Abdul Wahab Saleem – 40 Hadith of Nawawi – #01 Importance of Intentions

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history and success of the book of Hadith, including its use of "has" in writing and its importance in achieving success. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing one's political intentions and deeds, as well as migrating from non-immigrant countries to non-immigrant ones. The difficulty of migrating from non-immigrant countries to non-immigrant ones is also discussed, with the speakers noting that it is impossible for individuals to practice their faith in a non-immigrant country.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah hamdulillah in Hamden, you are feeling ama who you Gaffey omega or sallallahu, ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge Marian aluminum and Fiona. When

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I was eating many academe prohibition actually saw that he was sitting opposite me listen if bajo Bali or visit rare element or visit near element or visit near Elma Allahu Manasa in the Niger Delta who Salah wanted your

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Salah. Welcome everyone to this class on the 14th Noah we and we spoke a little bit about the first Hadeeth in our previous class but I'm going to repeat the information with a lot more detail and then we'll carry on to the second Hadith and onwards with Elijah Allah.

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So the Hadith with which an Imam and know what we are doing Allah, he started the 14 hour we was the same Hadith with which a number of scholars they started their Hadith books. So many scholars, they start their Hadith books with this particular Hadith and that is in amanuel Bewdley at the hadith of hubbub of the Allahu dalla anhu, which says that all actions are based on intentions.

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So, this hadith has a number of sentences the first sentence is that it has is all actions are based on intentions will notice that within that sentence, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentioned two things both of which happened to be plural. Okay, actions.

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intentions, both of them have the S at the end when we translate and of course in the Arabic, Amman and an E mini and so both of them happen to be plurals.

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And from that the lemma of Hadeeth. The editor had if they said that this shows that for every action there's a specific intention okay. This is very important, because sometimes people believe that

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that not every action requires an intention but since the profits SLM is saying all actions within SDN, any activity yet, so they said that based on this, every action can have a specific intention. In fact, sometimes one action can have many many intentions. So for example, if you came to the masjid today, you could have had the intention of praying to here to the masjid

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okay. So when you came into the masjid, you would have gotten reward simply because you had this intention of the masjid. Similarly, you came to the masjid you could have had the intention of meeting your brothers and sisters that would be an intention for which you will be rewarded. You came to the masjid, it could be because you wanted to pray Salatin Muslim for instance, or salata acid in Java, that will be another intention for which you would be rewarded. You can have another intention for this action as well. And that is that I came to the masjid so that I may benefit from this dubs that we'll be studying the LM that we will be gathering later. So these are all intentions

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that you can have in manual bidding yet now.

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A little bit technical here in NEMA. They say it's an article in Arabic, which denotes

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household, which means that it's going to completely it's going to completely make the sentence which is coming after it exclusive at the exclusion of all other possibilities. Okay, what that means is that actions are, every action must have an intention, meaning that without the intentions, the actions is as if they don't even exist.

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Now, this is true. When we look at it from a fifth perspective, for the larger majority of the actions that we do.

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There are some actions which don't necessarily require an intention, but the larger majority of the actions that we do, actions need to have an intention for them to be considered valid. And that's why when you look at the book books of Alcala appear, they discuss the intention they say that the hokum the ruling of intention is and will doable hollyburn it's obligatory most of the time.

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So most of the time, the larger majority has

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to have an intention. Otherwise, the action is not acceptable. But this also causes a problem. What's the problem? We said? That innama is hustled? It shows exclusivity, so it should really mean every action and not most of them, right? So then there's a discussion amongst the linguists of the Arabic language, whether it is completely exclusive or most of the times, okay, so that's the solution to that problem. We're in normally could limit it in Manoa and for every single person will be the reward of what they intended. The first

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Part of the Hadith is almost dealing with the fifth angle of things. Okay, the second part of the Hadith were in the Malecon limited in Manoa. For every person will be whatever they intended. This is now talking about the spiritual dimension of this hadith. Look, my brothers and sisters, I'll tell you that if you have an, if you have a virtuous and righteous intention, Allah Subhana Allah will reward you for your action in ways that people that can only imagine. Okay, we know that many many people have written things for example, many people have compiled things Alabama no only compiled this one book of our own and it's studied all across the planet. We know that during the

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time of email, Malik

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Malik had written his more thought which means el morya sir, which means the thing that's made easy the books that's made easy okay.

