Abdul Nasir Jangda – Jumuah Khutbah 19-08-22

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of protecting and preserving core values in Islam, including the title of Alladhina Houma and the benefits of the holy eye for organizing one's day and life. They emphasize the importance of devotion, comply with laws, and not give up on past mistakes and mistakes. The struggles of living outside of the physical world and the importance of regular spiritual practice are also discussed. The speakers briefly mention a book about the importance of spirituality and the need to not give up on past mistakes and mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Surreal Hey Saba de la kabhi Aleem la Darby Aziza soupon when I said to Allah Ilaha illa Allah who was the hula shedding Color Fill her luckily well amor when a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah who rasuluh Al maru to us for the

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admin route of a shutter Hey Saudi whatever it was sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Allah Alladhina home Hola, SatoLA Arabella Raba What color is the burden MBR Am I bad for ya? Are you a nurse Wahidullah for inner toe Haider Atsuta what's a cola? Fake nataka Radmila cool Hassan ad Wa alaykum be sunnah vainness una de de De La La La Romana Torah Allah Azza wa Rahmatullah who forgot the Russia what? What Yeah, come will be the finger will be the IDA de la Marcia. warming our salah, ha ha Sula, who forgot that Allah wa wa Wa alaykum son, find Allah you hibel Marcin in with the roofer in whom would you would that rain was some Pharaoh whom did a combi I'm wondering what

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burning or the villa human a shape on the regime. Well levena Whom Allah Salah wa to him you have his own hola Erica Humala word its own Allah Xena yet he soon Alfredo those whom we have Holly do.

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We find ourselves for many people, where, whenever this time of the year approaches, life becomes busy. Once again, things start to return back to the normal schedule that we are accustomed through throughout the year, especially for people with children, their kids are going back to school, college students going back to school. And obviously here, a lot of the folks that are here for Joomla today are students or families of the students that are studying here at the seminary. And once again, we're at the precipice of beginning the academic year. But overall, even for people who they themselves might not be in school or might not have children going to school, there still is

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this general kind of tone in the culture in the society, that in the summertime, there is a little bit of a different pace than there is throughout the rest of the year.

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And whenever we come back to more of the daily weekly grind, when things are moving at a more faster, quicker pace, and things are a little more intense day to day, week to week.

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The very first thing that we struggle with is our spirituality,

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our connection, our relationship to Allah.

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That when people had some time off, or people worked from home for an extended period of time where they were traveling with their families. There's this feeling of

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have spiritual being spiritually uplifted, because I was praying on time. And I was reciting reciting some Quran every day we were praying together. And now that I'm back into the grind of it, where I'm rushing off to work every morning, and I'm working too late and answering emails all throughout the day, and even on the weekend, I'm getting calls and emails that our spirituality begins to suffer. And that factors into a larger question that we are constantly struggling with, regardless of the situation the circumstance is always trying to find some kind of meaning and purpose and direction within our lives. That is something that at the Halacha in Santa Fe covered

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the human beings struggles, and it's in the nature of the human being to struggle. That's what defines the life of this world, in a linear Santa Holika, Hulu, that the human being is always feels very nervous and finicky. The human being Allah says has been created with this nervous energy is our Messiah who shall rule something bad happens in the human being freaks out. We that must have been late Amanullah something good happens. And then the human being wants to hoard and grab as much as he or she can. So there is this constant struggle that we have, well had they not who Najmuddin and the primary part of that struggle is finding that direction, that guidance or purpose in life.

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And it's a it's feels like a really big problem. It sounds like a really big issue. And therefore we assumed that the solution is probably something very, very complicated.

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But as is often the case as Allah reminds us in the Quran, time and time again, that Allah subhanaw taala fitrah to Allah He Latif Fatah, renessa, Allah, Allah created us with an intuition, a disposition, a natural orientation, that will always bring us and lead us back to him.

