Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 184

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The interviewer discusses the predictions of the Prophet Muhammad's behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, including his advice not touching the blackstone and not rushing to the area. The interviewer also provides insight into profit margins and the importance of practicing safe behavior during the pandemic. The segment concludes with a discussion of the process of the pandemic and the need for everyone to practice safe behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh this alga Nasir Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to column by visiting support along.com we love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless inshallah you never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations. Dessert Kamala Hayden was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah, He will be here at moraine

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shala continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Sirat in Abuja, the prophetic biography.

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In the previous session, we started talking about the vegetal without the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. As we talked about, in a lot of detail previously, that this is the only hedge performed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Islam, some commentators on the Sierra do refer to the prophets a lot, he said, I'm going to the place of Mena, to preach to and to call to Islam, some of the various tribes from around Medina, from around Arabia at that time,

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during which he ultimately met with and then they accepted Islam and gave the oath of allegiance. The Muslims of what would become Medina and Medina tomorrow, what are some of the commentators refer to that as you know, almost kind of as minor hedges performed by the profits a lot of a sudden, however, in the way that we no hedge by the definitions that we

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referred to hedge as by those definitions, this is the only hedge performed by the profits a lovely setup. So previously, we spoke about how the profits a lot even prepared, when they departed, how they departed from Medina, Al Madina, munawwara and how they traveled to Mecca to before the beginning of Hajj to basically they arrived in Mecca. And then we further talked about how they arrived into Makkah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Muslims, they made their way to Aqaba to Sharif. Mazel Haram. They went there to the Sacred House of God. And they basically arrived there in the door as the prophets a lot he sort of made when arriving there. What we're going to

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talk about today is continuing on from that point. And the continuation from that point is now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he first performed and ombre. Now in the previous session, we also talked about the four cameras performed in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we talked about them, the fourth of the four was here that was done in conjunction with the Hajj.

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And this is kind of a little bit of an opportunity. And again, I'm not going to get into a lot of technical detail. However, just to briefly address exactly what the prophets allottee some did, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he, by the in the opinion and by the majority of the narrations, the prophets a lot, he said, he performed a hedge, which is known as hydro, nuclear,

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and hydro Iran, which means that a person assumes that you're around the state of Iran, and then that person who is in that state of Iran performs in general, when they are done with ombre, they do not come out from the from, and then they continue on and perform the entirety of the Hajj in that same state of Iran. That doesn't mean they're wearing the same two garments, they can actually change the garments, they can actually even put water to wash themselves, like just a simple bath with water, a shower with water, if you will. However, they of course can't use sense and soap and things of that nature.

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The The other type of hedge that the prophets, a lot of them advised the companions to perform and the majority of the companions performed that type of hedge, and that is also a very virtuous type of hjem. In in the opinion of the majority.

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When people come from outside of necochea performed the hedge, they must perform one of the two types of these one of these first two types of hedge. The second type of hedge is called Alhaji tomato, or * tomato, which means a hedge in which you take full advantage of the opportunity that you have a visiting the Kaaba. And what that means is that a person assumes the State of Israel, they arrive into Makati perform their own law, when they are done with the law. They actually shave their head or cut their hair and then they

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Exit the state of *, they exit the state of Iran. And then whatever number of days remain, they remain there in Macau or whatever. And they are not in a state of a from of course they worship and do throw off and things like that. And then on the morning of the eighth, the eighth of the hedger the day that Hajj begins young with Korea, which we're going to be talking about, they re entered the state of Iran for sake of heights, so they have two separate states of Iran. All right, one for ormrod second one for Hajj, and the days in between they are outside the state of Israel. That's what the prophets a lot of them recommended the companions to do. Because again, it's a little less

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difficult to you're not in the state of a home for whatever time duration you have, between your ombre and your hudge. And then there's a third type of hedges of cord hudley fraud, where you only just simply perform a hygiene you do not do an umbrella prior to it. You do not proceed your husband's in Ramadan, that is usually reserved for people who are from Makkah, and the immediately surrounding areas. All right, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he arrived now they're in the state of Islam and now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he performed the umbra. So I shadow the Allahu talana de the body says in the overlay in, but I'll be here in admin abuse