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In his time also, there were other people who had written more but

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it is very time

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the scholar by the name of Abdul Aziz had been in America Sean had done his own more Bob and Abraham did about he gave the whole story of the

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the leaf the writing of the authoring of a Mall of America and he mentioned that before Mr. Malik there was a man by the name of Abdul Aziz ability magician a magician is a famous scholar in the books at least and he had written a ma now what's a Malta as I already said, moto basically means something that's been made easy. So along with even an image is shown, other people had also written Malta's as well. And in my Malik, when he heard about the wealth of imagination, it was largely words he said, If I was there, I would add headings to it, then I would bring the words after that meaning, my words will be after the headings would be first right. So

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many other people, they began to race it became almost like a genre of literature then what the arts. So then people came through magic and they said, so many people are writing more of the art. Why are you writing also this more? What's the point of writing this motto? And all these other people are also writing the different more thought? You've all heard of in Malta, right? It's the book of Mr. Malik Lake Sahih al Bukhari, Mr. Maliki wrote, in fact, before Bahati, this was considered the single most authentic book in the world. Okay. So

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he said that later on, he said, later on, you will, first of all, he asked, bring me all those more thought. He looked at them, he then he took them and he put them aside. Okay. Then he said, soon you will recognize which one of these waters were done for Allah.

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And then, today, we don't have any of them or art that were written during that time. Okay, we do have some authors also attributed to other scholars, but generally speaking, the masses of people don't know of any other more thought, except for the more of a romantic except for the book of Mr. Malik. Why? Because Mr. Malik had a beautiful intention. And

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just like that, Emma know what we had a beautiful intention or righteous intention, just like that, even as your room

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even as your room he wrote an agile romea, which is the normally studied as the first book in grammar, okay. And also the world. They studied agile Rumi as one of the first books or the first book in grammar. In fact, some of the scholars they said after the book of Allah, this would be the first book they would study period in the world in generally speaking, so agile Rumia when he wrote it, after he wrote it in an agile room,

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who's from the Alamo? Annabella Arabi, when he wrote it, he took the piece of paper, it's just one paper long. But it's like the primer that you study when you're trying to study Arabic syntax, or grammar. He took the paper and he threw it in the water and he said, if this was for Allah sake, then it's not going to get wet.

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And somehow to Allah as a Karama, for this individual, as a

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supernatural occurrence for this individual. And by the way, I assume that well, Gemma, we believe in the karma. We believe in supernatural occurrences for believing

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the righteous people. Okay, just as we believe in the merges act for the profits, of course. So

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he threw it in the water and it is reported that the that particular paper that he had written, it didn't get wet, and that's why you till today we have the book of even a journal so correct your intentions with now

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had a bit of fun, while the along with Alan who he had bought the bit of the well of rumor. In the very famous story where the mohajir rune. They had traveled from Mecca to Medina and when they traveled from Mecca to Medina, in Mecca, the water wasn't very tasty. They were used as thumbs up in, in Makkah. So when they got to Medina, they're drinking the water of Medina, they didn't quite like the water except for the water of the rumor. Except for the wealth of rumor. However, this well was owned by a man who didn't want to sell the water in this Well, except with except with a lot of money. He didn't even want to give any Drink from this water from this Well, except for a price.

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So without paying, you would never get water from this ball.

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And so

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what happened?

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Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that whoever buys the room or

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whoever buys the well of room, and he makes his bucket in that, well, like all the other buckets of the Muslims, what does that mean?

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Meaning he's not going to give himself any privilege, okay.

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He's not going to give himself any privilege, he makes his bucket in the well like the bucket of all the other Muslims. He says that that person will be granted Fela whole gender. So it's man, if you're a fan, he thinks to himself, opportunity for gender. And he goes, and he buys one day of the well, because the person was not willing to is a very lucrative business here that he's selling water to the people of Medina, he was not willing to sell the well completely. So he buys one day of the well he says one day's for me, I'll give you 12,000 dirhams for it, okay. And the second day is for you. So the person agreed, the Jewish man will own this wall, he agreed. And then what earthman

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did, he's a very smart businessman, his see businessmen not only have to have money, but they also have to have intelligence as well in order for them to really get the market. So what earthman did is, after buying the one day, he said that that day is free for Muslims. So people would all go and get all the water they needed on the day of earth map and then the next person's day would come that Jewish man's day would come, there would be no customers. So he said, you've, you've messed up my business and panela.