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A Dean who use will he shut the dinar, Allah, Allah Baku, the prophets, Allah he was explaining to us that this religion is a lot more practical than you realize. And that people are willing to acknowledge

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that even the learning of this demon this religion as intimidating as daunting as it may be, as probably a lot of the students are right now internally experiencing Allah is reminding us not once but multiple times in the Quran. When Allah Khadija sudden Al Quran analytic riverhill Me muda can that Allah has actually made this very practical, and Allah has facilitated this. So this question of spirituality, how do I find direction in my life? How do I live my life meaningfully and with purpose? There's a again, not to say something too audacious. But to directly refer to what Allah is telling us in the Quran, there is a simple solution.

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And that simple solution as the Hadith Guzzi mentioned and sahih, Bukhari mentions that my servant does not come closer to me, by means of anything more so than he does, by what I have mandated upon him. Meaning the thing that I have obligated upon my servant Allah is saying, through the prophets, Allah ism, that is the thing that brings him closest to me. It's not something fantastical, it's not something really remarkable or extraordinary or superhuman. It's the very basic fundamental thing Allah is saying that Allah has obligated upon us. That is the thing that is most powerful and effective and impactful in terms of bringing us closer to him. And that is the five times daily

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And that's why when Allah subhanaw taala makes this remarkable, profound proclamation in the Quran, called the earth, Lucha Mia known

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that success has already been achieved, has already been attained by the believers, which is a very powerful statement, because it makes you think they already achieved the goal and the objective. So how did they go about doing that Allah Lister qualities to us, which we talked about here a few weeks back, but at the at the beginning of it and at the particularly at the end of that list. Allah says well Latina home, Allah salah, WA T him, you have a Luna, that they are those people who, when it comes to their prayers, you have a Luna, they are constantly mindful, they are constantly taking care of them. They are constantly involved in the effort of preserving those prayers, safe guarding

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them. I'll do half of them.

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And to explain this word for a moment, because Allah uses this word, multiple places

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He uses it here instead of me known, insulted my adage Allah talks about the same concept. When Ladino Allah Salah to him, you have it on Allah subhanaw taala talks about it and Surah till Baqarah have he do Allah Salawat al Maha father. What does that word mean? It comes from the root word Hayfield, which means to safe guard to protect something, to watch something to protect something, take care of something. And that's why it's the word that is also used for memorizing something, they have the Quran, because you are protecting it and taking care of it.

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But then that word that basic word HIV is then evolved into its more sophisticated form,

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it's taken to a more sophisticated form will have further

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and when you take it to that particular form, it adds meaning

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got throttle Bina to do Hola, Castro tell Marina,

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that when you increase the Arabic language is very structured and very beautiful in this way, that when you literally grow a word, when you make a word bigger, you make the meaning bigger, you add something to the meaning of it. So it no longer means to just watch something or protect something. But more however, it means to very, very diligently, almost obsessively protect something.

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That's where I choose the word to safeguard something,

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to constantly watch over something, to guard something, utilizing whatever resources you have available. And so the difference would be in terms of just putting something up on a shelf, have you picked it up off the floor, you put it on the shelf, so that nobody would step on it or crush it or break it. And then there is putting something inside of a safe.

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And that room has the security cameras security feet.

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And you need a passcode to get into that room.

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So there's a code on the door, there's a security camera in the corner 24/7 being monitored, and then the item is inside of a safe inside of that room.

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That's half of a

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like you would do with a diamond or a jewel or you know, some something very, very valuable or expensive.

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And that's the analogy that Allah is employing that is the imagery.

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Right? A Diabetologia sweetie for the Quran, right? The Quran is very eloquent in that way, where it invokes this word that has this whole mental image behind it.

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And that's why what you often notice, sweetie, that's why what you're supposed to do is to try to, that's why we have reflecting upon the Quran. To double, that's what the book is, is that you stop and you pause and then you process it. And then you draw that picture in your head and then you understand what Allah is talking about. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying that the salah is the most valuable, precious, important asset commodity that you possess that you are.

