Ahmed Hamed – War Against Shaitan – Part 07

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of setting boundaries and protection walls in order to protect the gun, and the need to remember Allah's sub fortunate word, "verbal." They stress the importance of being patient and use the words of Allah to remind oneself of the importance of protecting one's body and mind. The speakers also emphasize the need to avoid being in the slavery of Islam and avoid being in the slavery of others. They stress the importance of avoiding evil people and embracing efforts to improve people's lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim? Why Allah Allah He was happy he Jemaine

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are also Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Lahore inaho likoma adomah been rubbish actually solder us certainly Emery aka data melissani only, my brothers and sisters Welcome again to our last and the final session of this series, war against shaitan will hamdulillah we praise and thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for being able to, you know, come up to this level will hamdulillah indeed my brothers and sisters in Islam, as we discussed shavon is an open enemy, he is a clear enemy and a loss of Hannah who has either told us about him and told us commanded us to take him or treat him as an enemy. And that is the reason the purpose of this series was to make sure

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that we know the enemy we know and understand the mission of this enemy, we know and understand how he plays with us how or what kind of tricks that he uses against us, and he can never be our friend. And we also discussed what hamdulillah the ways how we can actually defeat shaitan and we mentioned and discussed in details will hamdulillah in the past two sessions, that the first way to differentiate on is to have sincere and certain eemaan in Allah subhanho wa Taala. We mentioned the second point that the patience and the perseverance for long term benefit also defeat shavon we mentioned the third point the recite the Quran daily with reflection also defeat shavon We also

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discussed in the in yesterday's session,

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how making dua to Allah Subhana Allah daily, protect us and defeat shavonne We also discussed about

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how the DA connects us to Allah subhanho wa Taala and disconnect us you know which I've done. So in sha Allah in today's session, the final session with the help and the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala we should discuss the last three ways to defeat a gun and before I dwell into it, my brothers and sisters, I just want you to think about this. Just think about it. What kind of situation that shaitan is in sapan Allah when he knows that we know him, when he knows that he we know his mission, when he knows that he is tricks. When we know that we are trying to understand and learn the ways how to defeat him, believe me, mark my words, my brothers and my sisters shaitan will

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be foremost to deviate us. And it is this moment it is this moment that we need to equip ourselves to be more stronger to be more powerful to ensure that we do not, you know, open up the gateways of shaitan in shuba heart are in doubts or in Shahada in desires, we need to ensure that we control ourselves and you know, do not follow the footsteps of shaitan. My brothers and sisters the

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the first way in today's session that we are going to discuss which is actually the fifth way how we can actually defeat shavon is by remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala daily by doing is Vicar, Allah Subhana who Allah He says in Surah Surah number 33 number 41 Yeah, you have Lavina my nose guru la has the Quran kathira or you who believed. remember Allah with much remembrance was a beautiful book curato Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, and remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in the morning and in the afternoon, meaning the first point is that we understand my brothers and sisters in remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala daily by doing music is number one keep your day surrounded with

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Vicar of Allah.

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Loss of handle data. The more you remember him, the more you will be with him. The more you are with him, the more you will be under his mercy, the more you are under his mercy you will be under his protection and the more you are in his protection, the more you will be away from shavonne and that is what we want, isn't it? We want to be in the company of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what you need to do is you need to, you know, set up the boundaries, set up the boundaries, the protection walls and that is in the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot of Buddha Riza he says in the Quran, Allah busy karela he de tomar inula Kowloon, it is with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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do hearts find serenity, satisfaction, joy, pleasure, strength, empowerment, all these things comes from where from the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, we need to ensure that we be the one who is surrounded by the seeker of Allah subhanho wa Taala throughout the day, the point number two, as I said, as God of morning and evening Now, we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us to,

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to make sure that we do as God we do the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the morning and in the evening and there are certain prescribed drugs which come from the sun and from the sun of profits that are done by reason that we need to do in the morning. And there are certain set of drawers that we have to do in the evening. So we make sure that we do those morning as a car and we do those evening of car. Now the greatest benefit that comes out of it is we will be under the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala through out the deep.

