Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Best Day of The Year

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of Islam, including its first act, which is the first act of Islam, and protecting privacy and personal information. They emphasize the return of humans from the Hellfire, including the return of animals and shrouds, and the return of shrouds and shrouds. The speakers stress the importance of not wasting time and not traveling, citing the "hasiths" meaninging "has been" in Islam. They also touch on the negative impact of fear on women and the need for women to be more aware of their body, and end with a statement about empowering women through listening and empowerment.
AI: Transcript ©
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screamed louder louder him. And Hamdulillah that * theorem will take you by Mubarak and fee or Salawat to lie he was set up Mugu, Anna beginnen Karim Ali he was having a Jemaine

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bye that you know him Allahu wa the who last shot he had a hula hoop in one hand with one condition Kadir

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La ilaha illallah wa the hula shady Calico lol Mukalla hand well what a condition Kadir.

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Ilaha illa Allah who is the hula Sharika hula hula milkwood I will hand one condition Kadir.

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Before we begin Inshallah, I want to take this opportunity out to thank all the brothers here at Greenlee Masjid whoever had something to do with choosing me to be the person to give this talk tonight on the blessed day of Arafah.

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So now that McGraw came in and we pray Maghrib, this is the day of Arafah.

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So with it being the ninth day of the 10 days of hija, we only have one more day in Shala for these special days. So the Hadith said that the deeds and these 10 days are more beloved to Allah than the deeds you do outside of these 10 days. So given me an opportunity to talk about out of fat is indeed a tremendous opportunity. So from the Hadith, whoever doesn't think the people has not think Allah, I want to thank any of the brothers Mohammed, Abu Rayyan Zakka Allah, the chairman, sorry, name, I

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don't know. But I want to say to you, Giselle, como lo haga for this opportunity.

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So they have chosen the topic for today, as being the best day of the year,

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the day of autofab.

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And the virtues of worshiping Allah subhanho wa taala. And this day,

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that's the topic that they chose for me to deliver.

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So it is possible that someone can come and oppose that's titled, The best day of the year, the day of autofac.

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Because there are some scholars in this religion that don't consider out off as being the best day and they have deleted

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and from those scholars is the great scholar of Islam and Imam, even a young man other than Him not to lie they they believe that the 10th day of hedger the day after autofac, is the best day because of a Hadith of the Prophet that's authentic sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So they as if they laugh between the scholars about this issue, which day is the greatest day in Ellis land? Is it the ninth day artifact? Or is it the 10th day, the day of another the day of and read for us Tuesday for the people not performing high judge?

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This is an issue that as if the lab is Miss Ella, HD had dia. So some scholars say this and some scholars say that now I want to ask you this question before we move on.

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Is it permissible? I want to ask you people.

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Is it permissible for someone in our audience, a Muslim man woman, he listens to the proofs of both sides. And he says I take the opinion that the day of Arafah is the best day. He did his best. He looked at the deal for both sides and he was sincere and he chose out offenders the best day.

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And then the other brother, he did his best he considered all of the dealio and he was sincere. And he chose the 10th day yo Mala as the best day.

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Is it pistol permissible? I'm asked you you. Is it permissible for this Muslim to say about that one over there? You're an innovator, because you didn't follow my share for what I said in this issue. Is that permissible? It's not permissible. Is it permissible for these people to say urine innovator, because you're not following our delille and our HD head? Is that permissible? Is anyone here in doubt about that? Anybody has doubt about that? There should be no doubt about that. It is

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an issue that scholars do HD had Yo Yo Yo yo yo you're going to do your HD had you're going to choose a side today Inshallah, why do you think this one why do you do that one, to the best of your ability and the personal takes the other side can never say to you, you are deviant because you didn't

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Take my site,

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I bring that to you just to let brothers know, the folder, the volume

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is confusion. It's so precious. It's an innovation and may even be shitcan cover in some instances that some people have, where if you don't follow the HD head of the a chef, then you are outside of the Sunnah. So if you don't bring down and mineraI, and you don't bring down after him and Mala B, and you don't bring down after him and Halaby, you don't bring them down, I'm gonna bring you down.

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We say that's football. And that's not our religion. And that's not the main hedge of the self. This issue of what day is bigger is bigger than n, Mara B, is bigger than N Khaled is bigger than all of them. combined. This is from the SHA, Allah SNAM, which one is the best date. And some people take that position, some people take that position, and it's not permissible for any side to say the other side is innovators. The other side are innovators.

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And if you can't do it in this issue, you can't do it in issues of personal problems and individuals like this. He says he's an innovator and I don't agree and I know that folder, you your shakes all of your land, and madness. But I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about you. This is the night of Arafat, the of those people that day of artifact be of those people who you want to worship Allah with sincerity and with knowledge. And you don't worry too much about what people have to say when

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it's clear what they're doing is madness. So as it relates to this issue, what if Allah,

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I'm going to talk about the proofs of both sides.

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And in addressing the issue, because there's a lot of information, you'll come to learn what you should do in these days. Because we're going to give you the proofs, and you'll come to learn. At the end of the class, I'm going to give 20 pounds to the person who can axe answer whichever three questions I asked from today's dose. I'm not going to ask you a difficult question. But from everything that I mentioned today, at the end of the class man asked you three questions. 20 pounds,

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for the one get the answer. 20 pounds to do one minute work. That's a nice job. If you asked me one minute, then the reason why we're offering the 20 pounds is because we want you guys to pay attention come closer when you come close it terrible, terrible, Baraka Fico. The scholars of this time who said that the 10th day is the biggest and best day

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they say that for a few reasons. In the Quran, there is a Surah Surah. A Toba is also called Al Bara is the only source of the Quran from the 114 Surahs that don't start off with the best smeller Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim it doesn't start off with that the only one and it was one of the sorrows that was revealed in the last part of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is to serve that has is to safe in it, the ire of the sword, which has abrogated more ayat than any ayat of the

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Quran. because prior to this ayat coming down with the Prophet was ordered to fight the non Muslims. There are many is telling him turn the other cheek, let them go, let them go. It's not time to fight. But when this I came down, it abrogated all of those is about be patient with them. So it's a tremendous ayah Surah one of the is in the surah Allah will Tada mentioned more than one min Allah He was a Sufi in a Nazi Yeoman and hygiene Akbar and Allah burrito melon machete keen. What else?

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Allah says in surah to Toba, this is a proclamation and then a calling out from Allah and His messenger that Allah and His messenger are free from the machete king. And this proclamation was given out on the day of Alhaji Akbar, Allah said so Allah called it an homage an Akbar. So the first thing we want to mention is there are many lessons from hydrogen from the lessons of hydrogen is the importance of a towhee that's the most important lesson. You should not be a person who's saying

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howls and nasef Rasul Allah never die SallAllahu it was selling them making dua to the dead, making an Highlife and swearing by other than Allah slaughtering for other than Allah being afraid of other than Allah, all of those

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tons of shifts that Muslims do have in Hulu and Chef Ruby or in the chef and the day in a grave of that ship going overboard. Where you're loving your hub becomes should come Billa women and Nancy Mania 30 Women Dooney lay and Dad, you burn a home cuckoo Billa those people take partners along with Allah. They love their partners more than they love Allah.

