Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 125 – The Battle of Ahzab; The digging of the Trench

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the actions of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam, who was one of the leaders of the people of the prophets. The speaker emphasizes the importance of giving more time and attention to your favorite people and building a bond with them. The history of Islam and the importance of conservative and conservative "we" movement are also discussed, including the use of rocks and the difficulty of digging in the trench. The return of Islam is also mentioned, with a focus on staying true to Islam and not giving charity.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and data. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Sierra intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, go to Sierra intensiv.com to register and for more information.

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So Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, Orly was a marine. So inshallah continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam aceto, to number we had the prophetic biography. So as I was saying, we'll be starting with the study of the fifth year of the prophets a lot. He sums residents in the city of Medina, the fifth year of hedging. Now, in the previous session, we concluded by talking about the end of the fourth year of hedging, and kind of an overview of some of the major events of that fourth year of the profits, a lot of reasons residents here.

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So, in the beginning of the fifth year, one of the first things I'll mention here from the very getgo is that the fifth year of hids at all, is notable for the particular reason that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only traveled once during this year. Now, if you know you recall from our study of the first four years,

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and it's definitely something I recommend that you go back and read or listen to the previous podcasts as well, that the prophets allowed him particularly during the second, third and fourth year, the prophets, a lot of them traveled outside of Medina quite a few times. But in the fifth year, it's a notable fact in this hop,

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and walkie and many, many others have been give heed, they all mentioned the fact that for a karma bill Medina de Vaca sanity, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained in the city of Medina, for the majority of the fifth year of his era, there is only one journey, the profits, a lot of them took in this particular year. And that was known as the campaign of Duma two gentlemen, because we're to do multi gender, now, Duma to gender is the name of a particular place. This is a place that is north of the city of Medina, on the way to be allowed to shine. Basically, if you look at a modern day map of that region, so it is north of Medina, you know, and from that particular

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point, you can either go north west, and you would enter into the region that we know as modern day Jordan, or you could continue to proceed north or go a little north east and you would proceed into a dock. So the profits a lot even traveled out in the direction of the Duma agenda. Now the profits, a lot of a sudden traveled to Dubai to the jungle in the month of Robbie. Well. So that means that the first few months of this new year, the fifth year, the profits, a lot of them for the first couple of months remained in the city of Medina.

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After that he traveled to this place called Duma to gendun. Now why did the prophets Allah do some travel, especially considering the fact that you know this is very close to the region of a sham, beloved to Sham, that region? So why did the prophets a lot of trouble there? So the historians walky the mentions actually, that Jamaat item in a sell off that many of the scholars of the past have noted the fact that Rukia Allah who anNabi Duma is gendell. Jim and Kathy Rhonda, the prophets a lot he was told that there was a huge group of people out at the place of new Duma to gendell. And the interesting thing about this group of people were was that it was almost like a town or a colony

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or maybe if you a marketplace kind of like a gathering space of like criminals and bandits. Well unknown. Yep, the Muna munmorah became that they use to rob and loot and murder people as they would pass by there. So they, it was it was considered a very problematic area, and something that started to become a real threat in the region. Along with that, they had a huge marketplace out there. But there was also a large contingency Like I said before, of like these bandits and crooks and criminals and thieves, and they had set their eyes on the city of Medina. Well, whom you really do know and yet luminol Medina, they have thought about picking up because they were kind of

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Like a makeshift marketplace. So they had actually considered and started to look into the possibilities of picking up their operation and coming closer to the city of Medina. Now why is that so problematic because obviously, they were notorious for criminal activity and and for robbing and looting and murdering people. And they were basically they realize that the city of Medina is growing, people are flocking to it from far and wide, this would make an ideal target for us. And we could end up conducting a lot of quote unquote business over there, their type of business.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to let them know that, that the city of Medina was something that they would protect, and that they would not allow these people to bring all their criminal activity and their gang activity to the city of Medina or near the city of Medina and thereby threatening Islam and Muslims in the city in the peace in the city of Medina, the prophets allottee, some gathered 1000 Muslims 1000 Muslims, a very large group.

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And the prophets, a lot of them traveled out in that direction, he proceeded in that direction. And it said that this was at the time of the year during the summer seasons, it was very hot. So what the Sahaba were doing during this time, this was very odd and kind of out of the ordinary, but they were doing it due to need and necessity, they would travel at night, and then they would stop during the daytime. Because it was just too difficult and too fatiguing and dehydrating to travel during the daytime as well. So it is not easy to travel out the nighttime because again, we just take a lot of things for granted you don't have roads, you don't have lights, you don't have any of these

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things. So a lot of the time unless you're in the middle of the month, where you have the full moon and that is providing some type of lights at nighttime, right some type of brightness at nighttime, you a lot of times might just end up traveling like in pitch dark. And it's not very easy. But they had a

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they had a guide the profits a lobby someone had acquired had hired a guide to lead them who knew this region in this area very, very well. And he was from the tribe of bonora. And his name was Miss cool. They called him a school.

