Abdullah Hakim Quick – Reminders The Blessings Of Islam

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of truthful speech in Islam, the expansion of humanity, and the use of technology to produce Islamic programming. They also touch on the success of peace TV and the potential for consciousness achieved through technology. The struggles of becoming the true believer and the need for change in the process of becoming the true believer are also discussed, along with the importance of faith and the need for change in the process of becoming the true believer. Pranksters and the Prophet peace be upon him are also mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then they asked him a messenger of Allah. What would be the main reason why people will enter Hellfire and he said alhfam Well, Farage, he said the mouth and the private paths

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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In the name of Allah, most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praises due to Allah Lord of the worlds, and May peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions forever. I begin with the greeting words of the righteous. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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One of the great blessings and mercies and being Muslim today is that the words of Allah subhanaw taala that were revealed over 1400 years ago, are still a source of inspiration. And Allah has revealed to us in Surah Toba verse 119. Yeah, you had Latina Armando topo, la Hakuna Masada pain, oh you who believe, have the consciousness of Allah, and be with the truthful. And this truthfulness is not only in Word, but it is also Indeed, the truthfulness should be something which surrounds the whole life of the believer. And this truthfulness is so important in the last days, that our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, has revealed in an authentic hadith, that they

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would come in the last days, kept their bone dead Lune, great liars, to the point of being false prophets, they will come to you with a type of speech that you know your parents have ever heard of before. And so be aware of them, be aware that they take you astray. And beware that they put you into a trial and the temptation. So Dr. Rasulullah, he has spoken the truth, for surely we have come to these times today. with digital technology, humanity has developed the ability to make what is true, seen false, and to make what is false, appear to be true. And so we are able to manipulate sound, to manipulate colors, to change the scenery, before the eyes of the viewers. And this

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technology can enable us to either educate people throughout the planet simultaneously, or we could confuse people all around the planet. And so it is of critical importance for Muslims to depend upon truthful sources. And that is, first the book of Allah subhanaw taala, the poor, and that we should first depend upon this as our chief source. If there is an incident in the world, if there is something in my life or your life, we should first look to the book of Allah for guidance, and then to the words of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

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After this, our great sources of Islam are great scholars and the guidance that has come to us, we should look at these in categories and try to understand what is going on. And then with this base, we can try to understand the world today. This is of critical importance for the Muslims, because the times are changing so rapidly. And there are so many events happening in the world. And young people especially are becoming confused. But if that Quranic basis is there, if the words of the Prophet peace be upon them are there to give us the light that we need in the times of darkness, then we have a solid basis with which to deal with the world around us. Muslims find themselves

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going through great changes. Our nation is expanding all over the world. We are now learning to use this technology. And Allah has blessed the Muslim world with the technology to produce Islamic programming. And also on the internet. We are able to have Islamic websites. We have Islamic radio stations, television stations, there are so many books being written by Muslims. And so we are blessed to have our original sources and also the sources of the truthful ones to be with us so that we can try to understand what is going on in the world. The Prophet peace be upon him another Hadith which is so interesting, and this is reported in the Muslim Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah, He said that the

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last hour would not appear until Fitton until trials and tribulations would appear in the land and lying would become widespread. And then he said in Arabic, what's called a swap. This is very interesting because he said, not only will lying be widespread, and temptations and trials be widespread, but he also said the marketplaces

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We'll come close. And when the great scholars looked at this in times close to the salon, they may have thought that yes, the marketplace will come from way outside and will be close to my home. But look at us today. Allah has blessed us with a new understanding. We can even in our own bedroom, open up the laptop and go on to the international marketplace. And so not only is the marketplace right outside of our home, but it has entered into our very bedrooms. So Docker Rasulullah alayhi salatu salam, surely our beloved prophet has spoken the truth, he also told us peace be upon him, he spoke about the whole column, that depends would appear that writing would be widespread throughout

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the planet. And this is so important for us to focus upon these words, the prophet peace be upon him did not speak from himself. But his words were a form of revelation from Allah subhanaw taala, Allah gave him the insight, and Allah gave him the the the overview of what would happen right into the Day of Resurrection. And so we find ourselves now, in the time of digital technology, we find ourselves with the ability to manipulate with so much information that has come to us. And we find that scholars, Islamic scholars, and even families can possess large volumes of Islamic material. In the past, it may have taken Muslims, months and years. Before they could, they could collect one

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But today, through the use of the computer, we can have 1000s of Hadith in our home, we are able to access the information of scholars who lived all over the planet. But what was the difference? What was the difference between the scholars of the past the Muslims of the past, and the Muslims of today?

