Ahsan Hanif – Qur’an Tafseer #01 Surah Al Faatiha – The Opening

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of guidance in Islam, including taking the right approach to questions and following the path of the Prophet. They emphasize the need for action and guidance to achieve the right path, as it is crucial for everyone to achieve their goals. The speaker also touches on the history and characteristics of Islam, including the importance of knowing the presence of the Prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh they'll be learning to shave on your launching

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coffee at

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Santa Monica rahmatullahi wa barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Kleber to Tolkien or salatu salam ala cu mursaleen are an early he was on the edge Marin and my bad shall allow Tada this is the first of many episodes in which we're going to make the decision of the Quran page by page. So inshallah Tada and every single episode our aim is to pick one page of the Quran, start from the beginning and work our way all the way towards the end of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala so today we begin with Surah Al Fatiha the first chapter of the Quran. And sunnah to Fatiha means the opening. And as we all know, it is the most important source of the book of

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Allah subhanaw taala, the greatest surah in the book of Allah azza wa jal and there are a number of a hadith that speak to the virtues of this particular surah. And it was enough for us to all know that it is something which is considered to be one of the major aspects of our Salah in every single prayer that we offer, and every single unit of that prayer and every single record, we will recite Surah Fatiha and that is because there is a Surah that contains so many lessons and so many benefits and so many important principles for the Muslim and those principles inshallah Tada, some of them and some of the most important ones we will touch upon today. The Surah Surah Fatiha, which means

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literally the opening the first Surah of the Quran is a Surah that has been mentioned in the Sunnah and a number of a hadith that speak to the virtues of the surah. From the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari on the authority of the companions of Musa evil Miranda, about the Allah one, that he was once praying in the prophets of Allah while he was still in his masjid. And the prophets of Allah while he was salam called him, but he was slow in responding because he was finishing off his prayer, his voluntary prayer. He eventually comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, and I'm abridging the Hadith summarizing the Hadith, he says to

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him, I will teach you before we leave the masjid today, what is the greatest Surah of the Quran? So then they begin to talk about other things and as they're walking towards the masjid exit, I will serene says to the prophets of Allah wa salam, O Messenger of Allah, you said that you will teach me what is the greatest Surah of the Quran before we left the masjid. And so the prophets of Allah where it was salam replied, It is Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen, meaning Surah Fatiha, it is the seventh on my fanny, the seven oft repeated verses will earn love him and the great are under I have been given. So this hadith shows to us, that the surah that is Surah Al Fatiha also has a number of

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names by which it is known from the names that it is known by is several my fanny the seven oft repeated verses and that is because it is repeated constantly in every single record of every single prayer. It is also known as the Quran Avene from its names is that it is the great and meaningless the greatest Surah of the Quran. And that is because as we said, it is in almost in a manner of speaking, it is something which summarizes the whole book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada from the names of the surah is that it is known as Omar Al Kitab, the mother of the book, and that is because the Arabs called something they own. The own kind of means, like the you know, the major or the or the

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master copy, or if you'd like it is the mother of something or the main source of something. The Arabs call something the own, if it is considered to be the greatest of its type. So for example, on Quora, the mother of all cities or towns is the city of Mecca, because there is the greatest of its type. So likewise Surah Fatiha is considered to be among Kitab, the greatest of the sorrows of the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. And when we say that something is the greatest Surah or the greatest verse in the Quran, it doesn't any way diminish the rest of the book of Allah azza wa jal, we don't mean that it is something which means that you can then ignore other parts of the Quran or

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the book of Allah subhanaw taala. But what he means is that Allah azza wa jal has given to it extra virtue or extra reward or has placed upon it certain emphasis that you don't find elsewhere for other sources or other verses of the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. From the virtues of the surah is also what is mentioned the hadith of Ibn ibis, Radi Allahu Anhu man Sahih Muslim, and that is the prophets of Allah where it was sending was once with Sabrina Ali Salaam. And this hadith speaks about the revelation of Surah Fatiha he was wanting to Jubilee in early salatu salam and they heard a sound from above a sound that they had never heard before. So Jubilee dari Suriname looked above