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So if you are an individual the most valuable thing that you possess, how would you go about and protecting it?

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If you were a business or a corporation,

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and the most valuable asset that you have intellectual property that you possess, how would you go about and preserving it and protecting it and safeguarding it? Think about the amount of resources you would allocate to that.

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And that's what Allah subhanaw taala is telling us about the prayer.

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Not the second thing in regards to this prayer because we understand the significance and the importance here. The second thing I wanted to emphasize here is that there is the concept, the idea of preserving and protecting this prayer.

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But then what that necessitates that we also talk about, and these are not even basics, these are more basic than basic. But still this reminder is beneficial to the believer, as Allah tells us whether kid friendly secrets and foreign money and having practical conversations about these basics is very, very helpful.

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And that is that the five the prayer itself is distributed into five prayers throughout the day and night. Hum Susana Watsonville Yomi. Will Leila and that's why Allah subhanaw taala tells us another foundational verse about the Salah is in the salata, kanatal and McWeeny, Nikita Ibn moku Tah from worked that it has fixed timings tight. It has windows of time from 5am to 6am.

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I'm more firm. And this is all, of course, based off of, you know, the different times of the day in the night and the sun and the stars, and so on and so forth. But we have calendars that help us keep track of that. But as an example, Fajr time you have an hour to pray, the more time you have three or four hours to pray a certain time you have a couple of hours, and so on and so forth. So when I say fixed times, it's not exactly one precise, fixed minute that it must begin. There's a window of time, but still, there is there are these times when we have to offer those prayers. And it's distributed throughout. And there's a very once again, simple question that many might not have. But

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it is still a beneficial question to think about and to process. And that question is that

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what are some of the wisdoms and some of the benefits in distributing the prayer throughout the day?

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That if we really think one of the goals and the objectives that Allah gives us of prayer in the Quran is Alladhina Houma Allah. Allah Dena Humphrey salatu him Hayashi Arun.

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That they are focused and dedicated and devout and humbled and mindful within their prayer. And Allahu SureFit, Salah, this mindfulness, this commitment, this devotion within the prayer is something that is very, very important. And something that we are all constantly striving for, and struggling with.

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And I'll speak for myself and it might be different for different people. But I've thought about this, that when I sit down to do something, and I'm able to really invest some time into it and kind of, you know, get your wheels turning and really get into the groove and the flow of something about three minutes, five minutes into something I really get into it. And then I can stay there for good 3040 minutes an hour, two hours, I can stay in that zone

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before then disengaging

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but I personally will struggle to really get into something

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like in 30 seconds in 60 seconds. And then by the time I'm kind of warmed up three, four or five minutes in it's already over. So I almost feel like I didn't really kind of get to my peak in my pinnacle of focus when doing that thing. But Allah subhanaw taala distributed the prayer throughout the day,

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even if we're talking about her practically because I know that mashallah there's probably some, you know, hustle and bustle is here, or right to take like 30 minutes to pray like for, okay, but for the practical person, right for the person who's not quite hustling bustling status yet, like myself, you know, five minutes, you need five minutes to take care of your prayer five minutes, five times throughout the day. So I feel like I never got fully into the zone. But that's what Allah mandated. That is the wisdom that is, why not 30 to 30 minutes all at one point in the day.

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No, but five minutes spread out throughout the day.

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And there's so much wisdom, so much do about the scholars have written on this, from Imam khazali to even though they even cathedra MAMARAZZI and stuff, seed, they all expand on this so beautifully. And there are many, many things. And one of the things that they talk about this is that one of the blessings and the benefits of it is that it is a very intuitive, natural spiritual system of organizing your day.