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And then he sold the rest of the time, the next day, the second day, he sold it to us, man, for 8000. So for 20,000, he ended up buying himself the aroma. Okay, now this bit, it actually benefited the Muslims for a very, very long time. It was one of those above and just like that many, many obove we noticed that a person does have an endowment, and that endowment starts to get destroyed within his lifetime or her lifetime. Another person does a walk off and you see it going on for centuries on it. Okay. Many of the Muslim schools that were really really famous schools in the past, what are they? Oh, cough. I told you guys last week about daughter had eaten Sophia. What was

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that double? How do you think Sophia was a walk? And that walk was used for a long time it was the righteousness of the intention of the work of the walker for the person who was in that endowing that Allah Subhana Allah bless the work to be that great. Otherwise, let me ask you, sincerely and honestly before that we had Ethan after Dr. Hadeeth wasn't there someone who had done a more expensive work of that had it was a very small place even now you can go see it. It's not very big. Of course, but did mm and now we come out of that other works or Abu Salah or a Suki or all these great imams know why because the intention of the work of the the the Nia, the righteousness of the

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intention of this individual Allah subhana wa tada place the level of Baraka within his action that wasn't there within the action of of the others. Okay, so this is what distinguishes a person and his deeds and the Baraka that Allah subhanho wa Taala will place within the deeds of this individual. I ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us righteous intentions, Allah whom I mean. You see, my dear brothers and sisters, this hadith is so important that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam quite literally used as mentioned this in the hotbar Okay, sometimes there are reports variations of this same Hadith enamel moto bieniasz. By the way, there are many variations of this

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Hadeeth not just this particular wording, but this is what we're studying. So one of the variations of this Hadeeth goes that the prophets I said, Let me get up and he said, Yeah, a yohannes Oh, people so that's a steal.

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statement the Prophet would make when he's doing what giving a, a sermon. So this would mean that the Prophet would sometimes take this Hadeeth and give it in a sermon as well. Similarly, or multiple hapa would sometimes take this hadith and give it in a sermon as well. What this means is, it's an important enough Hadith for you to be mentioning this within sermons within every single gathering, making it the very first thing that you mentioned, right. And we know that some of the scholars of Islam, they actually used to say, they used to say that, if you wish to write a book, and this is I've documented Maddie, he used to say, if you wish to write a book, then make this

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Hadeeth The very first thing you're writing, why?

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Because when the reader will pick it up, it will constantly remind the person that correct your intention. So even if you have a wrong intention, essentially when you're going in with this Hadeeth like it reef frames your mind right. And that's why body started like this and no always starts like this many of the scholars even then the books are

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even in the books of it, by the way, sometimes you find a book of unrelated completely from Hadith, right? Of course, there will be a decent books of it, but it's largely fit. You'll find that the author before he says anything else, he says in normal amount of in the art, or inadequate, limited manner. So I asked Allah Subhana Allah to grant us beautiful and righteous intentions, Allah whom I mean, and the Prophet told us that Abu Bakar

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was not greater than all the rest of the companions because of other factors.

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The one factor that distinguished him was the fact that he had something special in his heart. Okay, many of us around us we see, we can tell that funan or falana, there's something special about her or him.

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But they're doing almost the same thing as you're doing. Or you may actually be doing even more than what they're doing.

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But what distinguishes a person is the righteousness of their intention and Allah subhanho wa Taala sees that, and Imam Shafi Rahim Allah He used to say that, this Hadith, it's it can be included within the within at least a third of knowledge. Okay, what that means is a moment but you have to explain, he said, what this means is, if you ever take the actions of a person, they can be divided into three main categories. The actions of the person can be the actions of the heart, they can be the actions of the tongue.

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And they can also be the actions of the rest of the limbs of the body. You're walking to the masjid, your legs are earning. You're walking into a bar, your legs are also earning as well. Because your legs are the ones that are moving you there. Okay, obviously, your heart will be earning as well because you have an intention to either do good or evil as well. But your legs are involved within this process.

