Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 27

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of balancing love and hate is discussed in the need for individuals to be balanced. The death of previous leaders of Egypt and the need for acceptance of Islam are also highlighted. The importance of praying over individuals and the use of men for guidance is emphasized, along with the use of praying for individuals and not being a fan of them. The importance of not giving money to anyone who dies and not giving money to anyone who is not a good candidate is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah in Lahaina Meadowhall when a stain or when a stuffed Pharaoh when are all will be now human surely fusina women see the ad TR Molina, Mia de la hora Philomel de nella homing good little fella hottie Allah. Wa what Aisha do ILA in law who won the HoH last week and what I should do under Mohammed and Abdullah who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa. Ali was sending them to Sleeman Kathira yeah you have levena Taco Maha to karate well atom tuna in lava and tombs me moon. Yeah you and NAS

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taco Rob beaucoup levy halacha Coleman Epson while editing while Hallett Amin ha zo Jaha were both them in Houma. regering give here on when he said what duckula and levy to say, be well our hand in Allah Kana Lake MerKiVa Yeah, you already know I'm an otaku. Allah wa Kulu Coblenz sadita Usili lecom

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We are Phil Lokum the new Buckham were main duty love Rasulullah who forgot PhaZZer falls in our Vemma about fitna Hallo karyam can am Allah he will Haman who died who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam was shuttle or more Marta to her what coulomb death in bid I tune what could be the Eitan balada Tomoko balada Tim finop, in our class of the 40 Hadith, of the Islamic personality, we've dealt with a number of Hadith from the book that describes the Muslim men and the Muslim woman as

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being people who have to struggle to be balanced. And throughout the course of these Hadith, we've touched upon this issue many many times from the characteristic of the Muslim is that he or she has to struggle to be balanced in all of the affairs. The Hadith that we took for an example he said some Allahu it was suddenly been Habiba hone in my eye saying you can bury the can your Mind Map.

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Love the person who you love, and love them moderately, because the day may come with that individual becomes your enemy and hate the person who you hate your enemy. Hate him moderately, because the day may come when that person becomes someone who you love. So in explaining that hadith from the book, it clearly tells us to be balanced in our love to be balanced and don't go overboard in your love for people or overboard in your hatred for people because if you do that, you won't be

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able to stay fair just an in the middle. We have just now pray salata mother, and then praying and Maghrib, we make dua to Eliza gentle guidance to this Serato stalking. And that stood out the most stuff came is the way that is balanced, it's in the middle, not too far. This way as the yahood When worshipping Allah having knowledge but not working by what they know. And then the other extreme is worshiping Allah without any knowledge as the Christians did and do, but guide us to the set optimal

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step he goes those people that Allahu Taala he was still his fevers upon them. So I wanted to touch upon something in today's class as a continuation of this topic from the Muslim personality is struggling, making efforts to be balanced. Don't talk too much. Don't sleep too much. Don't work too much. Don't be an individual who goes overboard in your affairs. But especially when it comes to the issue love, love and hate. Don't go overboard.

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And Imam Hamad bin Abdul Wahab Rahmatullahi Tiana Ali, and the book estaba Tahiti brought the chapter of how I love Hulu going overboard. This is one of the ways that Benny Adams started to make Schick as a result of going overboard being too excessive in your love for someone or too excessive in your hate for someone. It prevents you from being fair. It prevents you from being just Eliza xojo commandment the Quran when I get you remember comes Shana an old Coleman and that led to a deal

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a deal who were Acropolis Taqwa. Don't allow a people who you have enemies you have enmity

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animosity towards them, between you and them the problems don't allow those problems to prevent you from being fair and just be fair and just this is closer to a tequila. Anyway, a week ago or so.

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I think everybody heard of the death of the former leader of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi. Referred hola hola, hola, Rahmatullahi Tineye they he Rama tin wasa? He died. I'm not here to talk about how he died. I don't know, that's not really my issue. My issue is addressing two points. One point is how we have people in personalities going too far overboard, and they love too far overboard and their hatred. And both of those ways, both of those ways are oppressive. And both of those ways are

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rejected in the religion. It is no secret that Hamid merci Rahmatullahi la he was from the levers of the one was the mean it's no, no, no, no doubt about that. So when he became the leader, the group there one must mean, they finally got one of the main things that they go after, and that is the currency and the chair of rule. So as a result of that many people who are from that group, they go overboard in him. They established that he has gotten the shahada, he was killed. He died as a

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Shaheed as a martyr. And as going overboard, if you're saying that a person is a Shaheed, and you're stating that emphatically and not from the Bab of Raja, maybe the person says that he's a show he but he hopes he's a shahid. But we find that's not what many people say when they won't they mean when they say that. People go overboard and say he is a Shaheed, and he got the Shahada. And it is from our religion, as we mentioned many times that we do not put anybody in the Paradise. We don't