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And so we started off by saying that life gets busy, and things are moving 100 miles per hour, and I feel like I'm starting to struggle and I'm losing kind of grasp of reality, and I'm losing connection with my spirituality, my relationship, my connection to Allah is getting weaker. And now look at the wisdom of the Salah

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to completely halt. I say salah is a very unique act of worship. When you're fasting. You can talk

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you can talk, you can go to the restroom,

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you can have a conversation, you can go to work, you can take a nap while you're fasting. Of course,

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when you're doing throw off, there's actually a weaker narration that even like Instow off to Salah, but when you're doing to off you can talk.

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When you're doing tawaf, you can take a drink of water.

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When you're doing throw off, you can kind of take a break and sit down if you need to. If you're elderly, you have an injury, you can sit down for a moment. You can take a pause.

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But when you're performing solo when you're praying,

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you cannot speak.

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You cannot eat or drink.

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You can't even completely turn your body around and move over to the side. Too much movement

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Too much steps you're no longer praying.

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So saliva is so restrictive because saliva is meant to completely separate you and to use a very strong word and I apologize for using this strong word, but it it will illustrate the effect of Salah Salah is to completely divorce you from reality.

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Now that doesn't sound like a very positive thing you we want people to be rooted in reality no no.

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But not for five minutes five times a day no separate from reality. Why a Salah to me, Rajan Wartman you exist above and beyond reality. You connect to something that is beyond this feeble, weak, you know, horrible human reality. You connect to Allah. And that's why the prophesy sermon authentic narration says it is the ascension, you you leave this realm, you go to a higher place, you connect with Allah subhanaw taala. It is the ascension, the mirage of the movement of the believer, where you are in communion with Allah as well. Now Jack, ma Rob, you are talking to God.

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You are talking to Allah.

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What's remarkable is Allah subhanaw taala says that

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all of the Creation remembers and glorifies and praises Allah. But the human being is the one that talks to Allah.

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This bear Latifah who let us be hugged them. They just simply praise Allah.

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And they can, you know, witness and observe the greatness of Allah. But this human being is the one who talks to Allah.

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And so that naturally gives us structure to our day. And so Salah is practically speaking something that we all struggle with.

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But Salah is also the one thing in a lot of different areas. I'll be the first to stand here and say, well, Fi majali Wi Fi Kalaam. There's some room here. There's some discussion there. There's some compromise here. There's some discussion here, but we all have to accept and we all have to understand that we all have to comply with the fact that there is no compromise there is no room for discussion. There is no flexibility when it comes to our salon.

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That is something that is fixed. That is something that is mandated. That is something that is expected. That is something that is required. A What am i You hassle will be here, our legal abdomen, Akiyama T assala. The very first thing once they are separated into believers and disbelievers that believers, the very first thing that they are asked about on the day of resurrection on the Day of Judgment is Salah, if that conversation goes, Okay, so Hassan Ito Amelie he, then we can continue the conversation and we'll probably go pretty well, what you that facade, the facade the site, you know, I'm gonna hit he that if that conversation does not go well.

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We're not even going to bother to talk about anything else. Because everything else probably is in trouble as well. And that's heavy.

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And that's a little bit scary.

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But it's so important for us to understand and realize it here and now.

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And the opportunity to be able to turn that corner and to start implementing our salon

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which we will have the opportunity to do in just a couple of hours.

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Because this in a couple of hours after we leave here. Hi yah, Allah Salah here AlFalah it'll be time for Salah to Lhasa. And I get to make that choice of that moment.

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I get to decide in that moment. If I am going to turn things around. I'm just going to keep on sliding downward.

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That's how that's how.

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That's how gracious. That's how kind that's how generous Allah subhanaw taala is

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that he's giving us that opportunity. Even just after a couple of more hours where I can make a decision in that moment to completely leave the past in the past. The mistakes in the past. Just completely wipe my hands clean of it and be able to start fresh and move forward.

