Abu Abdissalam – Purification Of The Soul – EP21

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The host discusses the potential risks of wealth leading to "weirdly cool" reactions, including negative consequences such as incest and poor behavior. The "weirdly cool" reaction can lead to a "weirdly cool" feeling, which can lead to a "weirdly cool" reaction. The "weAKiness of one's life" category is defined, where the "weAKiness of one's life" category is defined as the "weAKiness of one's life." The speakers stress the importance of patientity and gratitude in cureting diseases and achieving success, emphasizing the need for balance and gratitude in helping individuals achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Love of the dunya the Prophet peace be upon him said to hungry wolves, in a herd of sheep are not as destructive and harmful as the love of the money and extravagance of the religion of a person.

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Assalamualaikum and welcome to another episode of purification of the soul. I'm your host about the Salaam. And with us in studio we have our guests from all right, Mohammed. Hello, have grace. So Miko, and Corinne. So

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we were talking in the last episode about wealth. And in the last episode, we spoke about one side of wealth, in other words, the benefits of what the benefits of wealth on a person's Religious Affairs, as well as the benefits of wealth and a person's worldly affairs, and most people know about the worldly affairs, but let's have a recap of the benefits of wealth on a person's Religious Affairs. He can spend money in the care and sadhaka

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he can spend money on other people, and such as zeca, sadhaka. Charity, such as hospitality, having guests round can lead to him performing hedge it can he can spend money on himself in good deeds and doing good deeds, like performing hajj

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going on jihad or spending money on Jihad and so on and so forth. Yes.

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spend money on, you know, his family, his close, close spending on others. Yeah. He can spend on defending the reputation of Islam against the attacks of the anti Islamist. Yes, that's that's a noble cause to show the true meaning of Islam. And the real meaning of Islam. Yes. And the beauty of Islam? And what about in terms of building public or serving public interest?

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Building mosques, building massages, yeah, it's the printing of books, printing of books, building schools, for example. And these kind of things, yeah.

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But also there are harms of wealth. And this is very important. harms of wealth can occur on a person's Religious Affairs, as well as his worldly affairs, just like the benefits of wealth. Now as for the harms on one's Religious Affairs, then the first thing is that it often leads a person to commit acts of disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala. This is because with wealth he has the access to and the ability of doing many more things than if he did not have that wealth. Let's have some examples of that. A person, if he didn't have the wealth, he wouldn't be able to do a particular type of sin. But if he had the wealth, he now has the access to the ability of doing a particular

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sin. One of the most common I think, among the youth is that if a person has wealth, and relate to him buying drugs, buying drugs, alcohol, these kind of things, sometimes it doesn't come cheap. Someone told me,

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for example, if he has the wealth, and he can spend it on a gun to a brothel, or casino gambling, etc. Yes, that's because obviously these things cost money. So if he has a wealth, then he has the ability of doing these things. I think also wealth makes him forget about his weaknesses before Allah, he might believe that it's because of my strength, like frown household that is because Americans, element otonabee Yes, yes. So that's another good example where wealth has led to a sin. In that case, it's a disease of the heart disease called pride or arrogance. So the wealth has led to a clear cut disease or a clear cut sin or disobedience against Allah subhanaw taala. This is the

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first type of harm that wealth can have on a person that often, obviously, not always. But in many instances, if a person is not careful, then once he has access to wealth, then he also has access to be able to do a lot of things that he would need wealth to do. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to do that going to nightclubs, for examples, drugs, brothels, these kind of things cost money.

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And likewise, the wealth itself may lead to a person having

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self conceit, pride, arrogance, and all these kind of things. It can the second harm of wealth or second type of harm, when a person's Religious Affairs is that it can drive a

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person to seek enjoyment through lawful pleasures, through mobile hat, lawful pleasures. But he becomes addicted to these lawful things. And then he gets under their control. And then this comes to a stage that he can't live without these lawful pleasures. So then his heart has become attached to the dunya, to the wealth to this world, he has extreme love of this world. And this has led him to do certain he, it leads him to be addicted to certain awful things, let's have some examples of that. I mean, for instance, buying material things in the world, such as cars, or mobile phones, or this and that, if the usually the person who may buy one or two, just to you know, just the

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beginning. Then, after he accumulates more wealth, and

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purchasing more and more and more and more, becomes a degree, he becomes addicted to it, what else example games and sports etc, future games? Yeah, very common habit. So it may be permissible in itself. But once it gets addicted to it, and they spend so much time and money on playing that game, that, you know, he misses solo

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leaves obligations,

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think one of the implications or consequences of having a lot of money, the pleasure of buying or having what others do not, do not have in order to feel that I'm elevated or superior to other.

