited in prayer.

07:09:23 --> 07:09:26

It's not considered authentically Quran because it could not be

07:09:26 --> 07:09:29

established through multiple channels but has the strength of a

07:09:29 --> 07:09:35

hadith. And then he says ICS when Allah Hema I need to, so she

07:09:35 --> 07:09:40

translates grievous to him is what you suffer, or it grieves him that

07:09:40 --> 07:09:44

you should perish that you should suffer. So the him here refers to

07:09:44 --> 07:09:47

the Prophet salallahu Salam and then it says

07:09:49 --> 07:09:54

how do you Sona Aliko How do you sort alikhan anxious for you are

07:09:54 --> 07:09:58

deeply concerned et Cie about you mean what meaning are all for

07:09:58 --> 07:10:00

Rahim can

07:10:00 --> 07:10:06

passionate is he merciful to the believers? Right? So that's a

07:10:06 --> 07:10:11

toboe Verse 128, a beautiful idea,

07:10:13 --> 07:10:17

describing the character, the mercy of the Prophet salallahu

07:10:17 --> 07:10:18


07:10:19 --> 07:10:23

that Allah says, he says here, Marcel NACA Illa Mateen. In

07:10:23 --> 07:10:27

Alameen. We only sent you as a mercy to all the worlds and we

07:10:27 --> 07:10:32

said in previous sessions as well, that this is the quintessential

07:10:33 --> 07:10:38

Prophet illogical verse in the Quran, this is the equivalent of

07:10:38 --> 07:10:41

our John 316. Remember, we said that, whenever a Christian wants

07:10:41 --> 07:10:42

to make a convert,

07:10:44 --> 07:10:47

very quickly, he wants to give him something like, for example, if

07:10:47 --> 07:10:50

he's on the the BART train at a subway, something like that, and

07:10:50 --> 07:10:53

he wants to make some Dawa to a non Christian he'll quote John

07:10:53 --> 07:10:55

316, which is basically

07:10:56 --> 07:11:01

Christian theology or Christology in a nutshell, I would say this is

07:11:01 --> 07:11:07

comparable to that, that this is a beautiful summation of the the

07:11:07 --> 07:11:10

very essence of the Prophet salallahu, Southern Sonata in that

07:11:10 --> 07:11:13

matter, and we said that Allah describes him with announcing

07:11:13 --> 07:11:18

Ramadan, we did not send you except as a mercy, not, we did not

07:11:18 --> 07:11:21

send you except that you might show mercy. He doesn't use a verb.

07:11:22 --> 07:11:27

He describes the Prophet Muhammad 10 and a noun or he must or an

07:11:27 --> 07:11:30

essence in Arabic describes the very nature of that thing that

07:11:30 --> 07:11:32

that's who he is that he is essentially mercy.

07:11:35 --> 07:11:39

Maternal, I mean, what is it? I mean, there's difference of

07:11:39 --> 07:11:43

opinion as to what Liliana means we did not send you as, except as

07:11:43 --> 07:11:48

a mercy to the world's what is the world's mean? Some of them were

07:11:48 --> 07:11:51

first sitting, say the meaning of this is Kulu. Mas see, well law,

07:11:51 --> 07:11:56

everything other than God. In other words, all of creation to

07:11:56 --> 07:12:00

the prophets of allottee. Sydenham is created, but he is sent as a

07:12:00 --> 07:12:04

mercy to the rest of creation, because he's the best of creation.

07:12:05 --> 07:12:09

That he's better than and this is by consensus. He's, he's, he's

07:12:09 --> 07:12:14

greater than the Kaaba, he's, he's greater than the low he's, he's

07:12:14 --> 07:12:18

better than the Arash in the quarter. See, he is the best of

07:12:18 --> 07:12:19

creation. He's better than Jenna.

07:12:20 --> 07:12:24

And then the question arises, if he's better than Jana, then what's

07:12:24 --> 07:12:30

his reward? Right? If he's better than Jenna, what's his reward? How

07:12:30 --> 07:12:33

can he be rewarded with something that is inferior to him? And of

07:12:33 --> 07:12:36

course the answer from the aroma is, well he will get to Jannah.

07:12:36 --> 07:12:41

But he will be in the presence of a loss of kind of what to Allah,

07:12:41 --> 07:12:46

He will enjoy the highest type of union with ALLAH SubhanA what

07:12:46 --> 07:12:46


07:12:48 --> 07:12:52

so his his gender is Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Jana of

07:12:52 --> 07:12:55

Jana is actually the prophets of Allah you send them that gender

07:12:55 --> 07:13:00

itself is honored by having the Prophet within itself.

07:13:03 --> 07:13:04

So, another

07:13:06 --> 07:13:11

opinion is that an anime needs jinn and it's a fact baleen as

07:13:11 --> 07:13:15

they're called, in the Quran, the two weighty things gin and it's,

07:13:15 --> 07:13:18

so think about the four elements, human beings are made up of the

07:13:18 --> 07:13:23

two elements, water and earth, if you will, and then you have our

07:13:23 --> 07:13:29

counterpart, the jinn, Wind and Fire, right? So they can see us

07:13:29 --> 07:13:33

but we can't necessarily see them but we believe in their, in their

07:13:33 --> 07:13:38

existence. And we believe in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu

07:13:38 --> 07:13:42

Salam when he tells us about the jinn. So some modern hermeneutics

07:13:42 --> 07:13:44

of the Quran that wants to sort of

07:13:46 --> 07:13:49

read the Quran through the lens of modern science, there's a few

07:13:49 --> 07:13:51

things you can do with this, but some people take it to extreme

07:13:51 --> 07:13:56

measures and say, well the jinn are actually microbes or something

07:13:56 --> 07:13:56

like that.

07:13:58 --> 07:14:04

Will leave these weird opinions of some of the modernists today and

07:14:04 --> 07:14:08

say, sort of Allah will Adim sadaqa rasool Allah, Allah and His

07:14:08 --> 07:14:12

Messenger know best and Allah subhanho wa Taala as well as well

07:14:12 --> 07:14:15

as the prophets of Allah Ali Salam has described the jinn in numerous

07:14:16 --> 07:14:17


07:14:18 --> 07:14:23

and that the jinn are not only have sentience, right, like all

07:14:24 --> 07:14:28

living things, sentience, the Latin word meaning that they feel

07:14:28 --> 07:14:33

things they can sense certain things, right. So even animals

07:14:33 --> 07:14:36

have sentience, they feel pleasure, they feel pain, they

07:14:36 --> 07:14:43

have senses. But here are Alameen means the sentient as well as the

07:14:43 --> 07:14:49

SAP essential beings SAP Ian's which means wisdom, or aka. Right

07:14:49 --> 07:14:53

so here, and Alameen Leela Alameen, according to some of the

07:14:53 --> 07:14:57

exigence means, Jin and it's, in other words, those created

07:14:57 --> 07:14:59

entities that not only have sentience, but

07:15:00 --> 07:15:05

Have Sapiens they have intellect and that the revelation the ye ne

07:15:05 --> 07:15:08

ye the revelation from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is always

07:15:08 --> 07:15:12

understood through the intellect the intellect is primary. That's

07:15:12 --> 07:15:16

why if if somebody receives the Quran and they don't have sound

07:15:16 --> 07:15:20

intellect they're not responsible to believe in the Quran is you

07:15:20 --> 07:15:24

need an intellect to understand the Quran so the prophets of Allah

07:15:24 --> 07:15:30

the cinnamon is the bridge, if you will, between a basic awareness of

07:15:30 --> 07:15:34

God, it basic awareness of the existence of Allah subhana what's

07:15:34 --> 07:15:38

Allah which many philosophers and theologians argue, is something

07:15:38 --> 07:15:42

that is innate, something that is natural to the human being, any

07:15:42 --> 07:15:43

human being.

07:15:45 --> 07:15:50

Using their intellect, using their mind will come naturally to the

07:15:50 --> 07:15:52

conclusion that there is a singular creator,

07:15:53 --> 07:15:54

to everything.

07:15:56 --> 07:16:02

So the profit then, is a bridge between this this basic natural

07:16:02 --> 07:16:04

awareness of a loss of kind of what's out of that every human

07:16:04 --> 07:16:10

being possesses and a deep Gnosis a deep sort of intimate knowledge

07:16:10 --> 07:16:14

or what we call MADI fi of Allah to kind of what the out of the

07:16:14 --> 07:16:17

Prophet is a bridge between that because he brings us the

07:16:17 --> 07:16:21

revelation that he is the means of the Revelation. So in this sense,

07:16:21 --> 07:16:25

the Prophet salallahu Salam is reimagining al Amin because he's

07:16:25 --> 07:16:31

giving us the ye the Kitab Allah, he's teaching us by example how to

07:16:31 --> 07:16:34

have a deep intimate modified gnosis of Allah subhanho wa taala.

07:16:34 --> 07:16:40

And as we said, Marisa leads to muhabba, to unconditional love and

07:16:40 --> 07:16:45

one when one has unconditional love of Allah subhana wa to Allah.

07:16:45 --> 07:16:49

Then one is saved Inshallah, to Allah, by the Grace of Allah

07:16:49 --> 07:16:50

subhanho wa taala.

07:16:51 --> 07:16:57

Even if one has mistakes in Aveda, now we try our best to correct our

07:16:57 --> 07:16:59

Aveda. And this is something that is important and we shouldn't

07:16:59 --> 07:17:04

downplay. But ultimately, we may say things we may

07:17:05 --> 07:17:11

do certain practices that are actually counter to our tradition

07:17:11 --> 07:17:17

out of ignorance. And that's why we we asked me Toba to also kind

07:17:17 --> 07:17:21

of what to highlight as Allah to forgive our shortcomings. And

07:17:21 --> 07:17:25

ultimately, it is our love of Allah and His messenger that will

07:17:25 --> 07:17:30

save us there's a famous hadith of a man who, who was a senator and

07:17:30 --> 07:17:35

he died before he died. He instructed his two sons by saying

07:17:35 --> 07:17:40

that when I die, cremate my body and then climb to the highest

07:17:40 --> 07:17:45

mountaintop, you can find and scatter my ashes to the wind. And

07:17:45 --> 07:17:50

his son said, why would we do that? And he said, I don't want a

07:17:50 --> 07:17:55

law to be able to reconstruct my body on the young Luca Yama

07:17:57 --> 07:18:01

so that I won't have to stand judgment. Now that is an incorrect

07:18:01 --> 07:18:05

belief. If you believe that Allah also kind of what to Allah does

07:18:05 --> 07:18:10

not have the power to reconstruct your body even after it's been

07:18:11 --> 07:18:15

incinerated and scattered to the wind, then that's cool for that's

07:18:15 --> 07:18:23

technically infidelity. Now, that hadith continues that. This man on

07:18:23 --> 07:18:27

the Yama Yama he was reassembled by Allah Subhana Allah to ALLAH

07:18:27 --> 07:18:32

because ALLAH SubhanA wa to Allah is Allah cada he is omnipotent in

07:18:32 --> 07:18:36

Allah Allah Cooley shaitan Kadir, Allah subhanho wa Taala has power

07:18:36 --> 07:18:41

over all things. So he reconstructed this man. And when

07:18:41 --> 07:18:44

he asked, and Allah knows best, this is for our own edification,

07:18:44 --> 07:18:47

Allah is not asking a question because he doesn't know something.

07:18:47 --> 07:18:50

Or Allah, we could be shaking Aileen Allah to kind of what the

07:18:50 --> 07:18:53

other is certainly omniscient. But when he asked the man Why did you

07:18:53 --> 07:18:56

do that? Why did you instruct your sons to do that? He said, I was

07:18:56 --> 07:18:59

ashamed and alasa kind of what to Allah forgave the man even though

07:18:59 --> 07:19:02

he had this air in his in his Arpita.

07:19:04 --> 07:19:07

So this is something that it's obviously important for us as

07:19:07 --> 07:19:12

Muslims to understand Theology at a deep level. But we have to also

07:19:12 --> 07:19:15

understand that by and large, the

07:19:16 --> 07:19:19

you know, the masses of people, this is not something that's a

07:19:19 --> 07:19:22

priority for them, and we should keep the religion quite simple.

07:19:22 --> 07:19:28

And Islam is is, is a simple religion, not not a religion. For

07:19:28 --> 07:19:32

simple minded people. There's a difference here. But Islam as a as

07:19:32 --> 07:19:36

a basic creed, and salvation in Islam is not a difficult thing.

07:19:36 --> 07:19:37

We'll get more into that

07:19:38 --> 07:19:43

later, but the essence of our theology is our loss. And this is

07:19:43 --> 07:19:47

just a few verses long. And this is what we should teach people.

07:19:47 --> 07:19:53

And unless you're going to be, you know, a discursive theologian or a

07:19:53 --> 07:19:54

polemicist, or something like that.

07:19:56 --> 07:19:59

Or if you just simply have an interest in studying theology at a

07:19:59 --> 07:20:00


07:20:00 --> 07:20:02

level which is certainly possible.

07:20:03 --> 07:20:07

You don't need to get into the debates of the relationship

07:20:07 --> 07:20:10

between the vat of Allah the essence of ALLAH and his SIFAT and

07:20:10 --> 07:20:15

his attributes and in the Kalambo law on created or created,

07:20:16 --> 07:20:19

really this these topics don't enter and don't enter into the

07:20:19 --> 07:20:25

discourse of the vast vast majority of human beings. And the

07:20:25 --> 07:20:28

aroma as aroma we should know and as professors we should know that

07:20:28 --> 07:20:32

we should know that sometimes when we delve into these things, they

07:20:32 --> 07:20:35

could cause actually more confusion amongst the people.

07:20:36 --> 07:20:41

Now we should stick to broad based principles. On who Allahu Ahad say

07:20:41 --> 07:20:45

God is One Allahu Samad lamb yet when I'm you lad God is

07:20:45 --> 07:20:49

independent you did not get nor was he gotten meaning he's not

07:20:49 --> 07:20:54

somehow caused by something he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't make

07:20:54 --> 07:20:57

an effective that's equal to Him. While me a cool little Khufu, and

07:20:57 --> 07:21:00

there's nothing comparable to Allah subhanho wa taala.

