Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah #200 Conclusion

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The podcast discusses the afterlife of the Prophets' sallua Alayhi wa sallam, including the importance of washing the body and reeling from the presence of the prophets. The burial practices and burying the profit of the Prophets' wedding dress are also discussed. The speakers emphasize the importance of sharing experiences and knowledge to benefit others, acknowledging that everyone has room to learn, and express their desire to achieve their potential and achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. This Abdi Nasir Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to Kalam by visiting support along.com We love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless inshallah. You never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations does that Kamala Hayden was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah you are in a hurry, he was already a marine

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Shala concluding our study of the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Sierra to Nova we had the prophetic biography.

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Today's session in sha Allah is going to be the last in the series on the life of the prophets, Allah Allahu Allah, he was

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the logical conclusion of the CEDAW to study of the Sierra that I personally just saw. We, of course, not in the previous session, but the one before that, we covered a lot that we covered the passing of the prophets a lot exam. And while that might seem like a logical conclusion, as I mentioned previously, as well, many of the scholars in the books of the CEDAW usually have at least two more entries after and without the two things that are usually mentioned. After the passing of the prophets. Allah He said I'm as part of the logical conclusion is, the first thing is that succession, because the very first thing that was done by the companions of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam in the aftermath of the passing of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was the appointing of Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Radi Allahu taala, Han who,

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as the leader of the Muslims, as khalifa to Rasulillah, as the successor of the Messenger of God and the leader of the Muslims and the believers.

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The second thing that is usually mentioned in the, again, the aftermath of the passing of the prophets a lot, he said, and then is the actual laying to rest of the body of the Messenger of God sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, I say that with a lot of

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precaution, and I wanted to talk about that, just very briefly, I see that with a lot of precaution, the way I phrase it laying the link to rest the body of the messengers a lot, he said, um, because not only out of respect and out of reverence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But secondly, something I'm not going to get into a lot of detail here,

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deliberately, because it's not so much a subject that is studied as a part of the Sierra as a part of the prophetic biography. Rather, it is a subject that is studied when discussing some of the issues of Aikido, or Islamic theology.

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And that is simply the issue that there is a lot of discussion about what exactly is the nature of the afterlife of profits.

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So very quickly, just to kind of allude to what some of the conversation is, so everyone understands kind of my sense of precaution.

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Number one, is that there's a discussion obviously, about the souls and the afterlife of the prophets of God. So as we read in the Quran about Shuhada, the marchers right when I talk, when I, when I talk kulula, Xena Cthulhu visability. Watson, but I ended up picking it was a boon that do not say about those who were killed in the path of God in the line of fire, defending the religion of God that they are dead, but rather they are alive. And we know that Allah subhanaw taala honors them with the type of life and sustenance in the afterlife.

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Secondly, however, there is also a third there are also authentic narrations from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Sohae of Imam Bukhari and Sahih Muslim along with the other authentic elections of Hadith and Sunnah, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam speaks about this in Allah ha Rama. I just had an MBA I learned that God forbade the bodies of the prophets upon the earth, meaning that the earth was commanded by God, not to eat away at the body

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and therefore, you know, as far as we know, we can presume that their bodies are also protected by Allah subhanaw taala.

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Thirdly, there is a narration about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam referencing that on the night of indiscernible Mirage when he was traveling, that journey that distance, that at one point in time he was able to see down into the grave of Musa Ali Salaam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that he was praying in his grave.

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Now will love gelada Michelob exactly what that means and what that implies. But there's a lot of discussion around that. Suffice it to say that this is a subject that we are best discussing more cautiously and carefully. There have been moments unfortunately and tragically within Islamic history, where polemics have dominated the conversation. And people have taken on have gauged in debates. And God taking a debate to a very inappropriate level, where they challenge one another and they debate one another and they discuss the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in his grave and so on and so forth. My very my personal viewpoint is that the entire afterlife is a mystery. The

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entire afterlife is a mystery.

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What we there are certain things we know that there is an afterlife, we believe in that.

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So what we know we believe in that the exact details of it, the nature of it, it's completely a mystery to us. So we are better off not talking about and not discussing things that we have absolutely no certain knowledge in regards to, particularly when it comes to the subject of our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the beloved of God.

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Then caution, and precaution is the best course. So that's I just wanted to kind of explain that.

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Why I phrase it the way that I do. Nevertheless, as we talked about the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he passed away Monday morning, late Monday morning.

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We talked about how after the initial part of Monday, the prophets, the companions were dealing with and reeling from the passing of the prophets a lot, he said, the greatest tragedy that ever befell anyone. Shortly thereafter, that Monday evening, the conversation occurred about the leadership of the Muslim ummah going forward, because they needed to make sure that there was not that a gap was not created and in a vacuum was not left that would leave the Ummah exposed, and that would start that that could create a crisis within the community, a crisis of confidence within the community. So Monday evening, is when the initial appointment of a worker of Sadiq Radi Allahu Taala Han who

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took place as the leader of the Muslims in and as the successor of the messengers allottee center. This continued on into Tuesday,

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and most of the morning and the daytime of Tuesday the early part of Tuesday was spent similarly, with people assembling, gathering. And in the machine of the prophets, Allah gitam giving the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Talanoa as a leader of the Muslims.

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That further then resulted in Abu Bakr Radi Allahu taala, on who, around the time of the hood, publicly addressing the entire OMA and essentially giving what was the inaugural address, obviously left.

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After that, everyone now turned their attention to now let's make sure that we are able to fulfill the final rites of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. A lot of times what is referred to as the funeral rites, the janazah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. When we talk about the final rites of anyone,

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particularly the messenger salatu salam, the very first thing that needs to be taken care of is the washing of the body.

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The washing of the body is the very first thing that is done.

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So on the day of Tuesday, later on the day of Tuesday, that is when they began this entire procedure. There are a number of different narrations

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one of the narrations in the Muslim ummah Muhammad, and it's also mentioned in some of the other books of Hadith as well. mentions that from Abdullah Abbas Radi Allahu Taala nama. It's almost universally Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. What he says is Beatty Allah Allah

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that the people got

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They're together for the washing of the body and of the prophets a lot he sent him in in the home, in a home where they were going to wash the body, the home of eyeshadow, do you love each other and how there was nobody in there except for family? I'm Mugu Allah basura del Muttalib first and foremost of course it was the uncle of the prophets Allah the center Ibis. I knew you know, we taught him the cousin and son in law of the prophets lobbyism Ali and father, Lupo Abbas, you are the older son of Abbas, the cousin of the prophets, Allah azza wa jal Fergal, you had put some liberal outbursts one of the other sons of Abbas Oussama Tube News ad Niharika

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which is very, very touching.

