Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Allah Made Islam Beloved to Us

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam and the community's teachings is discussed, along with the need for pride and haughtiness in religion. The speakers stress the importance of acknowledging and sharing information, being strong in faith, and not giving false information. They also discuss the benefits of reading about religion and its various elements, including its source of pride and safety for the community, and how racism is a common embarrassment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I hope you guys are

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all doing well. In sha Allah may Allah subhanaw Without a blessed

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our Ramadan. Let us start with the verse of the Quran

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are all the humanists shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim

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where Allah moon and Nephi comrades who will Allah Hello yo T

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ro goofy Cathy Meenal MD learning to what a king no La Habra in a

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common Iman I was a whole thing go to become. Worker Raha la

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comunidad que for our for Su our living see

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Willa eco humo ra she do fall de la mina Allah He won atma wala who

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are demon hacky

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sack Allahu La vie, dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, we will

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be reflecting on this versus auditor who gerat These are verses

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seven and eight of sorter who gerat They have quoted you must

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have heard them before. What Allah subhanaw taala is saying in here

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the main point I want to take from here is from hubub, at common

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email was a Yahoo ficolo become, Allah has in ended faith to you,

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Allah has made faith beloved to you. This is talking to the

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believers, obviously, that Allah has made faith and dear and

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beloved to you, in your hearts and has beautified in your hearts the

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yellow vehicle will become has beautified in your heart

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and has made disbelief and wickedness and disobedience hated

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in your heart hated by you,

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hateful for you.

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Such are they who are rightly guided.

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And this is Grace from Allah and His favor. And Allah is all

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knowing and all wise. That's pretty much the gist of that

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translation. So according to the Quran, a truly Islamic society is

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one which is going to be permeated by these and no building values,

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life enabling values, excellent morals, and, and manners. Because

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for believers, for each individual believer faith has been made

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beloved, and beautified. So it's something you want to do and you

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enjoy doing. It's, you know, when something is in when something is

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attracting attractive, when something has been beautified. And

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when something has been

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adorned for you, then it's generally you take pride in it and

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it's something that you want to do.

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At the same time, the opposite which is disbelief and wickedness

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and disobedience that's been made hateful to you.

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That's what a believer should be like. And the Muslim community

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should have this as a collective conduct a collective ethos, a

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collective feeling.

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That is to have wickedness is an antithesis. It's opposite of what

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a Muslim community should be.

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Anything that smacks of rebellion against Allah subhanaw taala

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should be rejected outright by the Muslim community by the individual

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Muslims which is basically what the Muslim community is made of

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denial of the rights of others, other human beings

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just fulfilling the unbridled self this is something we're all

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believers should actually be focusing on.

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Anything that goes with just complete self indulgence, self

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gratification at the expense of sacrificing collective and

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community interests. That should be a no no for Muslim community.

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Anything that calls for any kind of disobedience like that should

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should be revolting for the Muslim community.

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See the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam established the Muslim

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community in Madina Munawwara

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on the ideals of the Quranic teachings, and it's against that

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backdrop that this verse has been revealed to say that Allah has

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caused goodness and faith to be beloved to you, and wickedness to

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be hated in your heart.

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Only when a Muslim community is like that, that it will enjoy

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Allah's grace and reward because Allah subhanaw taala promises

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grace and reward Fabula min Allah who are Nirma

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we have to make that effort the Sahaba made that efforts. The

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people around the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made

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that effort. That's why they then received

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the gift and reward from Allah subhanaw taala

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you see from an Arabic perspective when you're looking at these

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beautiful words have a common Iman was a Jana who ficolo Become a

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cobra in a common COFRA well forsook our ESEA and I remember

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reading these verses even before I pondered over them before I maybe

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even understood what they meant because I memorize the Quran and

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was reading the Quran before I learned Arabic in terms of

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comprehension of Arabic. They there was a special ring to these

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verses. There's just a very special lyrical quality to these

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have Baba li e como EMA and I was the IANA whorfin. Guru, we can

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work out Raha eco marucho For our Fuzu Cowell and you see

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just this amazing, amazing effect of the Arabic basically showing

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that there's nothing that delights the heart for a Muslim, as these

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things should do, goodness should be very endear to us. And I know

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that that's not always the case. But that's something that we

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should be looking for. Because when a person does that, that

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community will flourish, the more people that do that the community

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will flourish. That's why they should be a collective effort to

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get this done, which means that individually encouraging one

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another, then if there is an issue, see, I'll give you a

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perspective, from the Imam side. A lot of people blame the Imams,

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sometimes for not speaking about things which are relevant.

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Sometimes what you have to understand is that imams are in a

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certain position where they've generally they're going to be

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Muslim scholars, so they may have come from a really, really, you

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can say, a very righteous kind of background, very protective

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background, that may not be exposed to a lot of these things.

