Abdullah Hakim Quick – Ramadan The Month Of Guidence

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The "ma'am's" or "monster's" body causes fear and dread, while the "elf" or "van likely" body causes fear and dread, and the "elf" or "van likely" body causes fear and dread. The "elf" or "van likely" body causes fear and dread, and it is the body that causes the "ma'am's" or "monster's" body. The "elf" or "van likely" body causes fear and dread, and it is the body that causes the "ma'am's" or "monster's" body. The "elf" or "van likely" body causes fear and dread, and it is the body that causes the "ma'am's" or "monster's" body. The "elf" or "van likely" body causes fear and dread, and it is the body that causes the "ma'am's" or "monster's" body. The "elf" or "
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carried on with his Master's and PhD from the University of Toronto in African history. Today's topic will be Ramadan, the month of guidance. I'd like to invite up attacking Quint to enlighten us on the topic

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa shadowgun La ilaha illallah wa Lia Sala him Russia to Anam Mohammed Abu Hawa solo carta Milan via even more saline Allahumma salli wa salam alaikum Mohammed, were AlLahi wa sahbihi edge, my bat, all praises due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous. And I bear witness that Allah has one and has no partners. And that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger. May Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed to his family, his companions, and all those who call to his way to the day of judgment as to what follows my beloved brothers and

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sisters assalamu Aleikum, wa rahmatullah.

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Alhamdulillah, we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala, for the blessing of being in this glorious month of Ramadan.

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And this is a special time throughout the world.

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Those who travel to different parts of the planet,

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especially the non Muslims, are very surprised to see such a body of people, over 26% of the earth's population, abstaining from food and drink, and sexual activities for a complete month, during this time, and there are many things about the Muslim world, which is a growing community. And Muslims are located in Asia, in Africa, the Middle East, but in Europe and America, there's also a very large Muslim community. And there are many hidden aspects about our community, and our activities that are not that visible on the surface. But when you come closer to the community, when you scratch the surface, you begin to see some of the great blessings are following the last messenger,

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Muhammad peace and blessings be upon you. In the southern part of Africa, we are the epicenter, we have the epicenter of the HIV AIDS pandemic surrounding us. And it is reported that in some sections of Southern Africa, over 36% of the population are HIV positive. And this is a crisis. This is a major crisis. But a shocking bit of information came in the news a few months ago, and that is that when they did a survey of the countries in Africa, and this could extend to the rest of the world, they found that the populations that had large amounts of Muslims actually had the lowest percentage of HIV AIDS on the African continent that could be extended to other parts of the world. And

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generally speaking, it is. And this is not something that happens with the wave of a magic one. It is part of the essence of the faith itself, which is an extension and a finality of the message given to Abraham, Abraham, to Moses to Jesus to all of the righteous ones. And that ingredient, the special ingredient is to hot off. And that is purity. And so when a person has too hot, it's an add to cart, they have purity, and they believe purity in their body, purity in their home and surroundings, purity in their relationship with other people, especially the relationship between male and female, then the spread of HIV AIDS is stopped, because it's basically spreads through

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loose sexual relationship. Also through sharing needles, from substance abuse, from taking drugs, and sometimes also it comes through malnutrition and other ways. But it's interesting to note when you crack the surface and then look at the medical information, then you realize there's something happening here. In other words, that the rituals the actions done in this lifestyle are not necessarily done arbitrarily, but there is a divine wisdom in back of this. Another interesting point came in the media, and that is that circumcision. male circumcision, that if a male is circumcised, it is it has sexual

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relationships, he has 70 times

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the chance of not getting HIV AIDS 70 times a chance of not getting it will not spread.

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And this, again is the Divine Wisdom. And you can continue on. And you'll see in many aspects of Islam, there is something behind the rituals that Muslims are practicing. So tonight, we wanted to look at fasting itself at the month of Ramadan, and some of the blessings and benefits that actually come out of fasting itself to scratch the surface. And to go a little bit deeper into the the the ritual of the actions that we are carrying out, in order to be able to gain some wisdom from this collective activity, which is happening all around the world, fasting itself, or M sac, as they would say in Arabic, abstinence, staying away from things, it is practiced by people of all

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different religions and nationalities. If a person is having a problem with cholesterol, then the doctor will say you must do em sack, stay away from certain foods, the person has diabetes will also be told you have to watch the things that you eat. The most extreme case is probably allergies associate. These allergies now can be so dangerous to a person, that literally they have to read the ingredients in a package to make sure that it doesn't have peanuts, or any substance that they would be allergic to. So this person, in a sense, is doing em sack. They are abstaining.

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There are other people who abstain, not for medical reasons, but they abstain for political reasons, there is what is known as a hunger strike. And you will see that people in major prison institutions, this is usually where it is done. In order to make this situation known to the world, they will abstain from food, they will literally stop eating for a period of time and do this in order to gain the attention or the attention of people in the outside world. And if a person, for instance, the Irish Republican Army, they had hunger strikes are in the UK, right now in Guantanamo Bay, there's hunger strikes going on. There is a person from the Sudan, who was a journalist for

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Al Jazeera. And he was taken unjustly and he is doing this hunger strike. And the world is now beginning to look at what actually happened to this person. So if you want to do a hunger strike, then those inmates who have done it before, they will tell you how to do it. There are rules surrounding this. It's a type of fit, as we would call. And so there's certain movements that you make the certain things you don't do, in order to lengthen the hunger strike is a system you have to follow. Other people are fast, not for medicinal purposes, or political personal purposes, but they fast for social reasons.

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In many societies, people fast in order to lose weight, especially females. And in the 60s, there was a woman named Twiggy. Remember, when she came, she was so thin, that if she turned sideways, you probably couldn't see her. And but Twiggy set the styles and so a very thin look began to spread amongst the bottles. And so it spread in the society. And you find you found young women who actually developed a psychological disease anorexia, where they would eat food and then throw the food up, because they were afraid to gain weight. And so people will literally abstain from food. In order to wear certain clothing, they want to wear designer jeans, or they want to wear certain

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clothes, and so they stay away from food and drink. There are other religions, other ways of life that do m sac for purification purposes. Amongst the Buddhists, and Hindus, people are fasting. And it is a type of

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purge, a cleansing of punishment of the body where the evil sins are literally

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purged or cleansed out of the body through this type of exercise. But the facts that Muslims do is unique in that it comes through the revelation and if it is done properly, then it brings up

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a certain type of consciousness and insert some bacara, the second chapter of the Quran and verse 183. Allah subhanaw taala tells us yeah, you have yeah you had Latina amanu quotevalet camassia kamakoti by Allah Allah demon publico la local taco. Oh, you who believe fasting has been prescribed on you, as it was prescribed on those who came before you, in order that you would have Taqwa.

