Abdulbary Yahya – None of you truly believes until – Al-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith 13,40

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of "has" in Arabic, with "has" used to mean either faith or lack of faith. They also discuss the use of "has" in Arabic and its meaning, which refers to a person having evidence or faith. The importance of belief in oneself and following guidance is emphasized, along with the use of " honoring the holy holy holy holy holy."
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is not a negation of the essence of faith itself. The essence of iman itself, we say that when sometimes when we speak about the deen, and we speak about the people of innovators, sometimes we say, Oh, they are interpreting this verse, and they are taking it out of context or interpreting it incorrectly? How do we know that the way we interpret it? Are we allowed to do something like that? Because Shouldn't we, if he says there's no faith, that means you don't have any faith? Like, do you just take it? As it is? Meaning? Do you

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take it word for word, literally, like literally like no faith at all? Or it is? How do we know that it means your faith is not complete? Well, because when we interpret something we have legitimate proofs for then we can interpret it to mean this and that, even if the literal meaning says you don't have anything, zero law, you know,

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but we say no, that person has faith. And we have and when we, when we say that this actually means this or means that you have to have evidences, to prove that this does not mean that this person has left the fold of Islam, or has no faith at all whatsoever. So we say that when we interpret something, we're not saying that you can't interpret something out of you know, like, the literal meaning. We say that you can if you have evidence of it, and we have evidence and clear evidence that this is what it said. But actually, it means this, like the literal words word for word here, this is what it means no faith at all, that we say no, no, that's not what it really means. What it

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really means is this and that, and when we say that, we have to have clear evidence, or we have to have authentic and evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. Or the correct Arabic language usage, to under to to to say that the literal meaning here is not implied. You understand the literal meaning that means law, you have no faith at all whatsoever. And so we have, for example, the hadith of Abdullah, an ambassador of the Allahu anhu, who said, that the prophets of Allah have some said to to him, he made dua for me to Allahu Akbar, who had been who I live with that will, oh, Allah, help him to understand this deen and teach him that that will teach them the interpretation. That means

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teach them the understanding, sometimes of something that you see literally, but actually, this is what it means. And that's as, as a result of combining all of the, you know, every evidence, all the evidence that you have to understand the true meaning of the Hadith, or true meaning of a verse of the Quran, by using other verses and other Hadith to understand it properly. Because if you take one by itself, and you take you and you only use those words, then you might interpret it incorrectly. And that's why one has to have the understanding of the deen and that's what is alpha is understanding. So when he says a lot more often been because there's a difference between FFP one

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who understands, and one who read the Hadith and he takes it literally, those who don't have knowledge, they might take certain things literally, and they might be they might understand it incorrectly because they are not looking at the all the other Hadith and all the other verses to understand this particular phrase or this particular Hadith or this particular pious verse, And so Allah Subhana Allah for example, he says, either all right Al Quran first stereo bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. In surah Taha in verse number 98, Allah Subhana Allah tance in the past tense, if you've read the Quran after you read the Quran,

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for either and when you read when you read the Quran, and when you read the Quran, many Kurata has passed for either Kurata Quran, then seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaitan.

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So when you take this verse, literally what does it mean? It means I'm going to recite the Quran after I finish I say oh the villa he means shaytani R rajim. Can I stop? When do we say I was a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.

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At the beginning, do you say at the end but if you tell

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Take this verse literally, for he there and when you've read the Quran,

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either corrupted or saved the past tense, but in the Arabic language when somebody says either Oracle, Quran, or either

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either either the hub the Ilisu, for example, when you use the past tense, it means if you want to do something if you're about to do it, that's the meaning also, linguistically, it's used that way. The past tense is used to mean if you want to do something because you've already started something that you know,

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like making dua to Allah subhana, Allah Tana, you say for example, you say when you make dua for somebody, save up for Allah, Allah, Allah for Allah, Allah, what is the Valhalla? What tense is used? Past tense, but what do you mean? You say, May Allah forgive you? You're asking Allah to forgive, but you're using the past tense, because of certainty, like you know, in your mind, and you're asking Allah and you're certain that Allah will accept you say, Allah, Allah has already forgiven you, for Allah has already forgiven you. But what you really mean is, may Allah forgive you? May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive you, and you're asking in the present tense, but you use

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the past tense, and that is correct Arabic also and so far either Kurata Quran when you take this literally, it does not mean that and why do you how do we know when we say that? No, that's not the real meaning. Because if you take it literally and some people have actually, they say for example, some of the some of the trialists they have said that Okay, after you read over it, you say, oh,

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but we have evidences and proof from the actions of the prophets of the body. And I sent him that when did he do it?

