Abdulbary Yahya – The Chapter of Lining up in Prayer – Umdatul Ahkam

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of shyness and embarrassing shyness in sharia systems, as it is crucial for graduates to pray in the
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many states, first of all, we just go through the

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wordings. First, and as

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the profits are low

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almost 10 years with the prophets of Allah

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and the Messenger of Allah

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from him, because he was always at the service of the prophets of Allah.

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And it shows that it's

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something that

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is praiseworthy to get to service.

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People acknowledge some of the competitive service departments later on also, some of their students will also be at their service and always show a great real estate. So here an agenda to make a dark

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Maalik, his grandfather, is his great grandmother's

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And the agenda to make it that

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she invited the office of love

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for a meal for some food that she made for him. So, this particular respect, and honored as other.

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So, it for that purpose, it

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becomes, as the, as the scholars man is also suited now for them to also

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the invitation. And inverse of that, of course, there are certain invitations are mandatory, some invitations that are not mandatory mandatory. Of course, we know that, for example, somebody's invited tours of what to a wedding, that it becomes mandatory. The wording here is the muscle rover.

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who is this person that

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is making a home? Who is the mother of the mother? Who is the grandmother of Anna,

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I have a boy here. And I would like him to

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Yeah, yeah, service, or messenger of Allah. So she actually offered to have Allison America to be at the service of the Prophet. So the five said, when you need anything, if there's anything you want, just try to sell. And so So of course, this is how the Companions so your companions were always trying to be at the center

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of the profit center lives. Like after school, above the line we used to carry, even as lack of the profits, otherwise, they would carry the shoes of the messenger the loss of alumni. And mainly the Companions would also bring

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water to the profits of the lockers, they were always at this time to get the service.

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Whenever they could, they always will try to help with anything that we needed help with. But also like she was very, she was a woman, she's a woman. So it's hard for her, of course, to always be with the messenger of a loss

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to help him do whatever and help him with whatever he needed. So she's, she was very wise, that she offered her son to help the messenger philosopher to stay with him whenever you need anything, and he's gonna be with you. And so the ins and romantic that

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was the whole time the Messenger of Allah was in Medina, he spent his time with the prophets.

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And that's why he was one of the one of those who narrated

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what there is the most Hadith What are the five of those who narrated plentiful.

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And this is a radical. These were the top three, who never really found the Messenger of Allah because they were with the Prophet, some of it

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for most of their time, as much as they could, and they were also very, very young. So they will also very,

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also Elaine is the mother of Alice

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and her father, as

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Blake. And

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she said no, she of course she was the one that she's the one that came to the Messenger of Allah so

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she says

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This question is from the unsavoury she says yes.

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In Allah Allah Yes, it will happen. O Messenger.

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messenger. Allah is not it's not shy.

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I'm not shy.

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Wasn't? Is it? Is it mandatory for a woman to make gossip? Either he or

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she sees what a woman sees me when you go to sleep when a person sleeps, and they have a *. And you know, of course, when a man has a *

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the remnants are there. And so we have a lot of you have what, you don't see anything. And of course, you don't live also. But if there's remnants of whiteness,

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whiteness, * coming up, and you have to make awesome. And so she's thinking, you know, for a woman, what if a woman sees something Maxis, she says, that a man sees, I mean, it's also a woman also see that sometimes women have those types of boobs also. And so when she says this, When she said this, the Prophet, so love it.

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She says, the messenger for loss of life.

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she said, Oh, you have to expose that there's a woman affairs of the Lord says, Why did she say that? Because she was about

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naturally she was very, she was embarrassed to mention such things. And it's something that's embarrassing to ask about a *. Right, but she says in Hola Hola, esta Have you been unhappy? She means it mentions this beforehand. Why? It shows the thing that even if the people, yes, I'll hire is something that is praiseworthy. Shyness is praiseworthy. But if it prevents you from learning the truth, and it's not praiseworthy, because you should be shy of a loss of hydrocarbon you should be shy to do anything that's inappropriate that is pleasing to Allah. And so when it comes to the application of the rulings of the Sharia, and

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then if someone does not know the ruling, they might do something that's incorrect, that may make the prayer not be accepted. And so she says in my head is that

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I'm asking Allah is not shy the truth I'm asking you for something embarrassing, but Allah is not shy. Which means that if we want to know the truth, because this is our D, and we want to learn our D,

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even if a shy to ask.

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But we want to ask anyways, because we're shy of displeasing Alaska

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there's no question that

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she asks the question opposite a lot. And if a woman if she sees what it's like a man that menses weapons, you wake up and it's what you have to leave us and then wakes up and there's wetness there. He has to make yourself awesome. So she was notice their love was

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specific for a woman

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says what she has was higher, who?