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And so this we're talking about God consciousness, out of hope, what Raja, it is a combination of fear and hope. And it is taken from the, the root wakaya. It's like a shield. And so literally, this consciousness of the Creator, becomes a spiritual shield around that individual, protecting him or her from the wrath of God, and also from our spiritual difficulties that we face within the world. So the essence of the past is not to lose weight. It's not a political statement that we're doing. Although some people might interpret it as this. It's not political. It's not necessarily a social thing. It's not just a purge of the body. Although many benefits, physical benefits do come out of

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fasting. But the essence of the fast is to gain the consciousness of Allah. And when the person is fasting correctly, they're not hiding in the Mosque, the Masjid. They're not hiding in their home. But they're going to work, going to school. They are part of society, part of the world, but they are not in a sense of the world. They're not being controlled by the world itself. And if we take it a step further, in this concept of taqwa, the essence of the Fest, in another chapter of the Quran called certain and fall. In this chapter in verse 29, Allah azza wa jal tells us yeah, are you hella Dina amanu in topo loja Allah comm for karnan while you cafe uncom say article where you have a

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local will log on to father or the O you who believe. If you if you have the consciousness of Allah if you have Taqwa. That's the word. If you develop this consciousness, that Allah will make for you a photon

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a criteria and he will forgive you of your sins. He will give you explanation of the things you've done wrong. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.

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And so the first is saying, if you have Taqwa, the fourth con will come.

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One of the great scholars of Islam Imam show Kandi Rahim Allah in His famous TEF cfsr Kadir, he looked at this verse, and understanding it, in the light of the other verses in the Quran, and the words of the Prophet peace be upon him, he came to the conclusion that this concept this corticon is a very important word. It is it has many meanings. And some of these meanings are of critical importance to Muslims today, we find that for can can can mean the battle kulu workover tel basa f wahoo, Snell hedaya.

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And so the battle Kullu.

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The fourth con is a strengthening of the hearts

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couvertures basa. It gives you power or strength in your sight, like what they may call today insight that you look at issues and you're not caught on the surface, but you can go below the surface through it, to try to understand what is actually happening. And finally, and above all, postnl hedaya, the best of guidance. But the fourth column also is that which separates truth from false. It's literally that which separates truth from falsehood. And it is also an adjunct men could leave out of our folder. It is an escape, away out from everything that you fear. And so

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the photon comes about through taqwa. It's an ability to separate truth from falsehood. And if you think about the activity that we are involved in, if we look at this in a practical sense, the Muslim male or female is abstaining from eating food from drinking from procreation sexual relationships during the day and if you look at the personality

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To people there is in a sense, an animal side

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that responds to desire is a desire and people like animals to eat food, to drink to procreate, and you watch a bird in the morning, you watch the animals, and they come out. And that's basically their activity. They're just hunting for food, and hunting for ways to survive. So fasting

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controls that site, it controls the animal side, on the other side of human beings, is what could be called an angelic side. It's like an angel. Because when the Quran speaks of angels, who are beings created from light, it describes them as young, aluna, maroon, they do what they are commanded, they are in complete obedience to Allah, they do not disobey Allah. So in a sense, the angelic side comes to the surface, and especially when the month is, is half over. And we should by now have conquered the food side, the first few days, Muslims are looking for food, it becomes iftaar. That's the most important concept. What am I going to eat? How am I going to break my fast, okay, but after a week

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or two, now, it starts to take control of it. And it's surprising to see how little food and drink that we actually need. It's amazing to see the power, that the mind that the soul communicating to the mind has over the body. Because if people wake up in the morning, and they miss their breakfast, or they miss their lunch, by the afternoon, they would feel pains and some people actually get weak in that case. But when the intention is made too fast, then the body literally slows down. The body recognizes the fact that it won't be eating or drinking for a period of time. And so it shuts off the the desires to satisfy the animal side. And so the angelic side comes to the surface. And so

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Muslims find it's easier to go to the masjid.

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It's easy to give charity so doctor, people read the court and maybe they don't they don't read it all yet. But suddenly they find it easy to read the Quran.

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They don't even hear some of the voices that come inside of of their heads. Because the Prophet peace be upon him said the evil of the jinn.

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demonic forces are actually in chains during the month of Ramadan. So, a special time where the angelic side comes to the surface, and it is in this condition.

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This is the time

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when we can actually gain more out of fasting than only conquering our desires. And the Prophet peace be upon him said to as follows robots or

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robots or even Leyzaola human crme he he loves job. Whoa, Baka ma Salah who meant to me he a Lhasa. There are some who fast and they get nothing from their fast. But hunger. There are others who stand in the night. They're making their press, but they get nothing from death Damn. But sleeplessness. What was he trying to say? He's saying there's something else in this. There's something higher, that a person should be seeking from the condition that we are in.

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And so we're not eating, we're not drinking, we're controlling ourselves, we're doing what is right. This is an opportunity to deal with some of the bad habits that we have. There are some people who have a weakness in saying sweats, they say bad words, if you get them angry, then they sweat.

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Now is a time to control ourselves.

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There are those who even smoke cigarettes.

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This is not permissible during the fest. So it's a chance for a person to cut down nicotine consumption.

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There are so many bad habits people are involved in that can be actually dealt with during the time of the month of Ramadan. But one of the important areas I wanted to stress on tonight and this is really crucial for Muslims on an individual basis and also as a collective. And that is what is inside of ourselves. What is in our hearts. What is the inside the internal Muslim? Because Allah tells us and we are hoping for a change in the Muslim world. We are hoping for an Islamic economic system.

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For the religion to be practiced again, we are hoping for a better life for our families. But Allah azza wa jal tells us in aloha that you Hey, you know, Bobby Coleman had tell you that you might be unforeseen law will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves, no change. So Ramadan is one of the best times to bring about internal change within the individual.

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One of the important chapters that we have gone through those who are reading the whole course. And one of the chapters, the big chapters in the beginning we went through was surah Toba,

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the chapter of repentance. And this chapter is generally connected with struggle, Muslims who are involved in struggle, take refuge in Saratoga. But it's interesting because the essence of this chapter, the name of the chapter is Toba itself. And Toba or repentance, if it is looked upon properly, is actually a way out. It is a way for a person to do self analysis and reconstruction. And that is one of the greatest blessings. One of the greatest tools that this nation has is the ability to reconstruct ourselves that if a person has done wrong things, they have committed errors. They have made mistakes in their life, they are able to analyze what is wrong, and to repair

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themselves, and then move back to a higher level. And so this is the time of the self analysis and reconstruction.

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And while we were going through the pattern and analyzing these verses, we recognize the fact that right following serve to Toba is a chapter called surah Yunus and Eunice alehissalaam is a mighty prophet of Allah, Who you could call in a sense the prophet of Toba and its divine wisdom that this chapter is now following the chapter of Toba. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is reported that in the meccan period, when times became very difficult, and he was being persecuted by people, to a great extent, he left Mecca, and he went up into the mountains to the city of Atlanta if to try to give Dawa to spread the message to better the beef to the people living in this area.

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When it came to tarrif, the response of the people was to stone him,

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and they stoned him to blood pour down into his sentence. And he had his companions aid, Roger Lalanne left the city, and it is reported that the angel of the mountains came to him and said, I will destroy these people.

