Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Emergence 10 Tenets of Islamic Revival #8 Youth Emphasis

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The " emergent Sweden" movement aims to encourage people to return to their", while acknowledging the challenges faced by young people in the face of pandemic, including peer pressure, loss of traditional values, and violence. The speakers emphasize the need for women to be leaders in community and young people to be leaders in their own communities, as well as the importance of graduation standards and graduation standards in the digital age. They also discuss challenges faced by graduates in mental health, mental health, and depression, as well as the shift in Islam, a new program offered in February. The course costs $250,000 and is a 12-month course.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Everyone I hope you're doing well. My name is Mahmoud Hudson and I will be your host for today's talk inshallah.

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In quick shout, Abdullah has joined us immediately in sha Allah. But before we begin, I do want to wait for a couple of minutes until some people join us is our sha Allah. Allah, how are you doing today?

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I want to love everything is fine hamdulillah Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you shall I give you agenda today we're both home so the scenery looks a little bit different. Um

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those of you who are joining us I want to give you a couple of moments right now in sha Allah to go ahead and share the stream share this live stream so other people can join us with the light Allah. I see Sahaja has joined us as usual mela supernode Allah bless you barakallahu avec

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I'm off from Germany. La Aqua. We have some people joining us from London

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let's go ahead and wait for some people to join us and Sharma go ahead and share this stream go ahead and like it just to get the algorithm going inshallah so we can get more people to join us be delight Allah.

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May Allah bless your.

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So as we're beginning to talk today

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chabela The emergence is a series have you call not really steps but a series of really important points that you are talking about that you've been collecting over the the past couple of years, a couple of years, but over a long time really in a sense, after studying the community, internationally, abroad and all around the world, just want to go ahead and introduce to Austria the whole idea of the emergent Sweden that Adam Miller murder hemocytes will serve us who allow about

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the emergence or the Islamic awakening

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is a movement coming from stagnation. Or you could say coming from survival as Muslims to revival and for the past few decades.

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The Muslim community throughout the world has gone into a type of stagnation. And that is that if you go back to the 60s, you will see that there were Islamic movements happening, countries was still liberating themselves. There was a free flow of information. And there are a number of calamities struck the Muslim world, September 11, struck this part of the world. And things got clamped, things got closed down. And Muslims found themselves in a very difficult situation. And now that we look at the 21st century, going into 2021, we realize 2020 has only increased this lockdown. And that is, of course, with the pandemic that is going on, and the difficulties economically, that

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people are facing. And so in traveling through the Muslim world, in interfacing with communities, I found that there were certain issues that were repeating themselves over and over again. And if we did not address these issues, we would not be able to achieve the different goals that we needed in order to emerge from the stagnation into a point of Islamic revival. And so, after years in the field, I collected these thoughts together, to be able to present them in a solid way to communities, I had the opportunity to present it on the African continent. I presented it in South Africa, in South Africa, also in West Africa, and Sierra Leone.

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In countries like Australia, in Europe, the Americas, and people generally related to it, but it's especially in the Western world, where these points resonated with the community. And so

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the 10 tenets, in a sense, a like building blocks, they are part of a structure of an emergence. And they begin with an increase in taqwa that we should increase our consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala, we should return to authentic sources, and separate our Islam, from our culture, we should focus on character, as opposed to rituals. It's not just how you make your prayer. But it's why do you pray? What are we getting out of our hatch out of our fasting, we also need to pray to Allah for wisdom, and ballots, and really try to foster this within the younger generation. Because extremism is throwing our communities off the bat.

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The fifth point, which is more and more important, was healthy, empowered families. And that is that our physical health, our spiritual health needs to be strengthened, especially the women folk, that women need to be not just custodians of the home. But women need to be scholars need to be leaders, they need to be involved in all the different aspects of our community. How do we go about this shorter,

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mutual consultation, that we constantly communicate with each other, in order to not be individuals, but to be more of a collective, and that collective comes about with point number seven, with what I call.

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It's a type of cooperation and unity. And that

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structural unity that we have is one where we are able to recognize each other, the strengths and the weaknesses of each other, and move as a Jabbar. And point number eight, that we are now and that is an emphasis on the youth, the younger generation. And so this is a nutshell, which takes us right up to point number eight.