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So he was a very, very expert guide who knew this entire path, like the back of his hand. The narration mentions hadn't hit return. He was like an expert guide who could do this with his eyes closed, because that's quite literally what it was like traveling at nighttime. So the narration says that when they got close to Duma to gendell this place, the guide my school, he saw that there were some animals that were grazing that belonged to Benita meme. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam proceeded in that particular direction. And they ended up meeting some of those people and they basically random scattered from there. They realize okay, the Muslims have come

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because they were planning to come towards Medina. They realize that Muslims have come in they saw this huge army of 1000 so then they ran away, and they all dispersed from there the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the area of Duma to gender, Philomena GB I hadn't, I hadn't the profits a lot decent did not find anyone there. For a comma a Yemen the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed there for a few days. Well, Bertha saraya he sent scouts in all different directions that what's going on here?

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And they kept coming back the scouts can kept coming back to the profits, a lot of them saying we're not finding anything in this region, until Mohammed bin muslimah radi Allahu taala and we've talked about a number of times, are very devout and trustworthy Companion of the prophets, a lot of them he could always depend on Mohammed bin muslimah. He found one man and he brought him back with him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him where did the whole group kind of like the gang that was settled over here? Where did they all go? And he said, horrible. They found out that you had come close and so they ran away from here, because they were nefarious people, they had bad

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intentions. So they ran away. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, okay, but while we're here, we might as well you know, fulfill the task, the primary task for which we travel for which we have come for Otto de la he rasulillah he's allowed him and Islam. This one man from the gang that was found the prophets a lot of them sat him down and spoke to him about Islam

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and invited him to believe in Allah for Islam or the man became Muslim. What rajas ally salatu salam, ala Medina and the prophets, a lot of them returned back to the city of Medina. And

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so the notable thing about this particular campaign and expedition is that this lasted for about a month because even when you look at the map, it is quite a bit of a

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distance. And then the prophets, a lot of them stayed there for a number of days scouting the entire region in area, making sure that the danger to the city of Medina had been handled had been mitigated. And then the profits allowed some return. So there was no fighting on this particular journey. Just one individual from that gang who is left over ended up accepting Islam. And then the profits are lovely, some returned back. And it's mentioned that one of the people who was on this particular campaign with the prophets a lot he said him was one of the leaders of the inside his name is sad been Obeida. So I don't know about that, or the Allahu Allahu anhu. And he was one of

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the leaders of the people of the unsought, his mother uzhhorod passed away, while the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was on this particular journey. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came back, he actually went and prayed for her, he like prayed her janazah at her grave. And this was as a sign of respect, and kindness, and generosity towards one of the leaders of the community of the prophets a lot. He said, um, and so, a lot of times, there are these little things that are mentioned on the periphery of some of these narrations. But one of the tragedies of our time is that we study, not even a see it all, we study a summary of the summary of the CETA. And so

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a lot of times we don't benefit from, you know, the the the character and the strategy, and the methodology of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so it's very important that we take these little details and really understand what that tells us. This goes to show us that Sargon, or Obama was somebody the profits of lobbyists who could trust, he was somebody that when Islam first came to the city of Medina, before even the prophets, a lot of Islam himself was able to come to the city of Medina, salvin, or bother with somebody, the prophets, a lot of them appointed as a leader in the city, and he could trust him. And he, he, he was able to benefit from sadhana roba, really leading

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the community and organizing the community awaiting the arrival of the prophets a lot. And he was somebody, the prophets, a lot of him continued to be able to rely upon for leadership amongst his people. So we see the prophets, a lot of them cared for everyone. But we see that the prophets, a lot of them understood that there's a certain dynamic, and this is something that is very, very tragic in our communities today, that when there are people, when there are people who are working with you, who are serving you, who are serving your cause, and sacrificing their own time, and dedicating their own talents and abilities, to be able to help you further the cause, then it is

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also very important that we value these people, and that we give special time and special attention to such individuals, right, because the thing that I mentioned that is so tragic in our communities nowadays, is that a lot of times what ends up happening is the people that are closest to us are the people that are already serving and working, we tend to take them for granted. They're already in the loop that are already our own people, we see them regularly, and we start to kind of take them for granted. But it's very, very important because we live in this type of consumer world where we have a consumer or a capitalistic mentality. And we're always looking for new customers and new

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clients and new customers and new clients. Right. So we're always concerned about expansion, and outreach, and how to reach further out, right in terms of the people that maybe are invested or partaking within a particular service or a cause that were involved with community work. But at the same time, what we have to understand is while we continue to grow and expand, and that most definitely is a good idea, we also need to continue to be loyal, and to deepen the relationship, the bond, the trust, and the benefit that the people closest to us receive, that the people closest to us, you know, they need to be able to receive that benefit. Right. And so it's very, very important