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Who is it? Yes, the prophets of the Lord is mostly companions

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was not enough at a lesser level to shine some. And it was not enough time for most impairments. He was the most, most shy.

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The most of the lead and the woman

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after the Messenger of Allah says Allah is a man

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not a woman. And so this is something that's crazy.

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Shouting, this is the hardest part of ima.

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And so but if it prevents you from learning the truth, it's not feasible, because you're afraid. Just what is shyness? Shyness is afraid, being afraid of doing so. In an embarrassing way. Who should you be embarrassed to do to be to be involved with more than anyone else? That's why if you know the rules, what Allah

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wants of you

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Even if it's something that's very

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uncomfortable is very, very important. And so Otsu

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G was

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he was the wife of

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the sister

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he's the one that went with the companions in the arena owner. Then when he went to the owner, when they went to nudge to call them to

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Islam, they were ambushed. And when he was struck, and he saw the blood coming out,

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he said to rob you can I have this? Haram Have you mill Han? So I'm haram vingt

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mille Han, is

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Omaha Benton Han is the sister

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honestly, and of course, also les was one of the one of those who used to breastfeed the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was a baby. And so, the messenger of allah sallallahu Kenny is also late. And we're counting because ALEC is on

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Hara. Why? Because they were his they were considered his

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has an

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aunt, from Rhoda from from from breastfeeding. And so

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rom used to come also, when the messenger the loss of Elijah would sleep. And when he was sleeping, he would he would sweat and she would collect the sweat of the prophets of Allah. Haram and then narration which is also lame also they used to come. And you know, in Arabia, sometimes it's very hot, when somebody takes clay Luna and so they were trying to collect the sweat, they said we would collect the sweat of the

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messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we would use it as I pura will use that even be but fried is what? Perfume, the man the sweat of the Messenger of Allah was so pleasant, so pleasant smelling that they would use that, just like how we would use please, we would use our perfume. And this was the sweat of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and she was always trying to find opportunity to collect any of the remnants from the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so the actual time that who

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brought him it, she invited him for food, invited him for food. And so we mentioned already that it is of course, it's

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it's very, very good manners to accept when people invite you. But what if they invite you for different reasons? Because some people they invite for others for different reasons. Some people they invite you because they want to show respect. Because they love that they love the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. They love to follow the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they respect the people of Deen.

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mean these are the people who are respected scholars, teachers, those in the community who are known for their piety and righteousness. That's something that is praiseworthy. But what if somebody invites you invites the person, some people, they say like, No, you shouldn't accept every invitation because then people will be little that invitation is only sub some, but the correct opinion is that you actually should accept all of all invitations if you can, whenever you can. Unless the unless the objective of that invitation was not for the sake of Allah, not for the dean. Because there are some invitations, people accepted, invite others sometimes to show off or to make

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a statement

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to make a statement and to raise their own status. So what do I mean by that? Sometimes you have a great very, very great scholar. You have a very great scholar, and this person

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who is very maybe oppressive, does a lot.

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He wants that he is you know, trying here to show people that he's upon the Sunnah.

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Alright, but he's not upon the Sunnah.

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And he's not someone that's good. But he's only doing that, so that he could gain fame and reputation and respect from the invitation of that particular scholar who's greatly respected. You know that situation? Do you know what I mean? Sometimes that happened, right? If somebody invites, especially the leaders, they want to invite someone who is a big scholar, because they not because they want to respect that scholar, they've invited for themselves, to show off to people. And sometimes you have a business people, business people, they also want to

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fight someone, because they not because they love that person. Maybe because they're trying to legitimize what they're doing.

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Right? So let's say somebody, for example, someone buys a house,

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or he buys a house and this house that he's bought is not according to Islamic financing, for example, it has it was riba but he wants to tell people that, you know, it's okay. Maybe so he'll invite maybe the chair, to have an invitation that house so that next time people say, look, what are you talking about? I can, there's nothing wrong with what I did. When I invited the chair, even he came.

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When he came, so to show what, to justify what he did that even though what he did was,

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but it's to justify the harm that he did, so that people don't talk about him too much that he did this and did that. And so it's more like to, to cover up some of the things that he did some of the things that he did. And so that's why sometimes, if if, you know, the invitation is not because of the deed, it's not want to have dunya, we a you know, worldly objective, and benefit, then in this case, sometimes it's better not to go. Because then you would just be Gemma, the bad things that that person is doing. Because I know some people also

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they do what they invite, and they don't tell you. Like, I've actually been an invitation. When an invitation. And they tell me something else. They say, you know, I will invite you to my house for this purpose. And this, you know, just, you know, just just to have just have dinner, so they tell me, they tell me it's dinner only. And then when I get there, I find out that it's not dinner.