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allottee cinema and the Hutu What da matava. The prophets a lot Nizam did not to belabor, he did not waste any time. Rather when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived into Mecca. He went there to the Kaaba, he gazed upon the Kaaba, he may do it in sophisticated to Allah subhanaw taala. As we talked about, the prophets, a lot of these unperformed will do. And then the prophets, a lot of them immediately started with off. And that's very important. Now again, just as a side comment, and I'm not going to go into this too much, it's not necessarily a HUD seminar in that sense, right. But I will just mention just a few comments, just so that it removes any concern that someone might

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have, when you go for hydrometer Ah, you know, these days, and you arrive into Makkah, usually the first thing you do, you know, you've arrived by bus, they drop you off at your hotel, you have your luggage, you have to put your luggage up, you have to use the restroom and whatnot, because you've probably flown in on a 13 hour flight or a six hour bus ride or whatever the case is. Or maybe you were camped out at the Jeddah airport for two days, whatever your situation is, you have obviously you need, it's understandable that you need a little bit of a moment to use the restroom and freshen up in that sense. Number two, you go to the hotel and you put your luggage up and whatnot, somebody

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might be upset that that is not following the sin of the profit or the loss of the profits, a lot of them went straight to the harem, and he started his own bra. But that amount of delay, whatever it may be 30 minutes to an hour where you put your you get your room, you put your stuff up, you make your will do use the restroom, whatever, that's understandable the profits a lot of these made will do putting up your stuff and making sure your stuff is going to be safe and Okay, is an understandable delay, the delay that would not be understandable. That would not be that would not be in compliance with the practices some of the prophets a lot. Some is that for instance, if I

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arrived and I'm in a state of a home, and I go to my hotel, and then I decide to just sleep rest, wake up, eat, talk, sit around, and then I start my ombre A day later. That is not in accordance with the sort of the profits allottee some So just to clarify somebody, because sometimes when we go with our our groups we lead or our groups, we get there and people are so anxious and nervous. They don't even want to go put their stuff up in the hotel, and we have to kind of explain to them No, that's understandable. You need to put your stuff up. Secondly,

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the narration goes on to mention that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam cannot

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be Allah His salatu salam is Tina Mahajan. As for the public tawaf, the prophets a lot a senem. Now how did he begin doing his throw off the very first thing the prophets, a lot of them did was that he went and he kissed the Blackstone, it's referred to as St. Lamb, which basically means he showed respect to the Blackstone like he kissed and greeted the Blackstone.

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And from there the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he started now that the wife counterclockwise with the Kaaba to your left shoulder, the prophets Allah they sent him now started the bow off Jabulani Allahu taala. And who says hacia either attain a beta Mara who, when we arrived there at the Kaaba with him because now all the 10s of 1000s of people that were there, some who had arrived with the profits a lot, some of the others who are waiting, awaiting the arrival of the profits, a lot of them they all went in, and he says is still American. We all saw that the

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It's lovely, some went and he kissed and touched a Blackstone for Rama lathan wabasha Aruba and, and then the profits a lot of them did that off and I'm going to be talking more about exactly how we performed that off.

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Just a little side note because now we've brought up the point about the profits a lot is from kissing the Blackstone. So some folks might be familiar with that already. Some folks might be curious about that. So just to explain that a little bit. There are some narrations which refer to the idea that the Blackstone is a stone that was sent from Paradise by Allah subhanho wa Taala to be pleased to read the garba there are some weak narrations which allude to the idea that it used to be white and then it was made black through the sins of people or lack of talent and we saw a lot of those narrations do not reach the level of authenticity. Nevertheless, it is a sacred stone that is

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at a sacred place, and it is part of a sacred ritual. We just we gesture towards it or kiss it if the opportunity presents itself. However, I would like to take the opportunity to mention a hadith of Bahati in which our might have been the Allahu taala and who very famously, he said when he came there to the Blackstone fabella, who he kissed the Blackstone, and then he said in Nila Alamo, Anika Harun, he said that I know for a fact that you are simply a stone.

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Not the guru will attend Pharaoh, you do not cause any harm nor do you benefit in any way in and in and of yourself. You don't contain any harm or benefit. When Allah Amira Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jakub below Yuka Beluga mockable Taka had I not seen the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him kissing you, I would not have kissed you. And just to remind ourselves of the fundamental idea within Islam, that we do not ascribe, you know, sacredness and divinity, or we do not, you know, demonstrate reverence to objects and things. But rather what we do is we emulate we obey the command of God. And secondly, we emulate the blessing practices of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So because the prophets a lot of them kiss this stone, we do so as well and Omar bin Al Khattab, radi Allahu Allah, Allah May Allah be pleased with him, is reminding us of that particular fact.