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So Hajj teaches a Muslim, there is no room for shitcan coffee, and yet our Ummah comes and we worship Allah was shifting comfort

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from the lessons of an homage is the importance of the Sunnah, the Amiga of the Sunnah.

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The head shows that that the Quran yawn or the abdomen Nance, the one who says Just give me the Quran I take the Quran you're cut that you can practice this religion with just the Quran. The Prophet says Allah Allah who it was sent him about hydrogen, holo and Neem and as sickle comb, oh you companions take from me the rites of Hajj. So 100,000 companions came from all over the desert. And they met up with the prophets of Allah who suddenly traveled to Mecca with him to watch

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everything that he did. So we know how to make high touch and the vast majority of things and hajj are not in the Quran. They're in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sen. The greatest dewasa derive out of that. Were where is that dawn the Quran? Where is it?

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We walk around the Kaaba seven times, with our left shoulder towards the cabin, our right shoulder is showing where is that in the Quran? Where is it in the Quran that a person who's in the ROM can't get married, nor can he conduct a marriage? Where is that in the Quran? Where is the Bacolod mela bake? The bake Allah Sharif collected a bake where's that in the Quran? In order for a person to become a mark comer to do his ombre was hij he has to say love bacon. Oh, Houma Umrah here I am a

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lot of make Umrah. If he doesn't say that he's never in it. Rom. Where's that in the Quran? So the Hajj from the lessons of the hunch. Number one most important lesson, a towhee. How you has a nozzle, you make Hajj, you read about hygiene. Second most important lesson, the Sunnah, importance of the Sunnah. You can't do hygiene without the Sunnah you can't pray without the sooner you can get married without the Sunnah. From the lessons of the hij, the universality of Ellison, the different

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colors in nations and tribes that we come from.

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You can be rich, when you're making to walk around that Kaaba, that guy who's pushing you he doesn't know you're worth a million dollars. He doesn't know that. And he doesn't care. Because you want him equal. It's only when you come over here people know you they raise you up because of the car you have. He doesn't know you. You're just a regular son of Adam, like everybody else from the many people and he's gonna push you out of the way and keep going. And then you have to get used to that

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and bring down your arrogance while you're at ih. So the hijas Allah Allah lessens the ease of Islam is in harch the Rama of Allah is manifested in Hajj. So one of the most important lessons of Hajj is Al Walla, WA Bara, this isa, Allah is free from the Mushrikeen and His Messenger, they're free from normal streaking and I have highchair there was another ayat that was revealed similar to this is sort of the Toba Yeah, a

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manual in nama machinery Khoon and nijssen phala. Yet curable Masjid Al haram, by the army him either

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when CRIF domain for soul for your knee come along for the weekend shirt, or you believe the poly fee is the mushy cone. They are nudges, then legislator Jassa so don't let them come to the message that haram and Mecca after this year. So this ayat was revealed from Surah to Toba.

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And it was revealed before the Prophet may Hajj the next year SallAllahu Sallam Rasul Allah sin Abu Bakar to lead the Muslims in Hajj the year before, so I will Bucha me Hajj before the Nubian Islam SallAllahu It was Sunday when this ayat was revealed. The prophets Allah Allah he was sending them wanted to send a message

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to Abu Bakar to tell people to do something and not do something but he said, If I don't send someone from my family, Qureshi won't listen. So we sent out EBI, the toilet from Adelaide Bay.

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He told it, go to Mecca. And when you get there, I want you to make an announcement at the Kaaba based upon this

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Iron Man Allah He was Sunni he, you tell those kofod Quraysh because up until that point, they were still coming to the masjid doing their thing. You tell them number one, no Mushrik is going to go into Jana.

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And then the Muslim comes today and says no, you're gonna go to Jana. No, he's our friend, he's afraid will lie he only the people say lie lie alarm. I'm gonna go on the agenda. And the people who don't say that, no matter who they're connected to. They can be connected to the Nibi of Islam. They could be connected to nor they could be connected to the Brahim Salawat to lie he was cinammon why didn't they in the hellfire.

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So go and make the announcement at the Kaaba. No. Mushrik is going to Jana. Number two, no one can go around the Kaaba after this. Now you can't go around the cabin naked anymore. Because that was a practice of Quraysh the Arabs if something happened to him, to show his sincerity to show her sincerity. He's going to stop drinking coming. He's going to stop murdering people. He did something he will pray he wants to make Toba. She wants to make Toba. They will take their clothes off and

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walk around the Kaaba. And when people saw that they said this is sincerity of loss and the other people would not look out of respect to the Kaaba. This was a practice of Quraysh today, the Muslims people were supposed to have to he were at the Kaaba is stealing from the other people making pull off. We're at the Kaaba pushing people touching people you shouldn't touch kofod pH when they wanted to fix the Kaaba up and was falling down. They said let's fix the Kaaba up. Everybody bring the best

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of your money, don't bring money from riba don't make money from common dumping money from a nap highway robbery, don't bring no money from prostitution or crime or Kamala. The pure money and courage brought the best of their money. And it wasn't enough to make the whole Kaaba complete. And they were repairing it. So they just did that last part to hit you know, it's my yield is symbolic because they ran out of pure money. And then they said who's gonna put the stone there and they

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started arguing. They said, the first one comes to the door you could put stone came into the door. Mohamed El Amin, they said before he said he was a Nebby. They called them I made the truthful one. So when he brought them the dollar, don't say he's a lie and now as they did, but the point is that you people see how Quraysh high respect for the Kaaba, and they will confer kuffaar and gave the best money, the naked lady put her head down, and the Muslim goes there.

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And he does the wrong thing. So these ayat from the lessons of an homage is and when our bra it went, no cash is going to the Jana. No one is to make the wife naked after this. That's it. And then he said, and no Mushnik can make hudge after this year, no more.

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So I wanted to say that to bring this point to your attention and that is living in these societies. Our children, as well as us lose the understanding of Allah Bara

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as well our Bara, a famous day from the Duat of the Sunnah, said recently about soccer football. He gave some opinions about football, people shouldn't watch football, he made some points. And if a person understood, well our Bahrani understood the religion, even if he disagreed with the man because I believe you can play football. But there are some things that will make football haram like the hour of being exposed, like wasting time like gambling and so forth. So on. So the person

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says for Muslim to sit, and to watch that football game, and to get all into it like that, and to get sad when his country loses. And the country is a non Muslim country.