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And today's number eight point is something that many people have actually brought up before the time for it came right because I think everybody recognizes the importance of that what we're what we're really hoping to talk about today. So go ahead and introduce us to today's talk, which is the emphasis on the youth show. Yes, this concept of the youth came about again, when I was involved in the Jeremy mosque in Toronto 85 to 90 and then traveling to different communities and I recognize, especially during the EAD celebration, because the EAD is a time when the

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The whole community generally comes out together. And then those communities that

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encourage women to come out to eat, and they used to come out, I noticed that the vast majority of the people were actually youth, and women. And I ran into a United Nations study. And this was a shocking study for me. And it was dealing with the 21st century.

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As we're coming into the 21st century, the United Nations took a survey of countries all over the world. And they called this century

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age of youth. This is the age How did they come about this, they found out

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that 45% of the world population is actually under 25 years old.

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In many other Muslim countries, we even found that it was even 60% Hmm. So if you did take all the people and put them out on one plane, you got to see the majority are young people,

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young people who will live in the future. And so without direct focus on the issues of the youth, in a practical way to provide solutions for the youth, there's no way that we can emerge and come out as a solid community. And we find the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim, right from the beginning, had youth around him. Many of the early companions were actually young people, when you look at after Khadija and alberca. You see Alia better, be taller, really allow one. And you'll see a mehriban, Yassir, and you'll see so many young people were actually in the early companions, and all the way through the life of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. But what was surprising about this

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they focus on the crises of youth around the world. And I want to just go through these crises with you this 10 points, I want to just list these 10 points. This is something that we can spend a period of time in, and I hope, inshallah, to be able to have an ongoing workshop with the brothers and sisters and our friends to really look at these points on tails. Point number one was materialism, the youth are facing a crisis in materialism, like never before. When they looked at the world, they found that 3 billion people in the world live on less than $2.50 per day,

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over 50% of the children in the world, live in poverty. So materialism, this is one of the dominating factors of the world today, the bankers have now come forward, bankers are running most of our countries. Number two, atheism,

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a new movement of the belief in no God is going through the world, raging through our economic systems, and it is having a big influence on the youth. Number three, and think about Muslim youth as I go through these points, because this is all use of the challenges and crises that they're in is peer pressure. That youth are more affected by their peers, by their friends, and by the styles, and by what's coming on the internet, and whatever than they are by their values, or their parents, or their church, synagogue, or mosque.

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Number four, a loss of traditional values. This is happening across the board, whether it be Christian, Jewish, Hindu, whatever it is, people are now losing their values. I call it the mcdonaldization of the world. You know, McDonald's, you find McDonald's everywhere. I remember coming into an Arab country, a Muslim country, I won't say which one it is. We left the airport. It was very early in the morning, it was dark. And as we came in, the first thing we saw was a gold.

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One called z they called it MC Arab.

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Right. So it's the mcdonaldization of the world. The young people would rather have burgers and fries than their own traditional food. But that's critical for Muslims because if we lose our traditional values, that means the core and the Sunder Islamic lifestyle. That's the basis of our way of life. So if we lose these values, we're gone as a nation, and will never emerge. Number five, violence,

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violence, the human beings have developed the ability to kill like never before. And the younger generation are coming up in a world where life is cheap, and they're seeing death all the time.

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Even if they're playing video games, they see death around them violence killing

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number six disease. And this generally was a lack of health facilities. But now, of course, this point has really come to life with Coronavirus. So this younger generation is coming up in a world of lockdown. And that is a crisis for them. Number seven, unemployment, unemployment and poverty. The younger generation isn't isn't a crucial situation with this. Number eight, illegal drug use the abuse of drugs and the spread of these illegal drugs. And don't forget, alcohol is drugs in liquid form.

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and Canadian doctors found out that alcohol has a worse effect on a human being than cocaine, and heroin.

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This is a crisis for us holla. Number nine,

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idle time, this is a heavy point. This is United Nations. Now we look at our community. One of the crises of the youth is idle time hanging around not having proper recreation. And so recreation is one of our crises in all of our communities. What are the youth doing on a Friday night? What are they doing on Saturday night crisis. And if we don't solve this, we're not going to emerge as a community. And number 10 is racism, which takes the form of white supremacy. And of course, we know, Islamophobia.