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But the prophet peace be upon them responded, no, because maybe amongst them would be those who would not associate partners with a law and worship one God. And he lived to see the people of tarrif come into Islam in large numbers. They came in the crowds during the Medina period.

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But the important point here is, as they continue their journey, they went they found a farm of the robbia clan, and they went to this farm and then the servants of the people owning the farm came out his name was a das. And he came in he brought water and grapes for this person who was covered with blood and, and dirt and he gave him water to drink and something to eat. And the Prophet peace be upon him said Bismillah In the name of Allah. Now this person being from outside of that area, so this is strange, why do you say In the name of Allah, because people normally don't say this, they'll say Bismillah Ozawa suave, they'll, they'll make the oath by the idols, but you're saying In

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the Name of Allah, the name of the Creator. The Prophet then asked him who are you? He said, I am a das, and I am from Nineveh.

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I am from the area of Mosul, in Iraq. The Prophet peace be upon himself, that is the home of my brother, my brother in Prophethood Yunus even better.

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When the man realized this, and he realized the connection, he fell down on his knees, and kiss the feet of the Prophet peace be upon him and confirmed that he is one of the mighty messengers of God.

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The showerhead here the witness is he mentioned Yunus.

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Yunus came

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Very important prophets. And what is interesting about the story of Yunus alehissalaam is that he came to the people living in the area of Nineveh in this park near Mosul. And he gave the message to the people that they should believe in one God, and not live in arrogance and idol worship, but they refused to accept his message. He continued to give the message, and they continue to refuse. Finally, he became tired. He despaired of them. And he left the city. And as he was leaving, he told the people, if you don't worship Allah, you have three days.

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After the third day, the punishment of Allah is going to strike.

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And as the time was going, and maybe clouds were coming in, or some signs were there, the people in this town gathered together, and they made collective repentance to Allah, that humiliated themselves turned to the Creator. And every single man woman and child accepted the oneness of God.

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But Eunice la Salaam, he had left the town angry.

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He left in a state of anger.

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And he wrote on a boat in the seat, and it is reported and his name in English is Jonah. Right? We say Jonah and the whale write in English. He,

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it is reported in our traditions, that he was riding on a boat, and the waves became like mountains, the wind was blowing. And water was coming inside. So the people then threw off their goods in order to lighten their load. So they could stay on the surface. But that didn't work. It reached the point where somebody from amongst the people on that boat had to go overboard.

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So they drew lots. And when they drew the law, it came up with the name Yunus, UNICEF.

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UNICEF, I'll jump of people said, No, you are good man. We've heard about what you do. It would be a bad omen to throw you overboard. So they drew lots again, Jonas even better.

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The third time they drew UNICEF and meta, and they threw him overboard. Now imagine yourself now in the middle of the ocean. And this is a literal story, not a dream. You're in the middle of the ocean, waves like mountains and suddenly and hurt the whale comes a large fish and it's swallows units. And so he ends up now going down

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the passage of a fish and going into the stomach, and Allah subhanaw taala audit the stomach of the fish, not to digest, Eunice. Now normally, even in a human being, the acids in our stomach are really powerful acids. If you take this acid out and put it it will disintegrate things. The acid in the stomach of a fish, especially a whale has to be extremely powerful. Because the whales taking it all types of things. It's even taking in stones, anything. And so this this integrates everything. So Yunus is now in the darkness of the stomach of a whale.

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But the acids around him are not punishing him. The acid becomes a form of relaxation for him. And in this darkness, he then feels that he is dead. He moves his arms and his feet, he realizes he's alive. He's alive. And according to the traditions ulus found himself in three or four layers of darkness as one of the great new facilities. Even Katia makes the report that some of the traditions say that the first whale was swallowed by another whale. So he's in the stomach of a whale in the stomach of a whale.

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Okay, total darkness. And so, in this darkness, he hears tasbeeh he hears the whale itself, glorifying Allah,

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the pebbles inside of the stomach of the whale glorifying a lot. And so he realizes what is going on. And then he falls in prostration. And then he says he exclaims, he turns to a law in his way. And he says that illa Anta so panda in the consumer autonomy.

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He said, Oh law there is no god but you I will press myself and the Quran

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says Fernanda Zulu Matt.

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He called out in darkness. Okay, what kind of darkness it was the facility and say he was in the darkness of the stomach of a whale.

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The darkness of the bottom of the ocean in the darkness of night.

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The deepest darkness that a person could be, and he calls out to Allah azza wa jal with this two hour, which is considered to be a two hour Mr. Java, this one will give a response. And so he called out insincerity, he recognized his wrong, he made Toba sincere repentance, and he called out, and then Allah ordered the whale, then spit him out. And he landed on a shore. And according to traditions, he landed on the shore in a terrible condition, and a lot of cause a marrow plant, a plant to grow, which grew over him. And this, the fruit of this plant is such that you can eat it without peeling the skin.

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And so he was he survived. And then he continued on in his message, and his example, is one of the powerful examples we have of Toba of self analysis, and reconstruction.

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And it's crucial for us because all of us have done wrong. Every one of us have done something wrong in our life. Some of us have continued a very bad habits in our lives. How do you come out of it? Toba

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is a process. Number one,

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you have to laugh. We have to recognize the sin that we did. Secondly, another we have to feel regret for the sin that we have committed. Following this, we make a stick fire return to the creator and we cry to alive we can insincerity we turn to Allah to forgive us. But that's not the end. Because some people think if they just say Allah forgive me, Toba, Toba, then it's all over. But Toba is a process. After this, we need to make the intention not to return to the sin.

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And following this ruddle mythology, that if we have done something to harm individuals, we have taken the rights of people, then we should return this to the people we have oppressed. And following this. We need to strive and struggle to stay away from evil, all different forms of evil, whether it is the evil that we perform with our eyes, or ears, or our tongues, or our hands or feet, whatever type of role that we are involved in. We need to try to stay away from this in order to have a total process of Toba and to gain the full benefit of Toba to the suha and the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala Why do you think that the Prophet peace be upon him said to his followers

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Melania de colasoft Well, I will be happy for laserline la hija and Jada Tombo, Tombo, Shara

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that if a person does not stop scandalizing people false witness and acting upon it, then the law has no need for that person to give up their food or their drink. So in other words, the person is fasting, physically, but yet they are watching her on things.

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They are saying prohibited things, they are listening to the prohibited things, they are involved in prohibited action, that that's not really a fast, hello has no need for the fast of somebody who's only just dealing with the animal desires. So this is the highest stage now that we need to understand the angelic side, that we are literally in the condition of angels, if we are fasting correctly. And if a person goes 21 days, some psychologists say if you go for three weeks with any particular action, it will become a habit. And so 29 or 30 days, if we are in the habit of reading the Quran, going to the masjid, giving charity, doing what is right, not swearing, eating properly,

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living a good life, then if that is done properly, by the end of the month, the person should now be a better individual. And that is the great blessing of the fast, not just conquering the physical desires for a transformation or reconstruction of the personality of the individual during the month of Ramadan. And if it goes to the family, and then it goes to the collective and then goes to the oma then it is a chance for us to repair ourselves and move into a condition where Allah azza wa jal has promised us to change our conditions. A higher stage even than this

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is to take the fast and to call to the good and forbid the evil. Honorable maroof wanna hear?