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It's not dinner, they invited me over there because they wanted to celebrate molded

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and to have my presence and they didn't tell me that. So now I'm there. So right.

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Now, maybe I can't join this. Because the reason why they invited me was because they wanted to say, look, even he celebrates maolin.

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I like they wanted to say even he saw the big smile. So I was there. And I couldn't leave. So when they brought the food, I said I'm not eating it.

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And so when they stood up, I didn't stand up.

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I remember and so the people that the imams in the front, they were saying, Who brought this guy here so disrespectful. The Messenger of Allah is here. And he doesn't stand up.

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Because what did they do? They recite? Like,

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the seal of the prophets of the light man was in melodious way. I don't know if you guys have ever witnessed that.

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Yeah, yeah, they, they recite border, but they also don't know what they say we say also,

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they have

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in different time. And then there's a time when they stand up, right?

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Yeah. And they say he's better when they when they did you guys have that? So you know what I'm talking about, right?

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Yes, so they invited me but they didn't tell me. All right. And the person who invited me I helped them a lot during high G and he wanted to invite me just because of that. So I'm thinking, Okay, this invitation is less, you know, this like dinner, that he invited me. So I come and I see people, a lot of people there. And all these people stand as then they start reading and then they stand up. I said

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no. And I said, Why did you invite Why did they invite me? And they said because they wanted to make a point, a statement.

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When I was there, they said they want to make a statement?

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Yes. When I was when they're not here, I'm in Yeah, yeah, it was it was in Vietnam. They were

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I want to make a statement, because there are two groups, people who are against Molad.

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And they know that I just came from Medina and they want to make a statement said, Look, even he said he attended the moment. Right? And then they can use that against the other people who don't have the right. Right. And so, but I didn't know. But when I found out immediately when they started serving the food on the stand, I didn't stand up. I eat the food. I said, No, I can't eat this food. But yeah, I didn't know. I said, I knew this was new, I wouldn't have come to start with, right, but now that I'm here, if I joined whatever they used to, or whatever they do, what would they do?

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They would go telling everybody see, I'm good buddy. Also southern his motive? What do you guys know about? He just came from Medina. And he was how are you? Why are you guys trying to go against it? Right. So sometimes, people invite you for different reasons. Sometimes they invite you because they want to make a statement. And sometimes they want to justify some things did. And so that if that's the case, then it's not that not only is it not only should you not go It's haram for you to go, because you're justifying something that is haram. And we're by you going you are

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they will use that actually to say just like they wanted to use it against. And they're actually a lot of things happened after that too. Because there are some people who defended me and afterwards when I left, there was a fight. And one of the one of the other people who celebrated most of the staff, one of the people in the sudden, and he got into a fight because he the other guy was defending me. My other guy says no, like, it's why it's so disrespectful. Like the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet is in. He's, he's, they believe He's present. But he comes. Yeah, and you know, stand up. That's, that's like most of his disrespect, was disrespect. And they believe he comes when

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they when they recite, and I think it's the time that he went, he was born, when he was born, when they mentioned that everybody in the room stands up. Everybody in the room says and of course you have most countries, you have two groups of people that are similar.

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They read in Arabic. Yeah, they really know because I was listening.

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They don't understand. They have no idea what they're reading, they just read and they just read it. Like, it's just, you know, they do it every single year. And sometimes they do read more than a year even. They do more than that even, it's just like they sell at some people's salary model every Friday almost.

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Or every certain occasion, they do the same thing. So if that's the case, if somebody invites you with those motives, and objectives, then of course you don't attend. You don't attend even though they want to respect but if it's for if it's if it's cause it's going to cause fitna, right. So the condition is that it doesn't cause fit to that because sometimes it will cause more fit to fit in or what fit to that either fit in a in the dean, or fit to that because you're justifying something that that person may be doing. That's incorrect. And so it is if it is because they want to invite you show respect as and and they're doing it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, then in sha

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Allah, then of course, that's something that is mandatory, as, as we know from many of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah, the latest Maxim Hadith of

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the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered, ordered us to one of the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim, when the job is

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that you respond to His invitation that says, right, just like you give salaams you respond to this alarms. And just like when a person sneezes, or one of it one of the rights of a Muslim is that if he invites you, that you also fulfill that invitation and you accept the invitation. And of course, the other one is of course, you fulfill your,

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your oath, when you make an oath, then you fulfill your oath. And as I said, sometimes some people they invite you, because not because of you. It's because of them.