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that we understand that that we that we serve the people that are serving us are serving along with us. And we show them the type of loyalty they've been showing to us. And that was a very profound quality of the messengers a lot of them so even though he comes back from a month long journey, and sad bin robot is heartbroken when he arrives home to find his mother as past the prophets a lot. He said, um, before worrying about himself and his own fatigue and coming back from a journey and everything else that he needs to do. He first realizes one of my core people core team members, one of my volunteers has a tragedy and he's suffering and he's struggling. And so the profits a lot,

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especially goes and gives attention. And I mean, just imagine what a great honor that must have been for Sabino Baba, and how honored and validated and you know, dignified and respected and loved. He must have felt that the prophets allottee some would come to the dream of my mother and make to offer her forgiveness at her grave. The Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right, so this is a very profound lesson. And it's something that we really should give a lot of thought to. As we continue to build community and do the work that we do. Let's remember to not forget the people who serve with us in the trenches. And remember to give more time and more special attention to them. And that's the quality of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the next major event so as I mentioned that even his heart and Rocky and even cathedra met Abraham and many of the scholars mentioned for karma Medina to Phil Medina, t bhakti. authority that the Prophet told him remained in Medina for the room was in Medina, he did not travel for the remainder of the year, later on in the fifth year of his era, quite a bit later on in the month of chawan. So this is post Ramadan is one of the most major events of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Medina and period. And that is because

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that's what

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that means the allies, the allies, or the Allied army. All right, the army that was comprised of different groups, the allies, it is also referred to as what will happen Duck Hunt duck means a trench, right kind of a trench as a defense strategy to keep the enemy away from you. So this is referred to both as hospital, Azov and hospital 100. All right. Now, of course, some folks might be familiar, that there is a suit on the upper arm in the order of the most have the Quran as we have it today, it is pseudo number 33. It is called pseudo.

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pseudo to the surah about the Allied army or the army of the Allies

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did the beginning part of this sutra, I would say close to about, you know, 2026 is the first 26 out of this sutra, which is quite a lengthy passage was revealed about this particular incidents.

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So as we've done in previous instances, where there's a large portion of the Quran, that is revealed in regards to a particular incident, sort of drill and fall about the hospital, Bader the Battle of butter, and fall was revealed about that, we similarly took a look at a large section of suta Emraan, about passwords or heard about level hood, you add a large section of suta Li Miranda was revealed. We also talked about banana D, and salted hash. Alright, so number 59. So similarly, the, the front, the beginning portion of pseudo zarrab was revealed about this particular incident, the Battle of the trench, lizard, tilahun duck, but as I was mentioning, what we've done in all those

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other instances, what I find to be beneficial, so that we can really appreciate the depth of the Quran in the precision of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And also develop kind of a visual, where we can kind of see what the Quran is talking about, we can we can close our eyes, and really, you know, go through the ayat and take that journey that the isup are taking us through, we will talk about we will explore the, the the Battle of the trench hospital. And at the conclusion of our discussion about the Battle of the trench, we will then go to the sutra and we will read through the first 26 out of the sutra, and then we'll be able to really profoundly benefit and understand in sha

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Allah, what the eye out are exactly talking about.

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So as I was mentioning now, I'm not going to spend too much time on this because it's technical discussion. And there's a lot of technical jargon in this in this discussion, but there is some discussion amongst the historians, the scholars of cedaw, the scholars of Hadeeth and the scholars of Islamic history, about when did the Battle of the trench precisely happen? Now, I already told you it happened in the month of so while in the fifth year of Huijin, on the fifth year of the prophets allottee some residents in the city of Medina, while that is the opinion of the vast overwhelming majority. And that is pretty much the conclusion that is arrived at that that is when

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it happened. There is some discussion in some detail about how that conclusion is arrived at. I'll share that very, very briefly with you. So

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there are some narrations Musab in October

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and he narrates from Mr. Missouri, Mr. Missouri, all right, who is one of the major scholars of the city of Medina and a historian of Islam. And similarly, Mr. Malik bin Anis has narrated this Mr. Malik Imam Ahmed has also brought this narration they've also mentioned this narration that Hema Missouri says through mechanics work, Archie zabi Fisher one Senator urba

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He says that the Battle of the trench occurred in the month of Chahal in the fourth year, not the fifth year in the fourth year. So now you have a difference of opinion that happened in the fourth year, fifth year. And it's a major difference of opinion, because you're talking about a difference of a whole entire year. Right. So emammal Bay, harpy and others explain that in reality, there is no difference of opinion. It is just the way that they express dates. So some of the scholars would they would count is they would say, when they would say show Well, they say the month of chawan. But at the Senate in Aruba

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after by the Senator robbia, after the fourth year of hydro the month of chawan, after the fourth year, which is what some call shadow chawan. Fist sanative promessa. It's bad vs fi bad means after fi means in. So those who said it's in the fifth year, they said fi in the fifth year, those who mentioned the fourth year they are actually saying it is in the chawan that came after the fourth year. So in reality, there's no difference. But if you look at it from the surface, you see the word five you see the word for and you see an apparent contradiction. But in reality, there is no difference because of how they express date. Some expressive I think show well after fourth after

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four, and some say show while in five. All right, so that's a simple difference of opinion.