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That can be an issue in a person's Well, our Bara, many of our community members. What we do is because I love football, I'm not trying to hear that.

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But in reality, it's an issue that should be considered. Do you think that the Prophet of Islam Salallahu it was setting them but go to the local place where they play a game in the desert, and watch Abdullah Bible, Johanna, who may have been a color for the rest of those confer doing things and he's clapping and making a g of those people even do it. So if a person used that as a delille, a part of a deal, don't make it seem like that person is out of his mind.

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Because the Muslim gospel Allah loves, hates what Allah Allah hates. And you have to ask yourself, Does Allah love that?

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You but the point is, while our Bara when the Prophet sallallaahu Salam arrived to Mecca, he may 7, two wolves around the Kaaba. And then he went behind them a column of Ibrahim with datatable Mikami Brian McCann, Ibrahima Musa go behind them come over he prayed he read Paul Yeah Are you help Kathy road law I will do my terrible doing what I end to be doing in my eyeball. And when I was in the first Iron, the second Ayat behind them a comma v Brene. For her when he first got there, he prayed

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called who Allah Who Had Allah Who summit another serie class of well our Bara because the kuffaar say, describes what's the God that you worship? What have you made out of gold, copper, what what? And these is came down, tell him tell him, Allah Allah.

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Allah has a summit let me let him you let an antenna all of those are I had that show us the importance of and when I were brought up, it's connected to what towhee but in this Ayato the idea was revealed so the profit centers companions Salallahu Alaihe salam to tell the people don't come to the Kaaba anymore. That's it finish from that day to now. Officially they're not allowed to come.

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So the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah while he was setting them, showed us and explain to us what day is Alhaji AppBar because some of the scholars have different opinions and what was collected by the memorable Heidi and the Imam Abu Dhabi to Timothy Abdullah bin Yamato said that the Prophet sallallahu was setting them on the 10th day of

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the 10th day after after artifact the knife artifact goes down monkey Maghrib mug artifact, they went after that, the 10 day, he said that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was stolen, the genre, the genre, and then he said to the people in high value, yo, yo Mahajan, Akbar, this day, the 10th is the day of the major hedge.

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So let's say the 10th day that we're talking about is the greatest day has three names. It's called The Day of up Ha, the 10th day is the eighth for us Tuesday. So as a them adhaar, Yeoman adhan, another name is Al Hajj and Akbar the biggest day of an homage, the third name, Yeoman. Now, the day of slaughter in the Camus, those three days was the proofs that the scholars use to pay him and other than Him now pay attention. They have a few and the authentic. One of them is strong to the

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Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the AME and the ye to Allah Yeoman. Now, the greatest day in the sight of Allah the greatest day to Allah is the day of another. So Hadith that's authentic. Fact check it in a come up. So clear Hadith. The best day is the 10th day he said the day of slaughter and the day of their eat. That's one deal. Another delille that they use is also strong and this is important. And that is on the 10th day of hygiene is the most difficult day. That's why

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it's called and hygiene at birth. How many of you have performed Hajj before put your hand up from edge? So the 10th day is the most difficult day. So on the night of Arafa listen to this, the ease of Islam is from the lesson of hydrophilicity

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the Prophet states of Allah it was salam and out of that all day in the sun making dua it's not easy. You're tired, it's well, jet lag, jet lag jet lag is hating you're tired and it's hot. You're supposed to make dua all day

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as much as you can.

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When the sunset or so left Arafat and told people take it easy when you leave, but when the Muslims leave their wild because they want to get out. He said Take it easy when you leave out of that. He left out of her listen, he went to Moose den ephah listen to this. When he arrived that moves daddy for where you're going to sleep. You have to combine salata Maga me shot three rock guys and four rock guys together. russula did three rock guides for rock guys, and no one mentioned that he may

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select on winter. It is the only time and the Syrah in the history where it wasn't mentioned that he makes a lot of winter. He said about him. He did not abandon winter when he was traveling or when he was a resident he always did winter. Always when he was traveling or not. The other Sunnah prayers connected to the five prayers he always did. The two records of Fajr the Sunnah

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As and Witter Halloran was suffering He never left them by he didn't it wasn't recorded that he prayed this night. So some of the scholars have the opinion. You just go to bed. Why do you just go to bed? Because tomorrow is the big day of hygiene Shala you have to get ready. It's tough.

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Nobody's the strongest person here it is tough. So what do the Muslims do? Instead of taken from the example of the NABI SallAllahu Sallam they arrive in was that ephah they pray Maghrib a shy and then they start going out in the desert looking for rocks to throw tomorrow, and they're out there all day.

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And then after finding the rocks, seven for each Jamara for each day, they go to get some some water, and then they put the rocks in a bowl and pour the Zamzam water over the rocks, so that when they throw the rocks Bismillah they believe because there's soaking in sums and water overnight, it's going to be a special effect and impact on the jump Murat.

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No, just go to sleep. That's it. That's The Rime of the Prophet on the people now and just for those people who may take that position that you just go to sleep and I said, I say you take that position, but don't be rough and tough on the people in the pilgrims. It's a must have he had his HDI. Some of the scholars said no, you should pray the winter. Because it wasn't mentioned that he prayed to to rock as a fresher Me neither. So you take the moon of those two situations, right? God

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telling fetcher Hey Ramana dunya with my feet. So praying, even though it wasn't recorded that he prayed it. In Allah Azza wa salatu Salatin for Solu ha Allah where he later Allah has added a salon do the waiter lays him in the mala Yuto. He's not from us, the one who doesn't make winter.

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So as it relates to this issue, the second deal that those scholars use to prove that the Yeoman Yeoman Akbar Yeoman adhaar is bigger than then then Arafat is on this day is the day where you do the most or can have a highchair there are certain things in Hajj that you have to do some other sunnah. Some are conditions, and some of them are are can like the car cannabis LAN, the shahada thing the salah does a cat for some the Hajj, if you lose one of the pillars, you are in trouble. So

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all of the main pillars most of them are done on the 10

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prophets of Allah while he was headed Sallam went first and he threw at the throat. He came and he slaughtered 64 camels, not 164 camels. And they said what 6363 And they said that that was an a shot off that he was going to die soon at the age of 63. The Ramadan prior to that prior to him making Hajj Jabril came to him in the ninth month Ramadan went over the Quran every night twice every night. Why did he do that yet also Allah his daughter, Fatima said, he said because I believe I'm

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going to die soon. So Jabril went over the Quran twice in his last Ramadan, and then when Hajj came, three months later, he slaughtered 63 camels, and in total, they do the rest. They will 100 all together. So he stone he slaughtered, he cut his hair.

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After cutting his hair, he went down to the Kaaba to make to waffle e father.