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Because they're thinking about them raising their status. They want to get respect they want another reason. Sometimes it's for for for business, for business purposes. And sometimes they invite you because they want to, they want you to intercede on behalf and some things and if it's something that's legitimate, it's okay.

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But sometimes they want to invite you because I know like, sometimes some invitations, the brother or the sisters inviting. And it's because they want, they sort of like they want to be the person to seem like they're always right.

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You understand. So sometimes husband and wife, for the wife, the wife invites or the husband invites, and then they want to invite, and they invite some other people why to put the other person down.

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To put the other person it's not to try to reconcile, or it's not tried to, it's sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn't. There are certain situations or as a person just wants to show that, hey, you know, I'm in the right and this person is in the wrong. Everyone know,

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like, and the thing is, and then the other person tries to speak, they won't let them speak. And so all they you come in they just fighting,

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fighting, because they're not inviting you because because they want reconciliation or they want something that's you know, for doing it for the sake of Allah, they want something for themselves. They want something for themselves. And sometimes like during the time of the Prophet, some live some, you know, the hypocrites want to make a statement, they will do so. And then also the hood. And as they own right, because they want something to make a statement, then they will do so and so that's why

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and not all invitations. You should you should always accept the invitations. If you feel that it's not something that's legitimate. But if you feel that sometimes it's not legitimate, then that's a different matter. If it causes more friction for you going in might even cause more fitna, and you might even cause more, more problems. And why because when you're inviting somebody and they're coming, and somebody's sincere, the reward is also very, very great, you're falling, the sooner you're feeling those, you know, you're inviting others also. But at the same time, there are some invitations. Also, when somebody invites and other people, the only people there are the rich, and

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the nobles, and everyone else is poor, the people who really are hungry, they don't get to go. They're the ones not going. So I remember sometimes some invitations that you get, like you look around like there's nobody, and the poor people are out there like hungry. They have nothing to eat, and they want to join. But this is like an exclusive group. They only invite the rich people invite with certain groups, a circle of people, and they exclude the poor people. And so sometimes you have invitations, that are like that also, and of course those invitations that exclude those who are really much in need. And then that's that's something that's not that that not permissible. So why

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did she invite the Prophet sallallahu so here, there are two ala primates on act two. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is invited to Emil food, and he responds, and of course, the Messenger of Allah says Allah is I'm extremely humble, even a woman, even if a girl wants to take his hand, sometimes a girl will take the hand of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she would bring him because she needed something. And you know, you know, sometimes the children, what do they need? From that there's just some

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something big, it's something like you know, just a little something they're playing with. And what you get from this is that the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam, was so compassionate, so kind, that the woman feel comfortable inviting him.

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And the children feel comfortable, dragging his hands. Right. Why? Because he was, he was so so kind. He was so compassionate. Even the children felt comfortable, because there are some people who feel that, you know, the,

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the face of righteousness and piety is the face of that uncle who's serious, that then when the children when he walks by the children, the children, the uncles come in, they run away, right? No, that wasn't the face of the prophets that Allah has said, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has to be loved by the young, the elderly, the men and the woman. Everybody felt comfortable. And the messenger of Allah says Allah has made everyone feel comfortable to the point where they they invite him they know that he's the you know that he'll come because of who he was. Who who are you to invite me? For some people, like who is it? Who's this person?

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than inviting, you know, like, if a poor person invites that person, they don't want to go, right. If a rich person invites him to a gathering, then they go for some people it's like that they don't go to like, and the poor people are so afraid of them. There's such a distance they don't even want to invite. They don't want to talk to him because they make that when they're closer they make them feel so they feel feel so low, that they don't even want to talk to them. Alright, and so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even the poor, the poor was the most poor of the poor, felt comfortable talking to the prophets of Eliza, inviting the Messenger of Allah whatever it

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is, they may have, sometimes you want to invite, but you don't have much, but the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would still come. And that to me la time in Santa too and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked and someone was invited. Some of the scholars have mentioned a specific time this is they said, well, the prophets of Allah lexham afterwards here for call for Carla and OMO Valley or San Leela of Salah, then he said, Come on, you guys stand up. And let me pray. Let me pray for him. In other words end up inside the Messenger of Allah Sutherland so praise and these colonies telling the stand up who is there who mentioned right now in a few minutes

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inshallah. So he came, he aid and the lead them in prayer, why he Why did he? And what was the time here some of the scholars are making this was a, this was a time of whoo Ha, there's no particular proof for like Doha prayer that you can inviting in the morning here. And while I'm the majority of the time the majority and invitations is not for breakfast, like in the Muslim world, was the majority of the invitations. It's usually lunch or dinner, right? The majority of time, it's lunch or dinner, the the Muslims eat breakfast, very few, the very light breakfast, right? You know, in the Muslim world, like even before they would, they would eat very light breakfast, sometimes, and

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they would go out, but then they would, you know, like, the lunch for them was very early. And then lunch, they would go out very early. Sometimes after Friday, they would go in sometimes just a few dates, and then they would go and then after that, they would come back for lunch, but they would come back very early. And so that's why what do you call lunch?

