Abdulbary Yahya – Art Of Dawah Episode 2

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary ©
The Art of Dawa emphasizes the importance of having a good route in order to achieve success, and the church of Islam is allowed to say not to use pawns of Islam. The importance of knowing oneself and one's beliefs is crucial for building healthy life, and baths are used for recitation of the Quran and bathing in bathrooms for recitation of the statement. The host emphasizes the importance of patientity and giving feedback while speaking to others, as it is crucial for educating oneself and becoming better.
AI: Transcript ©
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The heavens

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in Alhamdulilah

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surey and fusina was a tr Melina Maja Hilah, who Fela Moodle Allah wa my little fella had Allah to Allah Allah Allah Allahu Allahu la sharika wash Hydra, Mohammed Abu ora solo Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Welcome to another episode of The Art of Dawa. Today inshallah we will be speaking about al hikmah, which is wisdom, wisdom in Dawa. In order for the Dawa to be successful, we must have wisdom, you can have something that's very good. But if you don't know how to give that which is very good, then it will not be accepted by others. It's like if a person has some food, and the other person might be very, very hungry. But if you do not give the food to the

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person who might be older than you, that person, maybe they might have higher status than you whatever that person may be. But if you humiliate that person by throwing the food towards them, even if they're hungry, they might not accept it, even if they need it, they might not accept it. And so in terms of Tao when we speak about Dawa, a person must have hikmah and hey, karma is a great blessing of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says, well, may you tell hikmah faqad udia Hi, Ron kathira whoever is given this hikmah or this wisdom has been given a great good or something that was very, very good. And so hikmah is needed. In Dawa, we have to have it. What is

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hikmah hikma as Abner Kai mentioned his logo shape female that he is that when he described it, or he defined it as putting things in the right places. In other words, putting things in the right places doing things that the right time saying the right words to the right people at the right time, the right way. In other words, doing everything correctly, and saying everything and doing everything appropriately. And this is what hikma is, and when a person has hikmah when a person has wisdom in propagating this religion, then it is more likely that others will accept it from him. And that's Allah subhanho wa Taala orders the US to propagate this in the best way possible. And that's

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why Allah subhanho wa Taala says, oh, he said, Oh, do Ls abelia Rob beaker bill hikmah call to the way of your Lord, Bill hikmah with wisdom and we see many examples of the wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam over and over again, in the Hadith. And in the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam let me just give you a story. Some an incident that occurred during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that shows us how the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam used wisdom in conveying this message and how he taught the companions, wisdom also. And this incident occurred in Medina, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Medina and he

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was in the masjid a Bedouin

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entered the masjid.

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Upon entering the masjid, he felt the urge to urinate. And so he went to this side where he went to one of the corners of the masjid and he started to urinate while he was urinating. The Companions saw him and they are screamed, and pretty much they wanted to beat him up. And imagine this person coming into the mosque, and he's urinating in the mosque. And so there was an uproar in the masjid. And so the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was looking at this whole incident and seeing the whole thing and some of the companions were yelling and screaming, and they weren't

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To try to stop him forcefully, but the Prophet sallallahu wasallam ordered the companions to stop, leave him alone. In other words, leave them alone and let him continue urinating Subhana Allah somebody is urinating in the masjid. And he is allowing them to do so telling the companions to leave him alone and let him finish. So, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw this incident, and the bedroom was finished, the Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said to him, he said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the Bedouin, he said, these massages are these mosques, are the houses of Allah, it is not appropriate for you to urinate.

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And these the massage of the house of Allah, it's only it's appropriate. These places are for recitation of the Quran for prayer, recitation of the Quran, and the remembrance of Allah. So this is what the houses of Allah are for. And so when the Bedouin heard this, the prophet SAW Allah had a lesson in, you know, speaking to him in such a nice way and he was so kind and lenient to him. He said, Oh, Allah have mercy upon me, and Mohammed and nobody else. And so, the prophets of Allah, as I've said, Why have you constricted, something that is so vast, not the mercy of Allah is very vast. So why have you constricted between us and between me and you only let the mercy of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala be showered upon all and so when we reflect upon this incident, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered the companions to not stop him. Why? First of all, if the companions were to run towards that companion to that veteran, and they tried to stop him forcefully, they would just make the masjid or the mosque dirtier because he's urinating, so it's gonna splatter and other places, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Afterwards, all he did was he told the companions to bring a pail of water and pour it on the area that the urine was and to clean that area with that pail of water. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the reason why the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu lessem, did not scream, holler or yell at this companion was because he is ignorant. He's very ignorant. He didn't know because he did not know the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught him in a nice way. Now you might say, how could somebody not know that urinating in the mosque is wrong? How? It's common sense. Everybody knows that? Yes, for me and you it might be common sense. But for a Bedouin, who's living in a desert, it's not common sense to him. A Bedouin that lives in the desert. Whenever he feels the urge to urinate, what does he do? Whenever he feels the urge to urinate, all that he does is he goes to the side and urinate no matter