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Point number three, remembering a loss of Hannah Diana is a direct defeat of shame on you see a loss of Hannah who a time when we remember him, he remembers us a lot of diseases. Watch guru Lee wanna Chuck food. If you remember me, you know be thankful to me and you know do not deny me and Allah subhanaw taala says, so as Guney as guru come, remember me and I shall remember you. So when we remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah will remember us. And when we remember Allah, it's a direct defeat of shavon. Why? Because shaitan wants us to forget about Allah. This is what shaitan wants. shaitan does not want us to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala at any point. So what happens when we

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don't remember Allah we fall in trap of shaden before in trap of those things which are displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala so he wants shaitan wants us to keep Allah out of our equation, you know, he wants us to forget Allah, He wants us to, you know, not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, but when we Alhamdulillah with the help of a love and we remember Allah, that's directed to him, that's a defeat of shaitan because those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala they cannot be trapped by shaitan and this is again on a continuous run. We also need to understand my brothers and sisters, point number four, tanking and being patient on the events or the activities of the day is very,

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very important. This comes under the vicar of Allah subhanaw taala for instance, we start with the day Alhamdulillah Allah de Yana bada Amata Wa La Hindu Should we go in and seek protection from Allah subhanho wa Taala by making the as the Gar the as God, you know, for example,

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we have Subhana Allah duar for every, you know, single thing, Allahu Akbar, Allah subhana wa Taala always kept us, you know, with with a lot of, you know, weapons and that those weapons are nothing but the as Gar these as God help us to be able to defeat shaitaan and these of God, you know, reminds us that you know what, we need to be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala and these as God that we can actually

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You know, do throughout the day by thanking Allah subhanaw taala by being patient and Subhanallah when we actually

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do the asker we actually get into the refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala we go in the protection of Allah subhanaw taala You know, there are so many as God that we actually have to do, for example, you know, entering into the washroom, this is our daily routine, this is our daily event or the activity of the day. So we say Allahumma inni Rebecca Minal, who Buffy while haba is we say Oh Allah, I seek refuge with you from the male and female devils. When we are angry, we need to say are also belimbing a shape honor regime, I seek seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala from the occurs to shape on when we have marital relations. You know, we need to actually again pray this outdo the

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vicar of Allah subhanaw taala Bismillah Allahu wa jal Nibbana agenne Nibbana shavon virgin nibble Shyvana Mara zakenna In the name of Allah or a law keep the shape on away from us and keep the shape on away from that which you which you bless us with when you when you when you stop stopping in a place or doing anything saying anything say are also be Kalamata Lai. Mata min Sheree ma mahala. We say this powerful you know, God I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of that which He has created. When we start the Quran What do we say we say are all Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. So there are so many instances that we can actually pan colossal Hannah

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hautala and BB patient on the events or the activities of the date, we need to make sure that we make this as a practice my brothers and sisters, when you're driving said hamdulillah Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar sisters when you are when you're studying, or you're cooking, or you're taking golf of your children, you know in in your tongue, let this be a part of your routine. And this understand these are like these are like a very powerful tool for us to be protected, to be able to gain the protection of Allah subhanaw taala to so whatever we do, let our tongue be engaged in the vicar of Allah subhanaw taala and keep thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala keep thanking Allah subhanaw taala

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and be patient on things which don't go by your way Subhana Allah and in fact, you need to thank Allah twice because the first way is your wish. And the second way is the wish of Allah and obviously the wish of Allah is better and far superior than our wish because he knows this as well and he knows what is good for us inshallah. So be patient on the things that come along on the date. Finally, fifth pointer that I would like to share with you my brothers and sisters in the in the context of remembering Allah subhanaw taala daily is keep some special moments for Allah subhanho wa Taala keep some special moments for a lot of Buddhism. Nobody should be there. No one should be

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surrounded by you. It's only you and Allah subhanho wa Taala and those moments come in the last part of the night in the tahajjud prayer, you know where Allah subhanaw taala comes down to the lowest of the heavens as it suits to His Majesty. He comes and asks Is there anyone to ask what he wants or what she wants? Is there anyone wants to be forgiven and Subhanallah those are the moments that you need to keep between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala and will lie My brothers and sisters. This is such a powerful way of defeating shavonne because there is no one to watch so there is no point of you know doing it for anyone except Allah Subhana huhtala so obviously your equalise your sincerity,

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will develop. And then you are alone with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Spending those special moments with Allah. Allah will love you. Allah will appreciate your efforts. Allah will protect you. Allah will have mercy on you. Allow will take you to a next level. Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters, this Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala in special moments is quite special.