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That is another stage, that not only are we are purging evil within ourselves, we will also try to purge evil things within society, to try the best to make goodness and righteousness to be the way of life within the world that we are living in. And so Ramadan is a blessed time. It is a great opportunity for Muslims, a great opportunity are for our oma to, to reach out to other people, to show people the mercy and the blessings within this final revelation. And to practice fasting that was done by Abraham, by Moses, by Jesus, by all of the prophets peace and blessings be upon them to practice that action that would take us from darkness, the darkness, within ignorance to the light

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within the divine revelation. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you and I asked a lot to accept your prayers and you're fasting was salam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Okay, this is a big topic, you need a lecture for the whole evening on it the question is what are my thoughts on Sufism? tasawwuf right.

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And this like I say, this is a big topic, but I can tell you this one saying of Mr. Malik, a banana

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was a great scholar of Islam. He said and really to solver for many people in the former times was actually a Sam

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Do you have Islam Eman? And Sam? I can hadith of gibreel right. So that the so off to them the Aloma you know, his Bible exam. You know, it is, you know, the spirituality and righteousness within yourself. But Mr. Malik was saying,

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men, men to sofa men to fatca ha Well, let me get the sofa for cut fossa.

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He said whoever

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learns fic so he learns jurisprudence. Right? And he doesn't

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purify himself. Right his intentions and his gifts said that he can fall he will fall into Fisk he will fall into disobedience. were meant to sofa will then get the fuck out.

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Right and somebody who goes into sn but doesn't have fit. He doesn't have who do who do the law. That person can go into a form of disbelief can actually leave Islam. Okay, woman Gemma avena Huma takaka. And whoever combines the two of them has the real reality

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if you combine the two so really Muslims today need to I believe, go away from labels. We label each other. And we say this is that and they even say your mouth hat, your Hanafi your Sharpie you know you are this you are that you are in this movement. You're in that movement. I was in one master one time in the Caribbean and the Imam was a really good Imam. And he said well of Darlene and then I said I mean out loud. I was the only person in the mosque. Okay, when they finish they said salaam aleikum wa alto so where is that shaytaan Where is yet right because I said out loud right? So then they came to me and I said okay gets on your body.

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And you will see the Sahaba said amin so loud it shook the building.

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Okay, so they said a stop for now we didn't know this man. Because we were only taught a narrow way right of approaching sola. Not realizing there are other ways of doing it.

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The process of them said Son locomotor item only Oh, sadly, prayers you have seen me pray and afraid, slightly different on different occasions. So if a person is not praying exactly like you, it doesn't mean that they are like not a Muslim, right? And don't deserve your assistance and love. Right. So therefore, we need to in this new age, right, we need to come away from labels. And if we use Quran and Sunnah as our basis, okay, one person came to South Africa. Very interesting point. He said, get every movement and we establish an Islamic village. And we put khordad and Sunnah in the middle.

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And anything we do together as a collective, it must go under the Quran and the Sunnah. If somebody comes with a position, then we will say to them, how to Botswana come and

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bring your forehand. Bring your proof. And then we all deal with the Quran and the Sunnah. And get away from labels, right? Let's get away from labels and try to understand what it is but it is a very complex topic that needs to be looked at a little bit more. Now. Any other general questions? Yes, brother.

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If a Muslim you see something wrong.

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Right. Now, if you try to correct someone, mostly the people,

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Okay, what it is, is that you know, man ROM in common current value of a rupee yet is, you change it with your head, you see evil, you change it your hands, if you have the ability to do that. So in other words, within your house, if you are the father of the house, you are the mirror of the house, and something goes wrong in the house. Right? You can change it with your hands. You don't have to call the police in order to get something done in your own house. You can just do it, right? You change it with your hats for Olivia Satya for Billy Sani. If you cannot change it with his hands, then say something. So in many situations, we will have to do that to say something. Okay? And

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that's many cases. So at least we say something, we write an article, or we say something for them. Yes, Satya for the call be well, delicata for the man. If he cannot do that, then at least feel it in his in his heart. And that is the weakest form of faith. So therefore, there's different levels of changing evil things. Okay, so there's the part of the of the hands, that's the power using force ism, if you if you don't have the power to do that, then you go to the level of you say something, let's say something. If you can't do that, then at least feel it inside of your heart. But that is the weakest form of faith. At least you feel it inside of you. So at least it gives us all different

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levels, when we are when we are approaching evil things. And we don't have to get caught up. We don't have to feel that we can't do anything. So at least that we see evil things, at least we can feel it inside of our heart to at least feel that it's wrong. But remember, that's the weakest form of faith. Okay. Now, any other final questions?

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You know, if you go into even kafir and many of the books of Tafseer you know, you will see, you know, discussion, but I've never run across an actual time. It may be possible, but I've never seen an actual time. You know, that it said how long exactly? But of course, this is a miracle, right? This is something which is beyond what is normal, it is more than just right. So it's a special

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Okay, and the loose when we talk about Spain and Portugal, we are talking about the country have ended ended loose, and under lucea Al Andalus was ruled by the Muslims. todich Eben Ziad Rahim Allah went into the streets, he landed on a mountain, and they called the Jebel todich. So now we say Gibraltar, right, and then they went inside and they faced the Visigoths, they defeated them. And then they opened up they went all the way to the Pyrenees mountains in France, okay, and they opened it up, and then ruled Muslims lived inside of that area, down to Granada for over

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700 years. And so, but when we look at the history, we find that once Muslims left the teachings of Islam,

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and when they started to become weak, and they would make a difference between Arabs and non Arabs, between light skin and dark skinned rich and poor, right then and then division one, Amir is fighting another Amir are they side with the Christian forces of the Catholic forces against the other Muslims. When this came in, then the country felt at the end of the call doing Rahim Allah and His mccobb Dhamma. He speaks about the fact that Islamic history is like a circle. When we are practicing Islam, we are in the highest part of the circle, when we leave the court and and the sooner we go down, then and come to a low point. So we are now from a low point, we're going up,

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we're going back up, and inshallah The more we practice Islam, we will go toward the top to the natural balance form of Islam, where we are supposed to be now. Okay, any any other final questions we have

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for medical testing?

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What were the conditions?

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They take the

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Yeah, the breaking of the fast is really putting things inside of the stomach. So blood comes out, you know, for a reason, doesn't necessarily break too fast. But really, it's not advice for a person to be, you know, donating blood in Ramadan, because we can name the body and if too much comes out, then it will, it would break the fast. And that might differ according to the scholars. In terms of the pre Islamic fasting. There was, of course, the Arabs at that time were in Jabalia, there was a form of fasting that people did in sac, right. And there was someone went into mountains, and they they stayed periods of time in the province of solemn himself went alone into the mountain. Right.

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So but it was not a regulated form of fasting. And the early times of Islam, they fasted on Mondays and Thursdays, and then the three white nights in the middle of the month, right. And then until it finally came the revelation in the second year after the after the migration in Medina when it was made compulsory at that point. So there was a form of fasting but was not regulated in the way that the Islamic festival is done.