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and he said

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To the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Today a gate has been opened in the heavens, never before has such a gate been opened meaning never before as that particular gate been opened, and from that gate they descended another angel. The angel came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said, I give you glad tidings of the two lights that Allah azza wa jal has given to no one before he was given the minimal prophet or messenger of Allah received such revelation. And then the angel said, the first aid is SOTL Fatiha, and the second light are the last couple of verses of Surah Al Baqarah. These are things that Allah azza wa jal gave specifically to his prophets and

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Allahu Allah, he was cinnamon therefore, by extension, he gave them specifically to this ummah, to me and to you as well. From the virtues of the surah is what is mentioned the hadith of Abu Huraira or the Allah one, in the famous Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, Concerning the person who is in sada and they're praying, and they're reciting Surah Fatiha that Allah azza wa jal says, person to salata, Bini Robina Abdi, he says, Allah azza wa jal says that I have made the Salah, meaning Surah to Fatiha so from the names of Soto Fatiha is that it is also known as the Sunnah of the prayer. I have made the salam in Surah Fatiha

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in two halves. One half is for me and one half is for my servant. So when the seven says Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all praises due to Allah, Lord of all that exists Allah azza wa jal replies Hamadani Abdi, my servant has praised me. And then when the seven says in this recitation of the surah Rahman Rahim that Allah azza wa jal is the one who is the Lord of all mercy and the one who gives all mercy. Likewise, Allah azza wa jal replies F naughty Abdi My servant has spoken good of me. And when he says the servant madam Kiyomi Dean, that Allah azza wa jal is the master the Owner of the Day of Judgment, Allah azza wa jal replies Majid Enya Abdi, my slave has glorified me and

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then when the slave says on the seventh says iya cannot Buddha yeah kind of staring. You will not know Allah do we worship and You are alone do we seek assistance from Allah subhanaw taala says This is between me and my servant and I will give to my seven deputy asks for and then the rest of the surah is Dina Serrata Mr. Clean syrup on Lillian and I'm tired of him reading my Adobe ID him model Da Lin. When that person makes that to and asks Allah azza wa jal to guide them to the straight path, the path that Allah azza wa jal has favored, but the path of those who have been led astray are those who have incurred the wrath and anger of Allah subhanaw taala Allah azza wa jal says,

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likewise, this is between me and my slave, and I will give him that which he asks for. So Allah subhanaw taala responds every single time we recite Surah Fatiha Allah azza wa jal in Surah, Allah subhanaw taala responds accordingly, as is mentioned in this hadith of the prophets of Allah wherever he was sitting them, and from the virtues of the surah is that which is mentioned also in Sohail Bukhari, in the Hadith honorable certainly the holder of the Allah one. And that is a disorder is something which contains within it, he found a cure. It is something which a person can use to make Autopia incantation upon themselves, they can recite it, and blow over their hand and

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wipe over their body, the place that they're feeling pain or illness, sickness. And by Allah's permission, it is something which grants cure and grant relief. This is in the Hadith of the Allah one, when a group of companions were traveling. And these descended at night, as people would do in those early days, they descended at night, upon a group of people in the village, and they asked them for their hospitality to give them a place to stay, and to give them some food. And that was the norm in a time before hotels, and before Airbnbs. And before all of this type of stuff that we're used to now, people would go and they would ask people of those towns and villages

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respectively, to give them some hospitality in terms of shelter for the night and food and drink. Those people have that particular town or village, they refuse to do so. So they will people who are stingy people, Miserly people not known for their hospitality. And so the Companions, they moved a short distance away from the village, and they chose to spend the night there instead. But as they was settling down for the night, the leader, or one of the leaders of that town of that village, he was stung by some type of insect. And so he became feverish and became ill. And they tried different types of medications that they had access to different types of things, but they couldn't help that

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man. So someone said, why don't you go and ask those guests, those strangers, those visitors, maybe they have something. So one of them went and they spoke to those people, those companions and they said is there amongst you someone who can help in the situation? One of the companions said, I will, I will do so. But when we asked you for your hospitality, you refused. So now, I will not agree to this until you allow or you agree to give me something in return some type of

