Abdul Nasir Jangda – Quran Is Universal Guidence

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The Quran is a core part of Islam, and it's important to learn slowly. Prayer for Islam is crucial to developing a sense of comfort in life. It's important to be mindful of one's responsibilities and values, and students will learn about the meaning of every word they read in the Koran and how to be mindful of their values. The importance of praying for Islam is also discussed in a course, and students are encouraged to join a virtual class and to be mindful of their values.
AI: Transcript ©
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We all know that the karate on competition inshallah we'll be starting this evening evening hamdulillah. Most of our guests are already here and we are also blessed to have the presence of shift of the Nasir from us as well. So in sha Allah Allah for the Juma program. We're going to begin with a brief recitation from one of our guests. Yes. from Egypt. His name is Claudia Muhammad Asif and he's a renowned young Claudie from Egypt. Born in the United Kingdom kingdom, he began reciting the Holy Quran at the tender age of 300 in LA, and he placed first in numerous good art competitions around the world, including in Pakistan, Egypt, Egypt, UK, and also in Belgium, Belgium, Claudia

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yuva now resides in Egypt, where he is currently studying at the University. He specializes in half seminar and also a lot of recitation. So with this brief introduction, we welcome welcome Claudia

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from Egypt level

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in a nutshell

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beautiful rendition and inshallah this is only a glimpse of what we will be hearing inshallah, towards the rest of the program that will be starting inshallah in the evening to Zakouma level Hayden to the cloudy and we appreciate his sacrifice for coming all the way on short notice Jazakallah hidden at this point without further delay, I'm inviting another guest chef of the Nasir Jagga, who is from the United States, Dallas, Texas. He's also a half of the Holy Quran and mastered the Islamic sciences in various universities. He also taught in the University of Karachi, as well as in Texas University of Texas. He served as an Imam and he's very active with the youth. And many

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of you probably know him through the YouTube videos, etc. Quantum Institute as well as by Yuna Institute are two platforms that he constantly engages in, to disseminate many of the Islamic knowledge that he has, and hamdulillah we are very blessed to have him again. So we invite him in sha Allah. He's also here for a tour and he will be coming in April as well for a very nice course inshallah, so we'd encourage everyone to attend those programs as well just communicate on Shackleton, awesome

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smilla you will have the lower salatu wa salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a heavy edge marine.

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Call Allah azza wa jal feature, g bada shaytani r Rajim haffi Lu Allah salatu wa salatu salam wa como Linda carnitine

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it's very difficult to even kind of get up and speak after that it was very overwhelming. Mashallah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless her reciter and I'm, you know, I was very happy to hear that there's the little competition here this weekend at the sonic Foundation, the Koran, and we're going to talk a little bit from one of the lessons that the book of Allah subhanaw taala teaches us about something very fundamental, something very basic, that affects all of us at all different levels of society.

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The Quran from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah tells us, Allah introduces the Quran to us within the Quran itself. He defines the role of the Quran within our lives. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran, McKenna howdy thing you've thought, this is not conjecture. This was not a work of fiction. This is not something that was made up by someone. Well, I can test vehicle Lithuania D rather the Quran it affirms reality. What I've seen a coalition in the Quran provides a detailed structure.

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That if a person can learn to live within that structure, a person can find meaning and purpose within their existence. Well who doesn't want to attend and the Quran is guidance through and through. And the Quran is mercy in all situations in all circumstances. Becoming human with one condition though, as long as people approach it with an open mind and an open heart. Allah further tells us in the Quran, when Nunez ito minella Ronnie Maha Shiva, Allah tells us that we are sending down bit by bit, piece by piece little by little. And within the beauty of this verb that Allah uses of 10 z. It means to gradually send down something little by little, we know the Quran was revealed

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over 23 years but we oftentimes don't grasp the wisdom

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that yes, now we have the entirety of the Quran at our disposal. But the philosophy of learning and teaching the Quran and the philosophy the Quranic educational philosophy is that the Quran is best learned gradually and it is best taught gradually. It is a focus of quality, not quantity,

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that we are oftentimes obsessed with covering as much ground as

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We can as quickly as we can, but Allah is reminding us that we send down this for on little by little bit by bit, piece by piece, a few verses here, a few Is there a sutra here a sutra there.

