Ahsan Hanif – Keys To Knowledge #03

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of learning from the earliest stages of spiritual teachings, including the use of snacks and reliable writing, the history of Islam, and the transmission of knowledge through various methods, including verbal transmission. They stress the importance of avoiding confusion and understanding the Arabic language, particularly in terms of definition of death and "has." The speakers also mention the use of "naughty jazz" in various fields and examples, and emphasize the importance of avoiding confusion and learning from teachers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica Baraka

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Allah Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen well after battling with Turpin, Allah or DeWanna Allah and Allah the mean why should you Allah ilaha illallah wa The whole Russia ricotta hula hula Well, you know we'll ask it in, we should do and then the BLM Muhammad Abdul who also Mustafa Al Amin, Allah masala was sending Mubarak and Amtico Sudha Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Intermarine

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Welcome to our Alice net course which is the first course of our second year well is snad inshallah Tada This year, we're going to continue with what we've pretty much done last year in terms of building upon those foundations of knowledge that we started with. And that is why inshallah Tada our first course of this year begins with the same topic that we actually began a listener with when we first started this program. And that speaks about issues of knowledge in terms of its seeking and its application and its methodologies. When we first started on this, not one of the or the first topic that we covered was the virtues of knowledge and the etiquettes of seeking knowledge, and

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inshallah Tada, today, we have three books that speak about different aspects of knowledge. But it's not repeating the information that we've already covered. So today's three books don't really speak much about etiquettes, or virtues of knowledge or rewards of seeking knowledge. That's something that a shout out to either we already covered. And as students of knowledge, that's something that we should be revising ourselves. And, you know, just just constantly be aware of the three issues that we're going to be studying Shala this weekend with these three books. Number one is

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methodologies of seeking and receiving knowledge. And what we would call in our time today and ijazah, or the snap. And one of the reasons why I wanted to touch upon this topic is because that's one of the things that we do on the snap, we finish books. And then we give an snad, from

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the teacher all the way back to the author for those books. That's something which the self did is something which the scholars have done for centuries for generations. But to understand what that means, and a concept and how it works, I think is very important for us. Also, it's been like a year now. We've done a number of books, you can have a number of Jazz's but what does that mean? What does it qualify you for or not? What's its position in our religion, that's something which is very important. That's what one of the books focuses on. The second book that we're going to be covering, which is the book of people about Daddy Rahima hello to Anna speaks about aspects of perseverance in

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seeking knowledge and high determination, and traveling for the sake of knowledge, and going and that's something which recovered slightly in the first, the first course that we didn't seek knowledge. But this speaks about it from a slightly different point of view. And it has some very nice points. It's not a very long book 70 Odd generations, but it is something very nice study that he compiled just to show how the mindset of the student of knowledge should be when it comes to acquiring and seeking knowledge. And the third book which Allah Tala which most likely will cover tomorrow, is the book of ignore Raja Hanbury Rahim, Allah Allah, which is the book of Burma for

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clearing the self, to know the virtue and the superiority of the knowledge of the self. And so one of the things that we also tried to do a listener is try to study the books of the early scholars as much as possible. And when it comes to those books, why is it so important to take knowledge from the earliest possible sources that you can find whether it's in Hadith or whether it's in fetco? Whether it's in difficile, whether it's in Sierra, whatever, whatever its subject you may be? Why is it important to go back as far as you can, what makes the knowledge of the self better and greater and more reliable and authentic and trustworthy than the knowledge of those others who came after

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them? Because there are scholars who came after them that were major scholars of Islam even in our time today, scholars there are major scholars of this religion. So why then do we always go back to the knowledge of the self that's something which he in his short work deals with in a very good way? So that's like an overview inshallah Tada, what we're going to be achieving or trying to cover this weekend. But we begin with our first book, and that is the book methodology, or methodologies of seeking knowledge by the scholar Amity Ben Ferris Rahim Allah Who Tana

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This book

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speaks, as I said, primarily about the aspect of receiving knowledge and how a student takes knowledge and what are the different ways of acquiring knowledge.

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And it speaks, therefore, a lot also to do with the topic of the ijazah. And how ijazah or isnaad works, right. And one of the things to understand in this topic before we go into the book is that Hamlet, even ferrets are Hamlet, Tara is a relatively early scholar in the sense that he died in the year 395, of the hedgerows. So it's a fourth century startup. So it's not very early on, from the time of the tab you're in or the tab you're in. But it's also not very late. It's not someone who lived only a few 100 years back. So he's someone who lived fairly early or him well, now, tada, the snag.

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And it's rolling the religion in terms of the way that a student takes a snack has changed from the time of the early stuff, until now, in the time of the early stuff, that is not was something which was mandatory. And it was something which was essential, in order for you to seek knowledge. So in the olden days, in the time of the tambourine and that bad tambourine, and the four Imams, and those early up until the time of Imam Bukhari and Muslim and the Buddha wouldn't even matter and even the generation that came after them, even in Ferris himself, as we will see, in his book and multiball, Baghdadi in his book and others, the snad was considered to be something which was instinctual, an

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essential requirement. Why? Because it was the only way that you could ascertain that the knowledge that you were seeking was authentic, the knowledge that you were seeking was correct, they would have the snap, because books and authoring books and those books being widely published and available, was still something not very common at that time. And that is why you have those strings stimulus from amongst the tab you're in and those who came after them that they would say, and listener Domina, Dean, LOL isnaad Will Academy and SHA Masha and isnaad is now this from this religion. And we're not for the it's not that anyone could say whatever they wanted to say. Anyone

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could come and make a claim. Anyone could say that this is what the prophet or send them said or Abu Bakr said, or Omar said, or Zoey said or even see it instead, you could just ascribe anything to anyone? How would you know that is correct or not? By having the snap? So by you as an early scholar having this snap, you were short, will you had certainty or a level of certainty that what you had in terms of your knowledge, or that statement of that scholar or the understanding of that sort of the Quran and the Sunnah. It was what he actually thought and what he actually understood. And if you didn't have the snad, well, there was a problem in that is not one of those narrators is not

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reliable. One of those narrators is unknown, then you have to go and do some more work and some more searching. And this is why these books dovetail very nicely, we will see an example of this. In the book I will katiba Baghdadi of the famous scholar Sharma. It will have judge that wants it to him Allah Tala Sharma is one of the major scholars of Hadith, and Imam of Hadith. And he will give you an example of a show by had to do just to go and seek knowledge on one Hadith, and how sometimes that doesn't work out. Sometimes you go through that hole. And that's what they used to do travel from land to land go from teacher to teacher, because it's not that he has done something wrong with

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that it's not. So he's going around and finding that teacher going from one place to another. Did you hear that same Hadith. Do you remember? Is that how it came to you? And then you come to the end of that conclusion. And there's a problem with that is now there's a problem in that whole chain of narrators. That's what they used to do. And so they would do this to such an extent that they knew that the knowledge that they had had a level of authenticity to it. And that is why a Missouri Rahim Allah Tada used to see Missouri was in Mecca in the hijas. He used to say a hadith leaves from us. And it's a handspun long, and he comes back from Iraq and it's an arms panel, meaning left from us

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with the short chain by the time it comes back squat, a really long chain. And so the longer the chain, the more danger there is that there's something wrong in the Hadith, or that's what happens the more people you have in the chain like this is more likely that one of those people made the mistake forgot is weak as a problem is an innovator lies and fabrications there's so many things that can happen. So that's why the Scholars used to go for a lowly snap having the shortest chain between yourself and between the person who is the Teacher that's something which until today the scholars or to the scholars do to find the shortest chain because the shorter the chain, the more

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likely it is that it is going to be reliable. The longer the chain the more people you add, the more scope there is on probability for mistakes and so on. So in the early days, this is how its networks is that was something which was crucial. And that is why in the early books of the scholars in more or less all of the subjects all of the topics and sciences of Islam, you will find that they had a snap in the books of Quran to see if there is a snap look to zero poverty serum de Rosa suitable among their local

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The early work sort of see that we still have an all you'll find is a snap of poverty. Everything he says, Has any Snap, he comes to a verse and he says that there are 10 different positions amongst the scholars with Tafseer. Concerning what this means, and every single one of them he will give to you is this not for every single position, if there's five or six scholars to hold a position, he will give you this now, this is not to every single one of them. That's what they did. And likewise, in the books of Hadith. And likewise, in the books of Sierra, if we go to even Hashem and the biggest hack the very early works of Sierra, you find that that's what they did change the

