Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – Quranic Reflections 2 Episode 5 The day you will flee from your loved ones

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
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Speaker 1 describes the character Yama as the day they will run, and talks about the importance of being loved by family members and not running away from them. They also mention a person named Huberty who was married and had children. Speaker 1 describes how people run away from their loved ones when they see their family members as being too busy.
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When Allah subhanaw taala describes your mouth Yama. He describes it as the day yo maya filled rue the day that mankind will run, but one from WHO? He's going to be running away from the most beloved people to him in this life. If I want to ask you, who are the most beloved people to you, who you're going to think of right away, your parents, your children, your spouse, Allah tells us in the verses in Sorocaba, you'll know your fellow man or woman or he, the day that mankind will run away from their own brothers will only he will be his own mother and his father was saw Huberty, he were Benny and his wife and his own children. Why are they running away from these people who they love so much

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in this life? Lee Cooley marry me men whom Yoma even shared no Yoni, that everyone will have an affair that will concern him on that day. Everyone in that day will be enough's enough see myself myself, how can I see myself when you look in the verses and sorted in my marriage, Allah subhanho wa Taala says low yesterday if he can pay a ransom to free himself, and he mentions different family members and to the law says, Woman fill out the Jimmy and, and everyone that's on the face of the earth. He's willing to ransom everyone why? Through million G so he can save himself from that great day, when we hear how serious this day is going to be the ones that we would sacrifice our own life

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for in this life, that we run away from him on his day. This reminds us that we have to take advantage of this life to prepare ourselves so we can be successful when we stand off of Allah yomo piano and if we're successful when we stand in front of Allah, we can also be successful in interceding for our loved ones. yomo piano

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