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He did it before reciting the Quran and he taught the companions to say I will be let him initiate on him before. So then we take this particular verse, and even though the literal meaning is after you've read it, that we mean, when we say what it really means is if you want to recite the Quran, if you're about to recite Quran, so and Murad means the meaning is either our tomb LTM Ilaria, Hermes, and when you are so what you either either either

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were or is that a rattle Quran when you want to recite the Quran? And so that interpretation is a correct interpretation. Because we have evidences from the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that clarifies that this is, this is what it means. And also for example, this is a very,

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you know, in Surah, Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, you have a Lena Ave or you who believe either comb to Isla salah, either home to illustrate Allah pharmacielo Who do How come idea Camilla Moravec ally and ALLAH SubhanA wa tells us in the verse of The World of Goo of making will do ya evil Alina m n. O you who believe. Era como de la sala when you stand up for prayer, okay, that means you've already stood up for prayer, after immediately after you've stayed for prayer. pharmacielo who do How come when you wash your faces? Will you have one idea Camilla Moravec and then you wash your you should wash your faces and you wash your hands up to your elbows. So that mean what does that mean?

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If you take this verse literally?

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When do you mean what do

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you after you finish your prayer? You go maybe we'll do. Like what do we do first?

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We first write we, but the verse says if you do, either quantum quantum is past tense. If you stood up for prayer, like if the high standard for prayer already, I'm finished. And then it got me Willow who says that, like any scholar who mentioned that No. Will do is a short is a condition that means it's a prerequisites. You have to have it before you can stand up for prayer. You can't you don't just pray for us and then you gotta make wudu afterwards. But if you take the verse literally, it means if you stand up, but we say no, that's not the meaning. The meaning is either autumn LPEA Eli when you want to pray, when you want to stand up to pray. That means when you before you pray when

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you want to them is this is before the actual action of prayer. Then you go and make will do. And so we say that that interpretation, that that when we say the literal meaning of this verse is

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Not what it really means. What it really means is if you want to stand up for prayer, and that is authentic, that is usage of Arabic that correct usage of Arabic. That's of course we have evidences from many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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making mudo Of course, there's something that's, you know, a consensus amongst the scholars that you have to have will do before you can pray and you know, pray first and then you will make will do and that's something that's very, very known. But when you look at the verse, we say that the interpretation to say that it doesn't mean that you is not where he is. Now, it's not literal, because we have authentic evidences and proofs. So if you do have authentic evidences and proofs, from the Quran, or from the Sunnah, then we can say, that we can we can say that it means, you know, this is what it really means. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, lie, you mean

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you had to come? Lie, you know, I had none of you truly has faith. That means your faith is not complete not you don't have any faith whatsoever. So what is Alima? Alima? Allah Umino, Malema al Iman, Iman, is faith. And what does it mean?

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Al Iman itself in the Arabic language is not just to believe somebody. So it's ACARA almost tells him that Elmo Stalinism, they'll probably will plan.

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And what does that mean?

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That means your

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cut affirmation and or your confirmation in your heart, that was tells him that causes a person to accept and surrender to whatever whatever that belief is. Do you understand? So what does that mean? That means that in

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the man itself, that in the Arabic language, belief and faith in the Arabic language is not something that's just in the heart.

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Faith itself is more than that. Faith itself is that which is in the heart that causes the causes that as that is, that also the result of that faith causes us to act upon the faith that we believe in. That mean, it's not just, it's not just internal, but it's internal. And, and it is also external. And some people they say,

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for example, they say,

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I'll Iman means to just believe. So just believing with your heart only and they say that this means what it means at us do this, the admins to believe somebody, to believe somebody. A human is more than that. It's faith. So for example, views, if someone says

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if you, if you say you, you you say I'm meant to, because I believe, and I have faith in I believe so. And so and I have a man, and so and so, and I believe was adapted for Lana, man to I believe in this and you say, I believe so adapter for when you say you believe somebody, when you believe somebody, when they say something and you say, Okay, I believe that what you're saying is the truth. I believe what you're saying is the truth. There's a difference between believing what you say is the truth and belief in faith in itself acts of faith. Faith is more than just believing that somebody says it's true. So you can say somebody, okay, I believe.

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I believe that Allah, Allah is my career. Right? I believe that Allah is my Creator.

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You can believe that Allah is your Creator. But are you a Muslim? Are you a Mormon? Are you a believer?

