Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh-Us-Seerah 15

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The Shia's actions, including the use of artificial movements, are important in the early stages of Islam. The importance of these actions is highlighted, along with the significance of Muhammad's journey and political events. The Shia's actions are discussed, including the use of artificial movements, and the early stages of Islam's history are highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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After this early phase of the life of the Prophet solo seldom

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we find that at the age of six, he went on a journey to yathrib which will later be called El Medina till munawwara. He went on a journey to yathrib with his mother Amina, and they visited bento nutjobs, their relatives, and she carried along with her, an Ethiopian woman named Baraka or Ayman, may Allah be pleased with her and she is to become a very important personality. He was not mentioned so much in many of the books, but yet she plays a very important role in the early life of the Prophet Mohammed Salah seldom, she was his dry nurse, and she was the one who would take care of him in the home. And what is important about this, is that after one month of being in Medina,

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the mother of the Prophet peace be upon him on her journey outside of the city to Abuja, 23 miles from Al Java, she died. And she was buried at a bar. And a man herself after the burial was done, carried the boy back to Mecca. And it is reported that Oh, amen. And we'll speak more about her later on. She stayed with the Prophet Silla Salam until after the Prophet would. And she was a very important quiet part of his personality. And he loved her very dearly, because of the sacrifice that she made for him, and how she and her own humble way, helped to shape his personality. And so when he was taken back to Mecca, Abdulmutallab then took complete responsibility for the boy. But at

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eight years old, Abdulmutallab died, he was 82 years old. Now what is important for the political situation in Mecca? And you remember those positions? Remember the sakarya? Right? The watering re fodder, the feeding, right, the najwa? Right and liwa right, the Piazza all the hijab, but the keys, right, not while the political leadership, the liwa, the military leadership. And so what happened was, is that when Abdul Mutallab died, and he had been clearly the leader of Mecca, and he was from Banu Hashim, all of the positions, except for Sokaiya went to the family of omega

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and omega is part of kadesh. But he's not Hashimi and he's a different he's coming from a different angle. And so omega

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took over his son hottap took over and you'll see this name in the genealogical tables

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underneath up Duchamp's

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the brother of Hashem, and then omega and harp. And so it is on that side of the family then the side called the Romanian side, they became the political leaders, the military leaders, they were in charge of the Kaaba, the keys, and they were in charge of feeding the people is only Zamzam. That was left to Ben who Hashem this plays a very important role because they later on became the power of kodesh that fought against the Prophet Silla Salaam. And after his death, for those of you who have studied theater, you will see that the battle omega took over from Lowery's time. They were the ones that they ruled for 100 years, and later on, it was better a bass who took it from them, who

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was the one at this point who took over the Zamzam. From Abdulmutallab it was LR bass,

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a bass. So now you see we made our bass See,

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the the delineation of power is already set up. And this is important for us to know, to understand something about the political history of the Muslim Ummah, and why some of the things went on some of the struggles went on, after the death of the Prophet salla Salah because it's a very confusing time for people. But if we can go back constantly to the Sierra, as we go along and Sharla everything will unfold and become clear to you. So you can see exactly how wrong the belief of the Shia is to be accusing people within the families of the prophets Allah celibate accusing Sahaba that really the early Allah debate people were all the same, everybody was all the same.

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And you will see that artificial movements entered into the Muslim world later on, after the death of the Prophet tell somebody. What is crucial for us at this point, is that after the death, of Abdulmutallab Abu Talib, the uncle of the prophets and Salaam, then took over and you see under Abdulmutallab, you will see some of the important sons Hamza Allah bass, Abdullah father, the prophets, Allah, Abu lahab

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Potala, l Hadith. So it is one of the uncle's is the Prophet's father's brother, who then became his Kafeel. He became the main Guardian in his life. And Abu Talib had 10 sons from various wives, and a number of doctors. And although he had shut off and mobility, he was not really very rich, very physically rich.

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And, but he loved the province of seldom very much. And he would always give him a special position. Even though he was not his direct son, he would move out of his seat and allow him to sit there, and he would take him to places. And this is very important because an orphan a team needs that type of nurturing, especially the male nurturing somebody to fulfill this role. So Abu tala filled this role from a number of years in the life of the Prophet sellaronda. Now, there's an interesting point, because one of the French historians said that Abu Talib used to disgrace Mohammed Salah he used to humiliate him, because he made him take care of the sheep. He made him a shepherd, and he will

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always stay with the animals. So this was a form of disgrace. But the profits are seldom said. And even his hoc reports this, he said there is no profit, but has tended to sheep. And when the Sahaba asked him, and you two, or messenger of Allah, and he said yes, and I myself. And the position of a shepherd is another very important point, because the shepherd then learns how to control the flocks, he learns the psychology of dealing with a group. And also when the predators come to attack the group, he learns how to protect the group, he learns how to deal with the weakest member within the organization or the Gema. And so this is very important for leadership. And sometimes people are

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put into leadership in our community who do not have shepherding qualities. And so therefore, their leadership is only to keep themselves in power.

