Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Abandoning the Qur’an – Judging by the Qur’an

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the upcoming weekend in Qatar, emphasizing the importance of not over till the weekend to avoid confusion and distraction. They stress the importance of practicing Islam, practicing the title of Islam, and following instructions given by the Prophet. They stress the need to not speak in an aggressive manner and not try to get rid of people, and emphasize the importance of finding the right people to represent the church's values. They also emphasize the importance of learning the Quran and following the messenger's instructions to avoid negative behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Amma bound.

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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh come to you once again in the blessed month of Ramadan. 2020

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and today is the 28th day that we have fasted in this blessed month here in the UK in Birmingham and about two and a half more hours will be at salata McGraw, which would mean that it is going to be the 29th day of Ramadan or the 29th night which can possibly be late to Qatar. As we mentioned, there are specific a hadith that was suggested that later to Qatar can be on the 29th specific, not general specific. And the people from the past from the self Rahmatullahi to Isla de him used to say

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that if a Friday happened to be the night of later to cover later to cover corresponded with a Friday, they used to have a lot of hope that that particular night will be the actual layer to cover. So this Friday, this Friday, tomorrow is Thursday right now. Maghrib. Tonight will be Friday night, the 29th night of Ramadan. So because Friday is corresponding with the 29th night, the seller of this only used to say there's a high possibility and a high probability that tonight is later to

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Qatar. Again, I repeat, we cannot nezam and state emphatically we don't do that. We're talking about possibilities and probabilities and the mindset of the set of the righteous predecessors from this ummah. So with that, we encourage you take advantage of this last night, which is corresponding to a Friday do your best to get salad get the recitation of sudo to cath get it in, do your best in sha Allah azza wa jal to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the profit as much as you can start in

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tonight. So Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, do your best to make the difference of calm and to make Toba and it's that far and to say Allah who met him NACA Alpha wound to him Bula alpha, five four I need

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because as we mentioned, this is the way that the Senate used to look at this issue of labor to Qatar, they would try to find them in all of the 10 days, all of the 10 nights the last 10 nights in the blessing month of Ramadan, but specifically in the odd nights in the art nights, and as I said, there are general a hadith that show it could be the 21st Gen Hadith that show it can be the 23rd and it can be the 25th 27th Gen Hadith that it could be the 29th and then there are a specific

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Hadith that suggested can be all of those different knights. And that's why the scholars said later to cut up can possibly Tatiana. From year to year it moves from the 21st to the 23rd or just different nights because all of those are Hadith we have to come up with a plausible explanation as to why it could be specific, general Hadith. Look for labor to cut the ultimate Suha Phil Witter. Phil Ashell aware him, look for later to cut them the last 10 and then the Hadith said look for them

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in the nights of the last 10 And then there are specific Hadith saying look for them on the 29th look for later to Qatar on the 29th. In addition to that, what I just mentioned the statement in the position of the setup of this ummah, as an imam Ibn Raja brought in his book, The Torah, if an MA RF law if and life

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and tonight in today's last lecture, we're going to deal with the issue of abandoning the Quran. And we have already mentioned a number of examples of what can be understood and implied as being hedger of the Quran, leaving the Quran and abandon the Quran.

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As we get from what Allah mentioned in surah, Al Farrakhan that the Prophet of Islam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to complain and say, Oh, my Lord, My people have abandoned the Quran. They're not going to read it. They're not going to listen to it when it's being read. They're not going to contemplate its message. They are not going to be a people who do rockier with it

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They don't memorize it. All of that is abandoned in the Quran. Today Inshallah, we want to deal with two last issues and there are many more, but due to the need for brevity and the need for the Tsar, in short, and then you know, the lectures, we're just going to deal with these last two. And the first one is abandoning the Quran is not working by the Quran, not using the Quran, to navigate our lives in the way we make decisions in the way we conduct our lives. Our mother I issued may Allah be

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pleased with her, and what was collected by an imam Muslim. She described the Prophet sallallahu it was said to me, she said kind of horrible who Al Quran. His character was the Quran. So the Quran commands to justice, to fairness, to cleanliness, to have encouraged to bravery. The Quran commands that you are generous, the Quran commands that you endure you you adorn yourself, you you you put within and you inculcate within yourself a lot of characteristics and superlatives. To be truthful,