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put anybody in the hellfire, specifically, except if we have some delille. So we don't have any deal. So we shouldn't allow our love for that man, to make us go overboard and to say things like that. People became upset as well. If there was a message that didn't pray this a lot of the high, there's a lot of janazah. For the one who's not present, some people got upset if this mystery chose not to pray over him. There was people from our community who start to criticize you for not doing

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that. Like why wouldn't you make the slot of the heart of the janazah for the man, and he did all the work he did. So we want to touch upon that as well. Extreme Love is a problem and extreme hate is a problem. I know some people who are under men hedges, Salafi from shul and the students who, because of their hatred for the one was the mean, they came

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in right. They also go overboard hatred, to the point where they allowed and they encouraged people to make horloge against Mohamed Morsi. When we No, no, we don't mean huddled against the leaders in Al Islam. If they're Muslims, we don't make a huge against leaders in Al Islam, if they're establishing the Salah, and when we do make Hirogen al Islam, because that person has shown clear disbelief, and the community has the ability to do it. But because people's hatred for the man, and

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for that group, they will talk bad about them. And they will encourage people to make hurdles. And that is not fair. That's not just it's not fair. It's not just, we have to be balanced. So what I wanted to do today, based upon the many questions that came about this a lot of janazah there's a lot of Janessa over a person was die in another country is an issue that the scholars of Islam have the laugh concerning it. And as we mentioned all the time. If the issue has the life, then you got

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to relax. You got to come down, and you can't love and hate your brother Muslim based upon these issues. He does refer the dame and he doesn't do roughly again so you hate him. He says I mean, and this one says he doesn't say I mean so you hate him. This one reads Bismillah R Rahman Rahim before reason Fatiha in you don't so you hate him and he hates you. This is not the way Muslims should exist between ourselves that these types of fifth issues these jurisprudence issues should cause us

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to hate one another. And this is one of those issues as well, although it's really an important issue. scholars of Islam took four positions concerning so they

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you'll know exactly what we're talking about. We're talking about today, what is the ruling of praying the janazah over a person who is not right here, right here in front of us when we pray, what is the ruling concerning that? The scholars took four positions and this issue four positions. The first position is the position of those scholars who said it's not permissible. If the person is not in front of you, then you can pray. So lots of janazah over that person was absent. And that was

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the position of an Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Malik Rahmatullah Hee Tae Nani Hema, if that body is not there, then you should not pray janazah over them is haram, something you shouldn't do. And they knew about the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where he was visited by Jabril. And Jabril informed him that the dashi from Ethiopia, who when the first Muslims may Hijra from Mecca to Ethiopia, then the Joshi welcomed them and gave them protection. So Abraham or gibril came until the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam that the ninjas she had died, and no doubt that the gesture was a Muslim, because he clearly said to the Muslims, when he heard about Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa it was sending them, he told them that I believe him. He's a messenger from Allah. And if he would have come here, I would have meet him, I will go and I would wash his feet, well, I will kiss his feet. But he was afraid for his people. And he hid his land. He was afraid of losing his

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chair his room. So in the hadith is Islam. So the Prophet told the people SallAllahu Sallam your brother than the Jash, he has died. So let's get up and let's pray. So they pray, Salat janazah over him and his body was in there, those Imams Abu Hanifa and then an Imam Malik said that that action was something that was only for the Prophet sallallahu. And he was setting them. It was Hamas only for him. Like the issues that only he can do, like marry more than for women, like Sallalahu, it was

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sending them Coface days on end without taking so or, and without doing Iftar then the BU Sallalahu it was sending them was allowed to do things that other people were not allowed to do. They said this is from those things, only he could do that. So that's the first position. The second position of the novel Islam is that it is permissible to praise a lot of janazah for a person who was not there, no matter what. Like right now we want to pray Sonata Janessa someone has a relative who's in

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Senegal. Someone has a relative who's in near poor. He's in some other part of the Muslim world and then Yemen. And we find out about it right now. We're going to get up and we're going to pray Sonata Janaza over him move to Africa. You can do it whenever, however. And that was the position of an imam Shafi Rahmatullahi i Li You said this is from the Bab of what I want to add a bit of me with taqwa, cooperate with each other and righteousness and in fearing Allah. So we have a scholar in

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Ellis lamb. Although I may disagree with an imam Shafi his position here, if someone came up and he took that position, you have to take it easy, because if you say to that person, you want to do innovation, and you are an innovator, and you love innovations and you don't like the Sunnah, then those same words have to be applied to an imam Shafi. The person is practicing something that some of the scholars took that position.