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How does wealth lead to somebody being doing

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a lot of lawful things, he's seeking the pleasures of this world, in a lawful manner. And these pleasures may well be lawful things. But the point here, which is different from the first point, the first point is how wealth leads a person to do disobedience of a lost battle. But here, the second point of second hum of wealth is that he's addicted to local things, addicted now this addiction is something that he can't control, he becomes subdued, it becomes a slave of his habit, if you like. So a person, as you mentioned, very rightly, girls, about the

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about the computer games, and even sports, sports and something sports or something good. In general, when a person gets fit, and so on and so forth, healthy, that's something good. But when a person is addicted to it, like football, and he goes mad about football, and worse than that is when he's mad about football that other people are playing, like the World Cup, and all these things the person himself may not be playing, but he goes mad at supporting teams, and all these kind of things, such that he's addicted to this, he has to watch every single match, he has the wealth, so therefore he has to go to every single game, and he starts to forget about his obligations. But this

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leads us to the third point, which is that it wealth can distract a person from the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is the most dangerous disadvantage of wealth that no human being a safe from. It's a deep seated deep rooted evil. And this is because that the remembrance of a Lost Planet data is the essence of all worship. And why have we been created

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to worship Allah, Allah says in the Quran, homophone follicle, Gina will insert a Leah Leah boo, that I did not create the jinn and the mankind, except to worship me alone. So here, in this particular case, wealth distracts a person from remembrance of Allah, we can revisit the examples you gave for the second point, which is where they get addicted to this beat, but it doesn't actually lead them to something harder. Okay, but here, they get addicted to this or just the wealth itself, the the presence of wealth, the presence of riches and

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the flamboyancy of his environment, for example, it leads him to forgetting a Lost Planet add

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a direct example could be he has a lot of money, he buys a lot of computer games, for example, spends the whole day playing computer games, misses his press. This is a direct example. An indirect example could be when a person he, he has a lot of wealth around him, he has a lot of, you know, he's he's immersed and extravagance. And he begins to forget about the I out of a lot of signs of a lot. Because he has everything. He begins to think of himself as great. He doesn't feel the need. He doesn't need to he doesn't need to say europea Allah Yes, so the person himself Exactly. He doesn't feel the need to call upon Allah, oh my lord. And that's a very important point. So, he forgets the

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remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is very, very important is a very important point. Now, one should note that there is a discussion among the scholars

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which is better

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Which type of person is better? Is it the poor person who is patient? Because obviously poor people are of two categories, those who are patient and those who are not patient, okay? They're not patient upon their poverty. They're complaining they're screaming, they, you know, maybe they do haram things to attain obtain wealth. But then there are a category who are patient, the poor people who are patient,

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is he better or is the rich, grateful person better, the Grateful rich person, the one who shows thankfulness in front of others. And of course, again, rich people are of two types, rich people, one group of rich people, they're ungrateful, as you said, they have no need, they feel they think that they're independent to such an extreme, that they don't have a need, they think they don't have a need to call upon Allah to make dua to Allah. These people are ungrateful, rich people. But there's also a category of rich people who are grateful, they thank Allah, they perhaps do extra acts of worship, to thank Allah for the riches that Allah has bestowed over them. So these two

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righteous people, the poor person who is patient, and the rich person who is grateful, the scholars have discussed about them in the books of knowledge, where they have this disgust, or they've argued, if you like, who is better? Is it the rich person who's grateful? Or is it the poor person who is patient, but we'll talk about that. After the break.

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Moscow has a program, which aims to answer your questions about your deen your faith, your way of life, this course, is Islam. This is a totally different price, but I divided the payment over this period of time. And the seller is the person or the firm which owns it mature by this condition. This form of businesses action is

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assalamu aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. And welcome back.

