Abu Taymiyyah – What Do British Woman Really want feminism

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses the use of "naive" to encourage women to take their children to control, and mentions a partnership with someone named David Rock charging for women to be financially dependent on their partners. The speaker also talks about the use of "naive" to encourage women to take their children to control, and mentions a partnership with someone named David Rock charging for women to be financially dependent on their partners.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know there's a lot of wisdoms behind

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getting married a lot younger. I think it's

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worth maybe reading some of these points. I

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came across this article on daily mail. Majority

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of British women would pick being a housewife

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over having a career. Look at the following

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stat stats. Right? Women aged 25 plus in

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a relationship and full time jobs they were

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polled, said the following.

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admitted they secretly wished to be a housewife.

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We tend to really look up to,

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the non Muslim lady. Right? We tend to

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take her as the inspiration.

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This is how she feels beyond closed

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doors. 74% said

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they felt pressure from other women to be

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said they wouldn't mind being financially dependent on

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their partners. I'm scooting here. David Rockefeller, you

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guys heard of him? He said the following.

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We started and funded the women's movements. We

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could tax both sexes.

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That way we could put women to work

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and take their children to control.

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