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No. If you believe that Allah is your creator, you also have to be a Muslim. You have to believe and have faith and Iman and Iman requires you to act upon that belief. So if somebody for example, this be does does IBLEES believe in God?

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There's a lot there's a belief believe that God is that Allah created him. Yeah, yeah, he believes, but he's a Muslim.

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Because he doesn't follow the commandments of Allah Subhana Allah.

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He doesn't follow the commandments of Allah. So EMA

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requires you to. It's also a Quran to believe, almost tells me about

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believing, believing and accepting

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and following

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in action also in word and in action. So we have we say bliss, is he a Muslim? What Why is he not a Muslim? He believes in God.

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He believes that God created him. But is that enough? No, that doesn't make you a Muslim until you follow the commandments of Allah, that you are a servant of Allah. And Allah tells you to do something, you follow it. And that's why some people, some people who, when they,

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when you tell them and you remind them, brother, you know, don't do this. And don't do that don't sell this and don't sell that. You know, it's not good. It's haram to sell alcohol, for example. It's haram to sell this and to do this and to do that. Then he goes, brother Eman is here.

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Eman is here. You know what he's saying? He's saying, if I believe in God alone, even if I don't follow, I'm still I'm okay. I'm a Muslim.

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It's all here. Yeah, the man is there. But that's not the man, the man you have to follow it with actions also. And that's why when you say you don't say, for example, you don't use they are meant to fool and

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I believe a personnel when somebody tells you something, you say said Dr. Flanagan, I believe him. Yeah, you believe him, you know what he's saying the truth. But that's not all. When you believe in something, it's not just the steel, to believe, is to have faith and to follow the commandments of your faith. So if you truly believe, then you would follow. Otherwise, you don't really have EMA and so, the word EMA in itself

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and the word faith it means that,

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but sometimes the word mind is used as belief also, you can use it as believe, but linguistically, but you could, but, but to, to say that the Iman in Islam is only belief in the heart, that is that is incorrect. So, for example, had a some of the scholars have mentioned how do you know if this is what this is? What it means well depends on the context also. For example, in Surah, Lanka, Bhutan, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about Prophet Ibrahim, he says for our man, Allahu Lu,

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low the Prophet, low, low, his cousin believed in him,

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believed him when whatever he told him, he believed in him, famine, Allah, who, which means what believed who believed Abraham. So he believed him when he wherever he told him, he believed him. So also some scholars are there no, no here it means believe and also follow in what he believed also. So there is no contract doesn't just Eman means more than that. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. And so what is the word Iman? Sharon like in the

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in the technical meaning even in this lab? So when we say law, you know how to come? Amen. What is the man and Eman what Where is Iman? Is it just in the heart? No. palaemon is in the heart. And it's in the tongue and it's in your limbs. So it's embodied. It's in the heart embodied in how you speak and what you say. It is embodied in your actions. All of that together is Iman and so

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if somebody believes in Allah subhanho wa taala, then they follow it, and they act upon it. And Allah subhana wa Taala uses the word Iman as an act of worship, meaning that Iman an act of worship he called a Salah al Iman. Where is that in Surah Al Baqarah Allah subhanho wa Taala says Womack and Allahu Yulia Eema and America and Allah and Allah Subhana Allah Anna, why not make your iman go to waste? Now in order for us to understand this verse, we have to look at the context. This is in sorbitol baccarat at the beginning of the second news when Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the changing of the tribler say a whole super hot woman and that's email will allow him and fibula team

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will let the guy know.

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The fools will say

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So your whole sofa the full was amongst the people would say, why? What made them change? What made them turn? Oh my well, okay, but the humility can lie. What made them change and turn away from the enabler that they were they had turned to being what why did they change the tabler from Jerusalem from beta Democritus? to Mecca? Why? Why?

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So the Jews in Medina, when the when the changing of the table occurred, the Jews of Medina were in they were they, it was a big thing for them and ruffle their feathers, but sort of like it bothered them. And it was a big thing. It wasn't just something small. Why? Because they knew that the meaning of it is even more that the ramifications of it are greater than what is apparent. It isn't just that the Muslims are no longer facing facing Jerusalem and they're facing Mecca now. Also means that Allah Subhana Allah has changed to the point where now the people who have been preferred the best nation before they were the

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chosen people as they say, right, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada Yeah, a lot of Hanworth out to me have multiple you have an Esri will Kuru Namath reality and Uncle Aliko all children of this era you know Israelites Oh bunny is in.

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