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where he is. And so, while this bedroom is in the masjid, he felt the urge to urinate. So he's just doing something that he's been doing all his life, he just went to the side and urinated to him. In the desert, when he feels the urge to urinate, he just goes to the side, the whole desert is a bathroom. for him. The whole desert is a toilet, he can go anywhere. He doesn't have to go in certain places. And so he's used to that. So this bad one did not know. It wasn't common sense to him. And the only person that realized this, in the masjid at that time was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that's why he spoke to him in such a nice way. And so, if you are speaking to

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somebody, you have to know that person. And if you're speaking to somebody, you have to realize and think whether that person is ignorant, or he's hard headed, or he's stubborn, if you already told him already, if you've mentioned to him that this is wrong, and you've taught him already, and he still repeats an action. You know, if you're speaking to your child, for example, he repeats an action that you have already warned him against, then of course, you might scold him in different manner. But if he didn't know it was wrong to begin with, how can you scold somebody who didn't know it was wrong, and so this is probably

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Wisdom, part of hikmah. The first pillar of hikmah is knowledge, you have to have knowledge, you have to know you have to know the person, you have to know what kind of person that is, you have to know their beliefs. Also, you have to know the their attitude and character and so forth as much as you can about that person. And then you have to have patience, part of being wise, is being patient. Because in this incident that we have just mentioned, if you're not patient, if you're not patient, you're just going to immediately yell at people, even though they might not know and this occurs a lot amongst the Muslims nowadays, when we speak to somebody, we don't ask ourselves, whether this

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person is ignorant, or is he sincerely ignorant? Or is he just obstinate or he's just, you know, hard headed, or very stubborn. We have to check on the all of these things first. And so that's the first thing and after that, of course, you have to have patience, and also you have to have forbearance. In other words, you have to have clemency when it comes to making Dawa. And this is all a part of wisdom. And also, wisdom, being wise, is also saying the right thing, and saying it the right way. Let me give you an another example. This example, is an example from the grandsons of the Prophet sallallahu. So the grandsons of the prophets of Allah lives on the two grandsons of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were saying, they were youngsters. And so they saw this old man. And this old man was much, of course, was ignorant, and he did not know how to make Waldo. And so they saw him making mistakes and will do now they're young. So this person is old. And so how are you going to teach this person to make well though, if you're younger than the person who you're trying to teach, and a lot of us you know, we, we are put in a situation where we have to speak to elders or parents. So how should we do it? inshallah, we will take a break right now, a very short break, and we'll come back and finish with the story of the two grandsons of the Prophet salallahu

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davisson and their wisdom with this old man. Welcome back to the art of Dawa, we were speaking about wisdom in propagating Islam wisdom, in Dawa. And so we were speaking about the two grandsons of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Al Hasson and Al Hussein and Hassan and Hussein. And so both of them, they did not want to offend the older man who the elder. So instead of just going and telling him that what he was doing was wrong. They thought of a scheme or they thought of a way to advise him and teach him without him being filled, offended. What they did was they approached him, they approached the old man, and they said to him, uncle, myself, my brother and I, we were

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discussing and arguing about who was better and making will do, he thinks he can make will do better than me. But I know that I am better than him and make him will do. And so we're looking for somebody to judge us to see if one is better than the other. And so can you be that judge? And so of course, the old man agreed. And so they started to make we'll do one of them, maybe we'll do the first one, maybe we'll do. And then the second, also, maybe we'll do the man, the old man, during this whole time, he had realized that he did not know how to make we'll do that these two people, two grandsons of the prophets of Allah, Allah, and both of them were better than him and they can

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all do. And so they said, also, he said to them, he said, both of you, actually, after upon them finishing they will do both you are better than me and making Moodle. And in he was thankful. Later on, he was thankful that the two grandsons of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and Hassan Hussein had actually taught him to make Waldo. And that in he had realized that he was the one that was making mistakes all this time. And so this shows the wisdom of the two grandsons of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in that they knew that this man was older than they were, and so they didn't just go and tell

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Tell him that he was wrong. And if you are going to be speaking to somebody who maybe is older than you, if you see somebody doing something wrong, the first thing that you want to do if they are older than you, and you know, if you're in a position where you can change it with your hands or tongue in terms of, you know, scolding them or yelling, and sometimes it's not needed yet. But if you're not in that position, where you're not the father or the leader, or somebody who has authority, then you might want to ask them first. And they might not know that they're wrong. And even if they do know they're wrong, maybe they'll be reminded, but you won't offend them, because