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Similarly, some have also mentioned that there's a small minority of scholars Hema malbay huthi and others they mentioned this, that there are there is a very, very small group of people scholars who counted the first year of hidden on the Prophet talathi. Some arrived in the city of Medina in the month of Ruby or a when

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Muharram suffered robiola when he arrived in the month of Medina in the third month. So they started counting the first year of his law from the following year. It's almost like they considered the those nine months of the profits, a lot of initial residents in the city of Medina, they almost counted that as like year zero.

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And then they started keeping count from year one the following year. Right. And that leads to sometimes kind of a discrepancy in terms of how they count. So those people, those those few very minority, small minority of scholars, they would say that but that happened in the first year, or what happened in the second tier. Right and 100 happened in the fourth year, but honorable cadabra, the Allahu taala and who who really standardize the Islamic calendar, and instituted a system of keeping track of the Islamic calendar, and the vast overwhelming majority of the scholars, when the prophets Allah arrived in the month of robiola when they counted that as year one, so the majority

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and that is the norm. That is what we operate by. They say that but what happened in the second year, and what happened in the third year, and when that happened in the fifth year. And not only that, but Abdullah bin Omar rhodiola Coachella or excuse me,

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Mr. Missouri, Mr. Missouri, he very clearly mentions in more than one place that be another 100 Canada or hobbies entertain that the Battle of the trench happened two years after the Battle of boyhood and the Battle of world was in the month of chawan in the third year. So this obviously happened in the month of show while in the fifth year. Alright, so that is very clearly elaborated upon. There's a couple other things that raise just a couple of questions. One of them that we should we should deal with because it is a hadith and Asahi hain. It is a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim which holds a lot of weight from our perspective, and that is the hadith of Abdullah bin

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Omar. radi Allahu taala. And he says that early to Allah Rasulullah salatu salam o hood, when I even know about Ashura, Sunnah that I was presented to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of hood and I was 14 years old. For lamea Jews need you just need the prophets a lot of them did not give me permission to go and fight were Odin to Allah he

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wanna even though Hamza Shara.

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And I was presented to the prophets, a lot of them on the day of hon duck, and I was 15 years old for a jazz and he and he gave me permission to fight

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that again presents the same problem. Because mama Zoey, we just said said hunger happened two years later, third and fifth year, where he's saying I was 14 years old, one year, 15 years old, 14 years old at the time of our hood 15 years old at the time of duck. But again, the scholars have explained is that this is not something very problematic number one, because a lot of

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They did not keep very specific track of the exact day of the birthday, they would just overall kind of generally referred to about 14 years of age about 15 years of age. That's one thing. And that's a historical fact. So it really doesn't cause any confusion. The second thing is that it's also the way Mr. malbay healthy. And others have also said that when he was presented to the profits of lobbyists among the neighborhood, he was either just about to turn 14, or he had just turned 14. And thereby even if he was just about to turn 14, he's rounding up and basically saying I was 14 years old, trying to get himself approved for the battle. And when he's saying that, I was 15 on the day

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of he was towards the end of, you know, being 15 and very close to turning 16.

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So, either way, it once again does not really cause any type of a conflict, but nevertheless, I just wanted to share this particular fact, because it is mentioned by prominent scholars like uma Maliki ma Mohamad and also the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. So we've established the fact that the Battle of conduct the Battle of the trench happened in the fifth year of hijra in the month of Chahal post Ramadan. Now, what exactly transpired? Why did the Battle of the trench happen? So very briefly, I'll share some of the narrations here that there was a group of Jewish leaders there was a group of some of the Jewish leaders amongst them was Salaam, even I believe, who cake and nobody banana leaf,

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one of the leaders of banana lead who had been

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exiled from Medina due to their treachery and treason against the Constitution of Medina, which we talked about previously. Number two, was he a bin of another, another leader who even asked them, who was actually the one who conspired to assassinate the prophets a lot he sent him from amongst one another. So he also was a part of this because some of these leaders when they fled, when they left the area of Medina, they went and took refuge in the place of labor. So they were there now not too far away from Medina. So they were a part of this group along with that you had kena ignored rabbir even a bit. Okay. How would that been? tazed Allah le abou Amar, Allah le. And so there were

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some leaders from banana lead and some leaders from benewah. And some of the Jews that were at the place of haber. So they all got together. Woman, Latina has a ba ba slice allottee. So they're the ones who are the architects of building the army of the allies. They were the This was their brainchild. All right, they're the ones who thought this plan out or thought, you know, came up with this plan. So what they did was they first formed his delegation and they went to Makkah to meet with the crush. And they asked him they said, Look, we are organizing ourselves, all the Jewish remaining tribes, we are organizing ourselves to launch war and an attack on the city of Medina. We

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would like for you to join us

