Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 130 – After The Battle Of The Trench

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The aftermath of the Battle of trench during the first four years of the prophets are discussed, including struggles with Muslims during the conflict with the United States and failure of plans to overcome poverty and lack of resources. historical context is crucial to understand events, such as a death by a coworker and a subsequent interview by a doctor, as it is essential to support their claims and address sadness of the attack, which has affected people in a negative way. The importance of creating context for events in real time is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was Sufi.

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Continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha number we had the prophetic biography. In the previous session, we talked about the conclusion to the Battle of munduk, also known as what hub, which translates as the Battle of the trench, or the battle against the allied armies. So, we talked about how this is towards the end, in the latter half of the fifth year of higit, ah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his residence in the city of Medina. And we talked about the conclusion to the battle exactly how things finally concluded, and we've discussed it for a number of weeks, but essentially, very quickly, because

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today we're going to talk about the immediate aftermath of the battle. And this, this will involve discussing a topic and a subject and event from the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam which is, which has been one of the most contentious issues from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It is something that was focused on and debated and discussed, in a great amount of detail, first and foremost amongst Islamic Muslim historians. And I'll explain the reasons for that because they discuss a lot of the different details of that particular incident and of that particular battle. Secondly, this event has been discussed in a great amount of detail by non Muslim

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academics as well the orientalist as we refer to them, European,

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European academics, if you will, starting in the 16th century, going on into the 17th 18th century. And of course, it's remained somewhat documented, and it comes up from time to time, whenever there is a particular attack or criticism against Islam, and with the recent rise of Islamophobia. And of course, the advent of the Internet, this is something that's been discussed to a great amount of this has been discussed to a great extent. Now, I'm not necessarily vouching for the authenticity or the validity of those discussions, but simply pointing out the fact that this is become somewhat of a buzz topic or a buzz word that is brought up a lot of times whenever Islam and Muslims and the

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prophets a lot December's talked about. And so let me create a very quick brief,

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you know, synopsis to give you a little bit of an idea as to the background of exactly where we are and what we're talking about today.

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In the fifth year of the prophets, a lot asylums residents in the city of Medina, five years since the establishment of the community, the Muslim community in Medina, let's remember again, who the community is comprised of and how the community was established. The community of Medina was comprised of basically people that we would call refugees and asylum seekers. These were people who are oppressed, who were tortured, who were persecuted in their home in their home city in their homelands. And eventually, they were forced out, the ones who did not were not killed, the ones who were not tortured to death, the ones the ones who were not held captive, eventually were able to

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escape and flee and get out, you know, with barely their lives intact, and were able to come and settle in the city of Medina, to be able to pick up the pieces of what was left of their lives and be able to put together some semblance of a life of safety and dignity and and be able to practice their religion freely. That context is very important. Now, on top of that, what do you have, in the first four years you have not one but multiple incidents were the same people that they were fleeing from that they were running from continue to raid the city of Medina, they continue to spy on the city of Medina, they continue to plot and plan against the city, they've already brought, on one

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occasion, a very large army of 3000, right outside the gates of Medina at the place of awkward and attacked the Muslims. So they've made it very, very difficult for the Muslims to be able to live in peace and be able to continue on with their lives.

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Now what you have in this for and then there's a second issue I need to kind of remind you know, everybody have and that is when the prophets a lot of them first came to the city of Medina, he realized that this Muslim community was flourishing was growing slowly but steadily. But at the same time they were they had neighbors, they had other residents and tribes and communities that lived in the city of Medina who are not Muslim. These were the Jewish tribes of Medina bunu NaVi Banu, a new car and benaco radar. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was completely invested into realizing some

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type of coexistence and peace with them. That was the full intent of the prophets. A lot of these. That's why we talked about it in a lot of detail. I believe we dedicated an entire session to it that you can follow up on on the podcast, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sat with the leaders of the Jewish tribes and drafted the Constitution of Medina, that there was a constitution there was going to be an agreement that everyone was going to abide by and live by. And so all of that was in place, but one after another. What ended up happening was that these tribes but no Tinapa initially, they violated the terms of the Constitution of Medina, they turned against the Muslims, and the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam due to some people vouching for them. And then basically asking for some type of leniency in this situation, the prophet to lobby some absolve them. He, in all essence of the word basically forgave them. And the prophets, a lot of them told them that due to violating the Constitution, the sanctity and the safety of the community in Medina, that they would have to leave, and they were exiled from their now Secondly, you had been noted afterwards, but no, no, they violated the Constitution of Medina and then took it a step further, by trying to cover up or respond to their violation of the Constitution by attempting to assassinate the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it was a it was very near execution, they basically went really, really far in terms of trying to carry out this assassination attempt. Until finally, through divine intervention, the prophets, a lot of them was informed by gibreel Ali Salaam to leave there and to remove himself from there. And once again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam laid siege to their fortress, to their compound. And eventually, when they surrendered the profit to lobbyism allowed them ample time to be able to gather things up and leave from there. He practiced once again, restraint and patience and forgiveness, the mercy that we are so familiar with, that was

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again an instance where you had treason that was committed, and the prophets allottee team was merciful, and they left. But now where we are right now, where we are right now is that one of those, that same tribe that the prophets a lot of the time, practice mercy with, and allowed to leave the city of Medina and even take their belongings with them. They basically hatched a plan. They went in recruited the people of left farm, they went to Makkah and recruited declaration put together an army of 10,000 strong, which is in which is a huge number at that times in that time, in Arabia, and they marched with an army of 10,000 strong, all the way up to the gates of Medina, right

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outside the city of Medina.

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The Muslims were in such a situation of Dire Straits, they were suffering from poverty, lack of resources, and it was a very cold, bitter winter, they were still trying to establish themselves and establish some type of economic stability for themselves. They were a struggling, you know, fledgling community. And so they really did not have the strength and the capacity to go outside and meet them an open bottle. So the profits, a lot of them through consultation, digs his trench around the city of Medina. And, and basically, they, they, they put themselves, they bunker down inside of this trench to hold off the enemy.

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And this continues on for a few weeks, until there is the third tribe now by no pureza, the third Jewish tribe, who were still allies of the Muslims, they were still a party to the Constitution of the city of Medina. They basically are recruited by the same masterminds of this army, the Allied army that has come to burn Medina to the ground, they are recruited by them initially, they somewhat are hesitant, but they eventually give in and they tear up the their side of the agreement. And they proclaim and announce the fact that they have turned against the Muslims and they are now going to join the fights against the Muslims. And this is like an enemy within. This is an enemy from the

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backside from behind the exposed side of Medina. And this is very, very stressful and very, very difficult. So much so that the prophets a lot of them didn't give up. Initially. We've talked about all of this, but I'm kind of rehashing it, because we're going to talk about something very serious in just a moment. The profits a lot of them doesn't give up he decides No, this is worth salvaging. We can salvage this situation. And this relationship. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam dispatches some of the most respectable members of his community. Savin wives. Sabina Oba, radi Allahu taala and Houma along with Abdullah bin la hora de Allahu Allahu another some of the most

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respectable leaders of the Medina and community the unsought because they have a long standing relationship with this

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His particular tribe, and he dispatches them to go there to reason with them, and to negotiate re entry into the Constitution of Medina. And to come back onto the side of the Muslims to reconcile between the Muslims and bonobo raida. They not only reject the offer, but they are very, they're very belligerent, they're very arrogant. And they completely dismiss any type of, you know, discussion about reconciliation with the Muslims.