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One of the great differences is that they were truthful. They were with the sada teen. Not only did they take in this information intellectually, but they confirmed it in their hearts, and their limbs acted out what they were told. And so Allah subhanaw taala, bless them. And the knowledge became beneficial, not just book knowledge, but the knowledge became a lifestyle. And that lifestyle traveled all throughout the planet. That lifestyle influenced people in Asia and Europe and Africa, in the Americas and the Middle East. In every part of the world. At some point in time, Muslims traveled throughout the land. And Allah subhanaw taala blessed them, to be able to not only take in

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the information, but to give it over to other people. These are the sada teen.

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And Allah has encouraged us has informed us that we should have consciousness of his existence, we should fear Allah and hope in the mercy of Allah. And this taqwa would become a with piaa. It is a shield surrounding us, to protect us from the forces of evil, to protect us from the temptations on a spiritual level. And on a physical level. This work higher would protect us from the many plots and trials that we see in the world today. And as in the case of the Sahaba

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the essence would not be based upon numbers. But the essence of victory would be based upon the quality, the seeds, the truthfulness, that makes the Muslim, not only just a person who practices rituals, but a source of inspiration, and Revelation. And so

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I leave you with these thoughts.

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And I pray that Almighty God Allah subhanaw taala would bless me and bless you with this truthfulness, that allow it blessed us to be able to take in the words, the divine inspiration from above seven heavens, to take into words from the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam to put this into our lives and to make this relevant in the world today. It is a great challenge to be Muslim today. It is a great source of blessing. And I pray that you would be successful and that I would be successful and that we could change the world. Apolo Polly Heather Rostock for lolly welcome, I say what I have said, and I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you were Salam. Wa Alaykum

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Assalamu alaikum peace beyond it's my profound pleasure to welcome all of you to watch.

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Now also being telecast in USA and Canada, as well as in UK and Europe, you your friends, relatives and others can tune into peace TV in USA and Canada on galaxy 25 k 397 degrees west two by three, vertical symbol rate 28125. Frequency 11789.

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World TV 65 in UK and euro, Euro bird, one f one l 28.5 degrees east two by three, vertical symbol rater 2750011681

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sky TV two three in Asia, Middle East Africa and Australia. Intelsat 10 past 10 68.5 degrees east two by threes vertical symbol rate three to five zero frequency 378 3.2546 degrees east free buy for vertical symbol rate to 7500. Frequency 12207 now peace TV being telecast worldwide. Watch it. For more information log on to www peace TV dot o RG www peace tv.tv

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these peaceful Peace

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Peace TV the solution for humanity

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My name is

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my sacrifice my life and my death are all for Allah Sustainer of the world.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim In the name of Allah most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praises due to Allah Lord of the worlds and may the choices peace and blessings be sent upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions forever. I begin with the greeting words of Islam assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah Alhamdulillah, or praise the due to Allah. Muslims throughout the planet have been united as one oma.

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And as the basis of this unity.

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Allah subhanaw taala has revealed divine inspiration,

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words in the Arabic language that were relevant in the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them over 1400 years ago, and are still relevant today and will continue to be relevant to this world until the Day of Resurrection. And within this glorious book, in certain Magadha verse 35, a lot tells us are the Billahi min ash shaytani regime? Yeah, are you hella Dina Armand Taku la hora de vous la hiwassee Allah, wa he do feasability law Allah come to flown. Oh you who believe have the consciousness of Allah and seek a means of coming close to Allah and strive and struggle.

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In his path, in order that you will be successful. So in these this verse we see a divine process, that we are not left with a single thought. But Allah subhanaw taala gives us a process that takes us from a beginning, all the way through to a conclusion.

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In the beginning, we see oh that believe is those who have Eman have been commanded. That they should have the consciousness of Allah. That they should have Taqwa. And this taqwa is allow for Raja, it is fear and hope. It is not mainly fear it is a combination and that is a stimulus. So, the stimulation of fearing something, the stimulation of hoping for something brings you towards it. And so that stimulus develops a type of consciousness, which should affect the believer in everything that he or she does. But the second stage after we have the consciousness of Allah, we are aware of the Presence of Allah that Allah with his knowledge, upon which Allah is closer to us than our

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Once we understand this, then we are told webtop, who elated was sila, seek a means of coming close to him. And these were surreal these means could be through prayer, through fasting, through Hajj, pilgrimage through Zakat, giving in charity, whatever possible means that has been prescribed to us that we could come close to the Creator, then we should try to take these means. And so the consciousness then leads us to a type of action. We are aware of the Presence of Allah and then we do something to seek coming close to Allah subhanaw taala to gain his pleasure to be able to be of those who are purified and blessed by the Creator in this life and the next, but it doesn't end

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there. It continues on after we come close to Allah subhanaw taala. Then we need to strive and struggle in his path. And this striving and struggling in his path. It begins with our own knifes and there is a struggle that goes on within every individual. Should I wake up in the morning for salata. fudger should I give up my wealth, although I have bills to pay?

