Abdulbary Yahya – Art Of Dawah Episode 1

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The speaker discusses the responsibility of Islam to warn people of false accusations and to warn of consequences. They also talk about the importance of being a believer and not giving false accusations. They mention a video of a man standing up and warning people to not ask for more information.
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The heavens
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Today we will be speaking about the art of Dawa. And in this series about the art of Dawa, specifically, we will be speaking about the virtues of Dawa and we will also be speaking about the wisdom that is needed in order to call to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so, calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala or the art of Dawa, or the practice of Dawa, or the job of calling people to Islam is the best job that a person can have a loss of hanaway Tyler describes us or those who call to his religion as having the best words. He says in the Alcor annual carrying woman Cirno POW.
And who is there that is better than the one who calls to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala also says, of course, when you call to Allah subhanho wa Taala you have to practice what you call to so the best are those who call to Allah and act upon it. Well, I'm LSR Lehigh and that they also call to Allah and they act upon it. And so calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala is one of the best deeds that a person can have. Why because it is the job of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as being that he and Illallah The one who calls to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so a person
who calls to Allah subhanho wa Taala also receives magnificent or multiplies his rewards. Why? Because when a person calls to Allah, anyone who follows his teachings or anyone who follows what he has taught them, then the people who are following them will get their reward without decreasing in their reward at all. At the same time, the person who reminded them or called others to that they will also get the same reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala does Allah subhanho wa Taala has multiplied and doubled that reward and so one who calls to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will get a lot of reward as long as the people who are following him or who have learned from him are
practicing that. And so this oma is also described as an oma of Tao. And this is the oma in which Allah subhanho wa Taala describes as the best oma, why because they have this characteristic. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Al e Imran Khan
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Carr, Allah subhanho wa Taala says quantum hydro Metin indeed you are the best of nations You are the best of the nations. Why quantum hydro met in Oak Ridge bottlenose that has been brought forth for the people. Thus Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen this oma as an oma that has been brought forth to call people to Islam to call people to peace. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Quantum hydromet and okra deadliness that morona Bill maroof watton hona Anil munkar, calling towards that which is good and also forbidding that which is evil. And thus, when you call towards that which is good and forbid that which
his evil, this is the calling towards peace. Because when you call people to do good, then of course you're trying to keep the peace and he forbid people from doing all evils, then of course, you are preventing people from harming others and calling towards peace. So this is the oma in which Allah subhanho wa Taala describes as hydro omet in hydro metal ofori Gatlin as the best of the oma the best of the nation that has been brought forth. And thus, this is a nation which is brought forth to call people to Islam based on based on La ilaha illAllah. based on the belief in Allah, that there is no deity worthy of worship, except Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
were to me no Nebula, and they believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So calling to Allah, calling to the way of his religion to the worship of Allah alone. And as Muslims, we do not call to racism, we do not call because of tribalism, towards tribalism, and we also do not call to anything else, except to the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And thus, calling towards the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala is considered one of the best deeds that a person can do. And it is one of the characteristics of this oma, the prophets and messengers of Allah, they are called towards Islam, they are called towards the tail heat, they are called towards unification of of monotheism, calling towards the
worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the one and only God. And so, as a person who calls towards this, he has taken upon himself to be, he's taken upon himself, the job of the prophets and messengers. And thus, the job of the prophets and messengers is a very important job and in fact, because they are the best of the creation, and calling others to Islam, is also an indication that you appreciate Islam, that you appreciate this blessing that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given to you and if you are very appreciative of it, and you want Allah subhana wa tada to increase your Eman or your belief and your faith, you call to this religion also. And the prophets and the messengers
