Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – Give him Glad Tidings of Jannah – Abdur Raheem McCarthy

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallhaun was always in the state of the Yo' and was watching the people and practicing the law. The title of Surah Al gerat is not a legal statement, but rather a way of saying that the message is not against the Prophet. The Sun Canyon's goal is to implement everything that brings reward, and the title of the book "IT, the Greatest" is a reference to the title of Islam, not a formal title.
AI: Transcript ©
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But your brothers and sisters in Islam

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Imam Al Bukhari and Imam Muslim narrated

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that side you must save the great Tabori Rahim Allah and Roby Allahu and narrated that Abu Salah Shari wrote the Allahu, and he said, I made a boo boo in my house.

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And then I said, I will go out, and I will find Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I will stick to him, a be with him for this entire day of mine, to be in His service La Silla to a celeb.

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The scholars of Islam mentioned that here's a benefits when he said I made will do in my house. And that is that it's better for the believer when he leaves his house to make wudu to leave in the state of Bihar. And that is because he will be ready to pray at any time many times we become busy with the dunya and then the atomic has made I have to be cool though. But if I made my will do in the house, I'm ready. If I find a Janaza prayer, I have my will do I'm ready. If we were to meet the Angel of Death, and we were to die, we will be ready meaning that we will be upon Maha Al Hamdulillah. And it's from the Sunnah are the Forgotten Sooners that many people don't act upon to

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strive to always be in the state of Bihar.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said Allah you have with hon in movement, that no one

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maintains his model except for the believer, the true believers the one who constantly tries to be in the state of Bihar or the state of purity by making wudu and if we add another subnet to this,

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then we can have also a path to the genuine

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and that is if we follow the Sunnah. See, then our beloved will be Allah one. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him, Why do I hear your footsteps in the Jannah? And he said, I don't know anything that I do except for that. After every time I make will do I pray to the gods.

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He prays every time after he makes will do. The scholar said this shows that it's sooner to make Google as much as you can, even if it's not time for the prayer and to pray to rakaats after that we'll do

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so Abu Musa probably Allahu Allah and He made the Moodle and then he had the intention to spend his entire day with Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to serve Rasul Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and to benefit from him. He went immediately from his house, to the masjid where they will usually find Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, either in his house or in the masjid. And he didn't find him then he asked the people whereas Rasul Allah, Allahu Allah, he was still where's the Prophet of Allah? They said he went in that direction. So he followed into it in the same direction Roby Allah Who and until he came to the area of Kuba and he found that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam had written to an area where there was a beard, there was a well a famous well known as the will of Aris and this weld is near Kuba. And this is the well that the ring the bottom of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the time on Earth man, Robbie Allahu and was lost in this very well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went in and he went, and he secluded himself in order to relieve himself. Abu Musa seen this he backed off and went into the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finished after he finished relieving himself and he's salat wa salam. He came and he made Moodle. And then he came to where this well was, and he sat down on an edge that was built

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around the well as a way of protection.

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And he sat on it and he raised up his garments and uncovered his calves and dip them into the water and stayed there. Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Here, Abu Musa, he's come out to be with Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to serve him. He came and He gave Salam so Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and asked his permission to stay with him. After being granted permission, he decided that he would be the doorman of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was selling that day. And that gardener the area where the well was, there was a door which was made out of date pumps, and he went and he stood at that door and it made

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Any narrations and many stories when you hear about the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the amazing things is that they said when he would come to his house, when he would come to the masjid, that there will be no guards, there wouldn't be a doorman. There wouldn't be a servant, nobody would be there.

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He would only seek the protection from Allah subhanho wa Taala at least Allah was salam. However, in some cases, as a scholar said, sometimes the Sahaba would come and act as a guard or act as a doorman as we have in this story. So Abu Musa stood there, as he was standing there, someone came and tried to enter because they also were trying to find Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, someone that door moved, he said, Who is it? He said, an Abu Bakr. Then it's Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu, and he said, Hold on. Let me go speak to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't say this VIP. I'm gonna let him in. He went to permission from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He

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said, This is our bucket. So

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he said give him permission to enter. We're Bashir who will Jana and give him glad tidings that he will be from the people of Ghana. He went on to Jana Allahu Akbar. Abu Musa of the Allahu Allah, he returned to the door and he said Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you permission to come in. And he gives you the glad tidings that you will be from the people of Jannah. Allah, Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Roby Allah Who and he entered into the area of the well, he sold us with a loss and Allahu Allah, He was telling how he was sitting there. After giving him salaams he said on the right side of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was selling and he raised his garments, and he dangled his legs

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into the water as well just as Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had done following Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in every single little thing that he would do. The Sahaba followed him.