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to be diligent to be clean, to give people the benefit of the doubt not to be judgmental, not to be arrogant, not to be a person, person who is unhygenic. To be a person who is having sympathy and empathy. All of those superlatives are positive, the Quran tells you to do it, and to adorn yourself with its beautification, those nice characteristics, and all of the negative qualities. Don't eat too much. Don't sleep too much. Don't be lazy. Don't lie. Don't be an individual was self centered,

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narcissistic. Don't be a person who was arrogant. Don't be a person who is nosy. Don't be a person who overthinks Don't be a person who has double standards, you have double standards in the way you deal with people and on and on and on. Don't be rough, don't be tough, don't be nasty. Don't be an individual who's ignorant and you speak based upon ignorance and you act in an ignorant way. So all of what we have mentioned up until this point, the previous lessons about abandoning the Quran, the

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goal and the objective behind memory at memorizing the Quran, listening to the Quran, reading the Quran, learning the sciences of the Quran, doing a modal and the double, and the Falkor and tacos, concentrating on the Quran, considering it all of the goals and the objectives behind that. And so that ultimately we can work with the Quran and by the Quran, when the Quran and by the Quran. In the last class we talked about how the yahood had been described as a people who they like the donkey

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that has books on the shoulders because the donkeys that have books on the backs because they don't practice the Quran. They have all of those books, but they're not practicing what those books are saying and what the Quran is saying what the Injeel of the Torah is saying. So that's Allah azza wa jal effectively warning us Don't be like the yo hold, don't be like that. Nosara they both groups are like that. Allah will tie that mentioned in the Quran. Were men whom Amin Yun Allah Lai Allah

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moon and Kitab Illa Imani were in home in law you have unknown

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for where you live in a tribunal. Kitabi ad him Soumya Pune had them and the last one to them from them. Our group of people who they can't read and they can't write. They're illiterate. They're ignorant. They're illiterate. They can't read. They can't write. All they have is a Manaea. Amani means an Omnia. All they do is read that's it. They do wishful thinking wishful thinking. They don't do the DS that would constitute them being exactly as they are claiming. For an example they said as

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Allah mentioned in the Quran, Abner Allah what a bat Oh, we are the sons of Allah and Allah loves us. Allah told the prophet Sallallahu Sallam tell them cold feeling might

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be the Yubico then why is it that Allah punishes you people, if you are his sons, and he loves you. It's just a Manaea. It's wishful thinking without any works. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that you will have everlasting life just believing that that's wishful thinking. The fact that the rules say that they're the people of the truth, that NESARA they say Christians, they're the people of the truth. That

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They're the ones and they're the group that Allah loves is just wishful thinking. Omnia is just wishful thinking. And our religion is not based upon that. The religion of LSM is based upon you saying something, and then you walk in the walk. You say what you want to say you talk the talk, but you have to walk the walk as well. That's our religion. And that's why when the man came and asked the Prophet sallallahu it was seven he said to him, yes, Allah tells me something. I only can ask

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you I can ask anyone else I can ask you when you alone. You're peculiar and specific, and special in this regard. The Prophet said Paul, are meant to be lahaie through Masterton say I believe in Allah and then be it right? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, you have to say I believe in Allah. But then let all of your actions be reflective of what you just said. Abu Sama,

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Hamza Fletcher, Bilal Abdul Rahman, most of us shortcode Abdul Rahman Salim, mu Aurelia Khalifa.

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Shaybah Khalifa every single human being other than the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to fall short of what he says, because the Prophet is the only person salAllahu alayhi wa salam who was complete. So he said it save that I believe and then be up right. So today's discussion, the first part of it, abandoned in the Quran is not working by the book of Allah. If we look at the statements of the self of this ummah, Abdullah minimis rule says something that was really important. May Allah

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have mercy upon him and be pleased with him. Ebenen was rude. He said, during our time, we used to memorize 10 ayat of the Quran. And then we will learn what those 10 if that meant and what they implied. And then after that, we will work by those 10 I act and inculcate them and put them inside of our repertoire of what it is and what it was to be a Muslim. And we would do that before we moved on to the next 10 ayat, this is the Sunnah of memorizing the Quran, that we just don't read and