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And so that's basically how they part Not only that, but then there's another incident that we talked about where a couple of the individuals of binuclear Ava actually come around Medina sneak into Medina and they go scouting, to find where the women and children are being kept. in Medina, they locate the compound, and they're scouting the compound to be able to go and massacre all the women and children until finally they are dispersed and they are sent off.

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It is ultimately through the genius and the plan of a Sahabi. No aim, radi Allahu taala and whom the prophets a lot of them basically asked to try to figure out some type of solution to this problem before things go really, really terribly. And he basically is able to incite some type of disagreement in discord between the people have not found that people have coration been Pereda. We talked about this previously, where he basically tells by nuclear radar, look, the second thing is go south, have fun in Croatia, we're gonna leave you here high and dry, and you've broken the pact in the treaty, you've you've stabbed the Muslims in the back. So you're going to be left to fend for

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yourself. So you should not agree to actually, you should not agree to go into the battlefield, and to act to basically carry through with the final plan to burn Medina to the ground, until they are willing to make a gesture of goodwill to you by taking, you know, 100 of the most respectable individuals and leaving them with you in holding almost like hostage as a guarantee that they won't turn that they won't leave. And on the other side, he goes operational, that's fine. And he similarly says that look, but no paraiba they're not really in this completely. But you know, they're they're kind of flaky, you got to be careful they are after all, they stab the Muslims in

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the back then they after having an agreement with them. So when you ask them to seal the deal to finish the Muslims off, they're going to ask you for some ridiculous demand and be very wary of them, because they're just gonna end up taking your leaders and executing them. And so he kind of insights this type of discord amongst them and they end up disagreeing and at the same time, as Allah mentions in the Quran, that Allah subhanaw taala sent the winds were unzila julu de la Roja the unseen army, what is Allah Allah, that Allah says that we sent the wind upon them. And also we sent down an army that was unseen that could not have been seen like a miraculous end. And it

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completely does strong wind blows through the camp that was set up by cooperation without fun and Bernadine and it obliterates the camp, and on the other, so they basically all break apart, and they start panicking. And that complete army disperses and completely dissipates. And on the other side, binocular, Eva is basically left high and dry. And that's how the battle concluding we talked about that previously. So what I was alluding to in the beginning, what we're going to talk about today, the topic and the issue that is so contentious, and has been the topic of much debate and discussion is the incidence of binuclear Eva. Now what exactly happens now?

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Remember huddinge Rahim Allahu taala. First and foremost, he mentioned that whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would you know when he would be returning back from a battle or a campaign the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would say tech beat Allahu Akbar. And then he would recite the following supplication the invocation, he would say la ilaha illallah wa de that there is absolutely no one worthy of worship except for Allah alone. La sharika lahu there are no partners for him. Level Maluku, Allah will have due to Allah alone belongs all the Dominion the kingdom, jurisdiction and ownership what I will do and to allow loan belongs the ultimate praise will who

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Allah cliche in a deed and Allah subhanaw taala is fully capable over each and every single thing. He buena buena I'll be doing that saji Donnelly, rabina Hamadan that he would say that we are going back and we are repentance, and we are you know, humble and submissive. And we are prostrating bowing down in front of our master and Lord and praising and glorifying him sedlak Allahu wa tada that God fulfilled his promise when I saw that Abdullah he helped his slave was zabba and Allah alone is the one who defeated all

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armies, so the prophets, a lot of them saying this supplication, they finally come back to their homes after the leaving the trench. They come back to their homes. And again, Imam Bukhari, Allahu taala. He mentioned this narration and there's more detailed accounts within some of the books of Sierra like even his Hawk and others. That llama Raja Antabuse. sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam, Amina kanak. Well, what does sera waka sell that the prophets, a lot of them came back from the trench? They had been out there for 20 something days, like three weeks, and he finally comes home after three weeks. And the prophets, a lot of them put takes off his armor, he puts down his weapons. What

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does Allah and he takes a bath he cleanse, cleans himself, a target jabril gibreel alayhis salam comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he says kabwata sila. There are messenger of God, that you have placed down, you know, you have taken off your armor and laid down your weapons and the prophets a lot. He said him says now I'm Yes. So jabril alayhi salam, he says we're lucky man wha hoo. I swear to God that we have not laid down our arms yet. In another narration. He says ma Ba ba ba ba ba. The angels have not laid down their arms yet. Raja ilam intolerable homie in Allah Yamanaka Mohamed, Bill, Merci de la bonito, Reva then he says in another narration, he says that

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we have not laid down our arms yet for throat la him. So you have to go again. Put your armor back on, pick up your arms once again and you have to go out to them. The profits are lovely. Some says for Elena where where would Allah have me go? And he says Hakuna he points in a direction where eyeshadow Illa bonito rays and he pointed in the direction of a nuclear radar. And in some other narrations, he explicitly says that God commands you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go out to the people of Grenada. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Morocco likes a lot more than a fineness, the Prophet sallahu some calls some of the Sahaba

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and he commands them to go into announce amongst the people

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to pick up their arms once again, to prepare themselves and to head out in the direction of binuclear radar.

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Some of the narrations also mentioned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he comes out from his home.

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He asks some of the Sahaba that did you see somebody writing an animal it says in the narration, Djibouti lolly, some was like riding a mule. He was writing a mule. And so he asks the Sahaba some of the Saba who are sitting outside, yes, um, did you see somebody passing by here riding an animal? And they said, Yes, we saw him and he was wearing such and such all and this and that, and he looked like this. Yeah, and Kelby radi Allahu taala, and who, who is a companion of Sahabi of the profits a lot of the time and the profits, a lot of them said that, could you believe that was God? And he came with the command of Allah subhanaw taala that we are to go out to binuclear Reva so the

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prophets, a lot of them has this announcement made that everyone should head out to binuclear Eva. Now there is an there's a there's a little bit of a topic within this topic. And that is when the prophets allottee some, you know, sends everyone out. And he says everyone had entrepreneur radar, he gives them a specific piece of instruction. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells them

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that men kanessa men kamisama unmuted. falaj usili Angela Lhasa Luffy bonito Eva, the prophets Allah says, whoever hears and obeys, they should not pray

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except in binocular Eva.