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After some time, someone else came to the door. And Abu Musa was thinking because his brother, he left him in his in his house, making Moodle. And he said, If he's lucky, he's going to follow me and he will get the glad tidings from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that he will be from the people of gender. So someone else came to open the door. And Abu Musa said, man who's at the door, and the person behind the doors and Omar even Uncle Bob are the Allahu Allah. And he said, Hold on, let me take permission from Rasul Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said it's almost in the hubbub. He said, Let him come in, give him

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permission to enter and give him glad tidings that he will be from the people of gender. Abu Musa went back to Omar obey Allah Who and and said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you permission to enter. And he gives you glad tidings that you are from the people of Jana Ahmad, in the hotel came in and gave salams to the prophets that Allahu Allah He was selling a book, and then he sat on the left side of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised his garments, uncovering his calves as well, and put his feet into the water, just as the prophets that Allahu Allah He was selling him an Uber, the Krabi, Allahu Anhu had done

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following in the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And as the scholar said, this shows that it's permissible for the man to uncover from his caps. Because sometimes in our customers, the ABF you can uncover your caste has to be longer. But here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba did it. So there's nothing haram about that. And it's something that is permissible. What is haram obviously is what comes over the knees.

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Then someone else came to the door, and the door started to move. A Musa said, Who is it? He said, It's Earth man, even alphorn will be Allahu Allah.

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He came back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, It's Earth man, even iPhone. He said, give him he said, give him permission to enter and give him glad tidings that he will be from the people of Jannah. Allah when we're to Cebu that Abend was that he, calamity will overcome him. He's going to be for the people of Jenna. But there's going to be a calamity that will strike him, give him those glad tidings. He went back to Earth man and some of the narrations growth mindset Alhamdulillah.

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He got the glad tidings that he's going to be for the people agenda. But he also got the news that he's going to face a calamity. He said Al Hamdulillah and he said, Well, Lon was seeking the assistance of Allah subhanho wa taala. He entered and the areas are very small. Well, the only place for him to sit was in front of the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam and in front of

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Abu Bakr and Omar Radi Allahu Anhu Ummah at the end of this hadith

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Seidel Musa Rahim Allah, He said, My interpretation of the sitting of this gathering was their graves after their death. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam and all the Allahu Allah. If you look at the graves of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if I were bakr Omar hookman Radi Allahu Anhu very, very similar to the city that they were sitting that day.

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I will welcome Omar Radi Allahu and Houma buried next to the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam. If you leave the masjid and you go in that direction. In front of them, you will find the grave of Ruth Marie my father will be Allah Who and in the book here.

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What do we gain? My dear brothers and sisters from this story?

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First of all, we see the truthfulness. The Sith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the province and Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and how many Hadith described for us describe to the Sahaba, who narrated to us events that would happen after his death, and all of them happen. And the ones that haven't happened will happen. And we've seen this throughout history. And perhaps some of them have been shallow Tala. In the coming weeks or months. We can mention some of those a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned these things that were going to happen and they happened and from them is what would happen to Earth man wrote the Allahu Allah Bilwa with a

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calamity that will strike him and what happened to Earth man Robbie, Allah who and when he was the Khalifa. He was unjustly killed, murdered.

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Being the rightfully guided Khalifa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being someone who was establishing justice on the land, and these criminals came into his house and found him doing what reading the Quran. But yeah, that didn't stop them. And they killed him Radi Allahu, and, and as it came in some of the narrations in the books, the history books, that some of the bloods came down on the Quran that he was reading from on the verse in Surah, Baqarah verse a few whom Allah that Allah will be sufficient for you against them.

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Well, Allahu Allah, but this is one that nourishes the point is is that he was unjustly killed. And this is what the Prophet said Allahu Allah, he was selling made clear. And another Hadith

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was standing on multiple hurts with the same three. I will Bucha Amara and Earthman Radi Allahu Anhu or Hotstar to shake the province Allahu Allah He was in and put his foot dance and earthborn stay still a word, because barely upon you is in a beat a prophet and submit a truthful one. And to share Hades to martyrs. And how did it Omar? Roby Allahu Anhu die and how did Earthman die? Both of them were unjustly killed, murdered and died as Shaheed as martyrs, as the prophets that Allahu Allah He was telling me that clear.

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All of this shows us as we live as Muslims 1400 years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent, and we say subhanallah look at these events, the promises and said they would happen, and sure enough, all of them happens.

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Also, we gain and we benefit from this hadith.

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When we look at the Sahaba, and how they looked at Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they wanted to be with him. He was ever who says I'm gonna free my day to be with Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said, I want to be in His service. They want to get agile, they want to get reward, and they want to benefit. All of the other Sahaba are coming out looking for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well to be with him to benefit from him.

