Abu Bakr Zoud – Shabaan, the month in which deeds are raised to Allah

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the upcoming month of Chreact, which is a major event that is happening in the month of Chreact. The deeds of individuals are raised every day and the deeds are going to be raised during the month. The event is a daily fasting event and is a great way to forget one's deeds.
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The second reason now for why we are supposed to fast the month of Chavez Why did the Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fast the month of Chavez the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he then said well who are Shah Haroon to referral fee Hill Ahmed or Bilal Amin. It is the month in which the deeds are taken up to the Lord of the Worlds law. And this is a massive event. This is one of the huge events of the entire ye it's happening now in the month of Chabad that the deeds are going to be raised to Allah subhanho wa taala. Now deeds being raised to Allah subhanahu wa taala happened in three ways. There is every single day, at first your time your deeds are raised, and

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also time your deeds are raised. Right this is a daily taking up of your deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala so every 12 hours or less, your deeds are going up to Allah soldier and then there's a type in where every 72 hours your deeds are going up to Allah absorption and that is Monday and Thursday. Mondays, your deeds go up to Allah Thursday your deeds go up to Allah this is why nobody salAllahu alayhi wa sallam would fast Monday and Thursday. And then there is this grand event in where it is a yearly event. And that is your deeds, all of them go to up to Allah subhanho wa Taala once a ye and this happens in the month of Shaban Allahu Allah which they but it is going to happen in this month.

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This is a grand event. How can people neglect this month and not care about the worship of Allah when the most important event in your entire life is going to happen very soon Allahu Allah which day in which night it will happen. Our deeds are going to go up to Allah subhanho wa Taala during this month, Allahu Akbar one year of your life, 365 days of your life are going to be raised to Allah azza wa jal during this month

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365 days, how many these of them did the fast 365 Nights will be raised? Allah azza wa jal came down in each night of these nights. How many of them did you get up for night pray and Dwyer and is still for and reading Quran? 365 days? How many of them did you pray with algebra solid and measured and the other prayers? How many pages of Quran did you read in 365 days that are going to be raised to Allah azza wa jal Laquan 365 days of deeds are going to be raised to a mark during this month Wakulla Sahid in workability Mustapa Allah azza wa jal, he says every small and every Greek thing has been recorded, all of it is going to go through Allah azza wa jal 365 Days and nights of what

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the angels have been recording for you and against you. Whether you're aware of your deeds or not, are going to all be taken to Allah azza wa jal in any day of these days of Chabad. Every word you spoke and every look and every glance and every step, every backbiting every fitna, you fell into every haram and every good action all of it will be raised to Allah azza wa jal during this month, Allahu Allah in which they, Allahu Allah which night of Chabad it's going to go, Laos, Purim avant will be raised these coming days, the Laos, leaflet and other will be raised during these days. Therefore my brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to understand that we are not dealing with easy

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days now. These are the most crucial and important these of the, as I said to you, Ramadan, our most rewarding days. But these days here are crucial are important. They're important. And the question is will allow social except your deeds are not only be rejected, will this record now that is going to be raised Allah your record of 365 days. Is it going to earn you the paradise? Is it going to bring you a step closer to the paradise or not? Will Allah azza wa jal be pleased with it or not? Or will it displeased Allah subhanho wa Taala or not local o'clock?

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This is why I tell you this is the most intense event of the and how can people be heedless. This is why I'm gonna be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast

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love accord. And this is why I'm telling you Chabad is an important crucial month, even though Ramadan is more rewarding than it.

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Then Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finally he said for a boy and your family were an assault him

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And I like that my deeds be taken up to Allah while I am in the state of fasting, Allahu Akbar. Even this is why in the reason Allahu alayhi wa sallam would fast, he would fast number one because the people neglect this month and number two, because the deeds are being raised. Will the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as I said to you, he used to fast the entire month. I shall obey Allah Allah and she said Ganesha su Shabana Kula, who, and another narration, she said, Gary, they assume Shabana Illa kalila. If we put these two narrations together, we come up with the fact that nobody sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast the majority of this month, he would only break his fast

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perhaps two or three days of this month. Otherwise, the majority of the month is fasting.

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