Ali Ataie – Explanation of Qur’an 930 The Jews Say ‘Uzayr is the Son of God’

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of the title Jesus is a word from God, which is related to his miraculous birth and not related to his supposed hypostatic or personal pre pops. The title is not borrowing from the Bible, but rather consistent with the Jewish miracle birthowned practices. The discussion also touches on the meaning of "imran" in Arabic and the meaning of "imran" in English, with a focus on the difference between the two.
AI: Transcript ©
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Some Muslims to leave the Mila,

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they can't solve them.

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Education is key.

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So when the Quran says Jesus is a

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word from God.

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Kali metum min Allah.

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It is the angel who announces this to

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Maryam alaihis salam.

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So Jesus's title, word from God or word

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of God is related to his miraculous birth.

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So that's number 1. It has nothing to

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do with his supposed

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hypostatic or personal pre eternality.

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And this is significant

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because I would argue that the Quran here

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is not borrowing a middle platonic term or

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like the gospel of John apparently does. But

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rather the Quran is continuing

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the established

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Jewish miracle birth

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literary tradition.

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The established

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Jewish miracle birth literary tradition.

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so? Well, in the book of Genesis 18/14,

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Sarah laughs and says, how shall I have

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a child when I am old

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or in the Quran?

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But what did the angels say to Sarah

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in Genesis?

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In the Torah,

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is anything too hard for the lord?

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Is anything too hard for the lord? But

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that's English.

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That's a translation.

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In Hebrew, it says,

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Literally, is any word

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too hard for the Lord?

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Davar means word, kalima.

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In Greek, this is translated as not

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But what does davar mean in the context

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of Genesis?

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It means an edict,

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a matter, or a decree.

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So what are the angels actually saying to

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Is anything that God decrees? Is any affair

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that God wills

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too hard for him to do?

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This is this is the meaning. In fact,

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Wilhelm Jacenius in his famous, lexicon says that

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one of the words in Arabic that is

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equivalent in meaning to davar is amr,

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as the angels say to Sarah in the

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Quran. Do you wonder at the decree of

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