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And this makes us ask ourselves, How can we be with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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Is it not possible for us to be with him and Hamdulillah we can be with him through his sunnah through his serology salat wa salam by taking time out of our day to learn his sunnah by taking time out of our day to read his C Reilly salaatu wa Salaam and to implement it in our lives. If we strive to do this will strive in the way of the Sahaba to be with Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you look at the Sahaba

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and how they dealt with Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how they strove to follow his sunnah when they saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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how he had raised his garments and put his his legs into the water, uncovering his calves.

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They did the same thing is this from the Sunnah is the reward in it, that if you sit down on the wall and you raise your throat and you put your feet in that you're going to get some type of reward. It's nothing like that. But the Sahaba knew that true success was in following everything that the Prophet said Allahu Allah, he was telling us to do it, you know the Allahu, and when he was saying a dua that he had heard from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at the end of the DUA, he smiled, and he laughed a bit. And his companions asked him, Why did you do that? He said, Because I saw Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, say this dua, and then he smiled and he laughed like

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that. Is it part of the Sunnah, that we're gonna learn this dua every time we say we should laugh, it's not part of the reward that we get. But that's how much the Sahaba wanted to follow the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they know the only way to truly be successful is to implement everything that Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do while a coffee roaster in Switzerland Hassan. Allah made it clear to us in the Quran, that you have the perfect role model and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the US will have sinner, but the US will have.

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Who is it for? Who really benefits from it? Lehmann can al jewel law will Yeoman Yeoman advocate that whoever has hope to be successful when he meets the law and on the Day of Judgment, these are the ones who take Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as their role model following every single thing that he used to do.

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And we see

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and the days that we live in,

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many of the people turning away from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even some people who are scholars or do us you will find that their turn away from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you will find that the beards that used to be big started getting small and the way they look looking like Rasul Allah salah they started to change their look and they want to be more modern. So you want to fit in, you want to feed a we want to be able to reach a bigger crowd a bigger audience, Allahu Akbar, the true Baraka the true blessings is in following Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is what the Sahaba did, and that's why they were so

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successful. That's why they reach what they reached, and we will never reach any type of good

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until we follow the way of the Sahaba and following Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This hadith also teaches us the edit

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that we should have, when dealing with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how they came in, they took permission from a student Lawson Allahu Allah, he was salam. And from the most important edit that we have, is that we don't put anything in front of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his sunnah. Yeah, are you a Latina Amanullah to cut the mood mania de la he will SULI and the first verse in Surah Al gerat. Allah causes in the name of Eman Oh you have believed? Don't put anything in front of Allah and His Messenger Abdullah in our best road the Allahu Anhu he said What is the meaning don't put anything in front of Allah and His messenger. He said a don't say anything

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other than the Quran and the Sunnah. Once again, follow the Quran and the Sunnah. knows what I think it should be like this or maybe it's that way now. What did Allah say what did Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, and as he may or may not pay mentioned that after the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam putting something in front of him, which were forbidden from doing this if he said it's going against his sunnah Ali salatu salam, when you turn against the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you're putting something in front of Rasulullah sallallahu it he was sending you're preferring something other than Rasulullah sallallahu it he was

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selling BarakAllahu li Walakum from Quran he was sunnah whenever I know he couldn't be my fee Hema minute it will hikma Paulo poli ha That was stuck for Allah honey welcome First up Bureau who in who will afford Raheem

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Bismillahi woke up I was salatu salam ala Nabina Mustafa about my Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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From the clear benefits that we gain from this hadith is the virtues of the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu were mentioned in the Hadith. We know the virtues of the Khalifa. But what about Abu Musa Shadi?

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Radi Allahu Allah.

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Abdullah ibn face was his name. He was from the great parties of the Sahaba, the province of Allahu Allah He was selling him. As it was narrating the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari. He told him you were giving a helmsman from the Missouri meal of the family of the MS mod is the beautiful melody voice that you hear when you recite the Quran. Very

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beautiful voice when he recited the Quran, the province that Allahu alayhi wa sallam sent him to Yemen as a judge and as a teacher, and he was very famous for his reciting of the Quran and his night prayer Radi Allahu Akbar, Abu Musa Shadi

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Abu Bakr Siddiq, Amara Muna kebab or Earthman. And me I find

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all the Muslims know the status of these great Sahaba to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married Earth man, Robbie Allahu, and no rain,

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the no rain. Why was he named this? The Possessor of the two lights because he was married to two of the daughters of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that's how much the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam loved him. That's how much the province was entrusted him that he married him to two of his daughters. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, Who do you love the most? He said I showed the Allahu anha. And they said from the men, he said Abu Bakr and then he mentioned Omar and then he mentioned other men from the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu.