07:21:02 --> 07:21:06

So, as we said, the Prophet salallahu Salam, then is that

07:21:06 --> 07:21:10

bridge between the basic knowledge of God awareness of God that is

07:21:10 --> 07:21:14

innate within all human beings, just from the intellect, the mind,

07:21:14 --> 07:21:16

and a deep Marathi for

07:21:17 --> 07:21:21

intimate knowledge leading to muhabba, leading to unconditional

07:21:21 --> 07:21:25

love of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and that's noodled either

07:21:25 --> 07:21:28

new or quantity MAMARAZZI and others when Allah to kind of what

07:21:28 --> 07:21:31

the Allah says northern Allah newer in Iowa to move to Chapter

07:21:31 --> 07:21:36

24 Verse 35, I believe the meaning of this is not an apple,

07:21:36 --> 07:21:40

Revelation and intellect working together below item. He continues

07:21:40 --> 07:21:44

to recall they are yet he says, part of his excellence is that

07:21:44 --> 07:21:48

Allah gave him to have his own names. So Allah subhanaw taala

07:21:48 --> 07:21:51

gives the prophets of Allah Sydenham to have his own name

07:21:51 --> 07:21:57

saying, Bill, meaning for Rahim and the LMI specify here many of

07:21:57 --> 07:22:02

them are for studying they say this part of the eye is Hoss it's

07:22:02 --> 07:22:05

for the believers because that's what it says Bill meaning for him

07:22:05 --> 07:22:08

but before that, the prophets concern how do you swim Alikum

07:22:11 --> 07:22:15

what is a cobra swim in physical disease when Allah Hema I need to

07:22:15 --> 07:22:19

hurry soon Alikum a Grieveson that you should perish deeply concerned

07:22:19 --> 07:22:23

about you This is more universal This is an AMA this is for all of

07:22:23 --> 07:22:27

humanity. This is all for gently for all of gin and ins but they've

07:22:27 --> 07:22:31

been meaning are all for Rahim. This is for the believers. This is

07:22:31 --> 07:22:34

a special type of concern. Merciful and Compassionate is he

07:22:34 --> 07:22:37

to the believers. And these are two names of Allah subhanho wa

07:22:37 --> 07:22:41

taala. Allah is Allah wolfies or Rahim and notice with Allah

07:22:41 --> 07:22:45

there's definite articles he is the most compassionate He is the

07:22:45 --> 07:22:48

Most Merciful. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam however, is a

07:22:48 --> 07:22:54

reflection of these divine names at a human level. Right so we

07:22:54 --> 07:22:58

should all try to emulate as it were, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah

07:22:58 --> 07:23:03

in His divine qualities, does it make us divine? It makes us

07:23:04 --> 07:23:08

pious believers to holla cobia floppy Allah right, this is a

07:23:08 --> 07:23:11

Hadith there's weakness in the Hadith with the ultimate quoted,

07:23:11 --> 07:23:16

adorn yourself with the qualities of Allah subhana wa Tada. And we

07:23:16 --> 07:23:19

mentioned this before in the past as well many, many are the mine

07:23:19 --> 07:23:24

included including the Mamos Realty and even a jiba and the

07:23:24 --> 07:23:27

marble khazali They've written commentaries on the smell of Allah

07:23:27 --> 07:23:30

subhanaw taala, that the glorious majestic names,

07:23:32 --> 07:23:34

the majestic and Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And

07:23:34 --> 07:23:37

they said that with all of these names, there's a, there's a

07:23:37 --> 07:23:41

there's a human element that we can, there's not necessarily not a

07:23:41 --> 07:23:45

human element there's there's, there's a there's a understanding

07:23:45 --> 07:23:49

of these names that we can appropriate into our lives at a

07:23:49 --> 07:23:54

human level. Right so if Allah so kind of what to Allah is a rush

07:23:54 --> 07:23:58

man, he's rocking, you know, the infinitely Merciful, the

07:23:58 --> 07:24:00

infinitely loving and compassionate we can also be

07:24:00 --> 07:24:06

people of compassion, mercy and love, in a limited, limited human

07:24:06 --> 07:24:10

sense, in that in that way, nearing a loss of kind of what the

07:24:10 --> 07:24:10


07:24:13 --> 07:24:17

industry related that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, None of

07:24:17 --> 07:24:20

you should come to me with anything about my companions. For

07:24:20 --> 07:24:23

I do not want to go out to you except with a clear heart. The

07:24:23 --> 07:24:27

hadith is an award and activity that the Prophet sallallaahu

07:24:27 --> 07:24:34

Salam, he wanted us to formulate that Sr. He wanted him. He wanted

07:24:35 --> 07:24:41

to formulate his own opinions about people. Right that he didn't

07:24:41 --> 07:24:46

like this what's known as de la kala. He said she said, what we

07:24:46 --> 07:24:50

would call sort of gossip or hearsay. The prophets of Allah the

07:24:50 --> 07:24:54

salam did not want to hear things about people without going out in

07:24:54 --> 07:24:58

meeting them first and formulating his own his own ideas about the

07:24:58 --> 07:24:59


07:25:00 --> 07:25:03

As part of his compassion called the Ariad continues, part of his

07:25:03 --> 07:25:07

compassion towards his community was that he made things easy for

07:25:07 --> 07:25:11

them. He disliked doing things, he disliked doing certain things out

07:25:11 --> 07:25:16

of the fear that they would become obligatory for them. He said,

07:25:17 --> 07:25:20

If I have not been compassionate to my community, I would have

07:25:20 --> 07:25:23

commanded them to use the sea wax where the tooth stick the

07:25:23 --> 07:25:27

toothbrush, if you will, every time they did will do Hadith in

07:25:27 --> 07:25:31

Bukhari, and Muslim. So what he's saying here is that the prophets

07:25:31 --> 07:25:35

of the body southern would sometimes leave certain practices

07:25:35 --> 07:25:41

on occasion, because he knew that if he that if he was unwaveringly

07:25:41 --> 07:25:47

consistent with those practices, and future jurists, Muslim jurist,

07:25:47 --> 07:25:52

the jurists, the folk Aha, would have considered them as far as

07:25:52 --> 07:25:57

obligatory so he wasn't totally consistent in those practices. And

07:25:57 --> 07:26:00

this is from the mercy of the Prophet salallahu Salam. So one of

07:26:00 --> 07:26:04

the things is the use of the sea whacker or the truth stick, that

07:26:04 --> 07:26:08

he would use it quite often but not always. Another thing Ramadan

07:26:08 --> 07:26:11

that's that's mentioned here by the yard Ramadan prayers a total

07:26:11 --> 07:26:16

week. Sometimes he would do those prayers, perform those prayers in

07:26:16 --> 07:26:19

his house and sometimes in the masjid, that he didn't fast every

07:26:19 --> 07:26:25

single day. His dislike of entering the Kaaba itself during

07:26:25 --> 07:26:29

the pilgrimage, lest it become obligatory and become a hardship

07:26:29 --> 07:26:30

for the Ummah

07:26:31 --> 07:26:34

that he would shorten the prayer Father Ariad mentions if he heard

07:26:34 --> 07:26:38

a child crying, and that's the practice that he would do to make

07:26:38 --> 07:26:40

things easier for us.

07:26:41 --> 07:26:45

Aisha said the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam was never given

07:26:45 --> 07:26:49

a choice between two things but that he chose the easier of the

07:26:49 --> 07:26:53

two. Right and this goes back to the Hadith recorder, the beautiful

07:26:53 --> 07:26:57

Hadith we quoted a couple of weeks ago. Yes, you know Allah to ask

07:26:57 --> 07:26:59

you to bless you to Allah to nephew and we looked at some of

07:26:59 --> 07:27:04

the rhetorical structure, the parallel structure of this hadith

07:27:04 --> 07:27:07

and some other Hadith as well, and how they're, they're incredibly

07:27:07 --> 07:27:10

composed beautifully and exquisitely composed

07:27:12 --> 07:27:17

in their syntax, and their rhetorical power. So this hadith,

07:27:17 --> 07:27:21

the translation is something like make things easy for people, and

07:27:21 --> 07:27:25

don't make them difficult, and give people glad tidings and don't

07:27:25 --> 07:27:30

scare people, right. Don't use a scare tactic. If people Glad

07:27:30 --> 07:27:33

Tidings it doesn't mean you know, not to tell people the truth and,

07:27:33 --> 07:27:35

you know, there's there's certainly things that we should be

07:27:35 --> 07:27:39

concerned about the punishment in the grave and the Yeoman Fiamma,

07:27:39 --> 07:27:43

right the the idea of a pub on the hisab on the on the piano and in

07:27:43 --> 07:27:48

the fear of Jahannam and things like that. That's true. But

07:27:48 --> 07:27:52

generally we should be giving people Glad Tidings because

07:27:52 --> 07:27:56

ultimately, the the knowledge of Allah subhana with Abba is a means

07:27:56 --> 07:28:01

of salvation for people and salvation for for our

07:28:01 --> 07:28:04

understanding of salvation is that is that it never ends Holly Dean

07:28:04 --> 07:28:08

if he had a bad day, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, In the Quran about

07:28:08 --> 07:28:12

the denizens of paradise about Jenna that they will eternally

07:28:12 --> 07:28:16

abide or perpetually probably a better translation perpetually

07:28:16 --> 07:28:20

abide there and because nothing is nothing is intrinsically eternal,

07:28:20 --> 07:28:25

nothing has an ID of that T except the loss of kinda wants to Allah

07:28:25 --> 07:28:26

but he gives Jenner

07:28:27 --> 07:28:31

which is a created thing, the quality of perpetuity or

07:28:31 --> 07:28:35

immortality, so he will also give that quality inshallah to Allah to

07:28:35 --> 07:28:40

our souls in Gen NASA that we will continue in perpetuity to live in

07:28:40 --> 07:28:41


07:28:42 --> 07:28:46

by the permission, and will of Allah subhanho wa taala.

07:28:48 --> 07:28:52

So, he was easy going right saheliyon hole up, as his

07:28:52 --> 07:28:58

companions have described him easygoing, disposition, even mess

07:28:58 --> 07:29:01

around said, the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam was

07:29:01 --> 07:29:07

careful when He admonished us, fearing he would tire us. And the

07:29:07 --> 07:29:11

hadith is most Muslim and Behati. According to the translator here,

07:29:12 --> 07:29:17

admonished means to teach or to advise or to warn, right?

07:29:18 --> 07:29:22

That he did not want to overwhelm his students, the sahaba.

07:29:24 --> 07:29:26

And this is a mark of a great teacher, a great teacher is very

07:29:26 --> 07:29:29

patient, a great teacher

07:29:30 --> 07:29:33

will knows how to build upon

07:29:34 --> 07:29:36

previous lessons,

07:29:37 --> 07:29:41

doesn't get to the conclusion of things, or to the answer of

07:29:41 --> 07:29:43

questions, even if they're if they're students in the class are

07:29:43 --> 07:29:49

asking questions that are not related completely to the topic or

07:29:50 --> 07:29:55

if you know that the professor is or teacher is speaking about very

07:29:55 --> 07:29:58

basic things, introductory things, and there's a student who wants to

07:29:58 --> 07:29:59

know advance

07:30:00 --> 07:30:03

Certain things, then the teacher knows not to answer the questions

07:30:03 --> 07:30:06

at that time doesn't mean that the teacher doesn't know the answer.

07:30:06 --> 07:30:09

It just means that it's not beneficial at that particular time

07:30:09 --> 07:30:14

to reveal the answer. And this is again part of the wisdom of being

07:30:14 --> 07:30:18

a teacher. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was very

07:30:18 --> 07:30:23

careful about, about tiring out cert, the sahaba.

07:30:25 --> 07:30:27

When he was admonishing or teaching them, he would give them

07:30:27 --> 07:30:32

things and dosages, if you will. So can digest them think about

07:30:32 --> 07:30:36

things and then he gives them more is really an art form. Teaching is

07:30:36 --> 07:30:40

not an easy thing, and it must be done very carefully.

07:30:41 --> 07:30:45

Alright, and the Greek word obviously for teaching a child is

07:30:45 --> 07:30:51

pedagogy. Tice meaning child and I'll go in Greek meaning to lead

07:30:51 --> 07:30:53

so you're leading a child, right?

07:30:54 --> 07:30:58

So it's a very, very delicate process, especially if they're

07:30:58 --> 07:31:02

children, because those are things that children don't forget, and

07:31:02 --> 07:31:03

you're setting a strong foundation.

07:31:05 --> 07:31:09

He says you're Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, and I was writing an unruly

07:31:09 --> 07:31:13

camel, which was recalcitrant and Spanish, she started to hit it

07:31:13 --> 07:31:17

repeatedly. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, You must

07:31:17 --> 07:31:22

have compassion the Hadith isn't made happy. All right. So here

07:31:22 --> 07:31:27

he's talking about a camel and animal, right the raw material I

07:31:27 --> 07:31:30

mean, so he is a mercy to

07:31:32 --> 07:31:36

to all the worlds including the the animal kingdom, that the

07:31:36 --> 07:31:38

Prophet sallallahu sallam said and other Hadith

07:31:41 --> 07:31:47

the WABA the Hora de la manera, come upon it. So that was salam

07:31:47 --> 07:31:52

that don't take the backs of your riding beasts, whatever they are,

07:31:52 --> 07:31:57

horses or camels don't take them as being pulpits. In other words,

07:31:57 --> 07:32:01

don't just sit on your animal and start, you know, pontificating and

07:32:01 --> 07:32:05

giving these long sermons, because that's, that tires off the animal.

07:32:05 --> 07:32:10

That's, that's, that's, that's putting undue stress on the

07:32:10 --> 07:32:14

animals. So here, he's talking about animal rights, he centered

07:32:14 --> 07:32:18

the Sahaba ones, because they burned an anthill, he centered the

07:32:18 --> 07:32:22

Sahaba once, because they took eggs from a mother bird, and the

07:32:22 --> 07:32:25

motherboard started flapping its wings, and he said, return these

07:32:25 --> 07:32:31

eggs to the mother bird, so he did not approve of animal abuse, this

07:32:31 --> 07:32:35

doesn't mean that we should all be vegans and, you know, really

07:32:35 --> 07:32:41

interesting, some, some modern people how they prioritize certain

07:32:41 --> 07:32:45

things. I mean, you know, it seems like the intention is in the right

07:32:45 --> 07:32:49

place, but then you think about the contradictions of some of

07:32:49 --> 07:32:51

their positions, you have people that go into, you know,

07:32:51 --> 07:32:56

restaurants and, and start yelling at people because they're eating

07:32:56 --> 07:33:01

eggs. And saying that, you know, this is a, this is a, this is a

07:33:01 --> 07:33:04

life and you're, you're eating something that's alive, and it had

07:33:04 --> 07:33:09

a name. Some of these people are also completely pro abortion. Even

07:33:09 --> 07:33:14

in the third trimester, I mean, it's very strange, you know, save

07:33:14 --> 07:33:17

the chickens, save the whale, save the trees, but kill the babies.

07:33:18 --> 07:33:23

Because my body by choice, right, I have bodily autonomy. So this is

07:33:23 --> 07:33:25

a it's very interesting. And it's really a worship of the knifes,

07:33:25 --> 07:33:28

right, they can control themselves. They act

07:33:28 --> 07:33:32

irresponsibly, they do things they fornication, and then they get

07:33:32 --> 07:33:36

pregnant, and then they want to justify to themselves that this

07:33:36 --> 07:33:40

is, this is a moral thing I'm doing because it's my body and I

07:33:40 --> 07:33:41

can do whatever I want with it.

07:33:42 --> 07:33:46

But they know deep down inside that there certainly the

07:33:46 --> 07:33:47


07:33:48 --> 07:33:52

is bothering them and you can you can and this is something that you

07:33:52 --> 07:33:55

can see with their testimonials.

07:33:56 --> 07:33:59

And some of them are not bothered and you work on wonder about their

07:33:59 --> 07:34:01

humanity. Anyway.

07:34:02 --> 07:34:05

So the Prophet said, Sasha here must come back and

07:34:11 --> 07:34:15

that's the end of section 18 center 17 was brought to the

07:34:15 --> 07:34:18

profit and sorry this this this section is called integrity

07:34:18 --> 07:34:22

probity and contracts and maintaining ties of kinship and

07:34:22 --> 07:34:25

highlights of the chapter of the sections before

07:34:27 --> 07:34:32

the end of class next week. And I said once, when a gift was brought

07:34:32 --> 07:34:35

to the Prophet salallahu Salam, he said, take it to the house of such

07:34:35 --> 07:34:41

and such a woman. She was a friend of Rhodesia. She, she loved for

07:34:41 --> 07:34:45

Dasia and Aisha said I was never jealous of any woman the way I was

07:34:45 --> 07:34:49

jealous of Khadija, when I heard him mention her. If he sacrifices

07:34:49 --> 07:34:54

sheep, he would send it to her friends. Her sister had had been

07:34:54 --> 07:34:57

to Hawaii lid, asked for permission to enter and he was

07:34:57 --> 07:34:59

happy to see her a woman came to him and

07:35:00 --> 07:35:04

She received her with kindness and asked after her very considerately

07:35:05 --> 07:35:08

when she left he said she used to come to us when Khadija was with

07:35:08 --> 07:35:12

us maintaining ties is it part of belief and the hadith is in

07:35:13 --> 07:35:16

Makati. So the prophets of Allah the sons will first wife her Dasia

07:35:16 --> 07:35:17

passed away

07:35:18 --> 07:35:23

or the Allah Tala on her, she was his first disciple she passed away

07:35:23 --> 07:35:28

in the Meccan period. And Asha was saying that, even as late as the

07:35:28 --> 07:35:32

medina in period, the Prophet salallahu Salam would maintain

07:35:32 --> 07:35:39

ties with relatives of Rhodesia, as well as friends of Khadija he

07:35:39 --> 07:35:42

would continue to honor them

07:35:44 --> 07:35:46

and show them kindness.