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And some of them are spoiled brats, spoiled by their parents, who used to getting everything. And so they attack their enemies, they can't take criticism, they don't have to know how to deal with strength and weakness in the Jamaat. If you look at the Muslim world, it even reached the point where some of the Muslim countries are ruled by what I would call spoiled brats. They're spoiled children with armies. If you disagree with them, they send the secret police. And they'll put you in jail just because you criticize the king, or you criticize the president. That goes back to the early training. And being a shepherd. And having responsibility over the flocks, helps to develop

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the kind of personality that is needed for Islamic leadership. Another important issue that happened at this early phase is that Abu Talib used to take the journeys to Syria. And when he used to travel to Syria, once per year, in this traveling in the wintertime, they used to travel south, and then in the summertime, they would travel north. And so in taking this journey. On this special occasion, the prophet Mohammed Salah Salam wanted to come along. And so they traveled to Basra up into Syria. And as they were traveling along the road, there was a monk named bahara. And this monk stayed on this road, watching the caravans for years, because he had knowledge from the book, you know, we say

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people have the book, when we are talking about Christians and Jews. And there is something in their traditions, that points toward the coming of a messenger near the end of time. They were descriptions given of this messenger. And so this monk knew that at some point, they would be particular signs that would show the coming of this man who would be the last messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. And so he saw the caravan coming, and he stopped it. And he invited Abu Talib, and all of the people in the caravan to take dinner with him. And he prepared the food. And he sat them down and he said, Is everybody here? And the Arabs are being very chauvinistic, and amongst the

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Arabs. If you're not 40 years old, you're a boy.

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Okay, it's only when you reach 40 that you become a man. And especially if you're a young man, 12 1314 you're insignificant, as far as attending occasions and, you know, you're making decisions. And so they left him tending the flocks. And so but he looked at everybody, he wasn't satisfied. He said, Is everybody here? And they said, No, well, there's a boy outside tended to the flock bring the boy.

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When they brought the boy, the monk studied him.

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And then went to him and said in words, swear by Latin oza

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you know, and he tried to make him in a conversation swear by Latin oza and the boy said by Allah, he would not swear by Latin, whereas the other people, they swear by lap RZA, Sua hubel. They swear by anything, but the boy would not only swear by Allah subhanaw taala

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then the monk

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looked at his body, looked at his makeup, and then to the back of his shoulders and found a birthmark the size of an apple. And this birthmark was one of the signs of new Booyah of the prophethood. And when he saw this, he turned to Abu Talib and said, this is the master of all human beings. Allah will send him with a message that will be a mercy to all mankind. Abu Talib said, How did you know this? And by here, they responded and he said, when you came along the roads, the trees and the stones were prostrating to you. In another report, it said a cloud was following you as you're going along the road, the monk SART. And he knew that within this caravan was a special

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person and he and he said to Abu Talib, take the boy back. Don't take him to Syria, because I fear for his life. I fear that that the yahood that the Jews will kill him. If they find out. He's from the wrong side of the family, not from the side of his hock and Sarah, remember because they expected a profit, but not from the side of the Egyptian woman Hargett and his smile. So they found out that he had the signs, they would erase him. They would kill him in order that a prophet a messenger would come from their people. And so Abu Talib heeded this warning, and took him back or sent him back. Allah subhanaw taala protected the Prophet peace be upon him from evil law shielded

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him from going through some of the changes that young people go through. And you will be surprised to know that in Mecca, this is over 1400 years ago that young people on the weekends would go down to the clubhouse. And they would listen to the music. And the dancing girls were there just like the dark side Raven, things that are going on now. They would go to Kevin disclose and they would be around. So this Kevin disclosed in Mecca was one of the Hangouts for the teenagers, you see. And so it is reported by igneous Hawk rhodiola han Rahim Allah, that the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem, on two occasions, the thought came to his mind to go down to the disco, we'll call it the disco to go

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down to the disco. And so he went down to the disco. And he said, Did somebody take care of my sheep? I want to go down and enjoy myself the way other young men do in Mecca.

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And so we went down to the place, and he sat outside and the music is playing. Okay, the rave is on, they didn't have ecstasy to take at that time. But the rave is on

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Allah subhanaw taala put him to sleep.

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And when he woke up, the sun was up. And then he returned. another occasion the thought came to him again.

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And he went outside the place he sat down, and a lot of put him to sleep. And he didn't wake up until the next morning when the sun was out. After that the Prophet peace be upon him said I never thought of doing evil again. Never again. These are the only two times recorded that he even leaned towards this type of thing. Our children unfortunately are not blessed by a lot to go to sleep.

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Okay, they will go inside the dark side. Well, he has a villa. And so it is crucial for us to remember that we need to intervene into their lives. We need to give them a strong background. character building, train them with etiquette edip, how do you deal with adults? How do you respect women? How do you respect yourself to women? How do you how do you what is womanhood? What is manhood? This is crucial for us May Allah subhanaw taala help this oma to raise a generation of fit strong courageous leaders to get us out of this crisis that we are in. May Allah bless them and protect them from the evil of the shaitaan our poo lowpoly how that was stopped for lolly walakum wa

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salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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