Ali Ataie – Having Patience & Hope Through This World’s Discomforts

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the meaning of the dunya, which is a prison for believers. The meaning is that the believer should feel a constriction in the world and should not be too comfortable. The speaker uses the examples of Jesus's visit to the holy grail and the holy spirit to explain the meaning of the dunya.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is recorded by Imam

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The world is the prison of the believer.

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The world is the prison of the believer.

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Meaning that we are not meant to be

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too comfortable

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in this world.

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That the believer, the moment,

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should feel a type

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of constriction

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in this world.

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Of course, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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does not give us more than we can

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There are degrees

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of comfort and joy

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in the dunya,

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but the overarching sense

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of the world for the believer

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is one of

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of tightness, of discomfort, like a prison cell.

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Thus, life in the dunya requires

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patience and hope.

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Even a of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Even a saint of

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whose desires have completely aligned

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with the Quran and sunnah

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is not comfortable in this world. Especially a

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saint of God.

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I should say and this is one of

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the definitions

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by the way

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of of

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nearness to Allah.

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not if you truly believe

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his Hawa, his desires

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are perfectly in accordance

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with what I have brought.

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So what did the prophet

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bring? He brought the Quran and Sunnah.

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That is to say, he brought the word

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of God in text

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and the word of God in practice.

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He brought the Quran

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and he agreed upon and well known

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and custom

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of the prophet

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which is the Quran's

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is the greatest

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of the Quran.

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So, Allah

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for example, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us

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in the Quran speaking directly to the prophet

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that verily, verily, you dominate magnificent character.

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Your ethos is vast.

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What is this

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that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is speaking about?

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The sunnah tells us

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that He salallahu alayhi wasalam

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That He was

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always cheerful,

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He was easygoing,

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He was affable.

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He was gentle.

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He was not harsh.

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He was not coarse.

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He was not lewd or crude.

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He was a real man,

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as our mother, Aisha

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describes him as well as

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in the Quran and the Sunnah?

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Now imagine a Wali of God,

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a friend of God

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whose desires

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have aligned

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perfectly with the Quran and Sunnah,

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whose joy is to pray and fast,

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whose joy is to restrict his appetites,

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whose joy is to read and study the

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Whose joy is to give charity.

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Even he is not comfortable

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in the dunya.

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Because he longs to be with Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala in the

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also he longs to be with the prophet

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in Jannah.

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That's called show. That's called longing.

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And is discomforting,

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longing for once beloved

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due to a

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due to a separation

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causes anxiety.

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he was on his deathbed in Damascus, Syria,

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his wife was screaming.

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Oh, disaster.

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Oh, calamity.

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He said,

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and his fellowship.

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Say Nabi love

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the prophet

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with a love that was unbelievable.

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The message of the prophet

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the in every way imaginable.

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When the prophet

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passed away, had

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that only

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death could

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The prophet

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in his fatal illness, called his daughter Fatima

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And told her a secret.

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Because of which,

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she started weeping.

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For Bakkak.

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Then he called her and told her another

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And she started laughing.

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Well I asked her about that. She replied.

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The prophet

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told me that he would die in his

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fatal illness.

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And so I left.

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But then he secretly told me

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that from amongst his family,

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I would be the first to join him.

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So I left.

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What makes a woman

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in her early twenties

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laugh at death?

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The answer is reunion

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with her beloved.

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This is why the people of Naifa,

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They say

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about the

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So we should know the nature of the

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We should be cognizant

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of the essence of the dunya.

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Indeed, we will test you with something of

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and hunger

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and loss of wealth and loss of lives

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and loss of the fruits of your labor

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and some say means the loss of your

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The address here, the

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the is second person common and plural. In

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other words, Allah

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is speaking to humanity.

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But then Allah

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without skipping a beat says,

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but give glad tidings to the patient ones.

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Now the addressee is second person

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masculine singular.

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This sudden change in addressee is called It

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is a rhetorical device Quran.

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But who is this new addressee?

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Who is the second person masculine singular The

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answer is the prophet

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Muhammad So, after telling us that he will

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test us with calamity and disaster.

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commands the prophet

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to give glad tidings, to give bushraw to

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the patient ones.

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In other words, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is

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telling us that the source of our relief

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the prophet

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The dunya is indeed our prison.

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But take take solace in the fact

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that when we get out of prison,

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we will have a defense lawyer as it

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an advocate to intercede on our behalf

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with the judge of judges,

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with the king of kings.

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We are now in prison, but we have

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hope. And remember I said

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that prison requires

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and the rajah.

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It requires patience

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and hope.

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You have in the messenger of God, a

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beautiful example of conduct.

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For anyone who has vote

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in Allah

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and in the final day

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and makes frequent remembrance of Allah

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Look to him

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for our relief. He is the greatest embodiment

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of the mercy of Allah.

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I am the prophet of mercy. I am

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a gifted mercy. Even Ajiba says in the

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the meaning of this verse, is

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that he is

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cause of happiness.

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In both abodes in this world and in

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the hereafter.

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He is the means of our guidance and

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