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Who Salma who we've talked about previously but just a quick refresher is the son of Amun

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who was when the prophets Allah the son was young was the nanny of the prophets a lot A salaam, she looked after him and the prophets Allah the son would refer to her as a mother and his father's aid in the Hadith, so who was Shaheed at this point, he had died as a martyr in the Battle of mucha. He was like an adopted son to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So because of that, Osama was very beloved to the prophets Allah The sermon was often referred to by the other companions as Hebrew Rasulillah, the Beloved of the Messenger of God. And so recognizing how beloved he was, so the prophets a lot ism us included within this family affair.

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And then another individual that was also included within the group was solid Molalla sorely lacking some of the love on Asia, one of the freed slaves of the prophets, allottee, some Salia, who had served the prophets Allah He said them towards the end of his life was also included within the group. And this showed basically what the legacy of the prophets Allah reason was, that the prophets Allah the source fat family was a lot bigger than tribe or blood. And that these people in their relationship to the prophets a lot isn't was recognized and validated.

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In this now procedure of washing the body of the prophets, Allah, these are the Lebanon buses for Estrada, who are legal Nila somebody, why are they here admissible

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whenever the body of the deceased is usually washed the IRA, which is basically for men between the navel and the knee, that is the private area of a man's body that must remain covered. The typical procedure is that that area of the body remains covered. That area of the body remains covered, you leave a cloth over that area of the body. And then the shirt. The legs are open the arms, the shoulders, the leg, the shirt, the chest that is open, that is uncovered. And then the body is washed. And as far as that more I guess we can refer to it as kind of the primary region of the body, between the navel in the knee for a man that a cloth is kept on top of that. And basically,

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the water is poured in either from on top of the cloth, like the aid is washed or cleaned. Or in some cases, you wrap the cloth around the hand or you put a glove on, and then you're able to wash the body. For the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they went an extra step.

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They went an extra step. The prophets Allah does not have committees. He had a long shirt. They kept that shirt on the prophets a lot. He said they did not remove a shirt that was long that went down below his knees to basically mid calf or mid shin.

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And they left the shirt on the profits a lot out of respect, and out of reverence for the profits and lobbies. So it mentions that as an adult who are illegal in either Saudi, or either the Allahu Taala and the wind behind and sat behind the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they lifted his body up and he leaned him against his chest and they left up amines on a cannula Abbas will further work with them. You call the Buena Houma Ali

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and the three individuals are Abbas Fidel and apothem. The two sons of our bass or bass and his two sons, they basically were helping I needed the Allahu Taala to handle the body and were lightly gently rubbing the body to to clean it from on top of the shirt. Out of respect.

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We'll come up with Salma tipplers he was Sania modaco Ma, u sub u sub battery mount and Oussama in Saudi Rhodiola

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Joana they were pouring the water while he was holding his body. And the three of them gently lightly rubbed the body from on top of the shirt to cleanse him

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with John

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and Anita, the Allahu Terrano similarly was rubbing the back cleaning the back while they continue to pour the water because again, even if you're wearing a shirt, you pour enough water the water gets through and you're able to so cleanse

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and again, also keeping in mind we're talking about the profits Alavi some of the profits Alonnisos purity right there there's not the idea of filthiness with the Prophets Allah these I'm number one. Right remember all the narrations almost send them out on the Allahu Taala and he says that when I went to go see the body of the prophets, Allah Nizam after he passed and I touched his chest, the scent that was that stuck to my hand. She said weeks passed.

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Weeks passed in the Senate would not leave my hand.

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I shut out the Allahu Taala and her sister fragrances melt on that day. I never smelled anything like that ever again. And the clothes remember I mentioned this, the garments the prophets Allah the son was wearing when he passed away. When people came years later. There's an occasion where some of the time your owns eight years later some of the Sahaba excuse me, these eight years later we came to visit Omona Aisha Radi Allahu Taala Rhonda, and we were visiting her and we just told her please tell us about the passing of the prophets, Allah the zone. And she told us and then she said, Wait a minute that you went inside the apartment, her home, and she came back out with two garments. And

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she said this is what the prophets Allah was wearing. When he passed away. And she they say, when she came out with those garments, we could smell the fragrance. So we're talking about the profits a lot. But even in the case of ordinary people, the washing of the body of the deceased is a ritual is a ritual. Again, of course we want to remove impurities. But the idea is not like a like a bath or a shower that are the living take.

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It's primarily a ritual. Right? So even just a gentle toe cleansing from on top of the cloth was sufficient. And it got delivered. Our bass goes on to say well, I'm Yarraman Rasulullah. He's somebody so mushy, and my rock mineral mania team.

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And even the part of the body of a mania that that is normally uncovered like the chest in the stomach and things like that was not seen of the prophets Allah vision was not uncovered. Again, out of respect for him. Well, we all be available only Matthew ever again will make it and I'll leave it to be totally Radi Allahu Taala and who became overcome with emotion? And he said, We and be a very well me, I would sacrifice everything for you. Ma ye vaca how fragrant and how beautiful you are, Hagen will make eaten in life and even in death hacia era Farah who meaninglessly Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam then they completed the washing of the body of the prophets a lot he said

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welcome to universal bill by us southern they washed him with this water that leaves had been boiled into the water to add some fragrance

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Jaffa food and then they took some like towels or dry cloth and they dried him through I'm assuming maybe he might use now we'll make it then they basically further continue to prepare the body of the prophets Allah the some like a maggots. Normally the deceased is readied similar Audrey Jaffe Selassie as far as that they took three cloths to wrap the body of the prophets Allah the sermon Sylvania via lane. There were two white clouds were both they were both the Hebrew rotten and then they had a long kind of like a almost like a blanket or a sheet that they had wrapped him in.

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Called so Medallia Abbas delivered our buses my father then call two men. For Colin Yerba Buena Illa, RB herbatint. Era. They said Go notify abou arena and algebra giraffe. What kind of a reader Yes, sir Holly Lee Ali Baca. So I'll get to this in just a moment.