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It's something which nobody knows it's your heart you yourself and Allah knows, nobody is a is a proof of that. Nobody knows what you're doing but your heart knows that it is longing for Allah subhanaw taala it is seeking the protection from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So my brothers and sisters remember a lot of butter is a daily by doing his agar is a very powerful way of protecting a, you know against shaitan and defeating shaitan.

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The sixth away how we can actually defeat shit on my brothers and sisters in Islam is to

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make sure that we engage in all types of Alibaba or worship to Allah subhanho wa Taala now mind you, we are created for this purpose Allahu Akbar, we are created as a lot of blood diseases in Surah. Zarya to number 51 is number 56 wahba haluk to Jin, while INSA Illa Leah goon, I have not created the jinn and mankind except to serve me. So Allah clearly states what is the the purpose of our existence of our life, our life has a key purpose and that is to serve a lot to be in the bother of Allah subhanaw taala to worship Allah. And of course, you know earning and living, eating, drinking all these things, you know, this is something which is trivial to handle and this is an ongoing

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thing and every act of those activities are or can be the worship of Allah subhanaw taala as Allah says, In Surah Surah number six and 162 all say to them in most certainly salatu wa no Suki Rama Rama Murthy. lillahi Rabbil alameen say my prayers, my sacrifice my living and my dying are for Allah subhanho wa Taala The Lord of the world so anything and everything that you do or you can do, could be considered as a worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala if it is done with the Nia with an intention to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and if it is in accordance with the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, I mean anything, anything that you do could be

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considered as the worship of Allah. For example, sisters, if you are cooking for your family, that could be the worship of Allah subhanaw taala because this is a form of a duty brothers, when you are going out and earning for your family and trying to give them halal income, make sure that you please a lot to do that. And that could be considered as a worship when when when you're studying, when you're walking, when you're eating, when you're drinking when you're doing any act of the day. You have to do it to please Allah subhanaw taala that could be considered as enabler so engage in all types of ibadah is a sixth way to defeat a third shaitan does not want us to worship Allah

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subhanaw taala This is very clear. I'm sure everyone is very clear about it. shaitan does not want us to be in the slavery of Allah subhanaw taala he does not want us to worship of worship Allah subhanaw taala so you want to play around and make us deviated, disobeyed, deceived and mislead and misguide us until we die. And that is the reason Allah subhanaw taala he says, and taught us this drought, and gave us in a form of a command Subhanallah a lot of the reason he says why would rub dakka dakka dakka dakka in Surah. Number 99 the last is where Allah subhanaw taala says and worship your Lord until certainty comes to you until death come to comes to you. So our worship begins from

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the birth till the death. So this is what we have to ensure that we do now how do we do that? Number one, a bidentate albia that is worship of heart. What is the worship of heart? It is between you and Allah nobody knows what's going on in your heart except yourself and a lot of Buddha reserve for sure. So your heart must have the Hershey of Allah must have that that lovely hidden fear for Allah subhanaw taala meaning your heart cannot or should not accept anything which is displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala why you're afraid to displace your rub but you are displeasing Allah Subhana Allah has given everything

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You and You yourself is given by Allah subhanaw taala. So your heart is afraid it is in fear of disobeying and displeasing Allah subhanaw taala. So number one, sir, that lies in your heart helps you to do a bada of your heart to is the love Your love for Allah Subhana Allah is extreme. So it is

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always eager to do that, which is the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it is so extreme that it can never ever allow your heart to do that which is displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala all that which Allah hates, your heart does not want anything of that sort. So your fear of Allah in doing that which is wrong, your love for Allah which you love to do it, and then your hope that that lies in your heart is an act of worship, the hope that you have in Allah subhanaw taala the struggle that you're doing, the patience that you carry, the tasks that you're giving, the life that you're spending every day is a challenge. It's not easy. We know that this life is though is is a lot of

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test, a lot of weatherization in states very clearly under the helical motor, one Hialeah balloon eucom, accidental ama, that we have not created, we have created and given life and death, so that we may test you so test is there for sure. Nobody can escape from that some and everybody is tested in different ways. Right? So our hope in our last panel to Allah to gain the reward from Allah subhanaw taala is an act of worship that is the worship of heart so your fear your love, and your hope in Allah subhanaw taala is a worship of heart to a bada de fer Eliya which is worship of your action or body you know, for example, Salah that you do in any act of ombre or had any act which