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generators, you find that in the books of factories, and everything, and that's how the scholars had knowledge and that continued for a number of centuries, till the time of the likes of Imam Al Hakim Al Baghdadi Rahim, Allah to Allah and his generation, and slightly after that, Danny and others, those scholars are the fifth century, even if none of them are others. This is what they did, even in their books. And we'll see in cathedrals book that sometimes a chain on Rita's becomes very long, because he's like, five, 500 years after now, he lives in the middle of the fifth century, between him and the Prophet Solomon, how many people now, but he will still mention to his whole chain on

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return, because until that generation, that's what they still did. After that generation, books became more widespread. Knowledge had been recorded and documented, and people will easily gain access to those books. So then you will find that the scholars don't do that anymore. And that's why when it comes to the likes of Ibn Rajab and others, and the scholars who came after that generational, Hatim, and the one that came after it, after that, you will find that the scholars stop doing the holy snad all the way up to the in the books, but what they will do instead is what we do now, which is they give you the general chin on writers. So if you're quoting nafems Head

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Buhari, you don't have to mention every single time my teacher said that his teachers, the old way back to him and Mahalia and in the Hadith, but they will tell you that this is my it's not to body. So, if you need to find out how I let somebody who are ready to There you go. And so, then the slide changed. And when there is no changed, then it becomes from what we call the Mala. Mala is coming from the same word as milk, milk means salt, right? What is salt used for, in food,

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to flavor to enhance flavor. So is it something essential, not necessarily makes it gives it a nice flavor makes it pleasant to eat and so on. But it's edible without the without the without the salt is still food without the salt. And so that's what it's not became. So today, when you take an Islam doesn't show that you that you have, for example, a qualification slot equal to any type of you know, degree or even any type of acquired knowledge. Now, it's simply something which is a nice thing to have something which is from the moments of knowledge, something which is good, because you continue to practice that will started from the time of the setup. So this nothing has changed over

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time. So when you hear that, that some of the spoilers for example, some of our teachers, some of the teachers that I had, they wouldn't give a snap. They didn't take a snap. And they didn't give a slugger they didn't like this whole business of his snack, because they found that what people were doing was just collecting pieces of people, it's difficult. And they weren't actually seeking knowledge. They weren't learning, they were understanding they would go they would read to a chef, sometimes even the whole book, read a couple of pages can have this idea. Here you go take this slide, because that chef knows that it's just a piece of paper. But that student now he thinks no,

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this is something really important. And some people then use that to show look how many snaps I have, look how many qualifications and how many teachers I have, they didn't actually study anything. And that's something which you find is unfortunately very common today. And so some of the scholars, their methodology was we just don't do a snap, you want to come and study learn, come and seek knowledge because that is that's the whole point right? You come and seek knowledge and you learn and you come closer to Allah subhanaw taala there is now there's something which is additional you you attain Hamdulillah you attain if you don't attain it. So okay, you still sought the

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knowledge that you sought and you learn what you learnt and you benefited in the way that you've benefited. And that's all you will find amongst a number of the scholars that this wasn't something which was very common amongst them. So we read for example, books of Hadith two major scholars never gave us an Islam, they don't have an internet and they will give you an Islam. Even if you ask for an Islam, they won't give it to you and other scholars teach and they don't give it a snap but if you ask them for one, they'll give it to you because you requested otherwise don't don't generally give it out and others they're more in tune with giving out the snad and continuing on this, this

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type of tradition. Either way. The point is as we said that you seek knowledge and that you learn so this is the first book The mashallah die they'll be going to cover a Hamad bin Faris Rahim, mahalo Tada is from the spoils of the fourth century. He died in the year 395 of the hijra, and even when Ferris retires from the scholars of the hand when he met him, but what is most famously known for, alongside his knowledge of the sharing of issues of Hadith and Sunnah and fair concern. What he's most famously known for, is for being in Hawaii and aloha Hawaii. He is a scholar of Arabic grammar and a scholar of the Arabic language. And there's a difference between those two sciences. There's a

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was between the science of Arabic grammar and the science of the Arabic language. Aloha and now are two different things. Who can tell me what is the difference?

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What's the difference between the science of Arabic language and the science of Arabic grammar?

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End of Life So Loja is the wider science, or Allah is everything to do with Arabic language, the study of Arabic literature, Arabic poetry, study of all of the words that you have in Arabic language scored lower, and now deals primarily with the ending of the word, whether it's a Fatah or Adama or sukoon. Or it's basically its situation of Iran. And the Arab essentially means this means what you place on the end of the letter or the end of the word, what is the vowel that will place will be placed on it in order to know what its position is in terms of robbing that sentence? So is that a fairing? Is that a wall is a moped harbor? What is this position in in the Arabic language?

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And so a Lua and an hour? Not the same thing? Some people are very good in the now. But they're not necessarily very good in Lua, and vice versa. Some people can be good in Lua, and not necessarily now they're two different things. And that is why you will find that the scholars when they see that someone is an expert in both, they will mention them as two different sciences. Even Ferris is one of those people. You've been Ferris has a very famous book in Arabic language. I don't know what it is

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very famous.

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There's a very famous book in the Arabic language select the dictionary is called Mark Genmaicha. Yes and no. I don't have this book. Warren Genmaicha used to live he studied Arabic. Are you interested in Arabic, then this is one of the essential books that you need to have. And also is it been fed is Rahim Allah, tada, Morin, Genmaicha Isa, Lulu is like a dictionary, plus a dictionary with a difference. What he does in this book is that he takes all of the words of the Arabic language, and he takes them back to their root meaning, their root meaning. So he will go back to the root meaning and say that all of the words that have these root letters within them, then they

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revolve around one meaning, or two meanings or three meanings are forming. So for example, the word by rock, for Word is also its origin, goes back to the root of bhamra. He says, For example, it has four roots in the Arabic language, the first root is that it is a plant.

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So for example, the word board what is board in Arabic, Bali, right board is a plant. So the word bearer can sometimes go back to the awesome origin of its meaning can go back to a plant, or it can go back to land, URL bar, by URL bar means land in Arabic language, that's another hustle. Or we can go back to

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truthfulness and honesty, I'll build piety, right Bara again, Bill, or we can go back to a loud sound. The Arab say, Barbara, Barbara means like a shout or scream or loud sound. So what he did is he went through all of the words of the Arabic language, and then he studied them and analyze them. And he said, all of those words go back to this many root meanings. Sometimes it's one, sometimes two, sometimes three, sometimes four, sometimes five. And that shows you how he's mastered Arabic language to be able to do that. And something which shows his mastery of that book is that it's something which the scholars accepted from his time. Up until today, it is considered one of the

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most amazing works in the Arabic language. And that's something which you will often do so for example, the root word dream unknown. Why dream unknown, refers to something which is hidden from the naked eye. So we call Jin Jin, because they're not visible to us. Jana is called Jana, because it's hidden, the child in the womb is called Genin, someone who's crazy as called Majnoon, because the intellect is hidden, all goes back to that root meaning. So this is what he did. He went through all of the Arabic language, looked at those words, analyze them, and said that the whole of those words go back to these soul, these principles 123, however many he may be, and that's what he did.

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And that's a very nice book, if you want to know the root of something, what is referring to, that's the book that you go back to, that's what he's most famously known for. But he's also known as we, as we're going to see him for other things as well. And this is one of his books. This book is not a long book. It's not a very lengthy work of his, but it's something which I think is a very nice book and something which is very important, especially for what we're trying to do here. Because I want us to now understand as we begin to show the target this year's study, to understand what you

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Does that mean what does it mean when we say we're going to get returns? I've given you the ijazah when I'm taking any Jazza whether it's from myself or from someone else, and what does it actually refer to? And what are the different ways of attaining ijazah this is something which is very important to for us to understand social Natalia will begin with this book.

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Under the law help below the mean are salatu salam ala Nabina Muhammad are on early he was a big marine Allama Fulani chef and I want to show you if it was me and Muslim in it's not the office of Kamala Imam Ahmed even referred his or her mo lo Tada and no call if you get over Hema.

