Ali Ataie – Mystical Jewish Numerical Interpretations Foreshadowing the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a numerological interpretation of sacred texts and warns against insistence on it. They also mention a rabbi's position on the topic of numbers and predictions of Islam's fulfillment. The speaker uses historical context and references popular figures.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now in mystical Judaism, I'll just mention this,

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I thought this was interesting. There's something called

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gematria. This is kind of like a numerological

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of sacred texts. So as Muslims, you know,

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we we should be careful of these things,

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take them with a grain of salt. As

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one of my teachers said, perhaps there's something

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to this, but we should never be dogmatic

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or insistent about these things. Right? They say

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too much salt on a meal spoils the

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some interesting numerological correspondences

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have been pointed out to me by my

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Jewish colleagues. I'm Jewish. When I used to

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work at a Catholic school,

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the rabbi professor came to me and he

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pointed these things out to

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me. He said in Genesis 17/20,

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God said to Abraham that we would multiply

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Ishmael exceedingly. The word exceedingly he says in

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Hebrew is,

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which translates as exceedingly. And he said the

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numerical value of this is 92 exactly.

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And he said the phrase as a great

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Lagoy Gador, is also exactly 92, the numerical

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value. And he said did you know that

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the numerical value of Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi sallam in Hebrew, memkhit mum dalet,

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is exactly 92?

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This subtlety did not escape the notice of

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Hebrew exigence.

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And there are Jewish scholars who admit

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that the prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam is

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a fulfillment of this verse. Genesis 17/20. They

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admit this. They admit that this verse is

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predicting the Muslim Ummah under the prophet Muhammad

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam. You'll find this under

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classical literature.

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This is the position of a famous 11th

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century Tunisian rabbi

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named Hananel ben Fushia. People can look this

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up. The famous Spanish

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rabbi and Torah commentator,

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Bahia Ben Asher, he quoted rabbi Chanael. This

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is what he said, quote, once this prophecy

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came true, Islam conquered the civilized world like

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a whirlwind.

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We, the Jewish people, lost our position of

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preeminence in the world due to our sins,

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end quote.

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They know that this verse is describing the

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prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam.

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