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But this was the washing of the body of the prophets Allah He said

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when it comes before I move on to the next topic, when it comes to the washing of the body of the prophets a lot. There's a very fascinating detail. There's a very, very fascinating detail found into narrations

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number one, it's mentioned in a narration found in this Delilah Naboo I'm very happy and other books of the salon as well. That

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he specifically

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and instructed I live in a Vitaly but on the Allahu Turon that he said that when I die, he said wash my body with the water from the well of course,

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either admit to

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when I pass away Fuxin facility, we might in the class, he said wash my body with the wealth with the water from the well of course.

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And this wealth of grace is very fascinating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says another narration that Nirmal movie rehearse he said the best well is the Well of course, here mineral unit agenda. It is from the streams of Paradise will not will have your bull meow. And it's water is the best of water. What kind of a chalet somebody sent me you started blooming huh? Well who see them in barriers? The prophets Allah be some while he was alive, he used to enjoy the water of the one of course, he would oftentimes go there get the water from there, he will drink the water and make will do with the water. And before he passed away on his deathbed, he told that even if he told him that

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when you wash my body wash it with the water from the well of course.

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And that's very fascinating.

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What is the significance of the wellness? Of all things? Why? And where's the well Mrs. Located the well of horses located on one of the farther areas of the city of Medina. And it was it's actually near where the garden was, where the date palm trees were planted for a set amount and fantasy, the garden of some man and Pharisee it's near their house be the rulers?

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What is the significance? Why did the prophets allottee some specifically instruct his body to be washed by the well the water from the well of course. So there's some discussion about that. Number one is that it's documented that the wealth of Horus actually belongs to the prophets allottees

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it belongs to the prophets bodies.

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Someone had gifted it to him, he Aloka rasool Allah, they had gifted it to him so technically belong to Him. But again, as we know, we talked about it previously, when the prophets Allah be some passed away. Everything that he owned previously, now was basically donated to the Ummah, right la Luna, Matata, at Masada, everything we leave it so that so that well became donated to the people of Medina, and even till today, it's actually a public well, and it provides water to that area around it, and there's actually a school built right next to it. And all the water in that school is from that well.

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So this well became donated, but if technically before the passing of the prophets, Allah does it belong to him, it was gifted to him.

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And from that, some of the commentators, they extract two lessons. Number one was that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam did not want to create it did not want there to be any, even the slightest possibility of there being some rivalry or divisiveness in the aftermath of the passing of the prophets a lot easier.

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Because most of the well all the wells belong to some tribe or some family or another. And if they got water from here, then they would say, Oh, the prophets a lot of times body was washed by the water from our world, versus ours versus hours, and this would become a rivalry. It had the potential to become divisive. The prophets allottee someone concluded his affair with great unity, by basically providing me ensuring that his body would be washed by the water from the weld that was owned by him, not by anyone else.

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Number two, the second lesson that they derive from this is the following.

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That there's something very beautiful that some of the scholars have written, and they say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the last need

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the last need that a person has. The last worldly need a person has is the water by which their bodies washed, the cloth in which they are shrouded

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and the ground that they are buried in.

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Those are the last three needs that a person has worldly needs.

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The water to wash their body, the cloth to shroud them in, and the earth to bury them. Think about in our communities as well. somebody passes away janazah arrangements have to be made. And those are three things we got to figure out.

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And so, the prophets Allah LaGuardia, alayhi wa sallam,

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even the very last of his worldly needs.

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It was nothing was asked of anyone.

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No son was left. Except for Abu Bakr Siddiq, the prophets, Allah the Psalm said, I'm just incapable of paying you back. Allah will have to reward him on my behalf. But the last three worldly needs of the prophets Allah the some of the water came from well that he owned

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the cloth was cloth that was owned by him that he was shrouded in.

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And the ground that He was buried in was the apartment, the home of eyeshadow, the Allahu Tanana his home.

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And so even the final arrangements of the prophets, Allah his own, there was either they were completely self sufficient. So this is the washing of the body of the prophets a lot, he said. Now, the second thing is to shrouding the kufrin techseen shrouding. So as I mentioned earlier,

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that the profits of the seven was wrapped in shrouded in three gardens, three garments. And these three garments are referred to in a number of different excuse me,

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in a number of different narrations, they are referred to as suhu liiga. So, Julio, that they were white garments Thalapathy, f1, bobbin, bln, suhu liiga.

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With this so holy, I mean that they were three white garments and the word psoralea refers to one of two things. Number one, that a lot of times when they would kind of pre wash a garment, they would call it to Julio.

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The second thing is that Sahul is also the name of a town in Yemen, a village in Yemen. So a lot of times the garments that would be consequently our Yemeni garments.

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They were Yemeni garments. So this could also be alluding to the idea that these were very fine garments or good garments that they were from Yemen

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and there's another narration that actually explicitly mentions that the prophets Allah the sun was shrouded in three white garments Yemeni that were from Yemen men corrosive, they were cotton garments very simple, but nevertheless clean and and nice white clean garments.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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the prophets Allah there's there's a fascinating narration

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that Imam will be hungry presents. Aisha Radi Allahu Taala and her narrates that after the three garments that they had shrouded the prophets, Laurie Solomon, there was one big sheet that they wanted to wrap around over everything. It's not necessary. He was trotted in three garments that were complete. And then they wanted to take one last sheet and wrap them up in a blanket or was like, but it was deemed unnecessary. I'm delighted VW Becker, the son of Abu Bakr, the brother of Aisha Abdullah, he brought this blanket and he put it down and he said, Rob, the prophets, Allah, he sent me in this after you shouted him, they wrapped him in it. But then they said, This is not

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necessary. So they open the wrap, and they said, We don't need it. So I'm loving it. He took it and he said, Okay, nevermind, it's okay.

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When he took it, he basically ended up

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writing his Wuxia saying that when I die, wrapped me in this blanket, because the prophets a lot, he's almost wrapped in his blanket. All right. And so this is kind of a fascinating narration that,

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that basically this was one of the things that occurred when they were wrapping the body of the prophets and lobbies. The last thing. The third thing is usually not the last thing. The third thing was the janazah of the prophets along the Janaza prayer, we know that after washing of the body, there is a wrapping of the body to shroud and the third funeral, right? That is offered is the salata Janaza, the funeral prayer.