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And there are different verbiage is as well there's different wording as well but basically the gist of it is that the prophets a lot of them say pray Asada in binuclear, Eva, Salah la serafini paraiba pray Arsalan, but of Teresa, so that many of the Sahaba they, you know, they have to prepare, they have to get ready. And so and it was also the winter time. So they start preparing the start getting ready getting, you know, their armor on picking up their weapons, getting their animals and supplies ready. And then they start heading out and factoring in the fact that it was the wintertime as well. So the time the window of time was very, very short. And so they start and of course, when you move

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in groups, you move a lot more slowly than if you're just writing individually. So they're writing out in the direction of a nuclear radar and on the way to buy nuclear data, the time for us or begins to run out. The time for us begins to run out the sun is about to set magnetic time is about to come in. So a discussion starts to happen amongst the Sahaba or the laguan home. Now what do we do?

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I sir, time is going in the salata, Kanata la mina, Kitab and makuta. prayer times are fixed and we know the profits a lot easier.

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emphasizes time and time again a salad to allow bacteria praying that it's time. prayer time is going.

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So we need to stop and we need to pray answer real quick and then continue on on our journey. Some of the Sahaba they however they object and they say no, but the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said like you suddenly and I hadn't Allah Astra enough, even Pereda nobody should pray outside except for inbound ocurrido after arriving at benaco radar, so this is a command from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for a very unique and special situation. And so we should not pray out there right now, but we should keep writing to the nuclear data. And even if we get there, after the sun has said, mothering time is coming, we will then get there and then pray awesome and then prayer.

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So this discussion occurs and basically the Sahaba are split on the issue. Some of them stop and they pray. And some of them continue on forward until they reach by no Pereda, and then they pray their answer thereafter, of course, Muslim time has already come in the sun has already set

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when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam arrives there have a nuclear radar Of course, this whole incident and situation is brought to his attention. And the profits a lot of these I was asked that we were confused. Some of us we prayed some of us came all the way to the nuclear radar. And then that's what we did. And the narration says film your undef widen minimum for buki radical in obese allottee. Some film you're an FYI, the main home, this was mentioned for the profits, a lot of this was mentioned presented before him, and he did not disapprove of either party. But the profits, a lot of them did not reprimand either group.

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And so this is a very profound incident that is the basis of a huge area of understanding of what we call after its codification and formulation, what is called suelen fit the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic legal principles, and how we exactly arrive at legal conclusions, that this is a very key incident that many, many different key principles are derived from the one of the foremost of that being the elements of what we have come to call ht HUD. And that is also from a Hadith of the prophets. A lot of us have Shaheed to be Rocky, as well as when Javelin responded to the prophets a lot. He said when he was sending him to Yemen, and he asked him when you have to

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decide issues amongst the people there, how will you go about doing that? And he said that I would look into Iran in the book of Allah. And he says, for example, if you don't find the answer in the Quran, he said, then I will look into some of the prophets a lot of the time I will look into your pseudo messenger of God. And he said, if you are not to find the answer into cinema, he said so much that he to be wrong, he then I will apply my god given intellect and ability and resources when I do and I will, I will exert every effort and every avenue I can to really in light of the Quran and Sunnah and the principles established from there, I will try to interpret the situation and come to

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the best conclusion possible. And the prophets a lot he said, um, you know, kind of patted him on the chest on the shoulder, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Alhamdulillah, that I praise God, Allah, he was Taka, Rasulullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who, you know, gave a sound understanding guided the messenger of the Messenger of God. Because my mother was going as a representative of the prophets of Salaam, I praise a lot of one who has guided and given sound understanding to the representative of the Messenger of God sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So anyways, this is kind of where we extrapolate this area of HTML from and that's why we have this

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understanding within our religion, when there is a particular issue that can be interpreted in multiple ways validly legitimately than at that particular time. Our religion and the construction of the legal structure and system within our religion is such that we do not have the perspective of right and wrong. We don't have this type of divisive mentality, but we have a certain amount of flexibility and versatility built within within the religion. And this is a more detailed topic that kind of requires a little bit of study, in and of itself, but I just wanted to kind of take this opportunity because it's such a huge, you know, benefit. In fact, you benefit from this particular

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event in the life of the Prophet Pilates, and so I wanted to bring it up, because a lot of times, to a lot of us who might not be very well versed, you know, when fit and no suitable fit. When we all of a sudden hear there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars, and the scholars differed on this issue v St. Laugh, and so on and so forth. A lot of times we can be either confused by it, and some people are a lot of times even turned off by it. What do you mean, there's a difference of opinion? Why can these people ever get along? Right, the fucka ha sound like my children. Right? It always seems like they're arguing and fighting, but that's not the case at all. That's my lack of

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understanding and that's my own lack of understanding of the complexity of how the legal system

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Within our religion works, and when we study these, the history of our demon to some of the prophets, a lot of them and eventually the soul and faith and things like that, we really are able to understand and appreciate the versatility, the flexibility, and the depth and the the functionality of our Deen and religion, its applicability. So I wanted to mention that here specifically. And I'll only go a step further to kind of demonstrate how was the fit of the Sahaba? And how deeply you know how intelligent and how enlightened and how sophisticated they were,

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that some of the Sahaba even consider him Allahu taala, specifically, and many, many others are discuss here. But they specifically talk about it. That was the thought process of the Sahaba. Because you know, if you think about it, when I say this a lot to kind of tell me Nikita makuta prayer time is fixed,

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then it seems obvious they should have stopped and prayed and then kept on going.

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So how are those Sahaba? Like, what was your thought process to say, No, no, we'll get there. And we'll pray.

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Like, where does that come from? Because they specifically understood that, yes, the arm, which the among the general rule, the general rule is you pray on time, but there are always specifics and specific incidents, and unique circumstances. And this is a unique circumstance, because of the pressing nature of the situation. Right, the urgency of the situation. This is a unique situation in which the prophets of summons issued a unique command. And that is even delayed the prayer if you have to, but make sure you get to benaco eva ASAP.

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Right. And in fact, that's why we have the understanding that if there is a conflict between one piece of evidence at sea that is general in nature, and another evidence that is specific in nature, the specific is chosen over the general

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right, your general has

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the specific is chosen over the general. So that was the principle through which they were operating so sophisticated. On the flip side, though, Sahaba, who said no, no, no, yes, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, make sure you get to venoco data before

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before praying

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that they understood what the prophets a lot he said a meant was not necessarily the happy car, but the images. He did not mean that literally, he meant that figuratively as a figure of speech. And what it meant was get to binotto Reva ASAP.

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And make every attempt to try to get there before also time expires.

