Ahmed Hamed – Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 6

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The importance of mercy and preparation for the right guidance of Islam is emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and protecting people from evil behavior. The importance of forgiveness is also emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and protecting people from punishment. The importance of comfort in the eyes of the creator and making them an "iosity]] is emphasized, and the segment ends with a recitation of a line from the Bible and a discussion of the importance of being an example for the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Milena ba bada. While he was hobby he a Jew marine. My brothers and sisters Welcome again to another session on the city's Rabbana our Lord will hamdulillah we praise Allah subhana wa tada for showing mercy upon us continuously in order to seek the pleasure of Allah, Allah is by connecting with our Creator, Allah or Buddha Reza, let us continue our journey robina our Lord. inshallah, today we shall go through with the first ayah from Surah

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Surah number 18 ayah number 10, in which alar zoa gel, he says the following

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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he says, a very beautiful, you know, door for us to be connected to him.

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He taught us

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in this ayah by mentioning,

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our Lord, grant us from yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance. Now, the need is obviously to recite it to reflect it to ensure that we remember it, to recognize its meanings and to relate to others. This is an ayah from Surah Kahf. So, obviously, many of us do read well hamdulillah Surah tolka have on every Friday at least. And this ayah comes

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every time it needs to basically remind ourselves and connect with our Creator on a very particular aspect of it. Number one, we are asking a lot of Blizzard to grant us from yourself what Merci, merci, Rama and we are asking a lot to prepare for us from our affair, right guidance. Two things that we have been asked, you know here

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and that is to ask Allah to seek His mercy, to ask a lot to help us or prepare us from our right guidance. Now, this is something which is so important to have mercy on Allah or Buddha is in our lives. And this is something which is needed in this world and the Hereafter, indeed, without the mercy of Allah will be lost will be in despair will be a great failure, right. So, we are asking a lot to have mercy on us. And two, we are asking Allah to dispose of our affairs for us in the right way, you know in the the right path in the in the guided path Subhana Allah. Now, obviously when we ask a lot to give us and to help us and to prepare us to be on the on the guidance, we need to work

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hard to obtain that guidance. Obviously every dollar that we are asking a lot of biller is a means that we have taken the first step when hamdulillah by asking and connecting with our Creator, but that's not the end of it. Allah help those who help themselves a lot change those who change themselves. So we need to make an effort in order for ourselves to be among those who deserve the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to be among those who prepare ourselves to be rightly guided to get on the path of guidance. And this is something which has to be done by us. Our role, our part, we need to play my brothers and sisters after asking Allah subhanho wa Taala so we have to again relay

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it to others as well. My brothers and sisters because obviously we want others also to receive the mercy of Allah. We want others also to be prepared for the right guidance that is granted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. We want others to be at ease and

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Peace Subhana Allah, we want every one of us to be rightly guided seeking and getting among those who deserve the mercy of Allah azza wa jal.

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The next ayah comes from

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Surah number 20 and number 45, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sees and teaches as display to commanders by asking him our Lord, indeed, we are afraid that he will haste in punishment against us for that he will transgress now, this is something which happened with you know, Musa alayhis salam and Haruna Alayhi Salam in in a in a journey, you know, of Darla to Freetown and deer asking a lot of guys, and in particular, and indirectly, we need to ask Allah to ask Allah.

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So they said, you know, our Lord, indeed, we are afraid that he will haste in punishment against us or that he will transgress. So this is again a door that we that was obviously done by Musa alayhis salam and Haruna Allah Islam, but we need to also ask a lot of Blaser to always, you know,

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protect us from those who are transgressive, those who are among the oppressors, those people who want to do harm to us or, you know, go against us Subhana Allah, this is a very powerful, actually way of protecting ourselves.

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You know, from any kind of danger, any kind of, you know, harm that we may expect people to do. So, we are asking Allah Our Lord, indeed, we are afraid that he will haste in punishment against us, or that he will transgress So, obviously we know a lot of Isaiah he saves his obedient slaves of Allah subhanaw taala and as his as he protected and saved, you know, Musa alayhis salam in Harun la Salam.

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The next ayah comes from surah miniboone surah number 23 ayah number 109, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says the following

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Allah subhanho wa Taala, he again teaches as a very powerful dua and that is our Lord, we believe, then forgive us and have mercy on us, for you are the one the best one in fact, who shows mercy? My brothers and sisters, time and again, we are asking Allah subhanaw taala and acknowledging and affirming, attesting our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And why is it important? It is important because we don't know when we get deviated. It is important because we don't know when our Iman our faith gets weakened. We don't know when we will be overcome by the, you know,

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fascination, which is there or, you know, around us, we don't know when we will drifted away from the right path. So we are again and again, acknowledging, attesting affirming the fact that we believe, Oh Allah, we believe, and we want to ask Allah to forgive us, to forgive us and have mercy upon us. Indeed, you are the best of the Merciful. My brothers and sisters, the point for us to actually, you know, obviously after reciting and, and and, you know, remembering and recognizing it, the point for us to reflect on all these ayat on all these glasses is there are certain things which comes again and again, for us to be, you know, able to be reminded, you know, for example, a lot