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These are 10 points, which are international, but also directly affects our community. And I recognized how serious these issues were, I want to give you some solutions. And again, I'm listing these points with the intention inshallah, to come back at you really cover these points, in more details with our brothers and sisters, because we really need to talk these things up. But I actually guess before I break you off, before, you know, I interrupt you, I do want to understand when you're pointing out these, these 10 points. Are you saying that these points didn't actually exist in the times of the prophet SAW a lot of some of these, like new phenomena is is is what's

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happening here? As you're seeing it? Some of the points did and some of them did not. Mm hmm. Do you know, this is something specific to the 21st century on modern day? Yeah, what the United Nations did was they, they took a survey of communities all over the world. And they found that the use of the majority, and they were in a crisis, and some of the things hitting the youth today.

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You know, like peer pressure and you know, some of the things I'm not necessarily the same. I'm also even gets the the the the emergence of social media and, and being connected but yet not like social media, what it does is that it gives you the feeling that you are connected to people, but at the same time you are not because you could be in a sitting in the same room with everybody around you. But you're not connected to them, you're connected, somebody else was far away from you. So it completely gives the wrong like, mental feeling, I guess. Okay, let's talk solutions, a Sharla. Yes, I want to list some of the solutions for you. And again, these are issues that we need to workshop

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to go into, and to get very practical. Number one, in terms of solutions, education,

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to bring our youth out, and we focus on the youth, it doesn't mean pat them in the head and give them some sweets, no education, Islamic education, of course, authentic Islamic education, and then a broad based type of education. Number two, empowerment. So the intent of the education is not to have a certificate, but it is empowerment. So we need to focus with the youth on skills, development, those skills that will raise their self esteem, and also make them useful in society, to be able to provide, you know for themselves and to a certain extent, to survive in the world that we are living in because the time is going to come. When is our skills that's going to save us not

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dollars, because these dollars and cents, will become nothing in the time of the economic recession. Number three siara based teachings. In other words, using the biography of the prophet SAW Selim and his companions to to have a type of positive peer pressure

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If we can, if a type of education dynamic education, where the youth can get the spirit, where they strive against each other, not doing wrong, not seeing who's close as the tightest, who follows the fashions the most positive peer pressure in Islamic sense, number four, alternative recreation, that there needs to be programming and recreation. So Friday night, Saturday night, that when the youth usually hang out, that is something for them to do, where they can maintain their faith. What's happening now is that most of the masternodes, if you go into the masternodes, once we come out of the lockdown, you will find that in many cases, the masternodes are basically for men over 45 years

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Other than that, it's not friendly. It's not friendly to women. It's not friendly to youth. So in many masjids, one of the brothers told me that one of the crisis they're facing in the United States, he was talking about Baltimore, and parts of the state, he said, when you go into many of the masters, and this is indigenous masters, also, you find that, you know, there's a lot of chairs, like that there's almost more chairs than there is people standing up.

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Meaning that most of the people who are praying, can't pray in a regular way. They're elderly people, where are the youth

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number five,

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engagement with society, that we have to get them involved with society, and show them how to survive as a Muslim, within the society around them. Number six, special attention on girls,

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girls have been neglected, there has to be special attention upon them, empowering them, and showing them how to survive. You know, in many places, the sisters are frontline, because they have to wear hijab, right? And they're going through crisis. Many times the brothers can hide themselves, put their baseball cap on and hide.

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But but there's got to be special attention placed on the girls. Number seven, youth involvement in leadership directly involved in the community, the family, the leadership of the Muslim Ummah, and number 10.

