Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance How to Determine Eligibility of Recipient

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of giving possession of cards to individuals who use them for convenience. They suggest that anyone who claims to be a good person should give the cards to them, but it is important to assess the eligibility of each individual. The speaker also advises against giving cards to anyone who claims to be a good person and suggests that it is a combination of factors that should be considered.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Now the question really relating to

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the God as to how much of an inquiry investigation

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determination you have to make as to the eligibility of the

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individual that you're giving your account to. Obviously, that's an

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important aspect, no doubt about it, because you as a God should go

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to a poor person, and you should give possession over to them for

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your cigar to be fulfilled. Because if it goes to a wealthy

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person, and use the card may not be fulfilled. So in here, the

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Sharia has given us some leeway you do your best, whatever is

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within your means. That doesn't mean that you hire an investigator

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necessarily, or that you even have to ask for bank statements and

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everything like that, of course, any small amount of doubt,

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somebody's asking you for the cards, and they seem a bit shady,

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they've asked 567 different people. And this seems to be kind

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of a repeat habit. And you're getting worried that they're just

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collecting money, then in that case, of course, you can ask for

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bank statements, you can ask for more if you still want to give it

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but for the normal person that comes along, all we're required to

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do is to kind of assess them based on our best understanding, say,

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Look, you can ask him a few questions if you want to. You

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don't have to just give it because there are, unfortunately, there

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are people out there who who do take advantage of this things

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wrongly. So you ask a few questions. As long as you've got

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content in your heart that yes, this sounds right. You give it to

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them, that would be fine. Even if it then turns out later, as long

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as you've done your bit of due diligence. Right? You don't have

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to act like a benefits caseworker where you basically just grill

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them, right? I mean, subhanAllah some people do that you don't have

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to do that necessarily.

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And then you help them and if even if it then turns out that, you

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know, maybe they were not eligible use the card would be valid, as

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long as you've done your due diligence, we have that much

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leeway in in our Sharia. So we just do our best. We do our best.

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Of course, if there's somebody who have dealt on, then rather than do

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all the inquiry and everything, you know, you could just say I'm

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not going to give it to you or give it to somebody else. Right?

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You know, because sometimes a lot of this could be embarrassing as

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well. So you have to avoid embarrassment. But at the same

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time you know, you don't be just so light about it that you just

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give it to anybody who asks, even though you got to doubt because if

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you've got a doubt then your worship would not be your wish it

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would not be complete if you've got a doubt. So you should not

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have any doubt you should have enough conviction yourself that

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yes, this sounds legit, and then inshallah it's all fine. Inshallah

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Allah will accept it, just like a low hero.

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