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memorize a whole juice in two or three days, you memorize 10 ayat, you understand and get the tafsir of those 10 is the explanation. And then after that, you work by those 10 I got that you read and you memorized and you got the understanding of them. Today, the system for the most part doesn't allow this is not how we're doing with the hip of the Quran and the Doxy. And in the murderous Allah Quran, you get in there, you just try to memorize. And I'm not saying that's haram, because we're

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practicing a principle that comes from a Zulu fit. And it's a principle that helps us in our lives, my life, you'll drug julu Fela UTRA co lo, the thing that you can't get the majority of it you can accomplish, the majority of it doesn't imply that you should abandon all of it. Because I may not be able to memorize 10 I

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get the Tafseer of them and then practice all 10 Doesn't mean I stop memorizing the Quran, because I'm not able to do it the way I'm loving my school describing a lobby pleased with them. No, but that's the ideal case scenario. So it goes to show the emphasis that the setup of this on murottal line, and Jemaine the emphasis that they put on practicing what was memorize practicing what they read and what they understood. In addition to that, we can give many examples of what happened with

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the companions that show how the Quran had an effect upon them when it came to practicing. I mean, there are just too many examples too many examples.

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The two best people have is Uma, Abu Bakr and Omar, may Allah be pleased with them. And we can give many other examples. But why not just pick from the top of the totem pole, the two best companions being represented in the personality of Abu Bakar Sadiq and Mr. Evanov hubbub al Farrokh. May Allah be pleased with both of them.

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There was a situation where then they'd be used some Allahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to choose a man and make him the Emir and the leader of his tribe after they embraced Ellis land. He asked Abu Bakar who do

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You suggest and who do you suggest? One of them said, I suggest has Accra, who was a tremendous companion, he came into slam kinda late, but he was a powerful force and a personality to be reckoned with. One of the companions of Robocop or mindset, I choose Hyson, in Accra, let him be the leader over these people. And then the Prophet xe Evelyn Salatu was Salam, what do you think? And he chose some other man, another man with another name. The one who chose has upset you only chose him

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to go against me, you only trying to go against me, and to say something other than what I'm saying. And they got upset with each other and they started arguing in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then Allah revealed the aid from Surah third who Gerard Yeah, uh, you have levena and Manu Latifah who swatter come focus so to Nebby what I teach you how to love who Bill Cole, Caja hurry by the Kumbaya. Oh, you believe, Do not raise your voices above the voice of the

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prophets of Allah while he was setting it up. Don't put your opinions over his opinion. And when you're in his physical presence, Don't raise your voice over his voice, which goes to show a type of etiquette in a lot in Dallas than when you're in the presence of older people who are older than you. Don't raise your voice over them and don't speak loud to them. If you're in a position where someone in position of leadership and responsibility and virtue, is there, your mother, your father,

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your uncle, the Imam, some elderly person from the community, don't you RONIS raise your voice over their voices. Don't do that. Don't do that. I always tell the people in America especially my African American brothers, who are Muslims, but I will say this to all African Americans in America, especially the men and the youngsters from amongst us, when the Pope posts stop you in the street and they start asking you questions, the last thing that you should do is to speak to them in an

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aggressive way. Because whether you like it or you don't like it, whether you accept it or you don't accept it, they are in a position of authority. And that authority should be respected. The man has a gun, and he has the law behind him. And we've seen far too many times that if one of them were to kill one of us, a lot of times, they are clearly guilty of allowing that situation to escalate and they have broken the law and they took someone's life. And the law allows them to get off of the

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hook. So therefore, we shouldn't be people compromise the situation by speaking in an aggressive way. No, no, that shouldn't be done. So Allahu Taala told us in this island, and there are many benefits from this ayat, Do not raise your voice over the voice of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam don't put your opinion before what he says. When the Sunnah comes to you as a delille. Don't say I'm not taking that I'm gonna take my culture, don't do that. And it also means when

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you're in his presence, lower your voice. The Muslim wife should not speak to her husband. In a condescending way she gets upset. Okay, she's gonna get upset, but she shouldn't start putting them on blast with the decibels and avoid start going high. Because that's disrespectful. So when this is when the Ayat came down, Abu Bakr and Omar immediately made Toba to Allah azza wa jal. They didn't say oh, we were angry. They offered no excuses to the point after that, when they used to speak to

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when this ayat was revealed, not only aboubaker normal, but the rest of the companions were dwama Allah and they him. They used to lower their voices and speak with terms of respect and endearment to the newbie of Islam SallAllahu wasallam practicing that ayat immediately and there are many examples of that. And the customer tells the story where they accused our mother Aisha of committing Zina, adultery, and being unfaithful to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam where he had he had something impossible.