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you're doing something with it, you're saying something with your tongue, your tongue is also earning either a good deed or an evil

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deed. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to us, well, can you imagine a better sadhaka a good word is sadaqa words are powerful words can be sawed up or they can be charity. Words can make people words can break people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's he was boastful or not boastful in a negative way. But he was expressing his gratitude to Allah subhana wa tada saying, I have been granted the most comprehensive of words. So this was equality within the prophets of Allah gave to the world

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that we live in today, Allah gave us words as the final final miracle for the final prophets of Allah what it was, and upon the greatest miracle for the greatest of prophets, moments of Allah what it was said live in the miracle being the product, what is foreign words, right.

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So, even your tongue will earn.

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Therefore, we have three angles of earning our heart, our tongue and our the rest of our body parts as well. Now, when the heart earns,

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it can earn on its own, whereas when the time or the body parts earned, they cannot earn except with the heart involved. You got that?

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Because without the intention,

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the hands can't really be held responsible.

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You're going to have an intention to do something wrong. Let's say you accidentally break some property of someone else with your hand just you know you're waving and it broke someone else's property. Are you going to be sinful?

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Let's say you were sitting on a table and you accidentally

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made some someone else's phone fall. It's their property, it broke. Are you going to be sinful for this?

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You're going to be held financially responsible, but are you going to be sinful? No, because it was an accident. What? material haha when the car promised to carry Who are they here as the profits of Salem said, Allah has raised for my nation, the sin of three things, sin, mistakes, Hopper, forgetful forgetfulness, and also whatever they're in whatever they're forced into as well compelled into as well.

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So naturally, if you accidentally made someone else's phone drop, you're not going to be sinful for that, but you need to compensate.

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So you have to have an intention for your hand to be sinful.

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That's the point.

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However, on the contrary, if you intentionally took someone else's phone and chucked it on the ground and broke it,

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what happens now, now you have to compensate and your sinful for breaking someone else's

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property and violating them, right.

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So this is a very simple example, which goes to show that in order for your hands to be responsible, then your heart needs to be involved both waits for righteousness and for evil as well. So the heart will always be involved. That also goes with the tongue. Let's say you're trying to say something nice. But accidentally, you ended up saying something else. Are you going to be held responsible?

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No, you might be held responsible. Let's say,

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in some capacities, you may be held responsible within this world, right? It might end up occurring that you might be held responsible, right? For something you ended up ordering. Right? It can happen, you can imagine a scenario in which you express something that you didn't really mean, but people hold you to account for it.

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However, will Allah hold you to account for this?

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If you accidentally set it definitely not.

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Let's flip this scenario you intended it now. Now you will be held to account for this. Let's say you ended up calling someone a name, which has within it the connotation of of what's above the fist when you say full on or full Anna is a zania. They are a fornicator. Well, yeah, do Bella. Okay. So when you do that, this is this falls within the penalty penalties that Islam has placed. One of them is when you accuse a person who's not who's a chaste individual, and you accuse them of committing Zina. It's a major sin. It's a very, very major sin. And people do this, by the way, all the time with the effort.

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Not realizing that by saying that in depending on how you say it, I'm not going to say it here, right, but depending on how you say it, you might actually be doing.

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So people do this, if you intend it,

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then you're sinful, and it's a very serious offence that you've done. Okay. So my point here is that in order for your tongue to be held responsible,

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your heart needs to be involved. So the heart is always involved either with the tongue with the hand in all scenarios. And sometimes the heart can actually earn without the hands and the tongue being involved without the limbs and the tongue being involved. So this means that the heart is the greatest of the three types of earnings that you can do.

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Because sometimes you can earn through your hands, but the heart needs to be involved. Sometimes you can earn through your lens, but the heart needs to be involved. But with the earning of the heart, you don't have to have the limbs involved

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in money could limit a man hour and that's why we have in some traditions, that the knee year of a believer, the intention of a believer can reach much, much further than his actions. And that's why I tell you from this point onwards, intend every righteous deed

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as homework for yourself, intend every righteous deed because with with your intentions, you're going to be able to reach so far, places that you're never going to be able to reach by your actions, believe me. You can have rewards similar to the essential rewards of any man But no, we just if you have the intention that I'm going to become something like that.

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And there's another factor within this as well. Sometimes.

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You know, you tell a person that martial law, you're studying

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martial law, you're becoming a businessman, I pray that you become so rich that you can give sadaqa like for lunch for someone who's very, very famous for soda, for example, right?

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So he says, You know what,

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I don't want to have that much money.

