Abdal Hakim Murad – The Holy Recital Ramadan Moments

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a culture centered around the holy month and the holy greats, with references to the holy Prophet and holy holy greats. A woman named Kate Forbes claims to be a member of the Free Church of Scotland and a trans trans trans person. The title of the Bible is "Theological light" causing sadness, and conversions to Islam have led to wealth and wealth for the entire world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala

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Rasulillah. While he was a happy woman, we're

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working our way, day by day, if taught but if thar tearaway of the

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tearaway to the blessed month.

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It is born down upon us that this really is the month of the Quran.

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And of course there is the deep mystery of Laila to other the deep

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mystery of the revelation of the Quran in this month to this dunya

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and then its distribution to the noble Angel Gabriel alayhi salam

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to the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam through the days

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of his prophetic life. In the end, Navajo few Laila tin mobile rocket

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in in Kona monzi lien beautiful verse. We have sent it down in a

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blessed night. Verily We are forever

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send us down

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in zona houfy Leila to the other

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end this is commemorated by the tidal wave

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which is the great festival of the month really? The kind of

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celebration or NMAT debit Allah the Quran is Allah's banquet not

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not a snack at a banquet more spectacular than anything you'll

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find that the Guildhall everything is there every variety of dish

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Every wonder, and what's the best thing about it is that you can

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just keep on eating under the luck,

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filler to add to Allah talk Sahaja ibux Ha Allah to sell more Allen

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ether rebuild. Sammy, the poet says one of the wonders of the

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Quran. Its its wonders are number lesson uncounted, he says, and one

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of them is that you never experience boredom or tedium,

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however much you read of it.

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And we know that Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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encouraged people to read the Quran, slowly and with reverence.

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And when he led the prayer, if there was a verse of tests V is a

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moderately at test beer in Sabah. He would give he would say

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subhanallah. If there was a verse of punishment, he would say are

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all the biller. If there was a verse of reward, he would say the

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appropriate response of 100 Illa.

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Slo is part of the 13th of the Quran. And early last week

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somebody took his shahada here in Cambridge. And he said that before

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he made up his mind, he wanted to read the whole Quran. And he did

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it seriously. In English, of course, verse by verse, he wanted

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to understand every single verse, and it took him a year and three

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months to read the Quran. And at that time, he was kind of

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certainly ready, something within him had been reconfigured, even

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through the veil of translation. He's under the law, enjoying his

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first fasts now

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in this

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kind of irradiation, therapeutic irradiation that we experienced

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when the Imam is an Arab. And we're hearing verse after verse

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Surah, after Surah.

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We are scripture realized,

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in ways that operate in a very fundamentally it's a deep therapy.

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It deals with causes as well as the symptoms of our illnesses.

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And as we move through it, and as we insha Allah seek to understand

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what we have heard and what we have read, we learn that the

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armor, this armor is to be a scriptural community. We too, are

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if you like, Battlefield keytab.

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So we look at other communities and to the disquiet of our

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fundamentalists, the Quran is not a good document for extremists or

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We find that instead of everything being black and white, them and us

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we have these gradations of belief that the Koran insists on one of

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them is Al Kitab. There are people of the book and we disagree with

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them, as they move through their lens towards their Easter on many

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things we don't believe in the three in one God. We don't believe

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in the God that died. We don't believe in the gods that took

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flesh has some fundamental issues that we have with evidently, but

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nonetheless we find that the Holy Quran can speak of them with

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lease will show up.

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This is the difference between real prophecy and somebody just

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shouting at speakers corner. Lease also they're not all the same it

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says mean Eliel Kitabi ALMA to en ca ima tone yet Luna Aya t la he

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and her allele, well homie a student.

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This is in surah Al Imran

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they are not the same of the people of the book are those who

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recite Allah's signs or verses through the stretches of the

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lowering prostrating themselves.