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speak a little louder.

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00:48:54 --> 00:49:42

Okay, slavery, in the modern sense of how we use the term slavery, that was not, you know, slavery was practiced by people all over the world. Okay, the word slave comes from slavery, like Yugoslavia, Slavic people, they will be enslaved by the Romans. So they were slaves in Africa, Asia, the Americas Europe. Everybody had slaves. So when Islam came along, as we know, it was cutting out the reasons why a person could become a slave. Some people became slaves out of poverty, they would sell their children into slavery, sometimes a person as a ransom, or as a punishment, they will become a slave. There are many ways a person could become a slave. Probably the most common was as a

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prisoner of war day when people are fighting each other. But what Islam did is it cut out all the different ways of a person coming into bondage, right and only left open the area of prisoner of war and it also cut it down to an extent

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It's not like slavery, like we know slavery, because slavery today means the person has no rights, the person is beaten and whipped and whatever. But within the Islamic sense, the person actually wears the same clothes, as their master eats the same food should not be punished, and they can manage, they can get menu mission, they can come out of the state of slave. So Islam was phasing out slavery, and there's no need within Islam. There's no necessity within Islam, to have a slavery itself today, so there's no necessity for it, and Islam was phasing it out. And the whole concept that we have, you can, you know, really what it is the final phase is really what you could call

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bonded servant. It's a servant who's under a contract, that's really the, you know, the phase before finally, phasing out. Also, the promises of them, freed the slaves in the time of the Sahaba. tablet in tabea, tambien, there was no reports of slave raiding, raiding people and making them slaves, no reports of this, okay, this only came later, when the rulers of Islam, we're limiting the kings of other nations, you know, then it came back in, but not under a legality within Islam. So slavery, in that sense does not exist, you know, within Islam, and there's no real need for it today.

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Standing like right there.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:05

I have a question regarding

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one of the

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pious Muslims will not get married.

00:52:24 --> 00:53:05

I have never heard of anything like this. Because marriage is a natural thing, you know, for people to do. I don't know if there is maybe you bring the text of the Hadith, that maybe we could look at it and see, but I don't know any Hadith about pious Muslims not getting married, because marriage because as soon as possible, suddenly cotton and suniti mean roughly about unzoned at least a mini, this is the sooner as part of the way of the profits are seldom. He said whenever it goes away from this is not from from me. So how could a person be, you know, with tukey and then not have nikka? You see, that doesn't make sense. So that Hadees is probably by its meaning itself. It is not

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doesn't sound like an authentic because it goes against you know, all of the other reports within Islam. So we thank you for your patience, and we ask a lot to accept your fasting and your prayers in this month of Ramadan. May Allah have mercy upon us. And may Allah united the oma of Islam, so upon Allah Subhan Allah will become the particle who will become deca, Chateau, la isla lanta, istockphoto, Cora tuber Lake, Africa Dhawan al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. salaam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

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He looked at this verse, and understanding it in the light of the other verses in the end, and the words of the Prophet peace be upon him, he came to the conclusion that this concept this corticon is a very important word. It is it has many meanings. And some of these meanings are of critical importance to Muslims today, we find that four can can can mean the battle kulu workover tel basa f wustl hedaya.

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And so the battle Kullu.

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The four Khan is a strengthening of the hearts

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couvertures bosiet it gives you power or strength in your sight, like what they may call today insight that you look at issues and you're not caught on the surface, but you can go below the surface through it to try to understand what is actually happening. And finally, and above all, postnl hedaya, the best of guidance. But the fourth con also is that which separates truth from false. It's literally that which separates truth from falsehood, and it is also an najat men couldn't be much of our food. It is an escape. away out from everything.

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thing that you fear. And so

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the photon comes about through taqwa. It's an ability to separate truth from falsehood. And if you think about the activity that we are involved in, if we look at this in a practical sense, the Muslim male or female is abstaining from eating food, from drinking, from procreation, sexual relationships during the day. And if you look at the personality of people, there is, in a sense, an animal site

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that responds to desire is a desire in people like animals to eat food, to drink to procreate, and you watch a bird in the morning, you watch the animals, and they come out, and that's basically their activity. They're just hunting for food, and hunting for ways to survive. So fasting

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controls that site, it controls the animal side, on the other side of human beings, is what could be called an angelic side. It's like an angel. Because when the Quran speaks of angels, who are beings created from light, it describes them as your aluna, maroon, they do what they are commanded, they are in complete obedience to Allah, they do not disobey Allah. So in a sense, the angelic side comes to the surface, and especially when the month is, is half over. And we should by now have conquered the food side, the first few days, Muslims are looking for food, it becomes if that's the most important concept, what am I going to eat? How am I going to break my fast, okay, but after a week

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or two, now, it starts to take control of it. And it's surprising to see how little food and drink that we actually need. It's amazing to see the power, that the mind that the soul communicating to the mind has over the body. Because if people wake up in the morning, and they missed their breakfast, or they missed their lunch, by the afternoon, they would feel pains and some people actually get weak in that case. But when the intention is made too fast, then the body literally slows down. The body recognizes the fact that it won't be eating or drinking for a period of time. And so it shuts off the the desires to to satisfy the animal side. And so the angelic side comes to

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the surface. And so Muslims find it's easier to go to the masjid.

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It's easy to give charity sadhaka people read the Koran, maybe they don't they don't read it all yet. But suddenly they find it easy to read the Quran.

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They don't even hear some of the voices that come inside of of their heads. Because the Prophet peace be upon him said the evil of the jinn.

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The demonic forces are actually in chains during the month of Ramadan. So, a special time where the angelic side comes to the surface, and it is in this condition.

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This is the time

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when we can actually gain more out of fasting than only conquering our desires. And the Prophet peace be upon him said to his followers. Robot saw him a robot saw him in laser la humann crme. He loves your wardrobe. Baka la sala who meant to me he a Lhasa. There are some who fasts and they get nothing from their fast, but hunger. There are others who stand in the night. They're making their prayers, but they get nothing from death. But sleeplessness. What was he trying to say? He's saying there's something else in this. There's something higher, that a person should be seeking from the condition that we are in.

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And so we're not eating, we're not drinking, we're controlling ourselves, we're doing what is right. This is an opportunity to deal with some of the bad habits that we have. There are some people who have a weakness in saying sweats, they say bad words. If you get them angry, then they sweat.

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Now is a time to control ourselves.

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There are those who even smoke cigarettes.

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This is not permissible during the fest. So it's a chance for a person to cut down nicotine consumption.

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There are so many bad habits people are involved in that can be actually dealt with

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During the time of the month of Ramadan, but one of the important areas I wanted to stress on tonight and this is really crucial for Muslims on an individual basis and also as a collective, and that is what is inside of ourselves. What is in our hearts? What is the inside the internal Muslim? Because Allah tells us and we are hoping for a change in the Muslim world. We are hoping for an Islamic economic system for the the religion to be practiced again. We are hoping for a better life for our families. But Allah azza wa jal tells us in Hello Hello, hello ma be comin Hata yoga guru Bobby unforeseen law will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in

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themselves, no change. So Ramadan is one of the best times to bring about internal change within the individual.