07:35:47 --> 07:35:51

The Prophet used to carry mama, his granddaughter by Xena on his

07:35:51 --> 07:35:55

shoulders, when he prostrated he would put her down. When he stood

07:35:55 --> 07:35:56

up, he picked her up.

07:35:59 --> 07:36:03

So, this also reminds me the famous story where the Prophet

07:36:03 --> 07:36:07

salallahu Salam was standing on the pulpit, and he was giving a

07:36:07 --> 07:36:12

football in July. And his very young grandson emailed her saying,

07:36:12 --> 07:36:16

following his grandfather's voice, wandered into the masjid. And the

07:36:16 --> 07:36:20

Prophet sallallaahu Salam descended, the minbar and picked

07:36:20 --> 07:36:25

up his grandson and hugged him and went and then re ascended the

07:36:25 --> 07:36:28

pulpit and finished his football while holding a moment her saying

07:36:29 --> 07:36:34

about the love that I'm who in his arms. This is a testament to the

07:36:34 --> 07:36:38

merciful and tender nature of the prophets of allottee. Seldom

07:36:39 --> 07:36:44

with, with his, you know, not only his wives his companions, not only

07:36:44 --> 07:36:50

with animals, but also with with children. And as we spoke about in

07:36:50 --> 07:36:54

the past, the Prophet salallahu Salam, he continued to show good

07:36:54 --> 07:36:58

character to even his enemies that were trying to attack him. And

07:36:58 --> 07:37:02

this is what was so astounding to a book Soufiane, even though horb,

07:37:03 --> 07:37:08

who, just before the conquest of Mecca became Muslim, and he was

07:37:08 --> 07:37:12

just absolutely smitten that the Prophet salallahu Salam

07:37:14 --> 07:37:16

continued to speak to him with respect.

07:37:17 --> 07:37:22

And, and then he said to him, you know, me, my parents be your

07:37:22 --> 07:37:25

ransom you you still speak to me with respect after all these

07:37:25 --> 07:37:27

years, or I've

07:37:28 --> 07:37:34

tried, I've tried to kill you and, and, and lead, you know, these

07:37:34 --> 07:37:39

military campaigns against you and have killed many of your

07:37:39 --> 07:37:43

companions in battle with the Prophet sallallaahu Salam did not

07:37:43 --> 07:37:47

give up even on his worst enemies, he continued to show them good

07:37:47 --> 07:37:48


07:37:49 --> 07:37:53

And there's a lesson in there. For us again, this is a difficult

07:37:53 --> 07:37:56

thing to do, but he is our ideal, and we should try to strive for

07:37:56 --> 07:37:59

this type of perfection. So the excuse of Well, that's the Prophet

07:37:59 --> 07:38:02

and I just can't do that. He's just so great. He's still a human

07:38:02 --> 07:38:05

being. I mean, the prophets have a body syndrome, he's still got

07:38:05 --> 07:38:09

angry, he, he became depressed at times. And, you know, when he met

07:38:09 --> 07:38:14

washy, the man who killed his beloved uncle Hamza, the Prophet

07:38:14 --> 07:38:18

sallallahu sallam, he just he, he became very, very angry, and he

07:38:18 --> 07:38:21

said, man, never see your face. Again. I mean, that's, that's a

07:38:21 --> 07:38:27

human being. Right? And then eventually, he welcomed washy,

07:38:27 --> 07:38:33

and, and, and he showed him kindness and mercy as well. So

07:38:33 --> 07:38:36

using this excuse of Well, that's the Prophet and he's perfect, and

07:38:36 --> 07:38:41

he's immaculate, and who am I am nothing. The prophets of the body

07:38:41 --> 07:38:43

Salam is also a human being. And many of his,

07:38:45 --> 07:38:46

any of his

07:38:47 --> 07:38:52

reactions to certain situations are, are very similar to what any

07:38:52 --> 07:38:59

human being do initially. But if we see how he

07:39:00 --> 07:39:02

treats situations,

07:39:03 --> 07:39:07

eventually, and his wisdom behind dealing with certain problems in

07:39:07 --> 07:39:11

the society, even within his own household, that's certainly

07:39:11 --> 07:39:15

something that we can emulate and at a certain level, and strive

07:39:15 --> 07:39:19

towards this perfection, you're never going to hit perfection.

07:39:19 --> 07:39:21

We're not going to reach the whole look of the Prophet sallallaahu

07:39:21 --> 07:39:25

Salam, but that's not the point. We strive towards it. It's like an

07:39:25 --> 07:39:28

old football coach named Bill Walsh,

07:39:29 --> 07:39:33

who was the coach of the San Francisco 40, Niners in the 1980s

07:39:33 --> 07:39:37

when the 40 Niners were dynasty and used to tell his quarterback,

07:39:38 --> 07:39:41

Joe Montana, he would say to him, when you throw the ball to a

07:39:41 --> 07:39:46

receiver, aim 12 inches right in front of the numbers. Anything

07:39:46 --> 07:39:49

other than that is imperfect and you've missed the target no 12

07:39:49 --> 07:39:52

inches in from the numbers. Can you imagine that on a 40 yard

07:39:52 --> 07:39:56

pass? Because that was perfection, you aim towards perfection.

07:39:57 --> 07:40:00

And you're obviously going to come short, but you'll you might

07:40:00 --> 07:40:01

come close to it.

07:40:03 --> 07:40:07

So the Prophet salallahu Salam is is our perfect role model, and we

07:40:07 --> 07:40:12

should try our best to emulate his character and not make excuses and

07:40:12 --> 07:40:16

we fall short we fall short and make Toba but we keep trying.

07:40:19 --> 07:40:23

Now, he said Abu Qatada said a delegation from the Negus that's

07:40:23 --> 07:40:27

the king of embassy and the Joshi arrived and the Prophet got up to

07:40:27 --> 07:40:33

serve them. His companion said let us do it for you. And he said they

07:40:33 --> 07:40:37

were generous and honored my companions. So I will do the same

07:40:37 --> 07:40:42

for them. Albay happy. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was in

07:40:42 --> 07:40:48

self serving the people, right that he was doing that himself in

07:40:48 --> 07:40:50

a hadith of Khadija she told him May Allah

07:40:51 --> 07:40:54

salAllahu Salam May Allah bless him and grant him peace.

07:40:55 --> 07:40:58

So Felicia says to the Prophet rejoice by Allah Allah will never

07:40:58 --> 07:41:02

bring you grief you maintain connections with kinsfolk you bear

07:41:02 --> 07:41:06

all and you give help to those who are in need. You're hospitable to

07:41:06 --> 07:41:10

the guests, you help people to get what is there do

07:41:11 --> 07:41:17

and this was after the the context of this statement of Felicia is

07:41:17 --> 07:41:20

after the descent of the initial ye

07:41:21 --> 07:41:25

later to cover in Mecca, the Prophet salallahu Salam, this is

07:41:25 --> 07:41:28

something else that's astonishing about the Prophet salallahu Salam

07:41:28 --> 07:41:32

again, showing his humanity that he didn't know initially what had

07:41:32 --> 07:41:35

happened to him. He's not the only he doesn't have his formal

07:41:35 --> 07:41:40

education in religion. He's not familiar with 100 kitab under

07:41:40 --> 07:41:41

beliefs necessarily.

07:41:43 --> 07:41:47

He's an unlettered prophet, and he has this experience in his cave.

07:41:48 --> 07:41:51

And he is very, very sincere

07:41:52 --> 07:41:57

in thinking that maybe something bad has happened to him, maybe

07:41:57 --> 07:42:00

he's been possessed by a jinn or something like that. This is a

07:42:00 --> 07:42:07

very honest reaction. And this is something that's pointed out. For

07:42:07 --> 07:42:09

example, this book by Lesley Hazleton is very good book she

07:42:09 --> 07:42:13

wrote non Muslim as far as I know, she wrote on the psychology of the

07:42:13 --> 07:42:17

Prophet salallahu Salam saying that this reaction shows the great

07:42:17 --> 07:42:22

sincerity of the prophets of the body so them that a charlatan of

07:42:22 --> 07:42:26

some sort would not have this type of initial reaction if someone's

07:42:26 --> 07:42:29

trying to pull the wool over your eyes and claim to be a prophet

07:42:29 --> 07:42:30

when they're not.

07:42:31 --> 07:42:35

They would come down the mountain with their chest out in the air

07:42:35 --> 07:42:39

and proclaiming that he that you know, I am a prophet and and you

07:42:39 --> 07:42:45

must obey Me and the prophets reaction was one of distress. So

07:42:45 --> 07:42:49

he went to his wife, Alicia from Cobra Rhodiola Tara and her his

07:42:49 --> 07:42:54

wife, and it was Khadija who reassured him that ALLAH SubhanA

07:42:54 --> 07:43:00

wa Taala would not humiliate you by this type of demonic

07:43:00 --> 07:43:05

possession, or mental illness or something that allows for kind of

07:43:05 --> 07:43:06

what to Allah

07:43:07 --> 07:43:11

knows certainly knows that you maintain ties of kinship, you're

07:43:11 --> 07:43:15

good to the orphans, that you're good to the guest that you provide

07:43:15 --> 07:43:18

things to people who need things but here's the thing also is that

07:43:18 --> 07:43:23

she's no expert in matters of religion. So what do they do? They

07:43:23 --> 07:43:28

go to an island and this is the proper method. All right, also

07:43:28 --> 07:43:32

kind of what the other says first. Let Vickery include to blah Tala

07:43:32 --> 07:43:32


07:43:33 --> 07:43:38

Ask the people of at vicar ask the people of advocate here probably

07:43:38 --> 07:43:42

means Revelation, Revelation in general. For the Quran in

07:43:42 --> 07:43:46

particular, of course, the Quran is a revelation, but as the people

07:43:46 --> 07:43:52

of revelation if you don't know, right, so she's not an AI Lima but

07:43:52 --> 07:43:57

what acaba know felt her cousin is Chris Christian scribe, he was an

07:43:57 --> 07:44:01

item. So they go to waterfall and the prophets to let it sit and

07:44:01 --> 07:44:07

recounts what had happened in the cave. And what aka he says,

07:44:08 --> 07:44:13

la caja and Namu Akbar comma j la Musa alayhis salam

07:44:14 --> 07:44:17

This is his judgement about as to what happened to the profits of a

07:44:17 --> 07:44:21

lot he said I'm gonna kick indeed the great now moose the great no

07:44:21 --> 07:44:26

most know most is the Greek word for Shetty or sacred law, the

07:44:26 --> 07:44:32

great law has come to you. Others say no most are now moose is that

07:44:32 --> 07:44:36

others say that now moose here is actually the Arabic of Kanuma

07:44:36 --> 07:44:39

which means the Great Spirit has come to you the spirit of

07:44:39 --> 07:44:43

inspiration, just as it came to Musa it is

07:44:44 --> 07:44:48

right and of course we have the famous prophecy of Deuteronomy

07:44:48 --> 07:44:53

1818 that a prophet will come from the brethren of the Israelites who

07:44:53 --> 07:44:59

will be similar to Musa today's Deuteronomy 18 Verse 18. That

07:44:59 --> 07:45:00

sounds like

07:45:00 --> 07:45:04

gave a valid part of the Torah. Were Allahu Allah, we cannot

07:45:04 --> 07:45:09

confirm nor deny. But certainly there is a prophecy in the Torah

07:45:09 --> 07:45:12

that sounds like it finds its fulfillment, with the prophets

07:45:12 --> 07:45:13

have a lot of use in them.

07:45:16 --> 07:45:19

So that's the end of section 18. Now, section 19 is called his

07:45:19 --> 07:45:24

humility. In spite of his high position and exalted rank, he was

07:45:24 --> 07:45:27

extremely humble and not in the least proud. So it's called the or

07:45:27 --> 07:45:31

yet there is proof enough of that in the fact that he was given a

07:45:31 --> 07:45:36

choice between being a king prophet and a slave prophet. And

07:45:36 --> 07:45:40

he chose to be a slave prophet. Right the prophets of the body

07:45:40 --> 07:45:45

Salam lived in a state of self imposed poverty. Right, he could

07:45:45 --> 07:45:50

have been a king Prophet, like doubled it Sudan Sulayman. It

07:45:50 --> 07:45:56

Sudan, huge palaces, servants, right. But he chose to be a slave

07:45:56 --> 07:46:01

prophet. Because the majority of his people, all of his people were

07:46:01 --> 07:46:04

living, but actually most of his people were not, we're not

07:46:04 --> 07:46:07

affluent people. And he was a man of the people so the body of

07:46:07 --> 07:46:12

Sudan. So he lived among his people, he was a man amongst men.

07:46:13 --> 07:46:16

When he did that is refused to him. Allah has been generous to

07:46:16 --> 07:46:20

you because of your humility to him. You are the master of the

07:46:20 --> 07:46:23

children of Adam on the day of rising and the first for whom the

07:46:23 --> 07:46:26

earth will open up on the day of rising and the thirsty intercede

07:46:26 --> 07:46:27

everyone during

07:46:28 --> 07:46:33

the famous Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam ventola The Allah

07:46:33 --> 07:46:37

Allah for Allah Allah, woman to Cat Bara or the Allah remember

07:46:37 --> 07:46:44

this hadith it's a beautiful Hadith that is has incredibly

07:46:44 --> 07:46:50

incredible ethical import, that whoever humbles themselves before

07:46:50 --> 07:46:57

God to wa before God Rafa Allah, Allah will raise whoever humbles

07:46:57 --> 07:47:02

themselves before God Allah Allah Allah will raise rank woman to

07:47:02 --> 07:47:08

kaptara and whoever to cut butter right this form five verbs the

07:47:08 --> 07:47:15

meaning patterns of form five is is to consider it's considered

07:47:15 --> 07:47:17

active whoever considers oneself

07:47:18 --> 07:47:24

to be to be computer to be great to be high and mighty. While the

07:47:24 --> 07:47:28

hola hola will debase and humiliate. And we find an echo of

07:47:28 --> 07:47:32

this statement as well in the New Testament Gospels in a synoptic

07:47:32 --> 07:47:37

tradition, that whoever is whoever is low will be made high, whoever

07:47:37 --> 07:47:44

is high will be made low this type of thing. Have mercy. How pretty

07:47:44 --> 07:47:48

well ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and Allah subhanho wa Taala will raise

07:47:48 --> 07:47:52

your rank. But if you deem yourself big and high and mighty,

07:47:53 --> 07:47:56

then Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala will debase and humiliate

07:47:56 --> 07:47:57


07:47:59 --> 07:48:05

And we see that with people like me mood very interestingly, Nimrod

07:48:05 --> 07:48:09

which according to the orlimar was the first man ever to claim to be

07:48:09 --> 07:48:13

Allah subhana wa Tada. The first one who ever made a claim to deity

07:48:14 --> 07:48:19

was this king of Babylon at the time of Ibrahim it said, um, and

07:48:19 --> 07:48:24

according to the exit, a loss and his event, a mosquito or nap or

07:48:24 --> 07:48:30

something that flew up his nose and bid him and the pain was so

07:48:30 --> 07:48:34

intense that Nimrod would have a servant's come into the room and

07:48:34 --> 07:48:38

beat him over the head with their shoes, as a way of sort of doling

07:48:38 --> 07:48:43

the pain you know, going into sort of a, a daze. And then the pain

07:48:43 --> 07:48:47

one day was so intense that he ordered his servants to beat him

07:48:47 --> 07:48:51

harder and harder to beat him to death. This is the end of the man

07:48:51 --> 07:48:55

who claimed to be God. Right? A lot of sense a tiny servant. If

07:48:55 --> 07:48:57

you look at the world today, as one of our teachers said recently

07:48:57 --> 07:49:03

in an amazing talk, that the king of the world today is this

07:49:03 --> 07:49:07

Coronavirus, this thing that you can't even see a servant of Allah

07:49:07 --> 07:49:13

subhanho wa Taala everything is in everything is in service and a

07:49:13 --> 07:49:16

servant subservient to Allah subhanho wa taala.