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Should I fast in Ramadan? Although I think that I am weak. Can I go to the pilgrimage in Mecca, although I would like to go on a vacation.

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And so this is the struggle that all believers find themselves in. And people who who are coming close to Islam and looking at Islam, when they see the believers involved in this, they realize that this is not just a religion of paper. This is this is a living process. And so the consciousness of Allah

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seeking a means of coming close to Allah, and then striving and struggling in his path in the past 100 years or so, what has happened in the Muslim world is that in many countries Muslims have become the the slaves of rituals. Instead of being Abdullah, we become Abdul Ramadan.

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Abdul Ramadan is very busy in the masjid during the month, but outside of the month you can't find him anymore. Abdullah is a different situation. Up to laws, Lord is alive and never dies. And there is even a different phenomena there's even a stranger phenomena. In some communities there's even Abdoulaye lotto cutters, and that is the slave of the night of power. On the 27th night he comes to the masjid she comes to the mash and they pray so many rockets and then when they finish a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah. I'll see you next year.

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That is not the true believer, the true believer is Abdullah, he or she is the one who submit to Allah constantly throughout the year. So that when the month of Ramadan is over, the Salah continues. When the month is over, there are other forms of fasting that the Prophet peace be upon him used to engage him. When the month of Ramadan is over, there is the hajus coming when Hodges over there are other actions throughout the year there is Juma There is also calling to the good and forbidding evil. There are so many different ways that we can express ourselves. This is the completion of our faith. This is where our a Bader then goes to a higher stage because it becomes

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part of the Divine process and that process

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takes us out of being stagnated into becoming the dynamic community. This dynamism we found in the time of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. How do we think that a small group of people, without technology, without weaponry, without vast armies, without this powerful technology? How do we think that they were able to take the message all the way around this planet? Some people even went as far as China, Saudi Arabia, what class rhodiola Juan. And so we find that Islam was all over the planet, and these people who did not have the riches of the world, were able to take Islam, to the mountains, to the deserts, to the seas, all throughout the planet, because their religion was a

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process. And similarly, today, we are in a great challenge. We have become a nation of rituals. And these rituals now need to change the dynamism of the world, the 21st century that we are in as an age of action, it is no longer just an age of words. Islam is not just a cultural identity. It's not a family name. It's not something that we inherit because we could be deceived. If we think Well, my father was a great scholar, and I don't have to mix a lot. I don't have to study My father was an Imam. Or we say no, my mother used to give us a cat. I don't have to pay a cat.

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And so that is a form of deception.

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The reality is the process. And that is the consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala. seeking the means of coming close to him, put that consciousness into action.

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That month of Ramadan, that fasting, that beautiful taqwa that was strengthened in the month of Ramadan. Why was it strengthened? It was not only for the month, but it was strengthened to last all throughout the year, that Hajj, that inshallah hajima bra that it was accepted by Allah insha Allah and if this happened, that purity of the individual returning from the Hajj should influence his business, it should influence his relationship with his family, his understanding of politics, of social life, economic, like all phases of his existence should change when the process is in motion.

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And so I pray that Almighty Allah subhanaw taala would give us this complete Islam and would enable us to be that dynamic nation that opens it arms to the rest of the world. The world is in need of great change today. The world is in need of those who can come close. The final part of the process after taqwa after coming close, and after striving is alpha. That is success. And I pray that Almighty God Allah subhanaw taala would give success to all of us in this life and the next and I pray that he would forgive us for those things that we have done in mistake. Apolo Polly Heather was talk for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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courage it takes to stand up for what you believe in. courage it takes to be true and righteous. courage it takes to dare and answer you

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No questions, be a social, political, economic, educational, or religious to get clear and convincing answers, gesture courage and question me in the US.

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Dan to us next on peace TV.

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Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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Abdullah bin Massoud may Allah be pleased with him, rated that the Prophet, peace be upon him said truthfulness leads to Albert, that is by T, righteousness and every act of obedience to Allah and anger leads to paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth, until he becomes acidic, that is a truthful person. False leads to alpha Jews, that is wickedness, evil doing etc. And unfortunately, leads to the Hellfire and a man keeps on telling lies, till he is written as a liar before Allah agreed upon. So he l Buhari, volume eight kita bola de book of manners, Chapter 69, deep number 609 fo Sahih Muslim volume for a tabula rasa La Villa de book of virtues, good manners, and joining of

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the ties of relationships, Chapter 1079, the number 6307.