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One of the important chapters that we have gone through those who are reading the whole course. And one of the chapters the big chapters in the beginning, we went through was surrett to Toba

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chapter of repentance. And this chapter is generally connected with struggle, Muslims who are involved in struggle, take refuge in Saratoga. But it's interesting because the essence of this chapter, the name of the chapter is Toba itself. And Toba or repentance, if it is looked upon properly, is actually a way out. It is a way for a person to do self analysis and reconstruction. And that is one of the greatest blessings. One of the greatest tools that this nation has is the ability to reconstruct ourselves that if a person has done wrong things, they have committed errors. They have made mistakes in their life, they are able to analyze what is wrong, and to repair

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themselves, and then move back to a higher level. And so this is the time of the self analysis and reconstruction.

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And while we were going through the pattern and analyzing these verses, we recognize the fact that right following cert to Toba is a chapter called surah Yunus and Eunice alehissalaam is a mighty prophet of Allah, Who you could call in a sense the prophet of Toba. And its divine wisdom that this chapter is now following the chapter of Toba. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is reported that in the meccan period, when times became very difficult, and he was being persecuted by people, to a great extent, he left Mecca, and he went up into the mountains to the city of tarrif. To try to give Dawa to spread the message to better the beef to the people living in this area.

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When he came to Thai, if the response to the people was to stone him,

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and they stone him to blood poured down into his sentence, and he and his companions, a rather long one, left the city. And it is reported that the angel of the mountains came to him and said, I will destroy these people.

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But the prophet peace be upon them responded No, because maybe amongst them would be those who would not associate partners with a law and worship one God. And he lived to see the people of tarrif come into Islam in large numbers. They came in crowds during the Medina period.

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But the important point here is as they continue the journey, they went they found a farm of the robbia clan and they went to this farm and then the servants of the people owning the farm came out his name was a das.

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And he came in he brought water and grapes for this person who was covered with blood and, and dirt and he gave him water to drink and something to eat. And the Prophet peace be upon him said Bismillah In the name of Allah. Now this person being from outside of that area, so this is strange. Why do you say In the name of Allah, because people normally don't say this, they'll say Bismillah Ozawa suave they'll, they'll make their oath by the idols, but you're saying In the Name of Allah, the name of the Creator. The Prophet then asked him who are you? He said, I am a das and I am from Nineveh.

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

I am from

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The area of Mosul in Iraq. The Prophet peace be upon him said, that is the home of my brother, my brother in Prophethood. Yunus, Eben Mehta.

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When the man realized this, and he realized the connection, he fell down on his knees, and kiss the feet of the Prophet peace be upon him and confirmed that he is one of the mighty messengers of God.

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The showerhead here the witness is he mentioned Yunus. Yunus came in a very important profit. And what is interesting about the story of Yunus alehissalaam is that he came to the people living in the area of Nineveh in this park near Mosul. And he gave the message to the people that they should believe in one God and not live in arrogance and idol worship. But they refused to accept his message. He continued to give the message, and they continue to refuse. Finally, he became tired, he despaired of them. And he left the city. And as he was leaving, he told the people, if you don't worship Allah, you have three days.

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After the third day, the punishment of a law is going to strike.

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And as the time was going, and maybe clouds were coming in, or some signs were there, the people in this town gathered together. And they made collective repentance to Allah, that humiliated themselves turn to the Creator, and every single man, woman and child accepted the oneness of God.

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But Eunice la salam, he had left the town angry.

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He left in a state of anger.

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And he wrote on a boat in the sea. And it is reported and his name in English is Jonah. Right? We say Jonah and the whale right in English. He,

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it is reported in our traditions, that he was riding on a boat, and the waves became like mountains, the wind was blowing. And water was coming inside. So the people then threw off their goods in order to lighten their load. So they could stay on the surface. But that didn't work. It reached the point where somebody from amongst the people on that boat had to go overboard.

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So they drew lots. And when they drew a lot, it came up with the name Yunus, UNICEF inventor. Yunus said, I'll jump over people said, No, you are a good man, we've heard about what you do. It would be a bad omen to throw you overboard. So they drew lots again, Jonas even met them.

01:07:51 --> 01:08:16

The third time they drew UNICEF and metta and they threw him overboard. Now imagine yourself now in the middle of the ocean, and this is a literal story, got a dream. You're in the middle of the ocean, waves like mountains and suddenly and hurt the whale comes a large fish and it swallows units. And so he ends up now going down

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the passage of a fish and going into the stomach, and Allah subhanaw taala audit the stomach of the fish, not to digest, Eunice. Now normally, even in a human being, the acids in our stomach are really powerful acids. If you take this acid out and put it it will disintegrate things. The acid in the stomach of a fish, especially a whale has to be extremely powerful, because the whales taking in all types of things. It's even taking in stones anything. And so this disintegrates everything. So Yunus is now in the darkness of the stomach of a whale.

01:08:58 --> 01:09:37

But the acids around him are not punishing him. The acid becomes a form of relaxation for you. And in this darkness, he then feels he is dead. He moves his arms and his feet. He realizes he's alive. He's alive. And according to the traditions, Yunus found himself in three or four layers of darkness, as well as the great diversity. Even Katia makes the report that some of the traditions say that the first whale was swallowed by another whale. So he's in the stomach of a whale in the stomach of a whale.

01:09:38 --> 01:09:51

Okay, total darkness. And so, in this darkness, he hears tasbeeh he hears the whale itself, glorifying Allah,

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the pebbles inside of the stomach of the whale, glorifying Allah and so he realizes what is going on.

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Then he falls in frustration. And then he says he exclaims, he turns to Allah in His way. And he says that ilaha illa Anta sapanca in the consumer autonomy.

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He said, Oh law there is no god but you I will press myself. And the Quran

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says for nada Zulu Matt,

01:10:23 --> 01:10:38

he called out in darkness. Okay, what kind of darkness it was the facility and say he was in the darkness of the stomach of a whale. In the darkness of the bottom of the ocean, in the darkness of night,

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the deepest darkness that a person could be, and he calls out to Allah azza wa jal, with this two hour, which is considered to be a Mr. Java, this one will give a response. And so he called out in sincerity, he recognized his wrong, he made Toba sincere repentance, and he called out and then Allah ordered the whale, then spit him out. And he landed on ashore. And according to traditions, he landed on the shore in a terrible condition, and a lot of cause a marrow plant, a plant to grow, which grew over him. And this the fruit of this plant is such that you can eat it without peeling the skin.

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And so he was he survived. And then he continued on in his message, and his example, is one of the powerful examples we have of Toba of self analysis, and reconstruction.