07:49:17 --> 07:49:23

That is just, you know, it's put us all on timeout, as it were. We

07:49:23 --> 07:49:25

have to think deeply about these things, the state of the human,

07:49:27 --> 07:49:31

the state of the human mind, the state of the human heart, when it

07:49:31 --> 07:49:36

comes to Allah subhanho wa taala. What's happening in the world?

07:49:36 --> 07:49:39

What's happening with, with religion with faith?

07:49:42 --> 07:49:47

I mean, something like this, should should should provoke deep

07:49:48 --> 07:49:51

contemplation within ourselves as to why these things are happening

07:49:51 --> 07:49:53

and how we can approve improve ourselves.

07:49:57 --> 07:49:59

And that's, you know, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was very, very

07:49:59 --> 07:50:00


07:50:00 --> 07:50:05

The reflective person and the Erna mat and the elderly, the Sahaba

07:50:05 --> 07:50:08

were very deeply reflective. And they were also very

07:50:10 --> 07:50:15

self centering, that they were constantly trying to work on their

07:50:15 --> 07:50:19

faults, they were not people that were satisfied with themselves,

07:50:19 --> 07:50:22

and they would turn the finger inwards. And if something would

07:50:22 --> 07:50:26

happen in their lives, a trial or tribulation of some sort,

07:50:27 --> 07:50:34

they they would take it as a means by which they can make Toba and

07:50:34 --> 07:50:40

and improve their character and improve their relationship with

07:50:40 --> 07:50:41

Allah subhanho wa taala.

07:50:42 --> 07:50:46

And come back into the good graces of Allah subhanho wa taala. Of

07:50:46 --> 07:50:48

course, when things like this happen to a prophet, it's never a

07:50:48 --> 07:50:51

type of punishment. The prophets are not punished because they

07:50:51 --> 07:50:54

can't perform conscious sin. It's always a way of raising their

07:50:54 --> 07:50:58

rank. But even with believers, it could also be a means of raising

07:50:58 --> 07:51:02

our rank and what could initially be a type of punishment. Right,

07:51:02 --> 07:51:06

but then we recognize that and we try to rectify our behavior. And

07:51:06 --> 07:51:09

by doing that making Toba and making that rectification it'll be

07:51:09 --> 07:51:12

a means in sha Allah to Allah by which Allah subhanho wa Taala will

07:51:12 --> 07:51:14

raise our ranks as well.

07:51:16 --> 07:51:18

And that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said the affair

07:51:18 --> 07:51:22

of the movement is always good. It's always good even if there's

07:51:22 --> 07:51:26

some sort of disaster or trial tribulation, we understand why

07:51:27 --> 07:51:29

things like that happen. We live in the dunya. But we try to learn

07:51:29 --> 07:51:33

from those things and these types of things should provoke a type of

07:51:33 --> 07:51:37

Toba and return you know, towba tab a means to turn to reorient

07:51:37 --> 07:51:40

ourselves towards a loss or kind of without the end of the day

07:51:40 --> 07:51:45

everything is good for us. He said so a lot he said I'm I am a slave.

07:51:45 --> 07:51:47

I eat as a slave eats may sit as a slave sits.

07:51:49 --> 07:51:50

Right? And

07:51:51 --> 07:51:54

there's a story mentioned that he was sitting on his knees one time

07:51:54 --> 07:51:58

and he was eating something and a Jewish woman passed by him. And

07:51:58 --> 07:51:59

she started to mock him

07:52:00 --> 07:52:05

and say, look at your prophet, he, he eats like a slave. I mean, this

07:52:05 --> 07:52:08

is how he's sitting on the ground eating something. And the Prophet

07:52:08 --> 07:52:13

sallallahu sallam, he said, I love to be abd Am I not a slave? Right?

07:52:13 --> 07:52:17

Am I not a slave? Of course, he's a slave of the law to kind of what

07:52:17 --> 07:52:19

to Allah is a servant of a boss who kind of what to Allah.

07:52:21 --> 07:52:28

And he is, he is a servant that has this beautiful to adore this

07:52:28 --> 07:52:32

beautiful humility, with Allah subhanho wa taala. He's not doing

07:52:32 --> 07:52:35

these things out of ostentation. And that's another thing we should

07:52:35 --> 07:52:40

check our intentions we do certain things, you know that? Why are we

07:52:40 --> 07:52:43

doing things? Is it is it simply? Is it simply for the pleasure of

07:52:43 --> 07:52:46

Allah Subhan Allah to Allah? Or are there other things that are

07:52:46 --> 07:52:49

operating within us? So we have to really take ourselves to a task

07:52:49 --> 07:52:53

and and be honest with ourselves or difficult for us to be honest

07:52:53 --> 07:52:53

with ourselves.

07:52:57 --> 07:53:01

There's a saying of even secondary, very beautiful thing

07:53:01 --> 07:53:04

that I'll mention here. It's not mentioned here by father yet but

07:53:06 --> 07:53:11

even I thought a lot he said an act of sin that leads to humility,

07:53:11 --> 07:53:17

right to law, and brokenness in facade, right brokenness, what

07:53:17 --> 07:53:21

Catholics would call contrition is a beautiful word. contrition to be

07:53:21 --> 07:53:27

contrite is one of the, the prerequisites of Koba of

07:53:27 --> 07:53:30

repentance and Catholicism is to feel a sense of brokenness, the

07:53:30 --> 07:53:35

word contrition means to be broken, a sin, an act of sin that

07:53:35 --> 07:53:39

leads to humility and brokenness before God is better than a good

07:53:39 --> 07:53:44

act that leads to arrogance. Better than a good act that leads

07:53:44 --> 07:53:48

to kibow to arrogance. And there was actually a debate amongst the

07:53:48 --> 07:53:52

orlimar as to which state is better if you believe this or not,

07:53:52 --> 07:53:54

which which state is better?

07:53:55 --> 07:53:59

The state of a person who never sinned or the state of someone who

07:53:59 --> 07:54:01

did sin but may Toba.

07:54:02 --> 07:54:07

Right now, ultimately, they said the former because that's the

07:54:07 --> 07:54:12

that's the that's the way of the prophets that they don't send

07:54:12 --> 07:54:15

consciously but the fact that there was a debate on this issue

07:54:15 --> 07:54:21

it's white telling, that that that human beings sin by nature cuckoo

07:54:21 --> 07:54:23

cuckoo bunny, kata own

07:54:25 --> 07:54:28

baboon, and the owner must say here cuckoo bunny Adam is, is

07:54:28 --> 07:54:32

needs a nuanced meaning there that it's not including the prophets.

07:54:32 --> 07:54:35

All of the children of Adam are sinners and the best of sinners

07:54:38 --> 07:54:43

are those who make tau that tau wa goon, those who reorient

07:54:43 --> 07:54:45

themselves back towards the loss of kind of what the Allah

07:54:47 --> 07:54:51

one of my teachers said, there are two kinds of people in the world.

07:54:51 --> 07:54:55

The one who enters a room and says Salaam Alaykum to the people in

07:54:55 --> 07:54:59

the room, and when they don't answer him. He thinks to himself

07:55:00 --> 07:55:03

What's wrong with these people that they're not answering my

07:55:03 --> 07:55:07

Salaam? That's one type of human being. Another type of human being

07:55:07 --> 07:55:12

is the person who enters into a room and says salam aleikum, and

07:55:12 --> 07:55:15

the people don't answer him. And then he thinks to himself what is

07:55:15 --> 07:55:21

wrong with me? That these people are not answering my salon? What

07:55:21 --> 07:55:26

did I do? Did I wrong them? What did I break decorum of some sort?

07:55:26 --> 07:55:30

Did I show bad of some sort? Right?

07:55:31 --> 07:55:32

Two kinds of people.

07:55:34 --> 07:55:37

The Prophet used to ride a donkey and would have someone right

07:55:37 --> 07:55:40

behind him on it, he would visit the very poor, and sit with the

07:55:40 --> 07:55:44

poor again, these very difficult things to do. You know, we read

07:55:44 --> 07:55:49

these things in books. And we think, Well, I you know, how many

07:55:49 --> 07:55:50

times have I sat with the poor and

07:55:52 --> 07:55:56

we should strive to do these things. He answered the invitation

07:55:56 --> 07:56:01

of the slave and sat among his companions, mixing with them, he

07:56:01 --> 07:56:04

would sit down among whichever part of the company he came to so

07:56:04 --> 07:56:07

that you know, if you walked into a room and the Prophet was there,

07:56:07 --> 07:56:11

you wouldn't even know which one was the prophet you know, it's not

07:56:11 --> 07:56:15

like the one sitting on the throne or the pulpit or the you know, the

07:56:15 --> 07:56:20

the, the fancy green cushion or something like that. He was just

07:56:20 --> 07:56:23

he was amongst the people he's amongst the men. He was a man

07:56:23 --> 07:56:26

among the men. As I said,

07:56:27 --> 07:56:29

in a hadith about they are a lot of the prophets that do not

07:56:29 --> 07:56:33

lavished praise on me, as the Christians lavished praise on the

07:56:33 --> 07:56:38

son of Maria It has it he was set up. So this hadith is in Buhari is

07:56:38 --> 07:56:42

mentioned by him on maternity in the Shema, ill, I believe as well,

07:56:43 --> 07:56:47

that don't you know, the translation says lavish praise on

07:56:47 --> 07:56:52

me but really flatter me in terms in which are you sigh they still

07:56:53 --> 07:56:59

come out in terms of are similar, just as you saw today Salam was

07:56:59 --> 07:57:05

flattered or given titles, that he did not merit or that breached the

07:57:07 --> 07:57:11

parameter parameters of acceptable theology? Because there really is

07:57:11 --> 07:57:17

no way of overpraising the Prophet salallahu Salam, right. Praising

07:57:17 --> 07:57:22

the prophet is limitless, the poet said, for enough for in the favela

07:57:22 --> 07:57:27

Rasulillah he lays Allah who had there really is no end to the to

07:57:27 --> 07:57:31

the virtue, the virtues of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but

07:57:31 --> 07:57:36

don't make him into more than a man. Right? And this is what this

07:57:36 --> 07:57:39

will cut. What did the Christians do? We have to ask this question.

07:57:39 --> 07:57:43

And we read this hadith. You know, what did the Christians do with it

07:57:43 --> 07:57:45

easily? So then some of our brother and they say, well, you're

07:57:45 --> 07:57:49

celebrating the birth, gay, the Molad of the Prophet salallahu

07:57:49 --> 07:57:52

Salam, this is what the Christians are doing. And what is that? Is

07:57:52 --> 07:57:56

that what he's talking about celebrating a birthday? And

07:57:57 --> 07:58:01

I mean, that I think that's a pretty weak argument.

07:58:03 --> 07:58:08

The point here is not to make him more than what he is. Right, the

07:58:08 --> 07:58:12

Prophet salallahu Salam, you know, when he entered Medina, and he

07:58:12 --> 07:58:15

realized that or he was told that the Jews were fasting on Yom

07:58:15 --> 07:58:21

Yahshua he says, We should fast too, you know, and a day before or

07:58:21 --> 07:58:21


07:58:23 --> 07:58:25

Right? So

07:58:26 --> 07:58:29

you know, this this, this certainly doesn't mean you know,

07:58:29 --> 07:58:32

that you know, oh, you know, he's he's imitating what the Jews are

07:58:32 --> 07:58:35

doing. I mean, this is the Prophet himself giving the command to the

07:58:35 --> 07:58:39

Muslims we have a greater claim on Musa ID so that and he said,

07:58:40 --> 07:58:43

right, the prophets of Allah wa Salam is by consensus greater than

07:58:43 --> 07:58:44

Eastside east.

07:58:45 --> 07:58:49

Surah Maryam is basically a molded it's a narrative of the birth of

07:58:49 --> 07:58:51

the Saudis and I'm Allah's praising the birth of Risa Ali

07:58:51 --> 07:58:54

salaam, how much more should we praise the birth of the best

07:58:54 --> 07:58:59

recreations of the lobbyists in them? If Musab asylums exodus from

07:58:59 --> 07:59:02

Egypt is, is commemorated by the Jews? How much more should we

07:59:02 --> 07:59:06

commemorate the Hijra of the Prophet salallahu Salam or the

07:59:06 --> 07:59:08

command of the Prophet salallahu Salam.

07:59:09 --> 07:59:11

So that's not what he's talking about. Here. He's talking about

07:59:11 --> 07:59:16

giving the Prophet a rank or a station of some sort that that is

07:59:16 --> 07:59:20

outside the bounds of acceptable theology. So what did the

07:59:20 --> 07:59:24

Christians do with recyling? Salaam, they made him into the

07:59:24 --> 07:59:29

literal Son of God. And what does that mean? That means that they

07:59:29 --> 07:59:34

said that isa lays his essence that the essence of a Sally's

07:59:34 --> 07:59:35

salon is divine.

07:59:37 --> 07:59:40

That inside a salon what he was a human being is really what's known

07:59:40 --> 07:59:45

as a hypostatic union of two persons, the human Jesus of

07:59:45 --> 07:59:50

Nazareth, but also the logo. So the Son of God who has an eternal

07:59:50 --> 07:59:54

who has an intrinsic pre eternality so they're ascribing

07:59:54 --> 07:59:55

Terry Silius

07:59:56 --> 07:59:59

a divine quality. So don't do that.

08:00:00 --> 08:00:03

With the Prophet sallallaahu Salam don't say the Prophet salallahu

08:00:03 --> 08:00:08

Salam has an inherent divine quality that he's all hearing.

08:00:08 --> 08:00:14

He's all seeing. He's all powerful this type of thing. This is what

08:00:14 --> 08:00:17

the Christians did with a Silius. And this is what we're told to

08:00:17 --> 08:00:18


08:00:19 --> 08:00:23

We're not giving any divine qualities to the Prophet salallahu

08:00:23 --> 08:00:23


08:00:25 --> 08:00:28

everything that he has is from Allah to kind of what to Allah Who

08:00:28 --> 08:00:31

is the ontological source of everything period.

08:00:34 --> 08:00:38

So, this is a good place to stop inshallah to Allah we are in

08:00:38 --> 08:00:40

Section, the middle of section 19.