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I I'm okay with just a little bit and then whatever little zakaat I can give and so forth.

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He's trying to be humble, or she's trying

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To be humble, but essentially what they're doing to themselves is they're decreasing the possibility of the amount of reward that they can actually gain. Okay?

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So what you want to do is with your intentions, you go as far as possible, that's the first thing. Secondly, unless you have these attentions, you'll never actually get to reach, let's say, your goals in life is just, I want to take five steps,

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you're only going to reach maybe three, let's say your goal in life is I want to reach 100 steps, then you might get to 95 or something like that, right? That's why one of the things they tell you in when you're

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in archery, they'll tell you is, okay, if you see the point over there, depending on the distance, you might need to aim a little bit above it so that it falls

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on the target. Right. So if you're aiming for the target itself, you're going to fall short. If you're aiming below the target, then you might not even fall on the board, right? So what we want to do is we want to go higher with our intentions, make your intentions really high. Look at the greatest examples in the world and make them your goals. And don't let anyone tell you, you can't do it. Well, I have seen amazing examples of people who are able to accomplish things that you never ever imagined, right? When we were I mean, you must have seen examples of this as well. So I can't give you any, I don't need to give you personal anecdotes, because you probably have many of those

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on your own as well. People that are old, sometimes Subhanallah you see a man or a woman within her 60s or 70s, to say, you know what, before I die, I want to memorize the Quran. So I'm with the Father on the Day of Judgment.

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Now you're in less than what you see a couple years later, there could have been

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a rather famous scholar among the shafia. Yeah, he was his name was funny.

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This color profile

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was a scholar who was a locksmith.

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But the thing about a profile was

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around the age of 30, he decided that he's going to take another, another course in life.

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Around the age of 30, he decided that he needs to go into the field of knowledge. So what did he do? He picked up one of the books in a book.

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And this book, he opened it up, and he started reading it. And the book said that I have summarized his book, if that's what it means to summarize something.

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Now, in order for you to say I have summarized you say, if they'll sort of do

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I have, you have to put a llama on top of the DA. That's how you say it in Arabic.

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But this person was so far away from grammar and knowledge despite being Arab. He didn't know how to read this book. He didn't know whether he should read it, if the subtle to who or if the Solitaire who he couldn't figure it out, you have summarized it, or I have summarized it, meaning he's so far away from knowledge and literature that he doesn't know this basic difference. He's a completely lay individual. He's working in the shops as a locksmith, but Subhanallah he put his head to it, alcohol. And he became one of the greatest footballers of his era.

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From that at the age of 30, by the way, not a young man. Because sometimes as we grow older and age, we start to say, okay, it's too late for me to imagine that now, right? Well, this person, he at the age of 30, he decides I'm going to become a scholar at the age of 30. Many of the scholars of Islam were already scholars I showed you know, he was already a great scholar teaching at some of the leading schools of Islam By that time, but alcohol was a bigger scholar than unknowing in some capacities.

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He started at 30

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pound Allah, so never say never and don't think it's too late. Make yourself great goals and you'll be able to accomplish great things within life.

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I asked Allah subhanaw taala to grant you and I knowledge and righteousness and beautiful intentions lomilomi net.

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So the prophet SAW said to me continued and he said, For men, Ghana tea gelato either mahila truly, whoever migrates to Allah and His Messenger,

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for he dropped to who is Allah He was truly his migration will be to Allah and His messenger. woman cannot hegira to hula dunya you will see Buddha we brought it and he gelato, Isla de la la. And whoever migrates for the sake of a of the dunya

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migration is by the way, one of the greatest acts that you can do for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala leaving your house, your family, your home, all of these things. So the Prophet just send them saying

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Even that action, that is one of the greatest actions that you can show to Allah, through which you can show to Allah that you're devoted to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Even this can be done not for the sake of Allah, it could be done for the dunya doesn't, it does not happen all the time. People migrate to many countries, they say we're looking for a better life.

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It's not to say that looking for a better life is a bad thing. Right? You can migrate to a place to look for a better life. But when you do it for a lot, there's great reward in it.

00:30:32 --> 00:30:47

So the profits are sadly missing even that, when a person does it, for the sake of the dunya, you'll see Buddha so that he may get that dunya or for the sake of a woman that he's trying to get married to.