and the companions, and the scholars, they all took it upon their shoulders. Whenever they received this message. They felt the responsibility of conveying this message to others immediately. And so this motivation or this act that they did is the reason why we have Islam with the Muslims have Islam nowadays, and it is why there are over a billion people on earth that are Muslims, and it's because they have taken it upon their shoulders to propagate and convey this message. During the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever a companion accepted the message, he took it upon himself to want to carry this message to others and to help the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam convey this message to others. In fact, the cousin of hija rhodiola, who is the cousin of Khadija, when he heard about this message, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam received a revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala in the cave of Hira, immediately, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned home and his wife Khadija brought him to her cousin, and her cousin Upon hearing this, affirmed and confirm that this was the same message that was revealed to Moses. And when he heard that, he told the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, that this is the same moose with the same revelation, or the same inspiration that was revealed to Prophet Moses. And when he
confirmed that he said to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Upon hearing this hearing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had received revelation. He said, If I was still young, if I was still young, I would help you all I could, with all that I can with all my effort when
Your people expel you. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Our most Regia home, are they going to expel me? And so, when the Prophet sallallaahu said that, he said yes or no now fell, the cousin of Khadija, he said yes, because there's not a single person who has come forward with this message, except that he was expelled from his place or from his country. And so this was the sooner or the way of all the other profits and whatever, being a person who was a Christian. At that time, our multi Jia home watercop Noel was asked by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are they going to expel me? And so what are called nofal he said, no prophet has ever come, or no one has
ever come with this message, except that he was expelled by his people. And the reason why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so astonished or he was so surprised, was because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is known he was known as El Amin. He was known as the one who was trustworthy that never lied, and everyone in Mecca loved him. He didn't have an enemy in sight. Right now. We will stop for a short break, inshallah, we will continue with the virtues of Dharma to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Welcome back. Right now we are speaking about the art of Dawa. And we were mentioning about the virtues of Dawa and how important it is in Islam, and how much
responsibility the companions of the Prophet SAW Allah has and felt and they took upon themselves to convey this message. There was a companion who came from Yemen came from a place which the tribe of DOS, and he was the leader of the DOS. So he came from Yemen, and he is known as he was known as a very eloquent person. And he is amongst the nobles of the DOS tribe. And his name was a two failed number, a dosi. A two failed number a dosi. When he came to Mecca, the Mexicans were very, very afraid that he would listen to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And because of that, they made sure that to fail of nama did not meet the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So
before entering Mecca, they went and they met him and they warned him against listening to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so when he arrived, he was so scared. He was so afraid that he put cotton in his ears, so he would not hear what the prophet sallallahu wasallam had to say, so that he would not hear the words because he was so scared because the Meccans that scared him so much, because they did not want him to follow. And so when he came to the Kaaba and he was making the walk around the Kaaba, he had his ears plugged up. But then he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sitting down reciting the
Quran. And when he heard him read the Quran, he didn't hear at the beginning. But as soon as he had realized how foolish he was, he was saying to himself, he said, you know, to fail, you're a person who's very reasonable, very logical, and very wise and very smart. You know, what's good, and what is bad. And so, why are you putting earplugs in your ears? And so he's saying to himself that if it's good, then he'll follow it. But if it's bad, he knows is bad, then he won't follow it. And he can, he has his own, you know, own mind to think. And so he did, what he did was he took off his earplugs, and when he took off his earplugs, he heard the recitation of the Quran, he heard the
Prophet Sutherland reciting it, and eventually, you know, he did not want to approach him immediately, because he had been warned so much, but later on, he made sure that he knew where the Prophet sallallahu was staying. And when he met him, he asked him who he was, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam informed him that he was the Prophet and Messenger of Allah, he was a prophet, and messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he was ordered to call people to the worship of Allah alone, and at the failed number then asked him to read more of the Quran because he had been affected so greatly. It was so beautiful and so eloquent, that he wanted to hear it again from the
Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And upon hearing it, he accepted Islam and he said, I said,
Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. Muhammad Rasul Allah. And when he accepted Islam, he stayed
longer, he prolonged his stay in Mecca so that he could learn more about this religion and learn more about the message that the prophet SAW the lion was teaching. And so he prolonged his day. And after, Upon finishing immediately, he felt the responsibility and he said, You know, my people in Yemen, the people of Dallas, they're very stubborn. And so give me an idea, or give me a sign so that I can call them to, and the Prophet sallallahu sort of made to i, and in the end of quote, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him and I was whipped, when he would take it out, it would, would be brought in, it was light, there was light there. But the point in the story here is, immediately
