Ahsan Hanif – Day of Arafah – A Reminder to Realign Our Priorities

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The speaker discusses the importance of worshiping Allah's subhanahu wa ban on wealth and desire for pleasures. The speaker uses the experience of the day of title as a reminder to realign priorities and understand the rights of Allah to his slaves. The speaker emphasizes the need to prioritize worship and not associate anyone with worship.
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The covenant that we made with Allah
that this life that we have, these finite
years that we have, it's not so that
we can gather wealth, it's not so that
we can have large families, it's not so
that we can enjoy the pleasures of the
dunya, it is only for one purpose, and
that is the purpose to worship Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. And the nature of the dunya
with this distraction, the nature of the human
with his negligence is that we are often
forgetful of this one very important fact. And
so times like today, the day of Arafah,
times like the month of Ramadan are reminders
that are timely for us. That we need
to realign our priorities. That we need to
understand what is important
about this life and what is less important
in this life. The prophet
highlighted this very principle in the hadith in
Sahih al Bukhari, the hadith
who one day was riding behind the prophet
the prophet said to him,
do you know what the right of Allah
is upon his slaves and the right of
the slaves upon their Lord subhanahu wa ta'ala?
He said Allah and his messenger messenger know
best. He said the rights of Allah upon
his slaves is that they worship him alone,
not making shit with him And the rights
that they have that Allah is obligated upon
is that he won't punish those who don't
associate anyone in them with worship.