Ahmed Hamed – The Message Of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him Part 2

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The title boss is the final messenger for the entire world, and his message of peace is meant to encourage people to live in a passionate world. It is also the last one for men and women, and everyone should pursue the path of deception and serving God to achieve peace and happiness in the future. The message is to pursue the path of deception and serve God to achieve peace and happiness in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhanho wa Taala has given

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the glorious Koran as the last and final revelation as the last Testament as the final book of guidance, our Koran to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Baqarah surah number two, I number 185 Allah subhanaw taala says shall Ramadan under the Koran. It was the month of Ramadan when it was sent down the glorious Koran who the leanness as a guidance for the whole of mankind.

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You're not immune to that one for one and as a criterion to judge right from wrong.

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Unlike all the previous prophets and the messengers, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he was chosen as the final prophet of God as the final messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who was declared as the messenger for the whole of humanity. All of these prophets, all the messengers of God, they were meant for their own people, place and time, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him because he was the last and the final prophet and the Messenger of Allah, he was termed as the leader as the messenger for the whole of humanity. So he is not the messenger of the Muslims. He is not just a messenger for the Arabs, he's just not the messenger for a certain region. He is the

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messenger for the whole of humanity as he was the final messenger of God. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah number 33 number 14, Makana Mohammedan

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Wanaka Rasul Allah raha been, Muhammad peace be upon him was not the father of any of your men, but he was the seal of the Prophet

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he got the Glorious Quran as the final revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this glorious for an IT cane as an instruction manual to help us to guide us to make us understand how we need to live in this world. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Surah Surah number 39 is number 41. Allah subhanaw taala says, We have given you this book on Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam so that you may instruct people. He that benefits from this instruction manual. He benefits himself he who goes away, he goes away from the benefit of this book. And this Quran unlike any other book of the past, it is perfect, preserved and protected by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah

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says in the Quran in Surah Surah number 15 I number nine in na na na na, na na na na na alone, It is we who has sent down this message, the glorious plan and It is we who will guard it from corruption. The message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also to declare to the mind,

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to make all of us the whole of humanity, understand the respect the honor, the dignity of all the prophets and the messengers. He never came to deny, to define,

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to refuse or discard any messenger which is mentioned by Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran by name and which was sent to the whole of humanity.

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Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Surah number 16 ayah number 36. Allah subhanaw taala says, and we have sent to every nation the messenger with the message that they should worship none except Allah Almighty.

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon he always imparted this education that we may uphold the respect, honor of all the prophets from Adam to Jesus Christ is before him. In fact, it is his testimony that all Muslim

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declares and testifies that Jesus Christ peace be upon him inside a salon is one of the mightiest messengers of God. Prophet Jesus Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam he came and he taught us to respect and honor all the previous prophets of the past. And the last minute Allah, he needs Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, because he was the final prophet of Allah, the final leader for the whole of humanity as an example, to follow till the last day. Allah says in Surah number 33 number 21 lapper the Colonel accom fie rasulillah he

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The best example for you, the ideal model for you to follow is in the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala made it an obligation upon the Muslims to obey Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, as we obey a law. Your laws cannot be completed, unless you obey Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Surah 332

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act EU law soon obey Allah and obey His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this message is repeated many times in the Quran, so that we may remind ourselves reflect, react and practice.

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This belief of obeying the law of Listen, it is mentioned, it is mentioned, to obey Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Sudan surah number t number 32, Sudan embrun surah. Number three, I'm 132 Sudan, South Sudan. Number four is number 59. Sudan, South Sudan number four is number 83. Minor Sudan number five is number 92, three and five. Sudan number eight is number one, three and two and number eight is number 20. Sudan farm by age number 46, through a new sewer number 4452 and 64. It is also mentioned to obey Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into Mohammed number 47 I number 33 in for Madonna.

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I number 13 into a hormone Shiva number 68 and number 12 and many other places. Allah subhanho wa Taala says Attila

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obey Allah and obey His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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My brothers and sisters, the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also

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to care for the hereafter. Allah says in the Quran in surah, Maryam surah number 19 number 39. Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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to whom and warn them of the day of regret, of the day of grief, when the matter when the matter will be settled, when the judgment will be passed, when the things will be concluded. vonden Allah says to Prophet Mohammed Islam, wrong them, remind them

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about that day when people will regret people will crave, he worried.

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Because we this the people, the state of the people are still in the state of carelessness. You see, we may ask why this warning? Why are we given this warning for two reasons. Number one, it is the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that he wants us to remind, he wants us to reflect He wants us to enter an inquiry, alarm and caution so that we may reflect an act. And the reason why this morning is because if you're not warned, we will never come out of this carelessness. We will never take up the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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My dear brothers and sisters, the message of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also that we all must understand the approach towards this life. The message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also to teach us what is the approach that we should have towards life. Allah says in the Quran in surah number 67 is number two, Allah de la palma. IATA Leah Bella, welcome, I

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am Allah, we have given this life and death so that we make test you who is in best of conduct, the approach towards life, according to the message of Salallahu alaihe salam is that the slide is the test. This life is a test. And this is a test of temporary, this is a test which is short. This test that we are living in this world is all about the purpose of our life. The message of sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also to teach us what is the purpose of life over and above, eating, drinking, owning, walking everything over and above all these things, the purpose of life that all the people should understand over and above all these things

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is to serve Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Surah number 51 ayah number 57

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One Mahalo to Jenna, when INSA Illa Leah boon, I have not created the gin and the mankind except that they may serve me, that they may worship Me, Allah Subhana Allah has created this life as a test and we all are being tested to evaluate, to judge us with the criteria that we are wishing to allow or not. With this notion, we have to live. Why? Because we know, we know my brothers and sisters, this life is short, it is temporary, and that is

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told by prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam living this way, as if you are a traveler.

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As if you're a traveler, you're not going to stay here forever. The message

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is that you all we all will go back to a law and stand before a law. We all have to return we all have to pass this test.

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Pass this blue and leave for IRA. Allah Subhana Allah says, In surah Allah Moran surah number three, and number 185. Allah subhanaw taala says lunasin the remote, every soul shall taste death. What when nama to a phone now?

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Yama, Yama, and on that day, the day of judgment, everyone will be paid in full.

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On in our janitor for the fires, so low is removed from the Hellfire and entered or admitted in general. For the fires. They are the successful people. Woman hired to dunya Illa Mata.

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This life is the enjoyment of deception. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he taught us as a message as the final message. We are living this world as a test. In this test, we need to serve Allah in all sense anything and everything that we do,

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should be in line with what Oran says and what Prophet salallahu alaihe salam says and that all can be served as the message as the service to Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters, I would like to end this talk with this reminder to all of you when myself

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the message of sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in order that we may be successful, the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that we may be saved up or the message of someone not wanting to send them so that we may love him more uphold the message of sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that we may be in peace in this life and the hereafter, I would like to end this talk with an ayah from surah ambia surah. Number 21 is number 107 in which our last panel dialysis woman or son aka Illa, Allah mean that we have not sent you or Mohammed sallallahu Sallam except as a mercy for all the creatures walking da Juana and hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

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salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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First of all, peace and

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