Ahsan Hanif – Why People Go to Arafah

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Speaker 1 discusses the importance of turning to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to seek forgiveness and change. They stress the need to acknowledge Allah's presence on the day oforniality and to turn to his teachings. The importance of seeking blessings from Allah's listeners is emphasized.
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They go there to make dua. They go
there to seek Allah's forgiveness. They go there
to make tawba. They go there to realize
the many, many sins that they've committed over
the course of their life, and how they
need to try to do better. And the
first step of doing better is to turn
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. To repent to
to acknowledge his tawheed subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And that is why in the hadith in
Sahih Muslim,
the prophet said, salallahu alaihi wasallam speaking about
the virtues of this day for the people
who make Hajj on the day of Arafa
in Arafa. There is not a day upon
the face of this earth in which Allah
frees more people, he emancimates more people from
the fire of * in the day of
Arafah. And Allah azzawajal descend on this day
in a manner which befits his majesty,
and he boasts to the angels. What do
these people want from me? Meaning the people
making Hajj on the day of Arafah.
Because those people, if they're sincere,
if they have Ikhlas, if they know the
reason why they've made Hajj, they've only come
for one reason, and that is to turn
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to seek
his blessing,