Akhi Ayman – Keep to yourself if it doesnt concern you

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how people in their audience are often referred to as "orthopedic" or "orthopedic" and that their videos are only meant for those with an identity crisis. They argue that people in their audience are aware of their own unique identity and that their videos serve as a reminder to those in need of help.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mala hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Muhammad you so quick

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for Manish all of those people that

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see my video and they always like to when they give comments when

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the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam stated, speak good or

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remain silent.

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But if you're not speaking good, why do you have to have your

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opinion covered and at the very same time I want every single

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person to know that my videos are only for those that have come to

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see me in person is for my audience, my audience are those

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people that have an identity crisis, those peoples that are

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struggling with salah, those people that are struggling with

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major sins. So why is it that when you hear me speak and you have

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your opinion online, it's not for you. There's fold for those

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people. And for some people, it's a reminder to them. A reminder is

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meant to benefit the believers and if it doesn't benefit you then

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