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So that Maha Shiva so that it could be a cure. What's very interesting in the Quran is a masterpiece we heard the, you know, one of the miracles of the Quran is that the recitation that that we the pronunciation of the Quran is universal.

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Our tongues are so very, our languages are so different. Our dialects are so varied.

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But the recitation of the Quran is universal. It is a universal truth that unites us all. It's part of the magnificence in the miracle of the book of Allah. But the language of the Quran itself is another miracle of the Quran. And there are multiple words, the word de la means it is medication. A large is a remedy.

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But she thought is a cure. It's a very strong word. A cure is claiming that this will completely eradicate and solve the problem. Completely cure the issue. Allah says, We sat down to score on as a cure Maha Shiva as a complete cure all for all that ails humanity was meant to lead movement in and as a mercy for those who believe, again, who approach it with an open mind and an open heart.

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And so one of the lessons that I wanted to very briefly share in the few minutes and shall I'm addressing you today is related to something that's very personal to all of us. One of those cures one of those solutions to our problems that a lot presents to us in the Quran is found in sort of to the bacala. I am number 238, from Sultan Bukhara

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Allah subhanaw taala and I am number 238. He tells us, happy Lu he commands us.

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He says, make sure that you safeguard it's the command form from the word HIV, HIV the means to protect something. But happy though is from hofa. It's a more evolved sophisticated form of the verb which implies it basically is used for hyperbole for exaggeration to emphasize a lysing heavy though he's commanding us very carefully, very cautiously, very diligently, protect, take care of.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala says Allah, Allah means over on top of from above something. This is very powerful imagery and language in the Quran. Why did Allah say the word of Allah, when you want to arrange for the protection of something very valuable, you have a diamond you have a jewel, and you want to protect it. The best way for arranging its for its protection, is you place it in a room and when you put cameras in, you put the cameras on the ceiling or along the top of the walls. Because the best vantage point is to watch something from on top. Allah subhanaw taala is saying very carefully, very diligently watch over, take care of constantly guard, a solid, the prayers.

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The prayers, Allah subhanaw taala is giving us that imagery that your prayers are your most valuable commodity. They are your most valuable assets because they are your means of staying connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So watch over them with more diligence and more care that you would watch over a diamond or a treasure with. And then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to explain to us what Salatin was taught in the middle or the best prayer. Welcome Linda carnitine and Stan for the sake of Allah alone in a state of total, complete, absolute submission and obedience.

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So Allah subhanaw taala reminds us to take care of our prayers. But you know, the we were witnessing, we've been talking about the beauty, the magnificence a miracle of the book of Allah. And it never ends.

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When we studied up on word for word, we learn certain lessons like we just took the words apart the first three words we learned lessons, but when you take a step back, it gives you a different perspective. You know on a GPS when you pull up your location, and then you click zoom out.

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And you see the bigger picture where the nearby streets and intersections and highways it gives you a different perspective.

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When we zoom out from the Quran, we learned something else. This ayah is beautiful I have the Quran is found in the middle of the most detailed discourse in the entire Koran on on the subject of divorce.

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marital discord, problems in the home problems in the family and this is in the middle of that

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In the middle of that ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala says very carefully watch over the prayers. And then he goes on to talk about problems within the home and tragedies within the family.

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So the scholars ask the question, that why did Allah subhanaw taala? In the middle of that discussion about divorce? Why did Allah subhanaw taala say Watch out for the prayers.

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Because you see, when I speak when somebody else speaks, they can have tangents. I'm talking here and I go there. Allah subhanaw taala doesn't have tangents This is a put on. It's perfect. It's divine, every word every letter is precise, exact divine, intended, the way it is, where it is how it is. What's the wisdom in that though, that's our job to reflect and learn. So our scholars and we'll focus in on they explained to us

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that when there are problems within the home within a family, Allah subhanaw taala is reminding us of the solution.