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This is the most difficult talk because everybody's there. And you have to get there before McGraw. Because you take your ROM off and you get there before Margaret. If you don't get there before Mozilla can do your 12 you have to put your ROM back on. That's the opinion that I take. But the point here is Rasul Allah did that to waffle, the father. And then he did a Sati between a Sufi and Mattawa those are the big art kind of illustration. And this is why it's called El Hijo Akbar since

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the best day The Prophet said Salallahu Salam, and it's the day that most of these things are happening

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to more things from the approves is that the Camus the animals Rasul Allah is Allah selling the animals called the head view. And

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so Allah took his animals with him from Medina and took them all the way to Mecca. And he said, If I knew back then what I knew now, I wouldn't have done that.

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So we don't have to take out camels and stuff because you just get there you give them a token you buy it, and that's it. But people all over the Muslim world a long time ago.

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And now they come to the Kaaba with their sacrificial animals from wherever they come from. And they arrive and they are slaughtered on this day, the 10th. That's the day so it's a big day for this big a bad day of slaughter, and it's from the best a bad death in LA slash.

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Number four, why is it the best day because the Muslims all over the world were not performing Hajj, or celebrating their Eid, or anything at all of the Ummah, Muhammad around the world, and they are the majority.

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So those are some of the proofs that cause some of those scholars to take that position. And as you can see, there's a clear Hadith that says, The best day the greatest day to Allah is the day of slaughtering Yama not.

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As for the scholars who said Arafa is the best day then it appears that the truth is with them, and their proofs are more and stronger.

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And Allah knows best. And from those proofs, is the fact that the Prophet says Allahu alayhi wa sallam highroad young Tala Allah He shuns young Arafat the best day that the sun came up

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and it shone on that day the best day is the day of Arafah

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so one Hadith said the greatest day to Allah is the day of slaughtering and this one said that the best day that the sun came up and shown it was shining is the day of artha That's the deal. The second deal that they use is what Allah mentioned in the Quran, something happened and Arafat What if aka Rob Booker meme Benny Adam admin for Horry him to react to shadow forcing him unless to be a big calm Carlu better shade and to Kulu Yong ki Amity in Cannan, Heather Rafi mean and remember when

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your Lord took from the loins of Adam, all of his descendants, and he caused all of them to bear witness among themselves. Allah said to them and Allah your Lord, they all said yes, we bear witness you are Lord, Allah says so you won't come Yamo pm and say I had no knowledge of this La ilaha illa so you don't come to my piano and say no one gave you dollar. So you don't come your piano and say, you may shift and you didn't know

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Prophet Muhammad and what was collected by Lee Mamet till Amelie sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about this ayat, Allah took out of Adam's loins, all of his descendants, and he spread them all out at Arafa.

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And Allah Arafa he said, Amma Nana Allah, am I not Allah? And I'm not a lot. Everybody said, Bella, you're our Lord.

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And that was an artifact. So how many of you have not been to hijab? Put your hand up? If it wasn't even a hunch? Put your hand up. All right, you may not have been the hutch but you were close. Did you wear out often?

00:33:17 --> 00:33:20

Does anybody reject that disbelieved that? Where does the Quran say that?

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But the Muslim with Eman he's gonna say wow, never heard that hadith, okay, I'm gonna fact check. I'm gonna see if he finds it authentic. He's gonna say Allahu Akbar. I wasn't there, but I believe in it.

00:33:34 --> 00:34:05

So the day of artifact, the place of artifact is tremendous. Number three, is what Allah mentioned in the Quran. happened at Arafa on the Day of Arafah al yo MacMall Tillicum Deen a commitment to the community we're happy to recommend Islam Medina today are perfect for you your religion, and I perfected for you my namah and I chose for you understand as your religion, no matter what love the Allah and who said, I know the day in the place that that I it was revealed. It was revealed on the

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day of out of fat and it was a Friday. So the completion of Ellis land came on the day of Arafah it didn't come on the day of a Nah, that's a big day. Because Allah mentioned in the Quran as well.

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From the reasons why our affair is the best days is that the Prophet says of Allah, what are you sending them? You should fast on the day of autofab

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and if you fast tomorrow on the day of Eid,

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Allah will forgive you for your sins from last year. And they will forgive you for your sins for the coming year for fasting I'm out of that.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

But haram, haram Rasul Allah caught the first month of the sinner, sha Allah from the month of Allah Maha Rami belongs to Allah. Like Naka Tala like baby

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Tula to Sharif and and Tom Lehman kitab. Allah says respect and honor.

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So this is the month of Allah. That's what the prophet called the subtle Allah. He said it when you fast, the fast of Ashura

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you're forgiven for your sins of the previous year, not the year to come

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out of that previous and what's to come, because Arafa Muharram is a sacred month. Our short is a big day. Allah helped

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Musa overfilled our big day historically,

00:35:39 --> 00:35:53

but out of that is a great day and the rewards are greater from the Adela colony. So you shouldn't just think that fast tomorrow Shala from those delays, uh, well, the Hadith he says Allah Allah, what do you sell them?

00:35:55 --> 00:36:03

After the Da da Yeoman LaRussa, the best dua that you can make is the dua of the Day of Arafah.

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So if you want to make dua Yeah, listen, listen to me. I'm sitting here and I have challenges and issues just like you maybe mine are more how in the world am I going to let out of fat Dave come and go. And I'm not going to bump my head on that carpet and going such didn't ask a lot of forgive me and help me with the things that I have to do.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:55

It hasn't been an hour yet. But you have done the best thing. You pray Sonata Madrid. And then after maghrib you stayed in the masjid. As long as you have all the melodica Yeah, making dua for you. On the day of artifact, you gotta make executive making dollar we'll learn our religion. After you leave this place, you got to keep it up. And one of the things you have to do, I don't know what's going on in your private life, but I know you need a door. Everybody needs to make a lot of doors.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:27

The best day to make dua is this day right here, out of the day of out of whatever your do eyes, health, money's a watch, sought out your issue, your immigration papers, your mother, your father COVID, whatever it is, this day, there is no day better than to make dua than this day. And he said the best thing that I said in the prophets before me on the day of autofab Which goes to show the prophets and the messengers you should do how much they used to go to Mecca. All of them may salon

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all of them gaves the cat all of them fasted all of them may hike, Rasul Allah is Allah Allah, what are you sending him? Gave us too many deals, there's a masjid over there in Mina is called masjid or haIf. So Allah said praying that Masjid because so many prophets pray there was that in the Quran

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and if you're in a European tents and the American tents as far from that place, but the people of the Sunnah always make it to that masjid, because you don't feel your hijab is complete without a group of you making the trek all the way down all the way back at least once.

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Where's the Quran? sunnah, sunnah. So he said, so many prophets pray there. He said, I see Musa it's as if I see Musa coming down off of the mountain with his rom on saying the Bacolod woman obey Musa man Hajj.