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Allah subhanaw taala blessed them to be able to not only take in the information, but to give it over to other people. These are the sides of pain.

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And Allah has encouraged us has informed us that we should have consciousness of his existence, we should fear a law and hope in the mercy of Allah. And this taqwa would become a whip prior, it is a shield surrounding us, to protect us from the forces of evil, to protect us from the temptations on a spiritual level, and on a physical level. This work I would protect us from the many plots and trials that we see in the world today. And as in the case of the Sahaba

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the essence would not be based upon numbers. But the essence of victory would be based upon the quality of the seeds, the truthfulness that makes the Muslim not only just a person who practices rituals, but a source of inspiration, and Revelation. And so

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I leave you with these thoughts.

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And I pray that Almighty God Allah subhanaw taala would bless me and bless you with this truthfulness that allow it bless us to be able to take in the words, the divine inspiration from above seven heavens, to take into words from the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam to put this into our lives and to make this relevant in the world today. It is a great challenge to be Muslim today. It is a great source of blessing. And I pray that you would be successful and that I would be successful and that we could change the world. I follow Callie Heather. What I stopped for lolly welcome. I say what I have said, and I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you. But salam wa Alaykum

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Assalamu alaikum

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peace beyond. It's my profound pleasure to welcome all of you to watch.

00:29:30 --> 00:29:59

Now also being telecast in USA and Canada, as well as in UK and Europe. You your friends, relatives and others can tune into peace TV, in USA and Canada on galaxy 25 k 397 degrees west two by three, vertical symbol rate 28125, frequency 11789 and on World TV 65

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in UK and yada, yada bird, one f one l 28.5 degrees east two by three, vertical symbol rater 2750011681.

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Sky TV two three in Asia, Middle East Africa and Australia. Intelsat 1010 68.5 degrees east two by threes vertical symbol rate three to five zero frequency 378 3.25 426 degrees east three by four, vertical symbol rate 27500. Frequency 12207 now peace TV being telecast worldwide. Watch it. For more information log on to www peace TV dot o RG www pstd.tv

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peaceful Peace

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Peace TV the solution for humanity

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a bit the moment

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was put on

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a diet

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My name is

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my sacrifice my life and my death are all for Allah Sustainer of the world.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim In the name of Allah most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praises are due to Allah Lord of the worlds and may the choices peace and blessings be sent upon our beloved Prophet Mohammed and his family and his companions forever. I begin with the greeting words of Islam assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah Alhamdulillah, or praise the due to Allah. Muslims throughout the planet have been united as one oma. And as the basis of this unity.

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Allah subhanaw taala has revealed divine inspiration,

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words in the Arabic language that were relevant in the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him over 1400 years ago, and are still relevant today and will continue to be relevant to this world and to the Day of Resurrection. And within this glorious book, in certain Magadha verse 35, a lot tells us our ooh Billahi min ash shaytani regime. Yeah, you had Latina Armando, taco la ha Webster, who la hiwassee Allah, wa he do feasability la la come to Flynn, oh you who believe have the consciousness of Allah and seek a means of coming close to Allah and strive and struggle in his path, in order that you would be successful. So in these this verse, we see a divine process, that

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we are not left with a single thought. But Allah subhanaw taala gives us a process that takes us from a beginning, all the way through to a conclusion.

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In the beginning, we see Oh, that believe is those who have Eman have been commanded. That they should have the consciousness of Allah. That they should have Taqwa. And this taqwa is allow for Raja. It is fear and hope. It is not mainly fear it is a combination and that is a stimulus. So the stimulation of fearing something, the stimulation of hoping for something better

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brings you towards it. And so that stimulus develops a type of consciousness, which should affect the believer in everything that he or she does. But the second stage after we have the consciousness of Allah, we are aware of the Presence of Allah that Allah with his knowledge upon which Allah is closer to us than our juggling. Once we understand this, then we are told what to tell who la Hill was sila, seek a means of coming close to him. And these were surreal these means could be through prayer, through fasting, through Hajj, pilgrimage through Zakat, giving in charity, whatever possible means that has been prescribed to us, that we could come close to the Creator, then we

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should try to take these means. And so the consciousness then leads us to a type of action. We are aware of the Presence of Allah, and then we do something to seek coming close to Allah subhanaw taala to gain his pleasure to be able to be of those who are purified and blessed by the Creator in this life and the next. But it doesn't end there. It continues on after we come close to Allah subhanaw taala then we need to strive and struggle in his path. And this striving and struggling in his path. It begins with our own knifes and there is a struggle that goes on within every individual. Should I wake up in the morning for salado fudger should I give up my wealth although I

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have bills to pay?

