Abu Bakr Zoud – Best of Days Series – 05 -Two EASY actions that lead to Paradise

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the habit of being distracted by someone standing up in a public space and not counting on their words to convince them to do so. They also mention the habit of being distracted by someone saying "there is a shavon coming to you" and "there is a shape on coming to you" before you get distracted. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accepting and embracing the habit of being distracted.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah my brothers and sisters in Islam, since we are living these Blissett 10 days of Malaysia, the days of vehicle Allahu subhanho wa Taala let me share with you one powerful little muscle of love Ali who will send them toward us so powerful that he said his slutet layer $300 million behemoth agenda, he said there are two habits that if a Muslim, a believing men or believing woman was to embrace and hold on for the rest of his life be of the lay data, they are guaranteeing for him the paradise to habits if you hold on to their guarantee for the person the paradise Allahu Akbar. And what more than that does a person what what are these

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two habits and the reason alone while he was alone, he said, Well, who they are see, they are very simple and very easy to do. The only they don't require any effort. What Miyamoto behavior Korean but the disaster is only a few people commit to them. So Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam he said, first one, say su Panama 10 times Alhamdulillah 10 times Allahu Akbar 10 times after every salette you say 10 times after the obligatory prayers, getting my brothers and sisters in Islam, the minimum form of the spear after the obligatory prayers is to say Subhana Allah Al Hamdulillah, Allahu Akbar 10 times each, Allahu Akbar, very simple. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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they are 150 on the tongue, because if you see them 10 times each after the solid, so that is 30 times after every solid and 30 and you have five prayers a day, that is 30 times five equal to 150. They are 150 on the tongue 1500. In the scale Yanni earns your 1500 has an ad, each suppiler law equal to 10,000 ad. So then this will help your loved one and they said yes all along. What's the second habit? He said to them and say before you sleep suppiler law 33 times and hamdulillah 33 times a lot of work about 34 times they are equal to 100 on the tongue 1000 in the scale, you're rewarded as well, for each one you see 10,000 and the equal to 1000 has added in the skill. So then

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Who among you speaking to his companions, Who among you? He's asking the question. Kemet 2500 seems a de la What what? What does the Sims What does the Sims have to do with this entire topic? Getting the base of Allahu alayhi wa sallam he's teaching and he's telling his companions that in the first habit, you earned 1500 Senate. And in the second habit you earned 1000 house senate put them together the equal to 2500. Senate Who among you committed 2500 cigarette a day? In other words in the Law Center with hipness yet, Allah azza wa jal teaches us that the one has enter it wipes away this a yet so even if you were to commit 2500

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cigarette a day, then these has an add on from these two habits are enough to wipe the record clean. So Pamela, you could be incredible rule. So then the habit of the alarm, why don't they sit alone? They sound so simple, how come only a few commit to them and how come only a few do them. For them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, one of one of you stands up in solid will hug but how much this happens when one of you stands up in solid? A shavon comes to him and he distracts him. And he tells you remember such and such and you have such an such task. Don't forget to call this person. Don't forget to calculate this and that by the end of the solid. You are so distracted

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with worldly affairs that you forget to sit down for a few seconds to say so Pamela 10 times Alhamdulillah 10 times Allah what what 10 times you find yourself getting up and rushing to fulfill your task. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says and when one of you comes to his sleep, a shape on comes to him and continues to distract him until the person sleeps, forgetting about the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala altogether for my brothers and sisters in Islam. These are the days of the 10 days of Malaysia in where you're supposed to get under a habit with Allah subhanho wa Taala Don't forget, even if you're in a rush after solid say Subhan Allah 10 Alhamdulillah Allahu

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Akbar 10 times and just before you sleep, so Pamela 33 and hamdulillah 33 times Allahu Akbar 34 times. If you commit to this, and nobody sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has guaranteed for such a person, a place in the paradise. We ask lots of data to accept promise or just a common level title.

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