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One of the Bible because poor relatives was the one who was saying this, he was trafficking and spreading this cannon. He was making commerce speaking to the people about Yes, did you see what happened? I it was it was the man that came into the city together, and he was given fuel to those flames that almost caused a civil war between the companions with one ally li ng my aim

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when Allahu Taala exonerated Isha

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An Abu Bakar came to know that his relative who was poor, and Abu Bakar, used to sponsor him and give him money. And he still turned around and was saying that about our book his daughter, and if you say about a man's daughter, that she committed Zina, or that she's a woman of ill repute, that's disrespect to the Father. And I issues from the ODR of Allah.

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So I will book I said, I am not going to give him any more money after he did that. This is after like, exonerated her, and everyone knows she was free of what she was being accused of. And this was one of the people were accusing her of this thing I will Bucha did with probably all of us would have said I will but that said I am not going to help him anymore after this. And then Allah revealed the island the Quran in Surah Noor and do not let those people or relatives claim and sway

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and promise that they're not going to help their relatives anymore financially. And then Abu Bakar took that back those words of his and he kept giving the money the sponsorship to the man.

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That's why he is a severe, because most people put in that situation is going to say Well lucky, I will never give him another red Penny. And then someone says Yo yo, yo, don't say that backup, pump your brakes, slow your roll. Look what Allah say, the person say, oh, that's talking about Apple, but I'm not aboubaker You're not aboubaker. But practicing the Quran means that we have to try to be like Abu Bakar we have to try to be upon the religion, that the Prophet brought Salah when he was

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salam. And it was taken and shown to us by those companions in a practical way. Last example that I want to give him there are many is what happened with him up because it's connected to certain Furqan. And those is about the two servants have arrived. Man. During that feed off of Irma, there was a man who came and he saw an audience with Armada. So he talked to a relative of his and his relative, got him inside of the spot, got an inside of a personal private meeting with Irma.

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When the man started speaking, he was very disrespectful to her mom, this is not your money, I let him put you in charge of this money or my because it comes from your father, you better spread this wealth out and stop acting like that. And he started talking to Omar, a man who didn't take any shorts and even play that, um, I didn't play that. He didn't play around like that and talk to me like that.

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And a man was very disrespectful to the emir, meaning I might get ready to deal with him because I used to carry a stick and we were hit and chastise people for things that they did. And for things that they didn't do. Like the prayer if you didn't pray in the masjid during the time of Allah, Allah will hit you if you didn't have a good excuse as to why did you go missing and you weren't praying that message it so another rugby Alana who got ready to deal with that man, not taking into

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calm and revenge for himself, but trying to show this person this is against our key time. This is against the Sunnah talking to the leader of the Muslims like that. Talk to one of the companions of the prophet like that Salah who it was sending them talk to someone who is in a position of authority should be respected. I'm I got ready to deal with him not for him. So for the deen show him and everybody else. We don't play that in our religion. The man who was his relative who got him

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into the Mejlis he said yeah Miramont meanie Allah said in the Quran about the ignorant people were out and Ajay him in turn away from those who are ignorant, avoid them turn away from them. And then we read the other items sort of forgotten about the two servants of man. Were either Baba woman Jackie Munna, Carlu Salama, if the ignorant people talk and they address the true servants of Allah rock man, the surface of Earth man say to them cell and peace and to you. You an ignoramus been sent

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to you. I don't have time. I'm fasting. I'm fasting. I'm not going to pay your ignorance in kind with ignorance. Even if it happens to your b2b, your wife. Your wife is going off. She lost her week. wigs or haram figuratively talking. She's fast. She was passing out. You have to not spaz out. The husband is going off swearing and cursing like a sailor in the month of Ramadan. And the wife. It gets under her skin. And so she wants to give it back but she's from the to serve as a man. She

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just falls back and just takes it easy. And makes DUA and say Salah I'm Santa, they come take it easy relax. So that man said this to him. He said Take it easy.

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00 Meaning this is what Allah said to do with ignorant and this person is from the ignorant people am I just stopped and caught out.