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Helping the youth to be involved in providing solutions, real solutions to society, getting them involved in the society providing Islamic solutions. So these are some of the, you know, areas, you know, that we can focus on. Again, we're going to need to come back to this

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very important areas for emergent

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shocks. So one of the things that I actually wanted to talk about, because there does seem to be a little bit of a focus nowadays that we will talk about the massages, and and the fact that there is

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I mean, I don't want to call it superficial. But there is a little bit of a focus on the fact that the massage did have a basketball games, for instance, they have these kinds of what we call like youth activities, what are your thoughts about these types of artificial, you know, these are important because you know, there needs to be recreation, that's one of the areas, but many times they just sort of set it up to get rid of the youth. So we're going to have our education, we're going to talk serious, just let them play ball. That's not the solution. Recreation is supposed to be for everybody, even for the adults. One of the important things, our guidance counselors, youth

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are making decisions for their life,

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to help them to guide them skills training, who's teaching them employed, ways that they can be employed. You see, these are important things for the youth. Because there's a tendency in some communities I visited, they just sort of like take the ball to the youth go on the corner and play. Yeah, on the basketball court. It's almost it's almost a feeling of like belittling the fact that the the youth have actual real issues, they have real discussions. And I mean, I'll actually I'll propose an idea that I honestly think that the youth nowadays, those who are under the age of 25, and under phrases have more complex lives than I have had and that you may have had the decisions to

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have about their careers are much more difficult. They face a lot more mental health, illness and depression issues. And you know, I'm going to be really awesome even more frank, I think the the, the danger on the religion, their system of belief is a lot harder.

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Talk of atheism, for instance, we have a lot more atheist

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professors, for instance, who are always, you know, in the universities and in high schools, and so on and so forth. We're teaching them all these kinds of ideas and ideologies.

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That's right. And you know, especially with the, with the introduction of the digital technology, with the cell phones and the internet, they are bombarded in cyberspace. And that's something that we did not get on that level. In my time, of course, radios, televisions, you know, internet just sort of beginning, but life was more simple. You could actually enjoy, you know, outside, we spent more time playing outside, you know, the sports, whatever, hiking, just, you know, moving around, now, children, you know, are bombarded with this internet, with the cyberspace. So, the life becomes complex, because a lot of signals are coming through cyberspace, there's too much noise. Yeah,

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there's too much noise in their lives. Yeah, it's noise, too many things happening. And again, this also takes them away from the remembrance of Allah, this noise that's coming, it makes it much more difficult to memorize the court and much more difficult to, to get into the life of the prophet SAW Selim, or you know, Hadeeth, that the traditional Islamic sciences, these sciences take quiet, it takes focus. And sometimes this noise, coming through cyberspace, takes you out of focus, and puts you sometimes on the wrong.

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One of the things that I that I honestly used to always enjoy about the seal of the prophets of Allah is and he's the one he used to engage with the youth is that there was this sense of one on one type of engagement, you know, yeah, when I'm in your liberal calima, this is a prophecy, lots of them, and a young man writing behind him and you know, but nowadays, you don't find scholars, you don't find images, you don't find you doing the one on one, if anything, it's a big class that is, you know, full of students references where it becomes almost kind of difficult for the youth to ask questions

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that are like, you know, that are simple, you know? Yeah, well, I'm cool. BMA. Kakuma elite, these are like, the types of things that that happen. Yeah, you see what I'm saying to you. And I honestly find that it's missing there is not that, that that that one on one feeling anymore. That's right. And it's studying the life of sacrament and folio and great Maliki scholars in West Africa and North Africa. And other parts of the Muslim world. You they have a system used by other Muslims is called Mu lasma. system. And this millesimal system was, you don't just study in a classroom and go home, you live with the chef. You learn more from the edip from the characteristics and qualities and

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character of the shack than you do book knowledge. So many times when they talk about a student, his relation, they say lezama who velocimeter tam. So they say he stayed with this color, completely. And sometimes you'll even find the students work for the chef. Maybe the fields out there after the class, they're there in the field, or they're helping him with his business. You know, so so this is a character exchange. And that is so important for the younger generation. Today in this world. Without the youth, we're not going to emerge. It's not going to work with men over 45 years old. In a Masjid, they're the majority now. They are the people who live in the future. And this strength

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has always enabled the Muslim world