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lunches for that whatsoever that

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and all they do is morning. It's actually the morning meal and many of the Muslim countries before like even you know, before and even in I know, in Southeast Asia, and Southeast Asia. You know, some of the brothers are inviting me to for lunch. And you know what, time lunches?

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No, 930 10 o'clock in the morning.

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That's breakfast. But that's lunch for them. Because they wake up for fondue time they go to the field, they're already working. Oh, right. And so when they come back, when it gets a little bit hot, they come back. And so at 10 o'clock before the war, always hours before the war. And that's why during the time of the prophets of Allah de la setup, most people don't realize that a lot of the hi Lulu was like actually before the Yeah.

00:33:24 --> 00:33:24

What is it?

00:33:28 --> 00:33:35

Oh, now it's a lot after the hood, right? I'm just saying before, during the time of the Messenger of Allah says a lot. So

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there's a Lulu was a little bit before.

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And sometimes some of them will have it during after the war. But a lot of times they would come back and eat right and eat early. And then they would go for or for for

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you know, for later on like towards the passenger past midday, they will go back and work again. So this was like,

00:34:00 --> 00:34:44

a break time for them. Break time in the middle of the day. In the morning, they would work but now most people you know, like don't many of them. Maybe in the Muslim world. A lot of construction in Arabia. The day starts after us. Yeah, that's for everything. The shops don't even open before that for offset. Shafts don't over for us right before right. Now, maybe some of the supermarkets are open, but there's no hardly anyone in the streets. Hardly anyone this is few people who are working, you know, like government jobs and things like that. But everybody with the government jobs are like half asleep anyways because they sleep really, really late. They sleep really, really good. So

00:34:44 --> 00:34:47

during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:51

They did eat but it was you know, like

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most of the invitations were for lunch, or dinner, lunch or dinner. And so this was a

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

Um, of course, this was between

00:35:05 --> 00:35:06

there was a time

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

there's a time

00:35:10 --> 00:35:28

after if I did in the morning and then we'll do it time is already when it's already bright right outside between that and also midnight, midday. And so the prophets of Allah Allahu wa sallam. After he ate, he said for Karla Lana, como valioso Leila

00:35:29 --> 00:35:41

como fairly also Leila con. Why did he come? Why did she invite him? What was the reasoning? Well, from this for all, Elena, he said,

00:35:42 --> 00:35:53

como fairly recently and okay, let me stand up. So who is he speaking to? He's speaking to the grandmother.

00:35:54 --> 00:35:59

And it's an America by the law and who and their grandchildren and there was a

00:36:00 --> 00:36:10

team that was there also. And so the prophets of Allah who Annie hasn't said, Stand up, and let me pray. Why? Because the scholars have mentioned that she invited him.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:20

Why? What do you think she would invite him for any reason? What some of the reasons, maybe the reason to pray for

00:36:22 --> 00:36:28

EPA is to pray. But why why to pray? Well, what does she want to do on the prayer?

00:36:29 --> 00:36:40

Some of the scholars have mentioned, she wanted to learn about how the Prophet saw the lights and pray, because the woman usually are not close to the prophets of Allah when he's praying.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:55

Right? So she wants to learn how and much you know, like, as close up of so that she can apply the prayer and learn the prayer of the prophets of Allah.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:27

And so when the messenger of Allah said a lot, listen realizes this, realize that the objective that why she's inviting one of the reasons is because she wants to learn. And we know this from the kind of person that she was. She was always someone who love the Sunnah. who wanted to learn the deen of Allah. And that's why she would come to the prophets on Eliza and ask questions the other woman would not ask, why? Because she wanted to teach also,

00:37:28 --> 00:38:15

by asking that question that what were the woman who always have these questions in their mind? They're embarrassed to ask, maybe they're talking to each other, then they're speaking to her and saying, you know, what do we do? Okay, we know the men have to make us feel better. What about us? Is there anything that really cuz it's different for women? Right? They don't have anything that comes out as clear as the men. Right? It's just wetness. But do they have to be loosened from there? So now, a lot everybody's embarrassed to ask. Right? So he was someone who love the deen. I love the prophets of the lighthouse. And who wanted to learn and so that's why she invited the Prophet seller

00:38:15 --> 00:38:47

last night. She's huge so she could have a close up. Look at how he prayed. And that's why when he realized that he knows this, the Messenger of Allah knows this, of course, says for Allah who value Sunday lack of a covenant. Okay, let's, let's stand up and let's pray. I show you how prayer that in other words, and we pray, and so is it permissible? So what did they do here? From this hadith? We learn another thing, okay.