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In the before the break, we were talking about the discussion of the scholars, where they discuss about who is better? Is it the rich person who is grateful? Or is it the poor person? Who is patient? What do you think? What do you think I'll have to say that it's the rich person who who is grateful, because I've seen with my own eyes that the person who is poor, his reliance on the laws emphasize, and he has it, he can't do much except to rely upon a law, or as a rich person, he may deem himself to be self sufficient. Therefore, he may forget about the remembrance of Allah. So if you find a rich person who is grateful, I think that

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person is patient. What about you, coming against this point, because I believe that both suffer if you're of your own rich man, and you have a lot of things you can do with your money, and you don't do it because it's Haram. This is this needs a lot of self restriction and self control. And also, if you're hungry and poor, and you don't have money to feed yourself and to satisfy your basic needs. It's very difficult also, but I think the poor one is better because he suffers. He, he he obeys a lot, though he's suffering more, he doesn't have his basic needs. But the rich one has his, his his, even his luxury. He just controlled himself against what he what he can do, but it's

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forbidden. But the poor ones suffering one way or another. So I think it's better for Allah, what do you think?

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I think, obviously, there's good in both of them, because the person who is poor and is patient, and that's, uh, you know, he doesn't, he doesn't,

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you know, go and start stealing and being say, why does the law punish me with this? So it's good and him. But I think maybe, as Brother Mohammed said, that the rich person, I mean, the poor person, he really doesn't have much, much option except to be patient really, you know, he has the option of doing harm, as you can see, because nothing has is more means often because of the one fe has. He has more approaches to the I think that the poor man can kill the rich man and steal his money.

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Yeah, I think

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they could do but you wouldn't be patient. That's true. He wouldn't be patient. So we're talking about the patient. One

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against the rich, grateful, then the rich rich person has as, as the both of the brother mentioned that he has more temptations. So he has more opportunities to fall into evil. So if he is, if he restricts himself from that, and he's grateful, then I believe maybe he, you know he has superiority over the poor person who is patient, what would you argue against Graham's point?

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Don't kill,

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don't kill, whatever. What do you think about the points that they're making that the rich person actually does have? He has more option of doing evil. So when he restrains himself, it's much harder for him to restrain himself. That's why I can't argue against him. I think that both of them are better than all of us.

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What would you say? Don't say the same thing? What do you say about his point where the poor person is suffering more? The person who is

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who is caring, and he's patient, he's suffering more than the rich person who's, who has riches in this world. In reality, the poor person, the most you can do is to suffer. He has no other. It's not easy. It's not easy, of course, oh, wouldn't that according to what grim saying that would make him better than the rich person who's not suffering, and according What, what, according to what

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Mohammed is saying, he said, well, and grace is that the rich person has the option are much more option of doing heroin. And that self restraint, is the thing that makes him believe that if the rich has more option, the poor has a stronger motive to commit what's forbidden, because he is poor his satisfy his need. For example, a rich man cannot steal because he has a lot of money, it doesn't have a reason to stay. But the poor one can say, I'm not stealing for luxury, I'm just trying to satisfy my needs, I have an excuse, if you like, exactly. So he can say Don can come to an easier exactly much more easily than he needs more self restraint. I think maybe also, if the roles were

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reversed, maybe the rich person will come out better. Like, if the poor person suddenly had a lot of wealth, then maybe because he's been deprived so much, he must

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not be as grateful as the poor in the same way, the rich person who suddenly becomes suddenly become old, because because he is thankful, because he's, he knows how to control his Well, when he had wealth. He'll be thankful to Allah. Let's have a look at what some of the people on the streets had to say about this very question. And and then after that, we'll actually give what the summary of this discussion is and Shawn,

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I don't think it's well, that's harmful. But I think it's what you do with, with the wealth that's harmful, any,

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I guess, I guess making money is naturally, you know, everyone wants to have money, everyone wants to have wealth, but just to think that only the wealth, or the money or the things that money can buy, or what makes life or what makes a person is wrong. Because there is more, there's more to life than just the material parts, you know, and even the reason why people acquire wealth is that they can feel good when you spend money seeking God and seeking heaven and seeking reason, God will always support you was always his power, because you're seeking something good. And when you say something good, because we will support you because you need higher, you need something that will

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benefit the society and benefits you That's why he will will end up giving you everything that you need and you want it to not not even never be destruction, when you spend an awful thing, you know, not lead to destruction or anything else they can distract us from Allah because

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all my focus was wills and buying cars, houses, and they can distract us can distract us from worshipping of Allah. It depends, but usually, each one gets his award, a rich person is better, maybe in on earth life, and the poor person is better afterwards, after life. He gets his awards.