upon receiving the message accepting Islam, he felt the responsibility to bring this message to his people, and he had just accepted the message. But as many Muslims, we have been Muslims, all our lives, we have neighbors, whom we know very well next door, we have co workers, we have classmates, we have been many Muslims, many of us have been Muslims, all our lives, but we never feel the responsibility of carrying this message of conveying this message to others. And this is something that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they felt this responsibility, they were not negligent in that and if they were like us, if they took upon themselves the message, and they kept
it just like how we are as Muslims nowadays, then, you know, without propagating it then you know, they did that then we would probably not be Muslims. Now. If the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were like us, then Islam would probably would not have reached us. Allah subhanho wa Taala says an elk or al Karim Yeah, you have more death thier own
there were a Becca cap beer with the burqa here. Yeah, you have a death here. Yeah, you have more death here. Oh, ye who is covered up the Prophet Salam when he came back from the Cave of Hira, he was covered up. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling him to come out from under the blanket. In other words, time for rest is over. This is the time to go out and warn the people go out and give the message to the people we're up back f Kabir and the Lord, magnify him. So magnify Allah Subhana meaning, glorify Allah magnify Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala boom for their stand up and warn and know that Allah is the Greatest meaning call to the way
of Allah, realizing that this is an obligation and that Allah Subhana Allah is the Greatest and this responsibility that you're going to need to come for and here we're up Baca, Kabir stand up and worn and I Lord magnify In other words, magnify Allah subhanho wa Taala glorify Allah subhanho wa Taala know the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala because this job is a great job. And this job also will need you to give all the effort that you can give what up Becca Kabir was the backup data here and your clothes, cleanse it. In other words, this is literal meaning but what's the abacha Fatah * the scholars of tafsir have mentioned that this is your lap your manners and your appearance
and how you are perceived and so forth. And so cleanse your character cleanse your manner or Rebecca Kabir with the abacha, Fatah here we're Raja Sabha, your stay away from our sins, stay away from shirk, and stay away from all that will it will stain your character or all of that which will bring you closer to God or to anything that was displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala Rebecca Kabir with the abacha Fatah her word Raja Sabha your wallet I'm known to stick here and do not ask or do not
Seek anything from more of this dunya increasing of this dunya. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala in this verse or in these verses, this was the second Surah, the second chapter of the Quran that was revealed, Allah ordered him to read and recite and mentioned to him, reminded him, first installed in Accra, this Mirabella, the holla, in the chapter that was first revealed, and then after that, Allah subhanho wa Taala, immediately told him to stand up and warn the people stand up and give the message to the people. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, again. Afterwards, he went also to the mountain, the mountain of Safa, and he stood up. And he said to the people, after
calling them individually, one by one, mentioning some of the tribes, and names of specific individuals, he called them to the place to listen to him and listen to what he has to say. And he announced to the people, and he said, If I were to tell you that there is a cavalry behind that mountain, would you believe me? And they said, why not? My job now I like Cathy, but they we have never experienced alive from you before. In other words, why would you lie to us now when you never lied to us before? You never lied to us concerning this worldly affair? And so why would you lie to us now? And so when he stood up, when they said that, you know, whatever he says, is always
truthful. And he's always been known as the person who was truthful, he called them and he warned them, and he said, I warn you, of a looming punishment, a looming and grievous punishment, if you do not c'est la ilaha illa law. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got up in Safa, and what's the purpose of it? The purpose of this is to get as many people as he can to listen to him. And so that's why he got up on the mountain of suffer, so you can propagate this message. And so this is the action of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, immediately upon receiving revelation. And so we as Muslims, whatever we learn, we are ordered to propagate it and that's why
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said believer and he will I believe me, convey from me convey what you have from me, even if it's just one verse. And so everyone, every Muslim should feel the sense of responsibility. Not everyone is commanded to be a hottie or a person who travels the globe or goes here and they're calling to Islam. No, everyone is responsible to call people to Islam, in their own right, according to their own ability. And so we should all sense this responsibility. We have run out of time for this episode, but hopefully, we will see you in the next episode and the following episodes that are to come concerning the art of our which is akmola hire
or sallallahu ala nabina Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam