Akram Nadwi – Does Quran impose an Arab Culture?

Akram Nadwi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how the Quran's universal message does not require culture to follow, but rather emphasizes that foreign media use examples and parables of people from their culture to explain their point. The message is not limited to culture, but rather everyone can learn from their examples and see examples of universal values.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, one thing I understood really, you know the examples and parables and stories, though they emerge in a certain culture, but the message or universal in the Quran has not come to follow the culture of our time say anything the Quran commands you to follow nothing bit after your culture kuranda not much to make you to become part of the culture. But when a Quran expressive point, it is going to be split from the human human human culture. To some time examples will come from the east sometimes from the western, but mostly to be from where people are familiar that if you learn that it's not going to make your

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stories will be from stories that that people are familiar like, you know Mr. Moosa or Isa and all those things that people know by does not mean that he wants to impose a culture upon for example, you know, if you live in England, and I tell a story from India, to express certain point,

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no English people who say no, you are English, are you making industry people love Indian story, they were encouraging. People want to listen, if any story can expand to them a point that's fine, too. First people receive the Quran, there are people too What makes more clear for them is these examples but what I'm trying to say is the Quran never teaches people to become Arab. Mr. Quran does not impose on the people our culture, but certainly foreign will use stories and parables of the people and people who will be from certain culture you know, to explain the point, but the point itself is not limited not not far to culture. Is it clear to

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set the example of or say the primers for Is it okay for polio pathways sama?

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Yes, the blood to the human being, you know, but it does not mean that what comes after that is they are then what he said what are the messages? The message in your examples are the people can learn these examples, the stories they know, and people love, you know, people come on board. I've seen examples all the time anyway. If sometime new examples come from new culture, strike the mind, maybe thinking to stories are no doubt from at least and, you know, are also examples of Middle Eastern people. many examples of the are universal, but some are from their culture, but they're not difficult to understand. People can understand what mean but the message is not.

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The values there kurama to follow, they are not a value. The values are universal worship of Allah Amarna, Truth and Honesty says, No, don't do Zina. Don't steal in all these commands. They are so natural and so rational. They can fit in any culture, anywhere.

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