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So similar points mentioned the the stronger opinion of this point about who is better? Is it the rich person who is grateful? Or is it the poor person who is patient the stronger of the two scholarly opinions, it seems to be that each is praised or blamed, according to how patient or how grateful he is. In other words, just being rich and pay and grateful or just being poor and patient is not a quality that makes you better than the other of the two. Okay? neither of the two types of person is better than the other. Okay, this is a stronger view. In other words, just by his wealth, which led to gratitude just by his poverty, which led to patients. In fact, what tips of balance is

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not the wealth because in most of the points that you were mentioning,

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was to do with the wealth. And of course this is not in the hands of the slaves of Allah. This is in the hands of Allah Spanish Allah Allah has decreed that this person is rich is decreed that this person is poor. So this is not what tips the balance, it is actually the actual patient, and the actual gratitude shown. So we can't say that the rich person who is more great in who is grateful, is better by Yani by itself, by himself by this quality of being rich and also patient, grateful.

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It doesn't make him better than the poor person who is patient because Allah made him poor, and Allah made him rich, this is not in his control whatsoever. So what is it that makes one better than the other? It is individual is different from person to person. And it is according to how much gratitude and how much patience, a person says. But otherwise, all the other points are most of the other points that you mentioned, were all valid here. That Yes,

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with regards to the poor person, sometimes he has no choice but to be patient from one angle, if he has some kind of Deen in him some kind of religiousness in him. But on the other hand,

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on the other hand, he, as Carrie mentioned, well, he could go and steal, he doesn't have to be patient, he can go and students on us often, in the same way the rich person he is, he doesn't have to be grateful, he can go out he can be, he doesn't even have to be patient. In fact, he can go out and not patiently persevere on the dean, he can go out spend money on her up. But he's grateful, which also leads to his patience is grateful his gratitude leads to these patients, as well. So each person has got his good qualities and also, each person has limitations, or restraints. So the poor person the restraint on him is that he simply can't go out and do certain things that a rich person

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can do. However, an important point to note, that if a person is poor, but yearns to be rich, to spend the money in Haram, it will be as if he has got the money and he will be sinning in that way.

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Is that clear.

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So a person who is poor and yearns the money to do something Haram, then he is also blameworthy even though he doesn't have that money. Likewise, if a person is or he's rich, and he feels to himself, that, hey, I'm so rich, I'm never going to get poor, okay, and starts relying on himself or something of this nature, or becomes arrogant or something like that. Or if he suddenly loses his wealth, and his heart is attached to the wealth, then he's also sinful for that, for his heart being attached to the wall. And this is the crux of the discussion, the discussion goes back to patience and gratitude. It goes back to patience and gratitude, not affluence, and poverty, about a person's

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richness or how poor he is. It's all about the patience or gratitude. So the rich person who is grateful, is better than the poor person who's patient, if his gratitude is greater than the others, patience, and the other way round, the poor person who is patient, he's better than the rich person who is who's grateful if his patience is greater than the other ones, gratitude. So it's specific to the individual. Yes, it's specific from individual to individual. In other words, the quality of affluence, or poverty is not enough by itself, to be to make a person greater in the sight of a Lost Planet. And so basically, if we are, if we have the wealth, and we should be grateful, and if you

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are deprived of your poor, then we should be patient. Yes. And this is a summary of the whole discussion, that no matter which situation a person's in, if he's in the situation of being affluent, rich, then he has to be grateful as well as patient. And likewise, if he's in a situation where he is poor, then he has to be patient, as well as grateful and inshallah with this, we end this discussion, and inshallah in the next episode, we'll look at some of the cures of or some of the remedies by which to cure the disease of loving this world or some robotic Island. abena Mohammed

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Episode 21/26: Love of the Dunya (Part 2/3)

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