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simula Rahman Al Rahim, salam ala Sayidina Muhammad were early he was happy he was salam. In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. May Allah's peace and salutation be upon the Prophet Muhammad is family and companions and hamdulillah Hera as a Quran Liliana Villa condom, Allah lemon in Sonoma when I shot on La ilaha illallah shahada in philosophy of pain. When I tried to analyse dinner Muhammad and Abdul Amin are they are also the whole herd is key. Bertha Warahmatullah mean also an ill healthy arginine for Bella Bella water Nasir Hawassa Well, Adele of behavior leggera Lahoma I'm Robbie,

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Isola and ACHEMA Alma Robbia, Iranian whatever Nene family who are early here Salawat Allahu wa rahmatullah wa barakato. All praises for Allah, the Most mighty, most generous, who taught with the pen, taught man that which they did not know, we testify that no one has the right to be worshipped except Allah. A testimony of sincerity and certainty, will also testify that Muhammad is trustworthy and pleased slave and His guided and pure messenger. He sent him as mercy to the wilds and the message to all of creation, he conveyed to the utmost and advised sincerely, he fulfilled the trust of his Lord the most high as commanded, not cheating or withholding. So may Allah salutation mercy

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and blessings be upon him.

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But warning in Arabic language means someone who is accused of doing something untrustworthy and money means someone who is believed quite stingy they withhold stuff, and that is Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, well Maha AB, belonging and belonging spread in both Iraq with a lot under law. And that is even Ferris was also known for his knowledge of the Quran. So he mentions both and so the the accused the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of stealing or withholding and a knowledge and also of lying and fabrications right they accused him of both and so Allah azza wa jal protected him or declared his innocence from both of those issues.

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In for me in Allah how jealous I know for the Lord Allah ma Giada, whom Allah designed in a V on A salaam what assets will Ambia What are certain Ambia karma had that's an olive Neva Rahim Allah Katan and Muhammad Munir Zayed Al Hadith an analysis of an ideal Jehovah May, Allah doesn't have to live in a dashboard and asked him Raja even if he were to undergo them to Jimmy and Cathedral in a place you know, inevitable death or the Allahu Anhu and who called or Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a large amount of homework to the MBA. In an MBA LM you're a foodie Now Ron what I did have an inevitable result from an AHA that we have in welfare. Then Allah has honored the scholars

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and made them upon the tongue of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the inheritors of the prophets, as narrated by Buddha who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed the scholars or the heads of the of the other heads of the prophets says, He is of the prophets acts on the logic, the prophets did not leave as inheritance gold or silver, but rather knowledge. Whoever takes it has taken a great show. hadith is one on the Hadith in Abu Dawood. And ultimately, one of the things in all of the books that we do this now that I've been translated for the most part, whether I've translated them or they've been translated by others, is when the chin on Ritas

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is mentioned, when it comes to the translation in English, we don't mention the whole chain of narrators, right. That's an Arabic original, but it's long in English and English is to make it easy and just to save space and time and so on. We don't repeat the whole chain on returns, we just go to the companion or whoever said the statement and continue from there. But what you will find here is even Faddis mentions his chin, so he's still from that generation, even though you've been fair to state in 395 Why, and remember how he died when

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which he had to remember how he passed away

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to 41 and so like he's like 150 odd years after that generation, even fairstein. 150 odd years after them. But even Ferris is still mentioning the chin on returns that he has. So this hadith is in Abuja, with them telling me that he could have simply said a

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Buddha would collect it in his Sunon and then mentioned the hadith of Buddha. But he doesn't he still gives to his chin on writers that may or may not dovetail with Imam Abu Dawood may be the same one or he may be a different but the point is that this generation, and even after him, they still did this they still gave to the whole chain of narrators. And so that from that generation, it is still considered to be something which is important in terms of seeking knowledge. It's important because they want to, for themselves, to ensure that the knowledge that they have is reliable and authentic, and for the students as well. They want them to know that this is reliable and authentic

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knowledge. And that is what the whole purpose of Islam is. Right. And it's not is something which is from the size of this ummah, from the unique aspects no man ever had Islam before us. And if you were to study Islam Inshallah, as we will do, when we come to some of the sciences of Hadith and masala hands on to understand how this works, and how you will see that it's from the miracles of this religion, that Allah azza wa jal gave to us the science of IsNull No, OMA had an Islam like our ummah. And Omar has a book not only in terms of the Quran, and Hadith, but in all of our knowledge. As you can see, all of these books have been ensnared, for the most part of our knowledge isn't just

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something which only the Quran has an snad or only, for example, he has an Islam, all of the knowledge that we have, the books are one of the great Imams of Islam, we have is not even the likes of urban fantasy urban fantasy is number one known Imam. Most of the people never heard of his name before today, you will before we announced this course, but even his books we have any snack going back to. So it shows the level of diligence in our Alma when it came to this issue of it's not. So it's not something which is unique. So as we said, it's not it's something which today is considered to be from the mana history, from the adornments of knowledge. However, there is one exception to

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this one exception where the standard is still essential. And it's still extremely important. What's that exception?

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The Quran, the book of Allah subhanaw taala, for one group of people, and those are the people that want to teach it according to its rules, as it was recited by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it's not essential for the average Muslim and for every Muslim, because most Muslims don't have any snap to the Quran, nor have they read the Quran in that way, and one of the memories upon that way, so it's not an essential requirement to them. But if you want to teach someone to do it, and you want to give an ijazah, and it's not, and see, this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam recited the Quran, the way he was taught, and the way that he taught the Companions from

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generation to generation until our time, then you need an ijazah because you can't do it in any other way. You can't just sit down one day and have students and say, This is how we read, and you never read it to anyone yourself. And that teacher never read from before, because that's something which is still a requirement. Other than that, though, that you just is no longer have that same level or caliber of importance, as it used to be in the early generations, but in Quran and the Quran works differently as well, on the way that the Quran works in terms of resistance and ijazah different from the way that it works out to me being shorter, if we ever do a book on unclear art or

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something like this, we can go into that in more detail. But that's just a general point just so that we know that there is still that exception because in Quran and it's reading correctly and so on till today people still attain the ijazah and you can't say that I'm reading the Quran correctly. Or this is the three rules or whatever, unless you have that ijazah from a teacher that was also qualified, they got it from his teacher and so now that's why being lacks in the aspect is problematic. You can be luxon Other ones as we will see by like the books of the judges that we normally have now many of them like the books that we have here. So this just said that you will get

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to the book of even Faddis will have lots of people in there that no one knows who they are. For many of them are mudjacking we don't know who they are anymore This follows but they passed away and doesn't necessarily famous people sometimes you get famous names in them, but not all of them are famous scholars. However when it comes to the issue of Quran no you need to make sure that the Jazz is something which is which is which is authentic that your teacher got it from a teacher and so on and so forth back to the prophets of Allah and he was passed on Allahu Allah Khan kala Rahim Allah for my in my lane. I had a woman called ovolo. I don't have a lot. Well hold on to another one up

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from an OTS Mr. Anwar, I call when have you gone further like I let the I let the Raja to who was some cotton Zilla to fit in a woman marijuana to Heffley. Knowledge has two places the first preserving and understanding heart the other books. Therefore whoever possesses attentive listening and an understanding heart, then he is the one who will attain a raised status and elevated rank for those to help him to memorize. So what happened as knowledge evolved, right all manner of teaching and seeking knowledge evolved over time. The scholars what they would start doing is that they will start reading from books or asking the teacher to read from his books and they would dictate

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While they will dictate what they will write while he was reading. And so that's why the author had no data in his generation and the generation that came around that time, this is what they would do, they would place a great deal of emphasis on reading the books of the scholars who came before them, because our knowledge is taken from the setup. So it's taken from the books of Hadith, and it's taken from the books of, of Islam, books that have changed generations and so on. And so there he is saying that you need number one, those books, so that you can understand, so it wasn't normally generally speaking, not the practice of the self, that they would just come and speak on the topic

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without any any type of issue. Rather, they would come and they wouldn't read Hadith. Ye, that's how they would often teach knowledge by narrating Hadith, or by being asked questions and then responding by giving their position or their understanding of that particular issue. And so you need the books to study number one, and you need an understanding heart. You need to have attention, and you need to be able to understand what has been taught. Some of you may not even Hatha Alma who were the one who took the hit and mean hula, either. Kanaky turbot and endo Amina Convo Lima yada do Lima yah, really we feel Hello women in ASEAN? What are consuming homea

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Khadija on in the VSL Allahu Allahu wa Salam petofi Dylan and I had this an early evening Brahim, Annabelle on the other Hadith, and so at Minnesota, Emanuel was the was the other one who are living in Medini, or the Hadith and even in Tamil and even a Jew raging on and on Abdullah Imran

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and I've delivered the Imran Khan Tada rasool Allah He

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acts on on our lake and I've delivered now I'm reading about the Allahu Anhu Anna ha ha ha Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by your doula and they they are rasool Allah wa mata periodo, or al Kitab, or semi auto Jaco had a Hadith from Yahweh he and even Eurasian have a driven environment or is more apt to live in environment?