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And it's crucial for us because all of us have done wrong. Every one of us have done something wrong in our life. Some of us have continued our very bad habits in our lives. How do you come out of it? Toba

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is a process. Number one,

01:11:57 --> 01:12:34

you have to laugh. We have to recognize the sin that we did. Secondly, another we have to feel regret for the sin that we have committed. Following this, we make a stick fire we turn to the creator and we cry to ally if we can insincerity. We turn to Allah to forgive us. But that's not the end. Because some people think if they just say Oh ALLAH forgive me, Toba, Toba, then it's all over. But Toba is a process. After this, we need to make the intention not to return to the sin.

01:12:36 --> 01:13:28

And following this ruddle mythology, that if we have done something to harm individuals, we have taken the rights of people than we should return this to the people we have oppressed. And following this, we need to strive and struggle to stay away from evil, all different forms of evil, whether it is the evil that we perform with our eyes, or ears, or our tongues, or our hands or feet, whatever type of role that we are involved in. We need to try to stay away from this in order to have a total process of Toba and to gain the full benefit of tober to the SU ha and the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala Why do you think that the Prophet peace be upon him said to his followers Melania de

01:13:29 --> 01:13:35

tolosa Well, I will be happy for laserline la hija and Jada Tombo, Tombo, Shara

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that if a person does not stop scandalizing people false witness and acting upon it, then the law has no need for that person to give up their food or their drink. So in other words, the person is fasting, physically, but yet they are watching her on things.

01:13:59 --> 01:14:48

They are saying prohibited things, they are listening to the prohibited things, they're involved in prohibited action, then that's not really a fast, Allah has no need for the fast of somebody who's only just dealing with the animal desires. So this is the highest stage now that we need to understand the angelic side that we are literally in the condition of angels, if we are fasting correctly. And if a person goes 21 days as some psychologists say, if you go for three weeks with any particular action, it will become a habit. And so 29 or 30 days, if we are in the habit of reading the Quran, going to the masjid, giving charity, doing what is right, not swearing, eating

01:14:48 --> 01:15:00

properly, living a good life. Then if that is done properly by the end of the month, the person should now be a better individuals. And that is the great blessing.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:43

of the fast, not just conquering the physical desires, but a transformation or reconstruction of the personality of the individual during the month of Ramadan. And if it goes to the family, and then it goes to the collective and then goes to the oma, then it is a chance for us to repair ourselves and move into a condition where Allah azza wa jal has promised us to change our conditions, the highest stage, even then this is to take the fast and to call to the good and forbid the evil. Emerald Bill maroof. We're now here.

01:15:44 --> 01:16:36

That is another stage, that not only are we are purging evil within ourselves, we will also try to purge evil things within society, to try the best to make goodness and righteousness to be the way of life within the world that we are living in. And so Ramadan is a blessed time. It is a great opportunity for Muslims, a great opportunity for our oma to reach out to other people, to show people the mercy and the blessings within this final revelation. And to practice fasting that was done by Abraham, by Moses, by Jesus, by all of the prophets, peace and blessings be upon them to practice that action that would take us from darkness, the darkness, within ignorance to the light

01:16:36 --> 01:16:50

within the divine revelation. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you and I asked a lot to accept your prayers and your fasting was salam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Rebecca

01:17:40 --> 01:17:49

Okay, this is a big topic, you need a lecture for them and you know, evening on the question is what are my thoughts on Sufism? tasawwuf right.

01:17:51 --> 01:18:09

And this is like I say, this is a big topic, but I can tell you, this one saying of Mr. Malik Urbanus was a great scholar of Islam. He said, and really to solver for many people in the former times was actually a sand.

01:18:10 --> 01:18:27

You have Islam Eman. And so I can hadith of gibreel. Right. So that the so off to them the Lama, you know, his Bible exam. You know, it is, you know, the spirituality and righteousness within yourself. But Mr. Malik was saying,

01:18:28 --> 01:18:36

men, men to sofa men de facto ha, well, let me get the sofa for cut fossa.

01:18:37 --> 01:18:38

He said whoever

01:18:40 --> 01:18:45

learns fifth. So he learns jurisprudence. Right? And he doesn't

01:18:46 --> 01:18:59

purify himself. Right? his intentions and his gift said that he can fall he will fall into Fiske he will fall into disobedience. We're meant to suffer. Well, let me get

01:19:02 --> 01:19:26

right, and somebody who goes into sn, but doesn't have fic he doesn't have who do who do the law. That person can go into a form of disbelief can actually leave Islam. Okay, woman, Jama avena, Huma takaka. And whoever combines the two of them has the real reality

01:19:27 --> 01:19:59

if you combine the two so really Muslims today I need to I believe, go away from labels. We label each other. And we say this is that and they even say your mouth hat, your hanafy your Sharpie. You know you are this you are that you are in this movement. You're in that movement. I was in one master at one time in the Caribbean and the Imam was a really good mom. And he said what Darlene and then I said I mean out loud

01:20:00 --> 01:20:20

I was the only person in the mosque Okay, when they finished a sense that I'm while they come around, so where is that shaytaan Where is yet right because I said out loud right? So then they came to me and I said okay get soluble Fatty, fatty Heidi and you will see the Sahaba said amin so loud it shook the building

01:20:22 --> 01:21:07

Okay, so they said a start for Allah we didn't know this man because we were only taught a narrow way right of approaching sola not realizing there are other ways of doing it. And the process of them said Son Luke come out of it. Mooney Oh, sadly, prayers you have seen me pray and afraid slightly different on different occasions. So if a person is not praying exactly like you, it doesn't mean that they are like not a Muslim, right? And don't deserve your assistance and love. Right. So therefore, we need to in this new age, right, we need to come away from labels. And if we use Quran and Sunnah as our basis, okay. One person came to South Africa. Very interesting point. He

01:21:07 --> 01:21:14

said, get every movement and we establish an Islamic village. And we put karate and Sunnah in the middle.

01:21:15 --> 01:21:46

And anything we do together as a collective, it must go under the Quran and the Sunnah. If somebody comes with a position, then we will say to them, how to berhanu come in kuntum Sati. Bring your forehand, bring your proof. And then we all deal with the Quran and the Sunnah. And get away from labels, right? Let's get away from labels and try to understand what it is. But it is a very complex topic that needs to be looked at a little bit more. Now. Any other general questions? Yes, brother.

01:22:04 --> 01:22:04

I'm not sure.

01:22:07 --> 01:22:09

If a Muslim you see something wrong.

01:22:16 --> 01:22:17


01:22:18 --> 01:22:19


01:22:20 --> 01:22:21

mostly the people.

01:22:23 --> 01:22:24


01:22:28 --> 01:23:10

Okay, what it is, is that you know, man ROM in common current value of a rupee yet is, you change it with your head, you see evil, you change it your hands if you have the ability to do that. So in other words, within your house, if you are the father of the house, you are the Amir of the house, and something goes wrong in the house. Right, you can change it with your hands. You don't have to call the police in order to get something done in your own house. You can just do it right, you change it with your hats for Olivia Satya for Billy Sani. If you cannot change it with his hands, then say something. So in many situations, we will have to do that to say something. Okay, and

01:23:10 --> 01:23:51

that's many cases. So at least we say something we write an article, or we say something for Islamia Satya for Bill Cosby, will delicata for the man. If he cannot do that, then at least feel it in his in his heart. And that is the weakest form of faith. So therefore, there's different levels of changing evil things. Okay, so there's the part of the of the hands, that's the power using force ism, if you if you don't have the power to do that, then you go to the level of you say something, least say something. If you can't do that, then at least feel it inside of your heart. But that is the weakest form of faith. At least you feel it inside of you. So at least it gives us all different

01:23:51 --> 01:24:09

levels, when we are when we are approaching evil things. And we don't have to get caught up. We don't have to feel that we can't do anything. So at least we see evil things, at least we can feel it inside of our hearts to at least feel that it's wrong. But remember, that's the weakest form of faith. Okay. Now, any other final questions? Yes.