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in a narration of a Buddha, Odin and nessa II even are the Allahu taala and Houma he says that another slice a lot a cinema Canada yet, and you're still in my root canal Yamani will hydroponically tofa 10. Second point about how the profits a lot of them will do toe off in every single circuit of the tawaf. So at the office of act of worship. The dwarf consists of going around the Kaaba seven times, seven circuits, and then following that by praying to the cause of knuffle prayer, which we'll talk about in just a moment. The prophets a lot a synonym of delimiter Harmon authentic narration, he says, in every single circuit, the profits a lot he seldom would touch, the

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black stone and the corner that is right before the black stone, which is known as a broken alley. Amani, quite literally, because it points in the direction of Yemen, to the south. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would touch that corner, and then he would touch the Blackstone on every single circuit. And there's an explanation to that. In which I've delivered and Romero de la catalana de Du Bois de says, LEM rr, and the Viva la de some yesterday mominul Beatty, Illa, Lucan, nain Aliamanu Yang

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and he says that the prophets a lot of these would only touch these two Southern corners of the Kaaba itself, the Blackstone and the Rohingya money. And he goes on to say mount LA and now via Salallahu alaihe salam Metallica is Silla Moroccan, a share media in Italy Illa, Allah Houma la Muta me ma Allah avari de la him, I've delivered, Omar says, in my estimation, what I understood is that the prophets, a lot of them would not touch the other two corners of the Blackstone, that face towards the north, which are known as the Shammi corners because they face towards the north, he would not touch those two corners, because those two corners are not the original two corners of the

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structure of the Kaaba. But because if you can visualize the carbon if you've been there, then of course you can think of it but even if you visualize it, if you haven't been there, you remember you might recall, there being kind of a half circle, a bit of a wall, a half circle, on that other side of the Kaaba, that half circle that wall signifies

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The original structure of the GABA itself, which was left out of the structure, that area was left out of the structure when the Kaaba was renovated and reconstructed. Five years before revelation came to the prophets a lot. So when he was 35 years old, and there's a very famous story that they needed, people were quarreling and fighting over who will get to put the Blackstone back in its place. And then the profits, a lot of them ended up resolving that dispute by having them all hold the corners of the sheet. And the profits are lovely, some lifted the Blackstone and place it back in its place, which also if you think about it is quite remarkable thing about that moment to be

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vulnerable. And the thing about the profits, a lot of them entering the Kaaba and kissing the Blackstone, at this point at the end of his life, so remarkable. from where to where, right, that that day when he placed that Blackstone in its place, the Gabo was filled with idols. And here today, the profits a lot of the time is really returning the car back to its original purpose and orientation of the worship of the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right The House said Ibrahim Ali some reason foundations have. So that's that area of the Kaaba was left out of destruction because the mccanns at that time could not afford to include it. And so that's why it was left out.

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And we had talked about this earlier that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the conquest of Makkah, he had actually made a comment to shadow the Allahu taala on her Lola Hadith who are the only possible Islamic idea to have had your people not been so new to Islam kind of tongue in cheek kind of jokingly, he referred to the mccanns as your people. Right? That's kind of joking with a shadow the Allahu taala because they're his people too, right. But he jokingly calls them her people. And secondly, something subtle and something beautiful. He called them her people and not his people. Because he promised them a demons that he would always be there people

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that they were his people, I am yours. I will always come back to Medina, that's my home. So the profits, a lot of them had expressed that initial wish to kind of return the GABA to its original structure. But then the profits, a lot of them decided not to do that.

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Just kind of fast forwarding into Islamic history just so that we are kind of aware since we're talking about the structure of the Kaaba here are in shadow, the Allahu jolanda would inform that narration she would pass that narration those words of the prophets Allah Nizam on to her nephew, her student and the Companion of the prophets, Allah de sedam Abdullah Abu Zubaydah, radi Allahu taala Anima. She told them, the prophets, a lot of them said this years later, in fact, decades later, when I belie in new Zubaydah, the Allahu talanoa after the whole of Russia even when he was in charge of the city of Mecca, he ended up changing the structure of the GABA to include that half

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circle area which is called hijet is my IDE or the Hatim he changed the structure of the GABA to include it according to that wish the prophets a lot of whom had expressed that desire he had shared.

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There was a conflict going on at that time between the most the rulers of the Muslim Empire at that time the Omega IDs.