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What's more Abdullah environment from the scholars are those who reported and wrote down their knowledge for their considered writing to safeguard their memorization, due to what can occur to a person of forgetfulness and worries. It is narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the narration of Abdullah now that he said, record knowledge they asked a messenger of allah how do we record it? He replied, write it. I also heard him say this narration is not narrated from evening Jurij except by even environment and his name is Abdullah and environment. The author Hamlet Allah He mentioned the statement at the end to show that there's a difference of opinion on this

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hadith. Some of the scholars said of his esteem to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and others said that he was esteemed Have you been asked us for the Allahu Anhu Matt, this is what he said. And that seems to be stronger. That this is a statement of Cuban Ambassador the Allahu Alem as opposed to a hadith however, it's written anointed here because the principle is accepted because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did write things down and did allow companion certain companions to write down his themes as well. And so it is an established principle that you can write down knowledge. Those are Rahim Allah Tada

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in this hadith, similar to the Hadith, the Hadith also mentioned before, which is the Hadith of the prophets or, or the scholars or the heirs of the prophets, and the scholars of the Elves of the Prophet said, and this hadith is speaking about the issue of, of writing down knowledge. It was the position of many of the scholars of the Center for a good number of them, that knowledge should be written down should be recorded. Because there were very few people who had the ability to memorize and to memorize reliably and accurately 1000s of Hadith. They existed. You have the likes of Missouri and the likes of Sofia and authority and Charmin Imams of Hadith had amazing memories that

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Allah Israel gave him a Shafi and others are the Muhammad Allah and even the others had amazing memories. All of the scholars of Hadith, however, many of them prefer to write it down as well. Why? Because sometimes, due to old age due to illness, due to one reason or another, what may happen is that you start to forget or you start to mix up, confuse yourself and start to change things around. So, for example, Mr. Muhammad and others were of the position the scholar the Imam shouldn't read from the books that he's written down the knowledge that he has, he wrote it and record it. Don't tell us from your memory, read it. Because what you written down what you wrote down is more

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accurate than what you remember. Right? And that's why when I'm tired, I want you to go to Yemen. Study with abdulrazaq. Imam Muhammad is in Baghdad, I'm the result of Sudan is in Yemen. Between them is a long distance of travel journey is really long from Baghdad all the way to the other side of the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen. So as they were going, they said that we will make Hajj and from Hajj will continue and go to Yemen. When they arrived in Mecca, the founder Abdul Razak had come for Hajj. So the scholars or the Imams or the companions of Imam Muhammad, they said to him, we don't need to go now to Yemen. He's here. Let's sit with Him. Seek knowledge from him learn from him. Then

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he can go back to Yemen we can go home like he saved us half the journey.

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To go to Yemen didn't go all the way back. So long distance management said No, Sir No. He said, I will wait for him to finish Hajj, go back to Yemen, then I will go to Yemen. And I will study there with him. Because he knew that the resultant bring his books with him a hedge, didn't come carrying his knowledge with him came to me catch. So he wanted to go. And he wanted to study with him there. And that's why some of the scholars of Hadith if they came to an Imam, and he was reading, and we mentioned some of these musicians previously, as long as the marine and others, if they came to a scholar of Hadith, and he was reading, they would say to that scholar of Hadith, from your books,

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don't just know it was from here, they would say to them, sometimes, let me know what you want Hadees from my memory, don't let no not even one Hadith, don't go get your books, bring it, then read to us from your books instead. And so they would prefer to do that. And that was the position then, of a number of the scholars of, of Hadith. And so that's why the author Hamilton has mentioned this issue here that it's good practice for the student of knowledge, to learn from and read from books. And that is a burqa and reading the books of the self, to take from their books and to learn from the books and to read from the books there are a number of benefits, not least, because you

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continue the legacy by making dua for them and ask Allah azza wa jal to have mercy upon them and to for them to take that reward. You read the books, you study the books, gives them the reward for that. And also because that is how knowledge should be sought. Because it allows you then to connect to those scholars as well. So if I was to come here, and I was to take these three books that we're going to study this weekend, I spent like the last two, three weeks or home, making my own notes, going through putting it into some format, wherever, then I came with any of these books, not telling you what I took it from and just spoke for two days, I did look like of course, I could do

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that. Man, I could speak on any topic. I've done my research, and I read, and I've studied and I've got my notes, and then I come and I deliver. That's like something which is very common, and it's fine to do no problem in that. But you will never know where that knowledge came from. Because I'm not going to stop after every two sentences and reference it and say, Oh, this is what had been fairly said. This will continue about that. He said this, I'm just going to speak and speak and speak. You don't know what from us and honey, if you don't know what's wrong with evil Daddy, you don't know what's from your mom, Muhammad. You don't know what's from even Faris, you don't know

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what's from anyone other than maybe the rest of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, which I mentioned explicitly. And so when you're reading the book, you know now that the knowledge that you're seeking isn't just from someone who lived 1400 odd years later, it's from like these early scholars. And it's something which has continued from that time, until today. And so to get into the habit of seeking knowledge by reading books, and studying books and learning from books, it is something which is, which is very beneficial. And it was the way of seeking knowledge for centuries, until recent times, until our time now, where it's like, you know, the university

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models become more popular university model is you don't really sit down and read the book. It's like the lecturer comes and he gives you his notes, or he gives you his binder material gives you his, and that's how we've started seeking knowledge now, but it wasn't the norm even until the last 5060 years, people and in many of the Muslim parts of the world, they still do this. They still go through books, they have the syllabus, the curriculum, and that's what you study from and that's what you read from and I think that that is something which is very good to do. And so, this, this is why the Author Pamela mentioned mentioned is this here, and he says that therefore, reading from

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a or writing down knowledge is something which is from the Shinya, from the Dean, and it is one of the best methodologies of preserving and seeking knowledge

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as an Allahu Allahu Jalla Sana overview. We recently had a phone call.

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Yeah, Johan Latina Armando

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Tomita in ala JD mucem facto, from my call, whether it is Dr. Wu Sawyer on our cabbie or on either agilely the LA comarca Sato and Allahu Akbar wa Monisha has that

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sort of turbo for Java kita for Java kita today anyway agenda what agenda who were coming here to help me notice the window or agenda? militia that you weren't offended at up? Or our lemma your third UBV Dalek apologia JELA Sana Oh, no well Academy wema Yes, Toro.

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Type in our material because imagine, Allah has taught us to do something similar in a statement. Oh, you who believe when you contracted that for stated time, put it down in writing. He then said do not disdain to write the debt down be it small or large along with the time it falls due to do this way is more equitable in God's eyes more reliable as testimony and more likely to prevent doubts arising between you. This Allah made the writing of a debt it's time and amount all parts of justice, more reliable testimony and a means of preventing doubts. The strongest evidence to support this is Allah statement known by the pen by all the right

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You are not by your Lord's grace and madman. The author Hamilton I mentioned this firstly from Surah Baqarah, which is the longest verse of the Quran that speaks about the etiquettes of taking a loan and how when you take a loan or give a loan, it's something which you should record, he says, or Hamlet Tada, if Allah said that writing a debt and recording it is part of justice, and part of giving good testimony, and something which is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal, and that's a loan strike a business transaction between you and someone else. Then he says, What about knowledge? Surely there has a higher level in Islam. And so if you're meant to write down your business

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transactions, you meant to write down your when you have any autolock you write this stuff down, you make a record of it, divorce, marriage, inheritance, business dealings, these aspects of the dunya that you write down because there's a benefit in doing so. Then what about knowledge, and Allah's religion? And what you have taken from the scholars and so on, and so that's what he's basing this upon. And then he mentions the verse in Surah noon, because Allah azza wa jal takes an oath by the pen, and that which the pen wrote, and Allah has written only takes an oath by that which is important and that which is significant. And so from that which Allah azza wa jal takes an oath by

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is that which is the people write of knowledge of good and for example of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, son Allahu Allah.