01:24:28 --> 01:24:48

You know, if you go into even Kathir, and many of the books of Tafseer. You know, you will see, you know, discussion, but I've never run across an actual time. It may be possible, but I've never seen an actual time. You know, that it said how long Exactly. But of course, this is a miracle, right? This is something which is beyond what is normal, it is marginal. Right. So it's a special thing.

01:24:50 --> 01:24:54

yesterday that Spain was a Muslim, right?

01:24:59 --> 01:24:59

Okay. Andalus

01:25:00 --> 01:25:42

When we talk about Spain and Portugal, we are talking about the country of Al Andalus and andalusi Al Andalus was ruled by the Muslims. todich Eben Ziad Rahim Allah went into the streets, he landed on a mountain, and they called the Jebel todich. So now we say Gibraltar, right. And then they went inside and they faced the Visigoths, they defeated them. And then they opened up, they went all the way to the Pyrenees mountains in France, okay, and they opened it up. And then rule Muslims lived inside of that area, down to Granada for over 700 years. And so, but when we look at the history, we find that once Muslims left the teachings of Islam,

01:25:43 --> 01:26:27

and when they started to become weak, and they would make a difference between Arabs and non Arabs, between light skin and dark skin, rich and poor, right then, and then division one, Amir is fighting another OF YOU ARE THEY side with the Christian forces of the Catholic forces against the other Muslims. When this came in, then the country felt unable to Khaldoon Rahim Allah and His mccobb Dhamma. He speaks about the fact that Islamic history is like a circle. When we are practicing Islam, we are in the highest part of the circle, when we leave the court and on the Sunday, we go down, then and come to a low point. So we are now from a low point, we're going up, we're going back

01:26:27 --> 01:26:36

up, and inshallah The more we practice Islam, we will go toward the top to the natural balance form of Islam, where we are supposed to be.

01:26:38 --> 01:26:40

Okay, any any other final questions we have,

01:27:05 --> 01:27:06

for medical reasons.

01:27:11 --> 01:27:12

The conditions

01:27:14 --> 01:27:17

as I mentioned in the past,

01:27:19 --> 01:27:19

and it was

01:27:22 --> 01:27:23

the condition

01:27:27 --> 01:27:28

they get the

01:27:39 --> 01:27:39


01:27:42 --> 01:28:21

Yeah, that the breaking of the fast is really putting things inside of the stomach. So blood comes out, you know, for a reason, doesn't necessarily break too fast. But really, it's not advice for a person to be, you know, donating blood in Ramadan, because we can name the body. And if too much comes out, then it will, it would break the fast. And that might differ according to the scholars. In terms of the pre Islamic fasting. There was, of course, the Arabs at that time were in Jabalia, there was a form of fasting that people did in sac, right. And there was someone went into mountains, and they they stayed periods of time, the process of selling himself went alone into the

01:28:21 --> 01:28:51

mountain. Right. So but it was not a regulated form of fasting. In the early times of Islam, they fasted on Mondays and Thursdays, and then the three white nights in the middle of the month. Right. And then until it finally came the revelation in the second year after the after the migration in Medina when it was made compulsory at that point. So there was a form of fasting but was not regulated in the way that the Islamic festival is done.

01:29:15 --> 01:29:16

speak a little louder.

01:29:25 --> 01:29:26


01:29:28 --> 01:29:59

Okay, slavery, in the modern sense of how we use the term slavery. That was not, you know, slavery was practiced by people all over the world. Okay, the word slave comes from slavery, like Yugoslavia, Slavic people, they would be enslaved by the Romans. So there was slaves in Africa, Asia, the Americas Europe. Everybody had slaves. So when Islam came along, as we know it was cutting out the reasons why a person could become a slave.

01:30:00 --> 01:30:45

Some people became slaves out of poverty, they would sell their children into slavery, sometimes a person as a ransom, or as a punishment, they would become a slave. There were many ways a person could become a slave. Probably the most common was as a prisoner of war. Okay, when people are fighting each other, but what Islam did is it cut out all the different ways of a person coming into bondage, right and only left open the area of prisoner of war. And it also cut it down to an extent that it's not like slavery, like we know slavery, because slavery today means the person has no rights, the person is beaten and whipped and whatever. But within the Islamic sense, the person

01:30:45 --> 01:31:33

actually wears the same clothes, as their master eats the same food should not be punished, and they can menu they can get manumission, they can come out of the state of slavery. So Islam was phasing out slavery, and there's no need within Islam is no necessity within Islam, to have our slavery itself today, so there's no necessity for it, and Islam was phasing it out. And the whole concept that we have, you can you know, really what it is the final phase is really what you could call bonded servant. It's a servant who's under a contract. That's really the, you know, the phase before finally, facing up. Also the prophets are some of them freed the slaves in the time of the Sahaba.

01:31:34 --> 01:32:04

tablet in tabea, tambien, there was no reports of slave raiding, raiding people and making them slaves, no reports of this, okay, this only came later, when the rulers of Islam were mimicking the kings of other nations, you know, then it came back in, but not under a legality within Islam. So slavery, in that sense does not exist, you know, within Islam, and there's no real need for it today.

01:32:07 --> 01:32:08


01:32:38 --> 01:32:39

I have a question regarding

01:32:40 --> 01:32:41

one of

01:32:43 --> 01:32:43


01:32:49 --> 01:32:50

Muslims will not get married.

01:32:58 --> 01:33:39

I have never heard of anything like this. Because marriage is a natural thing you know, for people to do. I don't know if there is maybe you bring the text of the Hadith, that maybe we could look at it and see, but I don't know any Hadith about pious Muslims not getting married, because marriage is sooner. Also, suddenly Carmen suniti Robinson at least a minute, Mindy, this is the sooner as part of the way of the prophet SAW seldom, he said wherever it goes away from this is not from from me. So how could a person be, you know, with tukey and then not have nikka? You see, that? That doesn't make sense. So that Hadith is probably by its meaning itself. It is not doesn't sound like an

01:33:39 --> 01:34:08

authentic because it goes against you know, all of the other reports within Islam. So we thank you for your patience. And we ask Allah to accept your fasting and your prayers in this month of Ramadan. May Allah have mercy upon us. And may Allah united the oma of Islam, Sao Paulo Sao Paolo Hamdi particle oberheim deca Chateau en la isla Atlanta istockphoto Cora Toubro Lake hafler da na hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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