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They described him after this incident incident. They said kind of Umaru, what coffin leaky tabula rasa was a person who, when you give them the Quran, he was stuck. You give them the Quran as a delille. He would just take it. Some people today, you give them aisle after aisle after aisle and they won't take it. But if you tell them chef, so and so set your ship Senate, then that's okay. It's revelation from the sky. It's a revelation from the sky.

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If it came in another hat, then they'll say it and they'll do it. No, we have to be what Coffeen as it relates to the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now as it relates to practice in the Quran, actually working by the Quran, then there are many ayah that Allah has made us or commanded us to be of these people, and maybe a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and from them is the statement of Allahu taala. It Debbie who mountains De La La Cumbre become well at the tabby woman

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Dooney Alia kalila Mata the karoun. Follow that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and don't follow anything other than it from the old era, this man and that man and this theology and this way of life and this idea and this concept and this philosophy, follow unconditionally, what has been revealed to you people by your Lord, and don't follow the ODF other than what Allah has revealed how little it is that you reflect that you understand. So the command is Tebbe o le t bar

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elec t bar means to follow and follow in here means to practice to do what it is telling you to do. And that's why we have a lot of these ayat like that Allah will tie that mentioned in another item the Quran subhanho wa Taala with Tebu cinema de la la kumin RubyCon cuddly and yet to qumola that bug Tatum we're into lattice road follow in practice that which was has been revealed to you by your Lord, follow in practice it before the punishment comes upon you suddenly and you won't even be

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aware of it. It just come and you lost your life. You're dead. You broke your fast someone was breaking his fast he ate a chicken bone stick a fork of enemies done, he's dead. He expected to see their eat on Saturday on Sunday inshallah. But on this night, the 29th night while he was eating, he choked on his samosa on the water, he choked on his meds that he was taken any day.

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So follow the Quran and the Sunnah before you die, follow the Quran and the Sunnah before the punishment comes yo mo keyamo The punishment after a person has died. And there are many many is that we have to move on. I want to share with you one Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa it was setting them and their meaning. The Prophet says of Allah he was saying to his companions Verily, I am leaving with you two sources, you won't go astray as long as you hold on to them. And

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one Hadith he said I'm going to leave with you two things che ain, another Hadith he says Dr. Lane two heavy things because of their significance. He said one is greater than the other. He said I'm leaving you these two things you will never go astray as long as you hold on to that. The book of Allah and my sunnah. And another Hadith he said the book of Allah and my itra tea, the descendents from Anglin bait, we respect and we love I think the bait, but we say emphatically Abu Bakar amount

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of man are better than it and everybody else from Allen bait rod the Allah I know, but the point here and the showerhead mineral column, he said to Mexico, hold on to these two sources, the Quran and the Sunnah at Tomas soap is likely to back a little disarm, practice it work by it, do what they are telling you to do, and be on top of them. So with that being in the case, we have to follow the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we have to practice the book of Allah to many Hadith to many is

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from the Hadith The Prophet said some Allahu alayhi wa sallam muta Bill Quran yo mu p Amity will be living in a condo Yeah, I'm Aluna Be Fit dunya damoh Who Surah Al Baqarah T we're Ali Imran

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam the Quran will be brought forth yo mo ki Amity

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and the Quran will be brought with the people who used to work by it, the people used to practice it

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and the Quran will come and in front of it will be Surah Al Baqarah in Surah Al Imran showing the virtues of those two servants because all of the Quran is not the same is not equal some of the Quran some of the speech of Allah is of the more virtuous than other speeches of Allah. I can see is the greatest ayat of the Quran. Surah Fatiha is the greatest source of the Quran surah to Bukhara sort of it Imran a to serve those that have virtues in the Quran. So this hadith said that this

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virtue will be for the people who the people who practice the Quran, they used to read it and they used to practice the Quran as well. And that's why the Prophet used to encourage us to make sure you put the Quran in front of you. Meaning what that when you come yomo piano you put it in front of you, you did work you work by night you put it behind you. Prophet Muhammad said an authentic hadith sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Jai lo who yeah Nina Quran menjaga who Imam Ocado in a Jana women

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gyla Who memorize a selfie Kado in a knob. Whoever puts the Quran in front of him, it would lead him and guide him to the paradise. Anyone who puts the Quran behind him. It will push him to the hellfire. He made the Quran subservient. He made his desires subservient over the Quran. He made the Quran subservient to his desires, what his desires said that's what he did. What his anger said, that's what happened. If he became angry and you came you say yaki Prophet Muhammad said sit down.