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reward some type of payment. So, they agreed that they would give them a certain set amount of sheep as payment some type of, of cattle as payment. And then that companion went and he recited over this non Muslim, he recited over him Surah Fatiha. And by Allah's permission, he was cured. So they took those, those animals and they decided that they would wait until they go back to the prophets of Allah wa salam so that they could ensure that what they had done was correct and that the money that they taken all that payment that they have received was something which was legitimate. They came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the prophets on the low it will send them said to them,

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how did you know that solar to Fatiha is a nuclear? How did you know that it's something which serves as an incantation, something which you can recite that by Allah's permission, it is something which cause already relieves distress and pain. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them to distribute the payment that they had received amongst them and to give him a share as well. So Surah to fatty heifer person has Eman because in the Hadith, the man that they're reciting over is a non Muslim. Imagine then that if you're reciting Surah Fatiha over a person who believes in Allah, who believes in the Quran, who loves the book of Allah subhanaw taala, who wants to come

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close to Allah Azza wa Jo's comes close to Allah subhana wa Tada through the recitation of his words, for such a person it is undoubtedly a shifa, a cure something which is a Rama and a Baraka a blessing and a mercy for those types of people. And so this is just one of those many Hadith a number of them I've mentioned to you today, that speak about the virtue of the Surah it is an amazing surah in the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada the method of our Tafseer is essentially to give us a holistic understanding of the verses of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. So, this is not meant to be in depth detail to see and notice it meant to be one when we speak about the different

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positions amongst the scholars with FCM because undoubtedly, in some of these verses, they may be varying opinions or differences amongst the scholars of Tafseer of Odin of new, but this inshallah Tada This series is meant to give us a general understanding of the book of Allah azza wa jal in accordance to the understanding of the self, the understanding of the companions and their students, Tabby in those early generations of scholars and Muslims, how do they understand the book of Allah subhanaw taala and these verses and what they understood these verses to mean and to refer to so Allah subhanaw taala that begins the surah and before we begin, in the recitation of the Quran, we

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always begin with the st either to say earlier bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. And that is something which is the Sunnah, that before you begin the recitation of anything of the book of Allah subhanaw taala, whether it's the beginning of Surah or midway in a surah. You begin by asking Allah azza wa jal to save you, to give you refuge from Shaytaan and that is the command of Allah azza wa jal himself mentioned in the Quran when he says either Quran first started bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. When wanting to recite the Quran and seek Allah's refuge in shaytaan. The cast also from that which is highly recommended is to recite the best manner, the best valor refers to the

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statement Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, which we find that the beginning of every single Surah of the Quran, with the exception of one surah, and that is Surah to Toba to also do that at the beginning of every Surah it is something which is also highly recommended. Surah Fatiha begins with the best manner to say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in the Name of Allah, that Allah azza wa jal is the most gracious and that He is the Most Merciful Subhana who wants that? Allah azza wa jal then says hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all that exists. Allah subhanaw taala begins the Quran with this word and this command of praise and to praise Allah subhanaw taala means

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to speak of Allah azza wa jal in every single manner which is befitting to him of God, to affirm for him his perfection subhanaw taala and his completeness in every way, shape and form and that Allah azza wa jal is unique in every single way. subhanaw taala unlike any of his creations and live your order, and that we say and we praise Allah subhanaw taala with a sense of love, and a sense of servitude and worship and humility and humbleness before him Subhana wa Tada that is essentially humped. And Allah azza wa jal begins the Quran with the hand and Allah subhanaw taala tells us the people of Jannah when they enter into Jannah, their final call will be to say Alhamdulillah hero,

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beloved Amin to praise Allah subhanaw taala we praise Him because He is befitting of all praise. He is worthy of all praise. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who most loves to be praised, and he's most worthy of that praise. Subhana wa Taala so to constantly praise Allah azza wa jal to glorify Allah subhanaw taala to remember Allah azza wa jal by reciting the Quran and by making a car by making dua. It is something which is beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so Allah azza wa jal It is almost as if he begins