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And but that did not literally mean delay prayer. And that's why the processing didn't, you know, reprimand them and did not disapprove of their process either. And this again demonstrates the fact a very important principle than everything is literally interpreted.

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Right, there's a whole issue in sulphate of Hakuna Matata something that is literally interpreted, and something that is figuratively interpreted.

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And the fact is, that you can only go from the literal interpretation to a figurative understanding, if you have external indicators telling you to do so what is called a patina or curl in in terminology, and what were the external indicators here the eye of the Quran, prayer time is fixed.

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And the emphasis that the prophets ism had constantly placed on the timings of prayer, such as sophisticated system. So anyways, I wanted to kind of highlight that and mentioned some of that. So now moving forward, the profits, a lot of them arrives there.

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And one of the things that I have not talked about, but I will give it its own attention and mention it and discuss it separately in a session by itself, inshallah, the next session, and that will be about sobbing more eyes. But suffice to say, Simon was the leader of the unsought, he had been struck by a stray arrow from across the trench, and he was injured very badly. And he was bleeding it that created a type of wound and, you know, some even mentioned that it had nicked like an artery of his. And so what it had done was he was bleeding out, he was bleeding profusely, and they were trying to stop the bleeding as much as they could. But he was basically fading in and out of

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consciousness. And he was slowly slowly slipping away, he was a very bad situation, the profits allowed this amount of 10 placed, you know, in the masjid, to look after him and to take care of him.

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So the prophets, Allah sees him goes with the Muslims and they arrive up and operate Avenue corridor again, they basically retreat into their compound into their forts, and they lock the doors and they fortify themselves. And the Muslims laid seeds who radar for there are different numbers that are mentioned, but it's said rally about for 25 days. They laid seeds to benaco data for about 25 days.

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And there were a lot of different discussions and conversations that went on during that time.

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at one particular incident, there's a very interesting situation

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that they specifically asked that we would like to speak to Abu Baba. Abu Baba who was an unsavoury as a hobby of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And so they said, We want to speak to Abu Baba. And we want him to basically come and maybe negotiate some terms with us. So the prophets a lot he sent him, he sent a boo Baba to go and talk to them about Alibaba radi Allahu talana. When he goes there, they asked him that,

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should we should we basically

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surrender ourselves come out from our compound and the siege and surrender ourselves to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for whatever it is that he decides to do with us?

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And Abu Baba says, Yes, I think you should.

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And Abu Baba, basically, and he himself talks about this.

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You know, mistakenly, what Abu Baba did was Abu Baba kind of took his fingers and kind of motion towards his throat.

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That basically saying that, yeah, you should surrender, and basically signaling that you'll probably be executed.

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And what he meant by that was, Do y'all even understand what you've done? You've committed high treason here.

00:31:26 --> 00:31:27

You've committed high treason.

00:31:29 --> 00:32:18

And according to your own law, Jewish code and Jewish law, and in the Old Testament, there is actually literally verbatim what exactly what that was that if basically there is this type of treachery, that is committed by a people, then basically go and lay siege to them. If they, if they basically, you know, accept your religion, then that's fine. But if they do not accept your religion, and then at that particular time, you know, execute, they're warriors, they're fighters, and, you know, distribute their wealth, and take captive to women and children, that this is in the Old Testament. And so he's saying that that's in your own code of law. That is what the Constitution

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of Medina was based upon the agreements of Islamic law and Jewish code and Jewish law, the Quran and the Torah, it was like a meeting of the two as the Constitution of Medina. And that's what you've done. So what do you think is gonna happen with you? So while he was in that he was not incorrect In saying that, but basically taking that license, that decision was the profits a lot of decisions to make. And he was speaking out of turn out of lying here.

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So by him basically saying that, at that particular time, the prophet, he said, he gives us a little signal, he makes that little gesture, they get really freaked out. And they say, okay, no, forget it. We're not surrendering. And he comes back. And when he when he leaves there, he realizes I've made a terrible mistake.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:30

And so he's so repentant and feels so bad. He tells some of the Sahaba about what he did. And he says that I will not even going to go and look at the like, I'm not even going to go sit in front of the fate in front of the prophets a lot. He's not undoable fee, what's yours? So awesome. I am so ashamed of myself for speaking out of long speaking out of turn, right, that I don't even want to go sit in front of the press, I'm too embarrassed to face him.

00:33:31 --> 00:34:14

And so he says that I'm not going to face the Prophet says I'm hotter or detalii laggy tiburtina suha, Yamaha la FC, until I repent to God and God forgives me in the last panel a teller knows that I'm truly, you know, remorseful for what I've done. And he goes back to Medina, and he ties himself to one of the pillars of the masjid. And he restrains himself. He ties himself up there for 20 days. And Eve only when it's prayer time, then his wife comes, she opens him he makes will do he prays and then he goes and has himself tied up to the pillar of the mustard again, as a form of repentance. And so this basically continues on until finally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He even

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comments when the process was told he said la Saba to buy the fitna that abou Baba did end up making a mistake. Willow Jaya Nila suffered to level but if he would have come to me, I would have forgiven him and I would have asked God to forgive him. He didn't have to go and do this. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said God will you know basically forgive him? And then finally Allah subhana wa tada revealed some ions in the Quran that announced you know, the forgiveness of abou Baba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summoned him. There were a Haruna uttara who beat him Allah to Allah anzali handwara se and assalamu Aleikum in Allah foodora him some scholars say

00:34:55 --> 00:35:00

this is pertaining to this, that there are some people who might have who have more

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They're good deeds with a little bit of bad, but God will forgive them. Because Allah subhanaw taala is constantly forgiving and constantly merciful. And then the prophets a lot he summoned him and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he told him that Allah subhanaw taala has forgiven you.

00:35:18 --> 00:35:34

So anyways, the CEO of blue Pereda continues. And as the CEO of an operator continues, the will of an operator is slowly withering away. Finally, so much so that it's actually mentioned in some of the narrations

00:35:35 --> 00:35:44

that one of the leaders are going to Florida, he cabinet I said, he says to

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his own people, but no karela he says Yamashita yahood. Kadena Zilla, becoming an emery Mataram you are in the situation that you find yourselves in now. We're in the origin Alico, Hillel and Sullivan and I'm going to present to you three options for Hadoop. Imagine you're free to choose any of these three options. He said what are they? He said number one knew who has Rajan one who said Deku we believe in the prophets a lot even when we follow him.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:19

We come out and we say we accept we believe

00:36:21 --> 00:36:29

and of course the prophets a lot of them had made it known to them all along that if they accept Islam, then there's no consequence against them regardless of what they had done.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:50

And he goes on to say for liking Lata Bella kumana hula be universal, because you know that he's actually the true prophet and messenger won the hula hula hoop Nikita become you know, he's the one who's mentioned in your book for Chapman Luna be Allah Dima eco mmamoloko eco manisa echo and you can trust him.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:52

You can trust him.