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So there was a lot of discussion about how should we pray the Janaza the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So a lot of discussion was happening at this particular time. What should we do?

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So it's narrated that while they were trying to figure this out Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu taala, on who presented a solution,

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he said first and foremost, obviously, everybody wants to participate in the janazah with the Prophets a lot Isa.

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Number two, everyone kind of wants an opportunity to be able to say their farewell so the prophets a lot, he said.

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Thirdly, there was also kind of this understanding that the funeral prayer,

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if we look at the wording of the funeral prayer, there are four three rods. The first bead is appraising glorification of Allah. The second type of it is salutations upon the prophets a lot.

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The third type of bead is followed by a supplication for the deceased. Allahu mfine Hagin. Our meeting is for the forgiveness of the department.

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There was his understanding as well, that's the prophets a lot of him has already forgiven.

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He'll feel like a Lago Mata Padam in them become a matter.

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The prophets a loving son was already forgiven. So there's no prayer for his forgiveness.

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Furthermore, you pray for someone, you know, and make dua for them because they need your prayer. The prophets Allah Islam doesn't need our prayers, we needed his prayers.

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So the from this, they also understood that this prayer, if you will, of the prophets allottee, sir, is actually going to be more like saying Salawat

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on top of everything you also add in the fact that the prophets Allah, Allah told them that prophets are granted a very unique type of life in the afterlife. They're not dead the way that we are.

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So then how do we kind of make sense of that?

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So they realized that our farewell to the Prophet somebody said will not be a salatu Janaza will not be praying for His forgiveness, our farewell to the prophets Allah the term is going to be

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us sings salaam to the prophets Allah

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said sending Salawat on the prophets Allah, peace and blessings salutations doodled upon the prophets Allah that is how we will bid farewell. So at that particular time, I will work out the Allahu Taala and who suggested the following procedure.

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He basically suggested that

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after they had watched the body of the prophets Allah the cemetery in the apartment of Aisha, they had dried him then they wrapped him up in the blankets in the in the in the cloth, excuse me in the shroud in the sheets, and they had cleaned up the area. They then said lay the body of the profits a lot is on the bed, on a bad place a bad city and lay his body on the bed on the city. And then people will be lined up outside

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and 10 people or so at a time, however many can reasonably fit into the apartment of Aisha Radi Allahu Taala understanding remotely because again, it was not a very big area. It's a very humble apartment Hijra. But 10 or 12 people however many can stand will be allowed in they will come they will stand for a few minutes.

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Abu Bakar in this was started by So to demonstrate it for everyone. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala and who are Omar bin al Khattab Radi Allahu Taala and who along with him, and some more of the hygiene in the unsought a few more people came in with Abu Bakr and Umar Radi Allahu Taala anima. These stood up in about a couple of lines, a few lines as many could fit within the apartment.

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And then

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Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala and who said the following words, Allah who may not know shadow

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and know who called the Bella mounsey de la.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:40

Oh Allah we testify that the messenger of God delivered whatever was revealed to him.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:59

When NASA had the Almighty he advised his ummah, His followers, which I had the feasibility lackey, had, as Allahu Allah Allah Dena, who were templates for the module. he strove in the path of God until God honored and elevate

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It has been in religion and the word of God was completed

00:35:06 --> 00:35:08

we're only gonna be here the whole last year

00:35:10 --> 00:35:14

and people believed only and solely and Allah once again

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further Allah Ilana Mittman yet ever Alolan lead even Zilla

00:35:24 --> 00:35:35

so Allah make us amongst those people who will follow his message as it was revealed to him. What you might have been an hour Boehner who

00:35:37 --> 00:35:41

had that to refer who Bina were to Harvey Funabashi

00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

and Oh ALLAH reunite us with him

00:35:46 --> 00:35:47

in such a way

00:35:48 --> 00:35:57

that he will be recognized along with us and we will be recognized along with him that we will be together

00:35:59 --> 00:36:02

for a no who kind of movie Nina rufen Rahima

00:36:03 --> 00:36:09

that our Allah while he was with us in this world, he loved his Oma.

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He loved his Alma he loves to believers.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:26

Law Dr. Lee Billy Imani Bataillon we will never trade our eemaan for anything. Well, I understood EV feminine Aveda we will not sell our faith for anything

00:36:28 --> 00:36:36

fair go to NAS Amin, amin mean as I kept saying these statements everyone that was there kept saying I mean I mean I mean

00:36:37 --> 00:36:40

we have June and then the left.

00:36:41 --> 00:36:51

We had the whole way the whole room. Another group of people entered in had their salary from DISA from a Sofia.

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And in this way, all the men came in

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the women were given. Then there was a line of sisters line of Sahaba yaps womenfolk, they came in, you know, a group at a time, had the opportunity to stand there, see their salon to the profits and lobbies, send their salutations upon the profits and lobbies bid him farewell.

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And then come in turn by turn. And then even the children

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even the children are lined up and the children are given the same opportunity to come and see Salaam and bid farewell to the prophets of Allah already he was.

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Furthermore, this procedure sounds when you hear it for the very first time it sounds a little bit you know, strange if you will, because this is not how we normally perform Janaza but we're talking about the messenger of allah sallallahu sunnah

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even cathedra Han Allah Bucha other rights however, for anyone who is kind of puzzled by this curious about this, he says we'll have a sunny Baja salatu salam ala Harada let me whom I had an Alaihe that this method that in which they came and they offered the janazah of the prophets Allah disobey, if you will.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:26

I would run which Morona and he laughing, laughing. This is something all the Sahaba agreed on, not a single Sahabi voiced their

00:38:27 --> 00:38:34

reservations or contentions in regards to this. All the Sahaba were comfortable with this.

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And furthermore, to understand exactly the reasoning behind it, of course, there are different explanations like I talked about, but the one thing everyone agreed upon, was that this was the best way that was available to them, to be able to say their farewells and the prophets Allah Lavon Amos

00:38:59 --> 00:39:01

after vis

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Janaza of the prophets, Allah resume, if you will,

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now came the fourth part of this procedure.

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And that was to now laid the body of the prophets allowed him to rest

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in the ground.

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The one thing I should mention before I go forward is,

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as I mentioned earlier, the washing of the body of the prophets of what he said occurred basically on a Tuesday afternoon.