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is the book of Allah azza wa jal, his book by this instruction that we should be people who constantly and continuously praised him Subhana wa Tada Alhamdulillah all of that praise belongs to Allah azza wa jal alone, he alone is befitting and worthy of that praise Subhana wa Tada. Robben Island mean, he is the Lord of all that exists. The Lord is the one who is the owner, the one who is the leader, the one who nurtures the one who who helps the one who rectifies he is the one who record an Arabic language or rob and he is the one who is worthy of worship Subhana wa Tada. Allah azza wa jal is our Rob. He's the one who created us. He's the one who fashioned us. He's the one who

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gave us life. He's the one who provides for us. He's the one who decrees for us life and death, harm and benefit. And Allah subhanaw taala is the one who commanded us to worship Him alone. subhanho wa taala. And so therefore we offer all forms of legitimate worship to Him. Jelena fear Allah. He is the rock behind I mean, the Lord of all that exists and the item is everything besides Allah subhanaw taala so everything that is creation, because Allah is the Creator, everything besides Him His creation, everything besides him, is called an island. So we offer Allah azza wa jal, this praise and it is the most amazing praise so comprehensive, in this verse in Surah, Al Fatiha that we

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praise Allah azza wa jal, with love with humility, with a sense of servitude and worship, to the one who is the Creator, the Sustainer, the provider, the one who decrees for us all good and all harm, and the one who gives us life and death, and he is the one who is the Lord of everything in existence. And because Therefore He is the Lord of everything in existence. He alone is worthy of worship Subhana wa Tada. Allah azza wa jal tells us and describes to us. That is Amanda Rahim. The one who is most gracious, most merciful, or the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy. And Allah subhanaw taala. One of the main themes in the Quran is His names and attributes, because Allah azza

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wa jal wants us to know Him. And the way that we get to know our Lord's Panatela is through his description of himself. Subhana wa Tada. So the more that you learn about Allah, His names, his attributes, the more that you worship Him subhanaw taala and you grow in your love of Him and you imagine in him Subhana wa Tada from the attributes of Allah azza wa jal, that is most mentioned and repeated in the Quran is that he is a Rama, Orion, that Allah azza wa jal is the one who is all merciful. And that is mercy is something which is a Sefa that here it is a an attribute which belongs to him Subhana wa Tada. And it is one that he gives to whomsoever He wills from His

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creation. And that Allah azza wa jal has mercy is one which is general, that everything in existence benefits from the Muslims and non Muslims, the humans and the jinn and the animals and the plants, that which is living and that which is no longer in existence, everything belongs to Allah azza wa jal and everything benefits from his mercy. But then there is also a form of His mercy that is specific for the believers in this life, and more importantly, on human piano. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us as you know, in that famous Hadith no one will enter into Jannah, except by the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, so they said, Not even your messenger of

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Allah, He said, no one will enter into Jannah unless ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. No one will enter into gender by virtue of their own deeds. He said, Son, Allahu Allah, He will send him they said, Not even your message of Allah. He said, Not even me unless Allah azza wa jal shows his mercy upon me. That is the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala it is the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal that we were created, that we will provide it for that we have family, that we have good health, that we live in a relative sense of safety and security, but more over from the greatest Mercy of Allah azza wa jal is something which Allah subhanaw taala will touch upon in a few verses in Surah Fatiha and that is

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that Allah azza wa jal gave us His guidance showed us the way to Islam allowed us to accept his religion, to believe in Him subhanaw taala and to worship Him alone, to accept the prophets of Allah while he was still him as his final messenger to use the Quran as a book that will guide us and bring us closer to subhanaw taala That is all from the Mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada and from the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal is that the people who live in accordance to those teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah, they will be given that immense reward a normal Yama by the mercy of Allah azza wa jal and that is why Allah subhanaw taala in the Surah he links that mercy with the next verse and

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that description and that attribute of Allah azza wa jal that he is MADI Kiyomi been the owner, the master the king of the Day of Judgment. In this world, there are different things and different leaders. And some of those leaders think that they own things or that they have control over things and to a certain extent they do, but that kingship that sovereignty, it is always limited