00:36:54 --> 00:37:07

They said London Federico hochma turati Abbott and they said no, no, no, we're not going to abandon our own religion. While on the subject be later we're not interested in any other religion. He said okay. So if you refuse the first option, then your second option is

00:37:08 --> 00:37:17

for her Luma for Nocturne. abna and our Nisa Anna, he said then lets us ourselves, massacre.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:20

Everybody here

00:37:21 --> 00:37:31

gathered the Warriors together, the fighters and we with our own hands, will murder everybody in monopoly, like we'll kill our own families and our own people.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:47

until the point where only the fighters the soldiers are left, and then we'll go out to fight them. And if we perish, so be if we win, we win. He says if we die, then at least you know we're not leaving behind anybody.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:50

And if we end up winning,

00:37:51 --> 00:37:57

don't worry, we can always get new families really bizarre strange, right? Somewhat demented.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:05

So the people objected. They said that an actual hotline Misaki

00:38:06 --> 00:38:08

what you want us to kill these people?

00:38:09 --> 00:38:41

You crazy? Have you lost your mind? Says Okay, fair enough. He Malaya has he if that option is not agreeable to you either. Then he says that number three is that tonight is the night before a sub lay let us set the Sabbath. Tonight is the night of the Sabbath. And of course, they had rules and regulations. They have their own code in law. They were not allowed to fight on the Sabbath starting from the night before.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:59

And he says that Muhammad and his people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they know that we don't fight on the Sabbath and the night before. So they're not going to be expecting us. So I suggest that we launch a surprise attack and

00:39:00 --> 00:39:03

attack basically them at night and try to ambush them.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:09

And the people again objected they said Lucy to Santana, when

00:39:10 --> 00:39:11

they see him and

00:39:13 --> 00:39:20

they said that you want us to violate the Sabbath, to do to violate a tradition that we've upheld for generations.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:22

Is that what it's going to take?

00:39:24 --> 00:39:27

So they again refuse to do that.

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So finally, eventually they end up surrendering

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and they send the word out to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that we are willing to surrender. And there are a couple of different narrations one says that we're willing to surrender to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:58

And the second narration basically says that we are willing to surrender specifically to Sagamore either

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00:40:00 --> 00:40:43

More of who was from the tribe of ohss, who used to be the allies of binuclear ada, we know him. We've dealt with him for decades. We trust Him will come out if he will surrender on his terms will surrender to Him. If Mohammed will hand over his authority to sub Meanwhile, will surrender to sub meanwhile at some say no, they surrendered to the profits, a lot of them and then the profits, a lot of them basically, some of the people of oats they came in they said that when by no pain, one of the former Jewish tribes when they were surrendering you they used to be the allies of the other unsavoury tribe name has Raj. You consulted with the people of huzar Raj. And you allowed them to

00:40:43 --> 00:41:05

have a say in how you deal with them. And that's why they said exile and you exiled them. You did not execute them, you exiled them even in spite of the fact they had committed treason. So let us have a say about our former allies as well. Some of the people of the AU said and so the profits, a lot of them said okay, no worries, no concerns.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:24

Who would you have decided amongst them? And they suggested something more if the profits or losses had been more as as good they said, Yes, we agree, Tim. But no, Cora greeters had been more as as well. The profits of Autism Center Sahaba radi Allahu taala on whom to go and bring Southern wise

00:41:25 --> 00:41:57

they bring him and the prophets Allah had cleared in Yama shallows. Allah Tawana morpheme Raja minco Bara Kala fidella Kayla sub bin Mohammed the professor, some said one of you will decide and that had been more other than they all said yes. So the Prophet salami, some sent some Sahaba to go and bring Southern wife, they brought him and they had to basically bring him on the back of an animal like carrying him with bandages and everything tied around him. He was very frail, it was very difficult for him. But he basically mustered up every last bit of energy and courage that he had, and he came.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:33

And when he arrived, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, okay, sobbing, my eyes will decide amongst you. And immediately, you know, some of the binocular radar even some of the people of the O's they started saying, because I've been what are the About Us in FEMA League, our bomber, submarine, what are the Scania they said, you know, look out for these people, they used to be our allies, for a narrow slice, a large number will look identical enough synovium the Messenger of God has put you in charge, and has allowed you to decide so that you can deal with them,

00:42:34 --> 00:42:36

you know, in a more compassionate manner.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:57

And they were really and he was already under all this stress and difficulty he was basically dying from a fatal wound and injury. And they were all like, you know, kind of talking at him, and really, you know, really trying to pressure him. The prophets. A lot of them simply said fucka Anna, Lee Saladin, alotta hula hooping laggy la mochila him

00:42:58 --> 00:43:08

that the time has come for sobbing moron, that he should not fear the criticism of anyone who is willing to criticize.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:50

Meaning that sad should do what is right. The prophets have said that much. So sad been more either the Allahu taala and who he comes. The prophets Allah says como Allah say, you can go and stand up and bring and greets and bring your leader and he's brought and he sat down in South Bend Mirage, radi Allahu taala and who he asks everyone who is there? He says la can be valleca de la huami thokku Anil hochma Fie him namaha come to polona he asks, the Monaco rayva, Southern baja does I give you an ounce of God.

00:43:52 --> 00:43:57

Whatever I decide, you will accept it and abide by it and agree to it. They all say yes.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:02

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting on the other side with some of the Sahaba.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:17

And sad and more of not wanting to seem disrespectful towards the prophets a lot. He said them and say while the process is sitting in a group of people say we'll all of you also abide by what I decide.

00:44:18 --> 00:44:30

Because think about speaking to the Messenger of Allah syllogism that way or even in his direction. So he didn't want to do that. So he basically kind of looking, not looking there. He said while I'm in Havana,

00:44:32 --> 00:44:38

and as for the people on this side, that's all he said, out of other for the profits a lot. So

00:44:39 --> 00:44:40

and again, everyone

00:44:41 --> 00:44:45

responded that now I'm Yes.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:59

So sad and Mohamed radi Allahu taala anhu. At that time, he issued the verdict. And he basically said that for any movie him, my decision is in your patella or region.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Do the men be executed? What took someone

00:45:06 --> 00:45:13

and the wealth be distributed? What? What does whether rd, when Lisa and the women and children will be taken into custody?

00:45:16 --> 00:45:22

And when he's decided this and you can imagine, it's a very difficult moment.

00:45:23 --> 00:45:35

Right? One of the things is that we have to understand, and I'm going to talk about this just, you know, a little bit more. But one of the things that I have to mention here is that this was not something that they relished in

00:45:37 --> 00:45:57

Well, I have a villa, I'm going to give like a very, you know, almost, you know, inappropriate example to demonstrate my point, though, it's not like he gave this declaration this decision, and all sudden, you know, the Sahaba like high fiving each other will either Billa Oh, that, wasn't it?