00:38:49 --> 00:38:59

Is it permissible to pray? congregational prayer, to invite people to pray congregational prayer, Sunnah prayer to come together?

00:39:02 --> 00:39:11

The scholars have divided into two types, two types of prayer. The first, of course, that we know

00:39:12 --> 00:39:28

the default is in Ramadan, for example. Ramadan, when we come together after a chat prayer to pray, the night prayer and Ramadan, what is that call? What's that prayer call?

00:39:30 --> 00:39:33

Not only did they call that Tarawih prayer and the time of the Prophet Summit,

00:39:34 --> 00:39:48

was that if you went to went back in time, for example, and you spoke to Abu Bakr NAMA, and he spoke to, you know, the people during the time of the Prophet saw their lives and then say it said, Did you guys pray Taraweeh?

00:39:52 --> 00:39:55

They say he's like, what he taught him what was this?

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

Yes, what did they used to

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00

Call it

00:40:03 --> 00:40:28

they used to call it pm Ramadan. Right and that's why we say the Hadith says men on Eman and Rathi Saba all fear Allah Houma, Taka dynamism. So it's clear we'll lay MPM Ramadan. So pm will nail in the month of Ramadan. That's what they used to call it. It's just a regular PM,

00:40:29 --> 00:41:11

standing up at nighttime in prayer and Ramadan. And they used to do this individually. And then the prophets of Allah will annex them at the end of his lifetime, gathered the Companions, he gathered the companions. And then the next day more people saw it, heard about it and they came. Next day again more people came filled the masjid. And he prayed at home and he said, The reason was, he didn't want it to be obligatory. Because if he would have led them till the end of Ramadan, it would have been obligatory that means you have to do it because that's the last thing that he did. So the Companions does a process of didn't do it anymore. But he established something, the sooner that it

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is soon to come together to pray, a Sunnah prayer in congregation

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during the month of Ramadan and night.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:47

So that's the Sunnah. And that's why Omar will have revived the Sunnah when he gathered the Companions again, to pray in congregation. So is it permissible to gather people to pray, let's say brothers, you know, this Saturday since you know, it's a long weekend, everyone after a short prayer, let's come on is pray the night prayer.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:53

Is it permissible for me to gather people to pray that prayer

00:41:55 --> 00:42:02

will be permitted? Because some of the brothers do that right? Some of the brothers Okay, let's do the countless come together for pm

00:42:03 --> 00:42:04


00:42:06 --> 00:42:06

It's okay.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:15

First of all, that this is where the this is where the issue is at, right? That's what I'm talking about. So the first thing is,

00:42:17 --> 00:42:18

if you look at this hadith,

00:42:19 --> 00:42:24

if were they expecting to come together as a place to knit together?

00:42:25 --> 00:42:32

Then they will Nobody's expecting anything he didn't invite. He didn't make an announcement or anything. It just happens right there.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:50

Just happens. Hey, you guys, come on. Let me just let me lead you in prayer. Let me lead you and then he leads them in prayer. And the two are behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they are and the woman is behind.

00:42:52 --> 00:43:06

Anessa Anissa mimetics. Grandfather, the mother is behind the men. Right? And so they're praying and congregational prayer. But why? When did this prayer happen? It was just spontaneous,

00:43:07 --> 00:43:15

and spontaneous. And this happens a lot during the time of the Prophet saw a lot, so sometimes he would get up at night and prayer. And then

00:43:18 --> 00:43:39

Abdullah Ambassador joined the prophets of the radicalism in prayer, but it's something that's spontaneous. So if it's spontaneous, it's permissible to come together to pray even the Sunnah prayer. But if you're inviting people to pray, and you're making it an occasion, that's not permissible except for nighttime and all that.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:56

Except for that, because that's the exception. Why? Why is the Ramadan night prayer the exception? Because when you come together, it's easier to pray. And then it's to help you continue to pray at nighttime even after a Mullah.