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It is finite, it is weak in one way or another. But Allah subhanaw taala his dominion, His kingdom, His sovereignty, it is perfect in every single way. And unknown to Yama, there will be no other king, there will be no other leader there will be no other. No other owner or master except for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and that is the true kingdom, the kingdom of the next life and that is where true ownership and true rule will be seen. And that is the rule of Allah subhanaw taala and human piano as Allah azza wa jal tells us elsewhere in the Quran, that he will ask on that day limited muncul young or they will be asked to whom this kingdom belong on this day and it will be said that

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it belongs to Allah subhana wa Tada alone. So after pleasing Allah azza wa jal and as soon as we sit speaks about the principles of our religion, from those principles, or from the greatest of those principles, is the principle of knowing Allah subhanaw taala through histo heat of unifying Allah azza wa jal or declaring the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala in all forms of His Lordship, and in all forms of his worship, and in his unique names and attributes Subhana wa taala. And so Allah azza wa jal is deserving of all worship and that is why ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada begins his Surah by telling us about his thorough heat informing us about his lordship, about his names about his attributes, so

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that when it comes to worshiping Him, we worship Him alone subhanaw taala in a manner which is befitting to him Subhana wa Tada. And that is where Allah azza wa jal then tells us that we make this declaration, as we do in every single Racker of every single Salah that we offer 17 times a day, at the very least, we say, er can Abu Yaquina Stein, O Allah, you alone do we worship and You alone? Do we seek assistance from now normally in English language or in any language, the way we would say something is we worship you alone? We wouldn't say You alone we worship unless we wanted to emphasize that particular thing. So rather than Allah azza wa jal sing, we worship Him alone. We

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seek assistance from him alone. Allah subhanaw taala began by mentioning himself first Subhana wa Tada and he said, he yakka you alone? Oh Allah, do we worship you alone of Allah do we seek assistance from because that is where the heat comes in. There are many people in the world who worship many gods, and some of them will worship Allah but alongside him, they will worship other gods as well. Allah subhanaw taala tells us that our religion, its cornerstone, its foundation is based upon this very principle, and that is that we're worshiping Allah alone. So we make dua to Allah alone. We seek help from Allah alone. We seek assistance from Allah alone, when you sacrifice

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it is for the sake of Allah azza wa jal alone, any and every single act of worship, whether it's worship of the tongue, worship of the limbs, or worship of the heart, in trusting in Allah subhanaw taala, believing in Allah azza wa jal hoping for eternal reward from Allah subhanaw taala, fearing eternal punishment, it is from Allah alone, all of those aspects of worship in whichever form they belong to Allah subhanaw taala alone. And so we declare this IACA Naboo Oh Allah alone, you alone do we worship? And then in return what Yeah, kind of staring and you will alone do we seek assistance from and that shows to us that assistance only comes that second part only comes once the first part

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has been realized? You realize the first part that Allah azza wa jal is worthy of worship alone. You dedicate your life to worshiping Him, to submitting to him to follow in his command subhanaw taala to staying away from his prohibitions, Allah azza wa jal says, then you can ask and you can seek assistance and you can seek help. And Allah subhanaw taala will give you His divine blessings, his divine mercy and His divine assistance Subhana wa Tada, yak and Buddha yak and a stain. It is almost the pact that we have made. So the first principle in our religion is the principle of the heat of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And then Allah azza wa jal moves on and he says in the Nosferatu stuck in Oh

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Allah guide us to the straight path keep us firm and steadfast upon the street path. This is the first drive that is mentioned in the Quran. And that is the drive we must repeat in our lives every single day. 17 times a day we ask Allah for guidance, the wife of the prophets of Allah Allah he will send them all more Selim Radi Allahu Allah was asked what was the most common to either use to hear the profits on the lower end he will certainly make, as you said from the most common two hours that I heard him make is the DARIAH yarmulke label globe. It's a bit called the Ana de Nick, or the one who turns the hots. Make my heart steadfast and firm upon your religion. That dua that the