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So anyway, the point as it relates to this particular issue is the best dua is to say that either Allah wa the hula should eat gala level and work on our hand, well, who are a coalition Kadir?

00:38:39 --> 00:39:01

But don't wait for artifact to say this, the Muslim should be saying this vicar and all of his dua in his salatu salam every day. Prophet Muhammad used to say this after the prayer, and this is from the car of the day, the night. Prophet Muhammad said anybody who says this 100 times in a day, he'll give you a reward of free and 10 slaves.

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You don't have to say it in one sitting, but throughout the day, after salah, he said anybody who says La ilaha illa why should he care? Let him look whatever. Won a coalition Kadir, anyone who says that 10 times will get the reward a friend for slaves from the descendants of his smile. Why is that important? 10 times he'll get the reward of freedom for slaves who were the descendants of this meal? Why is that important? And the culture of the Arabs they used to have a wreck, slavery bondage

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before also like Cain, and unless lamb never abrogated slavery till this very day. And don't think slavery in Islam is like canta Kente and roots it's not like that. Slaves have rights in Ellis lamb it has a system. Allah coulomb they said NJ he

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Yeah, the Arabs were biased. Let's sell slaves. If you're a free person, you can go and buy 2345 10 slaves, man, woman, child, you can do that. And the slave is your property, and he has rights. She has rights. Now listen, when they will go to the marketplace, if the slave had one eye, if the slave was old, if the slave didn't know Arabic, if they would say that that's a deficiency.

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But if the slave was strong, that was a cost of by the strike. One of the best leaves on the market to them was someone who was from the descendants of it's my eel. Because it's my it wasn't from the Arabs, his father, Ibrahim Salawat, Allah sent me why they brought him to Mecca, and dropped them and that to me, his mother had zamzam southern Marwa. And then a tribe of Arabs came who are called your hum and they will live in in that area. And when they fought found Zamzam water, they agreed

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with hijra, you can drink from my water means my me and my son is our water. You can drink from it, but it belongs to us and they agreed and they kept their promise. So it's smile grew up and married from them. And that's how the Arabs became a part of his smile. So when it smiles, children came their fathers and Nebby their grandfathers and Nebby they have knowledge about religion. So their people had added edit, they had behavior, they will well like manat usually. So the Arabs felt a

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slave from it smiles descendants is big. So Prophet Muhammad said Whoever says like he liked this thing. 10 times they'll give you a reward or freedom for the descendants of E Ismail. So you understand why he said that. But now you have to understand this.

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There is no slaves to free. No slaves today to free but you have an opportunity to free the slave and a slave and free and slave was a big thing and nama saw the cartoon for karawal Misaki Allah said that the cat is for eight people. One of the people were fitted to the cop free the slave and give them the cat

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if you break your fast and Ramadan

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without a good excuse, you gotta free slave

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you want to get close to Allah free a slave. That's why Isha and our mother Zane have been to Jash they used to free slaves all the time, because it's from the best e Baghdad and Ellison. So all you have to do Abdullah is just sit and say now you don't hate Allah waktu last year the color level Nakula hamdulillah hola coalition, Katya 10 times and you can tell me one last thing I want to mention about this the best dua of outsiders this one last thing I want to mention is

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after every prayer you should say that dua that vicar, but after so Latin Fajr and that's a lot the Maghrib you should add on to it. Rather so Lola used to say after fajr and Margaret La ilaha illallah wa de who last Sharif gala level mark, your ye will you meet well, who on a condition Kadir so that distinction is there. The student of knowledge is the one who pays attention to that. He goes back and he facts check. But regular Muslim may say I just stick to this no problem. Just don't

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say things like that addition in that difference is not important. Don't say that. So that's from the reasons why this day is greater than the day of a knock because on this day, whatever you make dua to Allah for Allah answers inshallah. This day of Arafat is greater than the day of Nahata because

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on this day, there is no other day that Allah frees people from the Hellfire more than this day.

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And Mina na

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and Ramadan, Allah frees people from the Hellfire every night of Ramadan every night.

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But this is the day more people are free from the hellfire. Allah looks down from the seven heavens because he sees in a way that befits His Majesty. He hears in a way to me it will be July Leti he subhanho wa Taala he looks down at the slaves an artifact and he says to the Malacca Will you buy he beat him He brags about the human beings and this is one of the reasons why some scholars said the melodic are better than Benny Adam. But the real reason why the maniacal there's some people say

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that Benny Adam better than the Malacca because Allah is bragging about them to them in Africa, but it's an issue of the wrath. If you take that position the other people can make to the of you. You take the other position that connect up the view no matter what this shift said and no matter what they say. Is each the hat. The person did his best. He was sincere. He said You mean to tell me that

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Human beings are better than Mikhail and Jabril LBGT better than Jabra mkhaya No, they're not better than Jabril Mikhail.

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But we do have in our religion with Kundalini Mala ecotones do Esther Dooley Adam for such a bliss they all bow down to Adam and set a bliss Allah sent him to another item the Quran for surgery, then Mala Aika to Cologne, Edge Morocco, all of them in Africa bow down all of them. And you can understand from that the ones who carry the harsh the ones who are in the bay to my more, there is a house in the heavens Rasul Allah said every day

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70,000 angels go in that house and come out the other side, never to return. So you're 40 you're 45 you're 27 you're 38 He's 69.

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All of the days of your life 70,000 Angels went in and came out. How many numbers is that?

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The human beings on earth today over a billion. They have two angels with that. How many numbers is that? What else do people die? What about the people who come in? No one knows the name of the angels except Allah no one. And yet Allah said, all of the angels bow down to add them all of them.

00:46:21 --> 00:46:23

And why did they bow down to Adam?

00:46:24 --> 00:46:38

As Allah said in the Quran to IBLEES my mana I can touch to the Lima to be a data IBLEES Why didn't you Why did you refuse to bow down to the one that I created with my own two hands?

00:46:39 --> 00:47:10

Is what he said You created me from five credit him from clay I'm better than him. But that's not the point. I created him with my own two hands. I created the Auto Show with my own two hands. I created the pen with my own two hands. And I created the Jana with my own two hands. Everything I said as Allah mentioned nama Umbra without Raja che and your Pulo confiable. I said everything that was being it became, but these four things I created with my two hands, only these four things, so

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they have honor. That's why you bow down.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:39

So here, why do you feel lucky. And this day, Allah forgives more people and saves more people from the Hellfire on this day. So that's why it's worth our time that we take the day seriously. You want to do something that can possibly waste moments of your day. Don't do it. If you don't have to travel, don't travel, don't travel.