00:43:57 --> 00:44:16

But the default is that you don't do that. Except for Ramadan because we have an action of the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam that establishes the Sunnah. So in normal circumstances, that's what so if the Jamaah occurs without

00:44:17 --> 00:44:40

invitation or without, you know, prior intention to gather people, then it just happens spontaneously. That's something that's agreed upon that happened many times during the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and sometimes, this scholars have mentioned on this particular occasion.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:45

It's permissible if he gathers them to teach them something.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:59

What is he teaching them? Yeah. He's standing up to pray. Because we're like, the grandmother of the prophet or the grandmother of Anisimova miracle or the law. I don't want to invite him

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

And because she wanted to see the prayer of the prophets of Allah.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:15

And so he fulfilled her request or you know what he wanted? By praying so that he could see how he prayed.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:23

So it's more like the morning. This is not a masjid. I mean, they won't

00:45:25 --> 00:45:32

always go to the masjid. But yes, but even if you go to the masjid with the woman or in the back,

00:45:33 --> 00:46:17

see, so the scholars I mentioned that because she can't see the Prophet, with all the lines in front, directly. She's behind. And so she wants to see for close up. So right now you just have two boys. And she can see the prophets of Allah lives and how he says, What's he? Where is he putting his hand? How he's praying, clearly, visibly, in front in her own house. And also it gives her an opportunity also to teach maybe some of the other women also, because maybe the men are teaching also. But sometimes, you know, like, when you have, you have some woman, they're very, very keen and seeking knowledge. And they love that. And they want and so that's why also the woman, they always

00:46:17 --> 00:46:19

want their own class also.

00:46:20 --> 00:46:21


00:46:22 --> 00:46:22

They won't.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:32

Yes, that's what I'm mentioning. Oh, yeah. That's why they want of course, the Messenger of Allah at some to come. So for his dua, also

00:46:34 --> 00:46:47

plays Yeah, for the purpose of life so that they can sometimes, because she says also the come when the Prophet prays at a particular place, so that I can make that place as a place of prayer for me also. So I'm just saying, I'm just you're getting,

00:46:49 --> 00:47:03

you getting, you're getting, but this is how you have to understand this is only for the prophets of Allah house. Right? So you like don't ask the chef, so and so to come. Why? Because nobody knows. Well, let

00:47:05 --> 00:47:05

me be

00:47:06 --> 00:47:26

the most the chef that you think has the most taqwa, maybe, you know, by himself. He's like a wolf. Who knows? Only Allah knows. Right? So you don't know. And that's why you don't take the baraka of so and so. And sometimes those people, you know, who think that they have Baraka, they're the most scandalous of our people.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:32

Because people chose back for them. And and so I even have a brother, right?

00:47:34 --> 00:47:43

This is this is, you know, this, there's his brother, he's in the United States. He's a college student at a university. In the US, I won't mention when.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:53

But he has a chef, the chef that he respects very much, right. And so he says,

00:47:55 --> 00:48:19

he believes that the chef, the tissue, Praise, praise America. And they, and he comes down, he comes back here. And he could sometimes he would pray Fajr in Mecca, and then he comes back, right? Sometimes it's sometimes he comes, and he's there. So they believe that some of his students believe that. So one of the brothers

00:48:21 --> 00:48:30

I know, I know, he's a student. He used to be one of my sons, my students. He says that brother, one day the chef came back, I was flying back from somewhere, right? So the

00:48:32 --> 00:48:34

chef calls him the student affairs, right.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:39

Students that I know the other student,

00:48:40 --> 00:48:42

they're like friends, and you never eat at the university.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:49

MSAP University. So he says them. So I gotta have to go pick up my head on the airport.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:52

And so the weather is very smart.

00:48:54 --> 00:49:06

Like, let's listen to yourself. You says that he or she goes to Mac praise. And he comes back by himself and you need to go pick him up from the airport

00:49:10 --> 00:49:35

Why do you need to go back from the airport, I was able to go to Mancha, they come back like that. You don't need to go to the airport. He has that. The ability to pray in Mecca, for fudging and come back right away by himself. You didn't go pick him up anywhere for because he goes all the way Michael would have taken an airplane. And now you have to go pick him up from the airport. Think about that. What do you think? Do you think he

00:49:36 --> 00:49:59

is lying to you guys? Right? And so anyways, these are like, like college students, right? You would think in America someone like wouldn't believe such things. Right? But Allah knows best. Sometimes it does occur but the CLT Jin, sometimes a this occurred during the time of the Prophet so I was the only time shall this time.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:44

With me, he mentioned about personal chef, he used to always go and pray. And when he passed away, he actually one of his students went to that particular area. And he actually found you know, that there was a chef on the gin that used to take him. And it's because he used to worship Satan is to mix the, you know, he came in the form of an element is off, we had some of the, some of the details, that he was a camo and stuff and they were speaking. And so anyways, this particular so sometimes, you know, the shielding sometimes can do such things and Allah knows best but still you go pray mech, we come back by yourself, I don't need to go pick you up with airport you should be