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And that's exactly the analogy the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives us in a very beautiful narration

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found in Bukhari and Muslim where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he

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asked the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu that are in Hull Boqueria. The prophets a lot he said I'm said that our Atim low under naran be Bobby Alhaji conductor Cioffi he could lay over

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In come some rotten help Bucky min

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Dharani he shade on

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the prophets a lot of answers Sahaba that if there was a stream

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there was a stream and to get the analogy of the stream is very apt because it's moving water. Not still stale, stinky water no no, it is moving water clean water a stream

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that if it was right outside your door and somebody went out there and bathed in it five times a day.

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Hey Bucky, I'm in Dharani che

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would there be any filth remaining on that person's body? Tallulah becoming Dharani he che Rasul Allah. They said O Messenger of Allah. No fields would remain on that person's body. Call Africa Lika masala Salah till hums Yom hula Allahu behenyl, hatha yoga. That is exactly the example of the type times daily prayer

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that it will completely wipe away a person sins from them in AlHassan, arch youth heaviness. Allah gives us this, this this axiom within the Quran, that good deeds, remove and eradicate sins and mistakes and evil. And that's the next point I wanted to make. But I'll make this very quickly. And that is, there's another struggle that particularly, you know,

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something that we all experience and we understand, and that is, as we are living our lives outside. We go out into the world, we have to go to work, we have to interact with people, we have to conduct business, we have all kinds of different interactions.

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There, there's a lot of times,

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violations of our spirituality that occur. There are compromises in terms of our faith that we feel like we are making, and it weighs heavy on our soul. It weighs very heavy on our consciousness.

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But Allah is reminding us the prophets a lot he was teaching us that again, the beauty of Salah is that I was just in a social setting due to work that I did not like being in and I did not want to be in and if I was able to choose I would not have chosen to be there.

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But I found myself between a rock and a hard place a very common sentiment. Everyone experiences guess what happens 20 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes later Hey, yeah, Allah Salah Halal fella.

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And that is again, just swimming through that stream bathing in that stream and coming out the other side for five minutes later.

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purged and purified cleansed. And this is not some kind of gimmicky, you know, motivational tactic that I'm employing. This is where Allah and His Messenger Salafi, some are saying so salah, unfortunately a lot of times in the day and age that we live in the age of information.

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Salah seems to be a very simple topic

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that we feel is really basic or played out.

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But Allah in the Quran and the prophets, Allah eternal, reminding us of about how central how important how essential, how beautiful and beneficial it is.

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To not only our spiritual peace and tranquility in this life, the high Atlanta yearbook, that we're all seeking out the Sakina that we all crave,

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but also our eternal salvation life of the hereafter. BarakAllahu li Walakum Philippa Angela them when I thought I knew what yeah Camilla to where they could Hakim a suck for Allah. Hi Lea welcome Melissa Muslimeen for sofiero in a hula hula for running.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala October to Lynwood. Sakina wa Salatu was Salam ala say you didn't mousseline while early he was so happy he was meant to be our own son like me, Dean. Paul Allahu isover delphy kitab became Majeed brother are the black men are shaped on the regime in Allahu wa Mala Ekata who you saw Luna Allah NaVi you Hola, Xena. Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Abu dicovered acylic wa salam ala mini in a minute, while Massimino will not see much robotica ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala as Raja he was the deity Allah originally Samuel Muslimeen Allah has been solid some are willing Muslimeen Allah Medina was even

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our suburb eliminated Allahumma Aina Allah allow the click of a shoe cricket mercenary about the tick Allah Masha Allah Kuba tena fellow moody Kalia

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dunya were either Bill Akira Allahumma fictionality matter hibore

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tarball was Allahu Allah Allah Nabil Karim Paulo Allahu Allah Allah in Allah He and rubella deliver Shaniwar eater. eidl Kuba when her Anil fascia you will Moon curry will burn your Edo Kamala Allah come Tara karoun Ozgur Allah has got to come where the Ruhul yesterday Avila come well as equal Allahu Akbar. Allahu Allah Allah Muhammad Hassan aqui masala

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