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Should I fast in Ramadan? Although I think that I am weak? Can I go to the pilgrimage in Mecca although I would like to go on a vacation.

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And so this is the struggle that all believers find themselves in. And people who who are coming close to Islam and looking at Islam, when they see the believers involved in this, they realize that this is not just a religion of paper. This is this is a living process. And so the consciousness of Allah

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seeking a means of coming close to Allah and then striving and struggling in his path in the past 100 years or so, what has happened in the Muslim world is that in many countries Muslims have become the the slaves of rituals. Instead of being Abdullah, we become Abdu Ramadan,

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Abdul Ramadan is very busy in the masjid during the month, but outside of the month you can't find him anymore. Abdullah is a different situation. Abdullah Lord is alive and never dies. And there is even a different phenomena there's even a strange phenomena. In some communities there's even Abdu Layla tokens cluttered and that is the slave of the night of power. On the 27th night he comes to the masjid she comes to the mash and they pray so many rackets and then when they finish a salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah. I'll see you next year.

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That is not the true believer, the true believer is Abdullah, he or she is the one who submits to Allah constantly throughout the year. So that when the month of Ramadan is over, the Salah continues. When the month is over, there are other forms of fasting that the Prophet peace be upon him, used to engage him. When the month of Ramadan is over, there is the hajus coming. When Hodges over there are other actions throughout the year there is Joomla. There is also calling to the good and forbidding evil. There are so many different ways that we can express ourselves. This is the completion of our faith. This is where our a Bader then goes to a higher stage, because it becomes

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part of the Divine process. And that process takes us out of being stagnated into becoming the dynamic community. This dynamism we found in the time of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. How do we think that a small group of people without technology, without weaponry, without vast armies without this powerful technology, how do we think that they were able to take the message all the way around this planet? Some people even went as far as China, Saudi Arabia, what costs rhodiola Juan, and so we find that Islam was all over the planet and these people who did not have the riches of the world, were able to take Islam to the Mount.

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To the deserts, to the seas, all throughout the planet, because their religion was a process. And similarly, today, we are in a great challenge. We have become a nation of rituals. And these rituals now need to change the dynamism of the world, the 21st century that we are in is an age of action. It is no longer just an age of words. Islam is not just a cultural identity. It's not a family name. It's not something that we inherit because we could be deceived. If we think Well, my father was a great scholar, and I don't have to make a lot. I don't have to study My father was an Imam. Or we say no, my mother used to give us a cat. I don't have to pay as a cat.

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And so that is a form of deception.

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The reality is the process. And that is the consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala. seeking the means of coming close to him, put that consciousness into action.

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That month of Ramadan, that fasting, that beautiful tuck, whether it was strengthened in the month of Ramadan, why was it strengthened? It was not only for the month, but it was strengthened to last all throughout the year. That Hajj that inshallah hajima bra that it was accepted by Allah in sha Allah. And if this happened, that purity of the individual returning from the Hajj should influence his business. It should influence his relationship with his family, his understanding of politics, of social life, economic life, all phases of his existence should change when the process is in motion.

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And so I pray that Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala would give us this complete Islam

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and would enable us to be that dynamic nation that opens it arms to the rest of the world. The world is in need of great change today. The world is in need of those who can come close. The final part of the process after taqwa after coming close, and after striving is alpha. That is success. And I pray that Almighty God Allah subhanaw taala would give success to all of us in this life and the next and I pray that he would forgive us for those things that we have done in mistake. Apolo Cody had the stock for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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courage it takes to stand up for what you believe in courage it takes to be true and righteous. courage it takes to dare and answer your questions or be a social, political, economic, educational or religious to get clear and convincing answers, just your courage and question me in the US

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to us next on peace TV.

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Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon his

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Abdullah bin Massoud may Allah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet peace be upon him said truthfulness leads to that is by T. Righteousness

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And every act of obedience to Allah and other leads to paradise and a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes acidic, that is a truthful person. False leads to alpha dude that is wickedness, evil doing etc. and ultra Jew leads to the Hellfire and the man keeps on telling lies till he is written as a liar before Allah agreed upon. So he l Buhari. Volume eight key tabula de book of manners, Chapter 69 a deep number 609 fo Sahih Muslim volume four key tabula rasa La Villa de Vaca virtue virtues good manners and joining of the ties of relationships chapter 1079 or the number 6307

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