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And so he Muslim.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he was laying in the house of Al Shabaab, the Allah who wrote the Allahu Ana

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Abu Bakr came and entered into the house.

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And he said that the president he was covering as it came in the narration, either from his

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suck mean his cap off from his thighs. And the narrator doubted the narration as he mama no, he said, and pay attention to this because some people will come and see if he is permissible to uncover the thighs. It's permissible we play football that we were short shorts like they do

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because of the Hadith in Sahih Muslim, but at the narration says oh, it was either his calf or his thigh. So there's no evidence in that. And we know from other Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he saw someone having his thigh uncovered, he said that the fuck he said cover your thigh because the fuck this older, the thigh is older, you're not allowed to have it uncovered. So pay attention to that. As he was sitting there. Abu Bakr came in or the Allah Who and and then Omar came in. And then Earth man came in whenever a man came in, he said up at least salatu salam, and He adjusted his Malevich and pulled them his clothes and he pulled them down. He pulled them down even

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lower. And they asked him later, when I woke up came in you didn't adjust anything. When Omar came in. You didn't adjust anything but when it was mine came in. You adjusted your garments and you pulled them down lower. He said. Hola, esta HeMan Rosalyn? Yes the Haman hula Mala should not be modest in front of a man that even the angels are modest in front of him. This is Earth man even iPhone will be Allah one.

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Insane Buhari and it's very important as we end today's fooled by that you focus on this reminding ourselves of the status of the whole of our Rashidi the status and the importance of the Sahaba because many of the enemies of Islam who come and attack these great zahavi, they slander these great zahavi

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And they say it should have been it. It is the best no doubt it is one of the best but we always see in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu. It was in the praise for all of them. We always see the status of our book and Omar especially

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Abdullah bin Umar, Radi Allahu Anhu Maya and save Buhari. He said that the Sahaba How did the Sahaba how they understand he said that we never put any preference to any of the Sahaba ova or brokenness of deep number one from the Sahaba

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that is how that is how they understood is that all of us we understood Abu Bakr was the best. We didn't put anybody in front of our bucket, and then Omar, and then Earth man, and then after that we didn't differentiate between anybody from the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu it was also unassailable hottie

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Abdullah bin I bet so it'll be Allahu Anhu after the murder of Oman called thug. When they were repairing him upon his deathbed, people were coming in and making dua for him.

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And he said, I felt someone grabbed me from the back from my shoulders. And I turned around I saw Ali ibn Abi Taalib Radi Allahu and making dua for Ahmed al hubub. And he said, Omar, he said that no one has left behind deeds that I would like to have for myself to meet Allah with more than your deeds. And he's how impressed he is with Omar. The praise he has for Omar and Omar's deeds is a man he said, I wish I could have your deeds and meet Allah subhanaw taala with these deeds, this is how

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Sahaba look at these three great Sahaba Abu Bakr Omar Earthman Radi Allahu Anhu. And this hadith teaches of their virtues. And that's why Imam Muslim Rahim Allah Tala, and others unsalable, hottie and I'm Buhari he mentioned this hadith, in the full dialogue with man, Sal Buhari for by an Earth man the virtues of Earth man, and he mentioned this hadith to show the blessings in the virtues of Earth man, wrote the Allahu Akbar. And if we were to talk we could talk about after hookah about the virtues of Abu Bakr, Omar and Earth man, Radi Allahu Anhu and these are from the Sahaba, along with Eileen robiola, who and the whole of our Russia deem that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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ordered us to follow. It can be sooner it was sooner than could ever Russia the enemy by the outdo ally have an urgent it's upon you to follow my sunnah. And the Sunnah of the whole of Russia didn't who come after me, My dear brothers in Islam. We need to go home today. And we need to reflect on the story and the benefits that we gain from this story when it comes to striving to implement and follow Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in all aspects of our lives and remind ourselves of learning the virtues and the greatness of the Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to also follow in their footsteps to Matt Newman Rahim Allah Yeah, come on Allah Amara Combi AMA, but

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there'll be enough see Ethan method Nabi Mala ecotel Curam for Allah azza wa jal in Allah wa Mala Iike to you saloon Alan Nabhi Yeah, you already know him and also literally he was selling motors nema. We are pulling abuse on Allahu Allah He was salam Manansala on eBay, the salah Allahu Allah heavy I should all Allahumma salli wa sallam about Guatemala and Amina Mohammed or de la Mancha hola Rashidi in the buckler. Omar. Anyone says

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