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So we are required by our scripture to respect them for

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their relationship to their book, their doctrines difficult, but the

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to the extent that they have this reverence, and that the teachings

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of their books are overlapping significantly with us.

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This was brought home just a few days ago, in the rather profane

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context of the competition to see who would be First Minister of

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Scotland, the leadership contest in the Scottish National Party.

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And one of them who actually did very well was Kate Forbes.

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Kate Forbes, is living proof that you don't need to compromise or

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sell out in order to move at the highest levels of the British

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She was at Cambridge, actually, she studied in Excel and only

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about 10 years ago, she was quite young.

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this girl is a member of the Free Church of Scotland,

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hardline Calvinists,

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and there's an interesting overlap because they actually take their

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scripture seriously, you won't see across you won't see an altar. No

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pictures, of course, because the Bible forbids images. Instead,

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they just have a place where they read the Bible.

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Those spaces of course, make very good mosques, when they come to be

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converted. You don't need to throw anything out or to do anything

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really that readymade.

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And she has those those traditional scriptural beliefs,

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and she's not compromising with them.

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believes that marriage can only be between a man and a woman

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is not afraid to say that she is pro life. She thinks that

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strangely it's wrong to kill unborn children. She thinks that a

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trans woman is still a man

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and so on. And yet still she is able to operate because she's just

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firm. This is who she is. She's al Kitab she's real al Kitab she's

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not prepared to mess around.

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As the Quran says, of the lair should her owner be at lay

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feminine kalila they do not sell Allah's verses for a paltry price.

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So yeah, quite quite inspirational, really. And in our

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context, we also find that we are transformed by the miracle of

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Scripture reality book really is everything we have it on our

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walls. We have it on bumper stickers. Once I walked down a

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road in Cairo,

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where the shopkeepers were putting out their wares early in the

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morning, and I counted 38 of them were listening to the 24/7 radio

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Quran service which kind of perfume the air with with

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So in the month of Ramadan, we really remember this, our fidelity

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to our scriptures, and also to the

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the deep mystery of what happens when we engage with them

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reverently for an extended period, and in the tearaway, yeah, we have

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that kind of benign radiation cure.

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And just to listen is is a joy.

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evenness owed to some of the great Sahaba known for his love of the

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was once asked by the Holy Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to recite

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the Quran to him.

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Call ya rasool Allah, Allahu alayhi wa alayka owns that

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messenger of Allah. I'm not going to read it to you when it was

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revealed to you.

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And he just said, oh hypo and Esma home in theory. He said, I love to

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hear it from someone else.

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For Cara, so he recited what I know Rasul Allah He sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, the Phaedo minute demo. The Holy Prophet,

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eyes were full of tears.

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There's something

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very extraordinary supernatural miraculous about the sound that we

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are a bathed in in this month.

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Something that genuinely affects the deepest aspects of our our

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spirits and our souls.

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One night at Isha Radi Allahu anha was late coming home for now hobby

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sec. So the Holy Prophet said, what, what kept you back?

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And she said I was passing by somebody who is reciting the Quran

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very beautifully. And I couldn't, I couldn't stop listening.

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Call the Holy Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, Selim, Mona Benya

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for data. He has a beautiful, beautiful voice Alhamdulillah he

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Lidija Olivia Almighty Mithila

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who has a beautiful voice and hamdulillah who has given this

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almost somebody like him,

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like this Z, you know, poor energy or Swati come adorned or and with

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your voices, it's part of the aesthetic of, of the tearaway and

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part of the aesthetic of Ramadan. And everybody is is astounded by

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this. Not just even if you don't understand a word of the Arabic

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You can participate and be transformed fully. And if you know

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the Quran well and you've read it many times, it's like a familiar

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landscape, like a path through beautiful mountains and the beauty

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never fades. And you see I remember this and I remember that

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and I remember the first time I heard this first and then we went

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to the shift so and so quoted that verse and the whole commentary

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like a tough series brings to life as you travel through the jaws

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and it's entrancing.