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That take a minute everybody retreat back to your corner

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and look back at your relationship with Allah.

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Check your relationship with Allah. Check the condition of your Salah, because chances are that if you're struggling in your salon, you are struggling in your relationship with a law, the effect of that will be that you will struggle in the other areas of your life, your other relationships will suffer as a result of that. Because the source of Baraka and blessing is Allah.

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And that is what puts Baraka and blessing into all other areas of our lives.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us that if you're struggling at home, you're struggling in your personal professional relationships, look back at your relationship with a law gauge your sole law,

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and get that back on track. So that you can bring Baraka and blessing back into your life into your home into your marriage into your family.

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And then the scholars further explained that Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us something very practical. One of the greatest tragedies for for this oma today is that Salah has become a mere ritual. Those who pray

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might be a minimal number. But even those who pray for many of them, it's become a mere ritual, a procedure that we perform. We heard the recitation of the four on how much time how much effort have we put into learning how to recite the book of Allah properly. These are the words of Allah.

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These are the words of Allah if somebody mispronounces an English word, we correct them. If somebody mispronounces a word in the English language, they feel embarrassed.

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If we have to give a speech in front of 100 people, we rehearse it, we write it, we prepare it.

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We record it, we put so much work into it.

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When we sit down to read the words of Allah, the column of Allah, the speech of God Himself, in front of Allah, how much work have I put into it?

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How much effort have I put into it?

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So one of the tragedies I was saying of this oma is that when things like the Quran and Salah just become your ritual in a performance

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so Allah subhanaw taala, reminds us and teaches us and tells us how to live something very practical. When a person commits themselves to their prayer, their Salah

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they salaah what it does one of the benefits of prayer of Salah is that it develops within the person it cultivates within the person, certain characteristics, certain traits and qualities that are beneficial to that person, especially in family life, especially within the home. And within the family. I'll mention four of them very quickly. Number one salaah teaches us a sense of responsibility.

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Salah teaches us a sense of responsibility.

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So you could also call this discipline but this word scares a lot of young people. So we'll call it a sense of responsibility. One of the biggest problems we have in the world today, especially within the family issues is a lack of responsibility. people not being behaving responsibly, towards their marriages towards their family life towards the home and the family

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in responsibilities destroying homes.

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And the last part of rajala reminds us that prayer is a way to develop a sense of responsibility household, we have to pray five times a day and look how the five prayers throughout the day are spread out throughout the day. So first thing early in the morning 6am 5:30am when it's freezing cold outside, and I had a long day last night I have a long day ahead of me

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Today, every bone in my body is aching. every cell of my body doesn't want to get out of my warm, soft, comfortable bed. But I will pull myself out of bed at that point in time because I have a responsibility. Like if I had to go to work, I would drag myself out of bed, I will pull myself from my bed at that time at 5:30am because I am responsible for something right now. It's called sellouts and budget.

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As overtime, like everybody who came here for Joomla, you have school, you have word, you have jobs, you have a pile a stack of files on your table this high, you have a ton of things that you need to be doing. But you stepped away from everything and you came here Why? To take care of your responsibilities that we call so latos law jumar

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when you go back from work, and you're trying to wrap things up, take care of things and head home before the we try to beat the traffic home. But first I got to take care of my responsibilities. So Allah Azza Salatin, Margaret, when you get back home and you're tired, and you're hungry,

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you don't have energy to do anything, just want to put your feet up and eat food and just relax. But not before I take care of my responsibilities, so lots of love.

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And so often HR when you're so sleepy, so tired, so fatigued, the only thing that you're capable of doing is falling asleep everywhere you sit down, you fall asleep. But first I got to take care of my responsibilities. So often, select creates a sense of responsibility within the individual, which is very beneficial in a person's life. The second quality that's a lot cultivates within us, that is closely related with the first one but I want to mention it separately. Solo teaches a selflessness.

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The ability to be able to think of someone put somebody else before yourself. Very, very important.