08:00:42 --> 08:00:44

Controller next week, will finish

08:00:46 --> 08:00:50

inshallah I think there's 24 sections in this chapter, if I'm

08:00:50 --> 08:00:54

not mistaken. 25 sections it'll be a bit difficult but maybe we can

08:00:54 --> 08:00:58

manage it. So we'll see you next time in sha Allah, Allah, Allah La

08:00:58 --> 08:01:01

Sita Mohammed in water Le he was a he was a number hamdu Lillahi

08:01:01 --> 08:01:06

Rabbil Alameen wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

08:01:11 --> 08:01:15

Smith Mannerheim masala Lara soon in Mohammed in what I do, he was a

08:01:15 --> 08:01:20

huge marine Subhanak Allah ng Milena Elana Island, tena indica

08:01:20 --> 08:01:24

and an animal Hakeem Hola Hola, La Quwata illa de la creme.

08:01:26 --> 08:01:30

Sure. So inshallah to Allah. We're going to finish our sessions

08:01:31 --> 08:01:34

tonight. This is our 10th session

08:01:36 --> 08:01:41

of the Kitab Al Shifa by Claudia Yad, I hope you benefited from

08:01:41 --> 08:01:42

this course.

08:01:43 --> 08:01:47

I hope you're inspired to learn more Inshallah, to Allah. There's

08:01:47 --> 08:01:49

a lot of great literature out there.

08:01:50 --> 08:01:55

On the topic of the Shema L of the Prophet salallahu Salam, the Sira

08:01:56 --> 08:01:57

of the Prophet sallallaahu. Salam.

08:01:58 --> 08:02:04

The Hassan is the special, unique qualities of the Prophet salallahu

08:02:04 --> 08:02:09

Salam. And of course, this book is, is great because it's very

08:02:09 --> 08:02:13

comprehensive and really a combination of all three genres of

08:02:13 --> 08:02:18

literature. So, you should have it in your house even for Baraka.

08:02:19 --> 08:02:24

Just have it on your shelf, pull it out every so often, and read a

08:02:24 --> 08:02:30

section of it. In sha Allah to Allah, Allah will bless you, and

08:02:30 --> 08:02:32

for the love of the Prophet salallahu Salam increased the love

08:02:32 --> 08:02:35

of the prophets of God in your heart.

08:02:36 --> 08:02:38

So we are on section 19

08:02:41 --> 08:02:43

Chapter Two, part one

08:02:45 --> 08:02:51

in my translation to page 68, the second full paragraph UNECE Radi

08:02:51 --> 08:02:55

Allahu Anhu said that the Prophet salallahu Salam used to ride a

08:02:55 --> 08:03:00

donkey and answer the invitation of the slave. So here, the section

08:03:00 --> 08:03:03

is again on the humility that Talal door of the Prophet

08:03:03 --> 08:03:07

salallahu Salam. In the battle against Bani acorrea da he rode a

08:03:07 --> 08:03:11

donkey with a subtle cloth, which was halted with a rope made of

08:03:11 --> 08:03:12

palm fiber.

08:03:13 --> 08:03:17

He said NS said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would be invited

08:03:17 --> 08:03:20

to eat barley bread and rancid butter and would accept such an

08:03:20 --> 08:03:24

invitation. He said that the Prophet salallahu Salam went on

08:03:24 --> 08:03:29

Hajj on a shabby saddle on which was a fringe cloth that was worth

08:03:29 --> 08:03:31

for dead homes.

08:03:32 --> 08:03:35

And the prophets of Allah he said and he said Allahumma Hijjah to

08:03:35 --> 08:03:40

laurea fee Ha, Wallace Tamara trauma that the Prophet sallallahu

08:03:40 --> 08:03:44

sallam said in this hadith is mentioned by or related by even

08:03:44 --> 08:03:49

magia and others, that the Prophet said, Oh Allah make it an accepted

08:03:49 --> 08:03:55

Hajj with no RIA with no ostentation with no showing off,

08:03:55 --> 08:03:59

or some I will assume, with no desire for reputation.

08:04:02 --> 08:04:05

So this is a Prophet salallahu Salam This was his humility. When

08:04:05 --> 08:04:09

he conquered Mecca to Mikado Rama he entered it with the the armies

08:04:09 --> 08:04:14

of the Muslims he bowed his head down, while sitting on his

08:04:14 --> 08:04:16

conveyance so that he nearly touched the front part of the

08:04:16 --> 08:04:20

saddle. His beard was almost touching the front part of the

08:04:20 --> 08:04:24

saddle out of humility to Allah subhanho wa taala. So this very

08:04:24 --> 08:04:28

powerful image of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam coming into

08:04:28 --> 08:04:33

Mecca during the conquest of Fatah Mecca. And Hadith in Bukhari tells

08:04:33 --> 08:04:37

us Abdullah Mohammed, he says that I saw the Prophet sallallaahu

08:04:37 --> 08:04:42

Salam on that day, and he was sitting on his camel he she camel

08:04:42 --> 08:04:47

and he was coming into Mecca, and he was reciting Surah to the Fatah

08:04:47 --> 08:04:51

Elijah and a swallow he will set which according to many of the X

08:04:51 --> 08:04:56

digits of the Quran is the final complete Surah of the Quran.

08:04:57 --> 08:04:57


08:04:59 --> 08:04:59


08:05:00 --> 08:05:03

Victory of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes you know so why would fats

08:05:04 --> 08:05:08

were eaten nasty at home if he Dini law he of wotja and you see

08:05:08 --> 08:05:12

humanity entering the deen of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah al

08:05:12 --> 08:05:13


08:05:15 --> 08:05:19

The religion that was perfected by the prophet Mohamed Salah long

08:05:19 --> 08:05:22

likely it will send them the religion that he brought is called

08:05:22 --> 08:05:30

Al Islam. You see mankind entering in throngs, by the dozens. For him

08:05:30 --> 08:05:34

the replica was still here. And praise Allah Subhana Allah to

08:05:34 --> 08:05:38

Allah and ask His forgiveness in the whole Kana Toba ALLAH SubhanA

08:05:38 --> 08:05:44

wa Tada indeed is after Relenting, the one who was constantly turning

08:05:44 --> 08:05:48

towards us and accepting our Toba. He has a to Whap that's why when

08:05:48 --> 08:05:52

we pray we say yeah, to rub through by Lena, over Lanter

08:05:52 --> 08:05:53

relent towards us.

08:05:55 --> 08:05:59

So this was his demeanor. Salatu Salam coming into the conquest of

08:05:59 --> 08:06:02

Mecca. Again, this is the city that had kicked him out that

08:06:02 --> 08:06:05

persecuted him. Of course, he was raised in Mecca. So it had a place

08:06:05 --> 08:06:07

near and dear to his heart.

08:06:08 --> 08:06:12

And when he came into the city, as we know, as we've said in previous

08:06:12 --> 08:06:17

sessions, he was well within his rights to extract vengeance from

08:06:17 --> 08:06:21

those who are persecuted him, but he came into the city and as we

08:06:21 --> 08:06:26

said, he said salatu salam and Yo Ma yo when marhaba you as a local

08:06:26 --> 08:06:31

operation today is a day of mercy the exultation of the court the

08:06:31 --> 08:06:36

Quraysh and he came in sitting on his camel with his head bowed and

08:06:36 --> 08:06:38

humility reciting social facts

08:06:43 --> 08:06:46

are the area continues one of his signs one of the signs of his

08:06:46 --> 08:06:51

toward or of his humility is that he said do not prefer me over

08:06:51 --> 08:06:55

units even unit tests the units even ELLIPTA is the profit and

08:06:55 --> 08:06:59

Nibi units it is to learn and do not create rivalry between the

08:06:59 --> 08:07:03

prophets and do not prefer me over Musa it cetera.

08:07:04 --> 08:07:07

And then there's a hadith here, which is in Sahih Muslim when

08:07:07 --> 08:07:12

someone said to him, ya Berea Oh best of creation. The Prophet

08:07:12 --> 08:07:16

sallallahu sallam said Zakah Ebro humanity so that that is Ibrahim

08:07:16 --> 08:07:17

Ali Salam.

08:07:18 --> 08:07:23

So how do we deal with these Hadith because it is absolutely a

08:07:24 --> 08:07:29

cornerstone of our Aqeedah as I also know Gemma to believe that

08:07:29 --> 08:07:34

the Prophet salallahu Salam is the best of creation Imam Milani says

08:07:34 --> 08:07:38

in a Jo Hora to heed that the Prophet salallahu Salam is hated

08:07:38 --> 08:07:43

fothergilla. So how do we square this belief, which is absolutely

08:07:43 --> 08:07:47

essential with these Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam so far,

08:07:47 --> 08:07:49

they are yet actually says here that he's going to explain these

08:07:49 --> 08:07:53

Hadith later. But we don't have time to do that because we don't

08:07:53 --> 08:07:56

have any more sessions at least in this course. So I'll just give you

08:07:56 --> 08:08:00

some previews as to what he says in the earlier module with these

08:08:00 --> 08:08:05

with these Hadith. So according to PA the or Yad, either the Prophet

08:08:05 --> 08:08:10

salallahu Salam did not yet know. At this point when he made these

08:08:10 --> 08:08:13

statements, he did not yet know that he would say you do already

08:08:13 --> 08:08:16

Adam that he was the master of the children of Adam.

08:08:17 --> 08:08:23

And thus this prohibition occurred before his full knowledge of

08:08:23 --> 08:08:28

himself Salallahu Alaihe. Salam this was one possibility. Another

08:08:28 --> 08:08:31

possibility is that the Prophet salallahu Salam is making these

08:08:31 --> 08:08:35

statements purely out of his terroir, out of his humility,

08:08:35 --> 08:08:37

although this is debatable.

08:08:38 --> 08:08:43

The third possibility is that it is simply cautionary,

08:08:44 --> 08:08:49

right? That if we make these or if we insist, if we emphasize these

08:08:49 --> 08:08:54

disparities between the profits, then that could lead to a type of

08:08:55 --> 08:09:00

diminution or a type of a lessening of the rank of some of

08:09:00 --> 08:09:03

the other prophets, and could actually lead to a type of

08:09:03 --> 08:09:08

disrespect of the other prophets. So we should simply be careful.

08:09:09 --> 08:09:12

Maybe this is the meaning of it, that it's simply precautionary.

08:09:12 --> 08:09:16

But at the end of the day, we know the reality. And the Prophet

08:09:16 --> 08:09:20

sallallahu Salman explained the reality that he is in fact, the

08:09:20 --> 08:09:23

best of creation. He's better than any prophet. He's better than the

08:09:23 --> 08:09:27

Kaaba. He's better than Jana. He's better than the origin of corsi

08:09:27 --> 08:09:31

he's hydrosol Killa. fatale birria, that the Prophet

08:09:31 --> 08:09:35

sallallahu Sallam has said you do already Adam what he said and I do

08:09:35 --> 08:09:38

not boast and this is something that is absolutely essential in

08:09:38 --> 08:09:41

the upgrade of and Asuna Jamaah. And also that the Prophet

08:09:41 --> 08:09:46

salallahu Salam is the universal messenger that his Sharia

08:09:46 --> 08:09:52

supersedes and cancels abrogates all of the previous shut out air

08:09:52 --> 08:09:55

and this is also something that is essential. This is something as

08:09:55 --> 08:09:59

grounded in the Quran. As we recited the faculty been

08:10:00 --> 08:10:03

So that Annie Imran I remember at one, you have some modern

08:10:03 --> 08:10:07

intellectuals who go by the name of perennial lists, perennial

08:10:07 --> 08:10:11

philosophers who deny this aspect of the Prophet salallahu Salam.

08:10:11 --> 08:10:14

And they say that, that all of these covenants, all of these shut

08:10:14 --> 08:10:18

off all of these secret laws that were revealed before the Prophet

08:10:18 --> 08:10:21

sallallahu sallam, are not abrogated, and that all of these

08:10:21 --> 08:10:27

religions are valid paths to salvation, valid paths to Allah

08:10:27 --> 08:10:31

Subhana Allah to Allah, and that one really does not need to even

08:10:31 --> 08:10:34

believe in the Prophet salallahu Salam, even if one is exposed to a

08:10:34 --> 08:10:39

sound prophetic summons. Even if someone met the Prophet salallahu

08:10:39 --> 08:10:42

Salam and got to know him and knew the truth of His message according

08:10:42 --> 08:10:47

to these perennial philosophers, that person can simply have

08:10:47 --> 08:10:52

respect for the prophet, but continue worshiping Sid salaam as

08:10:52 --> 08:10:56

a Christian, continue believing in the Trinity. This is absolutely

08:10:56 --> 08:11:00

against the Quran, this is absolutely against the edge map of

08:11:00 --> 08:11:03

all of the ournament according to the Monmouth Azadi according to

08:11:03 --> 08:11:06

mama nowhere according to many many others, according to the Ford

08:11:06 --> 08:11:09

Muthiah head of solar well Gemma

08:11:10 --> 08:11:15

and that this is considered a it clearly deviant position it it

08:11:15 --> 08:11:19

trifles with the very first pillar of Islam not the fifth pillar or

08:11:19 --> 08:11:23

fourth pillar, but the very first pillar of Islam. The definition of

08:11:23 --> 08:11:27

a Muslim is that ilaha IL Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah and it's true

08:11:27 --> 08:11:30

in the perennials point this out what about in the Quran

08:11:30 --> 08:11:33

essentially Salaam is called the Muslim ban us through our eel are

08:11:33 --> 08:11:37

called Muslim, Ibrahim Ali Salam is called Yes, they were Muslim.

08:11:37 --> 08:11:41

They were Muslim at that time, and their Shetty eyes were valid for

08:11:41 --> 08:11:46

that time. When the universal messenger comes, as Allah subhana

08:11:46 --> 08:11:49

wa Allah says in the Quran, when it comes to a messenger confirming

08:11:49 --> 08:11:53

what is with you, do you believe in him and render him help, in

08:11:53 --> 08:11:57

other words obey Him, and all the messengers and their own mum,

08:11:57 --> 08:12:01

remember that Mama Razi said that because this also includes the mum

08:12:01 --> 08:12:04

of these previous messengers, and that's indicated by the very next

08:12:04 --> 08:12:06

is chapter three, verse 82,

08:12:07 --> 08:12:10

that when this messenger comes, you must believe in him and render

08:12:10 --> 08:12:13

him help. Do you take this Covenant as binding? And they

08:12:13 --> 08:12:19

said, Yes. And then Allah subhanaw taala. He said, and I ratify this

08:12:19 --> 08:12:23

covenant. Well, I know Malcolm in Ushahidi, and I'm amongst the

08:12:23 --> 08:12:23


08:12:25 --> 08:12:31

So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is the best of creation, and all

08:12:31 --> 08:12:35

of the all of the prophets, all of the prophets, considered him the

08:12:35 --> 08:12:39

Prophet sallallahu Sallam to be their master.

08:12:42 --> 08:12:46

And continuing having issues with lighting here, please bear with

08:12:46 --> 08:12:47

the lighting issue.

08:12:48 --> 08:12:49

I don't know why it's happening.

08:12:51 --> 08:12:53

Maybe because the open window behind me has something to do with

08:12:53 --> 08:12:56

it. Okay, continuing in sha Allah to Allah.

