Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Facing Trials Patience Finding Strength in Allah’s Tests

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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We're not giving you a guarantee of peace in this world.

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Essentially Allah is saying these things are going to happen to you

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as another verse in Bacara says, well hon when a combi che in

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mental health you will Jewry when oxy mentally unwell you will

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unfussy. What Thammarat we're going to certainly test you while

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another new one come with the noon tequila, which is for emphasis.

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We're going to certainly certainly test you test you give you trial.

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Be che in Milan just a bit of fear, in your wealth in your

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children in your crops in things that are important to you. But

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while Bashir is sobbing, give glad tidings to those who are patient

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Alladhina Eva Asaba to masiva, who when some kind of calamity

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afflicts them, they say in that Allah we're in LA he Raji Arun,

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they say we are for Allah, we are and we're going to return to Him.

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These are the people whom Allah subhanho wa Taala sends His

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blessings upon and His mercy and they are the most successful one

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