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Monday morning, late morning he passed away Monday evening, the biatch Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Radi Allahu Tirana began Tuesday, around Thor time the big bucket of the Allahu Tadano concluded

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and he gave his inaugural address. After that, they basically started this

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the final rites of the prophets allottee center. So this began today

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The afternoon, the washing of the body did not take very long.

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The to clean the shrouding of the body of the proselytism did also not take very long. But this third part of the process because everyone wanted their opportunity

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to say their farewell to the prophets a lot, he said,

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this took a very long time.

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And this basically continued from Tuesday evening, all throughout Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and they finally concluded Wednesday night.

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Wednesday nights, it finally the lines were done.

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At that point in time, once the lines were done,

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now, implementing the advice of the prophets Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, now the burial should not be delayed. Once the janazah is performed, the burial should not be delayed. And that's why a small technicality, even though as we've done all throughout the series, we don't really go too deep into issues of fic within this series, but the small technicality is, if for whatever reason, there doesn't need to be a delay in someone's janazah, for any technical reasons or anything like that. That's why it's typically recommended by the scholars, that the delay should be made before the Janaza prayer, delayed the Janaza prayer, but try to keep as less time

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between the janazah prayer and the burial. So for instance, if there is some legal technicality, there is a legal issue or a safety issue, that you cannot bury the person. Once it's dark outside. Let's say there's logistical limitation, you cannot vary someone during that time.

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And the janazah is finally ready.

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or uncertain. But you know that after you prayed the Janaza, go to the graveyard, it's not going to leave enough time to bury them and it's gonna get dark. And then we're gonna have to wait to bury the person till the morning. In that instance, the scholars actually recommend don't pray the janazah now,

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wait to pray the janazah in the morning,

00:42:24 --> 00:42:35

pray the janazah and then bury immediately. That's where time should not be left. Between those two things, Salah and definitely that's been the barrier.

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So once they have concluded this unique procedure of janazah for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at this time, they said now even though it's nighttime, they had the they they were capable of doing this, even though it was nighttime. They said we should not delay. And so they buried the profits a lot. He said at night, Wednesday night, the profits along he said was laid to rest.

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The next day, there were two discussions now.

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The first discussion was where should we bury the profits along? He said no.

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That was the first discussion. And there were a number of different thoughts and ideas.

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If not a full fee multi a property

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for Allah in Philadelphia.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:39

Many people were of the opinion we should bury the prophets Allah in ultraclear agenda to clear the graveyard of Medina that is right next to the masjid today

00:43:42 --> 00:43:45

well Allah in the Minbari

00:43:46 --> 00:43:52

it's very the prophets Allah the center next to the member, the pulpit of the prophets Allah the center

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and then we'll just block that area off no one will ever stand there ever again. That's his spot.

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But Lindsey masala

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were the prophets a lot ism used to lead the prayer from this lay him to rest there once again was blocked that area off. No one stands there ever again.

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For John Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala on

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Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala No, of course, came once again. And he said in the in there in the main hover, hover, where element he said I can provide you knowledge and information about this issue directly from the Prophets a lot. He's

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sent me onto rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam baboon. My puppy is on a vegan Illa Delphina hastened to Shia

00:44:43 --> 00:44:46

Makabe Donabedian Illa Davina Heisey to fear.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:56

Whenever a prophet of God passes away they are laid to rest in the are buried, where they breathe their last.

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Where did their soul departed from their body

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in another narration,

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it's mentioned that

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some of the Sahaba even elaborated on this. They said hey, hook up with Allah who who were Allah removed his soul from his body, for inner who loves you, Lauren Jacobi through her whole life he McCann into heaven.

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Because Allah removes the soul from the body of a prophet in a pure sacred place,

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in a pure and sacred place, and that is the place where they should be laid to rest. Furthermore, we also see the wisdom in this because, of course, there was a suggestion of a buck here, which was a logical suggestion, but some of the other suggestions which could have been, you know, argued on behalf of bearing him at the place of the member bearing him from where he used to lead the prayer. We see though the narration the word the, the advice of the prophets, Allah, the Sunnah, the request of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm about bury me wherever I breathe my last. That is the decree of God, that also coincides with what the prophets Allah he sort of said, to his ummah, in the hadith

00:46:23 --> 00:46:50

of Bokhari narrated by Aisha Radi Allahu taala. The prophets Allah the Some said that somebody had to Rasulullah sallallahu some femural the Isla de matar fee here pool, the prophets, Allah He said, I'm said, Learn Allahu Yehuda one NESARA one of the things that led to the nations of the past the people of the past, being cursed by God, was it to huddle Buddha Ambia him massage it.

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They started to pray at the graves of their prophets. They started to pray at the grace of their prophets.

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And he said that that was a reason for the curse. And, again, there's a lot of discussion and debate. We do not have 100%, of course, confirmation of many of the burial sites of many of the prophets. But some of the places that are believed to be the burial sites of many of the prophets, such as Tao with Ali husana.

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That is in Jerusalem, that is in outputs. You have Ibrahim Ali Salam, which is in Medina, Tallinn, in Philistine in Hebron, and some of these other sites. When you go to these particular places, you'll see there you'll observe there that they're oftentimes is kind of like a worshipping at the grave.

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Right, they put their head down on the grave, they pray to the grave they write, and that's what the prophets Allah vision was talking about. During on his deathbed, it Adobo Buddha Ambia in massage EDA,

00:48:11 --> 00:48:20

Carla to Asha, and that's why guna Asha, the Mother of the Believers eyeshadow, the La Quinta Nana, she said, Willow Valley kala abreeza kabru

00:48:21 --> 00:48:37

had that had the prophets alabi some not said that the gravesite of the prophets Allah the sun would have become the greatest monument anyone has ever seen. Veda under who has Shia and Utakata Machida, the prophets, Allah the son was fearful, he was afraid.

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He was worried

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that he did not want people to start worshipping his grave. And so that's why in the profound wisdom of Allah

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and the the the wishes of the prophets, Allah the some what were that his soul would be removed from his body within the privacy and the confines of his home.

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And that he would be laid to rest within there, and that it would, it would become closed up and sealed off to the side of the masjid, as it is till today,

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as it is still today. And that's why the companions of the Prophet alayhi salam who know this, who knew this religion better than we ever will,

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and who loved the prophets a lot more than we ever could.