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For her Burnie I live in Amity minima Haddaway female caught up to Allah He because when

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it is when someone like

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is when it's a part of what is today the former Soviet republics which famous imam of Hadith came from presume

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even major, major Hamlet Allah came from this place. Allah

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Hi Sam malerkotla detonate Muslim Ibrahim, Allah danessa Allah Suraj artesanato has an error code of your colleague HLS No, no one will call them all unknown at the word one column one column on our head. Does anybody have NEMA Holloway? Allah had this it'd be a high fat metal color even the ABI Shaybah

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Allah doesn't even need to be Shava either had this in our original genre, and Sophia and Abby Hashem and Mujahid and hypnobirth are the Allahu Anhu I know Paul cannot offer them a HELOC, Allah azza wa jal column, or Amara who tobermore Who occur in an era Yeoman Yama while authority heavy HCA theologian todo local Kula Allah formulated when it was okay that he will get up from me what he loved to hear to rock on another Kealoha was actually Roma kala Milan MFI her insha Allah Huhtala al Hassan said concerning known by the pen known as the inkwell, and the pen is the pen. Even our best said Allah first created the pen. He then commanded it to write all that would be until the day of

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judgment. There are many generations in this regard showing the virtues of writing and recording knowledge. There are also many ways in which knowledge is conveyed, which I will mention and the statements of the scholars regarding this in sha Allah. After mentioned a verse in Surah, two column noon one column, he mentions one of the positions of the scholars with their seed and there is a hustle and bustle Ramallah Tara and that is the letter known in that surah is not from the Hebrew fermata. Like we know that the certain surah is that begin with these letters I mean, and and how imeem and the ASEAN and so on. However, for some of them, there's a difference of opinion. One of

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them is known is known one of those letters. What is known means something else. So it has an ambassador was of the position that it doesn't mean it's not one of those letters known means ink, the ink that you want from with the pen because Allah takes an oath by the ink and by the pen that you write using that ink. That was his position, even though the majority of the scholars said no, it is from those letters that the surahs begin with that was the position of the majority, but some of the scholars said no, and some of them said that among some of the Arabs, the word known, has multiple meanings. So known is the letter, but known also means Inc. Unknown also means

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what else?

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A whale or a fish. Allah Israel calls the Prophet Yunus were then known, equals him then known. So the letter moon, or the word known, has multiple meanings, and it says, so therefore, maybe it has some data thought that that's what it refers to an alarm. Dogen knows best. But then he mentioned the statement of even our best or the narration of even our best or the Allah one rumor that is mentioned from a number of different ways. And that is that Allah azza wa jal, the first thing that he created was the pen. And he commanded the pen to write and the pencil Oh ALLAH and what should I write and Allah Israel said write everything that will take place until umupa Yama, right, and that

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is an authentic narration. And so Allah azza wa jal commanded the pen to write and that's why the Scholars then different as to what is the first thing that Allah created was the first of Allah's creation Allah was and there was nothing before him. But what did Allah create first, the scholars differed over this one position among

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STEM is that it was the pen based upon this notion of an ibis or the Allahu Anhu man, but also his mentioning here for the purpose of showing to you the importance of writing. The fact that Elijah takes an oath by it, the fact that it's something which Allah azza wa jal began creation with the fact that the Quran when it was first revealed speaks about reading and writing because Allah azza wa jal says your crop is Mirrabooka the HELOC HELOC Al Insana manana ikura bucola kromm Olivia unnamable Kalam, the one who taught you with the pen. So Allah azza wa jal at the beginning of Islam, the first wrote the verses of the Quran, speak about lighting and seek knowledge in that way

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and so on. So the question here is, why then did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not encourage the companions to write his words and statements, in fact, that lesson all the way until the time of Ramadan Arthur man, that they wouldn't like people to write down the Hadith of the prophets of Allah while he was sending.

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not confuse it with the Quran.

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Because otherwise you may become confused with the Quran, not by the Companions themselves, because they knew, but by the people who are entering into Islam and accepting Islam, and maybe you don't have the ability to make that distinction, because the new Muslims, and because the new Muslims, maybe the level of Arabic and the eloquence and so on, can allow them to differentiate between Quran and what is not Quran. But after the time was man, not the Allah one, when the Quran had now been compiled, and sent to the different parts of the Muslim world and Empire. And it was something that which everything else was burned. And so people know this is the Quran now. And it's in that

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complete form. And so then the scholars allowed for or became a lot more easygoing when it came to this particular when it came to this particular issue. And that was why the author says that there are many narrations to speak about the issue of writing and its importance and so on. And amongst the Companions, there were those who wrote despite the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam generally saying, Don't mind the some of the companions to wrote and they kept it with themselves. And that is why Buddha Rhodiola one used to say, there is no one who spent more time with the prophets of salaam than I did. But there are companions who know read more than I did because they would write and I

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wouldn't write, so they will foremost companions, those who will record the stigmas of the prophets of Allah wherever he will sell them. And so now he will go on to Inshallah, the next chapter which will speak about the different methodologies of seeking knowledge.

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Some Allahu Allah, Allah himolla Babu other Elomi with the Hadith EBU nataka chapter can multiple melodic chapter conveying knowledge via oral transmissions

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all about in naturopathic it may Allah Samia Allah Marathi will give love while other Weatherly Kenya colon mahadi for heavy on Omen Kitab her death in a fallen or call it a horror on bellaterra to Karla anime of the Roman karate Alec. Some scholars said the scholar reading to the student is the highest form of transmission, either by narrating from his memory or from a book and saying so and so narrated to me. Others said rather you reading to the teacher is better than his reading to you.

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The author of Matera now brings the first chapter that is conveying knowledge through verbal oral transmission. The basis of our religion is verbal transmission. The Quran is Rebel transmission, and the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was verbal transmission. So when Allah azza wa jal taught the Quran to the prophets of Allah wa salam, Gibreel Ali Salam came, and he recited the Quran to him, the prophets and allowed us to memorize it, he then we started to the Companions, they memorize it, and they then recited it to others. And that is how the Quran until our time has come to us. So the Quran therefore, in its original form, is a is a written work, obviously, it is a

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book, but it is also a verbal transmission. And that is why the reading of the Quran has always been taught and always been learned, orally, verbally by a teacher. If you were to gate take someone who doesn't know this, and give them the Quran and say read, they would make a mess of reading the Quran. They wouldn't know how to read one, they would make numerous mistakes. And that's even before the issue of Tajweed. So to read this, like the second level, even reading, they would have problems reading the Quran, because of the way and that's what you will find Arabs. For those of you that know this. There are Arabs who speak Arabic, it's their mother tongue, the Arabs, but when they read

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Quran because they didn't learn it from a teacher, they make mistakes. They read the Quran incorrectly, even though the Arabs and it's their language and they can read and they can wait and they can, they can study Arabic, but they can't read the Quran correctly and they make loads of mistakes and anyone that knows this and is set for example, in Mecca, Medina in the Haram and you have people around you they read in the Quran loud and the Arabs and you will see that they still make mistakes and that's because they didn't really go to a teacher and learn from that way. And so the Quran has always been a verbal oral transmission. And that's why the correct way to learn the

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Quran and study the Quran is verbally you have to have a teacher that teaches you how to read the Quran correctly, the way that he learned from his teacher and from his teacher and so on all the way

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back throughout the ages, however, here the automaton is bringing our attention to a point. It's a verbal transmission. Now, knowledge, you learn verbally orally from a teacher, which is which of the two is better? Is it better for the teacher to speak? And the student to write down and hear? Or is it better for the student to read, and the teacher is listening. That's what the other hematol is speaking about her. He says some of the scholars said that the speaker that the teacher to lead to the student is better. And other set not opposite is better. And I don't know of anything Allah Azza knows best from the Sunnah in this regard that the problems that one is better than other other

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companions, that one is better than the other. That's just about what the scholars then became, became the norm amongst them. So the early tradition, in the time of the prophet of Solomon, the Companions, which one of those two was the norm? Would the student read and the teachers this thing, oh, the teacher, teacher and the students listening?