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He was basically fighting against them. They ultimately ended up defeating Abdullah invader, the Allahu talanoa and taking control over moko. When they took control over Russia, at that time, the ruler he said, Oh, I'm delivering zubaid. radi Allahu talanoa. May Allah be pleased with him. This ruler not knowing what he was talking about. He said, Oh, Abdullah bin Zubaydah, Elia, the villa has committed this heresy this blasphemy. He changed the Kaaba, how dare you. So then that ruler changes it back to the shape, the original shape of it, or not the original shape, but the shape that it was during the lifetime of the prophecy, somehow it is today, the square, leaving that half circle area

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out of it.

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Later on, he then realizes I'm delivering Saavedra, the Allahu talanoa did not do anything wrong, nor was he doing anything on out of his own thoughts and ideas. Rather, he was simply acting on the knowledge that he got from his onto our mother, our shadow, the Allahu taala, who heard it directly from the prophets a lot. So it's a hadith in Bukhari. It's an authentic narration. So he then realizes, oh, I made the mistake.

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So then he said, should I change it back?

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And obviously, some people probably told him, You need to stop just this game. And so they said, you need to talk to somebody and get, you know, consult about this. And he ended up consulting at that time, you know, if not the greatest one of the greatest scholars of that time and overall of the history of the Muslim Ummah, Mr. Malik

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Mr. Medina, Mr. Medina, the Imam of Medina, Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah tala, he consulted Mr. Malik. And he said, I did this. I found this out. I changed it, change it back now and Mr. Malik said, Please don't touch it.

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He said, Don't mess with it. Don't touch it. He said, otherwise, you're it's going to become an Uber. It's going to become a toy faded in the hands of kings. And so what happened is your change it back and let's say some guy comes in overthrows you defeat you, and he takes over, he's gonna want to change it back to kind of put his own stamp on this era. And then the other guy's, whoever overthrows him is going to come and change it back and change it back and change it back. Nobody touches it, leave it there. This was the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala. This was the decree of God. And so it's remained in that structure until today. There's been renovations and things like that

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just to kind of fix up the structure but all in all, the structure has been left in that form till today as we see it now. So I just wanted to take the opportunity to explain that because I've delivered Armando the Allahu taala Anima note said about the prophets, a lot of them another thing the prophets a lot he said them would do in instalove. There's a narration in the center of humaneness IE Rakim Allahu taala, narrated by Abdullah Assad, the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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He says I was watching and listening to the prophets, a lot of them do toe off. And I heard him that when he was during during the last fourth of his circuits, where he would touch federal Kenya money, and then he was coming around to the Blackstone, during that last quarter of the circuit. The profits a lot he sent him was saying, Robin it now for dunya Hashanah irati Hashanah joaquina either now, I number two, a one, that you are very comprehensive, powerful

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of the Quran, he was saying that we're either Oh our Lord, grant us in the life of this world, the best of things, grant us in the life of the hereafter the best of things in a law protect us from the punishment of the Fire of *.

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So this beautiful do is just again, a little side comment not directly related to what we're talking about. A side comment, you know, it's a very comprehensive Do I have the power on? It has these general words of course, you know, it can refer to a number of different things. However, very it's very fascinating and very interesting when you pay attention when you look at what the companions of the prophets a lot is and how they used to interpret this law and this law from the Quran provena it definitely has certain grant is the best of things in the life of this world. I live in a Vitaly radi Allahu taala. And he said that his Salah,

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who Allah grant us, the best of things, grant is the ability to pray and enjoy our prayer in this world of delivering the Allahu taala and who he said that is,

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you know, having a good family, having peace and tranquility in the home and amongst loved ones.

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Righteous family, righteous wife, good children. Right. In another narration, I've deliberately Ambassador the Allahu terranova. He said that Robert De Niro has written the best of things in this world. He said, that is the knowledge of the Quran, the understanding of the book of Allah. Right, I've delivered and Omar said, it's the son of the Prophet peace be upon. So it's not, that doesn't limit the meaning of it. Because what Allah subhanaw taala says, is vast and encompasses many things. Right? But it's just a little insightful to see, to understand how these folks would perceive what blessings are in this life and in this world, I might say it's a gigantic home.

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But the people around the messenger of peace be upon him salami center. They used to think that it was the having a relationship with Allah having a good relationship with your family, that those were the true blessings of the life of this world. We Allah subhanaw taala granted those things.