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And who understood the wishes of the prophets and lobbies better than any of us?

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What did they do? At the time of Omar bin al Khattab Radi Allahu taala? No, they expanded the masjid

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They expanded the masjid forward.

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So now that there was now at this because of that, there would actually be a row of worshippers ahead of where the prophets Allah was laid to rest. And then Earth man been often Radi Allahu Taala and who I

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Another of the quantified Rashidi and companions of the prophets a lot he settled in son in law, he expanded the machine even more forward.

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So that there will not only just be one row of believers, there would be multiple rows of believers in front of the resting place of the Messenger of God. So Allah Allah used

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to always designate the fact

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that even because the masjid had to naturally grow

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and that area of where the prophets Allah was laid to rest would at some point in time become kind of, you know, in the middle of the Masjid. But there will always be rows of believers ahead of it, the Imam would step ahead, stand ahead of it, to always signify the fact that we do not pray to the grave of the Prophet Somalisa.

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We pray to Allah subhanaw taala

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right, to mark that fact.

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So that was the first issue. Where should the prophets Allah Islam be laid to rest? And the answer to that was, of course delivered by Abu Bakr, Siddiq Radi Allahu Taala know directly from the Prophets Allah the salaam, that wherever he breathed his last, and that was the hijra, the home of Aisha, Radi Allahu taala, aka The second issue. The second issue that came up was, and this is kind of a technical issue.

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But there's something very beautiful and poetic about it.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:40

The second issue was that there were two types of graves that they used to dig at that time. One is called a ship.

00:51:43 --> 00:51:44

Alright, or a sutra

00:51:45 --> 00:51:47

and the second is called the lat

00:51:49 --> 00:52:00

did difference between the two, a ship or a PSA is basically just a grave that is dug straight down into the ground.

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A grave that is done straight down into the ground.

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All right, the body is laid there.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:58

Some planks or stones or boards are put on top of the body, creating kind of a, almost like a coffin internally. And then the dirt is poured on top that's called a ship or a slash. The second type of grave is called the law. A law had this dug in the way where you dig downward, and then you dig in you dig sideways a little bit. You create almost like a compartment. You dig down and then off to the side like an L. Right? That's kind of how we were taught to remember it L for a lot. Right so you dig down and then into the side kind of like an O and then that little area that you create on the inside. You place the body there. You put stones there kind of closing off that little

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compartment and then you fill that area in winter.

00:53:02 --> 00:53:10

These are the two types of grapes. in Makkah they used to dig the first type of grave ship. Why because the earth is very tough.

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The Earth they're around the Maca is very tough, so they would dig straight down.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:29

In Medina, they used to dig the lucha de L shaped because the soil in Medina was more malleable was easier. So they used to dig this old type of a grave.

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When the Muslims came to Medina

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this issue came up. This issue came up

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said both are fine

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and it was almost kind of a traditional thing. So because of that

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the muhajir on the Moroccan Muslims they continue to dig the grave straight down like they didn't Makkah even though they weren't Medina when el Bahia and the Medina and Muslims continue to dig their graves I can that L shape

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and the prophets Allah isms that both are okay.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:14

When it came to the grave of the prophets, Allah does from now they knew where they have to dig. They said what kind of a grave should we dig?

00:54:16 --> 00:54:42

What kind of great funeral what is more befitting the messengers Elisa Abbas, the uncle of the prophets a lot he said. There were two people that usually use the dig the graves there for the Muslims in Medina, Abu Zubaydah ignore Jarrah, you said arrange for the graves of the hygiene, and there was an unsightly companion, who used to dig the graves for the unsought

00:54:43 --> 00:54:55

so what Ibis Radi Allahu Taala and Houma while some of the Sahaba were still discussing, what kind of a grave should we dig? Ibis Radi Allahu channahon Who said Go get both of them.

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

Go get both of them. Call both of

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00:55:01 --> 00:55:03

for a new Houma seven

00:55:04 --> 00:55:10

for you must be authorized now. He said wherever it gets here first that's the grave that will do.

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And it just so happened that the unsavoury got there before I will obey that Bucha law.

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The unsavoury got their first and when he walked in, they said cause that's it, dig the grave, and he started digging up Bismillah once we started, now let's just do it.

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And the reason why I was saying that it was very beautiful and very poetic was because

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the grave of the prophets Allah the Salem

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is not only in Medina, but the grave of the prophets Allah the sun was dug the way the graves of Medina and people were dug

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the grave of the prophets, Allah ism was shaped like the graves of the people of Medina.

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keeping his promise till the very last day that he was born.

00:56:06 --> 00:56:12

He grew up in Makkah, he received revelation in Makkah, he struggled in Makkah.

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But once he made hijra to Medina, he promised the muddiman people,

00:56:17 --> 00:56:19

I will always come home to you.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:22

I will always come home to you.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:25

I am one of you,

00:56:26 --> 00:56:29

Lola Hegira, to look into environmental

00:56:31 --> 00:56:38

had it not been for hijra, had I not been more born in Makkah, I would have been in Saudi. I am a Medina at heart.

00:56:39 --> 00:56:50

And the grave of the prophets Allah the sun was dug as the graves of the people of Medina were done till the very end, the prophets Allah He said I was loyal to the people of Medina.

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The last couple of things that are mentioned here is after the duck the grave of the Prophet salallahu Salam,

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and they laid his body to rest.

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If you've ever participated in burials, someone has to get down in the grave to lower the body down.

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00:57:12 --> 00:57:19

deemed I've delivered Ambassador the Allahu Taala anima says that three people or four people excuse me,

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or excuse me five people, because you mentioned seven separately, five people got down into the grave of the prophets a lot.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:48

Three of them were family. I leave that a bit further in our bass and put them even without us. Right or even a bit for him and the two sons about bass. They got down in the grave. The fourth person who got down in the grave had helped dig the grave.

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His name was Chu Quran. He was a freed slave.

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And the fifth person who got down in the grave was the one who dug the grave also blew holy.

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Oh, Sybil, holy Island Saudi. He had ducked the grave. So these five people got down and they laid to rest. The body of the prophets Allah the Sunnah.

