Abdul Wahab Saleem – The 10 Commandments – EP04

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The third commandment of Islam is not killing your children, but rather addressing small problems like poverty and famine. The "by the family" approach is used to address these issues and bring people in as rich and poor. The use of the royalty in bringing people into society is also discussed, with the idea of giving children their own rights and protecting privacy.
AI: Transcript ©
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on Friday now Bhima alimta was Idina alemannia Karim the 10 commandments. Today we're looking at commandment number three or the third commandment. Allah subhana wa tada says what to do, and do not kill your children, men in luck because of your fear that you have of poverty or because of poverty itself. In one verse, Allah Subhana Allah says has shut me up because of fear of poverty in this one Allah subhanaw taala says, because of poverty itself, National Zoo cuckoo Maria home, we are the ones who will end up giving you the risk we will give you sustenance sustenance from a law alone and also we are the ones that give them there is as well so that it is in the hands of Allah subhana wa

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tada alone.

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Now Allah subhana wa tada he spoke about his rights. And Allah subhana wa tada spoke about the rights of the parents. And Allah subhanaw taala is now speaking about the rights of the children. So every single person is included within the equation. At times, people may end up speaking about the rights of the parents, but they forget that children also have some rights here, right? And that's why sometimes children start to frown and they're like, well, everybody's always talking about the parents, but my parents, they're so difficult My parents are so this way my parents, well, Allah subhana wa tada does not neglect the right of any rights of anyone. Allah subhana wa tada is

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speaking about his rights, and right after that is the rights of the parents. And then comes the rights of the children as well. And Allah subhana wa tada speaks over here about the most evil phenomenon that the pagan Arabian society had known. And that was that the pagans with at times take their children and bury them. That was known as what I did, but not specifically to the daughters, they would literally take the daughter and bury her into the ground. And why would that occur? While they were afraid that maybe when she grows older, she may bring some shame to the family, she may end up doing something that will be shameful to the family. And if she grows older, she will be a

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liability and not a she won't be able to bring us money. If that's not the case. But a loss of Hannah with the ATA, he commands the people for the male children and the female children do not kill. taking away the life of a person is not a solution, especially for small problem. Small problem when it comes to this type of evil deed that you're doing. It is a big problem. If there's a famine, if there's, you know, bad economy, these problems can be really great. But that doesn't mean you start killing people, right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala says do not kill the children. And they will do that also with male children as well. They would kill the male children because of soccer

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because of the fact that they would be afraid of poverty, or they had poverty. So it'll be one of one case or the other case, either they had poverty themselves. At that moment. They were poor, and they're like, well, I can't even feed myself, How am I supposed to feed my child? Or what would happen is they would be afraid. Well, I have the money right now, but it doesn't sound like I'm getting any other avenues of income. If this child grows up, he's gonna eat all my money, I'll have nothing left. So this is what the pagan solution was. They would just kill the child or bury the child. And Allah subhana wa tada got rid of this pagan practice by bringing the monotheistic faith

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of Islam to the society that at times, we do a lot of inhumane things, but a lot brought humanity to them

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to come do not kill your children, men in law out of fear of poverty. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala notice throughout the verses so far that we've read in the first episode that throughout these verses Allah Subhana, WA tada uses a tense different than the tents that he's just about to use. Now. Now Allah Subhana, WA, tada starts using the first person. So he says, No, no, no, we are the ones that will give you this. We are the ones that will bring you in as Allah Subhana. Allah is the one who will bring you in as, but a lot of refers to himself one with the royalty we why because the royalty will be able to provide that's the thing about the royalty. Any person anytime when you have

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poverty or you have famine, or you have a you have a drought, who do you turn to the rich people in this society. So Allah says above all those rich people is myself and that's why I'm using the royalty over here to get the message across that I am the divine and I am the ultimate royalty and I will provide for all of you not notice. We are the ones that provide you what he at home and we are the ones that will be providing them as well. And Allah subhanaw taala over here is trying to remind them of something else. And that is that this message of sustenance is so particular to a law that the tense didn't capture that allow us speaking before right? The tense captured this

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Allah was commanding the messenger to deliver a message across to them. Old messenger, tell the people to come to you, and tell the people to come to you after you tell them then say electricity COVID, Nigeria, do not commit partners with a law do not do that. So the tongue is the tongue of the messenger. But now Allah uses the first hence, why the first person Why? Because he wants you to recognize that poverty can only be solved by Allah Subhana Allah, no matter how many degrees you have, no matter how much you know, whatever you have, even if you kill your children, the poverty will remain but the solution is in the hands of Allah. So you turn to the hands of Allah subhana wa

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tada alone to find this, the solution for this allows the panel with Allah says national knows what another point to notice over here is that Allah Subhana, Allah is telling them we give you sustenance, and there's no discussion about the substance of them, they feel like they've already got sustenance, the problem is the children. But Allah flips the coin on them, and says that you people are thinking that there is that they are going to get is actually yours. But it's not because we gave you this we gave you sustenance, and we will give them sustenance, you might be a poor person, you might be a poor person, that child might not be a poor person. So why kill the child who

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might actually be the richer, richest of the rich, for the poverty that you're experiencing, we give you this, then we will give it to them as well, because they've got their own sustenance, you've got your own. If you've got poverty, then don't mess with your children for it. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to give us a trophy, to practice to convey the take home message over here, even though our societies probably most societies in the world don't practice such practices anymore, is that when we talk about our own rights as parents, we should also remember that our children have rights as well. Oftentimes, we see nowadays, for example, this phenomenon of you know, taking a snapshot of

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your child and putting it online. If somebody else does that, you start arguing brother, I wanted my privacy. We're in a private meeting, while your child is sitting there doing his own thing privately, leave him alone. Stop taking pictures of him putting online, maybe he wants privacy. He's got rights just as well as you do. If you are going to be you know, asking people for your rights about taking your picture and putting it somewhere where you didn't want it to go. Maybe when he grows up and says father, brother, I wanted my rights. You took pictures of me when I was two years old and my diapers and you put them online now it feels ashamed. Right. So they've got rights, we've

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got rights, I asked Allah subhana wa tada to help us give the rights of each other

Episode 4 : Rights of your Children

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