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So that's the second position of those are lemma an imam Shafi said open ended you can pray, if the body is not here, you can pray no problem.

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But third position and 20 are those scholars who said that you can pray over a person whose body is not here. If that individual happened to be a religious person. He was a scholar. He was a person who was rich, and he spent feasability law a lot of sadaqa it was an individual who is an iconic personality. Everybody knows him. Everybody loves him for an example. A person who's a Mujahid FISA Beatty law, they said for this person, if he died somewhere else, you can make a lot over this

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individual. And they use as a hadith what happened with the Prophet sallallahu it was setting him and his companions rubbed the Allah and Jermaine. There was a lady and Mira tune so that she was a black lady. As the people described her. She used to clean the Masjid. That was her job. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in showing his humility

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And is concerned for the community. Yes the people. Where's that lady? I haven't seen that lady around for some time. They say she died yet also law yesterday. She died and we all pray Janessa over home, we buried the body. He told the people SallAllahu it was sending them Come on, let's go. So they all lifters misjudged and they went to the MK Bara at the bucket, and he prayed salata Janaza over her, and she was in the grave, and the people pray behind the NABI SallAllahu. I didn't

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send them they made two lines, and they prayed over. So they a lot of benefits from that particular Hadith. Now is not the time to go for all those benefits, but from the benefits is that his sunnah is when people go missing, you should start to ask, where is so and so and where is so and so. Because this lady, she probably was not the most significant lady in the whole community. But she didn't go missing under the radar of the prophets of Allah who it was sent them. It also goes to

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show the permissibility of praying the janazah over someone who's in the ground, at the muck button. So we as Muslims, we don't pray in the grave. That Prophet says Allah Allah, why do you send them not to Salou and welcome aboard when I tell you this? Why

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don't pray towards graves and don't sit on graves. So here we have a situation with an OB of Islam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pray the Salah devil janazah in the graveyard and the person was buried, so it shows the permissible of selective janazah. As for praying the harass and Maghrib Orisha in a graveyard, surrounded by graves, there's something that should be avoided altogether. Shem pray in the macabre as for the janazah he did it so Allah who it was sent. The reason why we're mentioning

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this hadith is because it shows that the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard that the lady had the janazah the day before. And now he went, and he prayed on her a second time because he missed the first janazah so she was a woman of virtues, what's the virtue? She was cleaning the Masjid. She was the lady who was cleaning the Masjid. So from the benefits of that hadith is the benefit of people who are those who take care of the masajid of Allah azza wa jal, those people who are the

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custodians of Allah's houses, so this lady was cleaning the masjid when she died, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Salam stood up, and he prayed for her so that people like us, when we see something like that we come to know from his actions, it is highly recommended and highly virtuous for a person to clean up the masjid or to do whatever you can possibly do in order to help maintain the messages cleanliness. We are there in Liverpool, that brothers playing soccer he makes over 150,000 pounds a

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week. When he got more money for his contract. He went, and he wanted to think Allah azza wa jal, he went to the masjid at dasa time when there were not a lot of people. And he started cleaning the toilets of the masjid on his own. But because with people we don't know how to handle celebrity, when people came in, and they saw him, they took videos of it. And they sent it all out when the man was trying to do it, under the radar with lots he didn't want people to know about it. The point is,

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we ask Allah to accept that from him making $150,000 pounds a week and then you're going to do that. That's a sign of a person who understands this kind of Hadith with that lady rubbed the Allah on. So that's the third position, if whiny if it is a important person. And now today, this important person has become a person to politics.

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So if he's a politician, then the people will pray over him. But who can say who's important and not important? So that's the third position. And that's the position of Imam Ahmed and others and share of Islam. A chef and bas had that position. I remember when we used to live in Saudi Arabia, anytime one of the leaders of the Saudi Arabian ruling family if one of them die in Unreal, we were pray his a lot of janazah in Mecca and Medina. I remember that. And that was the position of a checkup and

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bas. Some people used to say, they're just doing that just because they're scared of those rules and so forth and so on. We don't talk about people like that. That's in the madhhab of the humbleness that's Imam admins position. Based upon that hadith. Allah didn't make you responsible for asking and getting to come to the answer that the person do it with sincerity. Why is he doing that? That's the position of the people when their left hand so take it easy. You don't agree with that. I'm

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doing that you don't agree with it. So don't pray. Just go keep going.

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The fourth position and the final position and

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The one that I perceive as being the position of the truth is that those scholars who said

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you should not and you cannot pray over the body of a person who they prayed over his body somewhere else, and to pray over his body again is something that should be avoided altogether. Like in the case of Mohammed mercy, Rama to lay it he was prayed over and Egypt for an example.