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After the dirt was filled up in the grave,

00:58:18 --> 00:58:25

after the dirt was filled up in the grave, the narration says that sama to blues aid Radi Allahu Taala on who

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he took some water. And this is a practice that they would do to make sure that the dirt would not like kind of you will not be too dusty. To make the dirt dust settle. What they would do is they would take water and they would spray it on the grave.

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And so they sprayed Osama Museo de la Coachella and was sprayed the water on the grave. And then a little bit of the water that was left. This was all from the wealth of herbs, liberated the water that was left he kind of he put it on the wall inside the home to cool down the walls and again settled the dust down.

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The last thing is that the last two things rather is there was

00:59:13 --> 00:59:14

a conversation

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that occurred later on sometime after the passing of the prophets allottee some someone asked who is the last person to be with the Prophets Allah?

00:59:27 --> 00:59:30

Who was the last person to be with the Prophets Allah Nice.

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So they said there were five people who got down in the grief. The five that we had named three family members and the two who had helped dig the grave. They all got out the last person to climb out of the grave was with them even on a bus with a maple ibis, the cousin of the prophets Allah. However, Molina been sure about who was the bodyguard of the prophets Allah He seemed throughout his life

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

when they would travel on the on the expo

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addition of the hustler he would guard the profits a lot. He said

01:00:04 --> 01:00:12

muito Ben Sharma has an aeration. He says that when they all got out of the grave before they started filling dirt into it, he said I was wearing a ring.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:23

And I pretended like I was trying to scoop up dirt and throw some dirt into the grave. And on purpose I kind of made my ring loose. And I tossed it into the grave.

01:00:24 --> 01:00:35

And then I said, Oh, no, no, no, I dropped my ring. I dropped my ring into the grave. And before anyone could say anything, he said, I jumped down into the grave to get my ring.

01:00:36 --> 01:00:43

And while I was getting my ring, I reached out with my hand and I touched the foot of the prophets a lot

01:00:45 --> 01:00:46

to touch him one last time.

01:00:47 --> 01:00:59

And I touched the foot of the Prophet system, and then I climbed out of the grave. And that's why I've been as Hawk mentioned that Malia Robin Sharma always used to claim that he was the last person to physically be with the Prophets a lot, he said.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:04

Lastly, and finally,

01:01:06 --> 01:01:15

as we had talked about previously, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was laid to rest.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:22

The home of Aisha Radi Allahu Taala Sangha was the graveside of the prophets a lot he said,

01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

when Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala and who passed away

01:01:28 --> 01:01:31

he asked to be buried by the sight of the prophets a lot. So

01:01:32 --> 01:01:58

I shut out the Allah who tried to unhide gave permission. She no longer live there. But just because it was her apartment. Of course it was her father she gave permission. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala and who, in the direction of the Qibla he was laid to rest behind the prophets a lot he said, with his head, in line with the chest of the prophets Allah.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:02

So behind the prophets, a lobby some a little bit back,

01:02:03 --> 01:02:07

a little bit downward behind him. He was laid to rest there.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:18

When I'm going to talk about the Allahu Taala and passed away, he also requested permission to be buried along with the Prophets a lot. He said,

01:02:19 --> 01:02:23

I shadow the Allahu Taala and Ha, once again gave permission.

01:02:25 --> 01:02:35

And Alma Radi Allahu Taala on who was laid to rest behind Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu Tanauan a little bit downward.

01:02:36 --> 01:02:50

So behind him a little bit down towards his chest. And what that ended up doing was that the head of Irma Radi Allahu taala, and who is in line with the needs of the Prophet Ceylonese.

01:02:52 --> 01:03:03

It's the prophets Allah will look at it behind them a little bit down. And then I'm gonna call the Allahu Terrano behind both of them a little bit down. So his head is in line with the knees of the prophets a lot behind him.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:09

When I shot out the Allahu Taala Hannah was on her deathbed.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:18

Someone asked her that, what about you? Where would you like to be buried?

01:03:20 --> 01:03:27

And I shout out the Allahu Taala on ha. She said that bury me

01:03:28 --> 01:03:31

along with all my friends.

01:03:32 --> 01:03:40

Right? And she was referring to all the other Mothers of the Believers. Very nice with all my friends in Albuquerque or

01:03:42 --> 01:03:54

bury me with all my friends in Albuquerque. And so she was laid to rest in genital Boqueria, along with the other Mothers of the Believers brought the Allahu Taala on Larry.

01:03:56 --> 01:04:20

Finally, when it comes to the grave site of the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was not going to get into a lot of detail here. But very briefly, for a long time, the gravesite of the prophets Allah the sun was that apartment of eyeshadow, the Lockwood Santa Ana, of course, as you would expect, it was very respected by the early believers

01:04:22 --> 01:04:51

in the narrations of Behati many of the top of your own mentioned they had the opportunity to see the resting place of the prophets alavesa glance into the home of Asha it was not nothing was constructed or built there. It was just like a mound of dirt. Musa naman kind of like a hump, like a mound of dirt. And that was simply what marked the grave of the prophets of Allah Allah He was no

01:04:53 --> 01:04:55

it was not until

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

it was not until the time of Allah

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

lead if not been Malik

01:05:02 --> 01:05:04

al Waleed, if there have been Malik,

01:05:06 --> 01:05:14

that the walls of the apartment of our shadow, the Allahu taala, and how it became very weak, and started to crumble,

01:05:15 --> 01:05:19

and they were afraid that they were going to crumble and fall on the graves.

01:05:21 --> 01:05:25

So at that time, that was the first instance, that

01:05:27 --> 01:05:57

four walls were built around the resting place of the prophets, a lot of what we know now as the prophetic chamber, which ended up including the home of Aisha, they ended up including within that right behind there, the home of Fatima. And in front and inside a little bit of the area of the masjid, they took a ball that area, they put four walls, they ended up putting a dome on top of it, and they sealed it off.

01:05:59 --> 01:06:06

They sealed it off. From that point on forward, there's been more building and construction around it.

01:06:08 --> 01:06:12

But that area, has remained basically sealed off.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:15

And no one goes in there, no one has been in there.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:23

For the sake of the sanctity of the resting place of the Prophet sallallahu ala he was

01:06:29 --> 01:06:33

we conclude here, and I wanted to

01:06:34 --> 01:06:39

mention something that is very, you know,

01:06:41 --> 01:06:58

it's very painful to hear. But after the laid the body of the prophets bodies have to rest and as Radi Allahu taala. And he says when we were returning back from the burial of the prophets a lot he said, For tomorrow, the Allahu Taala and have lived right behind there.