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Now kind of moving on, Jabba radi Allahu taala anhu

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as I was mentioning before, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after he finished up often I'm going to talk a little bit more about how the prophets a lot of them will do to off but he said after the prophets a lot of them would finish seventh circuit's through my alma

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mater, Macau, Macau meaning welcome Ebrahim with

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rahima masala This is known as a station of Abraham the station of Ibrahim Ali. So, this is the place where he Mohali Salaam prayed at the GABA. And so that place was marked and was preserved and known as a blessing place because the Prophet a prophet of Allah Ibrahim Ali said I'm prayed there. And so the prophets a lot of them came to that place and that place is marked even till today.

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Got a little bit of a fixture or, you know kind of an ornament that sits at that particular place. The profits, a lot of them came to that place he stood at that place, and he recited diverse from salted Baccarat. What's the Hiromi macabre Hema masala? Go and pray where Abraham stood. Allah commanded amended the process of go and pray where Abraham stood. And the prophets, a lot of them prayed to rock as two units there at that particular place. And then the prophets a lot easier and went back to the 100. Last Word, the Blackstone, he once again kiss the Blackstone, and then the profits of the sun went to the mountain of suffer to begin the sorry. However, before we begin

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talking about the sorry, one thing I wanted to mention about the tawaf of the profits a lot is someone that was very distinct, and very unique. And that is, we're going to go back a little bit in life of the prophets a lot, even for a moment. Remember, we talked about this previous in the previous session, the prophets, a lot of a sudden the first

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kind of referred to as the first Rama he did and the Muslims did was known as the Treaty of Abia. They put on the wrong, they got to the place of her davia. And then the McKinsey operation, they stopped them. And they didn't let them come and they entered into the Treaty of Arabia. They agreed to the treaty. And part of the treaty was that the Muslims returned back to Medina from there, they remove their homes, they shave their head remove their thumb, and they returned back to Medina back home. And part of the treaty in the agreement of her davia was that they would return back the following year, and they would perform an ombre and the operation would allow them to come to Mecca,

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and perform over and stay in Mecca for three days. And as we talked about in a previous session that is known as a DA or Amara sauce or aamra to

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the make up camera from previous year

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when they came for that particular camera, we had talked about this when we when we had covered that here in the CETA class, but I'll remind all of us that when they came to perform that our aamra there was a very tense

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you know environment in Mecca detention was very high. Some of the leaders of the kurush A crema, the saga, Pooja has have suffered the xenophobia, they protested the profits a lot is him doing ombre by leaving Makkah. They went outside of McCann, they camped out outside of McCaffrey three days. And he said, we're not going to come back in until he leaves McCain the big enough for both of us. So they went outside. Some did that a lot of others who still had a lot of animosity towards the profits, a lot of some of the Muslims, they didn't go outside. But what they did was they gathered together there in the Kaaba, like along the edges didn't get in their way they left the door opened

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the entrance open, they left the area of the off open, they gathered around outside, and they just kind of stood there and kind of stared him down

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to kind of stood there and just stared him down

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to try to intimidate them and pressure them. Right. And so when they were doing when the Sahaba the prophets a lot is when the companions came to do that though of that or Umrah and they started that off, you have to remember something

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for many of the Moroccan Muslims and mohajir own, they're seeing the Kava for the first time after seven years,

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or maybe longer.

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Secondly, for the Muslims of Medina and surrounding areas, some of them have never seen the Kaaba before. So this was an extremely powerful, spiritual humbling moment for them. Right?

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Those who have been before think about the first time you went, how you were just overcome.

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And then also those who have not yet gone May Allah subhanaw taala invite you and allow you to go and those who have not gone you can probably imagine, you can you can just, you know, sense at some level, how overwhelmed you will be when you eventually do go. Right. So now those Muslims, they enter into the booth, often they started doing toe off. So again, they're so overcome with emotion, and they're so humbled by a love for granting them the opportunity to do so that naturally that humility started to manifest itself on them physically. They're crying. They have their heads lowered in humility before a lot. Shoulders kind of hunched over when you're crying, your head is

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lowered. Your shoulders are kind of hunched over. They have their hands, you know, spread before a law. They're crying and making thanking a law. And so they it's it's beautiful, but we understand the beauty and the significance of it because we understand somebody is humbled before their law.

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But these people who were basically staring them down intimidating them, they don't understand this.

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And especially part of the, the the machismo in the culture at that time. Right? And then, thirdly, all, you know, they obviously see these people as rivals and enemies. So you're looking for any opportunity to take a jab at your enemy. So they started cheering them and mocking them and making fun of them.