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And that's because when we look at the issue of the Najafi Radi Allahu anhu, or Allah who he was, as we mentioned, in a country, Ethiopia, Abyssinia, surrounded by non Muslims, so when he died, no one prayed over him, and the saliva janazah is for key fire. Some people have to do it. And if some people do it, the responsibility will be taken off of everybody else. But if no one does it, the whole Ummah is sinning. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed over him, and that was it.

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So if a person died somewhere, and they didn't have a Janessa prayed over him, then it becomes 40 fire for some people to pray over them. In this case, it is permissible in this case. And that's because as I mentioned, the new Joshi also when we look at the Companions, Robbie Alon, whom, when Abu Bakr, Mr. Rothman and ally, and when those companions died, we don't hear other companions in the Muslim world at that time. We don't hear them making janazah over Abu Bakar people were in a

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sham. People were in Egypt, people were living in different parts of the Muslim empire. We don't hear them, making Salam, Salam of the Janaza for the absent person when it happened to Abu Bakar man and Ali and the rest of them if this was something that was from the Sunnah, then clearly those companions, may Allah azza wa jal be pleased with them, they would have held on to this issue, they would have practice it. Now the very important point 20 And one of the reasons why we are in

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opposition to this is because it opens up the door for what I would call social hypocrisy, and that

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someone who occupies a powerful position or someone who is a well known personality, may be a person into sports, a celebrity, whatever Muslim. When that person dies, we want to pray this a lot of janazah over him. Okay. There's a Miskin person who comes from Bangladesh from Senegal from Gambia, someone comes from Mauritania, someone comes from Nigeria, some miskeen Muslim comes from Sri Lanka, wherever.

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He's not well known by the people. But he comes in he says, you know, back in Sri Lanka, my uncle, he built 10 mosques, and all of those masks, they helped over 1000 kids to memorize the Quran. So I want to make salud janazah over my uncle here, we're gonna say no, we're not going to do it. We're going to do it for the people come from our village, we're going to do it for the people who started this masjid, we're going to do it for the people give money to the masjid, we're gonna give them to

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those people will do it for those people. And in fact, that man who came from Bangladesh, he may be better than all of the people you're doing it for,

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for all of the people that you're doing it for. So I remember that the imam in Mecca as today's his father died as today's because of today's position. People want to do this a lot of janazah because that was his father. Okay, what about his father and his father and his father's father. So if we open up that door for one person, if we open up that door, we should open up that door for everybody. And clearly, if we open up that door for everyone, it's going to become confusion.

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Because every day somebody's dying. After every prayer, we're going to have a lot of janazah for the apps in person because someone's dying every single day. So we say, close the door on everybody, close the door for everybody, no exceptions. If a person dies somewhere, and he gets this a lot of Janaza prayed over him, just leave it like that. And that's it. And we don't have to deal with all of the other things that come as a result of taking the different positions, but in saying that want

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to make it clear, that you know, acknowledge it is an issue of the life. If a person chooses not to do it. Don't you come and say it's because he doesn't like the man. He's not he's against the group. Don't be Don't say that. That's his position, and that's his position. All right. So this will want to deal with as it relates to the issue of the salata, the Janaza you guys have any questions?

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Say it again.

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A Jehovah ideal is a science that is connected to the sciences of El Hadith in which the scholars of Al Islam who were

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better than most other scholars, they were more specialized. They would talk about the different narrators and criticize them or praise them. And Emmanuel Bukhari and Imam, Muslim and Imam.

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These people used to say about the narrator's this one is weak in memorization, this one is alive. This one is strong in his memorization, this one over here he narrates and so on. So it's weak and that one over here if he narrates, after he lost his books, we don't accept his narration. That is the science of Adjara with tight deal people criticize and in praise in different narrators to determine whether or not a hadith is authentic or is not authentic. And with the consensus of the

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scholars of Hadith, it is the single most complicated and difficult aspect of the science of Hadith. No one in his right mind will jump into that arena and he has his right mind with him.

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So we have people today from the people of Hulu and Sally fear those people over there who have jumped into this arena and as created a lot of confusion, a lot of confusion for them now and confusion for people before because they will understand in them and the sheriff's is that Jehovah tideal is only applicable to the people of sunnah just told the people this Sonoff the Sunnah, so that's what Jehovah ideal is my man. Any more questions when

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anybody got any water? Anybody have any water?

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All right, then inshallah we're going to resume this worsening next week. You see I had some requests from the members. You can see we have some brothers who are not here two weeks in a row. No matter what inshallah we're going to resume the class. Next week be idli lying. All right. So now mighty

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