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Blaser, he talks again and again, to ask a lot that and acknowledge to a lot of blazer that we believe, you know, and asking again and again, to forgive us and asking Allah again and again, to have mercy on us, you know, because these are the key factors which will insha Allah protect us, in this world and the Hereafter, you know, believe in Allah subhanaw taala will help us and protect us in this world and the Hereafter, you know, being forgiven by Allah subhanaw taala will help us prosper in this world and here after having mercy on a lot of a lot of weather is on us in this will help us in this world and in the hereafter. So, again, and again, these are the things which are

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given as in the form of hours for us to be connected to our Creator, in order for us to be able to accomplish Eventually, the peak of belief, the peak of repentance, the peak of seeking the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, again, we have to ensure that we take it forward to our beloved ones, to our to others as well. You know, so that insha Allah, they also become among those who are believers, they also become among those who seek forgiveness from Allah, they also become among those who again, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala, right. So, we know for a fact that belief, forgiveness from Allah, and having Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala are the key ingredients for

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success. This is how we can progress prosper, and we will basically be more productive in this world, and the year after

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Alhamdulillah the next ayah comes from Surah Furqan surah number 25, Ayah number 65 and 66, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following

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taala he writes our attention to ask him,

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our Lord, ever from us the punishment of *, indeed, its punishment is ever adhering. Indeed, it is evil as a sacrament and residents. My brothers and my sisters will lie he we need to ask a lot to, you know, save us from the punishment of the hellfire. Imagine any person who is given a judgment that he is destined for *, he will be lost forever, he'll be doomed. There is no rescue for him. There is no helper for him. If Allah decides help for him, We ask Allah again and again, my brothers and sisters, to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire, while lying my

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brothers and sisters, it is unbearable, it is something which is horrible. It is something which we never, ever would like to be there. You know, Subhana Allah, we are asking Allah and acknowledging that this is definitely an evil as a sacrament and residents, you know, in this very world, we do not want to be in the home, when the fire erupts. Subhana Allah, wherever there is a fire, we just run out, we just run away. Imagine a house, a factory, a home, you know, an office, where there there is a fire that that begins to, you know, spread. What do we do? We know we just run away from that place. We do not you will never find a person who is courageous enough to say that, you know

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what, I'm going to stay in the home even if it's fire, he will leave his belongings, he will leave his precious things, he will ensure that he safeguards or she safeguards, you know, herself or himself Subhanallah we notice we wait how can we actually you know, not pay attention to what Allah is saying? How can we just play with our lives

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How can we just be enemy of our own selves? How can we be someone who is so careless about not putting our attention to the Hellfire, which is so horrific Subhan Allah, this is strange sukrin Allah, this is so strange that we do not want to care for something which is going to come for a fact we know a narrow Huck the Hellfire is Huck, we know an agenda to Huck we know that the agenda the heaven is Huck, when we know both of these things are Huck we know that if we don't obey Allah, if we don't ask a lot to protect us, if we don't ask Allah for gender, we don't get dare Subhan Allah, it is simple as that. So my brothers and sisters we are asking in this particular year, which

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we need to reflect

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and ensure that Subhan Allah, Allah protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire, Allah protect our parents from the punishment of the Hellfire, Allah protect our siblings, our spouses, our children, our friends, and relatives and neighbors and everyone from the punishment of the Fire, because we never, ever want to be there and never ever want, you know it to be our residence or settle a place of settlement for us. SubhanAllah my brothers and sisters, we have to ensure that we take this message across because people do not know what is the atrocities, the hideousness of the seriousness of the Hellfire, because we don't know what Allah is talking about in the Quran. Go and

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read with the description of the Hellfire know how many times a lot of different different names were different different meanings of the Hellfire, you know, go in and read and reflect on how, you know,

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horrible That place is going to be as a resident so my brothers and sisters, let us take this forward to others as well so that they may also be protected from this punishment of the hellfire. They may also save God themselves. They may also understand the seriousness of it, they may also understand that they have to ensure that they have to please Allah and prevent themselves from the punishment of the Hellfire they may also get too close. Get closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. We ask a lot of binaries to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire and we want a law we want a law to give us the highest levels of gender witnessing Allah subhanaw taala phase in the company

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of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The next ayah comes from Surah Furqan surah number 25 ayah number 74 in which Allah azza wa jal he says the following

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my brothers and sisters let us recite this again and again. panela This is some you know something which is so powerful Allahu Akbar. A lot of it is he helps us to put our attention into it by teaching us robina habla na min as wodgina was the Riyal Tina kurata are you what

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are you in Raja tokina a mama, our Lord best Tao on us from our wives and our offspring will be the comfort of our eyes and make us leaders for the takuan Allahu Akbar, by Patterson sisters, this is something so important ally. The beauty of this drama is is can it can be absorbed Subhanallah by knowing the meaning of it, a lot of binaries that he says

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he asked us to ask him, I will not grant us from among our wives and offspring, our children, comfort to our eyes, my brothers and sisters, there are so many people, so many houses, we know the people they suffer from the from the you know disputes from the conflicts from the, you know, breakup of the relationships from the, you know, a bad attitude of the husband or wife, the bad behavior of the children. We are asking a lot to make from our wives and our children.