00:45:58 --> 00:46:03

No, I mean, the when you read the book of Allah subhanaw taala talks about the sanctity of life.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam constantly emphasized the sanctity of life.

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But at the same time, there were some very obvious situations and circumstances.

00:46:18 --> 00:46:23

It is an it was an established principle. And it is an established principle that treason

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results in you know,

00:46:29 --> 00:46:31

execution, the penalty is death.

00:46:33 --> 00:46:37

And the prophets a lot, he said he had ignored that once before.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:50

He had ignored that before. In the case of banana deed, they violated the Constitution of Medina, they broke they, they conspired with the enemy, they tried to assassinate the prophets of Allah Islam.

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And he had ignored that fact before, that this is treason and it should result in death. And what happened was that they left he exiled them thinking, Okay, they're gonna go elsewhere, they'll settle down there, and they'll rebuild their lives, and they'll live their own lives and let us live our own lives.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:20

Best case scenario. And what they did was they went elsewhere, but from there they built an army and attacked the city of Medina and nearly massacred all the women and children in Medina.

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That was the outcome.

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So there were some realities that could not be ignored here, and are never ignored

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by any type of a system or nation or sovereign state.

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But at the same time, the difference was that there was no spectacle.

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There was no celebration.

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There was no inflammatory behavior.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:54

But it was very quiet, very somber. It's like the air went out of the room,

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when he issued this decree and his judgment.

00:48:00 --> 00:48:29

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us had been wise, to let him know that he had not committed some, you know, violation by saying what he had said, he said, To him be hookman law, he mean foci, sobriety are chaotic. And then he said that you have decided amongst them with the decree of God, in accordance with the decree of God from above the seven heavens,

00:48:30 --> 00:48:35

that this is what God has legislated, it is in the total, it is still in the Old Testament.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:38

So this is the decree of God.

00:48:40 --> 00:48:43

So you have not committed some violation.

00:48:46 --> 00:48:48

And at that particular time,

00:48:49 --> 00:48:59

basically steps were undertaken at that moment, to arrange for the carrying out of the penalty and the punishment.

00:49:00 --> 00:49:14

And, you know, many of the historians mentioned that at this particular time, some more of the rules and regulations were formalized and established about the distribution of wealth that those who

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you know, were on foot in the battle received one portion, those who had an animal, a horse were given three portions, you know, one portion for them and two portions for their animal, right to take care of it and to also compensate them for whatever, you know, the expenses and the wear and tear upon the animal was, that was done. The prisoners, the the captives, those who had to be taken into custody, the women and children, they were taken into custody, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as we talked about in bed that had before the prophet SAW them again here emphasize treat them very, very well.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:58

It's actually mentioned that all of them were gathered, where were they kept, they weren't rounded up in some type of, you know,

00:50:00 --> 00:50:12

You know, like in pens like wild animals, they weren't rounded up in pens, right? Like like farm animals, right? Or some types of enclosed mints or camps. Right.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:15

But rather they were kept within homes.

00:50:17 --> 00:50:45

The profits a lot of the time identified a few homes in Medina. And he said, this is where the women and children will stay is in these homes, host them in your homes. And then a bunch of other families of Muslims gathered together dates filled up their water sacks with water, prepared food like bread and things like that. And they delivered it there for their food. meals were being delivered to those homes where those women and children were being kept.

00:50:46 --> 00:50:52

The profits, a lot of them said we have to treat them properly. They are they are our responsibility.

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And the profits, a lot of them had arrangements made. There's a few different variations that there was this one empty plot of land and some narrations mentioned that it was near the souk, kind of the markets of Medina, that basically the area was cleared out. And the graves were dug. And that's where the the men who were capable of fighting were basically executed. And then they were buried there.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:30

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Emphasize to the Sahaba. Let's not drag drag this out. But do this quickly.

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Let this be over. This is not something that anyone enjoys. Not only that, but there's a very fascinating, there's some fascinating, interesting narrations that one particular Sahabi one particular man as he's bringing one of the soldiers to be executed. And he's bringing him that he kind of like, like pushes him to the ground and kind of drags him on the ground.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:04

And the prophets a lot of them sees that and he says that, Lima sanata halaby Why are you doing that?

00:52:05 --> 00:52:11

americanafest a freaky fire isn't enough that the man is being executed.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:19

Why are you doing that? Why would you do that? In Seattle Sula, law job as an alien Are you trying to run away?

00:52:21 --> 00:52:31

And the men this the men abolish demand from an operator? He says Calabar Ouattara, awesome. He swore by the Torah.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:45

He swore by the Torah. He says he lies, low calorie matter. According to unknotting in coochie Luffy. He told me Hakuna Kadeem, I would never have abandoned my people. I'm with my people till the end I wouldn't have run away.

00:52:46 --> 00:52:51

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reprimanded the Sahaba and said, I see no issara

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that treat them properly.

00:52:55 --> 00:52:57

And the prophets a lot of them said well

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provide them food and rest was to give them water hotter,

00:53:04 --> 00:53:10

so that they can cool down. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and then as

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the process continues, then carry out the punishment. And he said La la la Lu la Tajima,

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MC Ohara. sila, don't torture them, and leave them out sweltering in the sun, provide them a shade, provide them water, don't torture them, and then have to also execute them. No, no, that's not right. We do not go even a speck above what God has decreed what the law dictates. And this is what the law dictates. And this is all that should be done. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam issued a very, you know, kind of serious reprimand about how to treat them.

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Not only that, but then there were some instances in cases where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, also pardoned and excuse some people, one of the people of bunu kurita, he came and he basically said that I did not i was i did not comply with my people when they violated the Constitution of Medina, I would never betray you or Muhammad and my people had ostracize me and outcast me because I had not agreed to the violation of the Constitution of Medina and the prophets. A lot of them told the Sahaba release him and the prophets a lot of them said that, that his loyalty saved him. His loyalty saved in another narration mentions that one of the maternal uncle's of the

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prophets a lot a solemn, he came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he himself had adopted the Jewish religion for some time and then when Islam came to Medina, then he had become Muslim. He came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he said O Messenger of God, one of the men of blucora rifa amin him go way back.

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

Allow him, allow me to

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You know, kind of vouch for him and intercede on behalf and spare his life, because I have hope that he will become a Muslim.

00:55:08 --> 00:55:16

And the prophets, a lot of them said, that's fine. And the prophets have some released that person or that person released, and he did under accepting Islam.