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and this way for once and for all had done us NuSTAR Silla who we will uproot Medina. We will rip Medina out of the ground. Right? We'll be done with it once and for all. So they said Come and fight with us. So Quraysh they said, they inquired, they said yeah, Mashallah, you are Jewish people you tell us in the coma who

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will be my

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nostalgia foofy Nana Muhammad, they said that you are the people of older knowledge. And you are the people of you know, the book. As Muhammad Ali said I'm claims to be and we don't understand this at all. We have a lot of difference with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in regards to this. For Dina Hadrian. I'm being who

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is our religion better? Because Mohammed says our religion is incorrect. Is our religion better? Or is his religion better? Because you seem to have a lot in common with his religion. So is our religion better? Or is religion better? First you tell us they were just kind of testing, you know that. So they didn't know whether they could trust them or not. So this Jewish delegation responds by saying Baldino komyo mendini well unto Allah older than happy men who they said no, no, your religion is much better than his religion. And you are much more closer to the truth than he is. And that is when Allah subhanaw taala revealed the ayah that we find in Sudoku, Nisa is number 51 and 52

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where Allah subhanaw taala says lm toda la Latina, una amin Al Kitab.

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That Have you not taken a look at these people who are given the book, they at least have some portion of the original book Allah revealed not all of it. Right But they have some portion of the original book that Aladdin revealed, you may known ability with Eva hood, in spite of the fact that they have some of the sacred text or sacred book. They believe in falsehood. They believe in idols. They

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They claim that idols are correct. We have una de La Nina cafaro. And they say to people who have no emotion whatsoever, they have no shades of the truth at all. How would I eat them in a Latina ammonoosuc Villa? And they would dare testify and they say that you people who worship idols are much more rightly guided than the people who have among the people who believe in the Quran. Like Aladdin, Allah, Allah, and Allah subhanho wa Taala said these people the curse of a lies upon them, how could they say such a thing? Well me Allah, Allah who fell into Gita, Laguna Sierra, and people who the curse of a lost part of what Allah is upon, they will never find you will never find anyone

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there to help them.

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So after this little exchange, and they basically went out of their way and stated all types of lies and falsehood to try to gain the favor of the operation in waging war against the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam before he finally agreed, and they said, okay, we will go to war with you. And we will gather together. Not only that, but also

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this same Jewish delegation then went to have fun. They went to the tribes of hot fun, and they recruited them as well. And they told them that the Croatia joining us as well. So because the Qureshi was joining the tribes have agreed to join the war as well. So that's what forms the armies of the the army of the allies.

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You had the Jews of banana, you had the Jews of Claiborne while you had the Jews, excuse me, the the Quraysh from Makkah, and the mushy Koon, from the operation Mecca, and you also had the, the Arabs of hazzan. So this all came together. Quraysh was, of course led by Abu sufian. The tribes overthrown were led by or Yeah, and I've been huizen, one of their leaders and ahadith been out, and a few others. And then of course, the Jewish tribes, they came together as well.

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And now they all started to gather together formed their army together in March in the direction of Medina. Now, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam heard that they are proceeding towards Medina with a force, you know, that is 10 10,000 strong, like a huge force of people is arriving, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he consulted with the Sahaba about what should we do? How should we handle this? Because right now, as it stands, we do not have we can gather 1000, maybe 1500 people together, but we do not have the numbers to be able to go out into the battlefield and meet them in open battle. It's just not a good strategy on our part. Right. And this also shows you

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that strategy is very important, right, and creativity and strategy and consultation and the importance of it. Now, I'm going to take a little bit of

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a tangent if you I'm going to go off to the side for a second. And I'm going to remind all of us of the story of salmonella Farsi, radi Allahu taala anhu, which we talked about early in the podcast, if you go all the way back, you'll find a podcast specifically on the acceptance of Islam by some man and fantasy. And we talked about this even prior to Revelation. And the reason that we talked about it all the way back there is that that is where the scholars have also, mostly, usually placed that particular discussion. And the reason for it is a manual fallacy was a beneficiary of a lot of the prophecies about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, prior to even as new bhuwan prior to

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his prophethood. And so we take that opportunity and we talked about him accepting Islam and coming to the city of Medina, and then becoming Muslim and then eventually earning his freedom. But what are remind you is that some modern fantasy becomes Muslim, shortly after the prophets allottee some arrives in the city of Medina. But he remains in slavery for the next almost four years, three to four years. And he misses the Battle of butter in the Battle of boyhood because he is a slave. He's not allowed to participate in NGO, at which time the profits allowed Townsend to buy and purchase to earn his freedom. So none in fact, you know, the Allahu taala knew with the help of the entire

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community, it's a very beautiful touching story is able to earn his freedom. Macaca he's able to purchase and earn his freedom and it becomes a free man.

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After which he says I never left the side of the profits. A lot of him ever again. If he was in Medina, I was with him in Medina. When he left Medina, I traveled with him outside of Medina, I was with him every single moment every single time. So someone in Farsi, who had been Muslim now for a few years, but he was very new to the community in the sense of that he had just recently become a free man. And so the prophets a lot of them sat down for consultation. And so what should we do? Because going outside of Medina, everybody amongst us harbor said that doesn't make any sense. But then how do we properly defend Medina against such a gigantic force? Right that could just could

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could sweep into Medina like a huge wave.