08:12:59 --> 08:13:04

That Asha and Hassan Ibrahim Ali and Abu Saeed, Al Hadi, and others

08:13:04 --> 08:13:08

describe the Prophet sallallahu sallam. They said that he would

08:13:09 --> 08:13:13

work in the house with his family that he would it says your father

08:13:13 --> 08:13:17

or Yad says he would allow his close now this is an important

08:13:17 --> 08:13:21

caveat. That the aroma point out here that the Prophet salallahu

08:13:21 --> 08:13:24

Salam did not have the likes. He's not the lousing his own clothes

08:13:24 --> 08:13:27

that he's actually the law of seeing the clothes of his

08:13:27 --> 08:13:30

companions and this is something that to be Erland again, make

08:13:30 --> 08:13:34

clear, but he would mend his own sandals, he would serve himself he

08:13:34 --> 08:13:37

would sweep the house he would hobble his own camel. You take the

08:13:37 --> 08:13:41

camels to graze and eat with the servants you would need bread with

08:13:41 --> 08:13:43

them and carry his own goods to the market.

08:13:45 --> 08:13:48

This is based on a hadith of another Aisha Radi Allahu anha.

08:13:48 --> 08:13:51

This is a Hadith that's found in multiple books in different

08:13:51 --> 08:13:55

different wordings or versions of the Hadith, the hottie and Timothy

08:13:55 --> 08:13:59

and others, that the prophets of that that our mother Aisha, may

08:13:59 --> 08:14:03

Allah be pleased with her early Allah today and how she was asked

08:14:03 --> 08:14:09

my Canon Nibi Yes, narrow feet at that. What did the Prophet what

08:14:09 --> 08:14:13

was the prophet doing? What did he use to do in the house, in the

08:14:13 --> 08:14:18

Prophet in Aisha said KENNETH He mean that he he he, that the

08:14:18 --> 08:14:22

prophets of Allah the salam was in the service of his family, the

08:14:22 --> 08:14:26

service of his household, doing these types of jobs mending his

08:14:26 --> 08:14:31

own sandals, right, mending his own clothes, you know, cleaning up

08:14:31 --> 08:14:32

the house,

08:14:33 --> 08:14:36

the equivalent of men today in the house, you know, washing the

08:14:36 --> 08:14:41

dishes, mopping the floors, vacuuming the house helping out

08:14:41 --> 08:14:45

with cooking. That's what the Prophet said a lot of a sudden was

08:14:45 --> 08:14:48

doing in his house. He was in the service of his family. I remember.

08:14:49 --> 08:14:53

I remember years ago, I was in a Christian church and Methodist

08:14:53 --> 08:14:57

Church, and we were having an interfaith dialogue. And it was a

08:14:57 --> 08:15:00

female pastor, and she was an expert in

08:15:00 --> 08:15:03

The Old Testament and she gave us like a 15 minute sort of tutorial

08:15:03 --> 08:15:04

on the Old Testament.

08:15:06 --> 08:15:09

And then afterward she asked her husband, she said, Can you bring

08:15:09 --> 08:15:13

me a cup of water and her husband went and brought her some water.

08:15:13 --> 08:15:16

And then another parishioner looked at me and my wife was

08:15:16 --> 08:15:20

sitting next to me. And he said, that must be real culture shock

08:15:20 --> 08:15:24

for you. And at first, I didn't know what they were taught what he

08:15:24 --> 08:15:28

was talking about, what do you mean culture shock? So I kind of

08:15:28 --> 08:15:32

smiled. And, and then a few minutes later, I just had to ask

08:15:32 --> 08:15:36

him, like, What do you mean by that? And he said, you know, a

08:15:36 --> 08:15:40

husband serving his wife. Isn't that kind of strange for someone

08:15:40 --> 08:15:42

from your culture? Right.

08:15:43 --> 08:15:48

And certainly there are, there are cultural, cultural aspects that

08:15:48 --> 08:15:52

are found in Muslim majority countries that are problematic.

08:15:53 --> 08:15:59

But I explained to him that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam is our

08:15:59 --> 08:16:04

role model. And he's really the person that we're commanded to

08:16:04 --> 08:16:08

emulate. And I quoted this hadith. I said, there's a sound Hadith of

08:16:08 --> 08:16:11

the prophets of Allah, where his wife was asked, and I say this

08:16:11 --> 08:16:14

many, many times, I said, in many, many clippers, no one knows the

08:16:14 --> 08:16:15

man better than his wife.

08:16:16 --> 08:16:19

You know, whatever type of Persona, which really means mask

08:16:19 --> 08:16:24

in Latin, whatever type of mask or persona he's presenting to the

08:16:24 --> 08:16:30

public. The wife knows who's under the mask. Right? So she was asked

08:16:30 --> 08:16:33

my cannon, maybe just start roofie Beatty. What was he doing in the

08:16:33 --> 08:16:37

house? Ken, if he made that tip, yeah. And he can if he fit the

08:16:37 --> 08:16:41

Matteoli, that he was in the service of his family. This is our

08:16:41 --> 08:16:45

role model. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was a very fat Allah

08:16:45 --> 08:16:51

person, he was very active, energetic, was not lazy, wasn't

08:16:51 --> 08:16:56

complacent, very active, doing things going somewhere for a

08:16:56 --> 08:17:00

Netezza boon. The great one, the great questions of the Quran that

08:17:00 --> 08:17:04

Allah will ask us, he was asking us, where are you going? What are

08:17:04 --> 08:17:05

you doing?

08:17:06 --> 08:17:09

How's your life going? We should be progressing every day, we

08:17:09 --> 08:17:13

should be better. What am i Teacher said that if you if

08:17:13 --> 08:17:16

somebody says to you careful, highly say same old, same old and

08:17:16 --> 08:17:21

you've, you've failed, you should be you should be improving on a

08:17:21 --> 08:17:27

daily basis. Even learning one word, open a dictionary, English,

08:17:27 --> 08:17:31

Arabic, whatever you want to do Spanish and just learn one word.

08:17:32 --> 08:17:37

increase your vocabulary. Increase your ability to communicate

08:17:37 --> 08:17:41

effectively. You know, do something, do something around the

08:17:41 --> 08:17:45

house, self help someone around the house, go out and do something

08:17:45 --> 08:17:47

for someone buy someone a gift.

08:17:48 --> 08:17:54

Always be active, don't be lazy, because life is short. Right? And

08:17:54 --> 08:17:58

remember, Ghazali points this out, you know, if you live 60 years in

08:17:58 --> 08:18:02

your life, which is about average, I mean, the prophets of the Lord,

08:18:02 --> 08:18:05

he said and said the weeping of my ummah, it's been a city with so

08:18:05 --> 08:18:09

their aim is between 60 and 70. Most people the OMA will die

08:18:09 --> 08:18:13

between 60 and 70. That He himself said a lot. He said them pass into

08:18:13 --> 08:18:18

the mercy of his Lord, at 63 years old. So if you have a 60 year

08:18:18 --> 08:18:22

life, and you sleep eight hours a day, and you work eight hours a

08:18:22 --> 08:18:30

day, that's 40 years, gone. So you have 20 years left, what you eat,

08:18:30 --> 08:18:34

you wait in line, you watch movies, you play on the internet,

08:18:35 --> 08:18:39

you engage with your social media, you know, whatever you do,

08:18:41 --> 08:18:44

you're driving your car to see people driving their car three,

08:18:44 --> 08:18:48

four hours a day. So what is really left in terms of study of

08:18:48 --> 08:18:51

reflection of worship?

08:18:52 --> 08:18:56

You know, don't think to yourself Well, you know, I got a long life

08:18:56 --> 08:19:02

Kevlar belt. hydrilla what are the rules that pulled it off? Okay,

08:19:02 --> 08:19:05

we'll do it later. We'll do it next year. We'll do it in 10

08:19:05 --> 08:19:09

years. I'll do what I'm 40 I'll do it when I'm at this type of thing.

08:19:09 --> 08:19:13

We should be active. Very, very active. I remember like yesterday,

08:19:13 --> 08:19:20

the y 2k scare that was 20 years ago 20 years gone. Now remember it

08:19:20 --> 08:19:21

like it was yesterday.

08:19:23 --> 08:19:24

You know,

08:19:25 --> 08:19:29

so be active canopy Magneti Isley. Okay.

08:19:31 --> 08:19:35

Man came to the Prophet salallahu Salam, a Bedouin came to the

08:19:35 --> 08:19:39

Prophet said analysis, called the area is mentioning this now that

08:19:39 --> 08:19:43

in this man, the game began to tremble out of awe. He was

08:19:43 --> 08:19:46

awestruck by the Prophet sallallahu. Cincinnati mentioned

08:19:46 --> 08:19:48

this earlier that when you first encountered the Prophet sallallahu

08:19:48 --> 08:19:52

sallam, we were all struck by him. Right? It was it was quite an

08:19:52 --> 08:19:57

awesome experience and awesome spectacle. Because not only was

08:19:57 --> 08:20:00

the demand this had this had this

08:20:00 --> 08:20:04

sort of regal quality to him. But physically he was very beautiful

08:20:04 --> 08:20:07

as well. So lovely. So no. But then he said, When you get to know

08:20:07 --> 08:20:11

him, you begin to love him. So this better one was trembling and

08:20:11 --> 08:20:15

the Prophet said to him, he said, how would I take like, relax? Take

08:20:15 --> 08:20:20

it easy. So in the less to be Melek the Hadith isn't it do

08:20:20 --> 08:20:25

matter that that's related to your by or the area. That heat the

08:20:25 --> 08:20:28

Prophet said, I'm not a king. Now the prophet is greater than a

08:20:28 --> 08:20:32

king. Alright, he's better than a king. He's a Nebby. He's a

08:20:32 --> 08:20:34

prophet. He's a lawsuit. He's federal health care law. As we

08:20:34 --> 08:20:37

said, he's a master of children of Adam. He's the best of creation.

08:20:38 --> 08:20:41

So he's not a king, meaning that, you know, he's not a tyrant.

08:20:42 --> 08:20:46

Right? He's not a tyrant. He's, he's, he's, he's a prophet.

08:20:47 --> 08:20:48


08:20:49 --> 08:20:55

And so he has this type of humility in the interaction. Cool.

08:20:56 --> 08:21:01

caddied, so he said that I'm only the son of a woman who used to

08:21:01 --> 08:21:08

eat, like dried meat, right? Like, like jerky meat. That's all I am

08:21:08 --> 08:21:12

again. And that's true. Right? That's, that's who he is of a lot

08:21:12 --> 08:21:17

easier than so he's not telling a lie to this man. Right. But he's

08:21:17 --> 08:21:20

trying to calm the man down because the man understood.

08:21:22 --> 08:21:27

The awesome presence before who was standing at the profits of the

08:21:27 --> 08:21:32

license was too large, or this is how he made the man relax. Right,

08:21:32 --> 08:21:34

and this is for his, for his humility.

08:21:37 --> 08:21:40

The Prophet sallallahu he sort of now that's basically the end of

08:21:40 --> 08:21:43

the section 19 I'm gonna move to Section 20, which is on it, which

08:21:43 --> 08:21:47

is called His justice and trustworthiness, decency and

08:21:47 --> 08:21:50

truthfulness. He says, The Prophet sallallaahu Salam was the most

08:21:51 --> 08:21:55

trustworthy, just decent and truthful of people. And even his

08:21:55 --> 08:21:59

opponents and enemies admitted that he was called I mean, a Saudi

08:21:59 --> 08:22:03

called I mean, even before he was a prophet, or even before he was

08:22:03 --> 08:22:07

commissioned as a prophet, or you can say, even before this, the

08:22:07 --> 08:22:11

descent of the Quran because the prophets of Allah Saddam was a

08:22:11 --> 08:22:16

prophet. When Adam is between what was just said, according to the

08:22:16 --> 08:22:21

Hadith, between soul and body, so even if so here we're talking

08:22:21 --> 08:22:23

about before the conditioning

08:22:25 --> 08:22:30

of his Nobunaga, which was in the year 610 of the Common Era. You

08:22:30 --> 08:22:34

get this hack said he's called Al Amin, because of his sound

08:22:34 --> 08:22:39

qualities which Allah had concentrated in him. And Allah

08:22:39 --> 08:22:42

said, and he quotes these ayat again from so that it took read in

08:22:42 --> 08:22:46

the hula Coda lawsuit in Korean. We are watching the end of the

08:22:46 --> 08:22:52

Archie McKean that indeed, this is the word or the speech of a Noble

08:22:52 --> 08:22:57

Messenger possessing strength before the possessor of the throne

08:22:57 --> 08:23:01

of a high rank matar and Femina I mean

08:23:03 --> 08:23:05

obeyed then trustworthy

08:23:06 --> 08:23:10

most uses for the area it says most of the commentators say that

08:23:10 --> 08:23:15

this was rule refers to the camera so the law of large ad why the

08:23:15 --> 08:23:18

idea of setting them in some enamel hope to be mentioned this

08:23:18 --> 08:23:23

as well in the steps here and some say degree that in Sudan

08:23:25 --> 08:23:31

so he's obeyed, right matar and means obeyed. Right? He must be

08:23:31 --> 08:23:36

obeyed, or else one does not become Muslim. Part again part and

08:23:36 --> 08:23:40

parcel of becoming a muslim is to obey the Prophet salallahu Salam

08:23:40 --> 08:23:44

salam ala Vika Allah you know in a heart chat you have to Luca thema

08:23:44 --> 08:23:48

sheduled at the you know, home. So Mala Ji Luffy and fishing Hara

08:23:48 --> 08:23:53

Jemima called date where you send the more Taslima so again, the

08:23:53 --> 08:23:58

perennial philosophy, these people who, who are who have infiltrated

08:23:58 --> 08:24:00

academic circles

08:24:01 --> 08:24:01


08:24:03 --> 08:24:06

give this strange interpretation to the Koran.

08:24:08 --> 08:24:11

They really have nothing to stand upon by your Lord, they don't

08:24:11 --> 08:24:15

really believe right until you they make you a judge in all of

08:24:15 --> 08:24:20

their affairs. And you find no resistance they find no resistance

08:24:20 --> 08:24:24

in their hearts, to your judgments and they come to you suddenly

08:24:24 --> 08:24:29

notice Lima in total submission. Right? And that's the prophet is

08:24:29 --> 08:24:35

the obey the Prophet Lokar and from that, I mean, he must be obey

08:24:35 --> 08:24:38

or disobey is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam such a person is

08:24:38 --> 08:24:42

not considered to be a Muslim. This is absolutely fundamental.

08:24:42 --> 08:24:47

This you think is very axiomatic very basic, very

08:24:49 --> 08:24:51

common sense common sensical.

08:24:54 --> 08:24:58

When Quraysh, disagreed and formed factions about who would put the

08:24:58 --> 08:24:59

Blackstone in its place

08:25:00 --> 08:25:04

The cabin was being rebuilt, they decided that the first man who

08:25:04 --> 08:25:09

would come into the Haram would be the judge. Right? So, this is a

08:25:09 --> 08:25:12

reference of course we read in the Sierra. There was something that

08:25:12 --> 08:25:15

happened to the Kaaba. Some sources say there was a flood that

08:25:15 --> 08:25:19

damage the Kaaba dislodged and hedges on us what Blackstone other

08:25:19 --> 08:25:23

say that the police are renovating the kava Allahu Allah, and this

08:25:23 --> 08:25:30

happened around the year 605 of the Common Era. And so the cleanse

08:25:30 --> 08:25:31

the Quraysh

08:25:32 --> 08:25:37

there was almost a war over who is going to replace the Blackstone.