00:30:49 --> 00:30:49


00:30:53 --> 00:31:31

In all of these cases, his migration will be for the sake of whatever he migrated for. It won't be for Allah subhanaw taala there's a couple of very important things to note in this part of the Hadith. The first thing is because Allah and His messenger and everything related to the deen is important. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that twice, he said, Whoever migrates to Allah and His Messenger, his migration will be to align His Messenger, it was no worthy. So Allah messenger noted it, whereas the dunia was not over these are the prophets Allah while he was setting them didn't noted noted in the second part, he said whoever travels for the dunya or for

00:31:31 --> 00:31:46

a woman, he'll be traveling for whatever he traveled for, he will be migrating for whatever he migrated migrated for because of the dounia to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is not noteworthy. The second thing is that isn't part of the dounia.

00:31:47 --> 00:31:52

Women and spouses as well. Isn't that something that is part and parcel of the dunya.

00:31:53 --> 00:32:08

So you're getting married to some someone that is technically part of your dunya the profitsystem said dunya Metatron the world in its entirety happens to be enjoyment. The greatest thing that you can benefit of joy within this world is a righteous woman. Okay?

00:32:09 --> 00:32:18

So it's part of the dunya spouses happened to be part of the dunya. But even then the Prophet single this one out

00:32:20 --> 00:32:24

of the dunya, generally, even though the woman also falls within the dunya.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:31

Why is that? Well, because this Hadeeth is actually being mentioned in a specific scenario.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:55

The scenario of a man by the name of who was later known as mohajir own may face the migrant of own pace. What's the migrant of one case? There was a man who had traveled migrated for the sake of a woman. The woman was known as omo bison. That was her cornea, or she was known as Tyler. That's her name.

00:32:56 --> 00:33:02

So when this person traveled for the sake, the prophets of Allah, Why do you suddenly mentioned this hadith?

00:33:03 --> 00:33:06

The Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam mentioned this hadith is like an affair.

00:33:08 --> 00:33:24

So because it was related to the entire scenario for which the prophet and mentioned this Hadith, at least in one of the times that he had mentioned it, because we said there is different variations, meaning the prophets are seldom said this Hadeeth multiple times. So because

00:33:25 --> 00:33:53

when he was mentioning this version of the Hadith, the scenario was such that a man had traveled for the sake of marrying a woman instead of traveling for the sake of Allah migrated for the sake of marrying a woman instead of migrating for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, because of that the Prophet singled out the woman part over here in this head. Okay. That's why that extra addition, which seems like it doesn't really need to be there. It's there. Now, let me ask you a question.

00:33:54 --> 00:33:56

Is it necessary till today to migrate?

00:34:03 --> 00:34:05

Actually, many people asked me, have you migrated to Malaysia?

00:34:07 --> 00:34:11

Did you leave Canada for the sake of migrating to a Muslim country etc.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:15

Anyways, my point is, is it necessary to migrate?

00:34:18 --> 00:34:20

It's a very hard question, because what

00:34:22 --> 00:34:32

you can do to migrate with the internet to I can work anywhere in the world and still be in this country. Yeah.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:50

Okay. Now, of course, what we mean by migration over here is migrating from a non Muslim country to a Muslim country. Is it necessary for a Muslim who is living in a non Muslim country for them to

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

move over to a Muslim country? Okay, I'll give you my opinion. Of course, my opinion is my opinion because sometimes I give my opinion

00:35:00 --> 00:35:08

Some circumstances I write it, or I give it in a lecture or something, and then people that want to disown my opinion, they say that that's just your opinion.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:14

What does that even mean? That's just your opinion. As if I'm supposed to tell you your opinion.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:32

I'm the one talking, obviously, it will be my opinion. It's not going to be his or her or someone else's. The thing about my opinion is that after 15 odd years of studying Islam and writing on Islam and lecturing on Islam, it matters a little bit more than someone who's just sitting around doing nothing with his life.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:45

So obviously, I'm going to give you my opinion, I'm not going to give you someone else's opinion. So my opinion on this matter is that within the circumstances that we are in today,

00:35:46 --> 00:35:59

it's very difficult for us to tell people that you have to migrate from a non Muslim country to a Muslim country. Why is it very difficult? Because which Muslim country within the world is willing to accept the migrants?