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So what do we do? So it is at that particular time and moment that's amount of fantasy or the Allahu talanoa, in spite of his newfound freedom, and still may be feeling like he was still kind of working his way into the community. And and the Sahaba maybe didn't know him all that personally and intimately because he was a slave, who had not been able to fully participate in the community, in spite of all of that. And this is, again, a profound lesson about not just we talked about the character of the prophets a lot, and his strategy and what he did. But this is a profound lesson in the culture, and the community, the prophets, a lot isn't established. And it is also a huge

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testament to the Sahaba, the companions or the Allahu taala, and him about the types of the type of community, the type of culture, the ethics and the morality that they had in their community, where they did not build a community of exclusivity, they built a community of inclusivity. They were inclusive of people, it didn't matter if you became Muslim yesterday, it didn't matter if you were a slave. It didn't matter if you were an outsider, it didn't matter if you didn't even speak the language properly. It didn't matter what your status was, what your situation was, how new you were to the community, what else was going on with you? You said La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah

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and you were a brother, you were a sister, and you had a place in that community, you had an equal voice in that community. Right. And that's something that again, very, I don't like to dwell on the negative. And there are many shining examples in our community of where that is not the case. But at the same time, we should deal in reality as well, that unfortunately, that's something we lack to a great degree today. But that's no, that's not to worry. It's not something that cannot be remedied or cannot be fixed. That is why we study the book of Allah. That is why we study the life of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that we learn, we observe, we correct ourselves,

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and we bring that benefit to our communities, and thereby become a benefit to all of mankind and all of humanity. All right, so semana fallacy is a very new free man. And the prophets, a lot of them is seeking consultation. And it's a very tragic, very difficult situation. What do we do? What do we do? And the problem in Farsi raises his hand and the prophets, Allah Islam says, yes.

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Now I'm guessing man.

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Right? What What do you have to offer us a man and the man in front of the Allahu taala, and who recommends the digging of a trench, right, Medina, on one side was fortified by the mountains, it was protected by the mountains where they could position archers strategically and then hold off anybody trying to advance through there, because you can't just flow over a mountain completely, you'd have to come through the crevices and the mountain passes. And that part of it, you can then defend. All right, you can pick people off as they're trying to come through there, you bottleneck them. But the exposed side of the city of Medina, he said, we dig a trench all along.

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That is fairly deep, but more importantly wide enough to the point where people can just leap over. It's not just like a ditch, right? It's a trench. And it's huge, so that people can just leap over. So for people to come through there, they would have to get down into the trench. And the second they get down into trench and again, what do you have, you have the vantage point?

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Right, you have the advantage. And then again, you can basically, you know, defend yourself from there. So it's a great strategy.

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And there are some narrations Mamata already mentioned this even heisha mentioned this, and allama Sue Haley in a row with anthos who mentioned this, that this strategy of digging a trench was very new to the Arabs. And in fact Mama toppity also mentioned that our human capital Hannah deck,

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minutiae, even eat Raj, even a free doon, what kind of fees how many Musa alayhis salam, that the first one to ever dig a trench and utilize a trench as a battle strategy. And as a defense strategy was the name that I just read this individual and he was from the time of Musa alayhis salam. Right. And so Solomon Farsi, who had seen the Persians, or was familiar with the fact that this is a strategy the Persians use, right? He basically suggested this a shout out, he said, Man, that is what even a sham Rahim Allahu taala and a sila he mentions and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted that suggestion. And in spite of being such a, you know, new or different, right, it

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was not a bad suggestion. But imagine you've never heard of this strategy before. Some of us would think it was bizarre. Like what is this guy even talking about? Right, but that was not again, not the culture of the prophets a lot more of the Sahaba the the process of accepted the suggestion, and once the prophets a lobbyism, approved of the suggestion, the Sahaba had their greatest quality and that was Simeon our Donna? We listened and we obeyed. Right? Once the prophets a lot of them said it, it was done. Right. So they all fell in line and they started digging the trench and in his heart mentioned something very beautiful. He says that not only did the Muslim start digging the

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trench and some alpha zero, the only

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Allen also mentioned generation that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them to divide up the area, right? Like however many so after having me so feet, like after every 15 feet or 20 feet or whatever it was that there would be a group of people that would dig in, like for 20 feet. And then there was another group of people and another group of people, they were digging in teams like this. And they had divvied up the the area and they had kind of like a succession of people, you know, over 1000 Muslims, you know, spread out into these groups is digging the trench along. Alright. And the prophets a lot is from himself. Even his taxes for Amina Pharaoh slice allows him