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The teacher teachers, right, because students don't don't have anything to read, what are they going to read. So the time of the companions, they're the ones teaching, and the students are listening, and they're writing down, and that continues in the time of the tabulating and so on, until in the time of the tabulating, they start not to write down, and they start to have their manuscripts in their books. And once they start to write down, then it switches, a number of the Imams what they would prefer, is that the student reads to the teacher and the teacher listens. Right, so we're doing a bit of both here. I'm speaking, you're listening, and you're writing down. But when it comes

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to the book, am I reading the book,

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I'm not reading the book, but then is reading the book. He's reading, and we're all listening. These are two different ways I could have sat here and read the book to you. That's one way or the other ways the student or one of the students reads, and the teacher and everyone else is listening. Right? These are the two different ways that you will find amongst the self. And so this changed over time, in the time of the companions, it was one way, and then it changed over time, both of them are correct. By the way, there's no issue of one being correct or incorrect issue here is, as the author says, which one is better, which one is more preferred, and the scholars differed over

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this, some of them said, it is better for the teacher to read. Why? Because he knows his work better. What he knows what he wrote down, he knows his narration is better than anyone else is more familiar with them. So for him to read makes more sense. Other said no. For that same reason, the teacher already knows what he's reading. But the student is more likely to become distracted more likely for the retention to wonder if they're just listening to the teacher read all the time. But if you're reading, you're using more of your senses, you have to concentrate more. And so therefore you're more likely to benefit, the teacher doesn't need to benefit. You're the one that needs to

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benefit, he should listen to you. And because the teacher is also not reading, he can concentrate and he's more likely to correct your mistakes then, and it's a very good way of seeking knowledge. If you're reading and the teachers correcting you, you're more likely to benefit than if the teachers reading correctly, you may not necessarily pick up on the mistakes that you are going to make. And that's why even from Langston, the early generation of the tab at bat tambourine and others recommend medic medic one often read the while that he would have his students read to him and he would listen to the extent that some of the caller fat came to America and they said we want

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to read want you to read your motto to us. The mathematics said I don't read to anyone until the matter you Khalifa I don't read the more thought the student reads to me. So you want to read you read. So then that's how Imam Malik was that's what you might machete and others or Hello Tana. When they came to ematic, they would read to him. They had a copy of the Matata or one of the students has a copy of his motto. They retrieve mimetic and Imam Malik listens. And then he he comments on the Hadith or he explains the Hadith and so on. So here, this is the issue that automaton is referring to which one is better, this one or that one? And there are scholars that prefer this way

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or that way? Either way. It's not a big issue Millennials best that's an illogical photo Muhammad, Muhammad even it'd be much harder. ceratonia Sakala similar to Abba multione Cole, kinda Malik Nanatsu Abu Hanifa has an ignorant metadata webinar duration value Romeo Kowloon per toukiden It may have a lot of metadata here Lake will be the only gonna hold the unnecessarily I thought about projection were our carbon OSHA Hello la Colby was very difficulty in Alacati SRO for Italica Colorado mountain at the end of the Carnival Mercado omotayo said Malik Ibn Anas Abu Hanifa and has any imam or even a Eurasian others said you read into the teacher is better than his reading to you.

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This is what we say because Allah listener is more attentive and focused and the reader is more likely to become inattentive. This is why the Scholars mentioned above said what we inherited from them.

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This is what we've mentioned before so the authors are going without saying that he prefers that position as well, as was the position of American others that

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student reads, and the teacher listens. And he then corrects or annotate or comments and so on. And it's easier by the way for the teacher to listen and to commentate. If the teacher has to read, and then explain the number one you may not know what is being read and what the teacher was commentating upon. And also it's more difficult because the teacher has to divide his attention between the reading of the book as well as trying to, to commentate on and to speak on those issues as well.

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Bible fee for the Bible for Cobain according mahadi They had doesn't obey not only Barona chapter, the difference between saying narrated and informed the Hernando automaton has gone on to the second issue. We said there's two ways of seeking knowledge. One is the teacher speaks the student listens. The second is that the teacher reads, and the student reads and the teacher listens. So now when the scholars used to come and speak about how they learned knowledge, they had terminologies for this, like what otter Singh had that center, Marana like we always read in the genome writers when you go through a chain on ration or eaters, these are the terms that you're familiar with had that Anna,

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Marana he's asking now, is there a difference in these terms between these terms or not? Is there a difference between saying Hadith and Akbar? How do I know now if you came to me and you gave me your children raters? How do I know whether the teacher told you or you read to the teacher and he was listening? How can I distinguish? Or how am I meant to know the difference? So is there a way in the generators and the terms that we use the we can distinguish between the form of knowledge that you received or the way that you took that knowledge? Or is there no difference between them? This is what the author is not going to speak about. Some Allahu

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Akbar Allah Illa Anahola photocopy and accordion Muhaddith he had that and not only Abona whether have a harana era and Nicola who had that Ana de Lunala Anna who sent me her her loved one we're in Nepal about ANA one golden color who about on I don't know either Anna who sent me our hotel as well her there and then I bet one minute I'm well I'm Rafi that Erica Kulu I had

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to leave you

00:57:08 --> 00:57:27

have some Malartic for semi auto it may be harder than your coal, ma semi auto Mohamed Muna yoga whole of your Hadith he bought on that when asked me I know who your caller had done we've been a yoga and then I'm in Kibera had the thin well lady okay now who are and who the lead on Isla Pune whom in Aneta Hadith I will talk about our

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most scholars hold the position that there is no difference between narrated and informed. Other said that narrated refers to hearing his oral transmission, whereas informed refers to hearing it being read to him, we consider the later to be over exertion and that both statements refer to one and the same thing I heard it may be hard it say that he never had Muhammad Ayub say other than informed and he never said narrated even a year was from the senior scholars of Hadith. And his statement is in evidence that both terms mean the same thing for us not to understand this because the translation rate informed you know, these are translations of terms we should like primarily try

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to use the Arabic so that we understand exactly what's being referred to here. We have two or three terms, three terms, but we're going to focus on the first two first and the first one is had death Anna

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and the second one is Akbar Rana. If you read any book of Hadith Bukhari Muslim I would award and say any book of Hadith or any book that has changed generations in the minister book of Tafseer, a book of Sierra a book of whatever it may be, and you come across the chain and return these two terms of the terms that you are most likely to come across her death Anna, and Barona, the term had death Anna Ha, Dad Theia Moon Elif, right that's that was written as you can see here in the title of this chapter, or in Arabic had definitely had death in a in a Chino Narita sometimes is also written as thinner. So you cut out the first two letters, the hat and the doll and you just have

00:59:02 --> 00:59:02


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and sometimes it is written as just na. So you cut out the first three letters and you just have the known and Elif na all of them refer to her death Anna when you read them What will you say?

00:59:17 --> 00:59:21

Her death Anna even if it's written as Santa Ana, why do they write them down as

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well Santa? Because just repetition well repetitiveness and remember this in the olden days isn't just like copy and paste Microsoft Word, the writing this by hand. Can you imagine writing like body had death Anna like how many 1000s of times you have to write. So the scribes you know for themselves, they just made it easy for them stick a shorthand for them. And any scholar Hadith will recognize what that refers to recognize what that refers to. That is her death Anna.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:56

The second term is Barna. Barona, as you can see is written with the LF ka ba Ra Moon LF.