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Not only that, but another Sahabi came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he specifically said that a messenger of God back before Islam, I, my life was in danger during you know, the wars between us and Hassan. I was about to be killed. And one of the people of binuclear Eva, an older man amongst binuclear, ADA, he, you know, spared my life. He interceded on my behalf and he spared my life. I would like to pay back the favor, please allow me to in the process of them said go. So he goes to him. And he says to him, he says, Do you remember me says Of course I remember you. I saved your life. And said, Well, I'm here to save your life now.

00:55:57 --> 00:55:59

says okay, he says, but

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my family I want to I want to bring my family with me. He said, Okay, let me go talk to the Prophet Joseph. And it comes back to the process. I mean, he says he won't come without his family. I want to pay back the favor. He saved my life, the process and said, okay, his take his whole family with you.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:26

Then he comes in and says, okay, your family's free to go. And he says, oh, but all my money and my wealth and everything. How am I How is my family gonna survive? He says, Okay, I'll be right back. He comes to the profits a lot, he says and he says he won't leave without his money.

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His property. The profits are lovely. Some says he can keep his property. He comes back to him again. And he says, he's releasing you, your family and your property.

00:56:37 --> 00:56:45

He says what happened to and he starts naming leaders of an operator, what happened to him? What happened to him? What happened to him what happened? And he said, they're executed.

00:56:47 --> 00:56:49

They were the leaders of this entire situation.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:51

They're done.

00:56:52 --> 00:56:54

He says, You know what, if they're done that I'm done to

00:56:56 --> 00:56:56

forget it.

00:56:57 --> 00:57:01

You did what you had to do you pay back your debt, but I ain't going nowhere.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:11

But I mentioned these particular instances to demonstrate the fact that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was willing to make concessions and forgive people and excuse people.

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And so finally, it mentions that

00:57:16 --> 00:57:47

the carrying out of the executions, the punishment continued until the sunset and nighttime setting and even at that time, you would assume that okay, they're going to break for the day and continue the next day and the prophets have said, No, just continue on and finish this. This is this is not pleasant. It's not anything anyone anyone enjoys. finished this now. And it continued on throughout the night, until it was finally concluded. It specifically mentions about haven.

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The Man from Buena Vista, who is the mastermind behind all of this, he was in the fortress with

00:57:56 --> 00:57:57

Bernal Pereda.

00:57:58 --> 00:57:59


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when he was finally brought out to be executed, he came out wearing the most luxurious clothes that he owned. It was like this red silk important, you know, decorated lavish garment dress. And he came out wearing like this red silk cloak.

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And he had it tied up to him because he didn't want anyone to remove it from him.

00:58:32 --> 00:58:46

And when he came out and the profits, a lot of them saw him, he said to the prophet SAW some that I see everything that's happened, and everything that's going on, I still don't regret stabbing you in the back.

00:58:47 --> 00:58:48

I don't regret it.

00:58:50 --> 00:59:11

And he said, I know. God honors whom He wills and he disgraces whom He wills and he honored you and he disgraced me, but so be it. It is what it is. That level of arrogance. And when they finally took him to be executed, he took the cloak that he was wearing, and he started ripping it into shreds, because he said I don't want anyone to be able to wear to this after me.

00:59:12 --> 00:59:26

And he was taking care of it that time. Finally, when gabin acid, the leader of an operator, the one who had expressed, you know some hesitation, and even some remorse and regret when he was brought

00:59:27 --> 00:59:37

the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he saw him, he actually said to him, he said cabinet said, he said, oh god, why didn't you listen to ebonheart rush?

00:59:39 --> 00:59:59

Why didn't you listen to ebonheart rush? Even her rush was like an old Jewish rabbi. He was an old Rabbi amongst them, one of the old scholars of the Scripture, who still had some of the old teachings of the old scripture, and he had actually prophesized and predicted that the Prophet of the Last time she was coming

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

Some even mentioned that he had specifically talked about the profits a lot. He sent them saying that and he is that profit,

01:00:08 --> 01:00:36

believing him, follow him except him. And he himself was a very old man. And he ended up dying before he had a chance to meet the prophets a lot. He saw them before the prophet SAW some came to Medina. And he had specifically told some of the people including Carbonite said that if you end up getting to medium, believe in Him, and let him know that I believed in him, and that I sent my salaams to him. And the prophets, a lot of them knew about this. And he said, Why didn't you listen to ebonheart rush, you should have listened to him.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:47

And then cabin acid was also executed at that time. Until finally, basically all of this was concluded.

01:00:48 --> 01:01:27

And it was, like I said, it was nothing that anyone relished in. But it was a very difficult moment and a very difficult decision to have to be made. Now, I'm going to conclude by talking about two things very quickly. Number one is, and these are the two topics that are basically I wanted everyone to understand it from the tradition. From the Muslim perspective, what are books of history? What are books of Sierra books of Hadith? Tell us about this incident. Now, the two topics of conversation are, number one is a little bit more technical and specific, they'll be fairly quick. And then the second one is the more philosophical conversation, which I've kind of touched on

01:01:27 --> 01:01:47

briefly, but I will just kind of conclude the conversation. The first technical issue is, how many individuals were executed on that day. How many people were executed from an operator, the fascinating thing about this particular topic, and I'm going to try to find a strike a balance between,

01:01:49 --> 01:02:02

you know, kind of a critical, analytical, critical view of the actual narrative and narrations and the history that is related, while at the same time adhering to the obvious tradition that is in place.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:45

Right? So not just regurgitating simply what's written any old book, like any anywhere that's written just regurgitating that having a critical view, and analyzing and critiquing the authenticity of what is mentioned in certain books, but at the same time, not taking a very apologetic or progressive attitude of just basically completely watering down what is actual history, try to find this strike a balance between the two. Number one is that there are some variations like that are mentioned by even Kathy by Imam Muhammad, by bei huthi. And by many other scholars of Hadith in history, that say that there were about 400 individuals that were executed on

01:02:45 --> 01:02:46

that day.

01:02:47 --> 01:03:29

And these were the individuals, as the narration of body says, body and Muslim, says makakilo, that the ones who are capable of fighting either those who fought or were capable of fighting basically the soldiers amongst them. That's number one. There are some other narrations as well, even as half one of the foremost scholars of seed on history, but he himself mentions it without us, you know, absolutely vouching for the particular narration. He says the number is closer to five or 600. And then there are some other books of Sierra that mentioned larger numbers like 800 900. But even even this, how come self critiques them by saying that these those are an exaggeration?

01:03:31 --> 01:04:13

And it seems even Kathy himself, his own final conclusion is that the number 400 seems to be probably the most soundest of the sources in the narrations in the accounts that we have. Having said that, and I'm only going to, you know, quotes and mention here, classical is Scott, you know, scholarly resources from an Islamic perspective. So again, that there's no type of modern day apologetics that are entering into it. Imam Malik, right, the Imam Malik uma Malik Rahim, Allahu taala. When it came to this particular incidence of blucora, he was very, very critical of even the narrations. I mentioned 400

01:04:15 --> 01:04:33

Nami, Malik Rahim, Allahu taala was very skeptical of the sources from where they got the numbers 406 108 100 900. And he said that a lot of these narrations and a lot of these numbers actually came from, you know, even non Muslims of that time.