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that is even the most meaningful edge of the profits a lot he some himself was digging the trenches. Well, not only because the profits, a lot of them didn't just he was not the type of leader who told people to do work. He was the type of leader who did work and led by his own example. And then the Muslims are further even more motivated to dig. But of course, one little negative point I'll mention here, and then I'll move on to something a lot more positive than when I feel the hypocrites. They, of course, were up to their old antics. Right, if you remember that they didn't come participate in about the butter. They were constantly conspiring and conniving with the Jews

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who had tried to assassinate the profits, a lot of them. They had come out for the Battle of war hood and then tried to make 300 of their people and leave in hopes of trying to sabotage you know, the prophets, a lot of him in the army of the Muslims, they were always up to these antics. So they they they were still playing their old tricks and doing their had the same old acts going on again. And a lot of them started to make excuses or I'm sick or I'm injured or I can't. And they they were they were skipping out on the work. And not only that, but some of them also started to hide, so they wouldn't have to work and they wouldn't have to dig and then sort of to * towards the end of

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solitude is 62 through 64 Allah subhanaw taala speaks about them in the melamine alladhina amanu, Bella Havasu Lee Wei de kanima, who Allah Allah, Allah Umbra in Germany and let me

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know that the believers are those people who believe Subhana Allah, it's remarkable. It might sound redundant in my simple, you know, faulty translation, but it's profound how Allah says it, that the people who truly believe are people who place their complete faith and trust in alignment messengers allottee some and when they are with him, in regards to a very important matter and issue, they will never leave the sight of the prophets, a lot of them until they have permission.

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They will not move from the side of the premises until they have permission. In alladhina, aka

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the people who even to go to the bathroom, they will take permission before leaving the task. They are the ones who truly believe in a line as messengers for either side of the nuclear body shutting him so have a look at this part for this for

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the nuclear bomb the shunning element Cheatham in Houma, Safi la Mola.

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And when people devoted themselves to the Messenger of Allah like that, and show showed such displayed such devotion, dedication, and commitment and consistency, a love vouch for them. Allah subhanaw taala tells the prophets awesome that when they come and ask you for permission, maybe they have a need at home or they have to look after their family or they have to go check on a loved one. When they ask you for permission for something they need to do. Then give them permission if you think it is appropriate. And ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive them. Like make do offer their forgiveness. So you give them permission and make to offer them a love vouches for them in a love

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for him. And then Allah subhanaw taala says

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don't call on the messenger don't talk about the profits of them. Like you talk about each other because then when I feel when I'm being disrespectful, we'll talk like yeah, Mohammed, Mohammed is another you don't speak to the messenger that way. But the animal lover Latina yet the Salah, Luna min km Li Wada, and Allah subhanaw taala said that Allah knows which one of you skips out on the work and sneaks around and hides around. And like like, you know,

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is absent.

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You know, like when a when a kid at school is trying to hide from class and takes their sweet time, wandering the halls going to the restroom, trying to duck and hide from the teachers in the hall monitor. Right Allah subhanaw taala Allah sees you and Allah knows exactly who you are. for ya de la Vina you Holly funa Anna Marie, And to see behind fitness. Oh, you see,

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that these people who directly disobeyed they disobey a direct order of the messengers a lot he said them they should be very careful because

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Because either a huge calamity will come upon them, or some severe punishment from Allah might come upon them. Allah in the lelaki Murphy's somehow it will, because everything in the heavens in the earth belongs to a law, but the Anima and tamale, Allah knows exactly what you're doing, where you're where you're gonna lie for you.

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And the day that you return back to him, the day that these people go back to a lot, a lot will make them fully aware of everything that they did will be conditionally because Allah knows everything about everything. Allah knows everything about everything. Right, so you can't hide anything from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now, to kind of end on a positive note, but I'll go ahead and start wrapping up here. Maybe a little bit sooner than I plan to conclude, but it's good. We'll we'll there's some very powerful, beautiful stories that I'd like for us to be able to talk about in a lot of detail. But I'll end on a positive note.

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To show you kind of the, the the excitement, and the energy, and the love, and the energy and the excitement of the Sahaba and the energy of the prophets a lot of a sudden, and how that energy and that excitement of the prophets, a lot of them was infectious, like it was it was spreading to others, it would excite others, like good morale and good spirits, and how beneficial it was, and how much love and and, you know, unity, there was amongst the profits on some and all the Sahaba as they were digging together, that one of the people who was digging his name was July in July, he was on the Muslims. His name was your I in jail is not a very good name. Because it almost means the

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literal meaning of Julian is like a small little thing.

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That's quite literally what it means. Like a small little thing. Bizarre I don't know maybe he was from the Bedouin tribes or whatever. But he had a name that the prophet SAW some didn't feel like it's a good dignified name.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam renamed him as Ahmed,

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which is a good dignified name. I'm a.

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So they, as they were digging, and they everybody was digging together the trench, there were certain like, chance that they were reciting together to kind of keep their energy and their spirits up, and one of the chances that they were reciting was scimago. mean by de jure Island Umbra. mechanicville by EC Omen de la.

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that Muhammad is the one who named you a llama.