00:36:02 --> 00:36:20

Are we going to tell people that you're going to be coming to some Muslim country, even if it's not Malaysia, some other country, anywhere else in the world, you're going to be coming and doing visa runs are coming on work visa for 20 years of your life, stay there for whatever many years and then you have to travel back to your country and you're not established? Right? What are we going to do?

00:36:21 --> 00:36:32

So the principle within this one law who is as follows that you have to migrate from a place in which you can't practice your faith,

00:36:34 --> 00:36:37

to a place in which you can practice your faith.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:52

That's a bare minimum that you have to do, if it's within your means. So if you're in a place, and sometimes that could even be a Muslim country, you're in a place where they've made it completely impossible for you to practice your faith.

00:36:54 --> 00:37:22

It's very difficult for you to practice your faith, you can barely pray. I personally know one of my Messiah told me and I'm not going to mention the country because I don't want the people of that country to get mad. He told me that when he was younger, he would wake up for fudger. And he would go pray fudger in the masjid. And the people, the secret services within that country would follow every young man who would be going to the masjid for fudger.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:40

We can't even imagine something like this over here. But just for the sake of going to the fudger. So his father, he started to and this is one of my teachers, he told me this personally, his father, he started to tie him in the bed, so that he doesn't wake up and go for fudger

00:37:42 --> 00:37:42


00:37:44 --> 00:37:59

Now, you're going to tell me this person is in a Muslim land, he has to stay here and he can go to, for example, a western country which will allow him to go for fudger and do whatever else he wants. This is junoon. This is madness. In my opinion,

00:38:00 --> 00:38:11

a brother messaged me from again, I don't want to mention the country. A couple of years ago, a few years ago, a brother from Canada, he messaged me, not much I can mention because I'm from Canada, nobody's gonna get bothered there. So

00:38:12 --> 00:38:36

he was from Canada, but he was originally from another country. He said, they told me I have to migrate back to a Muslim country. So I took my wife and I migrated back to this Muslim country. And when I got there, I realized that the most basic of rights as a Muslim we don't have. I said, for example, what this happened 2011 the brother messaged me. So I said what

00:38:37 --> 00:38:39

he said that

00:38:42 --> 00:38:48

I can't seem to get a passport for my wife, without her taking the hijab off.

00:38:52 --> 00:39:26

They're saying that you can't have a passport in this country, from this country unless you take your hijab off. You can't take passport pictures, unless you take the hijab off. Again, we can't imagine something like this, over here in Malaysia behind the lamella preserve the serenity that we have here, but this can be imagined and it is happening in other countries in the world. So are you going to say just because one of them happens to be a Muslim majority, you have to go live there, even though all your basic rights as a human being are not being fulfilled. And another one is a non Muslim country where all of the rights you have are fulfilled. I think this is really madness. I

00:39:26 --> 00:39:33

think that the basic rule within this is that you have to live in a place where you can practice your deen

00:39:34 --> 00:39:49

it could be a Muslim country, it could be a non Muslim country. Why? Because in Mecca It was very difficult for the prophet to, you know, for the Sahaba to practice their Deen. So where did the Prophet is entered the Habesha, not once, twice, largely a non Muslim country at that time.

00:39:51 --> 00:39:51


00:39:52 --> 00:39:59

also, other migrations as well and there's one Hadith By the way, although this hadith is not authentic, but it is

00:40:00 --> 00:40:11

Nonetheless mentioned within this regard, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is said to have said, I will be glad to be led to law. The countries are the countries of Allah, the

00:40:12 --> 00:40:20

slaves are the slaves of Allah for Haytham that are sought to hire and for him, so wherever you find goodness they're in, then reside therein.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:58

So within this Hadith, the Prophet is saying that the countries are the countries of Allah, the slaves are the slaves of Allah, wherever you find goodness that then reside there. And so the general principle I say again, is that quantify Odin within Luca, Luca, what I'm Tokuda is in behalf whatever Robbie for inner rasulillah he let me stop him Let him be Mecca to handle fest acaba vsdb. That if you happen to be with a land and the people of that land are subjugating you then leave that land and go to a place in which you're going to find peace because the prophets are settled and couldn't stay in Mecca. So he traveled to Medina.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:17

So if you if but if you are in a place where all of your freedoms are there for you to practice that hamdulillah allow Melaka we Allah subhanaw taala continue to allow us to have lens within which we can practice the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala freely Allah I mean

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