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And they said that, look, Islam has broken their backs. Because they they said, Look how weak, frail, they are. They're crying, like weak people, heads lowered, shoulders hunched over Islam, Medina, Muhammad Sallallahu, Alayhi Salam has broken their backs will either Billa and they started kind of mocking them.

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The prophets a lot of a sudden, who's a very, you know, observant and sensitive person, you know, very aware of what's going on, he sensed this. And the profits, a lot of them said, we need to demonstrate to them the strength this summer has given us the strength our relationship with Allah grant us

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the strength The Book of Allah has given us. So the prophets a lot is on pause the camera, the tawaf gathered the companions, and he said, I need you to do two things. Number one,

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when we typically put on the hat on like, menfolk, when they wear the hat on, you take one garment, and you tie it around your waist as a lower garment is our lugi, etc. And then you take a second garment, and you kind of put it over your shoulders, kind of like a shawl. So the prophets a lot, he said, um, said, Take that second garment that goes over your shoulder, like a shawl. And he said, put it from under your arm, your armpit here, and basically, were like this slung over your shoulder.

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So what that will do is, as you know, as simple as it sounds, is, it kind of shows the physical strength, the physical posture, right, your shoulder, your arms, right, just let them know

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that we're so strong.

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Number two, the second thing the prophets a lot of them said was that he said, there are seven circuits into the life. He said, during the first three circuits, I want you to march not walk

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out of ramen. This is putting that shawl that cloth from under the arm, exposing the right arm and right shoulder, that is known as the bow. It's the back and then march in the first three circuits, which is known as a Ramallah yamanouchi. All right, which is March, stick your chest out, fix your posture, put your shoulders back, stick your chest out, pick up your arms to your side. And March doesn't mean run fast, but just March, walk strong. And do that for three circuits. Just so they know

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that we're strong, we're stronger than we were before. And then he said in the next in the last four circuits, then you walk then you can go back to your doula and everything else and you can slow down lower your head cry make do whatever you want to do.

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Ramallah feel alive, Rama, Rama fita. Latin one my Shafi arbury are Ramallah vallotton bhamashah urba. Both narrations. So that is specifically the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in how to do tawaf. And that's how he did it. And that's how we instructed the companions to do it. Now, here's the interesting thing.

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There's some discussion. So when you hear that story, when you hear that story for the first time, that that's the history of it.

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You might think to yourself, okay, if that was the reasoning behind it, when we go for hydrometer now

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there's not enemies in Russia recon lined up in the huddle, staring us down, trying to intimidate us without going into enemy territory, so to speak. So do we still need to put that around from from under the right shoulder? Do we still need to, you know, to the best of our ability, and I'll comment on that in just a moment. But do we still need to kind of March a little bit, kind of stick our shoulders out, stick our shoulders back, chest out and kind of March a little bit? Do we still need to do that because there's nobody there watching this non enemy come to the enemy is not there.

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So the answer from the vast overwhelming majority

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of the scholars of this oma the Imams and the scholars of the Zuma is the answer is yes, we still do that. We still practice that. Why do we still practice that? Because the prophets allottee some of the Muslims when they came in had jetan without

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Mecca was Muslim territory now.

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In fact, the Declaration was made a year ago in November shikun an adjustment for LA Yakubu Mashallah harana badami mata, the machinery cool we're not even allowed into the Muslim era. So when the Muslims came 400 and without they were nothing but Muslims in Morocco, and Morocco was under Muslim rule and Muslim control. So the enemy was in there, in spite of the fact that there was no enemy there. The prophets allottee, some Javelin or the Allahu Jelani when a number of other companions of the prophets a lot. He said, oh, I've delivered Omar Javid or the Allahu taala, Andrew etc, etc. All of them narrate that, that year as well. When the prophets a lot of them came, he

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still put the hat on from under your shoulder number one, and number two, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he still marched in the first three circuits, and he told the companions to do the same and all the companions do the same. And that's why when someone brought it up to Omar bin al Shabaab, radi Allahu Allahu during his khilafah the now Islam is very strong and widespread and so on and so forth. We understand why the process of said to do when he said to do it, but now we don't need to do it. He says, This is the sin of the prophets a lot of that we shall not leave. Plus the actions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam demonstrate to us regardless of why it started, the prophet

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peace be upon him established as his practice. That was that was that needed to continue? And so it continued on at that point. So that's just a little bit of detail about how the profits a lot he said, Oh, yeah, exactly the the Olivia orbital hotjobs female Rob land will cache for unimarc monoket vaca Allah who is llama God has now established Islam, wonderful. cofra Allah who and the disbelievers in the enemies are gone here from here from Africa. And he said, Well, my italic Ilana true coochie coo Nana Allahumma Rasul Allah shall, we shall not start practicing the tradition of the Prophet peace be upon him that we did while we were in his company.