00:47:41 --> 00:47:47

If you don't have to go Don't waste this day. Don't waste it and may not come back again.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:27

As you say here, I would imagine that you're keen that we have should be like Yemen shaytani ripped me off some days in Ramadan, he ripped me off he got me also these days of the Hijra. I didn't do as good as I expected. I wanted this day. So many important day from the Ademola. And we're almost done here at 20. As I had told you, some of the scholars said that Yamuna has a better day because they are kind of an homage not your kind of Islam. They are kind of an homage, like stoning, have to do

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that. Like slaughtering, like shaving and shorting your hair. Like the wife of a father that Allah mentioned in the Quran.

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He said in the Quran, well, your TOEFL Bill Baitul attic. Let them make tawaf around the Kaaba, the MUFA sitting say this is talking about the twofer the Father the rockin. That's the tawaf, l e father.

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And also say, Prophet did all those sort of scholars say you're not

00:48:58 --> 00:49:25

Yamato fat has a rockin as well. And that is standing at Arafa is the most important hook in the punch. To the point that the Prophet of Islam he says of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Al Hajj Arafa he said Hajj is Arafat. So let's say Normally, most people were performing Hajj had been there for a week already 789 10 days and then yesterday they went up to Mina

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and then today, today inshallah they pray they're gonna pray McGraw be shot Fajr in the morning that pray and then they make their way to identify, let's say the elephant into mother Shala.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:46

Now, let's just imagine we were supposed to go a week and a half ago, two weeks but you didn't go because your job said you can go

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and then you went and you made it on a day. Prophet Muhammad said, and hunch Arafa if you stand on Arafat,

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Then you got how much even if you miss what went before it and if you miss what came after it so the most important day you cannot miss out of it. And if you got everything before out on fat and then someone got sick and you stayed at the hospital all day and you missed out on fat and got everything after and you did it with sincerity, you don't have to you don't have height you got to come back and do it again the next year. So that day and we'll call an Arafat standing on Arafat is on the day

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of out of it, and it's the biggest day

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and the Prophet has to say to people will come to high horna when motive artha I stood right here, but all of our effect you can stand in. You don't have to go to the mountain of Rama and go up and down the mountain. You don't have to do that. You don't have to go over there. Stay right there in your tent, right there. Wherever you are, as long as you in the presence of artifact you Okay, so all of that is from the proofs at 20 that this day is the best day. The last thing that the scholars

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mentioned was two points. Allah swore by the day of autofill twice in the Quran. And Allah only swears by by that which is important. He doesn't swear by anything that's not important. So he said in the Quran, was cement evaporated bottled will Yeoman mill root was share he then was hauled tortilla as hobble of dough, the naughty that will code he swore by the Yeoman in my room, I swear by yomo piano.

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And I swear by the showerhead, and then the shoot, and I swear by the Day of Arafah, the Tafseer of that ayat, and I swear by the day of Joomla Shahid out of fat, mush fooled Joomla that's what the first stone of the Quran said. He also swore by Arafat in Surah Fajr will measure while the yard and Asher was chuffed, he will water

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so some of the scholars of Islam said that the waiter was horrified and Allah knows best. Lastly, from the proofs and from the deal

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that I mentioned that is the day of their Eid that I mentioned that we have to do what Allah says in the Quran, first, Allah they can come to my to Allah Moon X, those who know if you don't know, don't be miskeen and say I reject the Sunnah because this doesn't make sense. It's conflicting. There's always a plausible explanation. That Prophet says some Allah why did you set it up? The first thing Allah created was the Arash

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another Hadith said in our my help Allah Kalam for Columna, who Octo for Collier up mother to call Oak tomochain, a Yama PM, first thing Allah created was the pin. Allah told the pin, right? The pin said, What should I write my Lord? He said, Write everything until y'all know PM. How can the artist be the first one created the throne and the pen? Contradiction? It's no contradiction. There is a plausible explanation that you don't know you don't know. You ask about it, you'll come to know and

00:53:17 --> 00:53:19

you say Oh,

00:53:20 --> 00:53:30

this issue was like that. Prophet Muhammad said something a lot it was setting up. The very first thing that Allah is going to look into yomo Qian and ask you about is your Salah.

00:53:32 --> 00:53:39

Another Hadith said the very first thing that Allah is going to ask people about is the blood that was spilled unjustly.

00:53:40 --> 00:53:42

First is First Man.

00:53:43 --> 00:53:49

So how he's going to ask about the blood first, and he's going to ask about the

00:53:52 --> 00:53:56

the salad first how it's always a plausible explanation.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:05

The rights yomo Kiama are of two types, the rights between the slave and Allah and there are many

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did you pray that you fast? Did you wear hijab? Did you give us a cot? Did you go to hygiene? Did you do this to you the rights of Allah? Did you read his book, out of all of those rights of Allah the first one he's going to ask you about is just prayer

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and the rights of the human beings and the creation.

00:54:25 --> 00:54:31

Out of all of the rights that your mother has your father, your wife, your kids, your cousin, your neighbor,

00:54:32 --> 00:54:44

all of those rights and there are many, the very first thing they ask you about is the blood you spill from amongst human beings. So much is no conflict. No problem.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:57

The man came in one door Yeah, Rasul Allah, if I kiss my wife while I'm fasting, do I break my fast? No, he left the other man king if I kiss my wife while I'm fast do I break my fast?

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59


00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

I maintain. So he said no to him yes to him. None of the companions said what is this religion? What is his Hadith?

00:55:09 --> 00:55:23

They say Allah so Allah You said no to him yes to him. Why? He said, because that man was only he can control himself. He was older. No problem with him. And that one right there. He was a youngster. He just got married.

00:55:24 --> 00:55:25

This example

00:55:27 --> 00:55:34

one Hadith one he has said, if you touch your private part, and you have a little you break your will do.

00:55:36 --> 00:55:41

Another Hadith said, if you touch your private part, it doesn't break your Google

00:55:43 --> 00:56:04

that's authentic, that's authentic. The person says you know those Hadith, Allah said no Quran will Academy in India it like the what you do. 50 Laughing cathedra I'm not taking that hadith. Because if it wasn't from if it was, wasn't from Allah, be it laugh Bukhari Muslim all the life, you touch it, break your will don't touch it, don't break your will bow.

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So always a plausible answer. If you touch your private part with desires, you have desires, and you touch it as a result of that it breaks your will go. But if you inadvertently touch it by mistake, then it's like your head, then it's like get here. You dry yourself off. No problem, you didn't mean it. So that's the explanation. And that's why the skeleton SNAM they came explaining books like this. And remember the Howey mushkil Atha those books. So that hadith that says that the greatest

00:56:45 --> 00:56:55

day to Allah is the day of a novel. What's the meaning of that? That doesn't mean that it's the greatest day out of all of the days in the dunya.