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And he is the one who gives us strength in the face of adversity.

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That he is the one who named you a llama. And he is the one who we draw, we we draw strength from in the face of adversity, like he we find confidence in being with him. Not only that, and so this is the thing that Allah, Allah Muhammad Rasul Imran, with a column

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column A ondara, that the processor would read it with them, they would all say some Muslim embody your island camera, and then the processor would scream and raw. And then they would say the next part of it, what kind of bad Seo manzara. And then the processor would say, VA, right? So then they kept digging together like this. And then they would say it again. And then the process I'm again with a, da, da, da, da, da da, right? And then they were digging together like this. Not only that,

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they were all digging together. Mahajan, and the answer.

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And they didn't have enough food to eat. And many of them were becoming very weak and very frail. And the profits a lot of them noticed this and he saw this and the profits a lot he was so affected. And he felt such compassion.

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Right for his companions

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that the prophets a lot he said them out loud said this to

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Allah in Elijah, he will Akira fulfill and sorrow will Mahavira

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that Allah

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the life that is worth working for is the life of the hereafter. So please forgive the unsought in the Maha God.

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And when they heard the prophets, a lot of them say this, the Sahaba responded by saying nanolab Lena bayamo Hamada llj Allah jihadi Ma, Burkina Aveda that we are the ones who have given the oath of allegiance to Muhammad that we will stand in fight by his side as long as we are alive.

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And then the prophets a lot of them kept making this to offer them and they kept responding with this and every single time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would say this to Allah and he had other versions of that as well. Where the profits a lot he sums how long my inner hula hater in LA

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Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah. Oh Allah, there's nothing good. There's nothing better than the good of the life of the hero.

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After, and again they would respond by saying that Lula Dena buyer, and then he said for baddeck, Phil Ansari will Mahavira that put Baraka and blessing in the life of the Mahajan and the unsought and again, they would respond by saying Nana Latina by your own Muhammad, Allah jihadi my Burkina Aveda.

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And not only that, but when they would transferred the dirts as they were digging the trench, they would transfer it on their own backs, and they would carry the rocks themselves. And it said that the profits a lot he said them, he himself would also carry dirt and carry rocks to the point where his shawl opened up. And he was carrying rocks, and the Sahaba say that his entire chest was covered with dirt was like, had become completely like, you know, dirty. And to the point where you can see his skin like it was completely covered with a layer of dirt. Everybody was digging in, and everybody was working hard. And I'm delivering raha radi Allahu taala and who, and I'll conclude and

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end with this and then we'll talk about some very beautiful stories.

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You know, from the story of Superman and fantasy in terms of digging of the trench and Jabba the Allahu taala and preparing food for the profits a lot a seminar miracle that happened at that time. But I'll conclude with this. I've delivered in Rwanda, the Allahu taala, who also use a poet and he was a warrior. He said some couplets of poetry. And the Prophet ism liked it so much. He started also repeating it and saying the same thing. He said, Well, lucky. No luck. We're lucky Lola Allahu mattina. Without the sadock novela Selena for Angela and Sakina Tina, Elena, what's up between akadama in La Cocina in la de bajo la la, la la do fitna 10 abena that the prophets a lot he said,

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um, he was also repeating this, that I swear to God, if it was not for Allah's mercy upon us, we wouldn't have been guided to the right path. We would have never known to give charity we would have never never known to pray. So a lot Please sit down peace and tranquility upon us and establish our feet firm if we meet our enemies in the battlefield. These people they want to fight us and attack us. And if they want to try to take our Deen away from us, we will refuse. And the last phrase was a banner. So every single time they would say either urato findet anabaena the prophets or some would yell loudly, Urbina, Urbina, Urbina, Urbina. We refuse we refuse. We will not let somebody take our

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Deen away from us. And also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Salman al Farsi radi Allahu Allahu says, at the price, the profits, a lot of them was himself digging in the trench. Whenever we ran into a spot where we could not dig, we would call the profits a lot he sent them and he would dig for us. And he says that I swear to Allah. He says, I swear to Allah, but what a lot of the lack of talent also says there was this huge rock that we just couldn't crack. And we call it the profits. So we say out of slavery we do. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took some of his saliva and dropped it onto the rock and said Bismillah and he says, I swear to Allah as soon as his

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saliva touched a rock, it crumbled into dust.

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And the profits a lot is him as he was digging, he was saying Bismillah he will be he who Dena Willow Abdullah Abdullah who Sakina Yeah, habita Robin Wahab Medina, the prophets, a lot of them said died With the name of Allah. And by means of the name of Allah, we are guided. If we would have worshipped anyone other than Allah, we would have been lost. How amazing is our rub? And how amazing is our Deen of Islam? And inshallah we'll go ahead and pause here. And when we continue we'll talk about some of the very beautiful incidents that occurred while the digging of the trench at the Battle of azab May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said

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and heard some kind of like mayhem de semana columbium Nick, Mashallah. ilaha illa Anta sakurako unnaturally.

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