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at the deepest level, what is happening in the tearaway is a

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kind of transmutation, the lead of our hearts slowly turns to gold.

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The how the wherefore of that is really a mystery, because it's at

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a level that's beyond words. But people feel it that's why the

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mosques are full, but tucked away

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what is going on is the experience of eternity.

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I had to help him in a Rahmani Mach desert on Kadima terms, if at

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all no Sophie, bill paid me versus verses from the all merciful,

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which are renewed, but which are uncreated. So their quality is the

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quality of God Himself.

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Always creating a new

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but uncreated our doctrine, our opinion and Asana is that an

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Kalevala Hill, Kadeem, the Quran is God uncreated speech, which is

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part of the mystery of little color, a part of the mystery of

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the extraordinary Wait, which the Holy Prophet salAllahu alayhi

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wasallam had to carry in their sand, okay. alayka Kolon tequila,

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Allah says, right at the beginning of the process of revelation, we

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will surely cast down upon you a heavy word.

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And there's great Hadith at the beginning right at the beginning

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of Sohail Buhari, which begins with the bulk of the beginning of

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will occur there are a toward isn't it? Sure speaking, not a lot

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of unhappy Welaka Idaho Yanzhou la he'll walk you

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were in the jobina who later fossa to America. I saw him on a very

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cold day for Yeoman Shetty, Phil yami, shady Dilbert.

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And the Quran was being revealed upon him and his forehead was

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pouring forth sweat as if someone had an enormous radiation going on

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something unimaginable.

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So when we are in the mosque, and we stand for the Tarot, we

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we are being bathed in the same kind of supernatural light.

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And it affects everybody, because religion is the only really

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egalitarian principle. You get there first, to get there first.

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If your heart is pure, you will be affected by it. If you're

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different than maybe, maybe not. This is one of the miracles of the

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because he has appointed upon the hearts of those who

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are waivers or heartsick, akin Nitin and yeska, who will be

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attorney who walk around, veils less they understand it, and a

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blockage in their ears. Some people are like that. But

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nonetheless, most people leave the tunnel away with a sense that they

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have somehow been nourished. This is like another Iftar that the

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veins are wet again, and that they have been irradiated with this

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with this pure light.

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So yeah, we need to revere the book in this month in particular,

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and if we've been slack

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about it, this is the ideal time to get back to it.

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And to make it, our friend, to make it, the great source of

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beauty in our lives, to make it the greatest source of all, and

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the great mystery because everything about the text is

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mysterious, because Allah subhanaw taala in appointing his book does

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not comply with a new conventional literary style. It's not a novel,

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it's not a book of philosophy. It's not a book of history,

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there's no other book like it, he operates according to his own

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terms of Anahata Allah and you have to get into that state.

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So in this month, shadow for n,

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Shadow Ramadan, Allah the only Luffy hilker en the month of

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Ramadan in which the Quran was sent down.

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Let us focus on the miracle of those words, on the timelessness

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of those words on the non negotiability of those words, so

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that in our outward lives in Azhar Here we are given proper moral

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boundaries in life which we do not sell out. And in our inward lives,

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we are constantly filled with this glowing and inshallah ever

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increasing supernal light. And the two things really have to go

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together. Desire and the button like two hands clasping each

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other. The one alone is not sufficient. So may Allah subhanaw

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taala make this a month of Quran for us and accept our tilava and

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accept our reverence for his book and increase us in love for his

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book and author of his book. And shall I make us people who are

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homiletical got n bearers of the Quran, so that it might intercede

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for us on the Yamo piano in sha Allah. May Allah accept your

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fasting was an MO aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Assalamualaikum. Thank you for learning with us. At Cambridge

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Muslim College. We are raising the standard of Muslim scholarship

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through talks like these, but also through our certified academic

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programs. We're training our students to speak to our times and

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to meet the needs of our communities. But we can't do this

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without your help. Whether it's Succot, a one off donation, or a

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regular contribution. Your gift will help us educate more

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