00:56:56 --> 00:56:58

What it means is that

00:56:59 --> 00:57:18

the day of a na when you look at it, and you look at the things that people are doing at hij it is the greatest day of hygiene, hydrogen and doing the bad debt. That was the plausible explanation because you have to find something. The other one is saying the best day that the sun came out, Arthur,

00:57:19 --> 00:57:50

this one saying the best day to Allah is a nod. How do we understand that? When it comes to the days of Hajj, yesterday is the eighth today yesterday, that Yom of a turtle we're that's the day that people go to Mina and the Arabs used to bring the water up to the up to the pilgrims. So you just hang out to get the water up there. That's why they call it the day of a tunnel where you have a daughter her name is Ottawa Ottawa is from this word Ottawa is the girl who goes and fetches the

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water. Be loud is the guy who goes and fetches the water. So the day of utter we're, and then the ninth is Arafa.

00:57:59 --> 00:58:04

So the day of Tarawa Hodge begins, you don't do anything. You just sit there all day.

00:58:05 --> 00:58:10

And I don't want to make it sound little you don't do anything. No, you in Iran, you're Muslim.

00:58:11 --> 00:58:15

You are a muslim and not a Muslim. Anybody know what a macro is?

00:58:16 --> 00:58:51

A macro man is you are the man to your mother, you're the man to your sister, your daughter, your mom to your sister, your your baby girl, man, you can't marry her mother from from the same word McCrum is you are having a Rama, you making how much you're making the hatch. So on the eighth day, you don't do anything. And other fat day. You stay at alpha all day. And although is important, you really don't do a lot. But on the day of another, that's the day you're moving brother.

00:58:52 --> 00:59:22

And if you take your wife to Hijra prophets on Sunday was talking to the Companions. And he said to the Companions, talking about jihad, and then the Companions, they listened to the virtues of jihad. That's why we can't we can't we can't wipe away our religion can't get away from the word jihad. We're going to explain it the right way. It has his place his time his people as I can miss add that it's not that stuff that ISIS is saying. It's not that stuff that these ignorant people are saying,

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no, but we're not going to run away from me. Because look what the companions. That's when the Prophet said that these in these days are more beloved to Allah didn't they said what about jihad? Because they know the importance of jihad.

00:59:36 --> 00:59:58

Where did that come from? That came from their sick, you mean to tell me I will sama given a talk today is more beloved to Allah azza wa jal than him doing this talk and Ramadan it Yes. What about jihad is even better than making jihad in Ramadan unless in Ramadan, he went out made Jihad and he got she had

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01:00:00 --> 01:00:14

showed the Companions But anyway, he was talking to the Companions about jihad. When the women heard it, I Isha say, yeah rasool Allah. I felt I knew Jay hit. What About Us women? Why don't Can we meet she had to. She was ready to go.

01:00:15 --> 01:00:17

The woman was ready to go.

01:00:18 --> 01:00:33

And in our masjid, we got reached out men. He can't do anything. He doesn't exercise. He doesn't know how to fight, can't defend himself can't defend his wife. He has in his heart. He's a coward.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:35

He's a coward.

01:00:36 --> 01:01:07

No. I remember the first generation Muslims who came to this area this country, many of them like that, because they saw themselves as foreigners and it was a foreign land it was no. But then they started having babies and unfortunately, some of those kids became criminals, antisocial behavior, but there are others from amongst them that grew up and they are unapologetic about being Muslim and about being Asian and about being African an Arab. apologetic that's who I am. Like you will like or

01:01:07 --> 01:01:10

hate or hate. I'm not a second class citizen.

01:01:11 --> 01:01:41

But there wasn't shy and embarrassed birthday Dean. I highly encourage you people to learn how to eat good to kill yourselves, exercise and learn how to protect yourself. I'm not telling anybody to go make no jihad. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that exercise, eat well and be able to take piece of cake FM. From Muhammad said Al movement and movement I'll cut I'll move on. Can we hire Hubble why men are not men of dye for

01:01:43 --> 01:01:51

the strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak one. And then both of them is good. And that's because the strong guy.

01:01:52 --> 01:02:20

It could take care of itself. The strong guy, they won't bully him. The strong guy can get a job and give sadaqa the Muslim was strong. He got to protect his wife and his daughter and his kids. As a non Muslim neighbor, whatever, difficult neighbor but every time something happened the Muslim father is scared to go to the neighbor and say can I have my kids ball? He won't even ask for his kids ball.

01:02:21 --> 01:02:25

That's how scared he is. But the but evil has some

01:02:27 --> 01:02:33

hard courage. He goes knocks on the door and very nice. So can I my boys bull.

01:02:35 --> 01:02:40

So she said should we make jihad? He said Salah what he was salam

01:02:41 --> 01:03:06

you women have a jihad when I can lackey tell if he there is no fighting in it. She had the Kunta al Hajj or Umrah your jihad is Hajj and Umrah, hajj and umrah that's jihad for the one because it's tough. So on the day of on the day of and now the 10 day if your wife is with you at hatch

01:03:07 --> 01:03:08

is jihad brother

01:03:09 --> 01:03:19

trust me if you ever ask someone say you may Hodge yet who you go with his wife, say how was it with your wife is jihad

01:03:20 --> 01:03:49

as she had because she's weak? She needs the comforts of her house not all women. I know some women will go camping and stuff like that. And and hijo de was doing it better than some of the brothers. They were sisters from America Mashallah. They were doing it not all women are like that, but the woman has to go through a lot. If a period comes a Croma Kamala that happened to I Isha Hodges a lesson about how Islam takes care of the woman is people talking about the woman is oppressed in

01:03:49 --> 01:04:28

Islam, know how it shows you how Islam took care of the woman. I will book as Dora as Smith was having a baby Abdullah Zubair, when she was pregnant, she went to Hajj pregnant, the outcome of hijab concerning come to us how the Prophet dealt with the women and how it shows us how Islam looks after that woman. So my point here is the day of Alhaji Akbar, it is the greatest day to Allah in terms of the many activities that you have to do on that day, every day other than that,

01:04:29 --> 01:04:58

the actions that you do they pale in comparison. So what we want to do today at 20 is on the day of our fat, you have to fast today Inshallah, if you can, and the day of artifacting you get forgiven every year before you have to. Also you have to make Toba to Allah. And the way you make Toba is making dua the way the Prophet tortue salaam salaam, give praise to Allah says Allah Allah, Allah is seldom man the Prophet and then ask Allah for whatever you want.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:30

On this day ask Allah to forgive you. save you from the Hellfire on this day guide your mother guide your father. I ask Allah Tala on this auspicious day of Arafat to bring the so forth from the 70s back together and to take far, far away from us all of those dollars that are confusing the situation. Ask Allah azza wa jal, Baez is one of them in this day, to help my people, African American people and guide them to Islam. But to start first with the African American Muslims, help

01:05:30 --> 01:06:01

them to understand this religion, my Salafi brothers from the African American community in America. I ask Allah Tala to help them to wake up, to help them to wake up to get off of that slave pan 10 plantation mentality. We need people all over us telling us what to do all the time, even though clearly what they're telling us is not helping us to advance our cause. Not helping our children not helping our marriages, not helping our parents not helping the dow of the people where we come from.