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

And it is often

01:00:00 --> 01:00:18

short handed to Anna. So the Elif at the beginning. And then the known Elif at the end and you must read the HA the BA and the RA, Anna and the keep the Elif there because if they didn't then you would get confused with the head data dinner from hotdogs and and so on. And so if you come across Anna

01:00:19 --> 01:00:58

are this is a common mistake you can tell someone who hasn't really stood Hadith, because they'll come to generators and they'll read it as Anna Abubakar Anna so and so said and Anna. Anna is Barna, right, but they're just not used to reading chains of narrations and raters. And so how does Santa Barbara these are the most two the two terms that are most commonly used? What does the author say here? Hello, Tara. He said that there is no difference in terms of meaning between them. Her death and Burna means one and the same thing doesn't make a difference. So if you came across a teacher, and he taught you, you could say either one of the two and it doesn't make a difference. This is a

01:00:58 --> 01:01:33

position of a number of the scholars including human Faddis. And Ben Ferris will go on in this chapter to give his reasoning why is evidence and it is from a linguistic point of view that in the Arabic language, these two terms mean one on the same thing. These two terms mean one of the same thing. However, the position of the majority of the scholars of hadith is that there is a difference. There is a difference and it's important for us to understand this difference because the majority of the scholars of Hadith take that position. It has become the norm amongst them, that there is a distinction in meaning between these two times her death Anna and banana. What is the

01:01:33 --> 01:01:38

distinction the meaning, her death Anna refers to the teaching or eating to

01:01:40 --> 01:01:52

the teacher speaks, he says so and so told me that so and so told me that so also told me that for example, even Abbas said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now if you come in array from the teacher, what will you say you will say

01:01:53 --> 01:01:59

follow her death, Anna. Because the teacher told you

01:02:01 --> 01:02:11

a Barona amongst them is what they call it out of out of the means, that is presented to the teacher meaning that the student or one of the students is reading and the teacher is listening.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:49

They would call that Barada. So if, for example, her Madani is reading, I missing Which one is this hadith and Akbar, Allah, Akbar, Allah, that student reads, the teacher listens. That is the difference that many of the scholars of Hadith had, in the early generations, up until the time that we've been fattest, you'll see that there's still difference of opinions, some of the scholars don't make a distinction. So for them as the same had done at Barnard doesn't make a difference. Others made a distinction. But after this generation amongst the scholars of Hadith, they said, No, there's a distinction. So it's important to remember that, because they will often use these terms. And they

01:02:49 --> 01:03:22

mean two different things by the no mean one and the same thing. At death, and I mean, something about it means something else. And even amongst itself, there was scholars who like this, like for example, Imam Muhammad, Rahim, Allah Tada, you see, there's a distinction. Why? Because it's about position. You want to be precise in the way that you will, because all of hadith is what? So what about precision and accuracy? How can you be accurate? Like if someone came in, they didn't make a distinction. And they had a chain returns of six people. And they just said, had that, and I had that, and I had data. Now you have to stop. And you have to say to him, that had nothing to do you

01:03:22 --> 01:04:00

mean? He said, we'll use that? No, no. I said this time, his teacher did He say, Oh, the student read none of the teacher, he didn't make a distinction. So now you have to stop on each one. And ask him. So when Mr. Muhammad came term, the result in Yemen, he found that out, the resulting distinguish in his books, is all the same to him had done enough, Bernie would just just say, So Mohammed will stop him. And he would say, What do you mean by her death? And did you hear it? Or the chef read it to you? And then sometimes we could say, No, I read to him as soon as you say here to me, so him or her and say, Don't do this is confusing. Use her data for one. For one, make my life

01:04:00 --> 01:04:31

easier in your life easier? I've stopped every Hadith generate every single email stop, what do you say? It's difficult, right? It makes it a very long thing and Imams of Hadith. When precision because they want to know, did he actually hear? Was he there? Did they want to know this stuff? Especially at that generation? Because they're still trying to determine who met who did he see him? Did you not meet him? Is that did he hear from someone else and all of these terms. And so that's why they would make a distinction between them. And so this is the position of your mom had been Ferris because he is primarily a scholar of Arabic language. So you seem to have no difference

01:04:31 --> 01:04:59

because in the Arabic language they mean more than the same. However, the other position that you will find the majority of the sponsor Hadith, especially after this generation, what they knew as the terminology is that they make a distinction between the two Hadith, Anna, the teaching rates of Barna, the student read and the teacher Listen, right and so remember this insha Allah as we come across and so you will find amongst the majority of the scholars of Hadith that came from from the times that they made the distinction between the two the third time

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

You will also come across them that even Faris doesn't really mention in his book is an banner

01:05:07 --> 01:05:49

and banner and if known by Elif, with the Hamza on top and the non Elif, and Banner. And, and Banner amongst the latest policy of Hadith refers to someone who just has an ijazah. What does that mean? It means you didn't hear and he didn't read. But the teacher said to him, you can read from me, it's okay. Right from me. So, for example, someone comes to me and he says, you know, chef, I didn't attend this lab course. I missed the book Macedon, I didn't read this book to you Ben Ferriss book, can I reach you now? I'm busy, I don't have time. I say to him, you know, it's okay. You don't have to read it to me because it's not it's not like importance, or a major thing. You can read it from I

01:05:49 --> 01:06:28

give you permission, just just know read the book from anyway, he's going to go on to this is called a form of giving a snap. But he didn't read anything. And I didn't read anything to him. This is what they call each other. He just gave permission. It just means he has permission. So when the scholars of Hadith speak about that type, they say, and Banner, so you know, the student didn't read, the teacher didn't read to him, he just simply got permission to narrate. So they will call that and Banner, these three terms are the most common terms that you will find in chains of Doritos. And banana is something that you rarely find in the early generations, because LHRH didn't

01:06:28 --> 01:07:05

do this. They wouldn't go to the chef and he was just a go rate and go like, No, I want to hear from you. I want to learn I want to they wouldn't do this generally just I think But afterwards, because as we said, Now, it wasn't as stringent in terms of of the condition, then it became very common until our time today. So you will find many people. This is how they take the redresses the Jazz's are not even that they read the books to their teachers, but they simply went and they, and they read it to them. And so the books that we do in a snap are books that I have read totally, from beginning to end to one or more teachers, if I hadn't read them. I would say that to you, the way

01:07:05 --> 01:07:07

and if I don't say to you, how would you know?

01:07:13 --> 01:07:23

Doba How would you know? Yeah, you will know through the ijazah that I gave you. So when you look at that ijazah inshallah like the previous ones that you have to look at the ones that you have now, look at what it says on there.

01:07:24 --> 01:07:57

And I will say, Marana because in the vast majority of them, I'm the one reading to the teacher. Sometimes the teachers used to read to us, for some teachers like to do that they like to read some than others like up to them. So it will say had definite so now when you come across any slide, look at what it says you will see the distinction between these terms have definite Barona. Sometimes it will sound bad if I didn't read the book. And you see the jazz, I said, and Bana, that's what he means. I didn't read this book to my teacher, but he gave me permission to narrated. And so you see now the distinction. And if you understand this, then then if you go to a teacher, and he gives you

01:07:57 --> 01:08:30

His justice, if he knows what he's doing, and he's a person of integrity and honesty, you look at his teachers. And you know, he actually didn't study with a teacher, he didn't really read anything, or he read only, you know, a small amount and then on the scholars would say this, they will say a Bharani be battled Lee, I read to him some of the book. And the rest. He said to me, I give you each other. Because some people what they do is they will go and get body bodies at seven and a half 1000 Hadith. They'll read the first three. And they'll say to the teacher, can I have the data for the rest and be like, Okay, you can read body with three Hadith in Bukhari didn't expand like there's a

01:08:30 --> 01:09:06

difference between someone who sat there and read 3007 and a half 1000 Hadith to the teacher. And teaching the person who came up with two or three Hadith massive difference between them was that they were Muhammad is 40,000 reasons, difference between someone who sat and read 40,000 Hadith to his teacher, I'm gonna read the first Hadith. And then he left and got into Jazza. And so this is a different person of integrity and honesty, who mentioned this, he will say I only read some of it, or I read half of it or read a portion of it. And the rest was just as soon as he says that, you know, he didn't read this, all of it. Now, if that person is a scholar, they read the book multiple

01:09:06 --> 01:09:38

times, then okay, maybe he went to the teacher, because he's ready 10 times to other teachers. He just wants the jazz from this checks. He doesn't have any Jazza from him. That's fine. But someone who that's his norm every one of his justice says this never had before you to a single teacher or Muslim wherever that person is also Hadith wouldn't really, you know, they wouldn't learn so covetous obviously is not because it's not isn't really and it's not always just like you just read couple of Hadith and he got his, he just recorded snad. They wanted people that read the Hadith. They read the book, they listened to all they made notes, they corrected the teacher said, Look,

01:09:38 --> 01:10:00

that's a printing error. This is what the scholars of Hadith used to do, man, how we and others, they memorize a Sharpie. they memorize books of Hadith, people used to come and some of the scholars were blind, they would come to them with different editions of Sahadi. And from their memory, they would crack those editions, the manuscripts, they say that's wrong. That's an error. That's, that's what you want from the Hadith. That's all you want in terms of preserving the Hadith of the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00

Prophet salallahu Alaihe

01:10:02 --> 01:10:31

Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah for a mulatto fella photo in the home bein according to call ala had does anybody know how the warranty offered some Allahu Tada Kitab a hadith and more often whenever and mandala will never hold however, the Arabs did not differentiate between narrated and informed Allah causes book a narration one time and news another time. And so the author doesn't make a distinction as we said from a linguistic point of view because Allah Israel calls the Quran, Hadith after we heard the Hadith

01:10:32 --> 01:11:10

and to Medina, I mean how the Hadith Italia Boone and Allah azza wa jal also calls it number in the Quran, which means Faber right on who another own ravine. So Elijah refers to the Quran in both ways. So he says in the Arabic language both mean one of the same thing. However, despite this, if in a science, the scholars say that this terminology for us refers to this, then that's what you have to accept is true from linguistic point, there's no difference of, of meaning. But if in a science, the words mean something to those follows the terms, they define them in a certain way, then you have to take that definition. Otherwise, you're the one that's going to do that because

01:11:10 --> 01:11:15

they mean something else. And you're under a different methodology from the one that they're on.