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I know that there's a lot of Imams who are like that, they just they

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won't know, right, what is going on in certain other families or

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whatever, where there are few challenges. You know, I'm not

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saying all the moms are like that, you know, there are moms who come

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from, you know, from backgrounds that had no, you know, not much

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adherence to their faith and so on as well. So that's not the case,

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all the time. But what happens, and I've seen this from

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experience, because I've been in demand for you know, about over

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1213 years, you know, and you don't know what's going on, and

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then people won't tell you and then they'll criticize you for,

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for basically not speaking about something, but then people don't

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come and share what's going on in the community. And I think people

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should go and do that they should go and speak to the Imam whether

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directly or indirectly, you know, through a letter through an email,

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or maybe anonymously if they want to or, or directly and say, Look,

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this is what's going on, you know, Imam, this is what's going on in

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our community. So the Imam knows what what it is he researches the

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issue and then he can speak about it because things which are spoken

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about from the pulpit, or from you know, from from from the mic, as

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you know, to the committee, the Muslim scholars, it has a bigger

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impact, it will reach many more people and there are many people

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who you will reach that will take heat from this, not everybody is

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going to listen. But a lot of people will listen and I've seen

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this to be very, very beneficial when people have shared things

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that I've spoken about them in the Friday or in some of the other

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lectures and mashallah it's had an impact. There's people who come

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and said, Really, I thank you for letting us know about this. So I

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think that's our responsibility that we need to make each other

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aware of what's going on. So that we abstain the other person

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abstains, and we tell the relevant people it doesn't have to be while

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revealing you know, any unnecessary details, but at least

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you know that okay, look, you know, people are taking this

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substance or people are cheating in this way or people are involved

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in this haram activity. Right? And you give that little detail and

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that should be inshallah very, very useful because this is going

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to help to capture the spirit of the Islamic community. We need our

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communities to be strong in that regard. And that has to be

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through, you know, taking pride in your faith and shunning

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wickedness. So let's look at another verse. This is soulful

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fit. The verse the Surah, actually of conquest and victory, right?

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Verse 26, Allah subhana wa Tada says,

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is Jerilyn Latina kefir ruffian Kulu be Himal Hemi Yetta Hamid

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Elijah Helia

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Allah Allah Who Sakeena the who are the raw Saudi you are a little

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more meaning. What else Zana home Karima that taco wakanow A half

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copy her her work, no Allah who we call Alicia in the email. So this

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is essentially condemning one of the vile characters of the

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disbelievers of the time. And you know, you can relate to this once

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I translate this Allah subhana wa Tada says, When the unbelievers

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had put into their hearts, pride and haughtiness, and this was the

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pride and haughtiness of Jahai of the Jahir period. This is that

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racism that they had. You can call it language right

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racism or whatever you want to call it, right? They had this

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ignorance of Jehovah which is called racism, right? Allah sent

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down His tranquility upon His messenger and upon the believers

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and made them adhere to the world word of world of piety, and they

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were well entitled to it, and they were worthy of it. And Allah is

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all knowing of everything. So Allah subhanho wa Taala when

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the disbelievers began to act in this haughty and proud and

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arrogant way, you know, with with this jar Hindi way of doing

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things, you know, this ignorant way of doing things without any

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guidance, Allah subhanaw taala assisted the believers by causing

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the Sakina to descend upon them. Sakina is calmness and solace and

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comfort and tranquility. And many other ma they've actually found

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these verses to be very, very beneficial to read when a person

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is going through some turbulence. For example, the scholar half

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ignored Tamia, a very famous scholar, he would take the five or

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six verses in the Quran that mentioned the Sakina. And he would

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actually repeat them often whenever he had some turbulence.

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This is according to his students claim and it would give him

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comfort, he would calm him down because this Sakina is the concept

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of this tranquility that Allah causes to descend on the community

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on an individual even right, whenever they have turbulence and

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Allah subhanaw taala wants to benefit them in some way. So this

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is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, it demonstrates that the

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unbelievers were swayed by their pride and haughtiness, you know,

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of JD of ignorance, right of that time, with a time of ignorance.

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This was includes nationalism, racism, self interest,

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selfishness, you know, superiority complex, all of these things can

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come into this idea.

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Now, one has to remember that whenever a people think that

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they're better than other people, that is one of the most vile

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things that a human being can do. Right, so if I think that just

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because I'm Asian, or I am Gujarati, or I am Indian, or I am

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British, or, you know, whatever, you know, designations I may have

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or as a man or whatever, that I'm better than somebody else, that is

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one of the virus forms of wickedness. And the reason for

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that, I think, is because the reason that I am what I am, in

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terms of these things, I did not earn these things, right, I did

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not earn or acquire being British as such, necessarily, I mean, you

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know, or being Gujarati or being Indian or being Arab, or being

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Pakistani or being Punjabi for that matter, or being Bengali or

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for being from a certain area or being from Cairo, or, you know,

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being Syrian, or Sarkeesian, or whatever it is. That's not a

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choice we had, that's where we came into it. Now, if we found

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something good in those cultures, Alhamdulillah Allah, we thank

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Allah that He gave us his goodness, but it's not something

