Abdul Nasir Jangda – Illuminated Tarawih Khatirah Night #07

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The title "Soon Killer" in the Bible is used to describe a woman who was killed by a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a dosage of a], [The speaker discusses the importance of guidance and guidance in the context of community congregation and the need for people to take in and take out what they have. They also mention upcoming football matches and a late night recording.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah you will hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah U ala alihi wa sahbihi edge marine Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Shala continuing with our study of the IATA *, the verses in the Quran in which Allah subhanaw taala mentions illumination, and light,

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we're going to be going to the very beginning of Surah, Al Anon surah number six, and we'll quickly before we even go into the idea itself,

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the entirety of the Quran is of course remarkable, because it's the word of God. It is the speech of Allah subhanaw taala himself. However, within this remarkable book of Allah Kitab Allah, sunnah anon is a very powerful and extraordinary sutra and chapter in the entirety of the Quran. There is in fact, a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that when Surah Al Anon NESARA Toora to Anam you share, you share your o hacer una Alfa Minnelli Mala,

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that when sootel anomalous given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the revelation of so little anon was accompanied by 70,000 Angels. So that there was this realization there was this understanding of what you are receiving right now is so majestic, it is so significant, it is so grand and important. So to demonstrate its importance, Allah subhanaw taala sent a delegation of 70,000 Angels to bring down to the toilet and the home to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So for this sutra, is number one, the very first idea Allah subhanaw taala says Alhamdulillah hymnody Calaca kasama what you will order was your allah God Almighty one Lura from Allah, Xena,

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Koharu Bureau Bohemia de Lune,

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which translates to that all praise solely and only belongs to Allah.

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And just for a moment, because this is such a common phrase, right? We hear it in every single record of the prayer and Hamdulillah. To understand exactly what this means, this is stated as perfectly as possible, where Allah subhanaw taala is saying, in a very particular form, that all praise has always does and will always belong only and solely to Allah.

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And it is independent, this Allah owning all praise and all praise belonging to him. This is independent of whether or not someone praises Allah because he in and of himself, is worthy and deserving of all this praise. And then Allah says that he created the heavens and the earth. He created Holika, he created the heavens in the earth. Then Allah mentioned two more things darkness and light. And once again, as we talked about previously, keeping with the pattern, Allah does not just simply say darkness, but he uses the plural, the layers and layers of darkness. And when he talks about light, he uses the singular again, the singular light, because the layers of darkness to

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shades of darkness are representative of falsehood. And the singularity of the light is representative of the truth.

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But the very interesting thing, there are two things that I really wanted. You know, I want us to focus on here today. Number one, Allah talks about four things that he created. Everything is a creation of Allah, He names for things, the heavens and the earth, the darkness and the light. But Allah separates between these four items for the heavens and the earth. He says he created the heavens and the earth. But when he talks about the darkness and light, he doesn't say he created it. He says he made it Giada.

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And the interesting nuance, because something that we understand is obviously halacha Giada. You can even hear it, these are two separate words. And when it comes to the Quran, word choice, what word Allah uses, is not coincidental. It's not accidental. It's not Potato, potato. It is very strategically and deliberately chosen.

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And the unique thing about the word making something Jaya is that it also is used in the meaning of changing something. So Allah created the heavens in the earth, but then he made darkness and light in such a way that they can be changed. What does that mean? What that means is that someone who finds

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himself in the darkness buried inside the Layers in shades of darkness,

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can tomorrow find themselves in the light,

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and the more scary one,

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that someone who might have had some light today,

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if not taken care of,

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if abused, if taken for granted,

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that light can be taken away from them and they can find themselves plunged into the darkness. And that's why Allah very strategically uses his word so that we never take it for granted. These are delight is a gift from Allah. It is not something we own,

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at least not until the life of the hereafter.

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Second thing I wanted to point out here is that

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when we talk about sequence, you know, if I'm mentioning three or four people, right, I say he said that he was mad, where Jose?

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The sequence that I mentioned them in, somebody says, Is there a reason why you mentioned them in that sequence? And I say no, no, not really. Right? It's just accidental, coincidental, interchangeable, it has no consequence. In my speech, in our speech sequence, cannot have any consequence.

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But in the speech of Allah, sequence is deliberate sequence is consequential sequence, the sequence sequencing of the words and the verses is quintessential to the message. So when Allah uses things and states things in a particular order, it is there for a purpose. So what does Allah say? Allah says, Would you avoid Omata when it first he mentioned the darkness then he mentioned sunlight.