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itself. They have the energy and the strength as as you say it as well. The energy. Absolutely. For those of you who are just joining us here this is my name is Ramon Hassan we tshabalala Hakeem quick, and we are talking about the emergence This is 10 points for Islamic revival. But I'm also sharing a couple Hakeem quicks website here because I do want to tell you about this brand new course the shift is going to be offering in February the light Allah Islamic that's that's Black History Month. And the website is Hakeem quick calm once you go onto the website itself, you'll go ahead and you'll see on the very top right hand side here, there is home block courses you can go on

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through their courses. And it brings you to this new courses offer that's being offered on the African sunrise shear Hoffman and folio shock method folio was the subject of chabela Hakeem quest, PhD studies. And this course is is a really I'm really looking forward to it because this is a really awesome talk that we're going to be talking about baby and a toddler, the lions den for you a true revivalist. Why is he so relevant today? Why he pursued revival and not reform and convictions.

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versus facts about his life and his teachings. And you'll see that the sheer Abdullah Hakim quick, oftentimes quotes this man. And this is the first time I actually hear about him. Because I, you know, as I said in the first, I guess, really the first life that we have is that we hear a lot about a lot of scholars

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who are who have, who come from a specific type of, you know, from geographical areas, because of just basically the political, I guess, really makeup of the Muslim world, right. But we as Muslims, we have to know the diversity of our scholars, we have to know how our scholars come from different types of the world and how, because they came from different types of the worlds, their views different and their opinions also different on things where it requires some sort of jihad inshallah shahidullah. Go ahead and tell us what this course will be like.

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Yes, this course is a Black History Month special, and it will be rolling out on the Saturdays. So Saturday afternoon, 130 to 330. So I international brothers and sisters can be involved. And it's not just a theoretical course. It's a practical course in the sense that we look at the concept of Islamic revival again. But now, we will actually go into West Africa, study the Society of a place called house or land

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and show the background of the shack, how he interacted. What was important about this scholar, because he is in a tradition of scholars of tax deed, the revival of scholars, and he fits right into the tradition, but what's different about him, and he Imam Al ghazali. Mr. masucci, you'll see a hustle and bustle, you'll see great scholars. The difference is with him is that he's a complete package. Not only did he learned the deen, not only did he influence the ideas of his society, but his followers were literally attacked by their enemies, and they defeated

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their enemies and they opened up 250,000 square miles. And they governed under Sharia law. And this is old, and it's this is 100 years before the coming of the British. And so it's still alive in West Africa. And we even connected during the slavery period. There were some of the enslaved African people in the Americas, who were actually from his movement and his teachings. And there are people now Following this, so this is real. And I was so inspired by his teachings, I was actually using his teachings in the Jami mosque. And and I'm going to show you in the course, how I applied some of these teachings, you know, to real Islamic life in the 21st century,

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absolutely bought a call of action from Allah subhanaw taala Bless you, inshallah. My brothers and respected sisters go ahead and register I have just put the registration link on here. This is going to be an amazing course in sha Allah, Allah also, one of the discussions that I've had with the chef here, which is the fact that the the course does cost because it is something that that's that that's being spent on. But in case if you want to actually take the course and you feel like the actual, the fee for it is too high, go ahead and send an email to the chef through the website itself. And we will go ahead and see if there is some sort of scholarship that we can find for you.

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I hope that's still the case. Yeah. Oh, yes. And we also want to

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encourage our brothers and sisters who have the means to sponsor student? Absolutely, yes, they can also sponsor, because this really is a collective effort. And the idea is knowledge, not about money. It's about empowerment, of our brothers and sisters and those interested how to learn more about Islam and Muslims, especially Black History Month to learn about African Muslims and

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the amazing history that happened on that continent. So the email address to send you the email shaft is info at Hakeem quick.com that will be the light Allah to bring all the information that anyone needs to connect with the shahan I see it here on the website, but I'm also going to type it here in sha Allah so anybody can get it. And for that

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reason, the light elegance icon will lock out mela mela Subhana Allah bless you and give you agenda. If there is a final word that you'd like to share with everybody Sharla Yes, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easy on the Muslims who are suffering during this, this pandemic and those who have died as martyrs. And we also ask Allah subhanaw taala to ease the world and all the suffering in this planet. I leave you with these thoughts and ask a lot Have mercy on me, and you will after the DA Juana. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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Baraka life equals epsilon alicona. Hola.

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