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to show off. And it's not something to aggregate against

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somebody else with, because it could have been so simple that

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Allah subhanaw taala could have put the person who's from the

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other culture that you look down upon in your culture, and you

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could have been from there. So it's not something you're bragging

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about. If you if you think it's good that you're in your culture,

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then thank Allah subhanaw taala. But don't don't act hoti against

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somebody else, because it's so easy that Allah subhanaw taala can

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give the person that you are

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thinking yourself over and essentially looking down upon

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Allah subhanaw taala could then give them some other quality that

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that everybody else respects, and basically make you the blameworthy

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person. So that's not something ever and even something that

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you've acquired yourself, it's not something to brag over you thank

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Allah subhanaw taala for that, that's why I find racism to be

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extremely bad. The way I deal with I tried to tell people how to deal

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with racism is that if you find that you're very proud of your

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culture, you're proud of your background, or wherever you are

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from your ethnicity, then say Alhamdulillah, but that doesn't

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mean you look down upon others, yes, there will be points that

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will be of strength in your culture, and there will be points

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that you will find a weakness in another culture. But then if you

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look carefully enough, they're gonna find some strong points in

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their culture that is not found in your culture as well. It's just

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that you have not thought about that. Right? And in your mind,

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right in our minds, maybe the point about our culture, because

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it's so Beloved to us is so close to us, it's ours. That's why we

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feel like it's better than somebody else's culture. This

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this, this kind of thought, essentially spoils everything.

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This is why you get some men who think they're better than women.

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And then you get some women who think they're better than men, is

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because they start focusing a bit too much about what they have, and

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some of the strong points about that. So then they start looking

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down on us on the other side, even though there may be some very good

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points on the other side as well. And there'll be some deficiencies

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on our side because there's nothing which is perfect in this

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So what that does is this kind of feeling of somebody has it it

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makes you blind of your moral values. It makes you blind of

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humanity of humaneness of it makes you lack empathy, you know, you

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really can't think straight. And then it just goes out of bounds.

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And that's essentially what JD was. And that's where Islam came

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to eradicate. But yet, you're gonna still find that in some

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places where people are not adhering to the love of the faith.

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That's why

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will, what Allah subhanaw taala shows is that

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when there will be people like this, who will act in an ignorant

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way, Allah subhanaw taala will give comfort to the other people

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in some successful the other Allah subhanho wa Taala will give them a

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gift and he will make them successful. So if you feel that

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you are being oppressed, and you are being overcome, and you are

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being looked down upon and looked on as despicable Allah subhanaw

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taala will give you comfort, trust in Allah, put your trust in Allah

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subhanaw taala is very, very important.

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That's why believers going back to the original verse that the

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goodness is in our heart, whenever we see anything like this, we need

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to be the first to root it out. We should not ever take part in it.

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And if we see it in others, we should be against it. We should

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not take part in it. And that's why if you look at verse 12 of

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Surah to know Allah subhana wa Tada says, this is when there was

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if you if you remember the story of Aisha Radi Allahu anha being

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slandered. I mean, I'm not going to go into the whole story here.

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But when she got slandered

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Allah subhanaw taala asks a question, verse 12, a surah, nor

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the suta, nor discusses that whole event. But this particular verse I

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want to mention Allah subhanho wa taala, says Lola is to move on,

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let me know when our MENA to be fusi him hiera work orlu

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if Moby in Allah has a very emphatic question, he says that

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why then did not the believers, the men and women believers, when

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you heard this slander, why did you not think good of their own

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people and say, this is an obvious lie. So you should be willing to

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speak out and the Quran senses those people who did not speak out

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and who they were that you should have thought about this correctly.

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we this also tells us of course, that you know, whenever there's a

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wicked report about somebody what needs to be very careful the way

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they approach it, the way they take it. And your first course of

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action should not be to agree with it should not be that everything

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you hear that you accept straight away. You should always look at

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reports of this nature wicked reports, especially bad reports

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about people you should always look at them first negatively,

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should all look at them with some speculation and with some doubt,

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and then if eventually one day it does become quite clear. Well, you

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do what you have to do about it. But do not jump to conclusions

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with these things. May Allah subhanaw taala make us a faith

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imbibing community. May Allah subhanaw taala make the faith

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beloved in our heart, and may Allah subhanho wa Taala make it

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attractive for us so that we love doing it. And may Allah assist

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allow us to assist one another as well so that we can help to make

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the community a greater place. Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed us

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all May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from you please keep us in

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your doors. And we will see you again in sha Allah Assalamu

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aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. The point of the lecture

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is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration, and

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encouragement, persuasion, the next step is to actually start

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learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and

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to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,

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so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.

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And that's why we started Rayyan courses, so that you can actually

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take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,

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especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we

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have on there, the Islamic essential certificate which you

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take 20 Short modules and at the end of the insha, Allah you will

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have gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam

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and you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave

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lectures behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to

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lectures, but you need to have this more sustained study as well.

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JazakAllah Harun salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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