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And the scholars who study this they explained this, even I shoot Rama Allahu taala, one of the great commentators of the Quran along with Imam Razi, Rama Allahu taala, one of the great fussy dean of the Quran, they that both of them and others also state that the reason why but the moniker of Gulati Allah thick renewing the Anna Lee

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vole Mata Ibarra tuna other other main news because the darkness is the absence of light, the darkness comes first

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for the Moto moto demon with the with the Huck, the darkness comes first. Now what does that mean? What do we learn from that? What we learned from that is that by default, automatically, inherently, no one has guidance. We would not know what my plan was even a high turnover asset. Rasool Allah says that in the same place within the Quran,

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that Allah says he would not ever punish anyone until he first sent them the messenger and the message.

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So meaning, we didn't know how to worship Allah.

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We didn't know what we should do and should not do. Yes, people will say, Well, what about the fitrah that inherent nature that we have built within us? That is a natural inclination, towards good and away from bad.

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But nonetheless, the specifics of guidance are is something that we can only know when Allah tells us what it is. So before this Quran came without this Quran without the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, none of us would know what to do. We would have no idea what we were doing. Right, like the very, very famous statement of our alma mater, the Allahu taala. And who could not have dilla fasn Allah who in Islam, we were, we were, we were humiliated. We were low, we were lost. Well, what did the Cabal LEM Fada. You didn't know how to go about this mission. But we told you how to do it.

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And so a very important lesson that we learned from this is that without the Quran, without the prophets, Allah he says no, none of us can ever know what we are supposed to do, or what we're not supposed to do.

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And if we do know it, because the Quran is available to us, and Allah has given us the Quran, and Allah has guaranteed the preservation of the Quran, we have the life and the legacy of the prophets, Allah VSAM we should never take that for granted.

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Because if Allah will, an overnight that was taken from us,

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we would have no idea what to do.

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And subsequently because Ramadan is a time of the community congregating and people coming together, and people coming from all walks of life, I feel obligated to also mention this, that when we also have the benefit of the Quran in the life of the poor

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If it's something we have some light, we know what to do what not to do.

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When we are interacting with people,

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we have to take in take that into consideration as well. We cannot assume on the part of people, that everybody knows what to do or what not to do.

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But allow people to come, allow people to find the light allow people to bask in the light. And that's what the prophets Allah the psalm demonstrated to us.

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Right? That's the that's the generosity of spirit that the prophets of salaam embodied that when a Bedouin man walks into the masjid and he urinates in the masjid,

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he urinates in the masjid.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam deals with them gently and sits him down and explains it to him. This is a place of worship, we do not do that here.

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And the man understands and accepts Islam.

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That when tribes and delegations are coming to Medina, and they're negotiating with the prophets, a lot of a sudden they're trying to barter and negotiate Islam. Okay, well, we'll come Muslim, but we're not going to pray.

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And the Prophet Joseph says, No, laughs Adolphe Dean and a Sufi Salaam. You have to worship that's a part of religion. Okay, well worship, but we're not going to do this. And the process and keeps talking to them nicely and gently and keeps working with them. So much so that the Companions genuinely curious, genuinely curious, they asked the Prophet sallallaahu Salam,

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why are you negotiating this with them?

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And then the prophets, Allah these terms, so yet they said the Puna will you definitely do not do that Islam?

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Let them experience the light.

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Because once they've tasted that sweetness of iman of Islam, once they basked in that light, then they'll go the rest of the way themselves. So for ourselves, let's remember and realize we were not born inherently deserving of this gift, who was given to us and without it, we would have found ourselves into darkness. And also let us also remember on our journey, that as we see other people approaching the path always afforded them that opportunity to be able to gain that light and experience that light and grow into that light and that Iman May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything we've said and heard Subhan Allah who humbly he Subhanallah we

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handpick Masha Allah ilaha illa, Anta myself, we're going to relate. Once again, just a quick reminder in sha Allah, that tomorrow we will be having salata July here shallow started there will be delivering the football 2pm And secondly, Inshallah,

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after the Tarawih prayer is complete,

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we will be having a more late night session with Chef mica ill where he will be doing the seed of some of the verses of the Quran and sha Allah. So we welcome everyone we invite everyone to join us and inshallah we hope that everyone can join us either in person here, or tune in online as well just looking to locate and so when it comes to law

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