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So that is a little bit about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did the to have wonderful, interesting detail that comes up in the digital readout of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said that the wrong garments for the men must be unstitched. And what that moreso means is that it can be like a shirt or something, it has to be an open garment, not sewn together like a shirt. Okay? However, even though white, a white clean garment is preferable, but in Iran can be any garment that someone has available. And that's why the ihraam of the profits a lot of them the upper garment that he used, the top garment that he used during the

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era of hunterdon Rida is actually in the narration of Buddhahood from

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from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that the garment of the processor was burden a

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burden after here use the green sheet, a green shawl. So that just lets that demonstrates to us that it doesn't necessarily have to be white, it's preferable, just to make sure that it's plain and it's clear and it shows more simplicity, right. However, it doesn't necessarily if somebody can't afford a brand new white garment and they just have like two sheets at home. They can use the sheets, alright. Secondly, the profits a lot he said when he was done with this too often he prayed those two because like we talked about, there are authentic narrations explicitly about the profits a lot of them specifically in those two because reading sort of Fatiha then he read kuliah your coffee

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rune and then in the second riccar Surah Fatiha and then he read called who Allahu Ahad surah to leafless.

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Another thing very interestingly, is that

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it during this 100 when we die we'll be talking about it later that the narration of Bahati mentions that the prophets are lobbyism in a hudge when you count the camera, and then you count the hug itself. There can be up to three sets of dwarfs at a minimum that have to be made.

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Three offs that have to be made. You make the throw off, for when you perform to your ombre number one.

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Number two, you do the tawaf that is known as the waffles era.

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So you after the eighth of the ledger in Mina, which we're going to talk about the ninth in RFM was the diva on the 10th. You come back to me now, and then you come back to McCain you do at the office sorry, that office got the office er to offer the photo. That's the second tawaf, you end up doing during a trip of Hodge at a minimum, at a minimum. And the third though off, you'll end up doing at a minimum is before leaving before departing from Makkah, and it's called the waffle have we done the farewell tour at a minimum Three, two offs.

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Some of these dwarfs some of the scholars mentioned that the very first one he did in the camera. He did that on foot, because javin specifically mentioned, Ramallah, Salah, phenoix, Masha urban, he did on foot. However, the last two to offset the prophets, a lot of them did, he most likely did, according to the hadith of Bokhari on the back of a camel.

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He did the toe off riding the camel, so kind of like a wheelchair imagine, because the profits a lot of some of us don't forget is almost 63 years old at this time. And so by the end of the journey of hustler profits, a lot of them was fatigued, and tired to the point where the profits a lot of them actually did that oft often the V slug symbol Beatty Allah buried in Colima, Cha rakhna ashara la and that's why we know that you can gesture even if you can physically kiss or touch the Blackstone, you can gesture towards it. Because the prophets a lot of a sudden when he was writing the camel, obviously he could not you know keep getting down from the camel to kiss the Blackstone would have

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been difficult. So every time you pass by the Blackstone, the profits, a lot of them simply gestured towards it and he kept on going and kept on moving forward. So I thought that was also quite fascinating again, even Kathy Rahim Allahu Allah.

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From the narration of Sahih Muslim, he deduces that likely what happened was that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, some say that he did two of these talks on foot and he did the last one on the back of a camel, or he did the first and the last one on foot, the middle one on the camel, and some even deduced that he did the first one on foot and the last two he ended up doing on the back of the camel. In either scenario, he did both he walked and he did on the back of the camel. And that's how we know it's okay for somebody who needs to due to age or health or whatever the reason may be them doing a toe off in a wheelchair is just as valid as someone who does

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it on foot and it does not take anything away from their reward will Lakota Allah, Allah wa como las panatela knows best. So

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the next thing I wanted to mention here specifically from the Waffen the aroma of the profits, a lot of the sentiment with this inshallah war will be coming to the conclusion for today.

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And then, in the Muslim, Mohamad there's a very interesting narration that a man narrates that from Ahmed bin Al Khattab radi Allahu Allahu anhu that you know, we talked about the prophets a lot of him kissing the Blackstone touching the Yemeni corner kissing the Blackstone on every single circuit. However on what have been, the Allahu taala narrates that the prophets a lot of them said to him, yeah, Omar in Nicaragua, when are we going?