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When when for marriage, in marriage, for example, when husband and wife each one is focused on themselves when they want it rips them and pulls them apart. But when each one is invested into the other and cares, puts the other before themselves and brings them together, pulls them together into one home one family and salon teaches us to be able to put a law put our prayer put our salon put everything before what I want to do at lunchtime, my body wants to stay in bed the whole time. I haven't even eaten lunch yet. At an awesome time I need to finish my work. And most of the time I want to eat dinner at a short time I want to go to sleep or sit with my family.

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But at that time I put a lot first. Salatin gives me the ability to do that teaches me how to do that. The third quality is forgiveness. Forgiveness.

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Again, how when we pray, we beg and we plead and we cry in front of Allah and we begged him and asked him to forgive us. lovingly me Valentin FC volman Cathy raw ly messed up big time. What are your fears you know Bella and Ola no one can forgive sins except for you for Finley muffuletta mina indika so please forgive me a lot. wipe my slate clean as a favor and a blessing from you. What How many have mercy on me Oh Allah in Mecca. angelova food Rahim you and only you are law are constantly forgiving, constantly merciful. We beg and ask Allah to forgive us. But if I'm not willing to forgive those people who are nearest and dearest to me in my life, if I can't let go of little

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things in my family life in my personal life in my home, what makes me think that I am deserving of the mercy of Allah the forgiveness of Allah, the profits a lot em todos de la Johan la you have somebody who cannot extend mercy to others does not deserve to be shown any mercy will not be shown any mercy. So Salah reminds us five times you need to be forgiving, to be merciful to be kind.

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And the fourth And the final thing, Salah teaches us to be humble.

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And that's easy to understand. Because you see when we pray jumar right now,

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it doesn't matter who we are.

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How smart, how intelligent, how educated, how beautiful, how handsome, how famous, how popular, how rich are wealthy, it does not matter. When the man will say Allahu Akbar and go into sujood we will put our face the most noble part of our body, the part of our body that we stare at in the mirror for 10 minutes, 15 minutes every morning, getting Get ready.

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We will put that face on the ground where a minute ago somebody had their feet.

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It reminds us of our reality where we come from and where we'll go back to

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Salah is a practical training

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into in becoming a better human being a better person a better believer, a better father, a better husband, a better brother, a better son, a better wife, daughter, mother sister, a better human

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This is how powerful and transformative of an experience a lot is. Honorable Katara de la Coachella and who probably said it best. And I'll end with this when he said it that kind of maroulis allottee media for the radio.

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That if a man will be irresponsible, if a person will be irresponsible about their prayer, that person will be even more irresponsible about everything else in that person's life.

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From an acfe hate only Robbie, because somebody who can be good to Allah, his Lord is Master, the one who gave me everything. If I can be good to him and bow down in front of him five times a day

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for a fair goofy Hayden lady, then how could I ever be good to anyone else? Why would you ever expect me to be good to anyone else if I can't be good to Allah?

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Let's try to take care of our salon. Let's try to bring quality assurance back into our salon. As our dear beloved chef Yusuf was mentioning one of the very humble efforts that we have in terms of helping people develop crucial within Salah is we have a course in a class where we go through the meaning of every word we read insula to help develop more concentration, focus comprehension, it turns into an experience. inshallah, April the fifth, which is about a month from now, at the University of Toronto, I'll be teaching this class, so I encourage everyone to try to inshallah, join us. We'll have flyers and more information outside after slaughter Juma May Allah subhanaw

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taala. Grant us all quality within our prayers. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to pray as a prophet to Luddism taught us to pray, may Allah subhanaw taala makes a lot of transformative experience in our lives. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to appreciate the beauty, the miracle and the magnificence of the Quran. May Allah subhanaw taala make the Quran the * and the enlightenment of our hearts and we specifically made to offer all the young folks all of our our youth inshallah, who are going to be participating in the foreign competition this week. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make them the servants the propagators in the people of the Koran, and May Allah

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subhanaw taala raise them in the ranks of the annual Koran and the Day of Judgment. Welcome to that one and hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

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does not even think we'd

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really appreciate the shift of the knob.

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