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bring comfort to our eyes, comfort to our eyes. This is something which is Sakina satisfaction. You know, it is the coolness of our eyes. You know when when I see my wife I should feel comfort, I should feel, you know a calm I should feel, you know serenity Subhana love and I see my children I should feel the bit that belongingness that comfort, that coolness of eyes, but we know for a fact there are so many homes which are collapsed, the relationships have got no a sense the relationships do not you know, a give that fruits to panela that a lot of it is a it says in the Quran. So my brothers and sisters it is the need of the hour that we ask a lot as we we plead to Allah, but we

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beg Allah Bana habla Minh, as Virgina was the result in a kurata Aryan wodeyar

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tokina a mama, it is so powerful, that it is just not about the Comforter, from the wives and the end the children, but also we are asking a lot to make us an example for the righteous, Allahu Akbar, this is something very, very powerful, and, and great, that we are asking a lot to make us an example, for the righteous for the chacun You know, this is the kind of prayer that we should actually do to to Allah subhanaw taala you know, number one, we are asking Allah to give us out to grant us from our own wives and children, the coolness to our eyes, the comfort to our eyes, meaning we have to have a life that is so beautifully structured and pleased with the relationship with our

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wives, and our children, that that kind of Sakina that kind of satisfaction, that kind of serenity, joy, pleasure, happiness will come only by asking Allah subhanahu wa taala and we are asking a lot something. Absolutely, you know, great, and that is to make us an example. For the righteous, we have to be an example for the righteous, that's the, you know, way that we have to look at it and that's how we basically reflect on this ayah also my brothers and sisters, let us spread this beautiful beautiful drama from our among our own, you know of family members, you know, friends and relatives, societies and neighbors, you know, spread this to our because there are a lot of people

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who are suffering from the relationship crisis, you know, it is definitely an emergency situation, wherein the husband and wife do not have the love, that affinity that care, that coolness, that comfort between each other, it is almost lost. Why because

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firstly, it is the relationship is not based on the consciousness of Allah to we are not asking a lot this to our my brothers and sisters, let us spread and share this to our to others so that they may also feel the coolness and the comfort from their wives and their children and let them also be an example for the righteous inshallah.

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The final drive for today's session in sha Allah, that we would like to go through is a very short while but very, very powerful, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following

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Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Fatiha su number 35 ayah number 34 robina lava Fuu Shaku

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our Lord,

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our Lord is forgiving an appreciative there are two attributes that are that are given in this ayah and we are asking a lot based on those two powerful powerful attributes and the qualities of a last panel Tyler. We are saying firstly over a banner logo foon or four

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As someone who is extremely forgiving who who knows, to forgive people, again Allah Subhana Allah and this is

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a good news for every one of us because we commit sin every day. And we have to have believe that Allah is God for He is someone who forgives. It is so important my brothers and sisters to know the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala will lie he will lie This is something very personally I experienced that when you know Allah through his names and attributes, your Eman will go high. You will feel that connection with Allah, you will feel that that power that you gain, you know, through Allah, you get that connection that that signal of yours with Allah will be strengthened. So number one we are we are declaring Our Lord is forgiving he is extremely forgiving

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right? number two he is Shaku Shaku is the one who is appreciative. So when we do a small thing, Allah gives a big reward. When we do something as small as a smile. Allah records that as a good deed. Subhana Allah, when we give one Allah gives the reward multiple times more. So he is appreciative. He appreciates the efforts that we were that we do. He appreciates the hard work that we do. He appreciates the struggle of the believer. He appreciates the the, the hard way that we go through he appreciates each and everything Do not ever think that Allah does not you know appreciate Subhan Allah, this is a quality of Allah and Allah never goes against his quality. He is a shocker.

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He is appreciative and he he is the best one to appreciate Subhana Allah so let us make sure my brothers and sisters we ponder over and reflect over the attributes and the qualities of Allah subhanaw taala and share it with others. let the people know that he is Corfu. let the people know that he is a shocker. He is absolutely forgiving. And he's all appreciative so that people can also seek forgiveness from Allah for and people also learn that he is a shocker is appreciative so that inshallah we can make our lives we can make sure that we become among those who are the pleasing servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we gain the pleasure of Allah so that we may be successful

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in this life and the hereafter, we're actually dharana Anil hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 6

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