00:50:44 --> 00:50:49

able to come home, by yourself, right? And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. So

00:50:50 --> 00:50:56

let's finish this a few things here in sha Allah and we'll wrap up on and, and so

00:50:58 --> 00:51:16

as I mentioned, sometimes the woman when they pray, they are unable to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And also the we spoke about something about the remnants of the Prophet, Allah. So this is only specific for the Prophet, prophets and messengers of Allah, that are

00:51:18 --> 00:51:58

the remnants of the prophets and messengers are vital in it. And that's what the Companions used to take the horse to the hair, and they will keep it and they would take the sweat of the prophets of Allah, and the piece of clothing of the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah so they would keep, because there's about okay, and that's why, when Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam, when he was when his father became blind, he's a prophet of Allah subhanho wa taala, also, but when his father became blind, he took off his shirt, he told his brothers to toss the shirt into the face of my Father, and he'll be able to see again, you might say, Okay, well my father who was blind, I'd taken my shirt

00:51:58 --> 00:52:37

and throw it in my father's face, he'll be able to see again, no, like he had, there's no brother in your shirt, but the remnants of the prophets and messengers of Allah, there is baraka that you toss it. And then there's Baraka because of the remnants of Prophet use of NASM, as a prophet, and messenger of allah sallallahu is the messenger of the Prophet and Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. And so he, he leaves because he's a prophet and messenger of Allah, than the remnants of prophets and messengers of Allah, there's about okay in it, and they're in the place that they pray. There's Baraka in, in sha Allah, because that's why we you take it in any remnants that you take from them

00:52:38 --> 00:53:24

is, is a place that, you know, is, is considered Baraka, and there's blessing in it, even in the food, the leftover food, of the prophets of the life of the will of the Messenger of the Lord, the water, the heat will do. The companion used to collect it. And as we mentioned, also, haram, she used to collect the sweat of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam to use as perfume and it was his blessing is also how the Messenger of Allah Allah have some sense was very, very pleasant. Even His sweat was very, very pleasant. Even his sweat is very, very pleasant. And so we ask Allah subhana wa to teach us that which benefits us and benefit from that which has taught us next week, we haven't

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even got to the just yet of the the reason why this hadith has mentioned is because of how do you line up? Do you line up to your right to the left? And where did the woman line up and where and so forth when you're praying, you know, like two people or three people and whether the woman pray, and that's why this hadith is in this particular area. It's because of the remember we said the lining up the lining up of it, and so we'll get back to that inshallah. And

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we mentioned some more some of the more benefits that are extracted from that. So next week inshallah we'll continue with this particular Hadith when when the Hadith, and then we'll be moving on Sharla to the next Hadith. And the next hadith is a Hadith of Abdullah Abdullah Ambassador de Lovato in which he spent time with bid to end the holiday my Munna, I spent the night with my aunt, my Munna and the Messenger of Allah Allah life upon me. So aloha and if you suddenly mean Elaine, for whom to unnecessary. So as I said, I stood up to his left for hardware B, or C, and he took my head for harmony and Yemeni and he moved me towards the right side. So he took me there and he moved

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me to my right side. And so this is a continuation will continue with that also in the chapter we're talking about is actually the lining up of the prayer but just we're just extracting some of the words from the Hadith. And so in review,

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it's it's something that's praised

00:55:00 --> 00:55:06

The, to invite and to accept invitations to invite people of knowledge to invite people but you don't.

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It's not because of the dunya matters you invite because why not because of the person themselves because of what the person has in the Quran and the Sunnah. And your love of aliveness messenger. So everything that you're doing, you're doing it for the sake of Allah, and you're accepting the invitation, because you're following the example of the Prophet. So a lot of us have in the Messenger of Allah land FM also mentioned that this is a rite of a brother. So Brother invites you. And then you should always accept the invitation. Because when somebody gives you a gift, also, they're giving you a gift, gift and some other party things. And somebody's giving you a gift. It's

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because of their, you know, their love for you. And so you don't reject gifts, you accept gifts, even if it's just something that's very, you know, small and gift giving is also that something that strengthens the mind and builds love because you're showing respect for the other person. And the person accepting and is thankful also, it strengthens the love between ourselves and so there are so many things that you know, we do together amongst them, it's an invitation to, to eat. And nowadays if you want to invite to invite someone, for example to your house, or you can invite someone even it's easier than before right? You can just go to a restaurant and the food is ready. You invite and

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that's also the MEL fulfill the purpose also. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best Subhana Allah Javi

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anybody having

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