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He said get out of here with that nonsense. Yeah, actually, Allah said though, he said, Man, I'm not trying to hear that junk.

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That's the person who puts the Quran behind him. He has to put the Quran in front of him and not be like Benny asstra Eel the year hold Allah Allah Allah mentioned about them, Willem Jaya whom Rasul lumen in Billahi Musa, Nima ma whom never the 32 men in Medina O'Toole keytab Kitab Allah He whare of a warrior him and no home Lai Allah moon and when they came to the yo hold Rasul Allah when the messenger came to them, from the Lord man Indira be him. They came, the Prophet came to them from

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the Lord Musa Deccani mama home, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam was confirming what Musa told them. What isa told them from from Muhammad brought de Lille and proves that he's really from Allah, He confirmed what Musa said and what Musa brought those people group of them who are given the book, they took the book, and they put it behind their backs, and they acted as if they didn't even know they didn't even know. So we don't want to be of those people but the Quran behind our backs, and we

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don't want to be of those people who receive our books of deeds, you'll know piano behind our backs and in the left hand, so we have to work by the Quran. Last point, and last category of people who don't even want to deal with Inshallah, in terms of working by the Quran, and that is, we have to judge by the Quran at the harcum Al Quran. We have to cause ourselves to judge by the Quran and to be judged by the Quran if we don't do that we are not true believers. We are just giving lip service

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and this is why the scholars call it an ayat of the Quran the ayat of the test. It is the test the measurement calling contract to a boon Allah for Tebbe Rooney, your verbal Kamala were filled looking the Nuba comb tell them how many of you truly love Allah and follow me. Don't just claim you love Allah. Follow me if you love Allah, and if you follow me Allah will forgive you for your sins and so forth and so on. There's so many good things for you. Okay, just say that Allah describe the

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believers and he said in the My kind of cold let me mean that don't ruin Allah He would also either duro either do it Allah who are Sunni, heliacal Boehner, whom in your pool also mentor now what I'll try now what would I pick a woman who freehold? Verily, the believers are those people who,

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when they are invited to be judged, by what Allah to Allah has revealed, and to be judged by the messenger in his sunnah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the true believers say we here we'll bet

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Those are the true successful ones. There are those people who if the ruling is for them, they'll come. If the ruling is against them, they won't come. If the ruling is between the husband and the wife, someone sits and listens to their situation, if the judge judges and says to the wife, you're correct, she's happy. She's happy. If the judge says no, you're not correct, you're wrong. He was right you gotta get the program. The sister says I'm not listening to that. You people are against

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the sisters you people too rough Islam is to mean against the women. That's not the way of the believer, the believer whether the judgment is for or against him he gets with the program. The hypocrite is not like that. The Kaffir is not like that. We're either people who meet Debbie uma in some hola Carlos Bella Teddy ma el Fein Ali bene if it is said to them follow what Allah has revealed. follow the messenger follow up. cron, follow the Sunnah follow religion, they say no,

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we're going to follow what we found our father's doing. Allah said, although they found those, their forefathers didn't know what they were doing. And they were not guided. They didn't know what they were doing. nor were they guided. So many is my candidate minimum when I'm being attended, either Kedah Allahu wa rasuluh Umrah and you're gonna let him in here to memory him. It is not befitting for the believing man or the believing woman if Allah and His message to decide something for them

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to have any say so after that. So we have so many examples. So many examples. All of these Jamaat, Allah doesn't want them, Allah doesn't accept them. And he told us Don't be like that. Don't be on that division that these Jamaat they create, we have to get with the program. We have to get with the program. The sister gets divorced from the husband, she has no right to go after half of his wolf, she has no right. She has to do what Allah has allowed her to do. The husband has to continue

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to take care of her children. But if they don't have children, she has no hope for alimony over that man for the rest of her life, unless they made that agreement. But in the in the religion of Islam is not like that. So we want we find sisters who want to clean the man out, clean them dry. That's not the religion. And I just give that as an example for the sisters. We give many examples of the brothers, the sister is not the one who should be responsible for taking care of the house. That is

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the responsibility of the man, a regional Qalamoun Allah missa Bhima Fidel Allahu be by the manner that will be my Anthropo minim YT him men are the sustain is an imitate, that sustains and maintains over the women because Allah has given them superiority over the women because of what they spin out of their wealth.