01:06:03 --> 01:06:20

Do I then I'm going to make tonight to lie to a joke on the day of Arafat honey, make as much vicar, one of the greatest sticker is the dua of the prophets of Allah. He was setting them Subhanallah Allah will be handy. He added the healthy he was in a Tadashi, he want me to carry mati

01:06:22 --> 01:06:51

so Panelo behind the other the other sheet at the difficulty he was worried that Nipsey was in it to Archie when he died the Kenny mathy learn that vicar Yeah, no netiquette. So Pamela will be handy either the key word on FC was Xena Tadashi, when we die the Kenny Magda he go back in sha Allah find that and read it. So lastly, we're going to ask the question

01:06:52 --> 01:06:56

three questions shot lamb give you how much should I say? 20 pounds? 30 pounds?

01:06:58 --> 01:06:58

How much?

01:06:59 --> 01:07:03

200 How many days did day is today is an out of fat man.

01:07:06 --> 01:07:07

All right.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:10

It's a three part question.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:29

gave me three details. Why the scholars said out of fat is the best day gave me two dealios why the scholar said hey, can look at your phone Honey. Honey. Can you

01:07:31 --> 01:07:59

hear me to the Lil's? Why they say and now is the best day is the best day number three, which scholar will Islam was of the opinion that and not her is and was the best day? That's the third question. Fourth and final question gave me four lessons that you learned from Ramadan from ah, who wants to do that?

01:08:01 --> 01:08:02

Who wants to do that?

01:08:03 --> 01:08:03

Come on.

01:08:05 --> 01:08:06

Who wants to do that?

01:08:07 --> 01:08:21

Look, all these students we have man I know all of you rich. Sometimes I say I wish I was in the audience will lie even if I didn't know. For $20 I guess for $20 I mean 20 pounds? Nobody.

01:08:24 --> 01:08:25

Where you from my brother

01:08:29 --> 01:08:30

in America,

01:08:31 --> 01:08:32


01:08:34 --> 01:08:39

to pants country to pawn went to the University of Delaware.

01:08:41 --> 01:08:43

And from Delaware you went over here?

01:08:45 --> 01:08:47

Okay, congratulations when recently?

01:08:48 --> 01:08:49

What's your name?

01:08:52 --> 01:08:52

What's your name?

01:08:53 --> 01:08:54

Oh, Derek.

01:08:56 --> 01:09:25

I want you guys to give his brother some love. After we finish inshallah. Go get him some grub overhead and eat some of these burgers over here and show him how we do at greenlink msgid. We have enough sense to say, I will miss Jude is not perfect 100% We have good and we think the good outweighs the bad. But we have some mistakes. We got to try to fix them up. Whoa, one, two, the people will think they don't make any mistakes. But anyway, one thing that's good about this place

01:09:25 --> 01:09:50

is these brothers will show you love and brotherhood. And they will look funny at you. Because you don't want a car because you don't wear gloves because your job is not high enough. We're going to tell you, you should wear this you should wear that and do that. But we're not going to look at people and run them away from the message like that because we're the safe set. We're the clear ones. Come on, man. Get out of here with that. All right, go ahead, Derek.

01:09:56 --> 01:09:59

Good job Derek. That's part of it. You got three more parts to go Go ahead.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00


01:10:02 --> 01:10:06

anybody else want to try to get this dope? Anybody don't be scared man

01:10:09 --> 01:10:12

now you look like you know anybody else

01:10:13 --> 01:10:13

go ahead

01:10:24 --> 01:10:26

completed his religion out of her day

01:10:33 --> 01:10:36

the best day that the sun came out good Jama man

01:10:40 --> 01:10:42

what time is the event

01:10:44 --> 01:10:45


01:10:46 --> 01:10:48

go hurry up man let's give you a chance go ahead

01:10:49 --> 01:10:50


01:10:51 --> 01:10:56

you're under pressure you guys you dropped the ball man you dropped the ball go Go ahead my man he was before it further

01:11:01 --> 01:11:04

what is it my man give it to us had the lady in Dec

01:11:07 --> 01:11:39

Okay, fine. I'm gonna stop now. Listen, I'm in Leeds now. And Mr. Rana and I have some young students and Rama from Sudan from Somalia, Pakistan, I'm telling you I never had students as enthusiastic and committed as these young kids were lucky. I'm excited about doing down with them. And now when I come here, and you guys are older, those guys put you to shame. Come on, guys. Before we stop, this was on the board inside the office. I just want to take it out on this day of Arafat.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:43

It says say no to domestic abuse.

01:11:44 --> 01:12:14

Anybody who's watching me anybody who's reading this, say no to domestic abuse. We have people in our community who are being beat up and beat down and terrorize. The wife or children are being beat up and terrorize. And they have no one except Allah. They want to come to the masjid for hola they can get a fuller and her husband knows that our men from our community beating him up

01:12:16 --> 01:12:19

is the day I hate to make Toba it Allah

01:12:20 --> 01:12:52

don't beat people up. Back in the day. One of the good things about Islam in America is if a man beat his wife up, I don't condone this, you can't take the law into your own hands. They take that guy down in the basement and they say they're gonna establish the HUD on him. You can establish the HUD on him we talking about what he did was wrong. What you're doing is wrong tool. But it prevented people from doing this domestic abuse. If you know that it's going on with your auntie with your

01:12:52 --> 01:13:08

sister with your daughter, then you have to do something about it. People, women children who suffer from domestic abuse World War II, that 10 days of the ledger the same for them. It's the same doesn't feel like anything other than Terra, Terra,

01:13:09 --> 01:13:12

because that husband is a monster

01:13:13 --> 01:13:17

beating up his kids in his door making his kids crooked mentally.

01:13:18 --> 01:13:28

And there are women also who beat up their husbands. That's not the norm. But there are some women, I don't want to name the country but they got some there are some women.

01:13:30 --> 01:13:56

Well, there are different countries now and then I looking at audience there are different countries, different countries. So that is fear lies with gel. We ask Allah azza wa jal beis SML avem to give us the Tofik in sha Allah and to establish our feet firmly upon the Kitab in the Sunnah and to make us of those people follow the Sunnah of of this ummah with a classroom with knowledge in sha Allah with Bas sera had was Allah Allah will send them robotic I didn't abena I can share 20 I

01:13:56 --> 01:14:08

want to ask you guys make dua that Allah guide my mother, my dad to Allah SNAM during the course of this day, as many times as you can remember, because many times that's what I asked you to do, inshallah. So now Michael

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