Adnan Rajeh – Appreciating Hajj #04

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a hadith in Bukhari that talks about the story of nasal spray and the importance of not being afraid of the empty house. The story is told multiple times and is not a fuller read. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to the story and not reflecting on it too much.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the hadith tonight and tomorrow night and

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the night probably after as well

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is a is a part is

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the the theme is,

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appreciation of Hajj, and I'm I'm what I'm

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looking at this year when I'm narrating the

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hadith before Hajj is the experience of Hajj

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and understanding of Hajj from the perspective of

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we're talking about looked at,

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we looked at Hawa and Nuh

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and, and and Musa and and Yunus who

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talked about different prophets. And and the hadith

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on our rates over the next couple of

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days are gonna be the parts that talk

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about Ibrahim and you have this long hadith

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in the collection of Abu Hari that has

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narrations and different books and other books, like,

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you know, a Muslim has a has a

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part of it and

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and as well. But this hadith in Bukhari

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is long. And it's Ibn Abbas telling

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the story

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of Ibrahim alayhi salam with his wife and

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his son and

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the events that occurred. And he will he

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will often within the hadith

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specify what the prophet said.

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Like he'll say,

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and then he will continue. So we know

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that the prophet alaihi sallam taught him the

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story in general, but it's not verbatim. Meaning,

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I mean, Abbas is paraphrasing

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and I'm gonna paraphrase as well because Adi

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says long. And I'm gonna take pieces tonight

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and tomorrow the night after, and and they're

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long. So I don't wanna if I if

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I it's word for word, it'll take a

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long time. So I'll paraphrase a little bit,

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but then I'll point out what he said

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specifically. Like, what what he actually said. And

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tonight, he starts by saying this,

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So the what she what he explains of

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the Allahu An, who is

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which is

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she would breastfeed her son and drink from

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the water that she had within her little

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until the water that she had ran out

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and her milk ran out and she became

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thirsty, and he became thirsty. And then he

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became those so thirsty, they start to squirm

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or he started to cry. He started to

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behave way like a child that was, you

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know, getting dehydrated. So she couldn't see him

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in that situation. So she got up and

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she walked away. She doesn't want to see

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him like that in search for help. So

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the closest mountain that she found, closest higher

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area was the happened to be the Mount

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of Safa, which is what you go to,

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you know, for for and

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also the mountain the prophet

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stood stood upon

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during his life. So alaihis salaam. So she

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she would get on top of the mountain

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and she would look towards the valley. The

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is where you walk. That's the that's the

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valley. So it's towards Marwa.

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Hoping to see someone, but she didn't see

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So she walked down and she started to

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walk within the valley, walking in a way

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where she was, the walking of someone who

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was tired, someone who was putting an effort.

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So she stood on the and she's looking

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for help. He does not find help, and

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she did this 7 times.

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And that is the sign that people do

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between these two mountains. It's based on on

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the movement of, say, the Hajj al

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the last time that she heard a sound.

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So she said, quiet, speaking to herself, alaihis

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salaam. This is the degree of of of

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of grief,

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of pain, of fear,

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of of difficulty that she's going through. She

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hears a sound, so she tells herself, be

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When she heard something.

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Meaning, whoever's making the noise, I hear you.

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Do you have anything to feed us or

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to to to offer us? We're starving and

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we're thirsty.

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With his wing,

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where the where the where the will is

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today, where she had left her son, Ismael

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alaihi salaam, right where his foot was.

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And he hits the ground with his with

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his wing.

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And then water started to come. And

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she saw so she runs towards the water.

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Meaning she's taking in her home. She's making

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a small basin of it.

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Every time the water comes out, she puts

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in her in her container to drink and

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then to give her son.

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Has she not manipulated

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the water and made the changes to it?

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Then Zamzam would have turned into a spring

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and would run into the the the earth

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of Yani and Zamzam. But she was too

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she was too thirsty in it, so she

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manipulated the movement of it so it stayed

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it stayed underwater and continued to to

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So they both drank.

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And then the the the angel would call.

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Don't be afraid

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in the place that you are.

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So he said,

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said, do not be afraid of this place

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that is empty, and there's no one here.

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This is where the house of Allah is.

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And this boy, with his father, will one

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day rebuild it, and Allah does not forget

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about his people.

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And then and and Jibreel left and never

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came back. It would be years later that

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things would happen differently. But that is the

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story of how so that was

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that's where the house was always there. The

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house was there.

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Even if you continue this hadith in Bukhari.

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So if you continue the hadith, the same

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wording, they say that the hadith says that

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the house was on a higher it wasn't

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low. It was on a on a on

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a on a on a higher piece of

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land. And the sail would basically hit it,

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meaning the, the when when,

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water ran in Mecca, Yani, the rivers ran,

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it would hit it from the right and

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hit from the left and basically eat away

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at at the structure that once was, because

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it wasn't it wasn't apparent to be a

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structure anymore,

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But he would revive it later on, his

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life. And it's a beautiful story. I don't

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need to make too much contemplation, but I'm

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not gonna reflect for you since it's 11

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o'clock. But think about it and listen to

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the to these words and read it when

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you go home, and and there there's something

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there for everyone, for each and every one

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of us. Yeah. I need to when you

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when you hear this story,

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it's a beautiful one.

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