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Prophet Salam would repeat often, then you would make often it is taken from Surah Al Fatiha the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam best knew and at most knowledge concerning the Quran and it's received

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And often what Allah azza wa jal emphasizes in the Quran, you will see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam emphasizes the same in the Sunnah, because there is no contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah. They work together and one the Sunnah, explains the Quran. And so therefore the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam often emphasizes what Allah azza wa jal has already emphasized in the Quran, oh Allah guide us to the straight path, keep us firm upon the straight path. And that is because the guidance that we're seeking is of two types. The first is the initial guidance, the guidance of accepting Islam of being guided to Islam, of accepting the Quran and the

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sooner that is one type of guidance. But once you've been guided, and once Allah azza wa jal has showered and giving you that ability to see that guidance and accept it. Then what is the meaning of repeating that dua? It essentially becomes a Oh Allah keep us firm upon the guidance to our it is a drive the Roman law, guidance, meaning continue to guide us to the straight path, continuously guidance of Allah azza wa jal to that way, meaning keep us firm, keep a steadfast and that is what we take from the Hadith and the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he understood that meaning that once you've been guided by asking Allah for this essentially to keep

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upon the path, and that's an amazing work, and it's something that all of us need, all of us are in need of every single day. We need Allah's guidance and we need to be kept firm upon the straight path, because there are some people who are Muslim today, but they may not die upon your stand May Allah see was from that and that is why when the people of Jinnah will enter into gender from the way that they will from the manners of praise that they will mention from Allah subhanaw taala is that they will say, and Hamdulillah he led the Hagana the Haida woman Hakuna Lena, the Alola and Hidin Allah, all praises for Allah the one who guided us, we will never have been guided, we're not

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for the guidance of Allah subhana wa Tada. Allah azza wa jal then concludes the surah by telling us the type of guidance the path that we want to be upon and the second principle in the Surah is this, the path that we want to be upon what is the Serato stopping the straight path, it is the path of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Allah he will send them as the prophets on Allah wa and he will send them one day, draw a line on the ground and he said that this is the straight path that takes you to Allah. And then he drew lines to the right and the left and he said, these are the paths that take you away astray from the straight path. The straight path is to follow what

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Allah said, to follow what the Prophet said some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the path that Allah describes as being blessed it Sirata Lavina and untidy him this is the path of Allah azza wa jal that you have blessed, laid in Malibu barely him well of barley, not the path of those who have incurred your your, your wrath and your anger, know the path of those who went astray. The path of those who are blessed is the path that is straight. They are the people who submit to Allah azza wa jal, Allah says do something and they do it. Allah says stay away from something they stay away from it. They learn about the religion more and more, so that they can better understand how to stand

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firm and steadfast upon the straight path. And it is not the path of those who have incurred the Wrath of Allah, those who have incurred the Wrath of Allah. Some of the scholars have said, those people who have knowledge, but they don't act upon it, they know what is halal and haram. They know what Allah has commanded, but they ignore it. And they choose to follow other paths or they choose to do what they wish to do, following their desires, and the path of those who have gone astray, or those who do the opposite of that first group, the opposite being that they worship Allah based upon no knowledge, they don't know what Allah wants, and they worship and based upon ignorance, the first

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group knows but they choose to ignore. The second group doesn't ignore, but they worship based upon knowledge. So both of them have gone astray. Because in order therefore, for you to worship Allah azza wa jal and this is the third principle that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us how to ascertain what is the straight path and that is a you need both knowledge and action. Learn your religion, learn the Tafseer of the Quran, learn the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then act in accordance to it. And that is why after resetting the surah, in Salah, and sometimes even outside of Surah, you can say I mean, which means Oh Allah, accept this dua. This is the

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Durango every Muslim that we recite each and every single day, multiple times a day that we want Allah subhanaw taala to show His forgiveness and mercy upon us to give us his guidance and keep us firm upon that may Allah azza wa jal make us former monk, monks, those people will not allow somebody to be Eduardo De wasabi Ultramarine was sent to Allah he will barakato This means

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