01:04:35 --> 01:05:00

And so, he pointed out a lot of discrepancies, a lot of inconsistencies within the chain of narration within the methodology through which they were reported and preserved. And in my Malik said, the only authentic thing that we have is a narration of Bahati and Muslim that says, Makati Allah home which can be interpreted in two ways. And he says which one is exactly meant Allah knows best. I really cannot Mr. Malik felt he said, I can

01:05:00 --> 01:05:18

Not conclusively comment on this cartoon can mean either those who actually fought or those who are capable of fighting. What law which Allah Allah, so Allah knows best. But like I told you, there is because at the same time, Sierra is somewhat of its own discipline within the Islamic sciences. And there seems to be

01:05:19 --> 01:06:06

enough narrations within the books of Sita, to at least give some credence to the number of 400. And ultimately, Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Okay, so I wanted to mention that particular issue first and foremost, number two, the second is a more philosophical issue, obviously, as you can imagine, and that is, you know, whatever criticism there exists about, you know, and I'm going to quote it, not, you know, from myself, but basically quoting it from those who criticize, you know, saying barbaric, ruthless, you know, merciless, bloodthirsty, so on and so forth. Right, that those types of criticisms are made, that God forbid, will either be like the prophets allottee, some and

01:06:06 --> 01:06:25

the Sahaba. And the Muslims, they were, you know, barbaric and brutal and, you know, ruthless and bloodthirsty, and so on and so forth. Right, that, you know, how do you justify executing all these people? And why couldn't they have been forgiven? and etc, etc.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:27

And the answer to that,

01:06:28 --> 01:07:04

you know, is basically that, and I and I don't mean this condescendingly, but at the same time, I do think that it's important for us to create context number one, and that's why I started off by mentioning the extensive context, understand the situation, know the history, and every single time that this particular incidents is criticized, and people are trying to criticize Islam and the legacy of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by bringing up this incident. They will not even mention what happened five minutes before but no Pereda. They won't even mention the five minutes before the execution.

01:07:05 --> 01:07:08

nor will they mentioned five minutes after the execution.

01:07:09 --> 01:07:17

They basically talk about just this many people being executed in a vacuum, no reason no rhyme, no explanation, no, nothing.

01:07:18 --> 01:07:32

Just they paint a picture as if one day, Muhammad Sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And the Muslims, the Sahaba, may God be pleased with them, woke up one day and just said, you know, what, why don't we just execute 400 people today? That sounds like a good idea.

01:07:33 --> 01:08:00

And that's how it's quoted. That's how it's mentioned completely lacking any type of historical context. Somebody doesn't want my particular interpretation or explanation. That's completely fine. I get that I understand. You don't you don't care what I think that's fine. That's your prerogative, that's your rights. But how can you ignore history? How can you ignore the actual events and incidents that occurred? So when you have historical context, this leads you to the obvious conclusion that these were people who committed treason.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:14

And this was the only justifiable punishment, that situation, in fact, when the only justifiable position previously was not taken, it came back to harm them, and it came back to bite the Muslims.

01:08:17 --> 01:08:31

And there is even though for us as Muslims, the only precedence and evidence worthwhile is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Sahaba. That's all we're really interested in.

01:08:32 --> 01:08:37

But for anyone who is not only specifically, you know, restricted to that precedent,

01:08:38 --> 01:08:44

go ahead and look through his through history, look at any type of system of governance or politics.

01:08:47 --> 01:08:53

And tell me that that is in exactly the legal proper sound course of action in that situation.

01:08:55 --> 01:09:02

So this is not a particular place where we need to be concerned or worried

01:09:03 --> 01:09:05

where we need to be ashamed or embarrassed.

01:09:08 --> 01:09:10

But at the same time, we don't need to be unruly.

01:09:12 --> 01:09:27

And overzealous, you know, on the opposite end of the spectrum, as you see violence, militant extremists, they go to the opposite extreme, we need to be sound, we need to be intelligent. We need to be very

01:09:28 --> 01:09:36

deliberate, and thoughtful and reflective and understand the circumstances and understand the principles and the rule

01:09:37 --> 01:09:50

by means of which this conclusion was arrived at. And understand it in the context of a state in a nation and to separate nations who are supposed to be allied, who share a border.

01:09:52 --> 01:09:55

And then one of them violated the Alliance and committed treason.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

That that's what needs to be that that what that is

01:10:00 --> 01:10:06

What needs to be understood, and that is how we need to move forward with it and understand it and process it.

01:10:07 --> 01:10:15

And at the same time, from a Muslim perspective, this was a very difficult decision that had to be made in a very difficult situation.

01:10:16 --> 01:10:32

But we will, at the same time will not ignore the rest of the life of the prophets a lot, he said, um, and all the opportunities and the moments and the situation, excuse me, in which he practiced mercy and patience and forgiveness, and restraint.

01:10:33 --> 01:10:37

And we're going to actually understand it in the context of all of that.

01:10:39 --> 01:10:53

And so that is basically what I wanted to also explain that a lot of times, we become just so anxious and hesitant and nervous. We're, we're almost sitting there praying,

01:10:54 --> 01:10:56

that I hope nobody says by no kurata

01:10:57 --> 01:10:58

nobody brings it up.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:30

But when it is brought up, we need to understand that that is an opportunity to educate somebody on the history of the demon their religion, and in my own very, very limited brief experience. As you know, a teacher having the opportunity to teach people specifically about the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, whenever somebody has come to me, and said, blucora, I can't grasp it, I can handle it, I can't make sense of it.

01:11:31 --> 01:11:34

It's not, it's not working for me.

01:11:35 --> 01:11:45

And when I've had the opportunity, they've given me the opportunity to be able to educate them on the history and the context and the circumstances and everything that led up to it.

01:11:46 --> 01:12:09

I've never till now ever seen a situation that is singular one, where they were not completely satisfied and content with it at the end of the day. And that is not a testament to my ability to be able to teach or explain, but that's a testament to the balance and to the fairness and the Justice and the consistency of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

01:12:11 --> 01:12:42

so that was the incidence of binuclear radon. We'll go ahead and conclude with that. And inshallah, in the coming session, we'll talk about sad been more alive, and his passing shortly thereafter. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all confidence within our Deen And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to understand and learn the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to live based off of the beautiful principles learned from the life of the prophets Allah Subhana labmd Subhana columbium Nick natural Illa Illa illa Anta a sufferer Governator willeke

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