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So the man shouldn't force the lady to spin on herself. The mentioned expect like this culture in the UK, where the welfare is a problem. No, that's not our religion. If the lady allowed that, if the lady was okay with that's a different issue, but us expecting that the man enforcing that that's not from the deep

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joy judge yourselves ourselves by the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala low tide I mentioned about the monastic team and other than them, you read doing that and yet the Hakim when a taboo will cut O'Meara when you will be when you redo shaytaan when you delete the lumber, either they want to judge to the top vote, they want to judge or those things that are not divine. They want to judge by democracy. They want to judge by what their sorority saying, you know, the Kappas and the Kappas and

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omegas they want to judge by that call from the lab. They want to judge by what the ignorant say they want to judge by that which is not infallible.

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We've been ordered to disbelieve in everything that is worshipped other than Allah and every system that has been created other than the system that Allah azza wa jal has sent down divinely. So with that being the case abandoned in the Quran, 20 is not judging by the Quran. And I want to end this by saying in sha Allah azza wa jal that people will claim a connection to the Sunnah. More than anyone else said efia the way of Atlas sunnah will Gemma and then Hadith then we should be those

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people were uppermost in memorizing the Quran, learning the Quran defending the Quran calling to the Quran, not just with the Lisanne Amadora be Allah and who said

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if you see an individual reading the Quran is very, very nice as recitation Don't be fooled by the recitation.

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Take your time and look at does he adorn his actions with the Quran in the same way that he adores his recitation. Someone gets up gives a whole cookbook gives a talk is powerful. It's nice, it comes across nice. But you have to look at his actions and what is he saying? The man gives a beautiful talk, and we just lap it up. But we see the individual and public disobeying Allah disobeying Allah, and we can see that clearly and no one should be judging anyone. But don't get fooled by the Qalam

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of people. Look at the action someone very dear to me. Scotch Plains, New Jersey always says, you can show me better than you can tell me. You can show me better than you can tell me May Allah azza wa jal have rotten upon them and bless them. And that is true actions speak louder than words. So let's not be like the Manasa tea without keeping their home. To ILO in an Zilla,

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to ILO

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are a little more than 15 years to do an anchor so do that. And if it is said to them, Come to what Allah has revealed. You will see the hypocrites turning away averting from what you said. They don't want to hear that. You give them the Quran and the Sunnah, and they don't want to hear that way they're looking at Allahu AKto Shma zegt colluvial levena La Mina Bill Acura where they're looking at the naming Dooney for either whom you establish your own. If Allah has mentioned along those

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people disbelieve they are enraged when you say like Eli the law only works worship Allah. But when others are mentioned along with Allah, lo and behold, they become happy and have glad tidings. People have to eat. If you say to them, only say well lion just swear by Allah, they get mad. Because they want to say what Nibi I swear by the Navy too. Well, Ali, I swear by it as well. No, just swear by Allah alone. Call to Allah alone, people get mad. Don't call us to your chef to your

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madhhab to your group, to your his call to Allah and Allah alone. So when can call them brothers and sisters, is our last talk from grinning masjid for this blessed month and Ramadan inshallah won't be seeing you guys again until after the eighth. I pray to Allah by His SML album, that he blesses all of you with a good Ramadan. I want to make two very quick points, if you don't mind. First point is I want to thank all of those brothers, who saw my last presentation from Greenland when I asked

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them, stop doing my head in and blowing my my whatsapp stop blowing it up with that Illuminati stuff. And the brothers of hamdu that they stop killing my data. The hadith said Whoever doesn't think that people as in thank Allah. So I want to thank you for that. You gave me Sakina Second of all, this Solara varied in your house in your homes, seven tech beer and then five tech beer the way the man does it. For the read. It is a point of if the laugh between the stylus laugh. You read what

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you believe is the best position and you do that don't fight each other don't argue with each other about these issues. Because the Quran has made it haram for us to be fighting about these issues and clashing and getting upset about these issues that both sides have their points of view. And although I believe not praying, the prayer at home at all is the strongest opinion. If someone else wanted to take another opinion. Let them take that opinion. While hamdulillah rumble Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam Why didn't it be in me was Subhana coloboma were behind dica why shadow Allah ilaha illa and was the Furukawa to make was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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