08:25:39 --> 08:25:42

And so the leaders of the corporation they met in the city

08:25:42 --> 08:25:46

council, if you will, the daughter Nidaa. And and what even Vera he

08:25:46 --> 08:25:47


08:25:48 --> 08:25:52

that the first man to walk into the Haram would be the judge, and

08:25:52 --> 08:25:55

of course, the prophets of the Lord. So then he walks into the

08:25:55 --> 08:26:00

haram. And the prophet is only 35 years old, and you needed to be 40

08:26:00 --> 08:26:06

years old to serve on the council. But this did not preclude the

08:26:06 --> 08:26:10

members of the council from from making him their judge in fight.

08:26:10 --> 08:26:15

In fact, they were quite delighted when they saw him opening when

08:26:15 --> 08:26:18

they saw him coming through the gate. And they began to shout

08:26:18 --> 08:26:23

Saudi for a name higher than Mohammed saw the code. I mean, so

08:26:23 --> 08:26:25

they made him there judge.

08:26:28 --> 08:26:32

It is said that you should commit a Bucha * on the day of butter,

08:26:32 --> 08:26:36

and he said to him about hakken there is no one here to hear what

08:26:36 --> 08:26:41

we say. Tell me about Mohamed, as he told the truth or is he a liar.

08:26:42 --> 08:26:46

And the journalist said by Allah Muhammad is a truthful man. And he

08:26:46 --> 08:26:48

never lies.

08:26:50 --> 08:26:55

Obviously, somehow this statement reached us from Abu Johanna if

08:26:55 --> 08:27:00

it's an authentic statement. It's not cited here by the translator.

08:27:01 --> 08:27:05

But the point here is that they knew his character initially king,

08:27:06 --> 08:27:08

they knew this character and this is why I will also kind of with

08:27:08 --> 08:27:12

Allah in the Quran, which is a duty of clarity, which is not the

08:27:12 --> 08:27:17

water that he's Allah commands the prophet to say, look, I'd love to

08:27:17 --> 08:27:20

frequent Ramadan and publicly indeed I have lived entire

08:27:20 --> 08:27:21

lifetime for two years.

08:27:23 --> 08:27:27

You know, Dubai, Dubai makeups stuff? Am I a liar? Do you know me

08:27:27 --> 08:27:33

to be a liar? Do you know me to be a Sahel sorcerer? Am I ashamed? Am

08:27:33 --> 08:27:39

I a poet? You know, you know, how's my reputation basically, we

08:27:39 --> 08:27:42

talked about this also, in previous sessions that a man's

08:27:42 --> 08:27:45

reputation is very, very important. It follow him

08:27:45 --> 08:27:50

potentially for the rest of his life. If somebody makes Toba when

08:27:50 --> 08:27:54

they move on, right, and obviously we shouldn't dredge up people's

08:27:54 --> 08:27:56

past we should always sort of

08:27:57 --> 08:28:01

just assume that this person has made Toba and don't don't talk

08:28:01 --> 08:28:05

about a person's past transgressions, but that those

08:28:05 --> 08:28:09

memories are always going to be there. And if one is a prophet, a

08:28:09 --> 08:28:12

prophet has enemies and those enemies will not

08:28:13 --> 08:28:18

will not miss an opportunity to bring up things from the past.

08:28:22 --> 08:28:25

It's like when Musa Ali Salam remember, he was in the quarter

08:28:25 --> 08:28:28

for Pharaoh. And he said, remember you did that thing, that thing

08:28:28 --> 08:28:31

that you did, and he doesn't, you can almost see him sort of going

08:28:31 --> 08:28:35

remember you remember that thing? You know, I'm not going to tell

08:28:35 --> 08:28:39

the other people. But you know, just to let you know I have some

08:28:39 --> 08:28:43

leverage over you if I'll tell these people you killed good

08:28:43 --> 08:28:46

Egyptian and then how you going to look? And of course Mousavi Saddam

08:28:46 --> 08:28:49

did not intentionally kill the Egyptian we covered that. In

08:28:49 --> 08:28:53

previous sessions. When you saw the sins intention was to break up

08:28:53 --> 08:28:56

a fight. He punched a man with his fists, he didn't stab him or

08:28:56 --> 08:28:59

something that throw them off a cliff. Nothing like that. Nothing

08:28:59 --> 08:29:02

like the biblical version where it seems like he did have intent to

08:29:02 --> 08:29:06

kill the man. And then he buried his body in the sand, who sadly

08:29:06 --> 08:29:10

said obstructed man, he happened to die. So he makes Toba to a law

08:29:10 --> 08:29:15

because of a lack of restraint. He lost his temper. Right? The man

08:29:15 --> 08:29:18

happened to die. Certainly His intention was not to kill the man

08:29:18 --> 08:29:21

it's more manslaughter in any type of murder.

08:29:26 --> 08:29:26


08:29:28 --> 08:29:31

so you know, they knew his reputation and the added Kitab

08:29:31 --> 08:29:32

they knew him as well.

08:29:34 --> 08:29:36

Right? I was trying to look to Alice's and sudo. Number six is

08:29:36 --> 08:29:40

number 20 of the Quran Alladhina Chang over mu Kitab a yachtie

08:29:40 --> 08:29:44

funa. hookah Yachty. From Abner home, those to whom We gave the

08:29:44 --> 08:29:48

Kitab the revelation could mean the Bible here that word Bible

08:29:48 --> 08:29:53

means the word Bible means keytab. Beyond means book, those to whom

08:29:53 --> 08:29:56

We gave the Bible or book or revelation in general before they

08:29:56 --> 08:29:59

know him. Yadi funa who, right

08:30:00 --> 08:30:05

And nobody felt were aired a fan is a higher type of Gnosis. It's

08:30:05 --> 08:30:07

more of an intimate type of knowledge that they knew the

08:30:07 --> 08:30:12

Prophet intimately as, just as they know one of their own sons,

08:30:12 --> 08:30:16

the Koran says, right. So when the Prophet salallahu Salam came into

08:30:16 --> 08:30:22

Madina, Munawwara a Jewish man, he was first spotted by the Jews

08:30:22 --> 08:30:26

standing on their roofs. And then a Jewish man named I'm delighted

08:30:26 --> 08:30:30

in the salon, who later become a Muslim body a lot and angle, he

08:30:30 --> 08:30:33

said, are off to an Overwatch related he cut up I can tell from

08:30:33 --> 08:30:38

his face are often needs to recognize any cognition, right? I

08:30:38 --> 08:30:42

recognized his face, I recognize that his face was the face of a

08:30:42 --> 08:30:46

liar. So the aroma say that it's possible that the Prophet

08:30:46 --> 08:30:51

Soleimani Salam just had an honest face. And others say that in fact

08:30:51 --> 08:30:54

of the legend salaam, he recognized the description of the

08:30:54 --> 08:30:59

Prophet sallallaahu Salam, because he was described in Jewish sacred

08:30:59 --> 08:31:00


08:31:01 --> 08:31:04

So they knew him as well and they knew his character.

08:31:06 --> 08:31:10

And we mentioned in the past Isaiah chapter 42, probably a very

08:31:10 --> 08:31:16

good candidate for what of delight you can Salam was referring to.

08:31:18 --> 08:31:24

correctly as the emperor of Byzantium once had Abu Soufiane in

08:31:24 --> 08:31:27

his court, when he asked Abu Sufian about the profits of a lot,

08:31:27 --> 08:31:31

he said them and so he said to me, Soufiane, did you suspect him of

08:31:31 --> 08:31:35

being a liar? Before he said what he said in other words before

08:31:35 --> 08:31:40

claiming prophecy, and Abu Soufiane said, No, we did not

08:31:40 --> 08:31:42

suspect him of being a liar.

08:31:44 --> 08:31:48

Another ignorant Hadith said that said the foolish when Mohammed was

08:31:48 --> 08:31:52

a young man among you, he was the most pleasing, truthful and

08:31:52 --> 08:31:53


08:31:55 --> 08:31:59

of you until you had white hairs on his temples. And he brought you

08:31:59 --> 08:32:04

what he brought you then you said, a magician? No by Allah. He is not

08:32:04 --> 08:32:05

a magician.

08:32:06 --> 08:32:11

One Hadith says that the hand of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam

08:32:11 --> 08:32:16

never touched a woman over whom he did not have rights and Hadith in

08:32:16 --> 08:32:21

Bukhari and Muslim from Asia. She said Matt, Miss set Yedi Rasul

08:32:21 --> 08:32:24

Allah, he gets it in writing caught, the hand of the Prophet

08:32:24 --> 08:32:27

sallallahu Sallam did not touch a woman ever,

08:32:28 --> 08:32:31

unless he had rights over that woman.

08:32:35 --> 08:32:38

So you know, it describes him by saying he was most most truthful

08:32:38 --> 08:32:39

of human beings.

08:32:41 --> 08:32:43

Have a Jaffa that somebody mentioned that Ali said that the

08:32:43 --> 08:32:46

Prophet said, I was never attracted to anything that the

08:32:46 --> 08:32:50

people in the chat Hylia used to do, except on two occasions was

08:32:50 --> 08:32:52

mentioned by the writers of Syrah.

08:32:56 --> 08:33:00

And he says both times, Allah subhana wa, Allah came between me

08:33:00 --> 08:33:03

and what I wanted to do. Ever since Allah has honored me with

08:33:03 --> 08:33:06

the message, I have never even considered doing anything like

08:33:06 --> 08:33:10

that. So one night, I asked a slave boy who was hurting with me

08:33:10 --> 08:33:13

if you would watch the sheath for me, when I went to Mecca, to spend

08:33:13 --> 08:33:17

the night as the young men spend the night I went out to do so when

08:33:17 --> 08:33:20

I came to the first house of Mecca, I heard flutes and drums

08:33:20 --> 08:33:24

playing for someone's marriage, I sat down to watch and was suddenly

08:33:24 --> 08:33:30

overcome that sleep and only woke up after sunrise is so it's

08:33:30 --> 08:33:36

watching this frivolous behavior, and suddenly he basically falls

08:33:36 --> 08:33:41

unconscious. And the the heat of the sun on his back,

08:33:43 --> 08:33:44

actually woke him up.

08:33:46 --> 08:33:49

And he said, I went back without having done anything. The same

08:33:49 --> 08:33:52

thing happened another time. I have not considered doing anything

08:33:52 --> 08:33:59

like that, since so Allah subhanho wa Taala protected him from birth

08:33:59 --> 08:34:04

to death, right? And that's why we have these pre commissioning

08:34:04 --> 08:34:09

miracles, before his birth before its commissioning, there are there

08:34:09 --> 08:34:12

are miracles called Eros, these were type of merges that but

08:34:13 --> 08:34:15

before that they I thought that are attributed to the Prophet

08:34:15 --> 08:34:19

salallahu Salam, for example, the Prophet salallahu Salam, when he

08:34:19 --> 08:34:21

was in his

08:34:22 --> 08:34:27

early 20s, probably, he went on a business trip with May saw a

08:34:27 --> 08:34:32

servant of Phoenicia to bolster in Syria, and there was a monk there,

08:34:32 --> 08:34:35

and his story is in the prophets of Allah, he said, and he sat

08:34:35 --> 08:34:38

beneath the tree there. And

08:34:39 --> 08:34:45

Nestorius was looking at him in amazement. And he took he grabbed

08:34:45 --> 08:34:49

a Mesa and he said, Who's this man under the tree? And they sort of

08:34:49 --> 08:34:53

said, he's a man of the Federation of protectors of the Capitol, the

08:34:53 --> 08:34:56

house of God. And the story said, there's none other than the

08:34:56 --> 08:34:59

Prophet seated beneath the tree. And then

08:35:00 --> 08:35:03

A Nasara looked and some of the veils had been lifted and he

08:35:03 --> 08:35:07

noticed that there are two angels flanking the prophets of the body

08:35:07 --> 08:35:11

sending as many stories like this. Of course we know years earlier

08:35:11 --> 08:35:15

the same place in both straw. The Prophet was 10 or 12 years old

08:35:15 --> 08:35:19

with every column, the head of the monk noticed a strange phenomena

08:35:21 --> 08:35:26

as well, supernatural type phenomena. This is an indication

08:35:27 --> 08:35:30

that the prophets his

08:35:31 --> 08:35:35

his demeanor, his character, his actions,

08:35:37 --> 08:35:41

were all always protected by ALLAH SubhanA wa Jharna.

08:35:43 --> 08:35:49

Chair section 21 is to daintiness silence deliberation, manly virtue

08:35:49 --> 08:35:52

and excellent conduct or I'm not even a disease that you will hate

08:35:52 --> 08:35:56

heard. How did you even know Zaid said that the Prophet sallallahu

08:35:56 --> 08:35:59

sallam was the most sedate of people in the assembly, he almost

08:35:59 --> 08:36:04

never moved his limbs. So there was a tranquility about him. So a

08:36:04 --> 08:36:07

lot. He said, You know, sometimes you see people they're jittery and

08:36:07 --> 08:36:10

they're tapping their knees and legs and you know, they can't sit

08:36:10 --> 08:36:13

still there's something. There's something off about him the

08:36:13 --> 08:36:17

Prophet salallahu Salam was very tranquil, almost like he was in a

08:36:17 --> 08:36:23

meditative state. One can say that his heart was always in the

08:36:23 --> 08:36:26

presence of a loss of kind of what's gonna even in sleep, he

08:36:26 --> 08:36:31

said, I you know, yeah, a Nalia. to Now nanny Wallah, your nan will

08:36:31 --> 08:36:36

call the Okoma color. alayhi salatu salam, he said that my eye

08:36:36 --> 08:36:40

is asleep. But my heart is always awake, that his heart was

08:36:41 --> 08:36:46

continuously raptured in the Presence of Allah subhanho wa

08:36:46 --> 08:36:49

taala. I was sorry that hopefully he's related to the Prophet

08:36:49 --> 08:36:53

sallallaahu Salam sat in an assembly, he sat with his legs

08:36:53 --> 08:36:58

pulled up against his stomach by his hands. This is how he sat most

08:36:58 --> 08:37:02

of the time. In Japanese, when somebody said that he sat cross

08:37:02 --> 08:37:06

legged, like, what's called the lotus position used to be called

08:37:06 --> 08:37:09

Indian style, but it's not politically correct anymore to say

08:37:09 --> 08:37:11

that now what's called the lotus position.

08:37:12 --> 08:37:16

And sometimes he says squatting. This is also mentioned the hadith

08:37:16 --> 08:37:16

of baileigh.

08:37:18 --> 08:37:22

He was often he was often silent, and did not speak, except when

08:37:22 --> 08:37:26

necessary, avoiding people who do not speak well. So we've mentioned

08:37:26 --> 08:37:29

this in the past as well as on the air you had mentioned it in

08:37:29 --> 08:37:32

passing, that the Prophet salallahu Salam was quite taciturn

08:37:32 --> 08:37:35

in his speech, meaning he didn't speak.

08:37:36 --> 08:37:39

He didn't speak much at all, unless it was unless it was

08:37:39 --> 08:37:43

necessary. And of course, we have multiple Hadith that

08:37:44 --> 08:37:50

that highlight the the excellence of the virtue of, of silence, not

08:37:50 --> 08:37:54

taking vows of silence, that's considered a Vidar, to take a vow

08:37:54 --> 08:38:00

of silence. It's something that the previous Omen did, as, as a

08:38:00 --> 08:38:05

type of vow, mentioned in Surah Maryam that she did that she took

08:38:05 --> 08:38:09

a vow of silence, as well as there could iati cinammon this practice

08:38:09 --> 08:38:11

has been abrogated.

08:38:15 --> 08:38:15


08:38:17 --> 08:38:21

So there's many, many Hadith that that that highlight the the virtue

08:38:21 --> 08:38:24

of, of speaking little right.

