Ahmed Hamed – What Is the Meaning of the Attributes Al-Haq & Al-Mubeen

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes Allah's names and attributes, including Al hamdu, Al-meera, and. . The title Islam (the Glorious Quran) is discussed, as it is used in various Muslim countries, including those that have not yet recognized it. The importance of praising figures like Al Qaeda and Allahholder is emphasized, along with the use of the title as a tool for people to show gratitude towards the creator. The Glorious Quran is also discussed as a tool for people to show gratitude towards the creator.
AI: Transcript ©
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is oh mighty Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim? What Allah Allah He was happy a Jemaine well Allah Hill Asma UL Husna. For the Ruby, her rubbish trolleys surgery, were silly Emery Waterloo oculata melissani yeska who goalie a Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh meaning with the peace, mercy and the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala up on all of you. Welcome to yet another episode of no your Lord.

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In the last session we talked about

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the names of Allah subhanaw taala the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala and mentioned how great they are and how much we need to reflect upon them. In the last session we talked about Allah subhanaw taala is Albury Alberto Albacete, he is a terroir al Jabbar, he is an embassy of Allah subhanaw taala he gives these names for us, so that we may reflect upon all these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala we also mentioned that he is Al Hatfield, Al Hafiz. In this episode Inshallah, we will talk about

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more names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, with an objective of comprehending them so that Insha Allah, we can with the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala attain Jana

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Allah subhanahu Taala is a happy

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I'll have three is the one who is a fable. He is the fable, meaning he is the most kind. He is most gentler. He treats his slaves with gentleness with mildness. Allah subhanaw taala he is unhappy, which is the one who is absolutely kind to his slaves. He looks at his slaves with gentleness, with kindness, he provides his slaves, true kindness, gentleness and manliness. Allah subhanho wa Taala is Allah Huck and Huck

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is the name of Allah subhanaw taala which is mentioned in Surah Yunus surah number 10 is number 32. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that he is a hug and hug means the truth, the reality.

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the whole creation around us and within us signifies that he is the truth. He is the reality whether any person accept it or not. He remains a reality he is the truth. And what all he sent is the truth. What all the messengers he said, are the troops.

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Allah subhanaw taala is the truth and He loves the truth. Allah subhanho wa Taala is Allah Huck

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and Huck is the reality, the truth and if he actually ponder and reflect on this attribute of Allah subhanaw taala, this name of Allah subhanaw taala, we would attest to the fact

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that how put he is because in this very world that we are living,

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we cannot deny Him, if you're honest, if you're intellectual, if we are truthful, we cannot deny. And Huck the

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meeting him in the year after to give our accounts is ad hoc. The Day of Judgment is ad hoc is the throat what all he commands is the truth. What all he mentioned in the Quran is the truth. Allah subhanaw taala is that Huck, that Allah subhanaw taala is Al Mubin. Meaning the most evident, the most clear Allah's existence, his a sense, is far more clear. It's far more evident than the creation of this world.

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If he can't deny

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what we see, how can we deny that greatness

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or no been? The name of Allah subhanho wa Taala he is most clear, he is most evident

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through his sense, through His names and attributes, through his divinity through His Lordship. Allah subhanaw taala. He mentions that he is a more been an alma been is the one who is most evident as mentioned in the Glorious Quran in Surah Furqan surah number 25 and number 24 Allah subhanho wa Taala

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he is Al Hakim, meaning the most wise, Allah says in surah baqarah surah number two, at number 209 that Allah subhanaw taala is Al Hakim, Al Hakim is the most wise he is the most wise

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in his names and attributes, he is the most wise in his sense, he is the most wise in his actions. So whatever happens, it is with the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala many times, many times we think that why did it happen to me? Why did this happen to me? Remember, remember, there is wisdom behind that. And Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Hakeem the most wise, so ask and seek ALLAH subhanaw taala seek the hikma from Allah subhanaw taala to be more wise, so that we comprehend, we understand. We know Al Hakim, the most wise, Allah subhanahu wa taala II he is Al Halim. Al Halim is the one who is the most forbidding Subhan Allah. Allah is the most forbidding there is no one

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who is the Most Forbearing he's the he's the one who looks at his slaves, with generosity with kindness, looks at his disobedience, and still gives chance to him. So that one day, he can come back to Al Halim, The Most Forbearing he sees the shift happening, the partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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setting up rivals with Allah subhanaw taala it gives chance to the people to his slaves, so that they can come back and repent to Allah subhanaw taala it is out of his forbearing

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attitude and attribute that Allah subhanaw taala gives chance to the people so that his slave can be saved in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Haleem and Allah Halim is mentioned in the Quran in surah baqarah surah number two, number 235 Allah subhanaw taala. He is an Hamid Al Hamid is the one who is devotee of all places. He is the one who is well praised.

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No doubt, no doubt Allah subhanaw taala doesn't need our praises. He doesn't need us to praise Him. He is the one

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we need to praise Him because He deserves all praises. He is the one who must be praised, because of his great lordship. He must be praised alone. Because of his beautiful names and perfect attributes. He must be praised because of his divinity. Because He has created us he must be praised, because he deserves to be praised. And this name of Allah subhanaw taala al Hamid is mentioned in today Rahim surah number 14 at number one in which Allah subhanaw taala says olive lamb raw, we have revealed the book to you on how Muslim so that you may take people you may take people from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge with the help of Allah subhanaw taala who is the most wise Allah

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subhanaw taala has sent Muhammad's Islam and he shows in this ayah the purpose of the Glorious Quran the purpose of the Glorious Quran

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which was given to Muhammad and Islam.

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The purpose Allah clarifies in the Quran is that he has sent this book so that he may take people from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge

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and wisdom from the darkness of shirk, that is associating partners with Allah subhanaw taala to the brightness to the light

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It of Tawheed that is oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala He is Allah Hamid, we need to praise Him so that we can get closer to Allah subhanaw taala so that we can show our gratitude towards him. What not, he has given us, He has given us everything. He must be praised by us, because we need him not that he needs you.

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He doesn't need anyone. Allah subhanahu wa taala. He deserves our praises, in the truest sense. Allah subhanho wa Taala He is Allah Hamid, the one who is praised another name of Allah subhanahu to Allah

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is Allah Hi, Who is Allah Hi, Al Hi is the one who is ever living.

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The Creator's

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attribute is that he must be Ever Living, because people, those people who worship other gods and claim that one dies and the other bonds, how can they be gods, that God is such the creator is such who is a highly, Ever Living, he does not die if he dies, if he dies, who will take care of this creation, common sense demands that the God must be worshipped, the God must be worshipped, who is a high, who is a high be ever living. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Baqarah surah number two, at number 250 phi that Allah subhanaw taala is elhaj, the Ever Living he was there when there was nothing he is there when everything is there, and he will be there he will be there when there will

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be nothing on the face of the earth. Allah subhanaw taala is Allah Hi. So it says is it not common sense that we go back to the one to the one who is ever living to the one who is also going to the one who can listen to us to the one who is all powerful?

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We need to go back to Allah subhanaw taala who is a high who is mentioned in Surah Baqarah surah number two, number 255. We will continue with the rest of the names and their explanations in the coming minutes after a short break. Oh create them all.

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