01:06:59 --> 01:07:15

And he says what I was leaving from the burial of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm in the middle of the night, on Wednesday, for tomorrow, the Allahu Taala and who was standing at her door and she saw me and she saw the dust on my hands.

01:07:16 --> 01:07:18

And she said, I thought Yeah, and as

01:07:20 --> 01:07:23

your *. I was like a child who grew up in their home.

01:07:25 --> 01:07:28

I thought but until unfussy calm and Dafu Allah rasool Allah Azza, wa taala.

01:07:31 --> 01:07:38

You, you you feel good about yourself. You put dirt on the messengers, a lot of them you feel good about yourself.

01:07:39 --> 01:07:41

It's very difficult moment.

01:07:43 --> 01:07:44

The gravest of tragedies.

01:07:46 --> 01:07:53

But nevertheless, we see that the legacy of the prophets a lobbyist. Suffice it to say

01:07:54 --> 01:07:58

that 1400 years later, halfway across the world,

01:08:00 --> 01:08:04

there's a group of people gathered in a room talking about the life of the prophets, Allah.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:09

That's the legacy of the prophets bodies.

01:08:10 --> 01:08:13

That's the everlasting Luke legacy of Rasul Lysa Lonex.

01:08:16 --> 01:08:17

And that's why we gathered here.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:19

We sit,

01:08:21 --> 01:08:28

we learn, we pray, we live our lives. We live our lives the way that he taught us to.

01:08:29 --> 01:08:32

And that's the greatest testament of love for the prophets a lot easier.

01:08:34 --> 01:08:35

That's the greatest thing we can do.

01:08:37 --> 01:08:42

Today carry on the work of the prophets and lobbies to carry on the message of the prophets along

01:08:44 --> 01:09:01

to remember the advice that he gave us. What did he want us to do? I even told him that I think Allah on who says he could barely talk, the day before he passed away, you can barely talk. So much so that he wasn't even saying it. He was mumbling if he was like, grunting it

01:09:03 --> 01:09:05

from inside of his throat.

01:09:07 --> 01:09:10

And what was he saying? A salah, Salah will Ramana Kutiman

01:09:11 --> 01:09:12

pray, pray

01:09:14 --> 01:09:15

and be good to be.

01:09:17 --> 01:09:19

Don't Don't Don't take people for granted.

01:09:21 --> 01:09:23

That's the legacy of wrestling somebody.

01:09:25 --> 01:09:32

This effort of ours to try to study the life of the prophets a lot easier to share the life of the prophets a lot easier.

01:09:33 --> 01:09:38

This is a very, very humble effort to remind ourselves

01:09:39 --> 01:09:42

about what our responsibility is.

01:09:44 --> 01:09:59

To live up to his legacy to fulfill what he asked us to do and to try to live our lives like to try to share the guidance that he brought that he sacrificed so much for

01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

This is all in an effort to just try to be more like the prophets Allah.

01:10:05 --> 01:10:47

May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to know that the prophets of Allah, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to love the prophets of money. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be more like the prophets Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to spread the life of the prophets, Eliza, and may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to continue to learn and to study and to benefit from the life of the prophets Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us the dignity and the honor to be called OMA T's and followers of the prophets Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment, allow us to be recognized by the prophets Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to place

01:10:48 --> 01:11:17

on the day of judgment under the shade of Allah with the prophets of Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to drink the water of the fountain of Goethe from the hands of the prophets, Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala make us from amongst those for whom the prophets Allah, He said will intercede. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to benefit and to enjoy the company of the prophets, Allah the sum in the life of the hereafter in general, and for those in Europe. I mean, we

01:11:19 --> 01:11:24

have a long way to go, to do right by the prophets and lobbyists having to do right by his life.

01:11:25 --> 01:11:29

But nevertheless, everything begins somewhere, everything starts somewhere.

01:11:30 --> 01:11:49

And we should make an intention. One of our teachers who passed away who taught us a lot about the life of the prophets, Allah Nizam, he always used to say that every single moment, every single opportunity is an opportunity. Every single moment is an opportunity. We make Toba now, we repent to Allah now.

01:11:50 --> 01:11:52

We decide to do better from now.

01:11:53 --> 01:11:58

We will do better from now. Not even tomorrow morning, not even later tonight from now

01:11:59 --> 01:12:01

that when we stand and we pray to Allah now.

01:12:03 --> 01:12:07

We ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to be better.

01:12:08 --> 01:12:12

And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to do better. I mean, he

01:12:13 --> 01:12:14

does, I can log in. And

01:12:16 --> 01:12:25

just a very quick note, I know that there's a lot of folks with this here and many of the locals that are here with us as well. But

01:12:27 --> 01:12:30

this is a series that we started about eight years ago,

01:12:31 --> 01:12:41

almost about eight years ago, I think it was the it was August of 2011 and Hamdulillah. We continued on through, there's many folks who listen

01:12:42 --> 01:13:01

to the recordings afterwards, as well. So hamdulillah it's a blessing of Allah that we were able to reach this point of completion. But completion is a funny word, because it gives you a sense of accomplishment. All we did was finish one round of study.

01:13:02 --> 01:13:07

But study is something that always continues. And secondly, and more importantly,

01:13:08 --> 01:13:22

what we've just started, is actually living this message and actually living in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet tamales. So whenever we talk about completion of things,

01:13:23 --> 01:13:28

I'm always very weary of it. It makes me very nervous talking about completions.

01:13:29 --> 01:13:37

Because I'm weary of it because I don't want to delude myself into thinking that somehow I'm done.

01:13:38 --> 01:13:40

I've achieved something.

01:13:41 --> 01:13:43

We achieve something by living.

01:13:45 --> 01:14:14

And we achieved something by finally meeting the prophets Allah on the Day of Judgment. That's when we've achieved something. And meanwhile, we got a lot of work to do. So I appreciate everybody listening. And so there's, I definitely want to acknowledge that. But I do want to just share with you my own concern for myself, and that is never, we're never done. We always have work to do. May Allah Subhan Allah with an accent

01:14:16 --> 01:14:22

Subhan Allah who we have the Subhanallah Huntik national en la ilaha illa a sufferer governance

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