01:11:17 --> 01:11:21

Some melodic, for men Ashara Hola, Morata and Heather Omar, Alton, Heather.

01:11:24 --> 01:11:43

Paula Anisha, Danny abhi Tada and shed any I've always had called her table. Well, how about too many entertainment Zylon Delaila either mostly for elocon Maratea. For her there's a horrible slavey for her the usual horrible sleepy and paduka dot family no autonomy be laid in marami

01:11:45 --> 01:12:08

La La marami won't shed any hero who had testimony, call our insurance playable even though Muhammad Tamimi are the insured another can cause burning you look at Bernie and Casa Bernie ulica with Nissar Delana we all ever had this domani unnamable moto aura for K for how to how the button work on evil

01:12:10 --> 01:12:12

okay for her at home. Okay.

01:12:13 --> 01:12:29

Okay, if I had held the button, what are they evil? Are they were injured in a row Humberto Manny. The poet also use also use the two terms interchangeably. My father narrated the poetry of Abu Elish of which happened hottie

01:12:31 --> 01:12:55

have always happened holotape you informed me that time is a place for Leila when the Summer sets its anchor. These are the summer months finished. So why are the seeds thrown at Leila? Other said narrated Gabi Masada Ana, we said in poetry you narrated to me that death was in villages, then how when this is a hill and while others said informed, and again he's using purely

01:12:57 --> 01:13:29

the Arabic language as evidence here so he's saying in these ratios of poetry, some of them said the word informed had testimony and some of them said Herbert Romani in their reading of this poetry. So he says in the Arabic language in his poetry, the two terms are interchangeable. And because they are interchangeable, they mean one of the same thing, but again, as we said, majority of the scholars of Hadith even though from a linguistic point of view, that is correct, they set the terminology to mean something and if they set the terminology to mean something, then that's then the definition that you kind of have to play by in order for you to be able to understand what it is

01:13:29 --> 01:13:35

that they are saying, Okay, let us take a 1012 minute break inshallah Tada. And then we'll come back from the continue

01:24:02 --> 01:24:07

spend down from the dealer salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah the your Sami Woman Well I'm about

01:24:09 --> 01:24:13

to show our next session is going to continue for like until about a half one ish maybe

01:24:14 --> 01:24:35

close towards a lot and then we'll break inshallah until three o'clock for our bar on lunch break and then inshallah three o'clock we'll continue and replenish all the data today to finish around acid times so is that six now? Yeah, so six o'clock how do we finish okay so let us continue with the book have you been ferrous or more Tada and we are on the chapter of Elko, Nevada,

01:24:37 --> 01:24:53

some Allahu Allah, Allah unified sort of Mo Allahu Taala but when when I went up chapter receiving what a man Munna where to find you and I will have and who Kitab and where Paul had this navy mafia that Kitab will have the AMRAAM alias

01:24:54 --> 01:24:59

yet let me as a dilemma or if I don't I hope vehicle to will Hadith will have a hydraulic

01:25:00 --> 01:25:24

For all and Mohammed this, how the Hadith the way a hold felt they had only one other Calamy receiving is when the scholar hands his book to someone and says, narrate from me that which you find in his book. This is something which the scholars of Hadith and continue to do. The scholar of Hadith says these are my narrations and the scholar of fixers, this is my statement or opinion. This is another methodology of receiving knowledge and risk called a Mona

01:25:25 --> 01:26:04

and Mona, which means to physically take something to receive something physically by hand. And it would often be done in book form. So for example, if I was to come to someone, I wrote this book, when someone wants to read from me, because of a lack of time, whatever it may be, I say to them, Look, I can't sit and read you these Hadith, but this is my book, take it, I give you permission to read from this, this is called Manawa. Now Allah che is to hand from one hand to another, to give something and to receive it. And so this is called Manawa. This is one of the things that the scholars then started to do later on. For one reason or another, maybe the teachers were a busy,

01:26:04 --> 01:26:41

maybe it's old, maybe sick, whatever it may be, someone comes and says, I want to study with you, he says, I don't have the time, or I don't have the ability now to sit with you and read to you and rate you. Because sometimes Remember, these books are long, right? So for example, some of the books of Hadith are 1000s of generations. So he says to him, take the book, this is my book, these are all of my generations, or this is my work, this is my you take it and you study from it and you benefit from it and they give you permission to do so that is called and Manawa. So when it comes to any jazz, there are four types of jazz in terms of Sciences in terms of what he does is given in the

01:26:41 --> 01:27:16

first of them is in the Quran. Right and as we said, that is the most strictest even till today. So you can't just give someone new jazz in Quran unless you are sure that they are qualified to reach the reach iser. So for example someone has is an imam in Korea. Right? He's studied with with 10s of scholars, well known expert in this field. And then he comes to another chef and he says I want to adjust and Quran. He can say to him, okay, I give you each other without listening to him or listening to very little, because there's already an imam is well known, has a reputation that precedes him. But for everyone else, no, you can't just give them ijazah that's one. The second type

01:27:16 --> 01:27:47

of ijazah is in the Sunnah, in the books of Hadith, and in the books of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Aarnio syndrome. And that, again, is easier in the sense because those books are now recorded. No one can come and change Bukhari or Muslim or they're recorded. And so now it's from the domains of knowledge. The third type of ijazah is in a science. So certain sciences are given ijazah because they require practice. So for example, calligraphy, till today, Arabic calligraphy has an ijazah that is given.

01:27:48 --> 01:27:49

Right, and will falak.

01:27:50 --> 01:28:15

Astronomy has an ijazah amongst the Arabs, that they study this from the teachers and so on, and the teacher what the star means and what that refers to how to orientate yourself in terms of the navigation point, in my view, there are certain sciences that do today are heavy hitters in them. And number four, is every other book, like this book of urban forest, like the book of people about Daddy, like every other book that's written.

01:28:16 --> 01:28:41

So these are the types of addresses that you will have the Jaza in terms of receiving it, as we said, it's either the teacher reads to you, or you read to him, or he gives you a general ijazah, which is what the author will come on to the next chapter. Or he gives you something that he's written and he says, take this from me, and you can narrate from this and this is what the author is speaking about in this particular chapter. or similar her

01:28:42 --> 01:29:21

father her philosophy the man who called her destiny fallen on your hotbar Ronnie, remember, you're able to have the info don't forget her or her to come back to the any out of the talk. We're Catholic Hello cutterbar keytab anelli for learning earlier, Kedah, fundamentalism Allahu Allah misma Minho, villas, Annie curar. If this happens, the students can then say so and so narrated to me or informed me. What supports this is that the jurist have stated that freeing a slave can be done by writing. Likewise, if someone writes that a certain amount of money should be given to someone, it is enacted, even if they did not hear them say it. So the author of metastasis and this

01:29:21 --> 01:29:51

is permissible. So to give someone a book and say, take it and read for me is permissible in terms of a method of narration. Why? Because in the Sharia, if someone wants to write something down and give it to someone, then it would be valid. Someone Wrightstown divorce, someone writes a contract, someone signed something that's considered to be a valid form in the city I have accepted form of doing something in the Sharia. And so therefore, if it's valid initially, it is what it also as a means of seeking knowledge that is essentially what the author is saying here.

01:29:53 --> 01:29:59

Babylon immutable, Kitabi article for your call ruler and uphold the anchor Murphy Chapter The scholar

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