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In nikka Rajan COVID. Omar, you are a very big strong man.

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He said for latos Ashima alhaja refer to the sheriff. He said Don't rush up to the Blackstone to kista Blackstone in such a way that you end up physically hurting or harming someone less strong than you somebody who's weaker.

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Like don't go in there and just start throwing bows don't do that. All right. Be gentle. Be delicate, be careful. He says in widget to Halliburton facility.

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If you find that it is open, empty, and go kiss it. Why Illa but if you find it's rushed and crowded for stuck bill who then face towards it, turn

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turn towards it as you're aligned with it turn towards it for a little walk a bit. Then gesture towards it. And then basically from there say Bismillah Allahu Akbar

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La Ilaha la la cama Sade, from a distance while gesturing towards it. And this is inauthentic. NARRATION in another narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He elaborates and he tells her I'm going to be the alarm Yeah, about house in the garage. When are we going to zap him Allah rochen don't cause the scene. there at the huddle. I swear that the corner for inducted to the bar if you will harm people, particularly go home people harm people who might be physically weaker.

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than you are. That's not okay. Well, I can in widgets, 100 and festa limbo. If you find it open, then this will not go forage. Well, Africa.

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Otherwise, if it's crowded, say Allahu Akbar from a distance funding, and then keep walking, keep walking, that is just as good. And not only is the profits a lot, of course him saying it, that's just as good makes it just as good. But the profits allowed him for our kind of constellation. He even demonstrated it. That's why when he was doing the off on his camel, instead of parking the camel right there in front of a larger law squad and then getting down, of course, everyone would have moved for the messengers, a lot of them. But the prophet Tillerson was teaching us through his action. He kept on going, he gestured towards it said Allahu Akbar from a distance. And then he kept

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on going. So he demonstrates to us that it is completely okay. And equally as valid to do it in that particular fashion. And that's something very important to remember. And so first of all, if we ever find ourselves in that, in that situation, okay, which is basically all the time if you go there, Alright, we're in widget al-watan. I don't know about if that's ever going to happen. You know, may Allah grant you an opportunity. Nothing's impossible. Of course, luck can do anything for you. However, if you find it open, you're probably not going to find that open. I'll go out on a limb and say that's probably not going to happen. Therefore, follow the advice of the prophets a lot. He

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said, don't, don't add to the situation there by jumping in and causing a ruckus. Okay. Number one, don't do it. Follow the sun, not the Sunnah of the Prophet, Allah, the Sunnah. And keep going, gesturing, keep going. Number two,

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just to kind of think about and reflect upon, I know that when you see people there, people there are, you might see, and you might feel like it's not appropriate for them to behaving that way.

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Let's say it this way. It's always all in the wording. It's all in your understanding, okay? That kind of behavior is not appropriate.

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But don't necessarily pass judgment on them. So sinful people, crazy people giant, don't, don't do that. There's no good in that. Because now you're judging in backbiting people.

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You know, so there's no virtual in that. Don't Don't do that. That behavior is not appropriate. We don't know exactly what's going on with them, what's not going on with them. All right, we all have moments of weakness. You know, some of our weakness, moments of weakness are not so good situation. They're moments of weakness, or they were overcome by the love of Allah subhanaw taala, at the Sacred House of God doesn't make them bad people for anything, you can appreciate their sincerity. All right. And thirdly, this is why when those unnecessary, but I need I feel like I need to justify this. Whenever I end up having the opportunity to take people for hydrometer Ah, I usually end up

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instructing my group that my group is not allowed, people from my group are not allowed to go there and to try to kiss the Blackstone. There's always a few brothers, of course, younger brothers who are always very upset at that. But I just wanted to point that out to some of the processes I was writing you were wrong. All right, but a little small victories, small victories. So in sha Allah, again, I had wanted us to get further but again, you know, we want to make sure that we can fully you know, learn and appreciate and get as close to as we can, experiencing the hydrate the profits, a lot of them. So we'll go ahead and pause here for today inshallah for this session. In the next

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session, we'll talk about the sorry, of the process of how he performed the surgery. May Allah subhanaw taala invite us all to the Kaaba for hygiene ombre, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard Subhan Allah you will be harmed he Subhana Allah hum ob hum dica now shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta the Sufi Luca wanted to be like

The Farewell Hajj

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