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involves or engages your body and your body, your physical entity that involves in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala Be it Salawat Be it you know dialogue Be it anything that you do with your actions is a bad idea that we have to make sure that we engage in number three, a bother to tolia you know that which you do it with your listen with your tongue worship of speech or tongue, right. So, for example, as we discussed, moments ago, the God of Allah subhanaw taala the good words that you say to each other, love each other, but this is very, very important. My brothers and sisters shavon he

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creates conflicts between each other based on words. So Mind your words, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, speak good, or remain silent, speak good, or you better remain silent, but don't speak that which is rubbish, don't don't speak that which is wrong, evil that creates, you know, conflicts and fights between each other. So about the Tate earlier. You know, you engage with your tongue in the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And and afford, which is the final one is the Liberty Malia, Malia is worship of wealth, worship of wealth in the sense you spend, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You basically engage your wealth, your money, your you know assets or your

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belongings for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, you make sure that you

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what Allah has given you as Allah says, while mimar has economic boon and they spend from that which Allah has granted them, so when you spend for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala It is, it is the A bada through your mind through your wealth. So there are four types that you get engaged in a bada my brothers and sisters, with your heart, with your body, with your tongue in particular, and with your mind, with your wealth. inshallah, this is how you actually engage in all types of Avada all types of worship and that is a very powerful way of defeating shaytan shaitan wants to, you know,

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corrupt your heart so you do a worship from

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from your heart to Allah subhanaw taala by keeping the fear of Allah by keeping the love of Allah by keeping the hope in Allah subhanaw taala. So shaytan is defeated right there. And then shaitan does not want you to engage in the physical worship of Allah subhanaw taala meaning Salah or any act which involves your actions or your body. So, you do through your Farrell's through your actions Alhamdulillah you defeat that way, by the Holy So, Chetan does not want you to say, I'd remember Allah by your tongue. So, you defeat shut down by doing the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala And the final one is, Chetan at the least he does not want you to spend for the sake of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. So, you again defeat shaytaan by spending from that which Allah has provided you.

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The seventh way which is the final way my brothers and sisters, you know, in Islam is be with those who are righteous and not with the evil ones, you know, shaitan he comes to us in different forms and ways Subhan Allah, ven we are with the good people, among the good people in the company of good people, we will be like that in sha Allah, there is a strong you know, impact or effect that we carry from the surroundings. That is the reason Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, you know, be very careful Whom do you take as a friend? So, you are upon the religion of your friends. So, you need to ensure that you be among those kind of people who are firstly Muhtar, Kent, who are

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pious ones. Now, obviously, no one can say Ireland would turkey So, be with me, nobody says that, but at least you will feel you will sense you will see the, the piety in people, you know you did good, you know, a consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala in people, so be with those kind of people. Number two, be with democracy in which which are the good doers, who does not want to do you know, anything bad, anything evil Subhana Allah, so be with the good doers. Number three, B with V sin sevens meclizine, those who work for Allah, live for Allah and die for Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, we basically purify our selves by being with those who are also sincere, Subhana Allah be with a

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fourth one be with the one who are savarin who are patient ones, not those who who complain about their situation who keep on showing their, you know, ungratefulness towards Allah and towards people who are always trying to curse the situation. No, you be with those who are patient, who understand that this life is a struggle, who enjoy themselves, who keep these patients, you know, counting on lovely way to deal with this, you know,

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successful people are happy people

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are not like those who who are, who do not have problems. You know, it's not about happiness does not mean absence of problems. Happiness means how to deal with the problem. The people, the happy people, they know how to deal with the problem. So they are the patient ones, so be among those who are patient ones. Fifth, be among those who trust Allah subhanaw taala among those who are killing, and these are the people who are loved by Allah subhanaw taala no matter what they will not stop trusting Allah subhanaw taala beat any situation, beat any difficulty, beat any challenge be any problem, whatever the situation is, their trust in Allah subhanaw taala is intact. In fact, every

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new situation, you know, empowers the trust in Allah subhanaw taala increases their trust in Allah subhanaw taala so my beloved brothers and sisters, to defeat shaitan It is very important for us to be among those who are the pious ones, among those who are the good doers among those who are the sincere ones, among those who are the patient ones among those who are the ones who trust Allah subhanaw taala and these are the people who are you know, insha Allah will be those who defeat shaitaan so when you are among them, inshallah, you will also be able to defeat shaitan right away.

