Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Want to do Bad but Just Can’t

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how people want to avoid bad behavior and commit to something, but when they do, it causes harm. They also mention how people in their company are affected by this behavior and that it protects them from other bad behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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There's people who, because they doing certain good things or

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somebody's doing hours with them, they want to do bad and they can't

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do it. They want to go out and commit a haram. And the friend is

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supposed to go with doesn't show up that day, and they curse him on

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the phone. A week later, they come to this and like Alhamdulillah I

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didn't go hamdulillah Allah saved us. That's the baraka of doing

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good deeds. So it protects us from other bad deeds. That's the baraka

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of having our parents do as with us, our teachers do us and pious

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people's company, and all of this is a quantum world we live in

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where all of this is impacting because everything has an impact.

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