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you're asking them. So if you see somebody, let's say doing something that might be wrong, it's not part of Islam. You might say, uncle, or you might say, Excuse me. So when you say Salaam Alaikum, I see that you're doing such and such things. I just want to know why you're doing that. Just for the purpose of knowledge. Do you have any proof for that, just for the purpose of educating myself and being more informed. And so if you speak to a person that way, then it's more likely that they'll accept it from you. And even if you speak to somebody that is, you know, maybe of the same age or as younger than you. Still, you should try to do the best that you can to speak in a kind way. When

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sent Prophet Moses to Pharaoh when he said Prophet Musa alayhis salam to fit around. He sent Musa la sala, and also his brother Harun. And what did he say to him? What did he tell Prophet Musa to say to him? Of course, he ordered he told them to call him to Islam, but how? He said, For Pula Allahu Allah La Yin, and say, two, and both of you, oh, Moses. And and Aaron and Harun say to him to Pharaoh fekola, Allahu taala. And lajunen say to him a kind word or say to him in a nice way, La La who is that Kuru? Oh, yeah, Sha, La La Jolla, Taka. Maybe he maybe he'll be reminded, or you will fear there was a person, one of the scholars during the time of the halifa

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abassi Harun al Rashid, a man came, or one of the scholars came to her she'd, and he said, I would I would like to tell you something that's bitter. In other words, I'm going to say it in a harsh way. I'm going to speak the truth. And I'm going to say it in a harsh way. Oh, ameerul momineen. And so, Rashid, upon hearing that, he said, don't do that. And so Harun al Rashid, he said, what law he by a law did not say that, because you are not more righteous than Musa Moses. And I myself am not worse than Pharaoh. So he is telling him that he even though he wants to speak to him and tell him the truth, he should still say the right way, you should still use the right method. And you shouldn't

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be so mean. But that's not always the best method. Sometimes you have to be harsh during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Why the new jabel was an Imam in one of the massages in the outskirts of Medina at that time, and he used to lead people in prayer, and he used to prolong his prayers. And so a companion came to the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and complained about more than a Java when that companion came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and complained that he was prolonging his prayer. And this is, of course, the obligatory prayer. And he proved that he was prolonging it very extravagantly, or he was really prolonging it more than usual. That companion

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when he came, the message of a loss alarm was very angry. And he called me over and his face was red. And he scolded him. He said, If I turn and say, Mr. He said, Are you a troublemaker? are you causing fitna causing problems for the people? Oh my god. So he didn't speak to him in a nice way. He was actually angry and you can see the angriness in his face, his face was red. And so in this case, because more either Naja Bella was one of the most knowledgeable of the companions, and he knew

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the rulings and so forth because he's, he's one of the most knowledgeable in terms of fit. He said the most knowledgeable in fitness

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As imageable amongst the companions, he was it. But by prolonging it, he is going to cause people problems. And so he reminded him to when he leads people in prayer, that he should lead them. And he should put in mind to think about those who are the elders and those who are weak amongst the congregation. And so why the new jabel knew that he shouldn't prolong it so much. And so because he did so. And he was somebody of knowledge and he wasn't ignorant. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used a sort of he raised his voice, and he was angry in this matter. So when it comes to Heckman, when it comes to wisdom, it's one of the most important things in relation to data. Even

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though you might have the truth with you, you have to give it the best way possible. And this is something that is extremely important. And of course, there are many incidents, more incidents that will show us how important Hickman how important wisdom is, in other episodes in Sharla, that we will mention in the art of Dawa. But when it comes to the wisdom,

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it is it has to be accompanied, of course, by knowledge, and you have to have patience to have wisdom. If you do not have patience, then you're going to do things that are wrong, and you're not going to wait for the right time, you might be in a hurry to try to change things quickly. And it might not be that time. And so it will not work. So sometimes we need a lot of patience. And with patience also comes great reward. Because you know, when a person is patient, it's something that's very difficult. And when you're ordering people to do something, you also have to be consistent and forbearance also, as Allah Subhana Allah tells us, order your family to prayer, and will still be an

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ally and be patient with it also. And when it comes to patience, everybody is in need of and patience is also great in terms of the reward that you'll get from it. And when when you're making that where patience is one of the requirements and it's a part of wisdom, being wise and you can't have wisdom without being patient. So next time you speak to somebody, make sure you put into mind who you're speaking to, and think about what the best way to do it, and how to give it so that the person will not be offended or if you know if he's older than you or if that person is of higher status one way or the other. Maybe you can go at a wave speak to them in a kind way, or have

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somebody else speak to them if they're not going to accept it from you. That's all the time that we have for today. We hope that you can join us again for the next episode of The Art of Dawa, which is akmola hiren was sallallahu ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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