08:38:25 --> 08:38:30

Men can you know, bIllahi min ash or FAL your coal Hydra only as

08:38:30 --> 08:38:32

much, whoever believes

08:38:34 --> 08:38:39

in Allah and His messenger should save what is good or be silent,

08:38:40 --> 08:38:44

say good things or be silent. And, you know,

08:38:45 --> 08:38:47

that doesn't mean you can't criticize because sometimes

08:38:47 --> 08:38:51

because if it's if it's criticizing with a good intention,

08:38:51 --> 08:38:54

and with adopted, that's good, that's good speech. Sometimes

08:38:54 --> 08:38:58

people or we need to need to be criticized. So it's not saying

08:38:58 --> 08:39:02

just say, Oh, good, flowery things and if not, then shut your mouth.

08:39:02 --> 08:39:06

No. If you're going to criticize if you're going to raise an issue

08:39:06 --> 08:39:11

of some sort, defend something, do it in the best manner, right?

08:39:13 --> 08:39:16

Of course, men some of them Naja, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said

08:39:18 --> 08:39:18


08:39:19 --> 08:39:23

that whoever is silent is safe.

08:39:26 --> 08:39:28

Of course, the Hadith of the prophets Allah Aug and whoever can

08:39:29 --> 08:39:34

guarantee for me the proper usage of that which is between his jaws

08:39:34 --> 08:39:38

and that which is between his hips, meaning his private parts,

08:39:38 --> 08:39:43

then I can guarantee for him entrance into Jana. Alright,

08:39:43 --> 08:39:48

entrance into gender. Alright, controlling what you say, and

08:39:48 --> 08:39:53

controlling your shower. You're promiscuity. Right? And this is an

08:39:53 --> 08:39:57

age we're living in. Right? We used to be the pre modern age

08:39:57 --> 08:39:59

where people had restraint and people

08:40:00 --> 08:40:03

Do things of course, we're not going to romanticize the pre

08:40:03 --> 08:40:07

modern world, it was also extremely violent in, in many ways

08:40:07 --> 08:40:12

as well and, and it problematic. But people generally their

08:40:12 --> 08:40:17

epistemology consisted of knuckle inocle, right of revelation and

08:40:17 --> 08:40:20

reason. And these things work together Northern Ireland, newer,

08:40:20 --> 08:40:25

as we said, we move into the modern age, and knuckle is

08:40:25 --> 08:40:28

completely thrown away, and everything is awful. Everything's

08:40:29 --> 08:40:34

rationalism. In fact, a type of empiricism really is what it is

08:40:36 --> 08:40:40

a rigid type of impure empiricism that if you can't prove it

08:40:40 --> 08:40:43

scientifically, you can see it or smell it or taste it or touch it,

08:40:43 --> 08:40:45

then it doesn't exist.

08:40:46 --> 08:40:49

And then we move into the postmodern age, where it's there's

08:40:49 --> 08:40:53

no truth. You can't take these. So it's not true from nonclinical.

08:40:53 --> 08:40:57

That's the pre modern world. Truth is not taken from science and

08:40:57 --> 08:41:00

materialistic, mechanistic, like Newtonian physics. That's the

08:41:00 --> 08:41:03

modern world. Now, the postmodern world is there's no truth capital

08:41:03 --> 08:41:07

T, and it's your truth, whatever you want to be true, and it's

08:41:07 --> 08:41:12

taken from feelings. It's how you feel. So you feel if you're a man

08:41:12 --> 08:41:16

and you feel like you're a woman, then you're a woman. You know,

08:41:16 --> 08:41:19

it's all based on feelings now, very, very strange time we're

08:41:19 --> 08:41:24

living in, but postmodernist and Satanists have something in

08:41:24 --> 08:41:28

common, do what thou wilt. That's what Aleister Crowley says, the

08:41:28 --> 08:41:32

lever leg as the book of the law which he contends with a satanic

08:41:32 --> 08:41:36

revelation revealed to him from some demon.

08:41:37 --> 08:41:40

And that's the entire law. It says, This is what this demon

08:41:40 --> 08:41:44

revealed to Crowley. Do whatever you want, do which do what thou

08:41:44 --> 08:41:48

wilt shall be the whole of the law. The Prophet sallallaahu Selim

08:41:48 --> 08:41:52

says in a hadith recorded by emo Minogue in the unburying, he said

08:41:52 --> 08:41:54

all of the prophets all of the prophets said to their people,

08:41:54 --> 08:41:59

either lamb to Steffi, for Snana shit, oh, come on holla that if

08:41:59 --> 08:42:02

you don't have shitting, the do what thou wilt. So the meaning of

08:42:02 --> 08:42:05

this hadith isn't okay, I don't have shame, I can do whatever I

08:42:05 --> 08:42:08

want. No, you should have shaved. That's the point of the Hadith.

08:42:09 --> 08:42:10

You can't do whatever you want.

08:42:11 --> 08:42:15

But they always add this caveat, like people who live a promiscuous

08:42:15 --> 08:42:19

lifestyle people who laugh at traditional morality, or, you

08:42:19 --> 08:42:24

know, marriage and you know, just, you know, relax. What is this?

08:42:26 --> 08:42:31

You know, relationships only only in the confines of marriage. It's

08:42:31 --> 08:42:34

time that's, you know, that's caveman stuff. It's time to come

08:42:34 --> 08:42:39

into the new century, man, you're not broke anymore. You need to get

08:42:39 --> 08:42:40

woke and, you know,

08:42:41 --> 08:42:47

leave these archaic, divisive, traditional values behind. Well,

08:42:48 --> 08:42:52

you know, so these people are very promiscuous and promiscuity. This

08:42:52 --> 08:42:56

is something that science has proven. promiscuity in many, many

08:42:56 --> 08:43:01

studies, leads to an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases, it

08:43:01 --> 08:43:04

even increases cancer risks.

08:43:05 --> 08:43:10

Multiple studies have linked promiscuity with clinical

08:43:10 --> 08:43:13

depression, because that's what they say do whatever you want.

08:43:13 --> 08:43:17

Engage in any type of debauchery you want to and always add the

08:43:17 --> 08:43:20

caveat, as long as you don't hurt anybody. As long as you're not

08:43:20 --> 08:43:23

hurting anybody. How do you know you're not hurting anybody?

08:43:24 --> 08:43:28

Living it promote a promiscuous lifestyle. Multiple studies have

08:43:28 --> 08:43:34

shown brings STDs brings cancer brings, as we said, clinical

08:43:34 --> 08:43:39

depression, suicide suicidality, which leads to domestic violence,

08:43:39 --> 08:43:45

promiscuity leads to, to increase in domestic violence, which leads

08:43:45 --> 08:43:49

to an increase of traumatic childhood for many, many children,

08:43:50 --> 08:43:53

which leads to mental illness and many of those children who become

08:43:54 --> 08:43:57

adults, and it's a vicious cycle, it's all based on promiscuity.

08:43:57 --> 08:44:01

People can't control what they're looking at. People can't control

08:44:01 --> 08:44:04

what's in there between their hips, as the Prophet sallallahu

08:44:04 --> 08:44:04

sallam said,

08:44:06 --> 08:44:09

right? That you know, you're not hurting anybody.

08:44:10 --> 08:44:14

How do we know because we believe in Revelation in Allah subhanho wa

08:44:14 --> 08:44:18

Taala will be called the che in adding the correlation in Allah.

08:44:19 --> 08:44:22

Allah Subhana Allah knows everything Allah subhana wa Taala

08:44:22 --> 08:44:24

knows ultimately what is good for us.

08:44:28 --> 08:44:29


08:44:31 --> 08:44:35

His laughter was a smile, and his statements were incisive, neither

08:44:35 --> 08:44:39

too long or too short. His companions smiled rather than

08:44:39 --> 08:44:42

laughed in his presence out of respect for him, and to imitate

08:44:42 --> 08:44:43

him as assemblies.

08:44:45 --> 08:44:48

His assembly was one of forbearance modesty, good feelings

08:44:48 --> 08:44:52

and trust. Voices were not raised in it. In this respect to sacred

08:44:52 --> 08:44:56

things did not arise in it. When he spoke his companions bow their

08:44:56 --> 08:44:59

heads in silence, as if birds were perching on them.

08:45:00 --> 08:45:03

So this is how they were completely raptured in the words

08:45:03 --> 08:45:06

of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that when when he spoke, they were

08:45:07 --> 08:45:11

their heads would go down as if, as if they were statues as if

08:45:11 --> 08:45:13

birds would come and perch upon them.

08:45:16 --> 08:45:19

And this is something else that's, that's lost people, you know,

08:45:19 --> 08:45:23

because they're, again, these kind of post modernists, many of them

08:45:23 --> 08:45:27

Marxist communist that want to equalize all of society that we're

08:45:27 --> 08:45:32

all exactly the same, just no differences whatsoever. So they

08:45:32 --> 08:45:35

want to destroy every type of social hierarchy, even in

08:45:35 --> 08:45:39

academia. You know, with academia, you have these, these professors

08:45:39 --> 08:45:43

that show up with flip flops and tank tops, because they just want

08:45:43 --> 08:45:46

to be one of the guys one of the, you know, one of the young 19 year

08:45:46 --> 08:45:49

old students, this guy's like 60 years old, and he's dressed like a

08:45:49 --> 08:45:55

19 year old and call me Bob, you know, forget about teacher or Dr.

08:45:55 --> 08:46:00

This and that, just call me, Bob, and this type of thing. This is

08:46:00 --> 08:46:04

dangerous because hierarchies work and history has shown that

08:46:04 --> 08:46:08

hierarchy social hierarchies, they tend to work and they work in the

08:46:08 --> 08:46:11

workplace, they tend to work in the family, it leads to healthy

08:46:11 --> 08:46:16

types of interactions between peoples. And they just simply

08:46:16 --> 08:46:20

work. Right this, this leveling of society, everyone's exactly equal.

08:46:20 --> 08:46:20


08:46:21 --> 08:46:26

mean, they've tried this in many countries. And doesn't it doesn't

08:46:26 --> 08:46:32

work at all. Right. And so the Sahaba, they knew, they knew the

08:46:32 --> 08:46:36

rules of the game. They knew who he was, somebody said them. And

08:46:36 --> 08:46:39

they knew that when they when they were in his presence, it was not

08:46:39 --> 08:46:43

like in the presence of another one of them. They knew that this

08:46:43 --> 08:46:47

was the messenger of God and outranks all of creation. And they

08:46:47 --> 08:46:50

would act in his presence accordingly.

08:46:52 --> 08:46:57

Reaching adab, right with with the Prophet salallahu. Salam is is as

08:46:57 --> 08:47:01

if one is breaching other with Allah subhanho wa taala. So we

08:47:01 --> 08:47:04

treat people according to their ranks. And this is a good way of

08:47:04 --> 08:47:07

dealing with people. And you don't ask them and as you know, the

08:47:07 --> 08:47:09

profits of the lottery, so don't treat people according to their

08:47:09 --> 08:47:14

ranks. This is also something that Confucius taught, he said, if you

08:47:14 --> 08:47:17

if you treat everyone with compassion, and you treat everyone

08:47:17 --> 08:47:21

the same, then you waste your compassion. And at the end of the

08:47:21 --> 08:47:23

day, you're not compassionate to anybody.

08:47:27 --> 08:47:30

He says one of the things that it has said about him is that he

08:47:30 --> 08:47:34

walked in climbing for work and the Huije machine in Sabah. He was

08:47:34 --> 08:47:37

walking down a slope. And another Hadith when he walked, you walked

08:47:37 --> 08:47:42

with concentration. He was no neither to press forward or falter

08:47:42 --> 08:47:48

in his gate. Ie he was never He was neither impatient nor feeble,

08:47:48 --> 08:47:53

to the Prophet salallahu Salam, he would walk with an intention,

08:47:53 --> 08:47:57

right? Look, man, and Hakeem, he gave advice to a son walks at FEMA

08:47:57 --> 08:48:02

ships. Welcome, dude, man. So check back in summer of translate

08:48:02 --> 08:48:05

this like walk moderately a moderate pace, but it also can

08:48:05 --> 08:48:13

mean walk with an intention. Walk with, with, with with a clarity in

08:48:13 --> 08:48:17

your mind, that you know exactly where you're going and don't let

08:48:17 --> 08:48:19

anything distract you. Right?

08:48:21 --> 08:48:24

walks into the machine. Whoa dude means so tech just to finish that

08:48:25 --> 08:48:28

second part of that statement in the Koran and lower your voice.

08:48:31 --> 08:48:34

I've deleted the message already said the best conduct is that of

08:48:34 --> 08:48:37

the prophets of the body Saddam, jab or even ability of the words

08:48:37 --> 08:48:40

of the prophets that contained both elegant phrasing and easy

08:48:40 --> 08:48:44

flow. This hadith is an Abu Dhabi route. And we gave you already

08:48:44 --> 08:48:49

several examples in a previous class of some Hadith and looked at

08:48:49 --> 08:48:53

the absolutely exquisite rhetorical composition of those

08:48:53 --> 08:48:58

Hadith, demonstrating the unbelievable eloquence of the

08:48:58 --> 08:49:02

normal speech. We're not talking about four on four hours on a

08:49:02 --> 08:49:04

whole different level. We're just talking about the normal everyday

08:49:04 --> 08:49:08

speech of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, which again is also a type

08:49:08 --> 08:49:13

of wacky everything the Prophet said is His revelation. Why am I

08:49:13 --> 08:49:17

in default and in Hawaii in Hawaii now? Why have I never Who should

08:49:17 --> 08:49:18

we do for

08:49:22 --> 08:49:24

so it's seven o'clock now. So

08:49:27 --> 08:49:29

I encourage you to

08:49:30 --> 08:49:35

continue in your education as the Prophet saw the lottery system.

08:49:37 --> 08:49:41

And remember and memorize many of these iconic verses in the Quran.

08:49:41 --> 08:49:47

Remember we said 21 107 Right. You have to you have to memorize as I

08:49:47 --> 08:49:54

look at the Tafseer 3321 30 360-333-4068 for

08:49:57 --> 08:49:59

chapter six verse 20, verse chapter seven verse

08:50:00 --> 08:50:04

Is 157 All of these beautiful adds to chapter three verse, verse 159,

08:50:05 --> 08:50:08

describing the character the prophecies and the rank of the

08:50:08 --> 08:50:10

province of Larissa than

08:50:11 --> 08:50:15

the, the beautiful attributes of the prophets of Allah Allah Salam,

08:50:15 --> 08:50:18

or Allah subhana wa Jalla speaks about the prophets of Allah

08:50:18 --> 08:50:21

Addison and this is how we get to know him, our primary source the

08:50:21 --> 08:50:27

Quran, and many of those Hadith who mentioned as well, the hadith

08:50:27 --> 08:50:27

of Rama,

08:50:28 --> 08:50:32

the hadith of his mastery of the children of Adam, these are things

08:50:32 --> 08:50:35

that every one of us should have memorized. So that when an

08:50:35 --> 08:50:39

opportunity presents itself to somebody, we can explain and

08:50:39 --> 08:50:47

present accurately the happy the best of creation salatu salam, so

08:50:47 --> 08:50:52

please keep us in your dua that you have a beautiful rest of your

08:50:52 --> 08:50:56

Ramadan made you catch the Knight of power male also trying to work

08:50:56 --> 08:51:02

to Allah give you a very joyous read and increase you increase

08:51:02 --> 08:51:05

your family. I mean, sold obviously the Mohammed didn't want

08:51:06 --> 08:51:09

any he was selling them. What have you delivered? I've been Alameen

08:51:09 --> 08:51:11

wa Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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