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It is also very important that you need to be away from those who are evil, those whom you sense that they are, number one, Mr. Finn who are extravagant you know, those people who are

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Who do not, who do not really care about spending? They spend like anything. And and Subhan Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says, Those people who are Musa defin they are the brothers or shayateen they are the Friends of shaitan. So how can you be among those, or with those who are the Friends of shaitaan Subhana Allah, so you try to make proper meaningful distance from those kind of people to muster up between those people who have pride, you know, who have arrogance, who have the quality of shaitan as we discussed, pride is what shaitan

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gained, you know, Subhan Allah, although shaitan doesn't deserve any pride, the only one, the only one, the exclusive one who enjoys the full pride and who deserves to be to enjoy is Allah subhanaw taala alone alone, right. So be among not be among those who are proud people you know, who try to think that what they have is because of them, who try to undermine people who try to keep and you know, distance with and look down upon people who've had a lot. Number three, don't be among the solanine the evil and the wrongdoing. people, when they do evil, you will be affected by that evil, for sure you will be affected by that wrongdoing. So distance yourself from those kind of people.

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Number four mousseline those people who are the corrupters those people who create euro corruption Subhanallah be away from those kinds of people. Number five, be away from those people who are ungrateful, you know, the, the promise of shaitaan is he wants to make people ungrateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to people in general as well. So we need to ensure that we do not get affected by such kind of people who are extravagant, who have kind of pride, who are evil wrongdoing, who are corrupt, who are ungrateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala, my beloved brothers and sisters, Indeed, indeed, being with the righteous helps you to be righteous, be away from the evil ones, so that you

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will be away from the negative surroundings or the environment, even if you want to correct you know, some people, correct them in a way that that evil cannot come to you or you don't get engaged in or affected by that evil. There are only two things you either change people for good

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or you will be changed. So if you feel that you are powerful enough that you can be in touch with them and you can inshallah, with the help of Allah, bring a positive change in them, then do that in sha Allah, but make sure that you don't get affected by their evil wrongdoing and immoral and certain qualities that are displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala My beloved brothers and sisters, we discussed a lot Alhamdulillah we ask Allah subhanaw taala for us.

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Great and special blessings. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us strength upon strength every single day, until we die so that we may be among those people who depart from this world. pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah subhanaw taala for the goodness for the organizers, almoner Islamic Center Dubai for doing such a beautiful work, we ask Allah subhanaw taala for every single brother or sister who work tirelessly behind the you know the screen and made this you know, journey possible well hamdulillah we asked Allah subhanaw taala to shower his blessing and grant goodness to the speakers who got engaged and dip and make made the attempt to impart that which is good insha

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Allah, we ask Allah subhanaw taala for the favors the blessings and the bounties for each and every one of you, my brothers and sisters, who took this initiative and came up to closer to Allah subhanaw taala with the intention to please Him with an intention to defeat Satan with an intention to protect yourself.

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Have I asked Allah subhanaw taala to protect you, to ease your situation, to grant you happiness, to grant you that which is good in sha Allah for dunya will occur in this world and the Hereafter, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to ease the situation and cure those who are sick, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to enrich those who are poor, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive our parents, our loved ones, our family members, may Allah subhanahu wa Tada. You know, Grant, you know, the highest levels of journey, those who have already passed away, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters, that he accept our effort, this is very, very important. You know, no matter what all we

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do, if the deeds are not accepted by Allah subhanaw taala then it's gone. It's pointless and worthless. So we ask Allah, Oh Allah, we did this effort only for your sake. So we ask Allah, you, only you to accept these efforts of every one of the speakers of the seekers of this beautiful cities. You know, the war against shadow one of the organizers of every one insha Allah so that we may gain the rewards in the hereafter and we may gain the benefits in this world as well. Insha Allah, my brothers and sisters, in sha Allah up until the next series, I asked Allah Subhana huhtala to keep you all well insha Allah and we I asked Allah subhanaw taala for the sincerity for the

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consciousness of his and to be able to be among those who the qualities that we have discussed my brothers and sisters, you take care of yourself inshallah. Akio da Juana Anil hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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